让我猜猜,您是Windows用户,每当您的Windows操作系统要求更新时,您都会感到害怕,并且您知道不断收到(Windows)Windows 更新(Windows Update)通知的痛苦。此外,一个更新包含许多小更新和安装。坐着等他们全部完成会让你恼火至死。我们都知道! 这就是为什么在本文中,我们将向您介绍 Slipstreaming Windows 10 安装(That is why, in this article, we will be telling you about Slipstreaming Windows 10 Installation)。它将帮助您摆脱如此漫长的Windows更新过程,并在更短的时间内有效地克服它们。
什么是滑流?(What is Slipstreaming?)
Slipstreaming是将Windows更新包添加到Windows安装文件的过程。简而言之,就是下载Windows更新,然后构建包含这些更新的单独Windows安装盘的过程。(Windows)这使得更新和安装过程更加高效和快捷。然而,使用滑流过程可能会让人不知所措。如果您不知道要执行的步骤,它可能不会那么有益。它还可能导致比正常更新Windows的方式更多的时间。在没有事先了解这些步骤的情况下执行滑流也可能会给您的系统带来风险。(Performing slipstreaming without prior understanding of the steps may also open risks for your system.)
在您需要在多台计算机上安装Windows及其更新的情况下,Slipstreaming 证明是非常有益的。它省去了一遍又一遍地下载更新的麻烦,还节省了大量的数据。此外,Windows的滑流版本允许您在任何设备上安装最新的Windows 。
如何滑流 Windows 10(Slipstream Windows 10) 安装(Installation)(指南(GUIDE))
但是您不必担心,因为在本文中,我们将告诉您在 Windows 10 上执行Slipstream所需了解的一切。让我们继续第一个要求:
#1. Check all the Installed Windows Updates & Fixes
在任务栏(Taskbar)搜索中搜索已安装的更新(Installed Updates)。单击(Click)顶部的结果。安装的更新窗口将从系统设置的程序(Programs)和功能(Features)部分打开。您可以暂时将其最小化并进入下一步。
#2. Download Available Fixes, Patches & Updates
通常,Windows会自动下载和安装更新,但对于Windows 10的滑流过程,它需要安装单个更新的文件。但是,在Windows(Windows)系统中搜索此类文件非常复杂。因此,您可以在这里使用WHDownloader。
1.首先,下载并安装 WHDownloader(download and install the WHDownloader)。安装后,启动它。
2. 启动时,单击左上角的箭头按钮。(arrow button)这将为您获取可用于您的设备的更新列表。
3. 现在选择版本并构建您的操作系统。(choose the version and build a number of your Operating System.)
4. 列表出现在屏幕上后,选择所有这些并单击“下载(Download)”。
#3. Download Windows 10 ISO
为了 Slipstream 您的Windows 更新(updates),主要要求是在您的系统上下载Windows ISO文件。您可以通过官方的Microsoft Media Creation tool下载它。它是Microsoft的独立工具。您无需为此工具执行任何安装,只需运行.exe文件即可。
但是,我们严格禁止您从任何第三方来源下载 iso 文件(However, we strictly prohibit you from downloading the iso file from any third-party source)。现在,当您打开媒体创建工具时:
1. 系统将询问您是否要“立即升级(Upgrade)PC”或“为另一台 PC创建(Create)安装媒体(USB 闪存(USB Flash)驱动器、DVD或ISO文件)”。
2. 选择“创建安装媒体”(‘Create installation media’)选项并单击下一步。
3. 现在选择您的首选语言以进行进一步的步骤。(select your preferred language for further steps.)
4. 现在将询问您系统的规格。这将帮助该工具找到与您的Windows计算机兼容的ISO文件。(ISO)
5. 现在您已经选择了语言、版本和体系结构,单击下一步(Next)。
6. 由于您选择了安装媒体选项,您现在将被要求在“ USB 闪存驱动器(USB flash drive)”和“ ISO 文件(ISO file)”之间进行选择。
7. 选择ISO 文件(ISO file)并单击下一步。
Windows 现在将开始为您的系统下载ISO文件。下载完成后,浏览文件路径并打开Explorer。现在转到方便的目录并单击Finish。
#4. Load Windows 10 ISO data files in NTLite
现在您已经下载并安装了ISO,您需要根据您的Windows计算机的兼容性修改ISO文件中的数据。(ISO)为此,您将需要一个名为NTLite的工具。它是来自Nitesoft公司的工具,可在 www.ntlite.com 免费获得。
NTLite的安装过程与ISO相同,双击 exe 文件并按照屏幕提示完成安装。首先(First),您将被要求接受隐私条款(accept the privacy terms),然后在您的计算机上指定安装位置。您还可以选择桌面快捷方式。
1. 现在您已经安装了NTLite,勾选Launch NTLite复选框并点击 Finish。
2. 启动该工具后,它会询问您的版本偏好,即免费版还是付费版(free, or paid version)。免费版适合个人使用,但如果您将NTLite用于商业用途,我们建议您购买付费版。
3. 下一步是从ISO文件中提取文件。在这里,您需要转到Windows 文件资源管理器(Windows File Explorer)并打开Windows ISO文件。右键单击ISO文件并选择Mount。该文件将被挂载,现在您的计算机将其视为物理DVD。
4. 现在将所有需要的文件复制到硬盘上的任何新目录位置。如果您在进一步的步骤中犯了错误,这现在将作为备份。如果您想再次启动进程,可以使用该副本。
5. 现在回到NTLite并单击“添加(Add)”按钮。从下拉列表中,单击图像目录。(Image Directory. )从新的下拉列表中,选择您从 ISO 复制内容的文件夹( select the folder where you copied the content from ISO)。
6. 现在单击“选择文件夹(Select Folder)”按钮导入文件。
7. 导入完成后,您将在Image History 部分看到一个(Image History section.)Windows 版本(Windows Editions)列表。
8. 现在您需要选择其中一个版本进行修改。我们建议您使用Home 或(Home or) Home N。Home和Home N的唯一区别是媒体播放;您无需担心。但是,如果您感到困惑,您可以使用Home选项。
9. 现在单击顶部菜单中的加载按钮,然后在出现将(Load)“install.esd”文件转换为 WIM 格式 (‘install.esd’ file into WIM format appears. )的确认窗口时单击确定。(OK)
10. 图像加载后,将从历史记录部分转移到已安装的图像文件夹(it will be shifted from the history section to the Mounted Images folder)。这里的灰点会变成绿色(grey dot here will turn to green),表示加载成功。
#5. Load Windows 10 Fixes, Patches & Updates
1. 从左侧菜单中单击更新(Updates)。
2. 单击顶部菜单中的添加(Add)选项,然后选择最新在线更新(Latest Online Updates)。
3.下载更新(Download Updates)窗口将打开,选择您要更新的Windows 版本号。(Windows build number)您应该为更新选择最高或次高的内部版本号。(You should choose the highest or the second-highest build number for the update.)
4. 现在您已经选择了最合适的内部版本号,选中队列中每个更新的复选框,(select the checkbox of every update in the queue)然后单击“入队”(Enqueue)按钮。
#6. Slipstream Windows 10 Updates to an ISO file
1. 下一阶段是应用所做的所有更改。如果您切换到左侧菜单中可用的“应用”选项卡,将会有所帮助。(Apply tab)
2. 现在选择“保存模式”(Saving Mode)部分下的“保存图像(Save the image)”选项。
3. 导航到选项选项(Options)卡并单击创建 ISO(Create ISO) 按钮。
4. 将出现一个弹出窗口,您需要在其中选择文件名并定义位置。 (choose the file name and define the location. )
5. 将出现另一个ISO标签弹出窗口,输入 ISO 映像的名称,( type the name for your ISO image)然后单击确定。( click OK.)
6. 完成上述所有步骤后,单击左上角的处理按钮。( Process)如果您的防病毒软件显示警告弹出窗口,请单击否,然后继续(No, and proceed)。否则,它可能会减慢进一步的进程。
7. 现在弹出窗口将要求应用待处理的更改。单击是(Yes to) 确认。
成功应用所有更改后,您将在进度栏中看到针对每个进程的完成。(Done against each process in the progress bar.)现在您可以使用新的ISO了。剩下的唯一步骤是将ISO文件复制到USB驱动器上。ISO大小可能有几个GB(GBs)。因此,将其复制到USB需要一些时间。
现在您可以使用 USB 驱动器安装该滑流 Windows 版本。(Now you can use the USB drive to install that slipstream Windows version.)这里的技巧是在启动计算机或笔记本电脑之前插入USB 。插入USB,然后按电源按钮。设备可能会开始自行下载滑流版本,或者它可能会询问您是否要使用USB或普通BIOS启动。选择 USB 闪存驱动器( Select USB Flash Drive)选项并继续。
因此,这完全是关于Windows 10的(Windows 10)滑流(Slipstreaming)过程。我们知道这是一个有点复杂和乏味的过程,但让我们看看大局,这一一次性工作可以节省大量数据和时间,以便在多个设备上进行进一步的更新安装。这种滑流在Windows XP中相对容易。这就像将文件从光盘复制到硬盘驱动器一样。但是随着不断变化的Windows版本和新版本的不断出现,滑流也发生了变化。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够顺利安装 Windows 10。(Slipstream Windows 10 Installation.)此外,如果您在遵循系统的分步指南时没有遇到任何困难,那就太好了。但是,如果您遇到任何问题,我们随时准备提供帮助。只需(Just)发表评论提及该问题,我们将提供帮助。
How to Slipstream Windows 10 Installation (Step-by-Step Guide)
Let me gυеss, you are a Windows user, and уou get scared whenever your Windows оperating system asks for updates, and you know the excruciating pаin of constant Windows Update notifiсatіons. Also, one updates consiѕt of numerous small updates and install. Ѕitting and waiting for all of thеm to complete irritates you to death. We know іt all! That is why, in this article, we will be telling you about Slipstreaming Windows 10 Installation. It will help you get rid of such painfully long update processes of Windows and get past them efficiently in much less time.
What is Slipstreaming?
Slipstreaming is a process of adding Windows update packages into the Windows setup file. In short, it is the process of downloading Windows updates and then building a separate Windows installation disk which includes these updates. This makes the update and installation process more efficient and faster. However, using the slipstreaming process can be quite overwhelming. It may not be as beneficial if you do not know the steps to be performed. It may also cause more time than the normal way of updating Windows. Performing slipstreaming without prior understanding of the steps may also open risks for your system.
Slipstreaming proves very beneficial in a situation where you need to install Windows and its updates on multiple computers. It saves the headache of downloading updates over and over and also saves ample amount of data. Also, the slipstreaming versions of Windows allow you to install a fresh up to date Windows on any device.
How to Slipstream Windows 10 Installation (GUIDE)
But you do not need to worry a bit because, in this article, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know in order to perform Slipstream on your Windows 10. Let us get on with the first requirement:
#1. Check all the Installed Windows Updates & Fixes
Before working on updates and fixes, it is better to know what all is going on with your system at the moment. You must have a knowledge of all patches and updates installed in your system already. This will also help you check the updates along the whole slipstreaming process.
Search for Installed Updates in your Taskbar search. Click on the top result. The installed updates window will open from the Programs and Features section of the system settings. You can minimize it for the time being and move to the next step.
#2. Download Available Fixes, Patches & Updates
Generally, Windows downloads and installs updates automatically, but for the slipstream process of Windows 10, it needs to install files of individual update. However, it is very complex to search for such files in the Windows system. Therefore, here you can use the WHDownloader.
1. First of all, download and install the WHDownloader. When installed, launch it.
2. When launched, click on the arrow button on the top left corner. This will fetch you a list of updates that are available for your device.
3. Now choose the version and build a number of your Operating System.
4. Once the list is on the screen, select all of them and click ‘Download’.
You can also use a tool called WSUS offline update instead of WHDownloader. Once you get the updates downloaded with their installation files, you are ready to move to the next step.
#3. Download Windows 10 ISO
In order to Slipstream your Windows updates, the primary requirement is to download the Windows ISO file on your system. You can download it through the official Microsoft Media Creation tool. It is a standalone tool by Microsoft. You do not need to perform any installation for this tool, you only need to run the .exe file, and you are good to go.
However, we strictly prohibit you from downloading the iso file from any third-party source. Now when you have opened the media creation tool:
1. You will be asked if you want to ‘Upgrade the PC now’ or ‘Create installation media (USB Flash drive, DVD or ISO file) for another PC’.
2. Choose ‘Create installation media’ option and click Next.
3. Now select your preferred language for further steps.
4. You will now be asked the specifications of your system. This will help the tool find an ISO file compatible with your Windows computer.
5. Now that you have chosen the language, edition, and architecture, click Next.
6. Since you have chosen the installation media option, you will now be asked to choose between ‘USB flash drive’ and ‘ISO file’.
7. Select the ISO file and click Next.
Windows will now start downloading the ISO file for your system. Once the download has been finished, navigate through the file path and open Explorer. Now go to the convenient directory and click Finish.
#4. Load Windows 10 ISO data files in NTLite
Now that you have downloaded and installed the ISO, you need to modify the data in ISO file according to the compatibility of your Windows computer. For this, you will need a tool called NTLite. It is a tool from Nitesoft company and is available at www.ntlite.com for free.
The installation process of NTLite is same as that of ISO, double click on the exe file and follow on-screen instructions to complete the installation. First of all, you will be asked to accept the privacy terms and then specify the install location on your computer. You can also opt for a desktop shortcut.
1. Now that you have installed the NTLite tick the Launch NTLite checkbox and click Finish.
2. As soon as you launch the tool, it will ask you about your version preference, i.e., free, or paid version. The free version is fine for personal use, but if you are using NTLite for commercial use, we recommend you buy the paid version.
3. The next step will be the extraction of files from the ISO file. Here you need to go to the Windows File Explorer and open the Windows ISO file. Right-click on the ISO file and select Mount. The file will be mounted, and now your computer treats it as a physical DVD.
4. Now copy all the required files to any new directory location on your hard disk. This will now work as a backup if you make a mistake in further steps. You can use that copy if you want to start the processes again.
5. Now come back to NTLite and click on the ‘Add’ button. From the dropdown, click on Image Directory. From the new dropdown, select the folder where you copied the content from ISO.
6. Now click on the ‘Select Folder’ button to import the files.
7. When the import is complete, you will see a Windows Editions list in the Image History section.
8. Now you need to choose one of the editions to modify. We recommend you go with the Home or Home N. The only difference between Home and Home N is the media playback; you do not need to worry about it. However, if you are confused, you can go with the Home option.
9. Now click on the Load button from the top menu and click OK when a confirmation window to convert the ‘install.esd’ file into WIM format appears.
10. When the image loads, it will be shifted from the history section to the Mounted Images folder. The grey dot here will turn to green, indicating the successful loading.
#5. Load Windows 10 Fixes, Patches & Updates
1. From the left-hand side menu click on Updates.
2. Click on the Add option from the top menu and select Latest Online Updates.
3. Download Updates window will open up, select the Windows build number you want to update. You should choose the highest or the second-highest build number for the update.
Note: In case you are thinking to choose the highest build number, first, make sure that the build number is live and not a preview of yet to be released build number. It is better to use live-build numbers instead of previews and beta versions.
4. Now that you have selected the most appropriate build number, select the checkbox of every update in the queue and then click on the ‘Enqueue’ button.
#6. Slipstream Windows 10 Updates to an ISO file
1. The next stage here is to apply all the changes made. It would help if you switch to the Apply tab available on the left side menu.
2. Now select the ‘Save the image‘ option under the Saving Mode section.
3. Navigate to the Options tab and click on the Create ISO button.
4. A pop-up will appear where you need to choose the file name and define the location.
5. Another ISO label pop-up will appear, type the name for your ISO image and click OK.
6. When you have completed all the above-mentioned steps, click on the Process button from the top left corner. If your antivirus shows a warning pop-up, click No, and proceed. Otherwise, it may slow down further processes.
7. Now a pop-up will ask to apply the pending changes. Click Yes to confirm.
When all the changes are applied successfully, you will see Done against each process in the progress bar. Now you are ready to use your new ISO. The only step remaining is to copy the ISO file on a USB drive. The ISO may be of several GBs in size. Therefore, it will take some time copying it to the USB.
Now you can use the USB drive to install that slipstream Windows version. The trick here is to plug the USB before booting the computer or laptop. Plug the USB in and then press the power button. The device may begin downloading the slipstreamed version on its own, or it may ask you if you want to boot using the USB or normal BIOS. Select USB Flash Drive option and proceed.
Once it opens up the installer for Windows, all you need to do is follow the given instructions. Also, you can use that USB on as many devices and as many times as you want.
So, this was all about the Slipstreaming process for Windows 10. We know it is a bit complex and tedious process but let us look at the big picture, this one-time effort can save so much of data and time for further update installations in multiple devices. This slipstreaming was relatively easy in Windows XP. It was just like copying files from a compact disk to the hard disk drive. But with the changing Windows versions and new builds kept coming, slipstreaming changed as well.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to Slipstream Windows 10 Installation. Also, it would be great if you did not face any difficulty while following the step-by-step guide for your system. However, if you face any issue, we are right here ready to help. Just drop a comment mentioning the issue, and we will help.