根据设备的不同,查看已保存 WiFi 密码(view saved WiFi passwords)的方法在难度方面差异很大。与Android(Android)和 iOS等移动平台相比,在Windows和 macOS 上查看保存的(Windows)WiFi密码相对容易。除了特定于平台的方法外,还可以从其管理网页中发现WiFi网络的密码。(WiFi)但是,有些人可能会认为这是越界。
如何在各种平台(Windows、macOS、Android、iOS)上查看已保存的 WiFi 密码?(How to View Saved WiFi Passwords on Various Platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS)?)
在本文中,我们介绍了在 Windows、macOS、Android 和 iOS 等流行平台上查看之前连接的 WiFi 的安全密码的方法。(In this article, we have explained methods to view the security password of a previously connected WiFi on popular platforms such as Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.)
1. 在 Windows 10 上查找已保存的 WiFi 密码(1. Find Saved WiFi Passwords on Windows 10)
查看Windows计算机当前连接的(Windows)WiFi网络的密码非常简单。虽然,如果用户希望知道他们当前未连接但以前连接过的网络的密码,他/她将需要使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)或PowerShell。还有许多第三方应用程序可用于发现WiFi密码。
1.在运行命令框(Windows key + R)或搜索栏(Windows key + S)中键入控制或控制面板(Control Panel),然后按回车(press enter)键打开应用程序。
2. Windows 7 用户首先需要打开网络和 Internet(open the Network and Internet)项,然后单击网络共享中心(click on Network Sharing Center)。另一方面,Windows 10 用户可以直接打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。
3. 单击左侧的更改适配器设置超链接。(Change Adapter settings)
4. 在以下窗口中,右键单击(right-click )您的计算机当前连接的Wi-Fi ,然后从选项菜单中选择状态。(Status )
5. 单击无线属性(Wireless Properties)。
6. 现在,切换到安全(Security )选项卡。默认情况下,Wi-Fi的(Wi-Fi)网络(Network)安全密钥(密码)将被隐藏,勾选显示字符(tick the Show characters )框以查看纯文本密码。
要查看您当前未连接的 WiFi 网络的密码:(To view the password of a WiFi network you aren’t currently connected to:)
1.以管理员身份打开命令提示符或 PowerShell(Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator)。为此,只需右键单击“开始”菜单(right-click on the Start menu )按钮并选择可用选项。命令提示符(Command Prompt)( Admin ) 或Windows PowerShell ( Admin )。
2. 如果出现请求权限的用户帐户控制(User Account Control)弹出窗口,请单击是(Yes )继续。
3. 键入以下命令行。很明显,将命令行中的Wifi_Network_Name替换为实际的网络名称:
netsh wlan show profile name=Wifi_Network_Name key=clear
4. 就是这样。向下滚动到安全设置(Scroll down to the Security settings)部分并检查 WiFi 密码的密钥内容(Key Content)标签。
5. 如果您很难记住网络的名称或确切拼写,请按照以下路径获取您之前连接计算机的 WiFi 网络列表:(head down the following path to obtain a list of WiFi networks you have previously connected your computer to:)
Windows Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Known Networks
6. 您也可以在命令提示符或 Powershell 中运行以下命令(run the below command in the Command Prompt or Powershell)来查看已保存的网络。
netsh wlan show profile
前述,互联网上有多个第三方应用程序可用于查看WiFi密码。一个非常受欢迎的选择是Magical Jellybean 的 WiFi Password Revealer(WiFi Password Revealer by Magical Jellybean)。该应用程序本身的大小非常轻巧(大约 2.5 MB),除了安装它之外不需要任何其他步骤。下载.exe文件,安装并打开它。该应用程序会在主屏幕/第一个屏幕上向您显示已保存的WiFi网络列表及其密码。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 WiFi 网络未在 Windows 10 上显示(Fix WiFi Network Not Showing Up on Windows 10)
2. 在 macOS 上查看已保存的 WiFi 密码(2. View Saved WiFi Passwords on macOS)
与Windows类似,在 macOS 上查看保存的网络密码也非常简单。在 macOS 上,钥匙串访问应用程序存储所有先前连接的WiFi网络的密钥以及应用程序密码、各种网站的登录信息(帐户名/用户名及其密码)、自动填充信息等。应用程序本身可以在实用程序(Utility)中找到应用。由于敏感信息存储在其中,用户首先需要输入密码才能访问应用程序。
1. 打开Finder应用程序,然后单击左侧面板中的应用程序。(Applications )
2. 双击实用程序(Utilities )打开它。
3. 最后,双击Keychain Access应用程序图标将其打开。出现提示时输入钥匙串访问(Keychain Access)密码。
4. 使用搜索栏查找您之前可能连接过的任何WiFi网络。(WiFi)所有WiFi网络都归类为“机场网络密码(Airport network password)”。
5. 只需双击(double-click )WiFi 名称并勾选显示密码旁边的框(tick the box next to Show Password)即可查看其密码。
3. 在 Android 上查找已保存的 WiFi 密码(3. Find Saved WiFi Passwords on Android)
查看WiFi密码的方法因手机运行的Android版本而异。(Android)Android 10 及更高版本的用户可以欢欣鼓舞,因为Google添加了本机功能,供用户查看已保存网络的密码,但是,旧(Google)Android版本不提供相同功能。相反,他们需要 root 他们的设备,然后使用 root 文件浏览器查看系统级文件或使用ADB工具。
安卓 10 及以上:(Android 10 & above:)
1.下拉通知栏,然后长按系统托盘中的WiFi图标,打开WiFi设置页面。(WiFi)您也可以先打开“设置”(Settings )应用程序,然后前往以下路径 - WiFi & Internet > WiFi > Saved networks,然后点击您想知道密码的任何网络。
2. 根据您的系统 UI,页面看起来会有所不同。单击(Click)WiFi 名称下方的共享按钮。(Share )
3. 现在将要求您验证自己。只需输入您的手机 PIN 码(enter your phone PIN),扫描您的指纹或面部。
4.验证后,您将在屏幕上收到一个二维码,任何设备都可以扫描该二维码以连接到同一网络。在二维码下方,您可以看到纯文本的WiFi密码并将其传递给您的朋友。如果您看不到明文密码,请将二维码截图并上传至ZXing解码器在线(ZXing Decoder Online),将二维码转换为文本字符串。
旧安卓版本:(Older Android version:)
1.首先,root您的设备并下载可以访问根/系统级文件夹的文件资源管理器。(File Explorer)Solid Explorer 文件管理器(Solid Explorer File Manager)是较受欢迎的根浏览器之一,ES 文件浏览器(ES File Explorer)允许访问根文件夹而无需实际为您的设备设置根目录,但因犯有点击欺诈行为而被从Google Play中删除。(Google Play)
2. 点击文件浏览器应用程序左上角的三个水平破折号,然后点击root。在以下弹出窗口中单击是以授予所需的权限。(Yes )
4. 点击wpa_supplicant.conf文件并选择资源管理器的内置文本/HTML 查看器将其打开。
5.向下滚动(Scroll)到文件的网络部分并检查SSID标签以获取WiFi网络的名称以及相应的 psk 条目以获取密码。(注意:不要对 wpa_supplicant.conf 文件进行任何更改,否则可能会出现连接问题。)
与Windows类似,Android用户可以下载第三方应用程序(WiFi 密码恢复(WiFi Password Recovery))来查看保存的WiFi密码,但是,它们都需要 root 访问权限。
已root设备的用户还可以使用ADB工具查看保存的密码:(Users who have rooted their devices can also use ADB tools to view saved passwords:)
1.打开手机的开发者(Developer) 选项,(Options)开启USB调试(enable USB debugging)。如果您没有在设置(Settings)应用程序中看到开发人员选项,请转到关于手机并在(About Phone)内部版本号(Build Number)上点击七次。
2.在您的计算机上下载所需的文件(SDK 平台工具)并解压缩文件。(SDK Platform Tools)
3. 打开解压出来的platform-tools文件夹,按住shift键的同时( while holding down the shift key)右键(right-click )空白区域。从随后的上下文菜单中选择‘Open PowerShell/Command Window Here
4. 在PowerShell(PowerShell)窗口中执行以下命令:
adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
5. 上述命令将位于手机上data/misc/wifi 的 wpa_supplicant.conf 的内容复制到一个新文件中,并将该文件放在解压的 platform-tools 文件夹中。
6. 关闭提升的命令窗口并返回平台工具文件夹。使用记事本打开 wpa_supplicant.conf 文件。(Open the wpa_supplicant.conf file)滚动(Scroll)到网络部分以查找和查看所有已保存的 WiFi 网络及其密码。(find & view all saved WiFi networks and their passwords.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在不泄露密码的情况下共享 Wi-Fi 访问的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Share Wi-Fi Access without revealing Password)
4. 在 iOS 上查看已保存的 WiFi 密码(4. View Saved WiFi Passwords on iOS)
与Android设备不同,iOS 不允许用户直接查看已保存网络的密码。虽然,macOS 上的Keychain Access应用程序可用于在Apple设备之间同步密码并查看它们。在您的 iOS 设备上打开设置应用程序,然后(Settings )点击您的姓名(tap on your name)。接下来选择iCloud。点击钥匙串(Keychain )继续并检查切换开关是否设置为打开。如果不是,请点击开关以启用 iCloud 钥匙串(enable iCloud Keychain)并跨设备同步您的密码。现在,按照 macOS 标题下提到的方法打开Keychain Access应用程序并查看WiFi网络的安全密码。
但是,如果您没有Apple电脑,查看保存的WiFi密码的唯一方法是越狱您的 iPhone。互联网上有多个教程可以引导您完成越狱过程,但如果操作不正确,越狱可能会导致设备变砖。因此,请自行承担风险或在专家的指导下进行。设备越狱后,前往Cydia(用于越狱 iOS 设备的非官方 AppStore)(Cydia (Unofficial AppStore for jailbroken iOS devices))并搜索WiFi 密码(WiFi Passwords)。该应用程序不兼容所有 iOS 版本,但Cydia上有许多类似的应用程序可用。
5. 在路由器管理页面查看已保存的 WiFi 密码(5. View Saved WiFi Passwords on Router’s Admin Page)
查看您当前连接的WiFi网络密码的另一种方法是访问路由器的管理页面(路由器的IP 地址(IP address of the router))。要找出 IP 地址,请在命令提示符下执行ipconfig并检查默认网关(Default Gateway)条目。在Android设备上,长按系统托盘中的WiFi图标,然后在以下屏幕中,点击Advanced。IP 地址将显示在网关(Gateway)下。
您将需要管理密码才能登录和访问路由器设置。查看路由器密码社区数据库(Router Passwords Community Database),了解各种路由器型号的默认用户名和密码。登录后,检查无线(Wireless)或安全(Security)部分以获取WiFi密码。虽然,如果所有者更改了默认密码,那么您就不走运了。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够 在各种平台上查看和共享已保存 WiFi 网络的密码。(view and share the password of a saved WiFi network)或者,您可以直接再次向所有者询问密码,因为他们很可能会泄露密码。如果您在任何步骤中遇到任何问题,请在评论部分与我们联系。
How To View Saved WiFi Passwords on Windows, macOS, iOS & Android
Walking into a room and having your phone aυtomatically connect to the available WiFi is one of the best feelings ever. From the Wifi at оur workplace to the comicallу nаmed network at our best friеnd’s house, in the course оf owning a рhone, we connect it to several WiFi networks. With every place now poѕsessing a WiFi router, the liѕt of places is practіcally endleѕs. (Fоr example, Gym, school, your favourite restaurant оr cafe, library, etc.) Althoυgh, if yоu аre walking into one оf these places with a friend or another device, you mаy want to know the password. Of сourse, уou can simply ask for the WiFi password while awkwardly smiling, but what if you could view the password from a previously connected device and thus, avoid social interаction? Win-Win, right?
Depending on the device, the method to view saved WiFi passwords greatly varies in terms of difficulty. It is relatively easy to view a saved WiFi password on Windows and macOS compared to mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Apart from the platform-specific methods, one can also uncover a WiFi network’s password from its admin webpage. However, some may consider it as crossing the line.
How to View Saved WiFi Passwords on Various Platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS)?
In this article, we have explained methods to view the security password of a previously connected WiFi on popular platforms such as Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
1. Find Saved WiFi Passwords on Windows 10
Viewing the password of a WiFi network a Windows computer is currently connected to is very simple. Although, if the user wishes to know the password of a network they aren’t currently connected to but had previously, he/she will need to use the Command Prompt or PowerShell. There are also a number of third-party applications that can be used to uncover WiFi passwords.
Note: The user needs to log in from an administrator account (primary one if there are many admin accounts) to view passwords.
1. Type Control or Control Panel in either the Run command box (Windows key + R) or the search bar (Windows key + S) and press enter to open the application.
2. Windows 7 users will first need to open the Network and Internet item and then click on Network Sharing Center. Windows 10 users, on the other hand, can directly open the Network and Sharing Center.
3. Click on the Change Adapter settings hyperlink present on the left side.
4. In the following window, right-click on the Wi-Fi your computer is currently connected to and select Status from the options menu.
5. Click on Wireless Properties.
6. Now, switch to the Security tab. By default, the Network security key (password) for the Wi-Fi will be hidden, tick the Show characters box to see the password in plain text.
To view the password of a WiFi network you aren’t currently connected to:
1. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator. To do so, simply right-click on the Start menu button and select the option that is available. Either Command Prompt (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (Admin).
2. If a User Account Control pop-up requesting permission appears, click on Yes to continue.
3. Type the following command line. As obvious, replace the Wifi_Network_Name in the command line with the actual network name:
netsh wlan show profile name=Wifi_Network_Name key=clear
4. That’s about it. Scroll down to the Security settings section and check the Key Content label for the WiFi password.
5. If you are having a hard time recollecting the name or the exact spelling of the network, head down the following path to obtain a list of WiFi networks you have previously connected your computer to:
Windows Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Known Networks
6. You can also run the below command in the Command Prompt or Powershell to view saved networks.
netsh wlan show profile
Aforementioned, there are multiple third-party applications on the internet that can be used to view WiFi passwords. A very popular choice is the WiFi Password Revealer by Magical Jellybean. The application itself is pretty lightweight in size (around 2.5 MB) and doesn’t require any additional steps other than installing it. Download the .exe file, install and open it. The application presents you with a list of saved WiFi networks along with their passwords right on the home/first screen.
Also Read: Fix WiFi Network Not Showing Up on Windows 10
2. View Saved WiFi Passwords on macOS
Similar to Windows, viewing a saved network password on macOS is also very simple. On macOS, the keychain access application stores the passkeys of all previously connected WiFi networks along with application passwords, login information to various websites (account name/username and their passwords), autofill information, etc. The application itself can be found inside the Utility application. Since sensitive information is stored within, users will first need to enter a password to access the application.
1. Open the Finder application and then click on Applications in the left panel.
2. Double-click on Utilities to open the same.
3. Finally, double-click on the Keychain Access app icon to open it. Enter the Keychain Access password when prompted.
4. Use the search bar to find any WiFi networks that you might have connected to previously. All WiFi networks are categorized as ‘Airport network password’.
5. Simply double-click on the WiFi name and tick the box next to Show Password to view its passkey.
3. Find Saved WiFi Passwords on Android
The method to view WiFi passwords varies depending on the Android version your phone runs on. Android 10 and above users can rejoice as Google has added native functionality for users to view passwords of saved networks, however, the same isn’t available on older Android versions. They will instead need to root their device and then use a root file explorer to view system-level files or use ADB tools.
Android 10 & above:
1. Open the WiFi settings page by pulling down the notifications bar and then long pressing on the WiFi icon in the system tray. You can also first open the Settings application and head down the following path – WiFi & Internet > WiFi > Saved networks and tap on any network you wish to know the password for.
2. Depending on your system UI, the page will look different. Click on the Share button below the WiFi name.
3. You will now be asked to verify yourself. Simply enter your phone PIN, scan your fingerprint or your face.
4. Once verified, you will receive a QR code on the screen which can be scanned by any device to connect to the same network. Below the QR code, you can see the WiFi password in plain text and pass it on to your friends. If you cannot see the password in plain text, take a screenshot of the QR code and upload it at ZXing Decoder Online to convert the code into a text string.
Older Android version:
1. Firstly, root your device and download a File Explorer that can access root/system-level folders. Solid Explorer File Manager is one of the more popular root explorers and ES File Explorer allows access to the root folder without actually rooting your device but was removed from Google Play for committing click fraud.
2. Tap on the three horizontal dashes present at the top-left of your file explorer application and tap on root. Click on Yes in the following pop-up to grant the required permission.
3. Navigate down the following folder path.
4. Tap on the wpa_supplicant.conf file and select the explorer’s built-in text/HTML viewer to open it.
5. Scroll down to the network section of the file and check the SSID labels for a WiFi network’s name and the corresponding psk entry for the password. (Note: Do not make any changes to the wpa_supplicant.conf file or connectivity issues may arise.)
Similar to Windows, Android users can download a third-party application (WiFi Password Recovery) to view saved WiFi passwords, however, all of them require root access.
Users who have rooted their devices can also use ADB tools to view saved passwords:
1. Open Developer Options on your phone and enable USB debugging. If you do not see developer options listed in the Settings application, go to About Phone and tap seven times on the Build Number.
2. Download the required files (SDK Platform Tools) on your computer and unzip the files.
3. Open the extracted platform-tools folder and right-click on an empty area while holding down the shift key. Select ‘Open PowerShell/Command Window Here’ from the ensuing context menu.
4. Execute the following command in the PowerShell window:
adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
5. The above command copies the content of the wpa_supplicant.conf situated at data/misc/wifi on your phone into a new file and places the file inside the extracted platform-tools folder.
6. Close the elevated command window and head back to the platform-tools folder. Open the wpa_supplicant.conf file using notepad. Scroll to the network section to find & view all saved WiFi networks and their passwords.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Share Wi-Fi Access without revealing Password
4. View Saved WiFi Passwords on iOS
Unlike Android devices, iOS does not allow users to directly view passwords of saved networks. Although, the Keychain Access application found on macOS can be used to sync passwords across Apple devices and view them. Open up the Settings application on your iOS device and tap on your name. Choose iCloud next. Tap on Keychain to continue and check if the toggle switch is set to on. If it isn’t, tap on the switch to enable iCloud Keychain and sync your passwords across devices. Now, follow the method mentioned under the macOS heading to open the Keychain Access application and view a WiFi network’s security password.
However, if you do not own an Apple computer, the only way you can view a saved WiFi password is by jailbreaking your iPhone. There are multiple tutorials on the internet that walk you through the process of jailbreaking, although if incorrectly done, jailbreaking can lead to a bricked device. So do it at your own risk or under the guidance of experts. Once you have jailbroken your device, head over to Cydia (Unofficial AppStore for jailbroken iOS devices) and search for WiFi Passwords. The application is not compatible with all iOS versions but there are many similar applications available on Cydia.
5. View Saved WiFi Passwords on Router’s Admin Page
Another way to view the password of a WiFi network you are currently connected to is by visiting the router’s admin page (IP address of the router). To find out the IP address, execute ipconfig in the command prompt and check the Default Gateway entry. On Android devices, long press on the WiFi icon in the system tray and in the following screen, tap on Advanced. The IP address will be displayed under Gateway.
You will need the administrative password to log in and access router settings. Check out Router Passwords Community Database for the default usernames and passwords for various router models. Once you log in, check the Wireless or Security section for the WiFi password. Although, if the owner has changed the default password, you are out of luck.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to view and share the password of a saved WiFi network on various platforms. Alternatively, you can directly ask the owner for the password again as they are more than likely to reveal it. If you are having any trouble with any step, contact us in the comment section.