组织事物只会让生活更轻松。一个适合一切的地方,永远不要让它失控。如果你是那个人,你就会知道Microsoft Visio。Visio 是用于创建各种流程图、图表和示意图的行业标准软件。如果您可以在工作中访问Visio,那么您很幸运。但是Microsoft Visio仅用于个人用途的成本很高。
那么有什么好的、免费的Microsoft Visio替代品呢?有很多替代Visio的选项。无论(Whether)您使用的是 PC 还是Mac,总有一款类似 Visio(Visio-like)的免费应用可供您使用。是的,甚至适用于Android、iOS 和Linux。这是我们最好的免费Visio替代品列表。我们把最好的留到最后。

价格:(Price: )免费
正在寻找一种轻量级、便捷的方式来绘制简单事物的图表?ASCIIFlow是一款非常适合您的基于 Web 的应用程序。它制作了普通键盘(ordinary keyboard)字符的ASCII图。由于ASCII字符规范几乎是通用的,因此非常适合在电子邮件中添加小图。出于同样的原因,ASCIIFlow的功能非常有限。

价格:(Price: )免费增值
Coggle的免费版本适用于思维导图(mind-mapping)或简单的流程映射。共享(Share)无限的公共图表,进行实时协作(real-time collaboration),上传图像,并导出为文本和Visio格式。每月 5 美元,Coggle为您提供所有这些,以及更多的项目形状和对线条的更好控制。

平台:(Platforms:) Windows、Mac、Linux
价格:(Price: )免费
为什么连续性(Continuity)不更受欢迎?您可以创建与Visio(Visio)中一样详细的图表。手(Freehand)绘图、3D 图表、UML 支持(UML support)和十几个不同的图表主题都包含在一个不断增长的功能包中,这些都是喜欢Continuity的几个原因。不足之处?您需要安装免费的 Mono 库(free Mono libraries)才能使其工作。这不是什么坏处。

平台:(Platforms:) Windows、Mac、Linux
价格:(Price: )免费
以 Web 服务器而闻名的Apache 基金会是(Apache Foundation)OpenOffice的当前管理者。OpenOffice已经过时了,但它是(OpenOffice)Microsoft Visio的一个不错的图表替代品。免费也有帮助。(Being)因为它使用基于OpenDocument XML 的文件格式,所以您可以创建的任何内容都将在任何支持OpenDocument 文件格式的程序中打开。

平台:(Platforms:)全部,基于 Web
价格:(Price: )免费增值
免费版允许无限用户使用,但一次只能使用 6 张。每月 5 美元,您可以获得无限的工作表、额外的导出选项和修订历史记录(revision history)。还有团队和企业计划,具有更多功能。

平台:(Platforms:) Windows、Mac、Linux、Android、iOS、Chrome OS
价格:(Price: )免费
几年前,LibreOffice成为最受欢迎的免费办公套件(most popular free office suite)。也有充分的理由。普通人在Visio中可以做的事情很少,而在LibreOffice Draw中却做不到。Visio文件也可以在(Visio)LibreOffice中本地打开。它应该更受欢迎。对于Android和 iOS,使用基于LibreOffice构建的(LibreOffice)Collabra Office Android和 iOS 应用程序。

平台:(Platforms:) Windows、Mac、Linux
价格:(Price: )免费
作为老式的免费Visio替代品,Dia足以满足家庭用户的需求。它过时的外观隐藏了它的多功能性。如果您是 90 年代后期的技术专业学生,您一定知道Dia。将Dia(Think)视为(Dia)Visio 2000的便携式版本。它可以从 U 盘运行(run from a USB stick),因此您可以在任何地方使用它。

价格:(Price: )学生免费(Free for Students)
如果您的域或子域中有带有 .edu 或 .ac 标记的电子邮件地址,则可以注册 4 年免费的Professional Gliffy许可证。这是一个好主意,因为您的老师不会相信您将提交的图表的Visio级别质量。无论是设计(Design)、工程或业务图表(business diagrams),Gliffy 都能(Gliffy)做到。付费个人版每月只需 8 美元。

价格:(Price: )免费增值
(Remotely collaborate)与您的团队就您的所有业务和技术图表需求进行远程协作。免费(Free)供个人使用将您限制为 3 个文档、有限的形状库和基本的协作功能,但这可能就是您所需要的。升级起价为每月 5 美元。

10. 是的(10. yED)
平台: (Platforms: )
yED Live:全部,基于浏览器,
yED 桌面(yED Desktop):Windows、Mac、Linux、Unix
价格:(Price: )免费
yED 是如何免费的?无论您需要什么专业类型的图表,您都可以在 yED 的Live或Desktop版本中制作。立即制作一个简单的图表或通过一些学习制作一个工程师级别的图表。yED 是一个完整的Visio替代品。您甚至可能比Visio更喜欢它。说真的,有什么问题?

价格:(Price: )免费
您可能听说过 draw.io。好吧(Well),diagrams.net 是 draw.io 的新名称和主页。从线框图程序到电路,diagrams.net 都能做到。您还可以从Visio和Gliffy以及Lucidchart文件中导入 .vsdx 文件。Diagrams.net也是最佳Visio替代品的竞争者。

价格:(Price: )免费增值
这是其他技术网站提到最多的一个。当然,这很好,但它与Gliffy(Gliffy)、Cacoo或Coggle的免费计划一样有限。也许更有限。Lucidchart的目标(Lucidchart)是拥有庞大的用户群,99% 的财富 500 强(Fortune 500)公司都在使用它。这可能是学习使用它以及使用Visio的充分理由。

平台:(Platforms:) Windows、Mac、Linux
价格:(Price: )免费
如果您是应用程序开发人员(app developer),Pencil是绝佳的选择。Pencil附带内置的Android和 iOS GUI形状,因此您可以进行准确的线框图。具有页面之间链接的多页文档意味着您的模型也将动态流动。是的,Pencil还可以制作其他类似 Visio 的图表,但应用程序开发人员的功能确实很突出。

So Long Visio!
如果您在该列表中找不到Visio替代品,只需为(Visio)Visio掏钱。无论您需要绘制什么、图表、图表或梦想,Microsoft Visio的最佳免费替代品之一都会让您微笑。
The 13 Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Visio
Organizing things just makes life easier. A place for everything and never let it get out of place. If you’re that person, you know about Microsoft Visio. Visio is an industry-standard software for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and schematics of all kinds. If you’ve got access to Visio at work, you’re lucky. But Microsoft Visio costs a lot for just personal use.
So what’s a good, free Microsoft Visio alternative? There are plenty of options to replace Visio. Whether you’re using a PC or a Mac, there’s a free Visio-like app for you. Yes, even for Android, iOS, and Linux. Here’s our list of the best free Visio alternatives. We saved the best ones for last.

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Free
Looking for a lightweight, convenient way to diagram simple things? ASCIIFlow is a good web-based app for you. It makes an ASCII diagram of ordinary keyboard characters. Because the ASCII character specification is nearly universal, it’s ideal for throwing a small diagram in an email. For the same reason, ASCIIFlow is very limited in its capabilities.

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Freemium
The free version of Coggle is good for mind-mapping or simple process mapping. Share unlimited public diagrams, have real-time collaboration, upload images, and export to text and Visio formats. For $5 a month, Coggle gives you all that plus more item shapes and greater control over lines.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Price: Free
Why isn’t Continuity more popular? You can create diagrams just as detailed as in Visio. Freehand drawing, 3D diagrams, UML support, and a dozen different diagram themes in a free package that just keeps growing in features are a few reasons to love Continuity. The downside? You need to install the free Mono libraries for it to work. It’s not much of a downside.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Price: Free
The Apache Foundation, best known for its web server, is the current steward of OpenOffice. OpenOffice is dated, but a decent diagramming replacement for Microsoft Visio. Being free helps too. Because it uses the OpenDocument XML-based format for its files, whatever you can create will open in any program that supports the OpenDocument file format.

Platforms: All, Web-based
Price: Freemium
A highly capable browser-based tool, Cacoo is excellent for collaborating with others while working from home. Cacoo is capable of beautiful charts and diagrams for any use case.
The free version allows for unlimited users, but only 6 sheets at a time. For $5 a month, you get unlimited sheets, additional export options, and revision history. There are team and enterprise plans too, with more features.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Chrome OS
Price: Free
A few years back, LibreOffice took over as the most popular free office suite. For good reason, too. There’s very little that the average person can do in Visio that they can’t do in LibreOffice Draw. Visio files open natively in LibreOffice too. It should be more popular. For Android and iOS use the Collabra Office Android and iOS app is built on LibreOffice.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Price: Free
An old-school free Visio alternative, Dia is capable enough for the home user. Its dated looks hide its versatility. If you were a technical student in the late 90s, you know Dia. Think of Dia as the portable version of Visio 2000. It can run from a USB stick, so you can use it anywhere.

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Free for Students
If you have an email address with the .edu or .ac marker in the domain or subdomain, you can register for a 4-year free Professional Gliffy license. This is a great idea because your teachers won’t believe the Visio level quality of the diagrams you’ll submit. Design, engineering, or business diagrams, Gliffy does it all. The paid personal version is only $8 a month.

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Freemium
Being easy to use is the strongest feature of Creately, which says a lot because it’s a full-featured Visio competitor. Its infinite canvas has to be the largest in the business.
Remotely collaborate with your team on all your business and technical diagramming needs. Free for personal use limits you to 3 documents, limited shape libraries, and basic collaboration features, yet that’s likely all you’ll need. Upgrades start at $5 a month.

10. yED
yED Live: All, Browser-based,
yED Desktop: Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix
Price: Free
How is yED free? Whatever professional type of diagram you need, you can make it in yED’s Live or Desktop versions. Make a simple diagram right away or an engineer-level diagram with some learning. yED is a complete Visio alternative. You may even like it more than Visio. Seriously, what’s the catch?

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Free
You may have heard of draw.io. Well, diagrams.net is draw.io’s new name and home. From wireframing programs to electrical circuits, diagrams.net can do it. You can also import .vsdx files from Visio, and Gliffy, and Lucidchart files too. Diagrams.net is a contender for the best Visio alternative as well.

Platforms: All, Browser-based
Price: Freemium
This is the one that gets mentioned most by other tech sites. Sure, it’s good, but it’s as limited as the free plans for Gliffy, Cacoo, or Coggle. Maybe even more limited. What Lucidchart has going for it is a large user base with it being used in 99% of Fortune 500 companies. That may be enough reason to learn to use it as well as Visio.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Price: Free
If you’re an app developer, Pencil is the superb choice. Pencil ships with built-in Android and iOS GUI shapes so you can do accurate wireframing. Multi-page documents with linking between pages mean your mockups will flow dynamically too. Yes, Pencil is also capable of other Visio-like diagrams, but the app developer features really stand out.

So Long Visio!
If you can’t find a Visio alternative in that list, just cough up the money for Visio. It doesn’t matter what you need to draw, diagram, chart, or dream up, one of our best free alternatives to Microsoft Visio will make you smile.