虽然每个人似乎都沉迷于最新的无线耳机或游戏耳机,但仍然有很多理由让您想要在办公桌上放一套好的专用 PC 扬声器。(dedicated PC speakers)多年来,扬声器(Speaker)技术已经有了很大的改进,您无需花费超过 100 美元即可获得可提供出色声音和充满房间音量的扬声器。在此预算范围内,您甚至可能会获得一两个奖励功能。
在电脑扬声器(Computer Speakers)中寻找什么
要做的一个重要决定是您需要 2.0 还是 2.1 设置。2.0 设置由两个扬声器组成,可再现整个音频范围。这些扬声器通常有两个或三个驱动器,覆盖不同的频率范围。然而,更小或更便宜的车型可能需要一名司机完成所有工作。2.1 扬声器组包括一个专用的低频低音炮,可为音频提供冲击力和深度。但是,这意味着您将需要更多空间和更多布线。
环绕声 PC 扬声器过去更为常见,今天仍然存在。但是,很少有人有空间或需要它们,而且您肯定不会以低于 100 美元的价格获得良好的环绕声。因此,我们将只关注 2.0 和 2.1 产品。
RMS(均方根)和PMPO(峰值音乐功率输出(Peak Music Power Output))评级通常都在包装盒上引用。重要的是RMS额定值,而不是峰值功率。这就是您的扬声器真正持续的力量,营销人员喜欢通过使用本质上毫无意义的PMPO评级来夸大他们的数量。
1. 100 美元以下的最佳 PC扬声器(Speakers Overall):Creative Labs Gigaworks T20 系列 II(Creative Labs Gigaworks T20 Series II)
- 美丽的(Beautiful)
- 高科技(High-tech)
- 巨大的声音(Great sound)
Creative Labs是 PC 扬声器皇室成员,从计算机多媒体的早期就已经存在。即使在集成声卡占领市场之后,该公司仍设法在计算机用户的高级音频设备上生存下来。
GigaWorks T20 系列 II(GigaWorks T20 Series II)扬声器套装表明Creative还可以将其一些最佳创意融入价格实惠的产品中。
在我们看来, T20(T20)的设计非常棒。它们引人注目,看起来很现代,同时也以某种方式混合了一点 90 年代的 PC 怀旧情绪。Creative使用玻璃纤维材料制作扬声器音盆,其专有的BasXPort技术仅意味着扬声器箱体被移植以增强低频声音。
当然,移植是所有品牌扬声器的常见做法,但 Creative 的观点是,他们已经完成了数学计算并创建了声学移植,这有助于T20在低音部分超越其重量并减少对低音扬声器的需求。
凭借 28W RMS(均方根)的输出功率,它们对于大多数人来说无疑已经足够响亮了,我们真的很喜欢Creative将辅助输入和耳机插孔放在右扬声器的前面。
这使得连接智能手机或其他需要快速访问优质扬声器的设备变得容易。这些产品提供了与广受赞誉的Bose Companion 2 系列 III(Bose Companion 2 Series III )多媒体扬声器类似的价值主张,但价格只是其中的一小部分。
- 紧凑而有吸引力(Compact and attractive)
- USB供电(USB Powered)
除了少数例外,笔记本电脑的扬声器几乎都很糟糕。你最好使用蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth headphones),这就是大多数人最终会做的事情。但是,如果您需要大声播放声音,例如在小型演示中或与其他人一起看电影时,您将需要扬声器。如果您不在办公室或家庭办公桌旁,那么这些扬声器必须是便携式的。
我们认为Creative Labs Pebble扬声器非常适合笔记本电脑旅行扬声器。它们可能有点偏大,可以放在您的邮差包中,但足够小,可以放入您的手提行李中。最重要的是,您不需要单独的电源适配器。Pebble 扬声器直接通过USB-C 供电。(USB-C.)对于计算机上没有USB-C端口的用户来说,这可能是个问题,但Creative已经想到了这一点。包装中包含一个USB -A 适配器,以及一根延长的USB电缆(如果您需要的话)。
遗憾的是,Pebble V2仅从USB端口获取电源,并且没有USB音频接口,因此您仍然必须使用 3.5mm 辅助输入。
就音频质量而言,您不能对只有一个高音喇叭大小的驱动器的扬声器抱有太多期望。从一个驱动器产生全频声音是一项挑战,但Creative Labs已尽力做到最好。
为此,Pebble VR配备无源辐射器以帮助提升低频范围和 45 度倾斜以帮助扩大声场并使音频更加丰富。只需确保将它们连接到功率至少为 10W 的USB端口,以便您获得总 8W (USB)RMS的声音。
用户报告说Pebble V2扬声器的音量适中,没有失真问题,并提供清晰的音频。如果您正在寻找不需要随身携带的紧凑型扬声器,请考虑Creative Pebble Plus 2.1,它在设置中增加了一个专用的低音扬声器,而且价格仍然低于 50 美元。
- 强大的声音(Powerful sound)
- 出色的声音分离(Great sound separation)
Cyber Acoustics选择为每个卫星扬声器配备两个 2 英寸驱动器,以便它们可以分担产生高音和中音的工作。这是获得没有失真的清晰音频的正确选择,因为每个扬声器都不会尝试使用单个扬声器锥体来调整产生全频音频的圆圈。
一个专用的 6.5 英寸向下发射低音炮处理低音任务,整个扬声器设置的额定功率为 48W RMS,这对于桌面扬声器系统来说已经很多了。CA-3908扬声器的最后一个值得注意的特点是带有大音量旋钮的漂亮音量控制盒。吊舱可以放在容易拿到的地方,让您控制音量、连接耳机和连接辅助音频源。
4. 最佳演讲者:漫步者惊呼(Edifier Exclaim)
- 惊人的设计(Amazing design)
- 带有实际低音炮的 2.0 系统(A 2.0 system with actual subwoofers)
Exclaim的独特设计具有实用性。每个扬声器单元的上部包含两个 1.5 英寸驱动器,用于处理高频和中频。每个上部还有一个三英寸的无源辐射器,以增强声音的丰富性。
每个扬声器单元的底座内都有一个 3 英寸的低音扬声器,巧妙地解决了 2.0 扬声器系统中缺乏低音扬声器的问题。当然,两个三英寸的低音扬声器不如一个六英寸的低音扬声器。由于它们在物理上无法实现相同的频率响应。然而,它比只有小型全频驱动器的 2.0 系统可以实现的要领先几英里。
5. 最适合音乐爱好者:漫步者 R1280T 有源书架音箱(Edifier R1280T Powered Bookshelf Speakers)
- 经典木纹设计(Classic woodgrain design)
- 适合音乐爱好者的特定音乐调音(Specific music tuning perfect for music lovers)
书架(Bookshelf)式扬声器是一类并非专门为 PC 使用而设计的扬声器,但适用于某些类型的用户。它们通常比电脑扬声器大,但它们的目的是放在书架、地幔或桌子上。
这些不适用于游戏玩家或需要为电影调音的人。相反,它们经过调整以提供精确、平衡的音乐再现。这是发烧友所寻找的音频调音,在我们 100 美元的预算内获得这样的以音乐为中心的扬声器令人印象深刻。然而,他们正在反对它。
假设(Suppose)您愿意多花 70 美元超出预算。在这种情况下,您可能需要选择R1700BT(R1700BTs),它提供蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接——对于书架式扬声器来说这是一项有用的功能,您可能希望将其设置在距离您更远的地方。
6. 最节省空间:罗技 Z130 紧凑型笔记本电脑扬声器(Logitech Z130 Compact Laptop Speakers)
- 小的(Small)
- 经济实惠(Affordable)
- 声音明显优于集成扬声器(Significantly better sound than integrated speakers)
罗技(Logitech)在 PC 扬声器市场享有盛誉,或者至少在某一时刻,他们是价格合理的优质扬声器的首选公司。我们认为这没有改变。只是扬声器不再是过去的主流外围设备。尽管如此(Nonetheless),罗技(Logitech)仍将优质的扬声器制造知识注入这些专注于笔记本电脑的微型扬声器中,以提供 5W RMS的稳定声音,而不会占用可用空间。
这些没有得到我们对最好的笔记本电脑扬声器的认可的主要原因是它们不是 USB 供电的并且不便携。您需要一个电源插座才能使它们正常工作,这意味着它们最好留在您的扩展坞中,以便您在家时使用笔记本电脑进行设置。
- 独立的高音喇叭(Separate tweeter)
- BasXPort 技术(BasXPort technology)
- 性价比高的好声音(Great sound for the price)
T10扬声器是 T 系列中最便宜的,但这并不意味着它们不好!这些是出色的 2.0 主扬声器,非常适合为笔记本电脑或共享的家庭计算机添加优质音频。
当然,就像 2.0 扬声器系统一样,您没有专用的低音炮,但Creative使用他们的声学数学(以BasXPort的形式)创建了一个端口扬声器箱,可以提升主驱动器的较低频率。
- 伟大的美学(Great aesthetics)
- 游戏耳机用户的完美伴侣(Perfect companion for gaming headset users)
游戏玩家。我们爱他们,我们就是他们,但一些视频游戏爱好者肯定对他们的计算机和外围设备中的RGB(RGB)照明有着不健康的热情。这并没有错,但这确实意味着将您的游戏 PC 预算的一部分用于购买不会让您的计算机运行得更快的漂亮灯光。
这就是Redragon GS520 Anvil出现的地方。这对价格实惠的扬声器配有RTB LED灯,在“城市”扬声器设计中以粗暴的斜线排列。
如果您从未听说过Redragon ,您可以原谅。该公司突然出现了一系列廉价的游戏外围设备,例如机械键盘(mechanical keyboards)和游戏鼠标。
起初我们持怀疑态度,但事实证明,Redragon 为了钱赚(Redragon)了一些不错的东西。如果您是预算有限的游戏玩家,并且想要具有清晰声音的有吸引力的扬声器,那么这是一个不错的选择。由于大多数游戏玩家在玩游戏时都使用耳机,因此GS520(GS520s)非常适合在游戏之间收听Discord聊天或观看YouTube 上(YouTube)的演练。
9.最(Best)适合预算音乐(Budget Music)制作人:Mackie CR-X 系列(Mackie CR-X Series)
- 为内容创作而调整(Tuned for content creation)
- 多个输入(Multiple inputs)
- 中性声音(Neutral sound)
Tese CR-X 显示器不适用于玩视频游戏或使用其他掌握的音频源。相反,它们是“监听器”,具有平坦、中性和平衡的声音,适合混合和制作您自己的音乐(producing music)或音轨。
令人惊奇的是,Mackie以 100 美元的价格推出了这款扬声器系统。即便是入门级的显示器也要上百元,主流的专业显示器很快就有几千元的价位区间。如果您开始制作音乐或创建具有良好混音的YouTube视频,这是一个很好的起点。(YouTube)
如果您的预算稍高,Mackie会制作带有(Mackie)蓝牙(Bluetooth)和USB音频接口的CR-X扬声器版本。您还可以使用专用的低音炮将它们制成更大的尺寸,最大可达 8 英寸。
10. 最佳蓝牙 PC 扬声器:Creative T15 无线蓝牙 2.0 电脑扬声器系统(Creative T15 Wireless Bluetooth 2.0 Computer Speaker System)
- 专用高音扬声器(Dedicated tweeters)
- 光滑的设计(Slick design)
- 蓝牙支持(Bluetooth support)
- BasXPort 技术(BasXPort technology)
此列表中的最后一位发言人是Creative(Creative) T 系列发言人的另一位成员。这只是表明Creative仍然知道 PC 用户想要从他们的扬声器中得到什么。
通常,T15比 T10 贵 20 美元,(T10s)但我们之前已经看到T15(T15s)降到T10的价格。因此,如果您要购买T10s ,请先查看(T10s)T15s上的当前价格标签。
我们在此处重点介绍的每个扬声器都为几乎每个用例提供了不同的聆听体验。从工作室监视器到紧凑型笔记本电脑扬声器,即使您只有 100 美元或更少的钱,每个人都能找到适合自己的东西。
如果单独的扬声器不适合您所需的音响系统,请不要忘记查看我们最好的 PC 条形音箱综述(best PC soundbar roundup),以获得最佳的单单元声音解决方案。
10 Best Computer Speakers for Under $100
While everyone seems to be obsessed with the latest wireless headphones or gaming hеadsets, there’s still a long list of reasons why уou want a good set of dedicated PC speakers on your desk. Speaker technology has improved a lot over the years, and you don’t need to spend more than $100 to get speakers that offer great sound and room-filling volume. You might even get one or two bonus features in this budget range.
What to Look for in Computer Speakers
Every user has different needs when it comes to desktop speakers. For some, sound quality matters the most. Especially if you want to consume video games, music, or movies, if you wish to have decent volume and watch casual content such as YouTube videos, your priority might be space or design.
One important decision to make is whether you want a 2.0 or 2.1 setup. A 2.0 setup consists of two speakers that reproduce the entire audio range. These speakers often have two or three drivers, covering different frequency ranges. However, smaller or cheaper models may have one driver do all the work. A 2.1 speaker set includes a dedicated low-frequency subwoofer that provides punch and depth to the audio. However, this means you’ll need more space and more wiring.
Surround-sound PC speakers used to be more common, and they are still around today. However, few people have the space or need for them, and you certainly aren’t getting a good surround set for under $100. So we’ll focus solely on 2.0 and 2.1 products.
Customers looking for computer speakers aren’t always adding speakers to a system that doesn’t have them. All laptops and many computer monitors have integrated speakers. However, these sounds are generally muddy, low-volume, and unappealing. Even cheap computer speakers are likely to be better than almost any integrated model, except for specific high-end devices.
RMS (root mean square) and PMPO (Peak Music Power Output) ratings are often both quoted on the box. It’s RMS ratings that matter, rather than peak power. That’s the true sustained power of your speakers, and marketers like to inflate their numbers by using the essentially meaningless PMPO rating.
- Beautiful
- High-tech
- Great sound
Creative Labs are PC speaker royalty and have been around since the early days of computer multimedia. Even after integrated sound cards took over the market, the company has managed to survive on premium audio equipment for computer users.
The GigaWorks T20 Series II speaker set shows that Creative can also put some of its best ideas into affordable products.
The design of the T20 is just fantastic, in our opinion. They are eye-catching and manage to look modern while also mixing in a little 90s PC nostalgia somehow. Creative has used glass fiber material for the speaker cones, and their proprietary BasXPort technology just means that the speaker cabinet is ported to enhance low-frequency sound.
Of course, porting is common practice for all brands of speakers, but Creative’s angle here is that they’ve done the math and created acoustic porting that helps the T20 punch above its weight in the bass department and reduces the need for a woofer.
Whether they succeeded is a matter of personal opinion, but based on the reviews, the bass and midbass of these speakers are about as good as the laws of physics will allow, given the budget and size limit.
With 28W RMS (root mean square) of output power, they’re undoubtedly loud enough for most people, and we really like that Creative have put the auxiliary input and headphone jack on the front of the right speaker.
This makes it easy to hook up a smartphone or other device that needs quick access to good speakers. These offer a similar value proposition to the widely-lauded Bose Companion 2 Series III multimedia speakers, but at a fraction of the price.
- Compact and attractive
- USB Powered
With a few exceptions, laptop speakers are almost all terrible. You’d be better off using Bluetooth headphones, and that’s what most people end up doing. However, if you need to play sound out loud, such as in a small presentation or while watching a movie with someone else, you’re going to need speakers. If you’re away from your office or home desk, then those speakers have to be portable.
We think that the Creative Labs Pebble speakers fit the bill perfectly for laptop travel speakers. They are perhaps a little on the large side to go in your messenger bag but small enough to fit in your hand luggage. Best of all, you don’t need a separate power adapter. The Pebble speakers get their power directly from USB-C. That might be a problem for users who don’t have a USB-C port on their computers, but Creative already thought of that. A USB-A adapter is included in the package, along with an extended USB cable should you need one.
Sadly, the Pebble V2 only draws power from the USB port and doesn’t have a USB audio interface, so you’ll still have to use the 3.5mm aux input.
You can’t expect too much from speakers that only have a single tweeter-sized driver in them in terms of audio quality. Producing full-range sound from one driver is a challenge, but Creative Labs have tried to make the best of it.
To that end, the Pebble VR has passive radiators to help boost the low range and a 45-degree tilt to help widen the sound stage and make the audio a little richer. Just be sure to connect them to a USB port with at least 10W of power so that you get the total 8W RMS of sound on offer.
Users report that the Pebble V2 speakers have decent volume, no distortion issues, and offer great clear audio. If you’re looking for compact speakers that don’t need to travel with you, consider the Creative Pebble Plus 2.1, which adds a dedicated woofer to the setup and still comes in under $50.
- Powerful sound
- Great sound separation
Most of us don’t need compelling speakers to get a good experience from our computers, but if you need room-filling sound from your computer that sounds good at high volumes, the CA-3908 looks like it should be at or near the top of your shortlist.
Cyber Acoustics has chosen to outfit each satellite speaker with two 2” drivers so that they can split the work of producing high- and midrange sound. This is the right choice to get clear audio with no distortion since each speaker isn’t trying to square the circle of producing full-range audio using a single speaker cone.
The satellite speakers are also outfitted with passive radiators to produce a rich tone that should come across as quite premium to non-audiophile ears. Whether they meet the high technical quality of much more expensive speakers is, after all, less important than the subjective audio experience. Reading through user reviews, it seems that most people consider the output from the CA-3908 to be quality sound with a rich bass response and clear, powerful sound.
A dedicated 6.5” downward-firing subwoofer handles bass duties, and the whole speaker setup is rated for 48W RMS, which is a lot for a desktop speaker system. The last noteworthy feature of the CA-3908 speakers is the nifty volume control pod with a large volume knob. The pod can be put in easy reach and lets you control the volume level, attach your headphones and connect auxiliary audio sources.
This is a tremendous overall speaker system, but there are a few caveats. First, some owners report crackling problems developing with their speakers. Luckily, it’s easy to return them on platforms like Amazon, so there’s not much risk in taking a chance on quality control problems.
- Amazing design
- A 2.0 system with actual subwoofers
It’s not the most admirable thing to focus on looks, and the Exclaim speakers are actually good, but just look at them. There’s something to be said for a design that delights the eye and serves as a conversation starter. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but it’s hard to imagine anyone disagreeing that the Exclaim is at least fresh and exciting.
The unique design of the Exclaim has a practical purpose. The upper part of each speaker unit contains two 1.5” drivers to handle high- and midrange frequencies. There’s also a three-inch passive radiator in each upper portion to enhance the richness of the sound.
Within the base of each speaker unit resides a three-inch woofer, neatly solving the lack of woofers in 2.0 speaker systems. Of course, two three-inch woofers are not as good as one six-inch woofer. Since they physically can’t achieve the same frequency response. However, it’s miles ahead of what 2.0 systems with only small full-range drivers can achieve.
- Classic woodgrain design
- Specific music tuning perfect for music lovers
Bookshelf speakers are a class of speakers that aren’t specifically designed for PC use but are suitable for certain types of users. They are generally larger than computer speakers, but they are intended to be put on a bookshelf, mantle, or desk.
Make no mistake, these are hefty speakers, and they aren’t explicitly designed for computers. However, apart from the dual RCA inputs you’d expect on speakers like these (for vinyl record players and other HiFi equipment), there are also two aux inputs. That means you can quickly hook up a computer and use these as your stereo speakers.
These are not for gamers or those who need sound tuned for movies. Instead, they are tuned to provide precise, balanced music reproduction. This is the audio tuning that audiophiles look for, and it’s impressive to get such music-focused speakers under our $100 budget. However, they are bumping up against it.
Suppose you are willing to go another $70 over budget. In that case you may want to opt for the R1700BTs, which offer Bluetooth connectivity—a useful feature for bookshelf speakers that you may want to set up at greater distances from you.
- Small
- Affordable
- Significantly better sound than integrated speakers
For many users who want better sound than they can get from the tiny built-in speakers in their laptops, space is at a premium. If you don’t have a whole desk or need space to do other types of work, such as drawing, you need small speakers that won’t take up much space when your laptop is tucked away.
Logitech has an excellent reputation in the PC speaker market, or at least at one point they were the go-to company for quality speakers at reasonable prices. We don’t think that’s changed. It’s just that speakers aren’t the mainstream peripheral they were in the past. Nonetheless, Logitech has poured premium speaker-making knowledge into these tiny laptop-focused speakers to offer a 5W RMS of solid sound without eating up the available room.
The main reason these didn’t get our nod for the best laptop speakers is that they aren’t USB-powered and aren’t portable. You need a power outlet to make them work, which means they are best left as part of your docking station set up for when you’re home with your laptop.
- Separate tweeter
- BasXPort technology
- Great sound for the price
The T10 speakers are the cheapest in the T-series, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t any good! These are fantastic primary 2.0 speakers perfect for adding good audio to a laptop or shared family computer.
The T10s look great in almost any setting. Creative hasn’t gone overboard here, sticking with clean lines, black and silver trim, and a timeless look that’s neither futuristic nor retro.
At this price, you’re not going to get a two-driver speaker system, but Creative has added a dedicated tweeter to each speaker so that you’ll get a clear separation between the mid and treble sound frequencies.
Of course, like a 2.0 speaker system, you don’t get a dedicated subwoofer, but Creative has used their acoustic math (in the form of BasXPort) to create a ported speaker cabinet that boosts lower frequencies from the main driver.
While Creative (and every other speaker maker) claims that this means you don’t need a subwoofer for deep bass, there’s still no substitute for a dedicated bass unit. If you’re on a very tight budget or just don’t have the space for a subwoofer, then the T10 are great general-purpose multimedia speakers.
- Great aesthetics
- Perfect companion for gaming headset users
Gamers. We love them, we ARE them, but some video game enthusiasts sure have an unhealthy enthusiasm for RGB lighting in their computers and peripherals. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean diverting part of your gaming PC budget to paying for pretty lights that don’t make your computer go any faster.
That’s where the Redragon GS520 Anvil comes into the picture. This extremely affordable speaker pair comes with RTB LED lights arranged in a brutal slash across the “urban” speaker design.
You can be forgiven if you have never heard of Redragon. The company appeared out of nowhere with a wide range of cheap gaming peripherals, such as mechanical keyboards and gaming mice.
We were skeptical at first, but it turns out that Redragon makes some decent stuff for the money. If you’re a gamer on a budget and want attractive speakers with clear sound, this is a great choice. Since most gamers use headsets while playing, the GS520s are perfect for listening to Discord chats or watching walkthroughs on YouTube between gaming sessions.
- Tuned for content creation
- Multiple inputs
- Neutral sound
Mackie may not be a brand with a lot of recognition in mainstream computing, but for musicians and music producers, Mackie is one of the most respected audio gear makers.
Tese CR-X monitors aren’t meant for playing video games or consuming other mastered audio sources. Instead, they are “monitors” built to have a flat, neutral, and balanced sound suitable for mixing and producing music or audio tracks of your own.
This is what’s meant by “studio quality” sound. The audio is a good reflection of what it sounds like without being colored through the speaker’s construction and tuning.
What’s amazing is that Mackie has managed to put this speaker system out for only $100. Even entry-level monitors cost hundreds of dollars, and mainstream professional monitors quickly have a price range of thousands of dollars. If you’re starting in music production or creating YouTube videos with a good audio mix, this is a great place to start.
If you have a slightly higher budget, Mackie makes versions of the CR-X speaker with Bluetooth and USB audio interfaces. You can also get them in larger sizes, up to eight inches, with a dedicated subwoofer.
- Dedicated tweeters
- Slick design
- Bluetooth support
- BasXPort technology
The last speakers on this list are yet another member of the Creative T-series of speakers. This just goes to show that Creative still knows what PC users want from their speakers.
The main feature we’re interested in here is support for Bluetooth devices. Since these are also Bluetooth speakers, you can easily port audio from your phone or tablet through them as needed.
At first glance, these may simply seem like the T10s with Bluetooth added, but they have significantly different designs. The T15 looks more modern and lacks the speaker grill of the T10s.
The T15s feature a dedicated tweeter in each speaker to handle treble sound and a BasXPort in each speaker cab to boost the bass coming from the driver. Therefore, you can expect sound at least as good as the T10s, but with a more attractive facade and wireless audio.
Usually, the T15 is a reasonable $20 more expensive than the T10s, but we’ve seen the T15s drop down to T10 prices before. So if you’re going to buy the T10s, check the current price tag on the T15s first.
For the Love of Good Sound
Every speaker we’ve highlighted here provides a different listening experience for just about every use case. From studio monitors to compact laptop speakers, there’s something for everyone, even if you only have $100 or less to spend.
If separate speakers aren’t the right fit for your desired sound system, don’t forget to check out our best PC soundbar roundup for the best single-unit sound solution.