所有路由器制造商都向Wi-Fi 6标准迁移,市场上充斥着将Wi-Fi 6支持列为主要功能的新路由器。如果你想升级你的家庭网络,TP-Link和其他制造商都建议购买带有Wi-Fi 6的路由器。原因是这些型号倾向于提供更高的速度和新硬件,可以更好地处理设备数量不断增加的家庭网络。这在理论上听起来很棒,但现实生活中的情况如何?购买带有Wi-Fi 6的(Wi-Fi 6)TP-Link路由器时,您可以获得哪些速度优势?阅读我们的分析并找出:
Wi-Fi 6是无线网络的新标准,其中包括许多创新技术,使其能够提供更快的网络、更广泛的覆盖范围以及管理更多连接设备。此外,配备Wi-Fi 6 的(Wi-Fi 6)路由器可以通过WPA3提供更高的安全性- 这是一种仅适用于配备Wi-Fi 6的路由器的新加密标准,并且功耗更低。为了使我们对Wi-Fi 6的分析尽可能与大多数家庭用户相关,我们采用了两个支持该标准的 TP-Link 路由器:
- TP-Link Archer AX10 - TP-Link 的 Wi-Fi 6 路由器,价格最平易近人,让很多人买得起。在我们的评论中,我们将其评为市场上最好的预算模型之一。Archer AX10是一款双频路由器,具有坚固的硬件(三核Broadcom处理器,256 MB RAM ),仅在 5 GHz频段上提供对Wi-F 6的访问。在 2.4 GHz频段上,此路由器可以使用 Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) 标准,而不是 Wi-Fi 6。
- TP-Link Archer AX50 - 价格略高,但它可以在其两个频段上访问Wi-Fi 6:2.4 GHz和 5 GHz。另一个重要功能是其更高级的固件,其中包括有用的功能,例如基于云的防病毒和家长控制、USB 3.0端口以及具有双核的英特尔处理器而不是(Intel)Broadcom处理器。
这两款路由器价格合理,并不代表昂贵的购买。我们很容易要求TP-Link发送像Archer AX6000这样昂贵的型号,并展示高级路由器如何优于使用旧标准的旧路由器。但是,这对您和其他只打算购买价格合理的路由器的用户来说是否现实和有用?
因为我们不希望我们的分析过于冗长和乏味,我们决定在我们的测试公寓的以下三个房间中对两个路由器进行相同的测量,该测试公寓的占地面积约为 80 平方米或 861 平方英尺:
- 客厅(Living room)- 放置路由器的房间,并且很容易达到每个路由器能够达到的最大速度。
- 大卧室(Big bedroom)- 与路由器隔开一堵墙的房间,这会降低信号强度和速度。在任何公寓中,无论你多么小心地放置路由器,大多数房间都会与路由器隔一堵墙。这就是为什么对于大多数人来说,在这个房间进行的测量将与路由器的实际性能最相关。
- 厨房(Kitchen)- 这个房间距离路由器相对较远,位于所有路由器都难以覆盖的角度。在这个房间里,我们测试的大多数无线路由器在信号强度和它们提供的最大速度方面都存在问题。这个房间可帮助您了解路由器在难以提供稳定信号强度的区域中的性能。
我们用来比较使用 Wi-Fi 6、Wi-Fi 5和 Wi-Fi 4 时获得的速度的测试如下:
- SpeedTest - 告诉我们您通过路由器管理的无线网络从 Internet 浏览或下载内容时可以达到的最大速度。
- PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)- 告诉我们您通过网络传输数据时获得的平均速度。当您想要将文件从网络中的一台设备复制到另一台设备或在网络设备之间流式传输媒体时,它是相关的。对于Netflix或HBO Go,SpeedTest比PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)更可靠。
TP-Link Archer AX10:Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 vs. Wi-Fi 4
我们在分析中测试的第一台路由器是TP-Link Archer AX10 - 对于预算有限的人来说,这是一个绝佳的选择。首先(First),让我们看看使用SpeedTest在所有三个房间中达到的最大下载速度,使用三个标准:
- 2.4 GHz 频段上的 Wi-Fi 4
- 5 GHz(GHz)频段上的 Wi-Fi 5 和 Wi-Fi 6
正如您在下面看到的那样,在客厅(Living room)中,很容易达到每种无线标准的最大速度,Wi-Fi 6 大获全胜。我们测得的最高下载速度为 720.76 Mbps (即使对于要求苛刻的用户也绝对出色):它比(Mbps)Wi-Fi 5达到的最高速度高 16.2%,比(Kitchen)Wi-Fi 4 高 237% 。 Wi -Fi 6(Wi-Fi 6)标准提供的下载速度比 Wi-Fi 5 高 20%,比 Wi-Fi 4 高 287%。
TP-Link Archer AX10 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)下载(Download)速度
让我们看看上传速度的比较,这在您想通过 Internet 上传文件时很有用。Wi-Fi 6 在除厨房(Kitchen)外的所有房间中提供比其他标准更好的速度。
TP-Link Archer AX10 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)上传(Upload)速度
PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)告诉我们网络传输的平均速度。在这里,支持 Wi-Fi 6 的差异更加显着。例如,Wi-Fi 6 在客厅(Living)中的速度比 Wi-Fi 5 快 36%,比 Wi-Fi 4 快 312%。在信号最弱的房间厨房(Kitchen)中,Wi-Fi 6 比 Wi-Fi 6 快 29% Wi-Fi 5 比 Wi-Fi 4 快 82%。
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Wi-Fi下载(Download)速度
当我们测量上传速度时,Wi-Fi 6 仍然是所有房间的速度冠军。
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Wi-Fi上传(Upload)速度
我们的比较表明,即使购买价格更实惠的路由器(如TP-Link Archer AX10 ), Wi-Fi 6也能显着提高速度。无需投入大量资金即可从Wi-Fi 6及其提供的功能中受益。
TP-Link Archer AX50:Wi-Fi 6 与Wi-Fi 5和 Wi-Fi 6 与Wi-Fi 4
TP-Link Archer AX50是一款可以在两个频段上使用 Wi-Fi 6 的型号:2.4 GHz和 5 GHz。在此路由器上,我们进行了与之前相同的测试,但我们对它们进行了不同的分组:2.4 GHz频段上的 Wi-Fi 6 与Wi-Fi 4(Wi-Fi 5)以及(Wi-Fi 4)5 GHz频段上的 Wi-Fi 6 与 Wi-Fi 5。我们测量的结果在Wi-Fi 4(Wi-Fi 4)和 Wi-Fi 6之间更加平衡,因为它们这次使用相同的无线频段。
我们首先分析了 2.4 GHz频段,并比较了Archer AX50使用 Wi-Fi 4 和 Wi-Fi 6 标准提供的速度。在客厅(Living room)(一般速度最快的房间)的Wi-Fi 6 上达到的下载速度为 161.31 Mbps - 比使用 Wi-Fi 4 时高 48%。在下图中,您还可以看到我们的差异在其他房间测量。很容易注意到,Wi-Fi 6 一直比 Wi-Fi 4 快。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)下载(Download)速度
我们在SpeedTest(SpeedTest)中测量的上传速度也是如此。有一些显着差异。例如,在客厅(Living room),Wi-Fi 6 比 Wi-Fi 4 快 106%。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)上传(Upload)速度
我们通过PassMark 性能测试测量了 2.4 (PassMark Performance test)GHz频段上网络传输的平均速度。在此测试中,差异小于SpeedTest,但即使在这里,Wi-Fi 6 在所有房间中都比 Wi-Fi 4 快得多。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Wi-Fi下载(Download)速度
从上传速度来看,两个标准之间的差异更小,但Wi-Fi 6仍然胜出。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Wi-Fi上传(Upload)速度
As you could see for yourself, the Wi-Fi 6 standard offered significantly improvements in speed compared to Wi-Fi 4 on the 2.4 GHz band. Sometimes, the differences rose to 106% in favor of Wi-Fi 6.
在客厅(Living room),通过SpeedTest , Archer AX50通过Wi-Fi 6标准提供的下载速度比通过 Wi-Fi 5 高 30%。 在大卧室(Big bedroom),房间与路由器相隔一墙,差异65% 的人支持 Wi-Fi 6。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)下载(Download)速度
在测量上传速度时,两个标准之间的情况更加平衡,但Wi-Fi 6仍然是赢家。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - SpeedTest中的(SpeedTest)上传(Upload)速度
PassMark 性能测试(PassMark Performance test)显示,所有房间的无线网络平均下载速度存在显着差异。在客厅(Living room),Wi-Fi 6标准比 Wi-Fi 5 快 15%,而在厨房(Kitchen)(大多数路由器有困难的房间),Wi-Fi 6 比 Wi-Fi 5 快 38.7%。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Wi-Fi下载(Download)速度
在测量平均上传速度时,Wi-Fi 6 是明显的赢家。例如,在客厅中,通过(Living room)Wi-Fi 6的上传速度比通过 Wi-Fi 5 的速度快 24%。
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Wi-Fi上传(Upload)速度
On the 5 GHz band, Wi-Fi 6 was the winning standard, and it sometimes outperformed Wi-Fi 5 with differences of up to 65%.
您更喜欢哪款带Wi-Fi 6 的(Wi-Fi 6)TP-Link Archer路由器?
如您所见,在查看具有 Wi-Fi 6 的新TP-Link Archer路由器时,速度存在显着差异。新型号价格合理,许多人都能负担得起。它们还打包了更新的硬件,以满足现代家庭网络的需求,其中在线游戏、全高清(Full HD)视频会议和4K 分辨率(4K resolutions)的视频流是常态。即使是像TP-Link Archer AX10这样经济实惠的型号也具有运行频率为 1.5 GHz的三核Broadcom处理器,可以管理大量联网设备。如果您想了解我们提到的路由器的定价方式,请查看亚马逊:TP-Link Archer AX10,TP-Link Archer AX50和TP-Link Archer AX6000另外,在结束之前,请告诉我们您对我们的分析和我们达到的速度的看法,并告诉我们您更喜欢哪个Wi-Fi 6路由器。
Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 vs. Wi-Fi 4 on TP-Link routers -
All router manufacturers have migrated towards the Wi-Fi 6 standard, and the market is filled with new routers that list Wi-Fi 6 support as their main feature. If yоu wаnt to upgrade your home network, both TP-Link and othеr manufaсturers recommend buying a router wіth Wi-Fi 6. The reasоn is these models tend to offer higher speeds and new hardware that can better handlе а home network with an ever-incrеasing number of deνices. This sounds great in theory, but how are things in real life? What speed advantagеs do you get whеn buying a TP-Link router with Wi-Fi 6? Read оur anаlysis and find out:
The testing procedure and the TP-Link routers we used
Wi-Fi 6 is a new standard for wireless networks that includes many innovative technologies which allow it to offer faster networks, a wider coverage area, and the management of a higher number of connected devices. Also, routers with Wi-Fi 6 can offer increased security through WPA3 - a new encryption standard that is available only on routers with Wi-Fi 6, as well as less power consumption. To make our analysis about Wi-Fi 6 as relevant as possible for most home users, we took two TP-Link routers with support for this standard:
- TP-Link Archer AX10 - TP-Link’s Wi-Fi 6 router with the most accessible price, so many people can afford to buy it. In our review, we rated it as one of the best budget models on the market. Archer AX10 is a dual-band router with solid hardware (three-core Broadcom processor, 256 MB of RAM), which offers access to Wi-F 6 only on the 5 GHz band. On the 2.4 GHz band, this router can use the Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) standard, not Wi-Fi 6.
- TP-Link Archer AX50 - costs a little more, but it offers access to Wi-Fi 6 on both its bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Another important feature is its more advanced firmware, which includes useful features such as cloud-based antivirus and parental controls, a USB 3.0 port, and an Intel processor with two-cores instead of a Broadcom processor.
Both routers are reasonably priced and don’t represent expensive purchases. It would have been easy for us to ask TP-Link to send a costly model like Archer AX6000 and show how a premium router can outperform older routers that use the older standards. However, would that have been realistic and useful to you and other users who are going to buy only reasonably priced routers?
Because we don’t want our analysis to be too long and tedious, we decided to make the same sets of measurements on both routers in the following three rooms from our test apartment, which has a footprint of approximately 80 square meters or 861 square feet:
- Living room - the room where the router is placed and where it is easy to reach the maximum speed each router is capable of.
- Big bedroom - a room separated from the router by one wall that reduces both the signal strength and the speed. In any apartment, no matter how carefully you place a router, most rooms are going to be separated from the router by one wall. This is why, for the majority of people, the measurements made in this room are going to be the most relevant for a router’s real-life performance.
- Kitchen - this room is relatively far from the router, situated at an angle that is a bit difficult to cover by all routers. In this room, most wireless routers that we test have issues with both the signal strength and the maximum speed that they deliver. This room helps you figure out how a router tends to perform in an area where it is challenging to provide solid signal strength.
The apartament and the rooms where we made our measurements
The tests we used to compare the speeds you get when using Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 vs. Wi-Fi 4 are the following:
- SpeedTest - tells us the maximum speed you can achieve when you browse or download content from the internet through the wireless network managed by your router.
- PassMark Performance test - tells us the average speed you get when transferring data through your network. It is relevant when you want to copy files from one device to another inside your network or when streaming media between your network devices. For Netflix or HBO Go, SpeedTest is more reliable than the PassMark Performance test.
Enough intro, let’s see the results we had:
TP-Link Archer AX10: Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 vs. Wi-Fi 4
The first router that we tested in our analysis is TP-Link Archer AX10 - an excellent choice for people with a modest budget. First, let’s see that maximum download speed achieved with SpeedTest in all three rooms, using the three standards:
- Wi-Fi 4 on the 2.4 GHz band
- Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 on the 5 GHz band
As you can see below, in the Living room, where it is easy to achieve the maximum speed available for each wireless standard, Wi-Fi 6 was the winner by a large margin. We measured a top download speed of 720.76 Mbps (absolutely excellent even for demanding users): it was 16.2% higher than the maximum speed reached with Wi-Fi 5 and 237% higher than Wi-Fi 4. In the Kitchen, where all routers have a “hard time,” the Wi-Fi 6 standard offered a download speed that was 20% higher than Wi-Fi 5 and 287% higher than Wi-Fi 4.
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Download speed in SpeedTest
Let’s see the comparison for the upload speed, that’s useful when you want to upload files over the internet. Wi-Fi 6 offered better speeds than the other standards in all rooms but the Kitchen.
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Upload speed in SpeedTest
PassMark Performance test tells us the average speed for network transfers. Here, the differences in favor of Wi-Fi 6 were even more significant. For example, Wi-Fi 6 was 36% faster in the Living room than Wi-Fi 5 and 312% faster than Wi-Fi 4. In the Kitchen, the room with the weakest signal, Wi-Fi 6 was 29% faster than Wi-Fi 5 and 82% faster than Wi-Fi 4.
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Download speed on Wi-Fi
When we measured the upload speed, Wi-Fi 6 remained the speed champion in all rooms.
TP-Link Archer AX10 - Upload speed on Wi-Fi
Our comparison shows that Wi-Fi 6 offers significant speed improvements, even when buying a more affordable router, like TP-Link Archer AX10. There’s no need to invest a lot of money to benefit from Wi-Fi 6 and what it has to offer.
TP-Link Archer AX50: Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 4
TP-Link Archer AX50 is a model that can use Wi-Fi 6 on both bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. On this router, we made the same tests as earlier, but we grouped them differently: Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 4 on the 2.4 GHz band and Wi-Fi 6 vs. Wi-Fi 5 on the 5 GHz band. The results we measured are more balanced between Wi-Fi 4 and Wi-Fi 6 because they use the same wireless band this time.
We first analyzed the 2.4 GHz band and compared the speeds offered by Archer AX50 using the Wi-Fi 4 and Wi-Fi 6 standards. The download speed reached on Wi-Fi 6 in the Living room (the room with the highest speeds in general) was 161.31 Mbps - 48% higher than when using Wi-Fi 4. In the graphic below, you also see the differences that we measured in the other rooms. It is easily noticeable that Wi-Fi 6 was constantly faster than Wi-Fi 4.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Download speed in SpeedTest
The same happened with the upload speeds we measured in SpeedTest. There were some significant differences. For example, in the Living room, Wi-Fi 6 was 106% faster than Wi-Fi 4.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Upload speed in SpeedTest
We measured the average speed for network transfers on the 2.4 GHz band with the PassMark Performance test. In this test, the differences were smaller than in SpeedTest, but even here, Wi-Fi 6 managed to be significantly faster than Wi-Fi 4 in all rooms.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Download speed on Wi-Fi
When looking at the upload speed, the differences were more minor between the two standards, but Wi-Fi 6 still won.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Upload speed on Wi-Fi
As you could see for yourself, the Wi-Fi 6 standard offered significantly improvements in speed compared to Wi-Fi 4 on the 2.4 GHz band. Sometimes, the differences rose to 106% in favor of Wi-Fi 6.
In the Living room, with SpeedTest, the download speed offered by Archer AX50 through the Wi-Fi 6 standard was 30% higher than through Wi-Fi 5. In the Big bedroom, the room separated from the router by one wall, the difference was 65% in favor of Wi-Fi 6.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Download speed in SpeedTest
When measuring the upload speed, the situation was more balanced between the two standards, but Wi-Fi 6 was still the winner.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Upload speed in SpeedTest
PassMark Performance test has shown significant differences in all rooms when it comes to the average download speed through the wireless network. In the Living room, the Wi-Fi 6 standard was 15% faster than Wi-Fi 5, while in the Kitchen (the room where most routers have difficulties), Wi-Fi 6 was 38.7% faster than Wi-Fi 5.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Download speed on Wi-Fi
When measuring the average upload speed, Wi-Fi 6 was the clear winner. For example, in the Living room, the upload speed was 24% faster through Wi-Fi 6 than through Wi-Fi 5.
TP-Link Archer AX50 - Upload speed on Wi-Fi
On the 5 GHz band, Wi-Fi 6 was the winning standard, and it sometimes outperformed Wi-Fi 5 with differences of up to 65%.
Which TP-Link Archer router with Wi-Fi 6 you prefer?
As you can see, there are significant differences in speed when looking at new TP-Link Archer routers with Wi-Fi 6. The new models have reasonable prices that many people can afford. They also pack updated hardware, which meets the needs of a modern home network, in which online gaming, Full HD video conferencing, and video streaming in 4K resolutions are the norm. Even an affordable model like TP-Link Archer AX10 has a three-core Broadcom processor, running at 1.5 GHz, that can manage a significant number of networked devices. If you want to see how the routers we mentioned are priced, take a look on Amazon: TP-Link Archer AX10, TP-Link Archer AX50, and TP-Link Archer AX6000, Also, before closing, let us know what you think about our analysis and the speeds we reached, and tell us which Wi-Fi 6 router you prefer.