当您忘记特定密码时,您必须通过点击“忘记密码(Forgot password)”的超长过程,并根据网站或应用程序通过邮件或短信(SMS)工具重置新密码。
这就是为什么我们中的许多人可能会在多个网站上使用相同的密码( keeping the same passwords across multiple websites)的原因。我们所有人在某个时间点可能使用的另一种方法是设置小而简单的密码以便于记忆。您必须知道这样做会使您的设备及其数据更容易受到黑客攻击。
为了防止您遇到所有这些麻烦以及更多问题,应用程序开发人员已经接管了密码管理市场。(app developers have taken over the password management market.)每个人的笔记本电脑、电脑、手机和标签都需要一个密码管理器。
密码管理器应用程序(Password manager applications)可供下载,由第三方开发。它们都有不同的功能,可以帮助您在使用技术的隐私范围内有所帮助。您的 Android 设备全天由您使用,需要一个好的密码管理器应用程序来确保您可以在需要时获得所需的密码。

适用于Android的10 个最佳密码管理器应用程序(Best Password Manager Apps)

这是一个 100%开源(Open)的软件,你可以在GitHub上托管你自己的密码服务器。每个人都可以自由地审计、审查和贡献 Bitwarden 的数据库,这非常酷。Google Play Store上的 4.6 星持有者会通过其密码管理服务给您留下深刻印象。
Bitwarden了解密码盗窃是一个严重的问题,并且网站和应用程序总是受到攻击。以下是Bitwarden 密码管理器(Bitwarden Password Manager)的一些功能:
- (Security)用于管理所有密码和登录名的安全保险库功能。保险库是一个加密的,可以在您的所有设备上同步。
- 使用可用密码轻松访问和快速登录。
- 您使用的网络浏览器中的自动填充功能。
- 如果您想不出强大而安全的密码,Bitwarden管理器将通过为您创建随机密码来帮助您做到这一点。
- 包含所有登录名和密码的安全保险库由您使用多种选项(指纹(Fingerprint)、密码或PIN )保护。
- 有几个主题和一系列可用的自定义功能。
- 数据(Data)通过加盐哈希、PBKDF2 SHA-256和AES-256位进行密封。
因此,您可以放心,只有您自己可以访问Bitwarden 密码管理器数据(Bitwarden Password Manager data)!你的秘密对他们来说是安全的。您可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载此密码管理器。它是完全免费的,没有付费版本。他们基本上不用一分钱就能给你所有这些好处。
Download Now

市场上最好的Android密码管理器应用程序之一是1Password – 密码管理器和安全钱包(1Password – Password manager and secure wallet)。Android Central 已将其选为Android设备(手机、平板电脑和计算机)的最佳密码管理器之一。这个美丽而简单的密码管理器具有您可以在密码管理器中要求的所有优秀功能。以下是一些关键功能:
- (Password)用于强、随机和唯一密码的密码创建器。
- (Sync)在各种设备(平板电脑、手机、计算机等)上同步您的登录名和密码。
- 您可以通过安全的渠道与家人共享您希望共享的密码,甚至与您的公司共享官方公司帐户密码。
- 密码管理的解锁只能通过指纹(Fingerprint)来完成。这其实是最安全的方法!
- 它还用于保存财务信息、个人文件或您希望保持在安全状态下的任何数据。
- 轻松组织您的信息。
- 创建(Create)多个安全保险库来存储机密数据。
- 搜索功能可轻松找到您的数据。
- (Safety)即使设备丢失或被盗,也能确保安全。
- 与家人和团队一起在多个帐户之间轻松迁移。
是的,仅在一个密码管理器中就有很多好处!1Password 应用程序在前 30 天免费(1Password app is free for the first 30- days),但之后,您需要订阅它们才能继续使用它。该应用程序屡获殊荣,在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得 4.2 星评级。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 大免费假电话应用程序(Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android)
1Password 的价格从$2.99 to $4.99 per month。老实说,以安全的方式进行密码和文件管理是没有人会介意这么少的事情的。
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Enpass应用(Enpass)程序充满了强大的功能,获得了一些用户的好评,并在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得了 4.3 星评级。
- 零(Zero)数据存储在他们的服务器上,因此该应用程序根本不会冒您数据泄露的风险。
- 它是一个离线应用程序。
- 他们的安全保险库允许您存储信用卡详细信息、银行账户、许可证以及文件、照片和文档等重要信息。
- 数据可以在具有云设施的设备之间同步。
- 您可以偶尔使用Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)备份您的数据,以确保您不会丢失任何数据。
- 可以创建多个保管库,甚至可以与家庭成员或同事的帐户共享。
- 他们的军用级加密为您提供了有关其安全性的所有必要保证。
- 简单而好看的用户界面。
- 可以通过其密码生成器功能生成强密码。
- 使用各种模板轻松组织数据。
- 该应用程序只能通过生物特征验证解锁。
- 使用KeyFile(KeyFile)进行双重身份验证以增加安全性。(选修的)
- 他们也有一个黑暗的主题功能。
- 如果您在维护密码时没有重复任何模式,密码审核功能允许您跟踪。
- (Autofill)即使在您的Google(Google) chrome 浏览器中,也可以使用自动填充功能。
- 他们提供高级支持,以确保您获得最佳体验,并且在他们的应用程序中永远不会遇到问题。
主要功能只有在您支付$12 to unlock everything时才可用。这是一次性付款,因此值得。有一个具有非常基本功能的免费版本,只有 20 个密码允许,但我建议您仅在想购买此第三方应用程序以进行密码管理时才下载它。
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- 内置于 Google 应用程序中。
- (Auto-fill)每当您为之前在浏览器上访问过的任何网站保存密码时都会自动填写。
- 启动(Start)或停止Google保存您的密码。
- 删除(Delete)、查看甚至导出您保存的密码。
- 易于(Easy)使用,无需反复查看谷歌密码网站。
- 当您在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)上打开密码同步(Sync)时,您可以将密码保存到您的Google帐户。然后,只要您在任何设备上使用您的 google 帐户,就可以使用这些密码。
- 值得信赖(Trustworthy)且安全的密码管理器。
谷歌密码是默认功能( Google password is a default feature),需要激活。您无需下载任何内容,因为Android手机将Google作为其默认搜索引擎。Google应用程序是免费的。
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如果您曾经使用过著名的VPN 隧道熊(VPN Tunnel bear),您可能会熟悉它提供的质量。2017 年,Tunnel Bear发布了名为RememBear的(RememBear)Android密码管理应用程序。该应用程序非常可爱,它的名字也是如此。界面可爱友好,即使一秒钟也不会让您感到无聊。
- 出色的用户友好界面 - 简单明了。
- 适用于 iOS、桌面和Android
- 用于保存所有密码的安全保险库。
- 查找(Find)之前已从保管库中删除的凭据。
- 存储网站密码、信用卡数据和安全票据。
- 跨设备同步(Sync)所有存储的数据。
- 按字母顺序组织它们并使用搜索栏轻松搜索。
- 分类是根据类型自行完成的。
- 该应用程序会自动锁定自身,使其安全,即使在台式机上也是如此。
- 密码生成器功能允许创建随机密码。
- 为Google Chrome(Google Chrome)、Safari和Firefox Quantum提供扩展。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如果您忘记密码或模式锁定,请解锁 Android 手机(Unlock Android Phone If You Forgot the Password or Pattern Lock)
(Unlock)a small price of $3/ month.解锁他们的优先客户服务、安全备份和同步功能。
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守门员(Keeper)就是守门员!适用于Android(Android)的最古老和最好的密码管理器应用程序之一 是 keeper,它是满足您所有需求的一站式解决方案。它的星级评分为4.6 星,是该( 4.6-stars)Android手机密码管理器列表中最高的!它是一个高度评价和最值得信赖的管理器,因此证明了它的大量下载是合理的。
- 用于管理密码的简单、非常直观的应用程序。
- 文件、照片、视频和密码的安全保险库。
- 高度加密的保险库,安全性高
- 非配对安全性- 零知识(Zero-knowledge)安全性,具有多层加密。
- 密码(Password)自动填写可以节省大量时间。
- BreachWatch是一项独特的功能,可扫描暗网以审核您的密码并通知您任何风险。
- 通过与SMS(SMS)、Google Authenticator、YubiKey、SecurID集成提供双重身份验证。
- 使用他们的生成器超级快速地制作(Make)强密码。
- 指纹(Fingerprint)登录密码管理器。
- 紧急访问功能。
keeper 密码管理器提供免费试用版,付费版每年最高$9.99 per year。它可能是最昂贵的之一,但绝对物有所值。
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用于管理和创建密码的简单而直观的实用工具是 Last Pass Password manager。它可以在所有设备上使用——台式机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和你的手机——Android(Android)和 iOS。现在,您无需经历整个令人沮丧的密码重置过程,也无需再担心您的帐户被黑客入侵。Lastpass以优惠的价格为您带来强大的功能,消除您的所有后顾之忧。Google Play商店已提供此密码管理器可供下载,并且也有很好的评价以及4.4 星评级。 (4.4-star rating for it. )
- 用于保存所有机密信息、密码、登录 ID、用户名、在线购物资料的安全保险库。
- 强大而强大的密码生成器。
- 在高于Android Oreo(Android Oreo)和未来操作系统的版本中自动保护用户名和密码。
- 指纹(Fingerprint)访问手机密码管理器应用程序中的所有内容。
- 使用多因素身份验证功能获得双层安全性。
- 文件的加密存储。
- (Tech)为其优先客户提供技术支持。
- AES 256 位银行级加密。
此应用程序的高级版本$2-$4 per month,并为您提供额外的支持设施、高达 1 GB 的文件存储、桌面生物识别身份验证、无限密码、笔记共享等。如果您愿意,该应用程序非常适合您的Android设备希望为您的所有重要密码和其他登录详细信息提供一个有组织且安全的环境。
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名为Dashlane(Dashlane offers three versions- Free, Premium, and Premium Plus.)的超时尚密码管理器提供三个版本——免费版、高级版和高级版。第三方应用程序非常易于使用,并且具有简单的 UI。此应用程序的免费版本将允许您为每个帐户的单个设备存储 50 个密码。高级版和高级版具有稍微先进的功能和设施。
- 创建唯一且强密码。
- 在需要时为您在线输入它们 -自动填充(Autofill)功能。
- 在您浏览互联网和浏览不同网站时添加(Add)、导入和保存密码。
- 如果您的网站遭到破坏,您会受到Dashlane的警告和提醒。
- 密码备份可用。
- (Syncs)在您使用的所有小工具中同步您的密码。
- Premium Dashlane提供安全(Secure)浏览器和暗网监控来审核您的密码并确保您没有风险。
- Premium Plus Dashlane提供更多高级功能,例如身份(Identity)盗窃保险和信用监控。
- 适用于 iOS 和 Android。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 9 款适用于 Android 的最佳城市建设游戏(9 Best City Building Games for Android)
高级版的价格为$5 per month,而高级版的价格为$10 per month。要阅读Dash Lane 为您提供的每个包的规格,您可以访问他们的官方网站并查看。
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此Android(Android)手机密码管理器应用程序列表中评分最高的应用程序之一是 Password-safe,在Google Play商店中获得4.6 星评级。( 4.6-star rating)您可以 100% 信任此应用程序,包括您的所有密码、帐户数据、pin 和其他机密信息。
没有自动同步功能(no automatic sync feature),但这只会让这个应用程序更安全。原因是它本质上是完全离线的。它不会要求您访问互联网许可。
- 用于保存数据的安全保险库。
- 完全离线。
- 使用 AES 256位(Bit)军用级加密。
- 没有自动同步功能。
- 内置进出口设施。
- 将数据库备份到云服务,如Dropbox或您使用的任何其他服务。
- (Create)使用密码生成器创建安全密码。
- 自动清除剪贴板以保护您。
- 用于生成主屏幕密码的小部件。
- 用户界面是可定制的。
- 免费版 - 通过密码访问应用程序,高级版 - 生物识别和面部解锁。
- 密码保险箱的高级(Premium)版允许导出为打印和 pdf。
- 您可以监控密码历史记录和应用程序的自动注销(仅限高级版)。
- 自毁功能也是一项高级功能。
- 统计数据将使您深入了解您的密码。
这些是这个密码管理器的大部分亮点——密码(– Password)保险箱。免费版本包含您可能需要的所有必需品,因此绝对值得下载。高级版带有一些高级功能,以提高安全性(The premium version carries some advanced features for better security),如上述功能列表中所述。它的售价$3.99。它是市场上最好的之一,而且价格也不贵。因此,它可能是您探索的好选择。
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Keepass2android由Croco Apps(Croco Apps)开发,在 Google Play 商店服务中获得4.6 星好评。(4.6-star rating)它旨在用户的多个设备之间进行非常简单的同步。
- 使用高级加密的安全保险库,以确保数据的安全。
- 本质上是开源的。
- 快速解锁(QuickUnlock)功能 - 提供生物识别和密码选项。
- 如果您不想使用同步(Sync)功能,您可以离线使用此应用程序。
- 软键盘功能。
- 在多个TOTP(TOTP)和ChaCha20的支持下,可以进行双因素身份验证。
该应用程序在 google play 上有很好的评价,你会喜欢它背后的简单性。这是一个安全的,照顾你所有的基本需求。该应用程序经常更新,并进行了错误修复和改进,以使其在每次更新时变得更好。
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现在您已经熟悉了适用于Android(Androids)的 10 款最佳密码管理器应用程序,您可以确定购买其中任何一款的预算,或者购买Keepass2Android 或 Bitwarden 免费版(Keepass2Android or Bitwarden free versions)等免费应用程序,以满足您的基本密码管理需求。
上面列表中未提及的其他一些适用于Android的优秀密码管理器应用程序是 - 钱包密码(Password)管理器、云中(Cloud)安全(Safe)密码(Password)管理器。它们都可以在Google Play商店中下载。
推荐: (Recommended: )12 款适用于 Android 的最佳天气应用程序和小部件(12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android)
10 Best Password Manager Apps for Android
Forgetting importаnt passwords is the worst thing ever. Now that we have to creatе an accоunt and sign υp for most websites, applications, and social media, the list of pаѕswords is never-ending. Also, it can be extremely risky to save these passwords in notes on your phone or using the old pen and paper. Thіs way, anyone can easily accеss your accounts with passwords.
When you forget a particular password, you have to go through the super long procedure of clicking on “Forgot password”, and reset a new password through a mail or SMS facility, depending on the website or application.
This is the reason why many of us might resort to keeping the same passwords across multiple websites. Another way we all might have used at a point of time is setting small, simple passwords to remember easily. It is essential for you to know that doing this makes your device and its data more susceptible to hacking.
Security is the most important thing that anyone surfing on the internet should practice. Your device holds sensitive data; all the accounts open on your device, be it Netflix, your Bank’s application, Social media like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Tinder, etc. If your privacy and security are compromised, all these accounts can easily be lost from your control and in the hands of a mischievous cybercriminal.
To prevent you from all this trouble and more, app developers have taken over the password management market. Everyone needs a password manager for their laptops, computers, phones, and tabs.
Password manager applications are available for download, developed by third parties. They all have a different feature that might help you out in the privacy spectrum of using technology. Your Android devices are used all day by you and require a good password manager application to make sure that you can have the password you need when you need it.

It is essential to download only trustworthy applications since keeping your passwords in unsafe hands will only be a cause of immense worry for you and your confidential data.
10 Best Password Manager Apps for Android

This is a 100% Open source software, and you can host your own server for passwords on GitHub. It is very cool that everyone can freely audit, review, and contribute to Bitwarden’s database. The 4.6-star holder on Google Play Store is one that will impress you with its password management services.
Bitwarden understands that password theft is a serious issue and how websites and apps are always under attack. Here are some of the features of Bitwarden Password Manager:
- Security vault feature to manage all passwords and logins. The vault is an encrypted one that can sync across all your devices.
- Easy access and quick login with your passwords available.
- Auto-fill feature within the web browsers that you use.
- If you cannot think of strong and secure passwords, the Bitwarden manager will help you do exactly that by creating random passwords for you.
- The security vault with all your logins and passwords is protected by you with a variety of options- Fingerprint, passcode, or PIN.
- There are several themes and an array of customization features available.
- Data is sealed by salted hashing, PBKDF2 SHA-256, and AES-256 bit.
Thus, you can rest assured that Bitwarden Password Manager data is accessible by you and only you! Your secrets are safe with them. You can download this password manager from the Google Play Store. It is completely free and does not have a paid version. They basically give you all this goodness for not even a single penny.
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One of the best password manager apps for Android in the market is the 1Password – Password manager and secure wallet. Android central has elected it as one of the best password manager for Android devices- phones, tablets, and computers. This beautiful yet simplistic password manager has all the good features you could ask for in a password manager. Here are some of the key features:
- Password creator for strong, random, and unique passwords.
- Sync your login and passwords across a variety of devices- your tablets, your phone, computer, etc.
- You can share passwords that you wish to, with your family or even official company account passwords with your company, through a safe channel.
- Unlock of the password management can only be done with Fingerprint. That is actually the safest way!
- It is also utilized for saving financial information, personal documents, or any data that you wish to keep under lock and key and in safe hands.
- Organize your information easily.
- Create more than one security vault to store confidential data.
- Search features to find your data easily.
- Safety even when the device is lost or stolen.
- Easy migration between multiple accounts with family and team.
Yes, that is a lot of goodness in one password manager alone! The 1Password app is free for the first 30- days, but after that, you will need to subscribe to them in order to continue using it all. The app is well awarded and has a 4.2-star rating on Google Play Store.
Also Read: Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android
The price for 1Password varies from $2.99 to $4.99 per month. Honestly, password and file management in a safe manner is something that no one would mind such a small amount for.
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Secure management of all your passcodes is important, and Enpass password manager understands that well. They have their app available for every platform- tablets, desktops, and Android phones as well. They claim to have the full-featured desktop version for free, which you can use to evaluate this particular password manager before downloading it on your Android phone and purchasing it for good.
The Enpass app is full of great features, which have fetched it some great reviews from users and a 4.3 Star rating on Google Play Store.
Here are the highlights of this application:
- Zero data is stored on their servers, so the app does not risk your data leakage at all.
- It is an offline application.
- Their security vault allows you to store credit card details, bank accounts, licenses, and important information like files, photos, and documents.
- The data can be synced across devices with cloud facilities.
- You can backup your data once in a while with Wi-Fi to make sure you don’t lose any of it.
- Multiple vaults can be created and even shared with accounts of family members or colleagues.
- Their military-grade encryption gives you all the necessary reassurance about their security.
- Simple and good-looking UI.
- Strong passwords can be generated through their password generator feature.
- Easy organization of data with their variety of templates.
- The app can be unlocked only through biometric verification.
- Two-factor authentications for added security with KeyFile. (optional)
- They have a dark theme feature, as well.
- The password audit feature allows you to keep track if you aren’t repeating any pattern while maintaining the passwords.
- Autofill is available, too, even in your Google chrome browser.
- They offer premium support to make sure that you get the best experience and never have trouble with their application.
The main features are available only if you pay a price of $12 to unlock everything. It is a one-time payment, which makes it worth it. There is a free version with very basic features and only a 20-password allowance, but I would suggest you download this third-party application for password management only if you want to purchase it.
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Well, how can you ever come up with a need for an essential utility like password management, which Google does not take care of? Google password is a built-in feature for all those who use Google as their default search engine on their Android.
To access and manage your Google password settings, you will have to enter your Google password, on the official website or the Google account settings. Here are some of the features that Google brings to you with its password manager:
- Built-in with the Google app.
- Auto-fill in whenever you save a password for any website you previously visited on the browser.
- Start or stop Google from saving your passwords.
- Delete, see or even export the passwords you have saved.
- Easy to use, no requirement to keep checking on the google password website again and again.
- When you turn on Sync for passwords on Google Chrome, you can save a password to your Google account. The passwords can then be used whenever you use your google account on any device.
- Trustworthy and safe password manager.
The Google password is a default feature, which needs to be activated. You do not need to download anything as Android phones have Google as their default search engine. The Google app is a free one.
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If you have ever used the well-renowned VPN Tunnel bear, you might be familiar with the quality it offers. In 2017, Tunnel Bear released its password management application for Android called RememBear. The app is extremely adorable, and so is its name. The interface is cute and friendly, will never get you a boring vibe even for a second.
The free version of the RememBear password manager is only for one device per account and will not include Sync or backup. Here are some of the features that the app offers its users. After reading this, you can decide if it is worth it to pay for it or not.
- Excellent user-friendly interface – simple and straightforward.
- Available on iOS, desktop, and Android
- Security vault for saving all passwords.
- Find credentials that have been trashed from the vault earlier.
- Storage of website passwords, credit card data, and secured notes.
- Sync all the stored data across devices.
- Organize them in alphabetical order and search easily with the search bar.
- The categorization is done according to the type on its own.
- The app automatically tends to lock itself, making it safe, even on desktops.
- A password generator feature allows the creation of random passwords.
- Provides extensions for Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox Quantum.
One annoying feature is how the trash has to be deleted manually and that too one at a time. This is extremely time-taking at times and can be frustrating. The time that installation takes is also a little longer than one would expect.
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But otherwise, this app has a way to many features, and they are too good to complain about.
Unlock their priority customer services, secure backup, and sync features with a small price of $3/ month.
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Keeper is a keeper! One of the old and best password manager app for Android is keeper, the one-stop solution to all your needs. It has a stellar rating of 4.6-stars, the highest on this list of password managers for Android phones yet! It is a highly rated and most trusted manager, thus justifying its high number of downloads.
There are several features that you should know about before you decide on this app and download it into your Android phone:
- Simple, extremely intuitive app for managing passwords.
- Security vault for files, photos, videos, and passwords.
- Highly encrypted vaults with high security
- Unmated security- Zero-knowledge security, with layers of encryption.
- Password auto-filling saves a lot of time.
- BreachWatch is a unique feature that scans the dark web to audit your passwords and notifies you of any risk.
- Provides two-factor authentication by integrating with SMS, Google Authenticator, YubiKey, SecurID).
- Make strong passwords super quickly with their generator.
- Fingerprint login to the password manager.
- Emergency Access feature.
The keeper password manager offers a free trial version, and the paid version stands at up to $9.99 per year. It might be one of the most expensive ones, but it is definitely worth the price you pay.
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A simple yet intuitive utility tool for managing and creating your passwords is the Last Pass Password manager. It can be utilized across all devices- desktops, laptops, tablets, and your phones- Android and iOS. Now you do not need to go through the whole frustrating password resetting process or be scared about your accounts getting hacked anymore. Lastpass brings you great features for a good price, to take all your worries away. The Google Play store has made this password manager available for download and also has great reviews along with a 4.4-star rating for it.
Here are some of its key features:
- Secure vault for saving all confidential information, passwords, login ids, usernames, online shopping profiles.
- Strong and powerful password generator.
- Automatic username and passwords protected in versions later than Android Oreo and future OS.
- Fingerprint access to everything in the password manager application on your phones.
- Get a double layer of security with the multi-factor authentication feature.
- Encrypted storage for files.
- Tech support for its priority customers.
- AES 256- bit bank-level encryption.
The premium version of this app stands at $2-$4 per month and gives you extra support facilities, up to 1 GB storage for files, desktop biometric authentication, unlimited password, notes sharing, etc. The app is great for your Android devices if you wish to have an organized and secure environment for all your important passwords and other login details.
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The ultra-stylish password manager called Dashlane offers three versions- Free, Premium, and Premium Plus. The third-party application is extremely easy to use and has a simple UI. The free version of this app will allow you to store 50 passwords for a single device per account. The premium and premium plus have slightly advanced features and facilities.
Whether you utilize a password once in a day or once in two years, Dashlane will have them ready for you when you need them. Here are some of the good features of this password manager and generator:
- Creates unique and strong passwords.
- Types them online for you, when you need them- Autofill feature.
- Add passwords, import, and save them as and when you browse the internet and surf different websites.
- If your sites ever suffer a breach, you will be alarmed and alerted by Dashlane.
- Password backups are available.
- Syncs your passwords across all gadgets that you use.
- Premium Dashlane offers a Secure browser and dark web monitoring to audit your passwords and make sure that you are at no risk.
- Premium Plus Dashlane offers further advanced features like Identity theft insurance and credit monitoring.
- Available for iOS and Android.
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The premium version is priced at $5 per month, while the premium plus is priced at $10 per month. To read the specifications that Dash lane makes available to you for each of these packages, you can visit their official website and look.
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One of the highest-rated on this list of password manager apps for Android phones is Password-safe with a 4.6-star rating on the Google Play store. You can place a 100% trust in this application with all your passwords, account data, pins, and other confidential info.
There is no automatic sync feature, but that only makes this application more secure. The reason for this being that it is entirely offline in nature. It will not ask you to access the internet permission.
Some of the greatest features for managing passwords and generating them are made available by this app, in the simplest of manner. Here are some of them:
- Secure vault for saving data.
- Completely offline.
- Uses AES 256 Bit military-grade encryption.
- No auto-sync feature.
- Inbuilt export and import facility.
- Backup the database to cloud services like Dropbox or any other ones that you use.
- Create secure passwords with the password generator.
- Automatically clears your clipboard to keep you protected.
- Widgets for home screen password generation.
- The user interface is customizable.
- For the free version- app access through a password and for the premium version- biometric and face unlock.
- The Premium version of password safe allows exporting to print and pdf.
- You can monitor password history and automatic log-out from the application (only with the premium version).
- The self-destruction feature is also a premium feature.
- The statistics will provide you with insight into your passwords.
These were most of the highlights of this password manager – Password safe. The free version has all the necessities that you may require, so it is definitely worth a download. The premium version carries some advanced features for better security like mentioned in the list of features above. It is priced at $3.99. It is one of the good ones on the market, and it is not that pricey either. So, it can be a good option for you to explore.
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Exclusively for Android users, this password management app has proved to be a boon for many users due to all that it offers for Free. It is true that this app may not offer very complicated features like some that I have mentioned before in this list, but it does the work it is supposed to. The reason for its success is mostly the fact that it is priced at nothing and that it is open-source software.
Developed by Croco Apps, Keepass2android has a great 4.6-star rating on the google play store services. It aims at a very simple synchronization between multiple devices of the user.
Here are some of the features of this very simple application that you will appreciate:
- Secure vault with high-level encryption to ensure the safety of data.
- Open source in nature.
- QuickUnlock feature- biometric and password options available.
- If you do not wish to use the Sync feature, you can use this app offline.
- Soft Keyboard feature.
- Two-factor authentication is possible with support from several TOTP and ChaCha20.
The app has great reviews on google play, and you will love the simplicity that runs behind it. It Is a safe one and looks after all your basic needs. The app is updated frequently, and bug fixes and improvements are made to make it better with every passing update.
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Now that you are familiar with the 10 best password manager apps available for Androids, you can fix your budget for purchasing any one of these or go in for a free one like Keepass2Android or Bitwarden free versions, for your basic password management needs.
Some other good password manager applications for Android, which have not been mentioned in the list above, are – a wallet Password manager, Password manager Safe in Cloud. They are all available in the Google Play store for download.
You can rest assured with any of these apps that your confidential data is safe and secure. No need to have a hard time remembering your long, confusing passwords, or wracking your brain to make new ones.
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If we have missed out on any good password manager apps for Android devices, do mention them below in the comments section.
Thank you for reading!