在我们的手机上观看低质量视频的日子已经一去不复返了。随着技术的飞速发展,我们已经开始使用手机在YouTube、Instagram、Netflix、Amazon Prime Video、Hulu、HBO等上观看在线视频。(online videos)尽管如此(Nevertheless),许多Android用户仍然喜欢离线下载他们的视频文件并观看它们只要他们愿意。唯一的区别是,有令人惊叹的第三方应用程序可以让您在不受任何干扰的情况下观看高质量的视频。
Android手机上的这些第三方视频播放器除了提供简单的视频流功能外,还提供许多功能。现在有一系列功能强大且具有未来感的视频播放应用程序,可让您随时随地在Android智能手机上享受完整的家庭影院体验。(home theatre experience)

10 个最佳免费 Android 视频播放器应用程序(Best Free Android Video Player Apps)(2022 年)
下面,我们列出了您可能会喜欢的 2022 年最佳 Android视频播放器!(Video Players)
#1. MX Player

如果您经常在手机上观看视频,那么您可能肯定听说过视频播放器(Video player) - MX Player for Android。这是一个超级强大的视频播放应用程序,界面简单但功能先进。该应用程序具有多种格式的字幕支持,如DVD、DVB、SSA、MicroDVD、SubRip、VobSub、Substation Alpha、Teletext、JPS、WebVTT、Sub Viewer 2.0等。
它还具有字幕手势的自定义。您可以通过来回滚动或移动它们的位置来控制它们,甚至可以放大和缩小它们。视频播放器(video player)还允许您在屏幕上放大和缩小。
MX 播放器声称是(MX player)Android设备上第一个允许多核解码的视频播放器(Video player)应用程序。它具有硬件加速功能(hardware acceleration feature),可在最近推出的HW+ decoder
该应用程序不仅限于观看视频;它有一个名为-MX 文件(MX File)共享的文件共享功能,可帮助您与朋友共享视频,而无需使用任何数据(data usage)。除了视频之外,您还可以共享音乐和文件。(share music and files)
如果您是一位担心孩子喜欢在手机上观看视频时随机滚动的家长,MX Player也可以在这里为您提供帮助。他们有一个称为儿童锁(Kids Lock)的功能。它将防止您的孩子在观看视频时拨打任何电话或使用其他任何东西。所以,您可以放心,将您孩子的所有卡通节目保存在MX Player上,让他们尽情享受。
总的来说,该应用程序很棒,而且是免费的。它确实包含广告,有时可能很烦人。该应用程序已在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得 4.4 星评级,可供下载。
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#2. VLC for Android

我相信每个人都在他们的桌面上使用过VideoLabs的(VideoLabs)VLC媒体播放器。但是你知道有一个单独的视频播放器(video player),名为VLC For Android由同一开发者为你的(Android)Android 体验(Android experience)带来所有好处吗?使用它来播放本地视频文件、音频文件,甚至网络流、网络共享、DVD ISO(DVD ISOs)和驱动器。它是桌面 VLC(Desktop VLC)的便携式版本。
创建媒体库并轻松离线浏览您的视频。在观看视频时,没有干预和应用内购买给您带来麻烦。适用于Android的VLC支持所有格式,例如 MKV< AVI、MOV、Ogg、MP4、TS、FLAC和AAC。字幕得到很好的支持,例如图文电视(Teletext)和隐藏式字幕等格式。
该应用程序支持自动旋转、控制手势和纵横比旋转调整,以获得更好的视频观看体验。VLC for Android支持多轨音频,并在(multi-track audio)主屏幕(home screen)上提供音频小部件。在音频控制或更改音频耳机控件时,此小部件使事情变得非常简单快捷。你也有一个完整的音频文件库。无论您的音频格式多么奇怪,VLC都可以让您播放。该应用程序还允许您流式传输到Chromecast。
总之,它是您Android上(Android)视频播放器(video player)的绝佳选择。它通过均衡器、过滤器和完整的数据库提供高质量的流媒体。这是一款免费应用程序,在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中被评为 4.4 星。你可以从那里下载它。
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#3. Plex

另一个适用于Android用户的免费但令人惊叹的视频播放器应用程序是(video player application)Plex。您可以在Windows 台式机或笔记本电脑(Windows desktop or laptop)上组织所有媒体文件,如音频、视频和照片,然后在Android 设备上的(Android device)Plex 应用程序(Plex app)上浏览它们。
这款适用于 android 的第三方视频播放器(video player)不仅适用于离线内容,也适用于在线流媒体。它支持 200 多个频道和YouTube(YouTube)等热门网站,您可以在其中在线流式传输内容。
对于那些手机(phone storage)内部存储空间不足,但又喜欢离线观看许多视频和媒体的人来说,Plex是一个不错的选择。由于您在手机上查看的媒体是从您的计算机流式传输的,因此不会占用(occupy space)您设备上的空间。这是Plex 应用程序(Plex app)的最佳功能之一。现在观看和下载视频时,您绝对可以无压力!
您也可以将其用作音乐播放器(music player)。它具有来自TIDAL的强大音乐流媒体功能,包括数百万条高品质配乐以及约 2,50,000 个音乐视频(music videos)供您欣赏。个性化(PersonalisedPodcast)的播客推荐可帮助您发现更多信息。该应用程序具有出色的免费功能,例如远程访问、安全、铸造、艺术品、评级等。
如果您的Android 设备(Android device)内部存储或 SD 卡上有任何视频,您可以在(storage or SD card)Plex 应用程序(Plex app)的时尚界面中观看它们。
有一个 Premium Plex 版本(Plex version),它增加了许多新功能,如电影预告片、家长控制、无线同步(wireless syncing)和音乐歌词。此版本的价格约为 4.99 美元。
该应用程序可在Google Play 商店(Google Play store)下载。它的评分为 4.2 星。它包含广告以及应用内购买。
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#4. Archos Video Player

如果您希望在您的AndroidTV、平板电脑(Tablets)或智能手机上获得不折不扣的视频观看体验,那么爱可视视频播放器(Archos Video Player)是一个不错的选择。它是 Android 用户中流行的视频(Android)播放(users)器(video player)。这是因为它支持所有文件,甚至包括MKV、MP4、AVI、FLV和WMV。爱可视视频播放器(video player)的界面非常简单,控件也非常简单。
您可以从台式机或笔记本电脑(desktop or laptop)、外部USB 存储设备(USB Storage)以及他们统一的在线内容集合中播放视频。它还从IMDb 等(IMDb and others)网站检索电影和电视节目的信息。这将使您更容易决定要观看的内容。
这款Android 视频(Android video)播放器的一些出色功能包括服务器、NAS 支持(NAS Support)、对 3D Android TV的 3D 支持、用于调整音频电平的夜间模式,以及对(Night mode)Nexus播放器、NVidia SHIELD TV和Rock Chip的集成支持。
这个应用程序提供的浏览功能是老式的和经典的。它向您显示您最近播放和添加的视频;让您可以按季节浏览电视剧,也可以按名称、类型、 IMDB收视率和时长浏览电影!(Series)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)适用于Android的20 个最佳照片编辑应用程序(Best Photo Editing Apps)
它基本上就像免费的Netflix,具有附加功能但选择有限。要购买爱可视视频播放器的完整版,您需要播放大约 1 美元的少量费用。从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)安装后,可以通过应用内购买进行购买。
该应用程序拥有 3.9 星评级和用户好评。该应用程序仅兼容Android 4.0及以上版本。
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#5. BS Player

适用于Android-BS Player(Android- BS Player)的流行硬件加速视频播放应用程序。这个已经存在了很长时间,并且及时达到了顶峰。BS播放器具有多(BS player)核硬件(Multi-core hardware)解码等强大功能,大大提高了播放速度(playback speed),同时降低了电池消耗(battery consumption)。因此,在长途旅行中,BS Player可以成为您的好伙伴。
BS Player具有多个音频流并支持多种字幕格式(外部和嵌入式)。您也可以从未压缩的RAR 文件(RAR Files)、外部 USB 驱动器(External USB Drives)、共享驱动器(Shared Drives)、PC 共享文件夹和多个NAS 服务器(NAS Servers)播放视频。
这款Android 视频(Android video)播放器还支持多种移动USB ,例如Nexus媒体导入器、USB 主机控制器(USB Host Controller)等。
BS Player的免费版本会让你有点恼火的广告。您可以通过购买此应用程序的付费版本来摆脱这些广告。付费版本为 5.99 美元。它还将包含一些您可能会喜欢的附加功能。
该应用程序在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得 4 星评级。它可以在Play 商店(play store)下载。
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#6. LocalCast

适用于Android的本地Cast 应用程序(Cast app)是您的绝佳投射解决方案(casting solution)。无论是视频、音乐,甚至是图片;你可以全部施放。Local cast 应用程序在全球拥有超过 1000 万用户。它在Google Play 商店(Google Play store)中获得了 4.2 星的好评,可供下载。
您可以使用Fire TV镜像应用程序(Mirroring Apps)将媒体投射到Chromecast、Roku、Nexus Player、Apple TV、Amazon Fire TV Stick、SmartTV(SmartTVs)、Sony Bravia、Panasonic等。使用Fire TV镜像应用程序(Mirroring Apps)。您甚至可以投射到 Xbox 360、Xbox One和其他符合 DLNA(DLNA compliant)的服务。虽然,您必须知道Chromecast仅支持少数几种格式和编解码器。
适用于Android的(Android)Local Cast 应用程序(Local Cast app)的其他一些功能包括缩放(Zoom)、旋转和平移(rotate and Pan)、SMB 访问(SMB Access)和字幕(Subtitles)。仅当您拥有Apple TV 4或Chromecast时,(Chromecast)字幕(Subtitles)才能发挥作用。
您甚至可以在DropBox 和 Google Drive等(DropBox and Google Drive)云服务(Cloud service)应用上进行流式传输。此应用程序可能不具备此列表中其他适用于Android用户的(Android)视频播放器应用程序(video player apps)所具备的所有功能,但它的投射功能(casting function)非常出色。
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#7. Xender

虽然 Xender 已进入2022 年最佳 Android 视频播放器应用程序列表(Best Android Video Player Apps list),但您应该知道它更多的是文件共享应用程序而不是视频播放器(video player)。然而,它很好地发挥了基本的视频播放作用。文件共享包括通过移动数据与附近拥有 Xender 的人共享视频、音频和其他媒体。通过 Xender 共享速度快如闪电。
Xender应用程序(Xender app)可用于轻松播放大多数格式的音乐和视频(music and video)。遗憾的是,它不具备上述视频播放器中提到的任何高级功能或播放选项。如果您对观看和分享视频文件的需求不是很高级,您可以下载这个多用途的Android 应用程序(Android application)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 个最佳 Android 屏幕录像机应用程序(Best Android Screen Recorder Apps)
我推荐这个应用程序的原因是因为它是免费的,并且通过 Xender 与朋友和家人快速分享视频简直是完美的。它具有更多功能,例如文件管理器(File manager),智能手机数据(Smartphone data)克隆,将视频(Video)转换为音频文件等。
适用于 Android的Xender 应用程序(Xender app)有多种语言版本。它在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得 4.5 星评级,并且可以在商店本身下载。
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#8. KMPlayer – All Music and Video Player

正如它的名字所提到的,KM Player非常适合作为音乐播放器(music player)和Android设备的(Android)视频播放(video player)器。您命名字幕或音频格式;KM Player是播放它的完美实用播放工具(utility playback tool)。
他们的更新很频繁,而且总是挤满了很棒的附加功能。视频播放(video play)允许播放高清视频(definition video playback)。如果您想要全高清体验(HD experience),甚至是 4K、8K 或UHD 体验(UHD experience),KM Player将迅速提供。
您可以在播放视频时放大和缩小,甚至可以左右反转。播放速度最多可自定义 4 倍。您甚至可以自定义和个性化字幕的颜色、大小和位置。KM Player内置的均衡器让您的音乐体验(music experience)提升三倍。有一个搜索选项(search option)可以快速访问您想要观看的音乐文件和视频选项。您只需添加URL即可在此(URL)Android 视频(Android video)播放器上播放来自互联网的任何视频。
KM Player支持播放来自外部存储设备或云服务的视频和音频。它的一项独特功能称为KMP Connect,允许您从您的Android 小工具(Android gadget)在您的 PC 上播放视频。界面美观简洁,为您提供增强的观看体验(viewing experience)。
KM 播放器在(KM Player)Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得了 4.4 星的极好评价。您可以从这里免费下载安卓应用程序。
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#9. Wondershare Player

使用Wondershare 视频播放器(Wondershare video player),您的Android 设备(Android device)将获得的不仅仅是简单的视频播放。Android 视频(Android video)播放器有很多优点,可以让您的体验更好、更愉快。您可以在这款出色的播放器上发现大量在线视频,还可以观看您设备上已有的视频。
该应用程序允许您在无缝观看视频的同时在设备之间切换。您可以在笔记本电脑、PC、智能手机、AndroidTV之间切换。您甚至可以通过Wi-Fi 传输(Wi-Fi transfer)在您的安卓设备上播放保存在您 PC 上的文件。
Wondershare 播放器(Wondershare player)最好的一点是它支持所有媒体格式和编解码器,这很罕见,因此使其在其他Android 视频(Android Video)播放器中脱颖而出。该应用程序还支持嵌入的字幕文件。
Google Play商店将Wondershare 视频播放器(video player)评为4.1 星。您可以从Play 商店(play store)本身下载它。
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#10 Video Player All Format – X Player

适用于Android(Android)设备的X 播放器(X player)应用程序是一款专业的视频播放实用程序(video playback utility)。该应用程序支持任何视频格式;一些包括MP4、MKV、M4V、WMV、 TS 、RMVB、AVI、MOV等。您也可以在此观看 4K 和超高清视频(HD Video)文件。它还提供了极大的安全感,因为它可以保护您的私人视频免受可能在您手机上的其他人的侵害。
它还支持在Chromecast的帮助下将媒体投射到电视上,并为您的视频文件提供出色的硬件加速。(hardware acceleration)您可以使用此播放器在分屏、背景或弹出窗口中播放视频。该应用程序支持字幕下载器。
一些很棒的附加功能包括夜间模式(night mode)、快速静音和播放速度自定义。您不仅可以观看,还可以轻松管理和共享视频内容。
该应用程序是Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中最好的应用程序之一,并获得 4.8 星的超高评价。这是一个无与伦比的应用程序,可能永远不会让您失望。
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凭借X 播放器(X player),列表中最后但最好的,我们已经结束了 2022 列表中最好的 Android视频播放器。(Video)我希望您现在确定哪个应用程序最能支持您的需求和媒体格式。
- 适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳广播应用程序
- 15 种最佳 Google Play 商店(Play Store)替代品
- 16款适用于 iPhone 的最佳 Web 浏览器( (Best Web Browsers)Safari 替代品(Safari Alternatives))
这是一份全面且经过充分研究的清单。所以你可以无所畏惧,从google play store下载你想要的。请告诉我们您对下载的用于在Android 手机(Android Phone)上播放视频的应用程序的喜爱程度。请(Please)在评论部分给我们留下一个小评论。
10 Best Free Android Video Player Apps (2022)
The dayѕ of watching lоw-quality videos on our phones have long gonе. With technology develoрing at a rapid paсe, we have stаrted using our phones to watch online videos on YоuTube, Instagram, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO, etc. Neverthelesѕ, many Android users still love downloading their videо filеs offline and watching them whenever theу please. The only difference is that there are amazing third-party apps that allow you to watch videоs in high qualіty without аny interfеrеnce.
These third-party video players on Android phones offer many features apart from the simple video streaming ones. There is a range of powerful and futuristic video playing apps available now that will give you the full home theatre experience anywhere, on your Android smartphones.

10 Best Free Android Video Player Apps (2022)
Below, we have listed the best Android Video Players in 2022 that you might love!
#1. MX Player

If you watch videos on your phone a lot, you might have definitely heard of the Video player – MX Player for Android. This is a super powerful video playing app with a simple interface but advanced features. The app has great subtitle support with several formats like DVD, DVB, SSA, MicroDVD, SubRip, VobSub, Substation Alpha, Teletext, JPS, WebVTT, Sub Viewer 2.0, and more.
It also has customizations for subtitle gestures. You can control them by scrolling back and forth or move their position and even zoom in and out on them. The video player allows you to zoom in and out on the screen as well.
MX player claims to be the first Video player app on Android devices to allow multi-core decoding. It has a hardware acceleration feature, which can be applied to videos with the assistance of the HW+ decoder, recently launched.
The app is not just limited to video watching; it has a file-sharing feature called- MX File Sharing to help you share videos with a friend without any data usage. You can share music and files, too, apart from videos.
If you are a worried parent whose kid loves scrolling randomly while watching videos on your phone, MX Player can help you out here too. They have a feature called the Kids Lock. It will prevent your child from making any calls or using anything else while watching a video. So, you can rest assured and save all your child’s cartoon shows on MX Player and let them enjoy it.
Overall, the app is great, and it is free of cost. It does contain ads, which can be annoying at times. The app has starred a 4.4 rating on the Google Play Store, where it is available for download.
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#2. VLC for Android

I am sure that everyone has used the VLC media player By VideoLabs on their desktop. But did you know that there is a separate video player called VLC For Android by the same developer that brings all the goodness to your Android experience? Use it to play local video files, audio files, and even network streams, network shares, DVD ISOs, and drives. It is a portable version of the Desktop VLC.
Create a media library and easily browse your videos offline. There is no intervention and no in-app purchase to trouble you while watching your videos. The VLC for Android supports all formats, like MKV< AVI, MOV, Ogg, MP4, TS, FLAC, and AAC. Subtitles are well supported, formats like Teletext and Closed captions.
The application supports auto-rotation, gestures for control, and aspect-rotation adjustments for a better video watching experience. VLC for Android supports multi-track audio and also provides a widget for audio on the home screen. This widget makes things very easy and quick when it comes to audio control or changing the audio headset controls. You have a complete library for audio files too. No matter how weird your audio format might be, VLC will allow you to play it. The app also allows you to stream to Chromecast.
All over, it is an excellent option for a video player on your Android. It provides high-quality streaming with equalizers, filters, and a complete database. It is a free app, rated at 4.4-stars on the Google Play Store. You can download it from there.
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#3. Plex

Another free yet amazing video player application for Android users is Plex. You can organize all your media files like audios, videos, and photos on your Windows desktop or laptop and then browse them on the Plex app on your Android device.
This third-party video player for android is great not just for offline content but also for online streaming. It supports 200+ channels and popular websites like YouTube, where you can stream content online.
For those who fall short of space on the internal phone storage, but love having many videos and media offline, Plex is a great option. Since the media that your view on your phone is streamed from your computer, it won’t occupy space on your device. This is one of the best features of the Plex app. You absolutely can be tension-free while watching and downloading videos now!
You can use this as a music player as well. It has great music streaming abilities from TIDAL and includes millions of high-quality soundtracks and also around 2,50,000 music videos for you to enjoy. PersonalisedPodcast recommendations to help you discover more. The app has great free functions like remote access, security, casting, artwork, ratings, etc.
If you possess any videos on your Android device internal storage or SD card, you can watch them in the Plex app’s stylish interface.
There is a Premium Plex version, which adds many new features like movie trailers, parental controls, wireless syncing, and lyrics for music. The price for this version stands around $4.99.
The app is available for download on the Google Play store. It has a rating of 4.2-stars. It contains ads as well as in-app purchases.
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#4. Archos Video Player

If you wish to have an uncompromised video viewing experience on your AndroidTV, Tablets, or smartphones, then Archos Video Player is a great option. It is a popular video player among Android users. This is because it supports all files, even MKV, MP4, AVI, FLV, and WMV. The interface of the Archos video player is pretty simple and has really simple controls.
You can play videos from your desktop or laptop, external USB Storage, and also from their unified collection of online content. It also retrieves information for movies and TV Shows from sites like IMDb and others. This will make it easier for you to decide what to watch.
The subtitles format that Archos supports is- SUB, SRT, SMI, ASS, and some others.
Some great features of this Android video player include server, NAS Support, 3D support for 3D Android TV, Night mode to adjust audio levels, and integrated support for Nexus players, NVidia SHIELD TV, and Rock Chip.
The browsing features that this app provides are old school and classic. It shows you the recent videos you played and added; lets you browse TV Series by seasons and movies by name, genre, IMDB ratings, and duration too!
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There is a private mode where you can watch without leaving any footsteps in your history. The subtitles can be manually adjusted and synced, just like the audio and the video.
It is basically like free Netflix with added features but limited choice. To buy the Archos Video Player’s full version, you need to play a tiny amount of around $1. The purchase can be made through in-app purchases, once you install it from the Google Play Store.
The app has a 3.9-star rating and good reviews from its users. The app is only compatible with Android 4.0 and above versions.
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#5. BS Player

Popular hardware-accelerated video playing application for Android- BS Player. This one has been around for a very long time and has made its way to the top in time. The BS player possesses some great features like Multi-core hardware decoding, which majorly improves playback speed and, at the same time, reduced battery consumption. So on long road trips, BS Player can be a great buddy to you.
The BS Player features multiple audio streams and supports several subtitle formats (external as well embedded). You can playback videos from uncompressed RAR Files, External USB Drives, Shared Drives, PC shared folders, and several NAS Servers too.
This Android video player also supports several on-the-go USB like Nexus media importer, USB Host Controller, and more.
The free version of the BS Player will annoy you a little with advertisements. You can get rid of these ads by buying the paid version of this application. The paid version stands at $5.99. It will also consist of some additional features that you might enjoy.
The app has a 4-star rating on the Google Play Store. It is available for download on the play store.
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#6. LocalCast

The local Cast app for Android is a great casting solution for you. Be it videos, music, or even pictures; you can cast them all. There are more than 10 million users of the Local cast app world-wide. It has a great rating of 4.2 stars on the Google Play store, where it is available for download.
You can cast media to Chromecast, Roku, Nexus Player, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, SmartTVs, Sony Bravia, Panasonic, and more using Fire TV Mirroring Apps. using Fire TV Mirroring Apps.. You can even cast to Xbox 360, Xbox One, and other DLNA compliant services. Although, it is essential for you to know that Chromecast only supports a select few formats and codecs.
Few other features of the Local Cast app for Android include Zoom, rotate and Pan, SMB Access, and Subtitles. Subtitles are only functional if you have an Apple TV 4 or Chromecast.
You can even stream on Cloud service apps like DropBox and Google Drive. This app might not possess all the features that other video player apps for Android users on this list do, but it performs its casting function very well.
The app is essentially a free one, but it does come with in-app purchases.
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#7. Xender

While Xender has made it to the Best Android Video Player Apps list in 2022, you should know that it is more of a file-sharing app than a video player. Yet, it plays the basic video playing role very well. The file-sharing includes video, audio, and other media sharing through mobile data with those who possess Xender are in your vicinity. The sharing is lightning fast through Xender.
The Xender app can be used to play most of the formats for music and video with ease. Sadly, it does not possess any advanced features or playback options like those mentioned in the video players above. If your need for watching video files and sharing them is not very advanced, you can download this multi-purpose Android application.
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The reason I suggest this app is because it is free, and sharing videos quickly with friends and family is simply perfect through Xender. It has some more functions like File manager, Smartphone data cloning, converting Video to audio files, etc.
The Xender app for android is available in several languages. It has a 4.5-star rating on Google Play Store and is available for download on the store itself.
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#8. KMPlayer – All Music and Video Player

As mentioned in its name, KM Player is great as a music player and well as a video player for Android devices. You name the subtitle or audio format; KM Player is the perfect utility playback tool to play it.
Their updates are frequent and always jam-packed with great add-on features. The video play allows high definition video playback. If you want a full HD experience or even a 4K, 8K, or UHD experience, KM Player will quickly provide it.
You can zoom in and out while playing videos and even invert it, left and right. The speed of playback is open to customization up to 4 times. You can even customize and personalize the colour, size, and position of the subtitles. The equalizer built within the KM Player makes your music experience three-fold better. There is a search option for quick access to music files and video options you want to watch. You can play any video from the internet on this Android video player by simply adding the URL.
The KM Player supports the playing of videos and audios from external storage devices or cloud services. One of its unique features, called KMP Connect, allows you to play videos on your PC from your Android gadget. The interface is beautiful and simple to provide you with an enhanced viewing experience.
The KM Player has an excellent rating of 4.4-stars on the Google Play Store. You can download the android app from here for free.
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#9. Wondershare Player

With Wondershare video player, your Android device will get a lot more than just simple video playback. The Android video player has loads of goodness to make your experience better and more enjoyable. You can discover loads of online videos and also watch the ones already on your device, on this great player.
The app allows you to switch between the devices while watching your videos seamlessly. You can switch between your laptop, PC, smartphone, AndroidTV. You can even play the files saved on your PC on your android device through Wi-Fi transfer.
The best thing about the Wondershare player is that it supports all media formats and codecs, which is rare and therefore makes it stand out amongst other Android Video players. The app also supports embedded subtitle files.
The Google play store rated Wondershare video player at 4.1-stars. You can download it from the play store itself.
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#10 Video Player All Format – X Player

The X player application for Android devices is a professional video playback utility. The app supports any video format; some include MP4, MKV, M4V, WMV, TS, RMVB, AVI, MOV, and more. You can watch 4K and ultra HD Video files on this as well. It also provides a great sense of security as it protects your private videos from others who might be on your phone.
It also supports your media’s casting to the television, with the help of Chromecast, and provides excellent hardware acceleration to your video files. You can play video in split-screen, background, or in a pop-up window with this player. The app supports subtitle downloaders.
Some great add-on features include the night mode, quick mute, and playback speed customizations. You can not only watch but also manage as well as share video content easily.
The app is one of the best in the Google Play Store and has a super high rating of 4.8-stars. This is an unbeatable application that will probably never disappoint you.
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With X player, last but the best on the list, we have come to an end on the best Android Video players in the 2022 list. I hope that you are now sure about which app will support your needs and media formats the best.
This is a comprehensive and well-researched list. So you can be fearless and download the one you want from the google play store. Do let us know how you liked the application you downloaded for playing videos on your Android Phone. Please leave us a small review down there in the comments section.