1] 自由派克
![下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ODbITNitYfQ/YVU6SyXnG_I/AAAAAAAALok/u2R9IFC99gwzdeBbCN1-wDnGppyWAH4_ACPcBGAYYCw/s0/T88YhD4YDj26ZsLNJRaVe7eyxrc.jpg)
Freepik是最好的资源之一,其中有数以千计的矢量、图标和PSD文件可用。任何地方的任何人都可以下载任何图标。超过 60 万用户已经上传了超过 100 万个文件。这意味着,如果您想将您的作品上传到Freepik,这也是可能的。Freepik提供了广泛的图形资源。您可以按图标名称搜索以获取所需的文件。另一方面,您可以在Photoshop和Illustrator中使用下载的文件。您应该知道的一件事是,并非所有文件都可用于商业目的。在某些情况下,您可能必须给予信用或引用。
2] 对于设计师
![为设计师提供下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5gTe_faJvhc/YVJuQEd-xLI/AAAAAAAAIKY/jnezUtce5qsKuusc0o4SwhRMipjJ79D_ACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/EuAbFp9Mw1xUcSDzkQeSflA6oqg.png)
For Designer是下载矢量图标、矢量卡通、PSD文件、Flash文件、标准图片、GIF图像等的第二好的资源。For Designer提供上述类别下的大量文件。这很受欢迎,因为它提供了图标集。这意味着您将获得具有不同颜色和不同变化的相同类型的图标。For Designer提供 5 种不同的语言版本,即英语(English)、西班牙语(Spanish)、法语(French)、荷兰语(Dutch)和阿拉伯语(Arabic)。Designer的文件不可用于商业用途。
3] 免费矢量
![免费矢量 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_Tb0Iwnaumw/YVL9zVYpycI/AAAAAAAASNA/MnkZSjz1xTQMdtOE0rl72l9TTwb3PCVZACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/RSXvdINrR66ftVzZZYbq5vYtzrQ.png)
顾名思义,Free Vector是完全免费的,您可以在任何地方使用他们的文件。您可以将 Free Vector用于个人用途。所有文件均在CC 3.0(CC 3.0)下获得许可。这意味着您可以使用和共享它们。但是,您必须对原始创建者表示赞赏。Free Vector提供了大量的剪贴画。这也可以下载技术、网络、角色、假期、幻想相关的矢量。这很容易下载。只需(Just)选择您要下载的任何文件,然后点击下载(Download)按钮。该网站还提供了很多卡片设计,可以在Photoshop中访问。
![下载 PSD 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-J-6I8tL62M8/YVWnY8znsYI/AAAAAAAAOpI/gP_cyW1w6Ws5xIvr0_4bDKUfFc-z1111gCPcBGAYYCw/s0/w9SYzTnnLXnz_pgFbgeaS9DKe2A.png)
DownloadPSD.com网站可能是(DownloadPSD.com)Photoshop学习者和专业设计师的最佳资源。该网站可让您下载图形、图标、模型、对象等等。图标集非常有用且非常轻量级。另一方面,您还可以下载各种管理员设置设计、移动/PC 模型、网站主题模板等。所有这些套件都是免费提供的,您几乎可以在任何地方使用它们。但是,您将不得不归功于原始创作者。像Freepik一样,您可以注册并将自己的作品上传到下载 PSD(Download PSD)网站。
5] Vecteezy
![Vecteezy 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1ZVK8DsqJSY/YVA_eOUBJkI/AAAAAAAAIOY/n5UZAyoxtJoI7Ms6iK6W3Qe-Kuz-B50nQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5i-u_X4YmFLeI_-Zm0fUy7tgLQQ.jpg)
Vecteezy是另一种下载矢量艺术剪辑的资源,这些剪辑通常可以在Adobe Illustrator中访问。自然、节日、卡通、图案、花卉、运动等矢量艺术在Vecteezy上最受欢迎。Vecteezy上还提供了一些很棒的图形和按钮。您应该知道,并非所有图像都在相同的知识共享(Creative Commons)许可下获得许可。因此,您应该在下载前检查许可证。
![矢量门户网站 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fM2uj9HSJi4/YVA9UF6adRI/AAAAAAAAH-c/Yk3bDyKREeQ9R26pu8coG-ruOF7p_HERQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5JxPfawzGSOuAXnNCFJIkdTe37M.png)
Vector Portal带有大量的平面图标,这是(Vector Portal)Vector Portal中最受欢迎的类别。除此之外(Apart),您还可以下载随机图形、PSD文件、标志对象、符号、旗帜、地图等等。如果您想获取各种体育俱乐部标志的PSD文件,您可以前往“体育标志”类别,那里有大量的标志可供使用。最有趣的是您可以下载各种名片设计、CD/DVD标签、横幅、信头纸等等。通常,Vector Portal的文件是免费提供的,但有些文件是付费的。此外,这也可以将您自己的作品上传到Vector Portal.
7] 免费矢量图
![免费矢量 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dYllacaHSc0/YVEoWSKf1zI/AAAAAAAADMk/TuDfcluNWDUKZ39YbLx2YYMIHTAjh9JdwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/a9c17i2LyBOHbmtSn0j2pOBN9ks.png)
除了拥有图形外,您还可以下载图案、随机设计的运动PSD文件。它带有一些限制。您当然可以查看所有内容,但不得重新发布或复制内容。但是,此限制不适用于所有内容。这意味着您必须在继续之前检查每个内容的许可证。与其他一些资源一样,任何人都可以向本网站(this website)提交矢量图形和图形。截至目前,已有超过 8.5k 文件上传到 Free Vectors。
![矢量艺术 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xzk7GP22ZVY/YVWoEaHM-9I/AAAAAAAAOnM/oUhQL9zb5hUnsFKKSUaDvQXzy30FuS1QQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/wETc_NkQOUy-f_1vY2g6Qwl7B6o.jpg)
这是下载矢量艺术和图形的另一种资源。您必须使用Adobe Illustrator才能使用Vector Art的文件。虽然馆藏不算多,但文件还是挺漂亮的。您可以主要来自Vector Art的季节性图形。通常(Generally),大多数文件都是免费提供的。但是,有很多文件需要购买。您可以将这些向量用于商业目的。尽管不需要信用,但引用始终对您安全且有益。
![You To Design 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iFemmE5QYoU/YVJ3voyBM9I/AAAAAAAAJYA/8UGjWeOcYPQdEkxAKWKPV8ra66ihO0v7gCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/gX1y_KCiROxKldXB-9Hes4JOaAw.png)
YouToDesign.com是下载矢量、PSD文件和图标的最佳资源之一。最受欢迎的标签是“人”。您可以下载抽象、动物、食物、建筑物矢量、PSD文件(动物、抽象卡通、徽标等)和 flash 文件。You To Design的文件是免费提供的,你可以在任何你想要的地方使用它们。网站上没有提到这样的限制。通常,它提供可从Adobe Illustrator访问的标准质量图像和 .ai 文件。You To Design(Design)也提供一些随机设计。但是,您应该记住一件事,这些文件真的很难编辑。因此,您必须有良好的经验才能正确使用它们。
![Graphic Hive 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-v_9Q74-TEv4/YVW8i3ZqxDI/AAAAAAAAPoU/xlU9567DmtYuW3Pjr-z_Ekhe8H8p60ZIgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/ZcLMDqbs3Rol1oi-aNmEmDI-oGc.jpg)
这主要适用于Photoshop用户,因为您可以下载名片设计、网站模板、信函设计、纸张模型、电子书封面设计、书籍设计等等。在矢量艺术方面,您将在图案、元素、图形、社交等类别下获得各种对象。下一件大事是您可以下载 Flash 文件和图标。Graphic Hive上主要提供与 PC 和 web 相关的图标。如果您即将使用本网站,您应该知道您不能将它们用于商业目的。
![Dribbble 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源Dribbble 下载矢量、图标和 PSD 文件的最佳免费资源](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-U5erB2HhuYg/YVJ0Q4DNwgI/AAAAAAAAI7g/8jNagSy574wVo7Gls8H4mf4oFJ2mfv8dQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/GbE_n9QYf5WHaAr5eUgo12aaWjA.png)
如果您想推荐我错过的东西,请告诉我们。(Let us know if you wish to recommend something I missed.)
Best websites to free download Vector, Icon and PSD files
These days, a number of people are learning web and graphic designing. We υtilize different designing elements like icons, etc. to brighten up а web page or an infographic. Here are some free useful rеsoυrces to download Vector, Icon and PSD filеs to enable you tо produce a professional design.
Websites to free download Vector, Icon and PSD files
1] Freepik
![download Vector, Icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ODbITNitYfQ/YVU6SyXnG_I/AAAAAAAALok/u2R9IFC99gwzdeBbCN1-wDnGppyWAH4_ACPcBGAYYCw/s0/T88YhD4YDj26ZsLNJRaVe7eyxrc.jpg)
Freepik is one of the best resources where thousands of vectors, icons and PSD files are available. Anyone from anywhere can download any icon. More than 1 million files are already uploaded by more than 6 lakh users. That means, if you want to upload your work to Freepik, this is also possible. Freepik provides a wide range of graphic resources. You can search by icon name to get the required file. On the other hand, you can use downloaded files in Photoshop and Illustrator. One thing you should know is that not all the files are readily available for commercial purposes. In some cases, you may have to give credit or a trackback.
2] For Designer
![for designer Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5gTe_faJvhc/YVJuQEd-xLI/AAAAAAAAIKY/jnezUtce5qsKuusc0o4SwhRMipjJ79D_ACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/EuAbFp9Mw1xUcSDzkQeSflA6oqg.png)
For Designer is the second-best resource to download vector icon, vector cartoon, PSD files, Flash files, standard picture, GIF image and many more. For Designer provides loads of files under those aforementioned categories. This is popular because it offers icon sets. That means you will get the same type of icons with different colors and different changes. For Designer is available in 5 different languages i.e. English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Arabic. Designer’s files are not available for commercial use.
3] Free Vector
![Free vector Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_Tb0Iwnaumw/YVL9zVYpycI/AAAAAAAASNA/MnkZSjz1xTQMdtOE0rl72l9TTwb3PCVZACLcBGAsYHQ/s0/RSXvdINrR66ftVzZZYbq5vYtzrQ.png)
As the name says, Free Vector is absolutely free and you can use their files anywhere. You can use Free Vector for personal usage. All the files are licensed under CC 3.0. That means you can use and share them. But, you must have to give credit to the original creator. Free Vector provides a lot of clip arts. This is also possible to download technology, web, character, holidays, fantasy-related vectors. This is very easy to download. Just select any file that you want to download and hit the Download button. This website also provides a lot of card designing and they are accessible in Photoshop.
4] Download PSD
![Download PSD Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-J-6I8tL62M8/YVWnY8znsYI/AAAAAAAAOpI/gP_cyW1w6Ws5xIvr0_4bDKUfFc-z1111gCPcBGAYYCw/s0/w9SYzTnnLXnz_pgFbgeaS9DKe2A.png)
DownloadPSD.com website is probably the best resource for Photoshop learners and professional designers. This website will let you download graphics, icons, mockups, objects and many more. The icon sets are really useful and very light-weight. On the other hand, you can also download various admin setup designs, mobile/PC mockups, website theme templates, and more others. All those kits are available for free and you can use them almost anywhere. But, you will have to give credit to the original creators. Like Freepik, you can sign up and upload your own work to Download PSD website.
5] Vecteezy
![Vecteezy Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1ZVK8DsqJSY/YVA_eOUBJkI/AAAAAAAAIOY/n5UZAyoxtJoI7Ms6iK6W3Qe-Kuz-B50nQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5i-u_X4YmFLeI_-Zm0fUy7tgLQQ.jpg)
Vecteezy is another resource to download vector art clips those are generally accessible in Adobe Illustrator. Nature, holiday, cartoon, pattern, flower, sports etc. vector arts are most popular on Vecteezy. Some awesome looking graphics and buttons are also available on Vecteezy. You ought to know that not all images are licensed under same Creative Commons license. Therefore, you should check the license before downloading.
Vecteezy has a strong network of stock photography and video. If you want to download free stock videos, you can head over to Videezy. Alike For Designer, Vecteezy is available in three different languages i.e. English, Spanish and Portuguese.
6] Vector Portal
![Vector Portal Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fM2uj9HSJi4/YVA9UF6adRI/AAAAAAAAH-c/Yk3bDyKREeQ9R26pu8coG-ruOF7p_HERQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/5JxPfawzGSOuAXnNCFJIkdTe37M.png)
Vector Portal comes with tons of flat icons, which is the most popular category of Vector Portal. Apart from that, you can download random graphics, PSD files, logo objects, symbols, flags, maps and many more. If you want to get the PSD file of various sports clubs’ logos, you can head over to the ‘Sports Logos’ category, where loads of logos are readily available. The most interesting thing is you can download various business card designs, CD/DVD labels, banners, letterheads and many more. Generally, Vector Portal’s files are available for free but some files are paid. In addition, this is also possible to upload your own work to Vector Portal.
7] Free Vectors
![Free vectors Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dYllacaHSc0/YVEoWSKf1zI/AAAAAAAADMk/TuDfcluNWDUKZ39YbLx2YYMIHTAjh9JdwCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/a9c17i2LyBOHbmtSn0j2pOBN9ks.png)
Apart from having graphics, you can download patterns, random designs sports PSD files too. It comes with some restrictions. You can certainly view all the content but you may not republish or duplicate the content. But, this restriction is not applicable to all content. That means you will have to check the license of each content before going ahead. Alike some other resources, anyone can submit vector arts and graphics to this website. As of now, more than 8.5k files are already uploaded to Free Vectors.
8] Vector Art
![Vector Art Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xzk7GP22ZVY/YVWoEaHM-9I/AAAAAAAAOnM/oUhQL9zb5hUnsFKKSUaDvQXzy30FuS1QQCPcBGAYYCw/s0/wETc_NkQOUy-f_1vY2g6Qwl7B6o.jpg)
This is yet another resource to download vector arts and graphics. You must have to use Adobe Illustrator to use Vector Art’s files. Although the collection is not too large, the files are quite beautiful. You can mainly seasonal graphics from Vector Art. Generally, most of the files are available for free. But, there are many files that need to be purchased. You can use these vectors for commercial purposes. Although credit is not required, a trackback is always safe and good for you.
9] You To Design
![You To Design Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iFemmE5QYoU/YVJ3voyBM9I/AAAAAAAAJYA/8UGjWeOcYPQdEkxAKWKPV8ra66ihO0v7gCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/gX1y_KCiROxKldXB-9Hes4JOaAw.png)
YouToDesign.com is one of the best resources to download vector, PSD files and icons. The most popular tag is ‘people’. You can download abstract, animals, food, buildings vectors, PSD files (animal, abstract cartoon, logo, etc.) and flash files. You To Design’s files are available for free and you can use them anywhere you want. There is no such restriction mentioned on the website. Generally, it provides a standard quality image and .ai file that is accessible from Adobe Illustrator. Some random designs are also available on You To Design. But, one thing you should keep in mind that these files are really tough to edit. Therefore, you must have good experience to use them properly.
10] Graphic Hive
![Graphic Hive Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-v_9Q74-TEv4/YVW8i3ZqxDI/AAAAAAAAPoU/xlU9567DmtYuW3Pjr-z_Ekhe8H8p60ZIgCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/ZcLMDqbs3Rol1oi-aNmEmDI-oGc.jpg)
This is mainly for Photoshop users since you can download business card design, website template, letter design, paper mockup, eBook cover design, book design and many more. In terms of vector art, you will get various objects under categories like pattern, element, graphics, social, etc. The next big thing is that you can download flash files and icons. Mainly PC and web-related icons are available on Graphic Hive. If you are about to use this website, you should know that you cannot use them for commercial purposes.
11] Dribbble
![Dribbble Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD filesDribbble Best free resources to download vector, icon and PSD files](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-U5erB2HhuYg/YVJ0Q4DNwgI/AAAAAAAAI7g/8jNagSy574wVo7Gls8H4mf4oFJ2mfv8dQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/GbE_n9QYf5WHaAr5eUgo12aaWjA.png)
Although, Dribbble is not designed for download seekers, yet, you can use their files to learn professional designing. Dribble is mainly designed for making a portfolio. However, some users often offer people to download their work. You will get a wide range of files under some categories like business cards, people, UI, mockups and many more. Their files are generally accessible through Photoshop.
Let us know if you wish to recommend something I missed.