尽管对Windows 7(Windows 7)的主流支持已经结束五年多,但许多计算机仍然运行着深受喜爱的Windows 7操作系统。令人惊讶的是,截至2020 年 7 月(July 2020),近 20% 的运行Windows操作系统的计算机继续使用旧版Windows 7。尽管Microsoft最新和最伟大的Windows 10在功能和设计方面更加先进,但许多计算机用户避免从Windows 7进行更新,因为它的简单性以及在旧系统和功能较弱的硬件上流畅运行的能力。
然而,随着Windows 7接近尾声,新的操作系统更新极为罕见,而且只会出现一次。这些更新通常是无缝的,有时下载和安装可能会让人头疼。Windows 更新(Windows update)服务被设计为在后台安静地工作,在可用时下载新更新,安装一些更新,并在执行计算机重新启动时保存其他更新。虽然,Windows 7,8和 10 的用户在尝试更新其操作系统时报告了许多问题。
面临的最常见问题是Windows 更新(Windows Update)在下载新更新或“搜索/检查更新”阶段时卡在 0%。用户可以通过实施以下解释的解决方案之一来解决有关Windows 7更新的这些问题。(Windows 7)
如何修复 Windows 7 更新无法下载问题?(How to fix Windows 7 Updates Won’t Download issue?)
根据问题的根源,似乎有多种解决方案可以为用户解决问题。最常见和最简单的解决方案是运行内置的Windows 更新(Windows Update)疑难解答,然后重新启动Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service)。您也可以暂时禁用防病毒程序(disable your antivirus program temporarily)或执行干净启动,然后尝试下载更新。此外,更新Windows 7需要Internet Explorer 11和最新版本的.NET框架安装在您的计算机上。因此,首先,检查您是否有这些程序,如果没有,请下载并安装它们以解决“更新未下载”问题。最终不幸的是,如果没有任何效果,您始终可以手动下载并安装新的Windows 7更新。
方法 1:运行Windows 更新疑难解答(Windows Update Troubleshooter)
在转向高级且更繁琐的方法之前,您应该尝试运行Windows 更新(Windows update)疑难解答来解决您在更新过程中可能遇到的任何问题。该疑难解答适用于所有版本的Windows(7,8 和 10)。故障排除程序会自动执行许多操作,例如重新启动Windows 更新(Windows update)服务、重命名SoftwareDistribution文件夹以清除下载缓存等。
1. 单击开始(Start)按钮或按键盘上的Windows键并搜索疑难解答(search for Troubleshoot)。单击(Click)疑难解答以启动该程序。您也可以从控制面板(Control Panel)中打开它。
2. 在系统(System)和安全(Security)下,单击修复 Windows 更新问题。(Fix problems with Windows Update.)
3.在以下窗口中单击高级 。(Advanced )
4. 选择自动应用修复(Apply repairs automatically) ,最后单击 下一步(Next)开始故障排除。
某些计算机上可能没有Windows 更新疑难解答。(Windows Update)他们可以从这里下载疑难解答程序: Windows 更新疑难解答(Windows Update Troubleshooter)。下载后,打开“下载(Downloads)”文件夹,双击WindowsUpdate.diagcab文件以运行它,然后按照屏幕上的说明完成故障排除过程。
方法二:重启Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service)
所有与软件更新相关的活动(如下载和安装)均由在后台持续运行的Windows 更新服务控制。(Windows Update)损坏的Windows 更新(corrupt Windows Update)服务可能会导致updates being stuck at 0% download.重置有问题的使用,然后尝试下载新的更新。虽然Windows 更新疑难解答(Windows Update troubleshooter)执行相同的操作,但手动执行此操作有助于解决问题。
1. 按键盘上的Windows key + R 启动“运行”(Run)命令框,键入 services.msc, 然后单击“确定”打开“服务(Services)”应用程序。
2. 在本地服务列表中,找到Windows Update。
3. 选择Windows Update服务,然后单击左侧(服务描述上方)的重新启动 (Restart )或右键单击该服务并从随后的上下文菜单中选择重新启动。(Restart)
方法 3:检查您是否有Internet Explorer 11和 .NET 4.7(更新Windows 7的(Windows 7)先决条件(Prerequisites))
如前所述,要更新Windows7,您的计算机需要具有Internet Explorer 11和最新的 .NET 框架。有时,您可能会在没有这些程序的情况下成功执行更新,但情况并非总是如此。
1. 访问下载 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7(Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7)并点击红色的下载(Download)按钮开始下载最新版本的.NET Framework。
下载后,找到下载的文件并按照屏幕上的说明进行安装。此外,请确保在安装 .NET 框架时始终可以访问 Internet。
2. 现在,是时候启用/检查新安装的 .NET 4.7 框架的完整性了。
3.在运行(Run)命令框或Windows搜索栏中 键入Control 或 Control Panel ,然后按 Enter 键(Control or Control Panel)打开控制面板(open the Control Panel)。
4. 单击所有控制面板项目(All Control Panel Items)列表中的程序和功能(Programs and Features)。您可以通过单击“查看(View)方式”选项将图标的大小调整为小或大,以便更轻松地查找项目。
5. 在以下窗口中,单击打开或关闭 Windows 功能(Turn Windows feature on or off) (位于左侧。)
6. 找到 .NET 4.7 条目并检查该功能是否已启用。如果不是,请单击它旁边的复选框以启用。单击(Click)确定 (OK )以保存更改并退出。
虽然,如果.NET 4.7 已经启用,我们需要修复/修复它,这样做的过程非常简单。首先(First),通过取消选中旁边的框来禁用.NET框架,然后重新启动计算机以修复该工具。(.NET)
接下来,您还需要拥有Internet Explorer 11才能安装Microsoft发布的任何新的Windows 7更新。
1. 在您首选的 Web 浏览器中访问Internet Explorer ,并根据您计算机上安装的Windows 7操作系统下载相应版本的应用程序(32 位或 64 位) 。
2. 打开下载的 .exe 文件(如果您在下载文件时不小心关闭了下载栏,请按Ctrl + J或检查您的下载(Downloads)文件夹)并按照屏幕上的说明/提示安装应用程序。
除了Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务的固有问题外,您在计算机上安装的众多第三方应用程序之一也很可能会干扰更新过程。如果确实如此,您可以在执行干净启动后尝试安装更新,其中仅加载基本服务和驱动程序。
1.在运行命令框或搜索栏中输入(Run)msconfig ,然后回车,打开系统配置工具。
2. 跳到 msconfig 窗口的Services 选项卡并勾选(Services ) Hide all Microsoft Services旁边的框。
3. 现在,单击全部禁用(Disable All) 按钮以禁用所有剩余的第三方服务。
4. 切换到启动 (Startup )选项卡并再次单击全部禁用。
5. 单击应用, (Apply, )然后 单击确定(OK)。现在,重新启动计算机,然后尝试下载新更新。
如果您成功安装更新,请再次打开系统配置工具,然后重新启用所有服务。同样,启用所有启动服务,然后重新启动 PC 以正常启动。
方法 5:禁用 Windows 防火墙
有时,Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)本身会阻止下载新的更新文件,并且一些用户确实报告通过暂时禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)解决了这个问题。
1. 打开控制面板(the control panel) 并点击 Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)。
2. 在以下窗口中, 从左侧窗格中选择打开或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙。(Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off)
3. 最后,单击Private(Private) and Public Network Settings下(Public Network Settings)关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(Turn off Windows Defender Firewall)(不推荐)旁边的单选按钮。单击(Click)确定保存(OK)并退出。
方法六:修改SoftwareDistribution文件夹(SoftwareDistribution Folder)的安全权限(Modify Security Permissions)
如果Windows Update服务无法将 C:WINDOWSWindowsUpdate.log 中的 .log 文件中的信息写入SoftwareDistribution文件夹,您也不会下载Windows 7更新。通过允许用户完全控制(Full Control)SoftwareDistribution文件夹,可以纠正这种未能报告数据的情况。
1.通过双击桌面上的快捷方式或使用热键组合 Windows key + E打开 Windows 文件资源管理器(Open Windows File Explorer) (或旧版本Windows中的我的电脑) 。
2. 导航到以下地址C:\Windows 并找到 SoftwareDistribution 文件夹。
3.右键单击(Right-click) SoftwareDistribution文件(SoftwareDistribution)夹并从随后的上下文菜单中选择 Properties 或选择文件夹并按Alt + Enter。
4. 切换到SoftwareDistribution属性窗口的(SoftwareDistribution)安全 (Security )选项卡,然后单击 高级 (Advanced )按钮。
5. 切换到所有者(Owner)选项卡并 单击(Click)所有者旁边的更改。(Change)
6.在“输入(Enter)要选择的对象名称”下的文本框中输入您的用户名(Enter your username),或单击“高级(Advanced)”选项,然后选择您的用户名。
7. 单击检查名称(Check Names) (您的用户名将在几秒钟内验证,如果您有一组,系统将提示您输入密码),然后 单击 OK(OK)。
8. 再次右键单击SoftwareDistribution 文件夹(SoftwareDistribution folder)并选择Properties。
单击 “安全”选项卡下的“编辑... ”。(Edit…)
9.首先(First),通过单击选择用户名或用户组,然后选中“允许”列下的“完全控制”框。(Full Control)
方法 7:手动下载并安装新更新
最后,如果上述解决方案都没有为您解决问题,那么是时候将事情交到您手中并手动安装新的操作系统更新了。如果需要更新,Windows Update服务可能无法下载最新的更新。
1. 根据您的系统架构,通过访问以下任一链接下载 32 位或 64 位版本的服务堆栈:
下载适用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新 (KB3020369)(Download Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3020369))
下载(Download Update)适用于基于 x32 的系统(Systems)的Windows 7更新( KB3020369 )
2.现在,打开控制面板(Control Panel) (在运行(Run)命令框中键入控制并按确定),然后单击 系统和安全(System and Security)。
3. 单击Windows 更新(Windows Update),然后 单击更改设置(Change Settings)。
4. 展开重要(Important)更新下拉菜单并选择“从不检查更新(不推荐)”。( ‘Never Check For Updates (Not Recommended)’.)
5. 单击确定 (OK )按钮保存更改并 重新启动(restart)计算机。
6. 计算机启动后,转到下载(Downloads)文件夹并双击您在第一步中下载的KB3020369文件。(KB3020369)按照屏幕上的所有说明安装维修堆栈。
7. 现在,是时候为Windows 7安装(Windows 7)2016 年 7 月(July 2016)更新了。同样(Again),根据您的系统架构,下载适当的文件并安装它。
下载适用于基于 x64 的系统的 Windows 7 更新 (KB3172605)(Download Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3172605))
8. 在安装过程中重新启动计算机后,返回控制面板(Control Panel)中的Windows 更新(Windows Update)并将设置更改回“自动安装更新(推荐)”(‘Install updates automatically (recommended)’)。
现在,单击检查(Check)更新,您在通过Windows 更新(Windows Update)工具下载或安装它们时应该不会遇到任何问题。
因此,据报道,有七种不同的方法可以解决与未下载Windows 7更新相关的问题;在下面的评论中让我们知道哪一个对您有用。
Fix Windows 7 Updates Not Downloading
While it has been more than five years since mainstream support for Windows 7 ended, many computers still run the beloved Windows 7 OS. Surprisingly, as of July 2020, almost 20% of computers running on the Windows operating system continυe to use the older Windows 7 version. Although the lateѕt and greateѕt by Mіcrosoft, Windows 10, is much more advanced in terms of features and design, many computer users avoid updating from Windows 7 due to its simplicity and ability to run smoothly on older systems and less powerful hardware.
However, with Windows 7 nearing its end, new operating system updates are extremely rare and arrive only once in a blue moon. These updates, usually seamless, can sometimes be quite a headache to download and install. Windows update service has been designed to quietly work in the background, download new updates whenever available, install some, and save others for when a computer restart is performed. Although, users across Windows 7,8 and 10 have reported a number of issues when trying to update their OS.
The most common problem faced is Windows Update gets stuck at 0% when downloading the fresh updates or at the ‘searching/checking for updates’ phase. Users can solve these issues regarding Windows 7 updates by implementing one of the below-explained solutions.
How to fix Windows 7 Updates Won’t Download issue?
Depending on the root of the issue, a variety of solutions seem to resolve the problem for users. The most common and easiest solution is to run the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter, followed by restarting the Windows Update Service. You can also disable your antivirus program temporarily or perform a clean boot and then try to download the update. Also, updating Windows 7 requires Internet Explorer 11 and the latest version of the .NET framework installed on your computer. So, first, check if you have these programs and, if not, download and install them to solve the ‘updates not downloading’ issue. Ultimately and unluckily, if nothing works, you can always manually download and install the new Windows 7 updates.
Method 1: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter
Before moving to the advanced and more cumbersome methods, you should try running the Windows update troubleshooter to resolve any issues you might be facing with the updating process. The troubleshooter is available on all versions of Windows (7,8 and 10). The troubleshooter does a number of things automatically like restarting the Windows update service, renaming the SoftwareDistribution folder to clear the download cache, etc.
1. Click on the Start button or press the Windows key on your keyboard and search for Troubleshoot. Click on Troubleshooting to launch the program. You can also open the same from the Control Panel.
2. Under System and Security, click on Fix problems with Windows Update.
3. Click on Advanced in the following window.
4. Select Apply repairs automatically and finally click on Next to start troubleshooting.
The Windows Update troubleshooter may be absent on some computers. They can download the troubleshooter program from here: Windows Update Troubleshooter. Once downloaded, open the Downloads folder, double-click on the WindowsUpdate.diagcab file to run it, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the troubleshooting process.
Method 2: Restart Windows Update Service
All software update related activities like downloading and installing are controlled by the Windows Update service that continually runs in the background. A corrupt Windows Update service can lead to updates being stuck at 0% download. Reset the problematic use and then try downloading the new updates. While the Windows Update troubleshooter performs the same action, doing it manually can help in resolving the issue.
1. Press Windows key + R on your keyboard to launch the Run command box, type services.msc, and click on OK to open the Services application.
2. In the list of local services, locate Windows Update.
3. Select the Windows Update service and then click on Restart present on the left (above the service description) or right-click on the service and select Restart from the ensuing context menu.
Method 3: Check if you have Internet Explorer 11 and .NET 4.7 (Prerequisites for updating Windows 7)
As mentioned earlier, to update Windows7, your computer needs to have Internet Explorer 11 and the latest .NET framework. Sometimes, you might be successful in performing an update without these programs, but that’s not always the case.
1. Visit Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7and click on the red Download button to start downloading the latest version of .NET Framework.
Once downloaded, locate the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Also, ensure you have constant internet access when installing the .NET framework.
2. Now, it is time to enable/check the integrity of the newly installed .NET 4.7 framework.
3. Type Control or Control Panel in the Run command box or Windows search bar and press enter to open the Control Panel.
4. Click on Programs and Features from the list of All Control Panel Items. You can adjust the size of the icons to small or big by clicking on View by option to make looking for an item easier.
5. In the following window, click on Turn Windows feature on or off (present on the left.)
6. Locate the .NET 4.7 entry and check if the feature is enabled. If it isn’t, click on the checkbox next to it to enable. Click on OK to save the changes and exit.
Although, if .NET 4.7 was already enabled, we would need to repair/fix it and the process to do so is quite simple. First, disable the .NET framework by unticking the box next to it and then perform a computer restart to fix the tool.
Next, you will also need to have Internet Explorer 11 to be able to install any new Windows 7 updates that Microsoft releases.
1. Visit Internet Explorer in your preferred web browser and download the appropriate version of the application (either 32 or 64 bit) depending on the Windows 7 OS installed on your computer.
2. Open the downloaded .exe file (if you accidentally closed the downloads bar while the file was still being downloaded, press Ctrl + J or check your Downloads folder) and follow the on-screen instructions/prompts to install the application.
Method 4: Try to update after a clean boot
Apart from inherent problems with the Windows Update service, it is also quite possible that one of the many third-party applications you have installed on your computer might be interfering with the update process. If this is indeed the case, you can try to install the update after performing a clean boot in which only the essential services and drivers are loaded.
1. Open the system configuration tool by typing msconfig in the Run command box or search bar and then pressing enter.
2. Hop over to the Services tab of the msconfig window and tick the box next to Hide all Microsoft Services.
3. Now, click on the Disable All button to disable all the remaining third-party services.
4. Switch to the Startup tab and again click on Disable All.
5. Click on Apply, followed by OK. Now, restart your computer and then try downloading the new update.
If you were successful in installing the update, open the system configuration tool again, and enable all the services back on. Similarly, enable all the startup services and then restart your PC to boot back normally.
Method 5: Disable Windows Firewall
Sometimes, the Windows Firewall itself prevents the new update files from being downloaded, and some users have indeed reported solving the issue by temporarily disabling the Windows Firewall.
1. Open the control panel and click on Windows Defender Firewall.
2. In the following window, select Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off from the left pane.
3. Lastly, click on the radio buttons next to Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended) under both Private and Public Network Settings. Click on OK to save and exit.
Also, disable any third-party antivirus/firewall program you might have running and then try downloading the updates.
Method 6: Modify Security Permissions of the SoftwareDistribution Folder
You also won’t download the Windows 7 updates if the Windows Update service fails to write the information from the .log file at C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log to the SoftwareDistribution folder. This failure to report data can be rectified by allowing Full Control of the SoftwareDistribution folder to the user.
1. Open Windows File Explorer (or My PC in older versions of Windows) by double-clicking on its shortcut on the desktop or using the hotkey combination Windows key + E.
2. Navigate to the following address C:\Windows and locate the SoftwareDistribution folder.
3. Right-click on the SoftwareDistribution folder and select Properties from the ensuing context menu or select the folder and press Alt + Enter.
4. Switch to the Security tab of the SoftwareDistribution Properties window and click on the Advanced button.
5. Switch to the Owner tab and Click on Change next to the Owner.
6. Enter your username in the textbox under ‘Enter the object name to select’ or click on the Advanced option and then select your username.
7. Click on Check Names (your username will be verified in a couple of seconds, and you will be prompted to enter the password if you have one set) and then on OK.
8. Once again, right-click on the SoftwareDistribution folder and select Properties.
Click on Edit… under the Security tab.
9. First, choose the user name or user group by clicking on it and then check the box for Full Control under the Allow column.
Method 7: Download and install new updates manually
Finally, if none of the above solutions did the trick for you, then it is time to take matters into your hands and install the new OS updates manually. The Windows Update service might be failing to download the latest updates if it requires to be updated.
1. Based on your system architecture, download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the servicing stack by visiting any of the following links:
Download Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3020369)
Download Update for Windows 7 for x32-based Systems (KB3020369)
2. Now, open Control Panel (Type control in Run command box and press OK) and click on System and Security.
3. Click on Windows Update, followed by Change Settings.
4. Expand the Important Updates drop-down menu and select ‘Never Check For Updates (Not Recommended)’.
5. Click on the OK button to save the changes and perform a computer restart.
6. Once your computer boots back up, head over to the Downloads folder and double-click on the KB3020369 file you downloaded in the first step. Follow all the on-screen instructions to install the servicing stack.
7. Now, it is time to install the July 2016 update for Windows 7. Again, based on your system architecture, download the appropriate file, and install it.
Download Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3172605)
8. After your computer restarts as part of the installation process, head back to Windows Update in the Control Panel and change the settings back to ‘Install updates automatically (recommended)’.
Now, click on Check for updates, and you should not face any problems in downloading or installing them via the Windows Update tool.
So those were seven different methods that have been reported to solve issues related to Windows 7 updates not downloading; let us know which one worked for you in the comments below.