有几件事情可以让Windows笔记本电脑和MacBook 区(MacBook)分开来。其中之一是软件更新(Software Update)。每个操作系统更新都会带来重要的安全补丁以及高级功能。这有助于用户升级他们使用的设备的体验。macOS 更新过程简单明了。另一方面,Windows上的操作系统更新相当耗时。尽管下载新的 macOS 看起来很简单,但对于某些用户来说,它可能会在安装过程中出现问题,例如安装 macOS 时出错。在本指南的帮助下,我们可以确保解决 macOS 安装失败错误的可靠解决方案。

如何修复 macOS 安装失败错误(How to Fix macOS Installation failed Error)
macOS 安装失败的原因可能是:
繁忙的服务器(Busy Servers):安装 macOS 时发生错误的最常见原因之一是Apple服务器负担过重。因此,您的下载可能会失败,或者可能需要一整天的时间来处理。
低存储空间(Low Storage Space):如果您已经使用 MacBook 很长时间,那么您很可能已经使用了大量存储空间。存储空间不足将无法正确下载新的 macOS。
互联网连接问题(Internet Connectivity Issues):如果您的 Wi-Fi 出现问题,macOS 软件更新可能会中断或出现 macOS 安装失败错误。
要记住的要点(Points to Remember)
- 如果您的 Mac 已使用五年以上(over five years old),最好不要尝试更新并坚持使用您当前在设备上运行的Mac操作系统。新的更新可能会不必要地加重您的系统负担并导致灾难性错误。
- 此外,在选择系统更新之前,请务必备份您的数据。(back up your data)由于安装过程中的任何障碍都可能强制导致内核错误(Kernel error),即MacOS反复重启,因为Mac卡在两个操作系统版本之间。
方法 1:检查日志屏幕(Method 1: Check the Log screen)
如果您注意到屏幕上的安装程序卡在下载过程中,那么下载实际上并没有卡住,看起来就是这样。在这种情况下,如果您单击十字图标(cross icon),文件可能会下载不完美。要检查下载是否正确处理,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1. 在观察进度条的同时,按键盘上的Command + L 键(keys)。这将向您显示有关正在进行的下载的更多信息。
2. 万一下载卡住了,(download is stuck,)你会看到没有额外的文件正在下载。
方法 2:确保 Internet 连接(Method 2: Ensure Internet Connectivity)
许多用户都遇到了这个问题,因为他们的 Wi-Fi 连接不正确或DNS错误。在启动更新之前,请(Make)确保您的Mac处于在线状态。(Mac)
1. 通过在Safari(Safari)上打开任何网站来检查您的互联网是否正常工作。如果有问题,请重新启动路由器。(restart your router.)
2.刷新系统上的 Wi-fi ,方法是在(Refresh Wi-fi)Apple 菜单(Apple Menu.)中将其关闭然后再打开。
3.检查路由器 DNS(Check router DNS):如果为您的Mac设置了自定义 DNS 名称(custom DNS names),那么也必须检查它们。
4. 执行在线速度测试( online speed test)以检查您的连接强度。为清楚起见,请参阅给定的图片。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) Slow Internet Connection? 10 Ways to Speed up your Internet!
方法三:清空存储空间 (Method 3: Clear Storage Space )
如上所述,另一个常见问题是磁盘上的存储空间不足。我们的一般用法会占用磁盘上的大量空间。因此,当您的计算机空间较小时,安装程序可能无法正确下载,或者可能会触发安装 macOS 问题时发生错误。
注意:(Note:)您的计算机需要12 到 35 GB(12 to 35 GB)空间才能安装最新的 macOS Big Sur。
2. 点击通用设置中的(General)存储(Storage),如下图。

3.选择(Select the app)您要删除的应用程序,然后单击删除应用程序。(Delete App.)
方法 4:从 macOS Beta 版本取消注册
(Method 4: Un-enrol from macOS Beta Version
如果您的Mac(Mac)当前在macOS的Beta版上运行,则可能会阻止新更新的下载。从Beta更新中取消注册可能有助于修复 macOS 安装失败错误。这样做的方法如下:
1. 单击Apple icon > 系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。
2. 在这里,单击软件更新(Software Update)。

3. 现在,单击此 Mac 已注册 Apple Beta 软件计划下的(This Mac is enrolled in the Apple Beta Software Program.)详细信息(Details)选项。

4. 单击恢复默认值(Restore Defaults)以取消注册 Beta 更新。
这应该可以修复 macOS 安装失败错误。如果没有,请尝试任何后续方法。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Safari 的 5 种方法无法在 Mac 上打开(5 Ways to Fix Safari Won’t Open on Mac)
Method 5: Download Installer via App Store/Apple 网站下载安装程序(Apple Website )
方法 5A:通过 App Store(Method 5A: Through App Store )
在某些情况下,人们报告说他们从系统偏好设置(System Preferences)下载更新时 macOS 安装失败。此外,仍在使用 macOS Catalina的用户抱怨说:当他们尝试通过软件更新(Software Update)更新他们的 macOS 时,屏幕上找不到请求的 macOS 版本(the requested version of macOS couldn’t be found)。因此,您可以尝试从App Store下载软件来修复 macOS 安装失败错误。(fix macOS installation failed error.)
1.在 Mac 上启动App Store 。
2.在这里,搜索相关更新;例如:macOS 大苏尔。(macOS Big Sur.)

3. 检查所选更新与您的设备型号的兼容性(Compatibility)。
4. 单击获取(Get),然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
方法 5B:通过 Apple 网站(Method 5B: Through Apple Website)
为了停止接收此错误,也可以尝试直接从Apple 网站下载(Apple website.)Mac安装程序。(Mac) 两个安装程序之间的区别是:
- 从网站下载的安装程序会下载许多附加文件(additional files)以及所有 Mac 型号所需的数据。(data required for all Mac models.)这可确保更新已损坏的文件,并无缝进行安装。
- 另一方面,通过App Store或通过System Preferences下载的安装程序仅下载(System Preferences)与您的 Mac(to your Mac)相关的那些文件(files that are relevant) 。因此(Hence),损坏或过时的文件没有机会自我修复。
方法六:通过MDS下载macOS(Method 6: Download macOS via MDS)
这是下载 macOS 更新文件的替代方法。MDS或Mac Deploy Stick是一个内置的Mac工具。此应用程序可以自动重新安装或卸载 macOS。
注意:(Note:) MDS应在 macOS 安装过程中下载并安装。
1. MDS App可通过各种开发者的网页获得,首选的是TwoCanoes 的 MDS。(MDS by TwoCanoes.)
2. 单击免费下载(Free Download)并运行安装程序。

3. 启动MDS 应用程序(MDS App )并选择您希望在Mac上下载和安装的(Mac)macOS 版本(macOS version)。
您应该能够下载上述更新而不会遇到 macOS 安装失败错误。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 MacBook 插入时不充电的问题(Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In)
方法七:开启内容缓存(Method 7: Turn On Content Caching)
修复 macOS 安装失败错误的另一种技术是打开内容缓存。此功能减少了成功下载所需的带宽,并有助于加快安装过程。一些用户可以通过打开此功能来减少下载时间。按照给定的步骤执行相同的操作:
1. 单击Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择System Preferences。
2. 点击共享(Sharing )选项,如图所示。

3. 单击左侧面板中的内容缓存(Content Caching),如下图所示。

4. 在弹出菜单中,确保:
缓存大小(Cache Size )是无限( Unlimited)的,并且
选择所有内容(All Content)。
5.重新启动Mac(Restart the Mac),然后尝试安装。
方法 8:以安全模式启动 (Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode )
此方法是关于在安全模式下(Safe Mode)继续安装。幸运的是,在这种模式下,所有后台下载和启动代理都被阻止,这往往会促进 macOS 安装成功。要以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动Mac,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1. 如果您的计算机已打开(switched on),点击屏幕左上角的Apple 图标。(Apple icon)
2. 选择重新启动( Restart),如图所示。

3. 重新启动时,按住Shift 键(Shift key)。

4. 看到登录屏幕后,您可以松开(release)Shift 键。
这应该可以修复 macOS 安装失败错误。(This should fix macOS installation failed error.)
方法 9:重置 PRAM 设置(Method 9: Reset PRAM Settings)
重置PRAM设置是解决与操作系统相关的任何问题的绝佳选择。PRAM和NVRAM存储重要设置,例如显示器的分辨率、亮度等。因此,重置PRAM和NVRAM设置也可能有助于修复避免安装 macOS 时发生的错误。这样做的方法如下:
1.关闭(Turn off )MacBook。
2. 现在,按下电源按钮(Power button)将其打开。
3. 按键盘上的Command + Option + P + R键。

注意:(Note:)在此过程中 ,Apple 标志(Apple logo)会出现和消失三次。(thrice )
5. 之后,MacBook 应正常重启(reboot ),设备安装应无故障。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用键盘快捷键强制退出 Mac 应用程序(How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut)
方法 10:以恢复模式启动 Mac(Method 10: Boot Mac in Recovery Mode)
修复 macOS 安装失败错误的另一种故障排除方法是登录到恢复(Recovery)模式,然后继续安装。
注意:在切换到恢复模式进行软件更新之前,(Note:) 请(Make)确保Mac已连接到稳定的互联网连接。
1.如前所述,单击Apple 图标(Apple icon)>重新启动。(Restart)

2. MacBook重新启动时,按住键盘上的Command + R keys。
3. 等待大约20 秒(20 seconds)或直到您在屏幕上看到Apple 标志。(Apple logo)
4. 成功登录恢复模式后,使用Time Machine 备份(Time Machine backup)或安装新操作系统选项(Install the new OS option)以正常处理更新。
方法 11:使用外部驱动器(Method 11: Use External Drive)
此方法比本指南中提到的所有其他故障排除方法要复杂得多。但是,如果您有足够的头脑,您可以尝试使用外部驱动器作为可启动媒体(using an external drive as bootable media)来下载您的软件更新。
方法 12:联系 Apple 支持(Method 12: Contact Apple Support)
如果上述方法均无法解决此问题,请联系Apple 支持(Apple Support)以获得进一步的指导和支持。您可以访问您附近的Apple Store或通过他们的官方网站与他们联系。
我们希望本指南有助于修复 macOS 安装失败错误(fix macOS installation failed error),并避免在笔记本电脑上安装 macOS 时发生错误。请告诉我们哪种方法适合您。在下面的评论部分留下您的建议和疑问!
How to Fix macOS Installation Failed Error
There are ѕeveral things that ѕet a Windows lаptop and a MacBook apart; one of these being Software Update. Every operating system update brings in important security patches as well as advanced features. This helps the user to upgrade their experience with the devices they use. The macOS update process is easy and straightforward. On the other hand, the operating system update on Windows is quite time-consuming. Even though downloading the new macOS seems simple, it may pose issues during installation for some users, such as an error occurred installing macOS. With the help of this guide, we can ensure a sure-shot solution to fix macOS installation failed error.

How to Fix macOS Installation failed Error
The reasons behind the failed installation of macOS can be:
Busy Servers: One of the most common reasons for an error occurred installing macOS is overburdened Apple servers. As a result, your download may be unsuccessful, or it may take an entire day to process.
Low Storage Space: If you have been using your MacBook for a significant amount of time, then the chances are that you have utilized a significant chunk of storage. Insufficient storage won’t allow proper download of the new macOS.
Internet Connectivity Issues: If there is a problem with your Wi-Fi, the macOS software update may get interrupted or macOS installation failed error may occur.
Points to Remember
- If your Mac is over five years old, it would be best to not attempt an update and stick to the Mac operating system you are currently running on your device. A new update could potentially, and needlessly overburden your system and lead to catastrophic errors.
- Moreover, always back up your data before opting for a system update. Since any hindrance in the installation process may forcibly lead to a Kernel error i.e. reboot of MacOS repeatedly as Mac gets stuck between two versions of operating systems.
Method 1: Check the Log screen
If you are noticing that the installer on your screen is stuck in the download process, chances are that the download is not stuck in reality, it just seems to be so. In this scenario, if you click on the cross icon, the files may download imperfectly. To check if the download is processing properly, follow the given steps:
1. While observing the progress bar, press Command + L keys from the keyboard. This will show you more information about the download in progress.
2. In case, the download is stuck, you would be able to see that no additional files are being downloaded.
Method 2: Ensure Internet Connectivity
Many users have faced this issue because either their Wi-Fi connection was not proper or there was a DNS error. Make sure that your Mac is online before initiating the update.
1. Check if your internet is working properly by opening any website on Safari. If there are issues, restart your router.
2. Refresh Wi-fi on your system by toggling it off and then, on from the Apple Menu.
3. Check router DNS: If there are custom DNS names set up for your Mac, then they have to be checked as well.
4. Perform an online speed test to check the strength of your connection. Refer given pic for clarity.

Also Read: Slow Internet Connection? 10 Ways to Speed up your Internet!
Method 3: Clear Storage Space
As mentioned above, another common issue is low storage space on a disk. Our general usage utilizes a lot of space on the disk. Therefore, when there is lesser space on your computer, the installer may not download properly, or it may trigger an error occurred installing macOS problem.
Note: You need 12 to 35 GB on your computer to install the latest macOS Big Sur.
A quick way to clear up some space is by deleting the unwanted pictures/apps, as instructed below:
1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Click on Storage in General Settings, as shown below.

3. Select the app that you want to delete and click Delete App.
Method 4: Un-enrol from macOS Beta Version
The download of new updates could get blocked if your Mac is currently operating on the Beta version of macOS. Un-enrolling from Beta updates could help fix macOS installation failed error. Here’s how to do so:
1. Click on Apple icon > System Preferences.
2. Here, click on Software Update.

3. Now, click on the Details option located under This Mac is enrolled in the Apple Beta Software Program.

4. Click Restore Defaults to unenroll from Beta updates.
This should fix the macOS installation failed error. If not, try any of the succeeding methods.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Fix Safari Won’t Open on Mac
Method 5: Download Installer via App Store/Apple Website
Method 5A: Through App Store
In several cases, people have reported that their macOS installation failed when they downloaded the update from System Preferences. Moreover, users who still use macOS Catalina complained of an error stating: the requested version of macOS couldn’t be found displayed on the screen when they tried to update their macOS through Software Update. Therefore, you can try downloading the software from the App Store to fix macOS installation failed error.
1. Launch the App Store on your Mac.
2. Here, search for the relevant update; For example: macOS Big Sur.

3. Check the Compatibility of the chosen update with your device model.
4. Click on Get, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Method 5B: Through Apple Website
In order to stop receiving this error, one can also try downloading the Mac installer directly from the Apple website. The differences between the two installers are:
- The installer downloaded from the website, downloads a lot of additional files as well as the data required for all Mac models. This ensures that the files which have gotten corrupt are renewed, and the installation takes place seamlessly.
- On the other hand, the installer that gets downloaded through the App Store or through System Preferences downloads only those files that are relevant to your Mac. Hence, the corrupt or outdated files do not get a chance to repair themselves.
Method 6: Download macOS via MDS
This is an alternative to download macOS update files. MDS or Mac Deploy Stick is an in-built Mac tool. This app can reinstall or uninstall a macOS automatically.
Note: MDS should be downloaded & installed during the macOS installation process.
1. The MDS App is available through web pages of various developers, the preferred one being MDS by TwoCanoes.
2. Click on Free Download and run the installer.

3. Launch the MDS App and select the macOS version you wish to download and install on your Mac.
You should be able to download the said update without facing macOS installation failed error. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In
Method 7: Turn On Content Caching
Another technique to fix macOS installation failed error is by turning on content caching. This function reduces the bandwidth that is required for a successful download and helps speed up the installation process. Several users could cut down on their download time by turning on this function. Follow the given steps to do the same:
1. Click on the Apple menu and select System Preferences.
2. Click on Sharing option, as shown.

3. Click on Content Caching from the left panel, as depicted below.

4. In the pop-up menu, make sure that:
Cache Size is Unlimited, and
All Content is selected.
5. Restart the Mac and then try the installation.
Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode
This method is about continuing your installation in the Safe Mode. Fortunately, all the background download and launch agents are blocked in this mode, which tends to promote successful macOS installation. To boot your Mac in the Safe Mode, follow the given steps:
1. If your computer is switched on, tap on the Apple icon from the top left corner of the screen.
2. Select Restart, as shown.

3. While it restarts, press and hold the Shift key.

4. Once you see the login screen, you can release the Shift key.
This should fix macOS installation failed error.
Method 9: Reset PRAM Settings
Resetting the PRAM settings is a great alternative to troubleshoot any issues pertaining to the operating system. The PRAM and NVRAM store important settings such as the resolution of your display, brightness, etc. Therefore, resetting the PRAM and NVRAM settings may also help fix avoid an error occurred installing macOS. Here’s how to do so:
1. Turn off the MacBook.
2. Now, Switch it On by pressing the Power button.
3. Press Command + Option + P + R keys on the keyboard.
4. Release the keys after you see the Apple logo appear.

Note: The Apple logo will appear and disappear thrice during the process.
5. After this, the MacBook should reboot normally and device installation should be glitch-free.
Also Read: How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut
Method 10: Boot Mac in Recovery Mode
Another troubleshooting method for fixing macOS installation failed error is by logging into Recovery mode and then, proceeding with the installation.
Note: Make sure that Mac is connected to a stable internet connection before switching to the recovery mode for software update.
1. Click on the Apple icon > Restart, as earlier.

2. While your MacBook restarts, press and hold the Command + R keys on the keyboard.
3. Wait for about 20 seconds or until you see the Apple logo on your screen.
4. When you successfully log into the recovery mode, use Time Machine backup or Install the new OS option for your update to process normally.
Method 11: Use External Drive
This method is a lot more complicated than all the other troubleshooting methods mentioned in this guide. However, if you have the brains for it, you can try using an external drive as bootable media to download your software update.
Method 12: Contact Apple Support
If none of the aforementioned methods help fix this issue, contact Apple Support for further guidance & support. You can visit the Apple Store near you or contact them through their official website.
We hope this guide helped fix macOS installation failed error and avoided an error occurred installing macOS on your laptop. Do tell us which method worked for you. Leave your suggestions and queries in the comment section below!