无论是简单的情人节(Day)贺卡还是可爱的DIY 创意(DIY creation),任何礼物都是来自您所爱的人的好礼物。但是,如果您花时间和精力(put time and effort)选择真正特别的东西,那就更好了。如果你的另一半喜欢科技和小玩意(tech and gadgets),你应该给他们一些他们最欣赏的东西——适合他们兴趣的科技礼物(tech gift)。
如果您正在努力想出一个完美的情人节礼物(Day gift)创意,或者相反 - 无法从多种选择中进行选择 - 我们在这里帮助您为技术爱好者挑选最好的书呆子情人节礼物(Valentine gift)你的生命。
本礼品指南(gift guide)包括适用于各种预算和用途的技术礼品。我们将从更便宜的选择开始,然后升级到更昂贵的小工具,这样您就可以为您最喜欢的书呆子找到完美的礼物,无论您的预算有多大或多小。
1.一个带有他们名字的网站域名(A Website Domain with Their Name)
价格(Price):每年 2 至 20 美元。
如果您的伴侣(partner doesn)还没有自己的网站,那么为他们购买网站域名(website domain)对于任何假期都是一个好主意,而不仅仅是情人节。如果他们是内容创作者(content creator),带有他们品牌名称的(brand name)网络域(web domain)是获得更多曝光的途径。万一(case one)他们的某个帖子在网上疯传,他们已经有了一个额外的平台可以与全世界分享。
即使他们还不是内容创建世界(content creation world)的一部分,拥有一个以您的名字注册的网页也是对未来的一项巨大投资。你可以去像GoDaddy这样的网络注册中心,用他们的名字注册一个域名。如果您想走得更远一点,您可以为一个布局简单的网页付费,并在网上放置他们的社交网站或链接到他们的内容。
价格(Price):17 美元起。
什么比戒指更能说明我爱你?只有一个智能环。当然,您可以从Etsy为您所爱的人购买精美的手工戒指,但真正的极客很可能会对一种很酷的新型可穿戴设备——NFC OPN智能戒指更感兴趣。
这款戒指的功能主要类似于智能手表:它可以控制您的智能手机应用程序(smartphone apps)、传输数据,甚至可以处理佩戴者的非接触式支付。它也是防水的,不需要经常充电。最好的部分是它的成本(t cost)并不高,因此即使您的预算紧张,您也可以得到它。
价格(Price):19.99 美元起。
另一个很酷的小工具,可以作为一个很棒的书呆子情人节礼物(Day gift)是环形灯(ring light)。它会让你在Zoom电话会议上看起来更好,帮助你创建质量更好的TikTok 视频(TikTok videos)和Instagram自拍。简而言之,对于home and/or在社交媒体网络上花费大量时间的任何人来说,这都是一份很棒的礼物。
环形灯有各种形状和大小。您可以通过一个简单的夹子将其连接到笔记本电脑上,获得一个独立的灯(standalone light),或者获得一个带有智能手机支架(smartphone holder)和三脚架 的完整创作者捆绑包。(creator bundle)
价格(Price):25 美元起。
你(Are)喜欢实用的礼物吗?那么Tile Mate 蓝牙追踪器(Tile Mate Bluetooth tracker)是您能找到的最好的情人节礼物。(Day gift)Tile Mate是一款蓝牙追踪器(Bluetooth tracker),可以连接到钥匙链、背包或任何设备或物品(device or thing)上,然后可以通过智能手机应用程序(smartphone app)进行追踪。
这款小型防水瓷砖可以在 250 英尺距离内跟踪您的物品,如果您的物品超出此范围,您可以使用Tile 智能手机(Tile smartphone)应用程序在地图上查看其最近的位置。另一个方便的功能是使用Tile查找您的手机。当您双击Tile(Tile)上的按钮时,即使您的智能手机处于静音状态,您的智能手机也会响起。Tile Mate是一份很棒的礼物,不仅是送给您所爱的人,也是送给总是失去一切的最好朋友。
价格(Price):39 美元起。
如果您害怕挑选您的伴侣不喜欢或不使用的令人失望的礼物,请查看指压颈部(Shiatsu neck) 按摩枕(massage pillow)。凭借强大的 3D 旋转按摩节点和温和的加热功能(heating function),指压颈部(Shiatsu neck) 按摩枕(massage pillow)是送给伴侣的真正浪漫礼物。
您的亲人每次使用指压枕(Shiatsu pillow)按摩颈部时都会想起您,无论是在疲惫的体育活动之后还是在办公室度过漫长的一天之后。加热功能(heating function)有助于缓解他们可能出现的任何肌肉疼痛(muscle pain),并且可以随时打开和关闭。同时,按摩节点每分钟自动改变方向,进行有效的深层揉捏按摩,放松过度使用和紧绷的肌肉。
虽然专为颈部按摩器(neck massager)设计,但指压颈部(Shiatsu neck) 按摩枕(massage pillow)可用于您身体的任何部位。
价格(Price):109.95 美元。
你的伴侣(partner one)是那些煮了一杯咖啡,把它放在桌子上,直到它变冷才忘记它的人之一吗?Ember温控(Ember temperature)智能马克杯可以为他们解决这些问题。
这款智能咖啡杯(coffee mug)一次充电可将饮品保持在您选择的温度下长达一小时,如果您将杯子放在充电杯垫(charging coaster)上,则可以更长时间。它也适用于冷饮!无论(Whether)您想让饮料保持热还是冷,与智能手机配对的Ember 马克杯都可以完成这项工作。(Ember mug)您所爱的人不必担心咖啡会变冷,而他们正忙着做早晨的例行公事(morning routine)。
价格(Price):299 美元。
如果您的情人(Valentine)了解他们的流行文化,这里有一个适合您的约会建议(date idea):在工作了一天之后,在家中安排一场浪漫的电影给他们一个惊喜。(movie setup)使用Heyup Boxe便携式投影仪,您可以在任何地方营造家庭影院(home theater)氛围:这款 1080P 投影仪重量轻、便携,可提供高质量的画面(quality picture)。
您所需要的只是找到一堵纯白的墙壁,拉上百叶窗,然后将Heyup Boxe连接到智能手机、笔记本电脑或硬盘驱动器。然后,您可以在客厅(living room)甚至花园中享受家庭影院体验。(home theater experience)想象一下你的伴侣回到家,看到你在大屏幕上播放他们最喜欢的哈利波特(Harry Potter)、星球大战(Star Wars)或星际迷航的部分。(Star Trek)这一定会成为他们(情人节)的一天。
价格(Price):329 美元起。
那些想给亲人一些革命性(something revolutionary)的东西的人应该看看LOVE 转盘(LOVE Turntable)。它是第一款使用传统触控笔读取唱片、连接蓝牙和 Wi-Fi(Bluetooth & Wi-Fi)并可通过智能手机控制的智能黑胶唱片播放器。(vinyl record player)任何发烧友都希望得到这个小工具。
LOVE转盘在静止唱片上逆时针转动。您可以将其连接到智能手机,并在有或没有应用程序的情况下使用它。LOVE允许您跳过和重复曲目、控制音量以及选择不同的RPM速度。这款转盘将黑胶唱片和模拟声音(vinyl and analog sound)的老式感觉和特色(feel and specialty)与智能家居的数字发明相结合。
价格(Price):389 美元起。
您不必成为内容创作者就可以欣赏相机作为礼物。Insta360 One X2 可拍摄 360 度视频和照片(video and photos),并可使用 4 个立体声麦克风捕捉 360 度音频。它完全防水达 10m,因此您在户外拍摄时不必担心下雨或下雪。(rain or snow)得益于可录制标准 150 度视频 的 Steady Cam 模式(Cam mode), One X2 还可用作运动相机。(action camera)
Insta360 One X2 是您与伴侣一起拍摄有趣的情人节照片和视频的完美礼物。如果您对视频创作很认真,您可以考虑购买带有这款相机的Insta360捆绑包之一。(Insta360)一个很好的例子是一个隐形自拍杆(selfie stick),您可以在后期制作过程中将其从镜头中移除。
价格(Price):590 美元起。
就像便携式投影仪的想法,但不确定它是否对游戏有好处?看看优质便携式投影仪ViewSonic M2e。它具有便携式投影仪的所有优点,例如体积小、重量轻(size and lightweight)(M2e仅重 1 公斤),但它也是一款无所不能的广播设备(broadcasting device)。
ViewSonic M2e提供任何游戏玩家都会欣赏的令人印象深刻的视觉效果,而集成的Harman Kardon(Harman Kardon)扬声器则提供出色的音频。使用(Use)Wi-Fi等智能连接选项进行无线屏幕(wireless screen)镜像,并在大屏幕上从智能手机获取图像。或者简单地使用USB-C 端口从(USB-C port)Nintendo Switch直接单线流式传输。M2e将负责其余的工作,并确保您和您的伴侣喜欢一起玩电子游戏。
不要只给他们另一张礼品卡 (Don’t Give Them Just Another Gift Card )
与其给您所爱的人赠送礼品卡(gift card)、T 恤或无聊的贺卡(greeting card),您可以为他们准备一份独特的礼物,让这个情人节变得特别。(Day)您可以从亚马逊(Amazon)或官方网站获得我们列表中的大部分内容。
10 Best Nerdy Valentine Gifts For the Technophile in Your Life
Any gift іs a great gift if it’ѕ coming from your loved one, whether it’s a simple Valentine’s Day card or a сute DIY creation. However, it’s even better when you’ve put time and effort into choosing something truly special. If your significant other is into tech and gadgets, you should gеt them something they’ll appreciate the most – a tech gift that wіll suіt their interests.
In case you’re struggling to come up with a perfect Valentine’s Day gift idea, or on the contrary – can’t choose from a great variety of options – we’re here to help you pick the best nerdy Valentine gift for the technophile in your life.
This gift guide includes tech gifts for various budgets and purposes. We’ll start with the cheaper options and move up to the more expensive gadgets so that you can find the perfect gift for your favorite nerd, no matter how big or small your budget is.
1. A Website Domain with Their Name
Price: from $2 to $20 per year.
If your partner doesn’t have their own website yet, buying them a website domain is a great idea for any holiday, not just Valentine’s day. If they’re a content creator, a web domain with their brand name is a doorway for more exposure. In case one of their posts goes viral, they’ll already have one extra platform to share it with the world.
Even if they aren’t a part of the content creation world (yet), having a web page registered to your name is a great investment for the future. You can go to a web registry like GoDaddy and register a domain with their name. If you want to go a little further, you can pay for a web page with a simple layout and place their socials or link to their content online.
Price: from $17.
What says I love you better than a ring? Only a smart ring. Of course, you can get a fancy handmade ring for your loved one from Etsy but a true geek will most likely be more excited by a cool new wearable type – an NFC OPN smart ring.
This ring functions mostly like a smartwatch: it can control your smartphone apps, transfer data, and even take care of the wearer’s contactless payments. It’s also waterproof and doesn’t require frequent charging. The best part is that it doesn’t cost much, so you can get it even if you’re on a tight budget.
Price: from $19.99.
Another cool gadget that makes for a great nerdy Valentine’s Day gift is a ring light. It’ll make you look better on conference calls in Zoom, help you create better quality TikTok videos, and Instagram selfies. In a nutshell, it’s a great gift for anyone who works from home and/or spends a lot of time on social media networks.
Ring lights come in all shapes and sizes. You can get a standalone light with a simple clip for attaching it to the laptop, or get a whole creator bundle with a smartphone holder and a tripod.
Price: from $25.
Are you into practical gifts? Then the Tile Mate Bluetooth tracker is the best Valentine’s Day gift that you can find. Tile Mate is a Bluetooth tracker that attaches to a keychain, a backpack, or any device or thing for that matter and can then be tracked via a smartphone app.
This small water-resistant tile can track your belongings within 250ft distance, and if your item is outside this range you can use the Tile smartphone app to see its most recent location on a map. Another handy function is finding your phone using Tile. When you double press the button on your Tile, your smartphone rings even if it’s on silent. Tile Mate is a great gift not only for your loved one but also for that best friend that always loses everything.
Price: from $39.
If you’re scared of picking a disappointing gift that your partner won’t like or use, have a look at the Shiatsu neck massage pillow. With the powerful 3D rotating massage nodes and gentle heating function, the Shiatsu neck massage pillow is a truly romantic gift for your partner.
Your loved one will think of you every time they’re using the Shiatsu pillow to massage their neck, whether it’s after exhausting sports activities or after a long day in the office. The heating function helps soothe any muscle pain they might have and can be turned on and off at any time. At the same time, the massage nodes automatically change direction every minute for an effective deep-kneading massage to relax overused and tight muscles.
Although designed specifically as a neck massager, the Shiatsu neck massage pillow can be used anywhere on your body.
Price: $109.95.
Is your partner one of those people who makes a cup of coffee, leaves it on the table, and forgets about it until it gets cold? The Ember temperature control smart mug can solve these problems for them.
This smart coffee mug can keep a drink at the temperature of your choice for up to one hour on a single charge or longer if you keep the mug on its charging coaster. It works with cold drinks too! Whether you want your drinks to stay hot or cold, the Ember mug paired with your smartphone can do the job. Your loved one won’t have to worry about the coffee getting cold while they’re busy doing their morning routine.
Price: $299.
If your Valentine knows their pop culture, here’s a date idea for you: After a long day at work, surprise them with a romantic movie setup at home. Using the Heyup Boxe portable projector, you can create a home theater atmosphere anywhere: this 1080P projector is lightweight, portable, and delivers a quality picture.
All you need is to find a plain white wall, draw the blinds, and connect your Heyup Boxe to a smartphone, laptop, or hard drive. Then you can enjoy the home theater experience right in your living room, or even in your garden. Imagine your partner coming home and seeing you playing their favorite part of Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Star Trek playing on the big screen. It’s bound to make their (Valentine’s) day.
Price: from $329.
Those who want to give their loved one something revolutionary should have a look at the LOVE Turntable. It’s the first smart vinyl record player that reads records with a traditional stylus, connects to Bluetooth & Wi-Fi, and can be controlled by your smartphone. Any audiophile would love to get their hands on this gadget.
LOVE turntable turns counterclockwise on a still record. You can connect it to a smartphone and use it with or without the app. LOVE allows you to skip and repeat tracks, control the volume, and select different RPM speeds. This turntable combines the old-school feel and specialty of vinyl and analog sound with the digital inventions of the smart home.
Price: from $389.
You don’t have to be a content creator to appreciate a camera as a gift. Insta360 One X2 shoots 360-degree video and photos and can capture 360-degree audio using the 4 stereo mics. It’s fully waterproof up to 10m, so you don’t have to worry about rain or snow when shooting outdoors. The One X2 can also be used as an action camera thanks to the Steady Cam mode that records standard 150-degree videos.
Insta360 One X2 is a perfect gift that you can use to shoot funny Valentine’s day pictures and videos together with your partner. And if you’re serious about video creation, you can look into buying one of the Insta360 bundles with this camera. One great example is an invisible selfie stick that you can remove from the shot during post-production.
Price: from $590.
Like the idea of a portable projector but not sure if it’s any good for gaming? Have a look at the premium-tier portable projector the ViewSonic M2e. It comes with all of the advantages of a portable projector, like the small size and lightweight (the M2e weighs only 1kg) but it’s also a can-do-it-all broadcasting device.
The ViewSonic M2e offers impressive visuals that any gamer will appreciate, while the integrated Harman Kardon speakers provide excellent audio. Use smart connectivity options like Wi-Fi for wireless screen mirroring and get the image from your smartphone on the big screen. Or simply use the USB-C port for direct single-cable streaming from Nintendo Switch. The M2e will take care of the rest and make sure you and your partner enjoy playing video games together.
Don’t Give Them Just Another Gift Card
Instead of giving your loved one another gift card, a t-shirt, or a boring greeting card, you can make this Valentine’s Day special for them with a unique gift. Most of the things on our list you can get from Amazon, or the official website.
If you’re completely against giving materialistic gifts, check out Groupon and give them a gift of experience instead.