AirPods自 2016 年发布以来一直很受欢迎。从广告视频到外观,AirPods的一切都吸引人且时尚。这正是人们更喜欢购买 Apple AirPods 和 AirPods Pro(buy Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro) 而不是其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳塞的原因。如果您使用AirPods,您可能会遇到AirPods与 iPhone 断开连接的问题。但别担心,在这篇文章中,我们将讨论一些解决AirPods或AirPods Pro无法连接到 iPhone 问题的解决方案。

如何修复 AirPods 与 iPhone 断开连接的问题(How to fix AirPods Disconnecting from iPhone issue)
如果它经常发生或发生在重要通话中,这是一个严重的问题。以下是AirPods(AirPods)无法连接到 iPhone 或断开连接问题可能困扰您的几个原因:
- 当有人接听重要电话时,AirPods 带来的干扰可能会让人情绪激动,从而导致用户体验不佳。
- 定期断开AirPods也可能对应对设备的一些损坏。因此,最好尽快修复它。
方法一:检查蓝牙设置(Method 1: Check Bluetooth Settings)
AirPods 不断与 iPhone 断开连接的最可能原因可能是蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接损坏或不正确。因此,我们将首先检查它:
1. 在您的 iPhone 上,打开设置应用程序。
(Settings app.
2. 从列表中选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)。

3.关闭(Toggle off)蓝牙(Bluetooth)按钮并等待大约15 分钟(15 minutes),然后再重新打开。
4. 现在将两个 AirPods 放入无线盒(wireless case)中,盖子打开。
5. 您的 iPhone 将再次检测到(detect)这些AirPods。最后,点击Connect,如突出显示的那样。

方法二:给 AirPods 充电(Method 2: Charge the AirPods)
AirPods与 iPhone 问题断开连接的另一个常见原因可能是电池问题。充满电的AirPods将能够为您提供无缝的音频体验。按照给定的步骤检查iPhone 上AirPods的电池:(AirPods)
1.将两个耳塞( Place both earbuds)放入无线盒内(wireless case),盖子打开( lid open)。
2. 确保将此保护壳靠近iPhone。

3. 现在,您的手机将同时显示无线保护套(wireless case) 和(and) AirPods 的电量(AirPods charge levels)。
4. 如果电池电量过低(battery is too low),请使用正品Apple 数据线(Apple cable)为这两个设备充电,然后再重新连接。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 AirPods 不会重置问题(How to Fix AirPods Won’t Reset Issue)
方法 3:重置 AirPods(Method 3: Reset the AirPods)
解决此问题的另一种方法是重置AirPods。重置有助于消除损坏的连接,因此可以提供良好的音频体验,而不是一遍又一遍地断开连接。以下是通过重置AirPods(AirPods)来解决AirPods Pro无法连接问题的方法:
1.将两个耳塞放入无线盒(Put both the earbuds in the wireless case)并盖上盖子。( close the lid.)现在,等待大约30 秒(30 seconds)。
2. 在您的设备上,点击设置(Settings)菜单并选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
3. 现在,点击AirPods 旁边的(info) i 图标。((info) i icon )

4. 然后,选择忘记此设备(Forget This Device),如下图所示。

5. 确认此选择后,您的 AirPods 将与 iPhone 断开连接。
6. 打开盖子后,按住机箱背面的圆形设置按钮,(round setup button)直到 LED 从白色变为琥珀色(until the LED turns to Amber from White)。
7. 重置过程完成后,再次连接(connect)它们。
希望AirPods与 iPhone 断开连接的问题能够得到解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 4:清洁 AirPods(Method 4: Clean the AirPods)
如果 AirPods 不干净,蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接可能会受到阻碍。保持 AirPods 清洁,没有任何灰尘或污垢堆积是确保正常音频的唯一选择。在清洁 AirPods 时,您必须牢记以下几点:
- 只能使用柔软的超细纤维布(soft microfiber cloth)清洁无线外壳和AirPods之间的空间。
- 不要使用硬刷(hard brush)。对于狭窄的空间,可以使用细刷(fine brush)清除污垢。
- 切勿让任何液体(liquid)接触到您的耳塞和无线外壳。
- 确保使用(Make)柔软的 Q 尖(soft Q tip.)清洁耳塞尾部。
方法 5:使用您的一个 AirPods(Method 5: Utilize One of your AirPods)
当您遇到需要正确连接AirPods的棘手情况时,您可以修改设置以避免AirPods与 iPhone 问题断开连接。按照给定的步骤:
1. 保持无线机箱的盖子(wireless case) 打开(open),然后点击设置(Settings)。
2. 然后,选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)并点击(信息)i 图标((info) i icon),如前所述。

3. 从列表中,点击麦克风(Microphone)。

4. 您会发现Automatic选项附近有一个蓝色勾号。
5. 通过选择Always Left或Always Right AirPod来选择适合您的 AirPods 。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复仅在一只耳朵中播放的 AirPods(Fix AirPods Only Playing in One Ear)
方法六:修改音频设备设置(Method 6: Modify Audio Device Settings)
为确保无缝音频,请确保将 AirPods 作为主要音频设备(primary audio device)连接到 iPhone 。如果您已将 iPhone 与其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备连接,则可能会出现连接延迟。以下是选择 AirPods 作为主要音频设备的方法:
1. 点击您喜欢的任何音乐应用程序(Music application),例如 Spotify 或 Pandora。
2. 选择您喜欢播放的歌曲后,点击底部的Airplay图标。(Airplay)
3. 从现在出现的音频选项中,选择您的AirPods。

注意:(Note:)此外,为避免不必要的分心或断开连接,请在接听或拨打电话时点击扬声器图标。(speaker icon)
方法 7:取消配对所有其他设备(Method 7: Unpair all the other devices)
当您的 iPhone 连接到多个不同的设备时,可能会出现蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接延迟。这种滞后可能会导致AirPods与 iPhone 问题断开连接。这正是您应该取消配对所有其他设备的原因,以便AirPods和 iPhone之间的蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接是安全的。
方法 8:关闭自动耳朵检测
(Method 8: Turn Off Automatic Ear Detection
您可以尝试关闭自动耳朵检测(Ear Detection)设置,这样您的手机就不会因为与其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备的连接而感到困惑。请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1. 点击设置(Settings)菜单并选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
2. 在AirPods前面,点击(info) i 图标((info) i icon)。

3. 最后,关闭自动耳朵检测的开关(toggle off),(Automatic Ear Detection)如下图所示。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 AirPods 不充电问题( Fix AirPods Not Charging Issue)
方法 9:联系Apple 支持(Apple Support)
如果这些方法都不适合您,最好的选择是联系Apple 支持(Apple Support )或在线聊天团队( Live Chat Team)或访问附近的Apple 商店(Apple store)。确保您的保修卡和账单完好无损,以使AirPods或AirPods Pro不会连接到 iPhone 问题最早得到纠正。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何阻止 AirPods 断开连接?(Q1. How do I stop my AirPods from disconnecting?)
您可以通过确保 AirPods 干净且蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接正确来阻止 AirPods 与 iPhone 断开连接。另外,检查它们是否正确充电。如果没有,请先给它们充电,然后再将它们连接到您的 iOS 或 macOS 设备。
Q2。为什么 AirPods 总是与笔记本电脑断开连接?(Q2. Why do AirPods keep disconnecting from the laptop?)
由于设备设置不正确, AirPods可能会不断与您的笔记本电脑断开连接。如果您使用的是Mac,请转到System Preferences > Sound > Output并将 AirPods 设置为主要音频源(Primary Audio Source)。
Q3。为什么 AirPods 总是与 iPhone 断开连接?(Q3. Why do AirPods keep disconnecting from iPhone?)
(AirPods)由于您的设备和AirPods之间的连接问题, (AirPods)AirPods可能会不断与 iPhone 断开连接。您设备上的某些声音设置也可能导致此类问题。
我们希望我们的指南可以帮助您解决 AirPods 与 iPhone 断开连接的问题(fix AirPods disconnecting from the iPhone issue)。请(Feel)随时在下面的评论部分中发表您的意见或建议。
Fix AirPods Disconnecting From iPhone
AirРods have been quitе populаr since its release in 2016. From thеir advertising videos to the way they look, everything about AirPodѕ is cаtchy and stуlish. This is precisely the reаson why people prefer to buy Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro over other Bluetooth earbuds. If you use AirPods, you might have faced the issue of AirPods disconnecting from your iPhone. But do not worry, in this post, we will discuss a few solutions to fix AirPods or AirPods Pro won’t connect to iPhone issue.

How to fix AirPods Disconnecting from iPhone issue
It is a serious problem if it happens quite regularly or in the middle of an important call. Here are a few reasons why AirPods won’t connect to iPhone or disconnecting issue may bug you:
- When someone has an important phone call, the disturbance caused by the AirPods may make the person feel agitated, thereby causing a poor user experience.
- Regular disconnection of AirPods may also correspond to some damage to the device. So, it would be best to fix it asap.
Method 1: Check Bluetooth Settings
The most probable reason why your AirPods keep getting disconnecting from iPhone can be a corrupt or improper Bluetooth connection. Thus, we shall begin by checking it first:
1. On your iPhone, open the Settings app.
2. From the list, select Bluetooth.

3. Toggle off the Bluetooth button and wait for about 15 minutes before putting it on again.
4. Now put both your AirPods in the wireless case with the lid open.
5. Your iPhone will detect these AirPods again. Finally, tap on Connect, as highlighted.

Method 2: Charge the AirPods
Another common reason for the AirPods disconnecting from the iPhone problem could be battery issues. Fully charged AirPods will be able to provide you a seamless audio experience. Follow the given steps to check the battery of your AirPods on the iPhone:
1. Place both earbuds inside the wireless case, with the lid open.
2. Make sure to keep this case close to the iPhone.

3. Now, your phone will display both the wireless case and AirPods charge levels.
4. In case the battery is too low, use an authentic Apple cable to charge both the devices before connecting them again.
Also Read: How to Fix AirPods Won’t Reset Issue
Method 3: Reset the AirPods
Another alternative to fix this issue is resetting the AirPods. Resetting helps to do away with corrupt connections and, as such, provides a good audio experience instead of disconnecting over and over again. Here’s how to fix AirPods Pro won’t connect issue by resetting the AirPods:
1. Put both the earbuds in the wireless case and close the lid. Now, wait for about 30 seconds.
2. On your device, tap on the Settings menu and select Bluetooth.
3. Now, tap on (info) i icon next to your AirPods.

4. Then, select Forget This Device, as depicted below.

5. Once this selection is confirmed, your AirPods will get disconnected from the iPhone.
6. After opening the lid, press the round setup button in the back of the case and hold it until the LED turns to Amber from White.
7. Once, the resetting process is complete, connect them again.
Hopefully, the AirPods disconnecting from iPhone problem would have been resolved. If not, try the next fix.
Method 4: Clean the AirPods
If AirPods are not clean, the Bluetooth connection may get hindered. Keeping your AirPods clean without any dust or dirt accumulation is the only option to secure proper audio. While cleaning your AirPods, there are a few pointers that you must keep in mind:
- Only use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the spaces between the wireless case and AirPods.
- Do not use a hard brush. For the narrow spaces, one can use a fine brush to remove the dirt.
- Never let any liquid come in contact with your earbuds as well as the wireless case.
- Make sure to clean the tail of the earbuds with a soft Q tip.
Method 5: Utilize One of your AirPods
When you are in a tricky situation where you need a proper connection of your AirPods, you can modify settings to avoid AirPods disconnecting from the iPhone issue. Follow the given steps:
1. Keep the lid of your wireless case open and tap on Settings.
2. Then, select Bluetooth and tap on (info) i icon, as earlier.

3. From the list, tap on Microphone.

4. You will find that there is a blue tick near the option that says Automatic.
5. Select the AirPods that work fine for you by either selecting Always Left or Always Right AirPod.

Once done, you will hear seamless audio on the side of the earbuds that you have selected.
Also Read: Fix AirPods Only Playing in One Ear
Method 6: Modify Audio Device Settings
To ensure seamless audio, make sure that the AirPods are connected to the iPhone as the primary audio device. In case you have connected your iPhone with other Bluetooth devices, there can be a connection lag. Here’s how to select your AirPods as the primary audio device:
1. Tap on any of your favorite Music application, such as Spotify or Pandora.
2. After selecting the song that you like to play, tap on the Airplay icon at the bottom.
3. From the audio options that now appear, select your AirPods.

Note: Additionally, to avoid unnecessary distraction or disconnection, tap on the speaker icon while you receive or make calls.
Method 7: Unpair all the other devices
When your iPhone is connected to several different devices, there may be a Bluetooth connection lag. This lag may contribute to AirPods disconnecting from iPhone problem. This is precisely why you should unpair all the other devices, such that the Bluetooth connection is secure between the AirPods and the iPhone.
Method 8: Turn Off Automatic Ear Detection
You can try switching off the Automatic Ear Detection setting such that your phone doesn’t get confused because of connections with other Bluetooth devices. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Tap on the Settings menu and select Bluetooth.
2. In front of the AirPods, tap on (info) i icon.

3. Lastly, turn the toggle off for Automatic Ear Detection, as illustrated below.

Also Read: Fix AirPods Not Charging Issue
Method 9: Reach out to Apple Support
In case none of the methods worked for you, the best option is to approach Apple Support or Live Chat Team or visit a nearby Apple store. Make sure to keep your warranty cards and bills intact, to get AirPods or AirPods Pro won’t connect to iPhone issue rectified at the earliest.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How do I stop my AirPods from disconnecting?
You can stop AirPods from disconnecting from iPhone by making sure that they are clean and that the Bluetooth connection is proper. Also, check if they are charged properly. If not, charge them before connecting them to your iOS or macOS devices.
Q2. Why do AirPods keep disconnecting from the laptop?
The AirPods may keep getting disconnecting from your laptop due to incorrect device settings. If you are using a Mac, go to System Preferences > Sound > Output and set AirPods as Primary Audio Source.
Q3. Why do AirPods keep disconnecting from iPhone?
AirPods may keep getting disconnected from the iPhone due to connectivity issues between your device and AirPods. Some sound settings on your device may also cause such problems.
We hope our guide could help you fix AirPods disconnecting from the iPhone issue. Feel free to drop your comments or suggestions, in the comment section below.