Discord的推出对游戏玩家来说是一件幸事,每天都有更多的玩家继续放弃其他语音聊天平台。该应用程序于 2015 年发布,从流行的消息传递和VoIP(VoIP)平台(如Slack和Skype )中汲取灵感,每月吸引超过 1 亿活跃用户。在其存在的 5 年中,Discord增加了许多功能,并已从一个特定于游戏的平台转变为一个通用通信客户端。
最近,由于桌面客户端中存在麦克风错误, Discord用户在与社区中的其他人交流时遇到了一些麻烦。事实证明,这个“麦克风不工作”问题非常令人困惑,开发人员未能提供似乎适用于所有用户的单一修复程序。此外,“麦克风无法正常工作”只是桌面应用程序中存在的一个问题,您在使用 discord 网站时不会遇到任何与麦克风相关的问题。问题的可能原因是错误配置的 Discord 语音设置、过时的音频驱动程序、不允许 Discord 访问麦克风或有故障的耳机。(misconfigured Discord voice settings, outdated audio drivers, Discord isn’t allowed to access the microphone or a faulty headset.)
无法在PUBG(PUBG)或Fortnite中与您的杀戮小队交流可能会非常令人沮丧,并且会剥夺您来之不易的鸡肉晚餐,所以下面,我们解释了 10 种不同的方法来解决所有 Discord 的麦克风相关问题。
修复 Discord 麦克风在 Windows 10 中不工作的问题(Fix Discord Mic Not Working in Windows 10)
Discord允许用户调整各种语音设置,例如更改输入和输出设备、调整输入和输出音量、消除回声和降低噪音等。如果这些设置没有正确配置,discord 应用程序将停止接收任何输入耳机的麦克风。此外,一些Windows设置可以完全禁止Discord使用麦克风。通过一一遵循以下方法,我们将确保Discord具有所需的所有权限,并且麦克风设置正确。
与往常一样,在我们转向更复杂的解决方案之前,请重新启动您的 PC 和 discord 应用程序以检查是否可以解决问题。此外,请确保您使用的耳机本身没有损坏。将另一个耳机连接到您的系统并检查(Connect)Discord现在是否拾取您的音频或将现有耳机连接到另一个系统(甚至是移动设备)并检查麦克风是否真的正常工作。
如果您的耳机正常(A-Ok),并且永恒的“重新启动您的 PC”解决方案不起作用,则语音设置有问题。您可以开始实施以下解决方案,直到麦克风问题得到解决。
与重新启动计算机类似,只需注销您的帐户并重新登录即可解决Windows 10上的不和谐杂项问题。据报道,这个绝妙的技巧可以解决 Discord 的麦克风相关问题,但只是暂时的。因此,如果您正在寻找快速修复方法,请退出并重新登录您的帐户,并在您有更多时间使用时尝试其他方法(这将永久修复您的麦克风)。
1. 要退出您的Discord帐户,首先,单击应用程序窗口左下方的用户设置 (齿轮图标)。(User Settings )
2. 您会在左侧导航列表的末尾找到注销选项。(Log out)
3.再次单击注销确认您的操作。(Log Out)
4. 在我们重新登录之前,右键单击系统托盘上的Discord 图标(Discord’s icon)(通过单击显示(Show)隐藏图标箭头找到)并选择退出 Discord(Quit Discord)。
Discord 的桌面应用程序需要一些额外的权限才能通过 Internet 向您的社区成员发送数据(您的声音)。以管理员身份运行程序将授予它所有必需的权限。只需 右键单击 (right-click )Discord 的快捷方式图标,然后 从上下文菜单中选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as Administrator)如果这确实解决了您与麦克风相关的问题,您可以按照以下步骤将Discord设置为始终以管理员身份启动。(Discord)
1.再次右键点击 (Right-click )Discord 的桌面快捷方式图标,这次选择 属性(Properties)。
2. 移至兼容性 (Compatibility )选项卡并 选中以管理员身份运行此程序旁边的框(check the box next to Run this program as an administrator)。单击 应用 (Apply )以保存此修改。
(Discord)如果有多个麦克风可用并最终选择错误的麦克风,Discord可能会感到困惑。例如,Discord通常会将笔记本电脑(尤其是游戏机)中的内置麦克风识别为默认麦克风,并将其选为输入设备。但是,笔记本电脑中经常缺少内置麦克风与VoIP 程序 (Discord)配合所需的驱动程序。(VoIP program (Discord))此外,与耳机上的麦克风相比,大多数内置麦克风都显得苍白。Discord允许用户手动选择正确的输入设备(如果它不是默认的)。
1. 打开Discord应用程序并单击用户设置(User Settings)。
2. 切换到语音和视频(Voice & Video)设置页面。
3. 在右侧面板中,展开INPUT DEVICE(INPUT DEVICE)下的下拉菜单并选择合适的设备。
4.通过将滑块拖动到最右侧来最大化输入音量。(input volume)
5. 现在,单击MIC TEST部分下的(MIC TEST)Let's Check按钮,然后直接对着麦克风说些什么。Discord将播放您的输入以供您验证。如果麦克风已开始工作,则每次您说话时,“让我们检查”(Check)按钮旁边的栏都会闪烁绿色。
6. 如果您在设置输入设备时不知道选择哪个麦克风,请右键单击 (right-click )任务栏上的扬声器图标,然后选择 打开声音设置 (Open Sound settings )(或录音(Recording) 设备(Devices))。在右侧面板上向下滚动(Scroll),然后单击 声音控制面板(Sound Control Panel)。现在,对着麦克风说话并检查哪个设备亮起。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 PC 中没有声音(No Sound in Windows 10 PC)
方法 4:更改输入灵敏度
默认情况下,Discord 会(Discord)自动拾取高于指定分贝级别的所有音频,但是,该程序还具有一键通模式(Push to Talk mode),启用后,您的麦克风只有在您按下特定按钮时才会被激活。因此,如果一键(Push)通被意外启用或输入灵敏度设置不正确 ,您可能无法与朋友交流。
1.返回语音和视频(Voice & Video)不和谐设置。
2. 确保输入模式设置为语音活动(Voice Activity) 并 启用自动确定输入灵敏度 (enable Automatically to determine input sensitivity )(如果该功能被禁用)。 现在,直接对着麦克风说点什么,然后检查下面的条是否亮起(呈绿色亮起)。
但是,它们会自动确定输入灵敏度功能存在很大缺陷(automatically determine the input sensitivity feature is known to be quite buggy),并且可能无法正确接收任何语音输入。如果是这种情况,请禁用该功能并手动调整灵敏度滑块。通常,将滑块设置在中间的某个位置效果最好,但根据您的喜好调整滑块,直到您对麦克风灵敏度感到满意为止。
方法 5:重置语音设置
1. 断开耳机并启动Discord。打开语音和视频设置(Voice & video settings)并滚动到最后找到重置语音设置(Reset Voice Settings)选项。
2. 单击它,然后在随后的弹出窗口中,按确定 (Okay )以确认操作。
3. 关闭应用程序,连接您的新耳机并重新启动Discord。麦克风现在不会给您带来任何问题。
方法 6:将输入模式(Input Mode)更改为一键通
如前所述,Discord具有一键(Push)通模式,如果您不希望麦克风接收所有周围的噪音(家人或朋友在后台交谈、活动的电视机等),该功能会派上用场。时间。如果Discord仍然无法检测到您的麦克风输入,请考虑切换到Push to Talk。
1.在语音(Voice)和视频设置页面选择一键通(Push to Talk) 作为输入模式。
2. 现在,您需要设置一个按键,按下该按键将激活麦克风。为此,请单击Record Keybind(在Shortcut下)并在应用程序开始录制时按一个键。
3. 使用一键(Push)通释放延迟滑块,直到达到所需的按键延迟(按键延迟是Discord在您释放一键通键后停用麦克风所用的时间)。
方法 7:禁用服务质量高数据包优先级(Service High Packet Priority)
(Disable Quality of Service High Packet Priority)在语音(Voice)和视频设置中(Video)禁用服务质量高数据包优先级,并检查您是否能够修复 Discord 麦克风无法正常工作的问题。 (fix the Discord mic not working issue. )
方法 8:禁用独占模式
转到可能导致Discord麦克风无法工作的Windows设置,我们首先拥有(Windows)独占模式(exclusive mode),它允许第三方应用程序完全控制音频设备。如果另一个应用程序对您的麦克风具有独占控制权,则 Discord 将无法检测到您的任何音频输入。禁用此唯一模式并检查问题是否仍然存在。
1.右键单击 (Right-click )扬声器图标并选择 打开声音设置(Open Sound Settings)。
在以下窗口中,单击 声音控制面板( Sound Control Panel)。
2. 在录音 (Recording )选项卡中,选择您的麦克风(或耳机)并单击 属性 (Properties )按钮。
3. 移动到高级 (Advanced )选项卡并 通过取消选中旁边的框来禁用允许应用程序独占控制此设备。(disable Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device)
第 4 步:单击“ 应用 (Apply )”以保存更改,然后 单击“确定 (Ok )”退出。
方法 9:更改隐私设置
1. 按 键盘上的Windows key + I设置(Settings) 。打开后,点击 隐私(Privacy)。
2. 在左侧导航菜单中,单击麦克风 (Microphone )(在应用权限下)。
3. 现在,在右侧面板上,启用允许应用程序访问您的麦克风(enable Allow apps to access your microphone) 选项。
4. 进一步向下滚动并启用允许桌面应用程序访问您的麦克风(enable Allow desktop apps to access your microphone)。
现在检查您是否能够修复 Discord mic 无法解决 Windows 10(fix Discord mic not working on Windows 10)问题。如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 10:更新音频驱动程序
除了撤销访问权限外,Windows更新通常还会导致硬件驱动程序损坏或不兼容。如果损坏的驱动程序确实导致Discord麦克风无法正常工作,只需使用DriverBoosterinstall the latest drivers available for your microphone/headset或从 Internet 手动下载它们。
1. 按Windows key + R 启动运行(Run)命令框,键入 devmgmt.msc,然后按 Enter 打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 展开声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video, and game controllers) 并 右键单击 (right-click )有问题的麦克风—选择 卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
3.再次右键单击 (Right-click ),这次选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 在以下窗口中,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。(或访问设备制造商的官方网站并下载最新的驱动程序。下载后,单击文件并按照屏幕上的提示安装新的驱动程序)
5. 重新启动计算机并检查麦克风问题是否已解决。
除了上述解决方案外,您还可以尝试重新安装 Discord 或联系他们的支持团队( reinstall Discord or contact their support team)以获取有关此事的进一步帮助。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决 Discord Mic 无法正常工作的问题。(fix the Discord Mic not working issue.)此外,如果您在遵循上述指南时遇到任何困难,请随时与我们联系。
Discord Mic Not Working? 10 Ways to Fix it!
The introduсtion of Discord has been a blessing for gamerѕ and every day more of them continuе to ditch other voiсe-chatting platforms for it. Released in 2015, the application takes insрiratiоn from popular meѕsaging and VоIP platforms like Slack & Skype and attracts more than 100 million active users every month. Over the 5 yеars of itѕ exiѕtence, Discord has added a great number of features and has moνed from being a gaming-specific platform to an all-purpose communication client.
Lately, Discord users have been experiencing some trouble communicating with others in their community due to a mic bug present in its desktop client. This ‘mic not working’ issue has proven to be quite bemusing and developers have failed to provide a single fix that seems to work for all users. Also, the ‘mic not working’ is only an issue present in the desktop application, you won’t face any mic related hiccups when using the discord website. The likely reasons for the issue are misconfigured Discord voice settings, outdated audio drivers, Discord isn’t allowed to access the microphone or a faulty headset.
Not being able to communicate with your kill squad in PUBG or Fortnite can be quite frustrating and deprive you of a well-earned chicken dinner, so below, we have explained 10 different methods to resolve all of Discord’s mic related problems.
Fix Discord Mic Not Working in Windows 10
Discord lets users tweak various voice settings such as changing input and output devices, adjusting the input and output volumes, cancel echo and reduce noise, etc. If these settings haven’t been configured properly, the discord application will stop picking up any input in a headset’s mic. Additionally, a couple of Windows settings can prohibit Discord from using the microphone at all. By following the below methods one by one, we will ensure that Discord has all the permissions it requires, and the mic is properly set.
As always, before we move to the more complex solutions, restart your PC & the discord application to check if that does the trick. Also, ensure that the headset you are using itself isn’t broken. Connect another headset to your system and check if Discord picks up your audio now or connects the existing one to another system (or even a mobile device) and checks if the mic is actually functional.
If your headset is A-Ok and the timeless ‘restart your PC’ solution didn’t work, then there is something wrong with the voice settings. You can start implementing the below solutions until the mic issue is resolved.
Method 1: Log out and back in
Similar to restarting your computer, simply logging out of your account and back in can resolve discord misc issues on Windows 10. This nifty trick has been reported to solve Discord’s mic-related issues but only for a temporary period. So if you are looking for a quick fix, log out & log back into your account and try the other methods (which will permanently fix your mic) when you have a little more time at your disposal.
1. To log out from your Discord account, first, click on User Settings (cogwheel icon) present on the bottom-left of the application window.
2. You’ll find the option to Log out at the end of the navigation list on the left.
3. Confirm your action by clicking on Log Out again.
4. Before we log back in, right-click on Discord’s icon on your system tray (found by clicking on Show hidden icons arrow) and select Quit Discord.
5. Wait for a couple of minutes before relaunching Discord or perform a computer restart meanwhile.
Open Discord, enter your account credentials, and press enter to log in. (You can also log in by scanning the QR code from the Discord application on your phone)
Method 2: Open Discord As Administrator
Discord’s desktop application requires a few additional privileges to send data (your voice) to your community members across the internet. Running the program as an administrator will grant it all the required permissions. Simply right-click on Discord’s shortcut icon and select Run as Administrator from the context menu. If this indeed solves your mic-related concerns, you can set Discord to always launch as an administrator by following the below steps.
1. Right-click on Discord’s desktop shortcut icon again and select Properties this time.
2. Move to the Compatibility tab and check the box next to Run this program as an administrator. Click on Apply to save this modification.
Method 3: Select Input Device
Discord can get confused if there are multiple mics available and end up selecting the wrong one. For example, Discord usually recognizes the built-in microphone in laptops (gaming ones particularly) as the default one and selects it as the input device. However, the drivers required for a built-in mic to cooperate with a VoIP program (Discord) are often missing in laptops. Also, most built-in microphones are pale in comparison to the mics on headsets. Discord allows the user to manually select the correct input device (if it doesn’t default).
1. Open the Discord application and click on User Settings.
2. Switch to the Voice & Video Settings page.
3. On the right-panel, expand the drop-down menu under INPUT DEVICE and select the appropriate device.
4. Max out the input volume by dragging the slider to the extreme right.
5. Now, click on the Let’s Check button under the MIC TEST section and say something directly into the mic. Discord will playback your input for you to verify. If the mic has started functioning, the bar next to the Let’s Check button will flash green every time you speak something.
6. If you aren’t aware of which microphone to choose when setting up the input device, right-click on the speaker icon on your taskbar and select Open Sound settings (or Recording Devices). Scroll down on the right-panel and click on the Sound Control Panel. Now, speak into your microphone and check which device lights up.
Also Read: No Sound in Windows 10 PC
Method 4: Change Input Sensitivity
By default, Discord automatically picks up all audio above a specified decibel level, however, the program also has a Push to Talk mode, and when enabled, your mic will only be activated when you press a specific button. So, you might be failing to communicate with your friends if Push to Talk has been accidentally enabled or if the input sensitivity is not correctly set.
1. Head back to Voice & Video Discord settings.
2. Ensure the Input Mode is set to Voice Activity and enable Automatically to determine input sensitivity (if the feature is disabled). Now, say something directly into the microphone and check if the below bar lights up (glows green).
However, they automatically determine the input sensitivity feature is known to be quite buggy and may fail to properly pick up any voice inputs. If that is the case for you, disable the feature and manually adjust the sensitivity slider. Usually, setting the slider somewhere in the middle works the best but adjust the slider according to your preference and until you are happy with the mic sensitivity.
Method 5: Reset Voice Settings
If nothing else works, you can always reset the discord voice settings to their default state. Resetting voice settings has reportedly solved all mic related issues for most users and will be your best bet if you changed headsets.
1. Disconnect the headset and launch Discord. Open Voice & video settings and scroll to the end to find the Reset Voice Settings option.
2. Click on it, and in the pop-up that follows, press Okay to confirm the action.
3. Close the application, connect your new headset and relaunch Discord. The microphone will not cause you any problems now.
Method 6: Change Input Mode to Push To Talk
As mentioned earlier, Discord has a Push to Talk mode, and the feature comes in handy if you don’t want the microphone to pick up all the surrounding noises (family or friends talking in the background, active TV sets, etc.) all the time. If Discord continues to fail to detect your mic input, consider switching to Push to Talk.
1. Select Push to Talk as the input mode on the Voice & video settings page.
2. Now, you will need to set a key which, when pressed, will activate the microphone. To do so, click on Record Keybind (under Shortcut) and press a key when the application starts recording.
3. Play around with the Push to talk release delay slider until the desired key delay is achieved (The key delay is the time taken by Discord to deactivate the mic after you release the push to talk key).
Method 7: Disable Quality of Service High Packet Priority
As you might be aware, Discord is a VoIP application, i.e., it uses your internet connection to transmit voice data. Discord’s desktop application includes a Quality of Service setting which can be enabled to prioritize the data being transmitted by Discord over other programs. Although, this QoS setting can lead to a conflict with other system components and entirely fail in transmitting the data.
Disable Quality of Service High Packet Priority in the Voice & Video settings and check if you’re able to fix the Discord mic not working issue.
Method 8: Disable Exclusive Mode
Moving onto the Windows settings that might be causing the Discord mic not to work, we first have the exclusive mode, which allows third-party applications to take complete control of an audio device. If another application has exclusive control over your microphone, discord will fail to detect any of your audio inputs. Disable this only mode and check if the problem persists.
1. Right-click on the speaker icon and select Open Sound Settings.
In the following window, click on the Sound Control Panel.
2. In the Recording tab, select your microphone (or your headset) and click on the Properties button.
3. Move to the Advanced tab and disable Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device by unticking the box next to it.
Step 4: Click on Apply to save the changes and then on Ok to exit.
Method 9: Change Privacy Settings
It is also possible that a recent Windows update may have canceled microphone (and other hardware) access to all third-party applications. So head over to Privacy settings and ensure Discord is allowed to use the microphone.
1. Launch Windows Settings by pressing Windows key + I on your keyboard. Once open, click on Privacy.
2. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on Microphone (under App permissions).
3. Now, on the right panel, enable Allow apps to access your microphone option.
4. Scroll down further and also enable Allow desktop apps to access your microphone.
Now check if you’re able to fix Discord mic not working on Windows 10 issue or not. If not, then continue with the next method.
Method 10: Update Audio Drivers
Along with revoking access, Windows updates often render hardware drivers corrupt or incompatible. If corrupt drivers are indeed causing the Discord mic not to function correctly, simply install the latest drivers available for your microphone/headset using DriverBooster or manually download them from the internet.
1. Press Windows key + R to launch the Run command box, type devmgmt.msc, and press enter to open Device Manager.
2. Expand Sound, video, and game controllers and right-click on the problematic microphone—Select Uninstall device.
3. Right-click again and this time select Update driver.
4. In the following window, click on Search automatically for drivers. (or visit the official website of the device manufacturer and download the latest set of drivers. Once downloaded, click on the file and follow the on-screen prompts to install the new drivers)
5. Restart your computer and check if the mic issue has been resolved.
Apart from the above solutions, you can try to reinstall Discord or contact their support team for further assistance on the matter.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to fix the Discord Mic not working issue. Also, feel free to get in touch with us if you are facing any difficulty following the above guides.