P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS是(PCIe M.2 2280SS)Crucial制造的最快的 PCIe 3.0 固态硬盘之一。它承诺非常快的读写速度,突破了PCI Express 3.0 x4 的限制,以及可靠的 96L TLC NAND闪存和基于硬件的加密。它是否能够提供它在现实生活中所承诺的一切?阅读此评论并了解有关Crucial P5的更多信息、它在基准测试中的表现以及是否值得购买:
Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD:适合谁?
Crucial P5是以下方面的绝佳选择:
- 那些想要快速PCIe 3.0 SSD的人(SSD)
- 正在寻找可靠 SSD 的人
- 谁想在他们的 SSD 上使用基于硬件的加密
- 想要快速加载时间的游戏玩家
以下是Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS ( CT500P5SSD8 ) 的最佳之处:

Buy now
- 高读写速度
- 最快的 PCIe 3.0 x4 控制器之一
- 使用 96L TLC NAND闪存,耐用性强
- 基于硬件的加密
- 好价钱
- 五年质保
- 性能接近但不等于Crucial所宣传的
- 它没有散热器,在繁重的工作负载下会变热
Crucial P5给我们留下了好坏参半的印象。一方面,它很快,这显然是我们喜欢的。我们还感谢硬件对加密的支持以及Crucial(Crucial)在其价格标签上标注了正确数字这一事实。然而,Crucial P5并没有达到市场上的速度,尽管它已经接近了,而且,老实说,我们本来希望在它上面看到一个散热器。如果冷却对您的 PC 来说不是问题,Crucial P5是值得考虑的可靠选择。
拆箱Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD
就像所有具有M.2 外形尺寸(M.2 form factor)的固态硬盘一样,Crucial P5很小。这意味着它的盒子也相对较小。盒子里没有开孔,所以在打开它之前你是看不到SSD的。(SSD)在其正面,您只能看到基本细节:SSD的名称及其存储容量。

Crucial P5 的包装

Crucial P5:盒子背面
包装内只有两件东西:Crucial P5 SSD和快速入门指南。

Crucial P5:盒子里有什么
Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD 的拆箱体验快速而直接。很高兴看到您还获得了一个用于将旧驱动器备份或克隆到新固态驱动器的应用程序。(The unboxing experience of the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD is fast and straightforward. It’s nice to see that you also get an app for backing up or cloning your old drive to your new solid-state drive.)
Crucial P5是一款固态硬盘,应该提供出色的读/写速度,因为它使用NVMe 1.3 (NVMe 1.3) PCI Express Gen 3.0 x4 控制器。制造商宣传它能够达到高达 3400 MB/s的持续顺序读取速度和高达 3000 MB/s的顺序写入速度。官方最高随机读写速度分别为 390,000 IOPS和 500,000 IOPS。这些都是接近PCIe 3.0(PCIe 3.0)极限的高端规格!

关于Crucial P5 SSD的信息(Crucial P5 SSD)
固态硬盘采用 96 层TLC内存构建,由拥有 Crucial 英睿达品牌的公司Micron制造。(Micron)这种类型的内存允许在小容量中压缩大量存储容量。同时,它还具有省电和耐用的特点,这让 Crucial 英睿达可以为这款SSD提供 5 年的慷慨保修。

Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2(PCIe M.2 2280SS) 2280SS SSD ( CT500P5SSD8 )
Crucial P5 还具有基于硬件的加密功能,支持TCG Opal 2.0、IEEE 1667和 eDrive 安全标准。

Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD ( CT500P5SSD8 )背面
Crucial P5 SSD采用M.2 2280外形尺寸,这意味着它的物理尺寸为 80 毫米 × 22 毫米(约 3 × ¾ 英寸)。
如果您想了解有关此驱动器功能和技术规格的更多信息,请访问Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD。
Crucial P5 SSD 的技术规格告诉我们,我们正在寻找市场上最快的 PCIe 3.0 x4 驱动器之一。如果您需要基于硬件的加密,这也是您可以获得的最佳选择之一。(The technical specifications of the Crucial P5 SSD tell us that we’re looking at one of the fastest PCIe 3.0 x4 drives on the market. It’s also one of the best you could get if hardware-based encryption is something you need.)
使用Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD
我们在具有以下配置的台式 PC 上使用并测试了Crucial P5 SSD :
首先,我们检查了Windows 10如何“看到” Crucial P5 SSD。正如您可以在下一个屏幕截图中查看的那样,它报告说,固态驱动器在分区和格式化后的存储容量为 465GB。

有关Crucial P5 SSD的详细信息,如Windows 10所示(Windows 10)
接下来,我们检查了SSD在必须复制大文件时的速度。为了了解这一点,我们在Crucial P5之间复制了一个 20GB 的大(Crucial P5)虚拟文件(dummy file)。该过程中涉及的另一个驱动器是 512GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro,它也使用 PCIe 3.0 x4。
将 20GB 的虚拟文件以每秒 1.99GB 左右的传输速度复制到Crucial P5,确实很快。

在Crucial P5 1 (Crucial P5 1) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD上复制大文件
我们以大约每秒 1.9GB 的类似速度将相同的 20GB 文件从Crucial P5复制到另一个NVMe SSD 。

从Crucial 英睿达 P5 SSD(Crucial P5 SSD)复制大文件
我们还对启动时间进行了一些测量,以了解 Windows 10 在此固态驱动器上的启动速度。BootRacer告诉我们,平均启动时间是 29 秒。在我们看来,这是一个相当不错的结果。

Crucial P5 SSD:启动时间
Crucial P5 SSD 在现实世界中提供出色的性能。(The Crucial P5 SSD offers excellent performance in the real world.)
任何硬件审查都需要基准测试,对吗?因此,为了更清楚地了解Crucial P5 SSD的速度,我们运行了一些。首先,我们使用CrystalDiskMark,这是一款测量固态驱动器的顺序和随机读/写速度的应用程序。在下面的截图中,您可以看到Crucial P5在所有测试中都取得了优异的成绩,相对接近其宣传的(官方)速度。

Crucial P5 SSD:CrystalDiskMark基准测试结果
接下来,我们使用了另一个旨在评估硬盘驱动器的应用程序DiskMark 。它测量了出色的数据读取和写入速度,类似于我们之前在仅使用Windows 10复制/粘贴虚拟文件时看到的速度。

Crucial P5 SSD:DiskMark基准测试结果
我们运行的第三个基准测试应用程序是PassMark PerformanceTest。Crucial P5固态硬盘的读取和写入速度与之前的测试类似。

Crucial P5 SSD:PassMark基准测试结果
最后,我们还检查了固态硬盘在密集工作负载期间的发热程度。HWiNFO告诉我们,Crucial P5在运行基准测试时达到了 68摄氏度(Celsius),这有点高。尽管它仍低于大多数SSD(SSDs)认为安全的 70 度极限,但我们确实担心经常达到这些温度可能会缩短其使用寿命。此外(Furthermore),不要忘记我们在具有良好气流的台式 PC 中测试了Crucial P5。如果您要在笔记本电脑内使用它,SSD可能会变得更热。

Crucial P5 SSD达到的温度
Crucial 英睿达 P5 固态硬盘被证明是一款速度非常快的硬盘,可以实现出色的顶级数据传输速度。它在我们的基准测试中得到的结果表明,它的实际性能接近 Crucial 所宣传的。(The Crucial P5 solid-state drive proves to be a very fast drive that can achieve excellent top data transfer speeds. The results it had in our benchmarks show that its real-life performance is close to what Crucial advertises.)
为了帮助您尽快安装和切换到使用新SSD,Crucial还为您提供Acronis True Image。您可以从此链接下载(download from this link)此应用程序,只需单击几下即可将旧驱动器克隆到Crucial P5固态驱动器。此外,只需几分钟即可完成此操作。

Acronis True Image for Crucial
Crucial 提供的 Acronis 备份和克隆应用程序非常有用,因此我们非常确定许多人会喜欢它。(The Acronis backup-and-cloning app that Crucial offers is useful, so we’re pretty sure that many will appreciate it.)
您会购买 Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD吗?
如您所见,Crucial P5是一款快速的M.2 NVMe固态硬盘。您(Are)有兴趣为您的 PC 或笔记本电脑购买一台吗?你有其他的模型吗?在下面的评论部分让我们知道您对此的看法。
Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD review -
The P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280ЅS is one of the fastest PCIe 3.0 solid-statе drives made by Crucial. It promises very fast read and write speeds that push thе limits оf PCI Express 3.0 x4, as well as reliable 96L TLC NAND flash memоry and hardware-based encryption. Does it manage to offer everything it promises in real life? Read this review and learn more about the Crucial P5, how it рerforms in benchmarks, and whether it’s worth purchasing:
Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD: Who is it good for?
The Crucial P5 is an excellent choice for:
- Those of you who want a fast PCIe 3.0 SSD
- People who are looking for a reliable SSD
- Whoever wants to use hardware-based encryption on their SSD
- Gamers who want fast-loading times
Pros and cons
Here are the best things about the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS (CT500P5SSD8):
See price on:

Buy now
- High read and write speeds
- One of the fastest PCIe 3.0 x4 controllers
- Great endurance because it uses 96L TLC NAND flash memory
- Hardware-based encryption
- Good price
- Five-year warranty
Here’s what could have been better about this solid-state drive:
- Performance is close but not equal to what Crucial advertises
- It doesn’t have a heatsink and it can get hot during heavy workloads
Crucial P5 left us with a mixed impression. On the one hand, it’s fast, and that’s something we like, obviously. We also appreciate the hardware support for encryption and the fact that Crucial put the right numbers on its price tag. However, the Crucial P5 doesn’t reach the marketed speeds, although it comes close, and, to be honest, we would have liked to see a heatsink on it. If cooling is not a problem for your PC, Crucial P5 is a solid choice that’s worth considering.
Unboxing the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD
Just like all solid-state drives with an M.2 form factor, the Crucial P5 is small. That means that its box is also relatively small. There’s no cutout in the box, so you can’t see the SSD until you open it. On its front side, you can see only the essential details: the name of the SSD and its storage capacity.

The package of the Crucial P5
On the back of the box, you find some additional information about the drive, including the fact that the solid-state drive has a five-year limited warranty and that Crucial also bundles data transfer software with it.

Crucial P5: The back of the box
Inside the package, there are only two things: the Crucial P5 SSD and a quick start guide.

Crucial P5: What’s inside the box
The unboxing experience of the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD is fast and straightforward. It’s nice to see that you also get an app for backing up or cloning your old drive to your new solid-state drive.
Design and hardware specifications
The Crucial P5 is a solid-state drive that should offer excellent read/write speeds, as it uses an NVMe 1.3 PCI Express Gen 3.0 x4 controller. The manufacturer advertises it as being able to reach a sustained sequential read speed of up to 3400 MB/s and a sequential write speed of up to 3000 MB/s. The top official random read and write speeds are 390,000 IOPS and 500,000 IOPS, respectively. These are high-end specifications that are close to the limits of PCIe 3.0!

Information about the Crucial P5 SSD
The solid-state drive is built using 96-layer TLC memory, made by Micron, the company that holds the Crucial brand. This type of memory allows squeezing a lot of storage capacity in small volumes. At the same time, it’s also power efficient and durable, allowing Crucial to offer a generous 5-year warranty for this SSD.

The Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD (CT500P5SSD8)
Crucial P5 also features hardware-based encryption, offering support for TCG Opal 2.0, IEEE 1667, and eDrive security standards.

The back of the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD (CT500P5SSD8)
The Crucial P5 SSD uses the M.2 2280 form factor, which means that its physical dimensions are 80 mm × 22 mm (about 3 × ¾ in).
If you want to read more about this drive’s features and technical specs, visit Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD.
The technical specifications of the Crucial P5 SSD tell us that we’re looking at one of the fastest PCIe 3.0 x4 drives on the market. It’s also one of the best you could get if hardware-based encryption is something you need.
Using the Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD
We used and tested the Crucial P5 SSD on a desktop PC that had the following configuration:
First, we checked how Windows 10 “sees” the Crucial P5 SSD. As you can check in the next screenshot, it reported that the solid-state drive had a storage capacity of 465GB once partitioned and formatted.

Details about the Crucial P5 SSD, as shown by Windows 10
Next, we checked how fast the SSD is when it has to copy large files. To get an idea of that, we copied a large 20GB dummy file to and from the Crucial P5. The other drive involved in the process was a 512GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro that also uses PCIe 3.0 x4.
The 20GB dummy file was copied to the Crucial P5 at a transfer speed of about 1.99GB per second, which is fast indeed.

Copying a large file on the Crucial P5 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
We copied the same 20GB file from the Crucial P5 to the other NVMe SSD at a similar speed of about 1.9GB per second.

Copying a large file from the Crucial P5 SSD
We also made a few measurements for the boot time to get an idea of how fast Windows 10 starts on this solid-state drive. BootRacer told us that the average boot time is 29 seconds. In our opinion, that’s a pretty good result.

Crucial P5 SSD: Boot time
The Crucial P5 SSD offers excellent performance in the real world.
Performance in benchmarks
Any hardware review needs benchmarks, right? So, to get a clearer idea of how fast the Crucial P5 SSD is, we ran a few. First, we used CrystalDiskMark, an app that measures the sequential and random read/write speeds of solid-state drives. In the following screenshot, you can see that the Crucial P5 had excellent results in all the tests, relatively close to its advertised (official) speeds.

Crucial P5 SSD: CrystalDiskMark benchmark results
Next, we used DiskMark, another app designed to evaluate hard drives. It measured excellent data read and write speeds, similar to those we saw when copying/pasting the dummy file earlier, using Windows 10 only.

Crucial P5 SSD: DiskMark benchmark results
The third benchmarking app that we ran was PassMark PerformanceTest. We got relatively similarly fast read and write speeds for the Crucial P5 solid-state drive as in earlier tests.

Crucial P5 SSD: PassMark benchmark results
Finally, we also checked how hot the solid-state drive gets during intensive workloads. HWiNFO told us that the Crucial P5 reached a temperature of 68 degrees Celsius when running benchmarks, which is a bit high. Although it’s still under the 70 degrees limit that’s considered safe for most SSDs, we do worry that regularly reaching these temperatures might decrease its lifespan. Furthermore, don’t forget that we tested the Crucial P5 in a desktop PC with good airflow. If you’re going to use it inside a laptop, the SSD might get even hotter than that.

The temperature reached by the Crucial P5 SSD
The Crucial P5 solid-state drive proves to be a very fast drive that can achieve excellent top data transfer speeds. The results it had in our benchmarks show that its real-life performance is close to what Crucial advertises.
Bundled software
In order to help you install and switch to using your new SSD as fast as possible, Crucial also gives you Acronis True Image. This app, which you can download from this link, allows you to clone your old drive to the Crucial P5 solid-state drive with only a few clicks. Furthermore, it should take just a couple of minutes to do that.

Acronis True Image for Crucial
The Acronis backup-and-cloning app that Crucial offers is useful, so we’re pretty sure that many will appreciate it.
Will you buy a Crucial P5 500GB PCIe M.2 2280SS SSD?
As you’ve seen, the Crucial P5 is one fast M.2 NVMe solid-state drive. Are you interested in getting one for your PC or laptop? Do you have another model in mind? Let us know your opinions about it in the comments section below.