家居设计(Home Design)应用程序不仅适用于室内设计专业的学生。我们大多数人都在网上尝试过颜色和壁纸。特别是,如果你想改造你的厨房或家,那么尝试真正适合你的东西只是一个好习惯。
(Best Home Design)Windows 11/10最佳家居设计应用程序
这是Microsoft Store为您带来一系列精品家居设计应用程序的地方,这些应用程序旨在解决您的室内颜色设置混乱。您可以挑选并尝试您正在寻找的颜色和图案,并将其展示给您的室内设计师。这是向任何打算设计您家的人传达您的要求的最有效方式之一。
- 直播家庭 3D
- 规划师 5D
- 4计划
- [电子邮件保护]
- 现代豪华室内设计德州杂志(Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine)
- 家居装饰
- 选择你的家居设计
毕竟,家是心灵所在,所以为什么不完全按照你想要的方式来做呢。因此,为了帮助您完成下一个家居装修项目,这里是Microsoft Store 中最好的家居设计应用程序(best home design apps from the Microsoft Store)。

当谈到注重细节的直观功能包装的家居设计应用程序时,Live Home 3D已成为我们列表中的第一名。Live Interior 3D的后续版本,您将获得一个详细的 2D 地板草稿,您可以在其上构建您的结构。您可以做出明智的颜色决策并优化您的家具设置,以便在现实生活中使用这些结果。
2] 规划师 5D

如果您正在寻找改造甚至翻新您的家,那么Planner 5D拥有您需要的一切。免费版本为您提供 2D 和 3D 平面图,其中包含 3000 多个项目目录供您浏览。您可以创建逼真的设计并随身携带,然后与您的室内设计师约会。
3] 4计划

您可以直接从 4Plan – Home Design Planner创建您的家居装修项目。创建您自己的 2D 和 3D 平面图。您还可以从目录中填写您的虚拟公寓表格家具。一旦设置了独特的外观,您还可以在现实生活中的家居装修项目中使用这些结果。
4] [电子邮件保护]

最好且易于使用的 3D 室内设计应用程序之一,可让您设置自己的主题和模式。[电子邮件保护]让您从头到尾完成整个室内设计步骤,以便您可以轻松地将它们用于您的实时家居设计项目。
5]现代豪华室内设计德州杂志(Modern Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine)

现代豪华室内设计德克萨斯杂志(Modern Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine)是为所有喜欢德克萨斯(Texas)现代住宅的优秀摄影、现代美学和社论的人而设的。凭借独特而广泛的设计可供选择和研究,您可以将此应用程序用作所有即将进行的家居装修项目的灵感。

它完全免费下载。从Microsoft Store获取。

人们做的第一件事就是在他们决定哪种家居装修模式适合他们之前仔细检查设计口味。而且,这款Pick Your Home Designs适合所有需要灵感的家居装修 DIY。
在Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)上完全免费下载。
阅读下一篇(Read next):适用于 Windows 的最佳免费 CAD 软件(Best free CAD software for Windows)。
Best Home Design apps for Windows 11/10 from the Microsoft Store
Home Design apps are not just fоr interiоr design studentѕ. Most of uѕ have somewhat been experimenting with colоrs and wallpapers online. Especially, if yoυ are looking to remodel your kitchen or home, dabbling with what really fits for you is just a good habit.
Best Home Design apps for Windows 11/10
This is where Microsoft Store has brought to you a collection of boutique home design apps that are geared to solve your interior color set confusions. You can pick and try the color and patterns you are looking for and show it to your interior designer. That is one of the most effective ways to convey your requirements to anybody who is going to design your home.
- Live Home 3D
- Planner 5D
- 4Plan
- [email protected]
- Modern Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine
- Home Décor
- Pick Your Home Designs
After all, home is where the heart is, so why not make it exactly the way you want it. So, to help you out in your next home improvement project here are the best home design apps from the Microsoft Store.
1] Live Home 3D

When it comes to detail-oriented intuitively feature packed home design app, Live Home 3D has made it to out the first spot on our list. A successor of Live Interior 3D you get a draft detailed 2D floor on which you can build your structure. You can make smart color decisions and optimize your furniture settings to use the results in real life.
It is absolutely free and you can download it from here.
2] Planner 5D

If you are looking to remodeling or even renovating your home then the Planner 5D has everything you need. The free version gets you 2D and 3D floor plans with 3000+ item catalogs to browse from. You can create realistic designs and carry them with you next you have an appointment with your interior designer.
You get an absolutely free version. Download it from here.
3] 4Plan

You can create your home improvement project right from the 4Plan – Home Design Planner. Create your own floor plan in 2D and 3D. You can also fill in your virtual apartment form furniture form the catalog. Once your unique look is set you can also utilize the results in your real life home improvement projects.
Download it for free from here.
4] [email protected]

One of the best and easy to use 3D interior designing apps that lets you set up your own themes and also your own patterns. [email protected] lets you go through the entire interior designing steps from start to finish so you can easily use them for your real-time home designing projects.
Download it for free from here.
5] Modern Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine

The Modern Luxury Interiors Texas Magazine is set for all those people who love excellent photography, modern aesthetic and editorials of modern homes in Texas. With a distinct and wide range of designs to choose from and study, you can use this app as an inspiration for all your upcoming home improvement projects.
Download for free from here.
6] Home Décor

And an excellent e-commerce free store to buy some amazing and exotic collection of home improvement products. They sell at slashed prices and the delivery time is one point. Find anything from curtains to vases, you are set to pick up something from this very chic home décor app.
You get to decide from all the reviews and prices rages and also become a bonafide user there.
It is completely free to download. Get it from the Microsoft Store.
7] Pick Your Home Designs

One of the first things that people do is go through designs palates before they decide on which kind of home improvement patterns would work for them. And, this Pick Your Home Designs is set for all those home improvements DIY’s that need inspiration.
So, if you love going through designs that are geared to help you with your home projects then this app is going to fit your bill.
It is totally free to download from here on the Microsoft Store.
When it comes to home improvement projects finding the right fit is not easy. So, having home designs apps are going to make those hard decisions of colors, patterns, and designs for your home much easier. You can just download the above-listed apps for free and use it to your own discretion.
Happy home designing everybody!
Read next: Best free CAD software for Windows.