Raspberry Pi(Raspberry Pis)越来越受欢迎,这不足为奇。当您使用Raspberry Pi时,您可以用很少(so little)的资源做很多事情(so much)。这些在Linux上运行的微型计算机便携且价格合理,通常使它们成为您项目的完美解决方案。
为您的 Pi 准备一个保护套以使其免受环境影响是个好主意。您永远不知道会发生什么——您可能会将饮料洒在您的树莓派上,或者不小心将回形针滑入断路,从而损坏您可爱的小奇迹计算机。虽然您当然可以购买(purchase )一个案例,但任何拥有3D 打印机(3D printer)的人都可以从各种案例设计中进行选择,以便在家中打印。

我们将查看Raspberry Pi 4、Raspberry Pi 3、Raspberry Pico的最酷案例设计样本,以及针对特定情况和目标的一些不寻常的定制案例设计。所有这些 3D 打印的Raspberry Pi外壳设计都可以在(Raspberry Pi)Thingiverse上免费获得。
适用于Raspberry Pi 4(Raspberry Pi 4)的 3D 打印外壳
下面列出的案例非常适用于Raspberry Pi 4及其变体。

John Sinclair为Pi 4设计了一个可容纳 40 毫米风扇的机箱。辛克莱(Sinclair)说,这款风扇的设计目的是无需胶水或螺丝即可装入机箱盖。值得注意的是,它的印刷没有顶层或底层,这使得填充物可见,并赋予此表壳独特的六边形外观。

英国工程师蒂姆·斯基尔曼(Tim Skillman(Tim Skillman))想出了这种通风良好的外壳设计,无需胶水或螺丝即可滑动在一起。机箱本身分为两部分,设计还包括一个单件式壁挂架。
盖子是可定制的;端口带有标签,并且很容易移除Micro SD卡,这是其他机箱设计难以做到的。

如果你在你的 Pi 上加了一顶覆盖整个电路板的帽子,你会想要让一些气流流通,这样你的 Pi 就不会过热。此案例旨在冷却电路板和覆盖整个电路板的帽子之间的空气。Michael Kellsy 的(Michael Kellsy’s)设计通过安装在电路板下方的风扇的管道引导空气。
适用于Raspberry Pi 3(Raspberry Pi 3)的 3D 打印外壳
Raspberry Pi 3的 3D 打印外壳设计不乏设计。这里有两个旨在给人留下深刻印象。

如果您在Thingiverse(Thingiverse)上搜索 3D 打印的Raspberry Pi机箱,该机箱很可能会出现在搜索结果的顶部。由Thingiverse 上的用户0110-MP提供,(0110-M-P)这个案例(this case)设计已被下载超过 169,000 次,并有超过 288 个混音,这意味着其他设计师已经对这个原始设计进行了重复。
它与Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+和Model B以及Raspberry Pi 2 Model B(Models B)和 B+ 兼容。它有一个用于 Pi 摄像头的访问插槽、内置的VESA安装卡舌,以及将外壳安装到Raspberry Pi的螺旋式设计。它通过知识共享 - 署名 - 相同方式共享(Commons – Attribution – Share Alike)许可证获得许可。

Maker Malolo为我们提供了一个无需任何螺丝或胶水的易于打印的外壳。卡扣式设计纤薄紧凑,配备三种不同的支架:立式、卧式和平式。
适用于Raspberry Pi Pico(Raspberry Pi Pico)的 3D 打印外壳
Raspberry Pi Pico是一款小巧、快速的微控制器板,仅需 4 美元。惊人的(Amazing)。它相对较新,因此还没有很多 3D 案例设计,但下面的案例设计之一应该可以满足您的需求。

这个来自David Becerro(David Becerro)的可定制案例设计包括几个设置。它分为两部分印刷,并且都有带有孔的版本,如果您使用针条,您将需要这些孔。请注意,所需螺钉的孔没有螺纹,因此请拿出螺丝刀。

Adafruit Industries为您的Pi Pico带来了一个可爱的小乐高(Lego)盒子。这种设计与乐高(LEGO)兼容。它具有内置支架,因此您的Pico可以直接卡入底板。外壳有两个按钮开关的空间。
专业 3D打印 Raspberry Pi 外壳(Printed Raspberry Pi Cases)
3D 打印的部分吸引力在于测试疯狂的想法既快速又便宜。查看这些不同用例的不同寻常的案例设计。

你(Are)是那种喜欢让一切都出去玩的人吗?如果是这样,这就是你的情况。Tim Murphy的这款机箱的开放式设计允许您放置一个外部风扇,使其直接在散热器上吹气。它是其他几种设计的混搭,从每一种设计中汲取精华,并将它们全部放在这个创新的外壳设计中。

设计师Walter Hsiao为我们带来了一个可折叠的Raspberry Pi 保护(Raspberry Pi)套,它可以打印平整,然后包裹在您的 Pi 周围。它适用于Pi 2型号 B 和 B+ 以及Pi 3型号 B 和 B+。您需要两个平头螺钉将它们固定在一起。
Daniel Reinke,被称为SliderBOR,我们得到了带有OLED和电源开关的(Power Switch)RackPi Raspberry Pi Rack Shield。该设计具有一个OLED信息屏幕,带有一个用于重启和关闭 Pi 的按钮以及一个LED状态灯。

在Raspberry Pi 4B和 3B+ 上,开关将完全关闭 Pi,但您需要一些额外的耗材来打印此设计。SliderBOR 的说明会带您了解打印和组装整个项目的所有材料和步骤。
10 Best 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Cases
Raspberry Pis are getting more рopular, and it’s no wonder. You can do so much with so little when you use a Raspberry Pi. These tiny computers that run on Linux are portable and affordable, often making them the perfect solution for your projects.
It’s a good idea to get a case for your Pi to shield it from its environment. You never know what can happen—you could spill a drink on your Pi or accidentally slide a paperclip into an open circuit causing damage to your sweet little wonder computer. While you can certainly purchase a case, anyone with a 3D printer can choose from a wide variety of case designs to print at home.

We’ll look at a sampling of the coolest case designs for Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pico, as well as some unusual custom case designs for specific circumstances and goals. All these 3D printed Raspberry Pi case designs are freely available on Thingiverse.
3D Printed Cases for the Raspberry Pi 4
The cases listed below work great for the Raspberry Pi 4 and its variants.

John Sinclair has designed a case for the Pi 4 that accommodates a 40mm fan. Sinclair says that the fan is designed to fit into the case’s lid without the need for glue or screws. Notably, it is printed with no top or bottom layers, which makes the infill visible and gives this case its distinctive hexagonal look.

British engineer Tim Skillman came up with this well-ventilated case design that slides together without the need for glue or screws. The case itself comes in two parts, and the design also includes a single-piece wall mount.
The lid is customizable; the ports are labeled, and it’s easy to remove the Micro SD card, something that can be difficult to do with other case designs.

If you’ve added a hat to your Pi that covers the entire board, you’re going to want to get some airflow going so your Pi doesn’t overheat. This case is designed to cool the air between the board and hats that cover the entire board. Michael Kellsy’s design directs air through a duct from a fan mounted beneath the board.
3D Printed Cases for the Raspberry Pi 3
There’s no shortage of designs for 3D printed cases for the Raspberry Pi 3. Here are two that are designed to impress.

If you search for 3D printed Raspberry Pi cases on Thingiverse, this case is likely to appear at the top of the search results. Offered by user 0110-M-P on Thingiverse, this case design has been downloaded over 169,000 times and has over 288 remixes, which means that other designers have riffed on this original design.
It’s compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and Model B as well as the Raspberry Pi 2 Models B and B+. It’s got an access slot for a Pi camera, built-in VESA mounting tabs, and a screw-together design that mounts the case to the Raspberry Pi. It’s licensed through a Creative Commons – Attribution – Share Alike license.

Maker Malolo has given us an easy-to-print case that doesn’t require any screws or glue. The snap-fit design is slim and compact, and it comes with three different kinds of stands: vertical, horizontal, and flat.
Even if you don’t have a multi-material printer, you can print a case with multiple colors by following his multi-color printing instructions. Be sure to click through the photos to get an idea of some different color combinations you could use.
3D Printed Cases for the Raspberry Pi Pico
The Raspberry Pi Pico is a tiny, fast microcontroller board that costs just four dollars. Amazing. It’s relatively new, so there aren’t many 3D case designs for it yet, but one of the case designs below should suit your needs.

This customizable case design from David Becerro includes several setups. It’s printed in two parts, and both have versions with holes which you’ll need if you use a pin strip. Note that the holes for the required screws are not threaded, so get out your screwdriver.

Adafruit Industries brings us a cute little Lego case for your Pi Pico. This design is compatible with LEGO. It has built-in standoffs, so your Pico will snap-fit right onto the base plate. The enclosure has space for two switches for buttons.
Specialty 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Cases
Part of the lure of 3D printing is that it’s fast and cheap to test out crazy ideas. Check out these unusual case designs for several different use cases.

Are you the kind of person who likes to let it all hang out? If so, this is the case for you. The open design of this case by Tim Murphy allows you to position an external fan so it’s blowing directly on the heatsink. It’s a mashup of several other designs, taking the best from each and putting them all together in this innovative case design.
Murphy, who goes by knowledgecravings, calls himself a novice designer, but you wouldn’t know it.
Cat owners beware, however! The designer of this case warns, “One serious downside of an open case design is that a curious cat might decide that it’s fun to stop the fan with a claw and then bite it.”

Designer Walter Hsiao brings us a folding Raspberry Pi case that prints flat and then wraps around your Pi. It’s available for The Pi 2 models B and B+ and the Pi 3 models B and B+. You’ll need two flathead screws to hold it all together.
From Daniel Reinke, known as SliderBOR, we get the RackPi Raspberry Pi Rack Shield with OLED and Power Switch. This design features an OLED info screen with a button for rebooting and shutting down the Pi as well as an LED status light.

On the Raspberry Pi 4B and 3B+, the switch will turn the Pi completely off, but you’ll need some extra supplies to print this design. SliderBOR’s instructions take you through all the materials and steps to print and assemble the whole project.