11 款最佳 WiFi 温湿度传感器(11 Best WiFi Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
以下是最佳 wifi 温度和湿度传感器的精选列表,以及热门功能和最新下载链接。这个最好的 wifi 温度和湿度传感器集合包括开源和商业选项。
1. Temp Stick无线远程温湿度传感器(1. Temp Stick Wireless Remote Temperature & Humidity Sensor)
我们已经看到了一些最可靠、最准确、最易于使用的无线温度传感器,Temp Stick就是其中之一。Ideal Sciences在测量设备方面是一个高端品牌,例如这款WiFi温度计,它具有一系列易于使用的有用功能。
- 这种智能传感器几乎可以放置在任何地方,并且设置起来非常简单。
- 制造商为您提供对所需信息的完全控制。
- (Choose)在摄氏度(Celsius)和华氏度(Fahrenheit)之间进行选择,或根据自己的喜好修改通知。]
- 可以对温度限制进行编程和建立。
- 如果您使用优质电池,传感器可以使用一年以上。因此,您无需经常更换它们。
- 它可以承受 -40 到 140 华氏度的温度(withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit),非常适合在寒冷的地方使用。
- 如果您愿意,您可以制作自己的 hi-lo 触发器。
- 您可以向任意数量的帐户发送消息或电子邮件,直到达到该限制。
- 为了连接到您家中的 2.4 GHz WiFi网络,它具有一年的电池寿命(has one-year battery life)。
- 它的电池寿命很长,具体取决于您访问已保存数据的频率。
- 作为高级WiFi温度计,您还可以获得 3 年保修。
- 您还可以进入您的帐户,并在考虑电池寿命的情况下决定您希望小工具提交数据的频率。
2. SensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer
由于其体积小,SensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer是展示柜、仪器箱或任何敏感环境的完美温度监测设备。
- 与列表中的其他温度传感器相比,它的微小尺寸为其提供了优势。
- 电池寿命也可延长至一年以上。
- 温度计不防水,但如果你把传感器放在正确的位置,你可以在外面使用它并提供一些保护。
- SensorPush每分钟收集一次(SensorPush)数据,在实时测量温度方面比Temp Stick更准确。
- 在智能手机上,它还保存了最近 20 天的数据(saves the latest 20 days of data)。
- 放在一起很简单。只需(Simply)下载SensorPush应用程序并将智能手机靠近设备即可完成蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接。
- 它的射程为 325 英尺(325-foot range),但只能在直接视线内使用(used in a direct line of sigh)。
- SensorPushSensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer专为不喜欢触摸温度计或湿度计的消费者而设计。
- 这个网关值得注意的部分原因是它可以与所有SensorPush传感器一起使用,并且对可以连接的传感器数量没有限制。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 12 名最佳 GPS 追踪器(Top 12 Best GPS Trackers)
3. 拉克罗斯警报手机 926-25101-GP(3. La Crosse Alerts Mobile 926-25101-GP)
La Crosse Alerts Mobile是一款价格合理的小工具,具有一些新功能。
- 它可以检测水和土壤的温度,非常适合在游泳池和温室中使用。
- 根据您提供的最小值和最大值,您还将收到有关温度和天气条件变化的通知(you’ll also receive notifications for changes in temperature and weather conditions)。您可以选择要提取数据的频率。
- 在 5 到 60 分钟之间,有时间间隔。
- 如果您将设备设置为更频繁地传输数据,它将使用更多电池。
- 经过三个简单的步骤,您将在任何设备上的任何位置接收温度和湿度通知。
- 在清晰的视线范围内,它的传输范围可达 200 英尺。
- La Crosse可以通过将其他传感器添加到不同区域并使用相同的软件对其进行跟踪来扩展。
如果出现问题(You’ll get SMS, email, or app notifications if there’s a problem)(例如电量不足或连接中断),您会收到短信、电子邮件或应用程序通知。
4. iHome iSS50 5合一智能显示器(4. iHome iSS50 5-in-one Smartmonitor)
除了感测温度和湿度,iHome iSS50还可以检测运动、光线水平和声音。
- 它可以与各种第三方智能设备一起使用,从而提高了灵活性,使其更加方便。
- 您可以利用您收集的数据来操作您家中的其他智能小工具。
- 与此列表中的其他温度监测设备不同,iHome iSS50 不使用电池。
亚马逊 Alexa 和谷歌助手(Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant)都受支持。
- 如果您愿意,您可以使用智能扬声器轻松收听读数。
- 要工作,它必须连接到电源插座。
- 当前的温度和湿度水平显示在设备的LCD面板上。
- 应用程序可用于查找所有传感器的附加读数。
- iHome iSS50可以连接到 HomeKit 或其他智能家居集线器,让您可以从任何地方控制您的家(may be connected to HomeKit or other smart home hubs, allowing you to control your home from anywhere)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在任务栏上显示 CPU 和 GPU 温度(How to Show CPU and GPU Temperature on Taskbar)
5、环境气象WS-8482-X3无线监测站(5. Ambient Weather WS-8482-X3 Wireless Monitoring Station)
由于其廉价的监控系统,环境天气 WS-8482-X3 无线监控站(Ambient Weather WS-8482-X3 Wireless Monitoring Station)脱颖而出,因为它可以让您跟踪室内和室外温度。
- 与Google Assistant(Google Assistant)和Alexa的兼容性是环境天气监测站(Ambient Weather Monitoring)的另一个惊人功能。
- 它使用范围达 300 英尺的 WiFi 连接来有效地收集和传输数据。
- 如果 Web 界面看起来对您来说太混乱,这可能是有益的。
- 用户友好的设计使跟踪室内和室外的多个传感器变得简单。
- 包含一个 3 英尺干式探头,可帮助您更准确地确定空气温度。
- 当温度或湿度超过指定阈值时,您可以使用该小工具配置音频和视觉警告。
- 通知将出现在控制台上,其中将显示每个传感器的最大值和最小值。
6. Govee Thermometer/Hygrometer
Govee Thermometer/Hygrometeris也是最好的WiFi温度和湿度传感器之一。Govee是市场上最新的WiFi温度计替代品之一,对于预算有限的人来说,它是一个不错的选择。
- 温度和湿度可以调节到指定的设置。
- 尽管它是一款低成本的WiFi温度计,但它的正常温度范围为 -4 华氏度到 140 华氏度。(normal temperature range of -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit)这是通过其内置的温度传感器实现的,该传感器具有流线型设计。
- 它不需要每月的会员资格,因此您会立即确切地知道要为此支付多少费用。
- 如果天气变得过热、过冷、过湿或过干,则会发出警报。
- 要观看警报和录音,您只需要稳定的互联网连接即可。
- 在WiFi方面,您可以通过其智能手机应用程序在 2.4 GHz WiFi网络上使用它,该应用程序还支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
- 因为它提供 1 年保修,您可以预期这款WiFi温度计可以使用很长时间。
- 您将准确了解您家中的温度和湿度,精度为 0.5 摄氏度,湿度(accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius and 3 percent for humidit)y 为 3%。
- 对于更精确的测量,用户校准是可能的。
- 还值得注意的是,数据可以导出为 CSV 文件并在必要时进行分析(data may be exported as a CSV file and analyzed if necessary)。
- 如果您想查看实时数字,您可以从设备的LCD读取数据。
- 由于传感器快速灵敏,因此如果您将温暖或寒冷的东西放在它附近,您会看到数字的变化。
- 除了显示温度外,它还可以轻松监测某个空间的湿度。
- 它带有一个智能应用程序,其中包括一个低电量警报,可在需要更换电池时提醒您。
- 记录数据的摘要在应用程序内以图表形式提供,以 30 分钟为增量。
- 如果超过标准,它将变为红色。
- 这个小工具的独特之处在于它是可用的最精确的模型之一。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中检查 CPU 温度(How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10)
7. AcuRite 00782A2 Wireless Indoor/Outdoor
也许您所需要的只是一个基本的温度传感器,以便在您离开时监视您的房子或院子。如果是这种情况,AcuRite 00782A2 Wireless Indoor/Outdoor是您的选择。
- 它可以安装在墙上或放置在任何平面上,例如桌子。
- 即使你可以把它放在外面,也要保持干燥。
- 该设备仅用于测量温度,没有其他功能。
- 内置 LCD 显示精确( inbuilt LCD displays precise statistics)的统计数据。
- 在 100 英尺范围内,您可以每 60 分钟获取一次读数。
- 尽管价格低廉,但 AcuRite提供一年保修(provides a one-year warranty),让您长期对设备的质量和功能高枕无忧。
8. Inkbird WiFi 烧烤肉类温度计(8. Inkbird WiFi Grill Meat Thermometer)
我们还有另一个来自Inkbird的(Inkbird)WiFi温度计,它同样设计用于评估食品的内部温度。如果您正在寻找用于烹饪的WiFi温度计, (WiFi)Inkbird及其高性能温度计型号(如上图所示)是一个不错的选择。
- 它非常适合在烹饪时检查烤架或烤箱中食物的温度。
- 首先,温度稳定,从 32 到 482 华氏度不等,(temperature is steady, ranging from 32 to 482 degrees Fahrenheit)非常适合烹饪。该套件还包括四个温度传感器探头。
- 这个提供 1 年保修,因为它是Inkbird WiFi温度计。
- 这款WiFi温度计还配有2000 mAh 电池,让您可以随身携带(2000 mAh battery, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go)。
- 由于集成了四探头传感器,它能够提供此范围。
- 这款WiFi温度计不仅具有智能手机应用程序,而且还具有用于即时检查温度的内部显示屏。
- 在应用程序方面,它利用您家庭网络的 2.4 GHz WiFI方便监控。
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9. MOCREO 室内温度计湿度计(9. MOCREO Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer)
多亏了它的多包装,如果您正在寻找一个WiFi温度计来监控您家中的许多房间, Mocreo可以成为另一个绝佳的选择。(Mocreo)它是另一个最好的WiFi温度和湿度传感器。
- Mocreo WiFi温度计是市场上为数不多的配备众多传感器的温度计之一。
- 在盒子里,你会得到三个传感器和一个集线器。
- 这款Mocreo WiFi温度计提供一年保修,与大多数其他WiFi温度计一样。
- 使用这些传感器,您可以轻松获得-4 到 140 华氏度范围内的温度测量值( temperature measurements ranging from -4 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit)。
- 正如预期的那样,这款基于集线器的WiFi温度计的智能手机应用程序提供通知和改进的连接。(WiFi)
- 可以使用 2.4 GHz或 5 GHz WiFi远程检查温度和湿度。
10. ThermoPro TP90 WiFi温度计(10. ThermoPro TP90 WiFi Thermometer)
- ThermoPro的TP90 WiFi温度计是我们列表中性能最好的温度计。
- 由于这款WiFi温度计专为重负荷使用而设计,ThermoPro提供5 年保修,使其成为长期使用的绝佳选择(5-year guarantee, making it an excellent choice for long-term use)。
- 除了拥有智能手机应用程序外,这款ThermoPro温度计还可以与Alexa交互。(Alexa)
- 根据它的温度范围,它可以检测到从-58到158华氏度的温度(detect temperatures ranging from -58 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit)。这应该足以计算您家中任何房间的温度。
- 将此温度计连接到您家的 2.4 GHz WiFi网络以执行此操作。
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11. MarCELL PRO 蜂窝监控系统(11. MarCELL PRO Cellular Monitoring System)
在某些情况下,基本的无线温度传感器是不够的。MarCELL蜂窝监测设备(MarCELL cellular monitoring device)是这些情况下的绝佳选择。
- Verizon提供 4G 蜂窝服务(计划起价为每月 8.25 美元)。
- 这使其非常适合在房车、度假屋或任何其他您可能无法访问WiFi(WiFi)网络、移动热点或无法定期连接传感器的遥远地方使用。
- 请记住,该小工具必须连接到交流电源插座才能工作,但是,在断电的情况下,备用电池可以提供长达 48 小时的电力(backup battery may give power for up to 48 hours in the case of a power outage)。
- 即使使用该小工具需要额外的会员费用,该项目的评价也非常好。
- 温度和湿度通知以及电源中断通过文本、电话或电子邮件发送。
- 内置锂离子电池,电池寿命为 48 小时( battery life of 48 hours)。
- 在Companion App中,您可以看到湿度和温度数据。
- 虽然该设备的互联网连接需要subscription plan ($8.25/month),但它还包括一个内置的Verizon蜂窝调制解调器,让您可以在有Verizon蜂窝网络信号的任何地方使用它。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了最好的 WiFi 温度和湿度传感器(best WiFi temperature and humidity sensor)。继续访问我们的页面以获取很棒的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。
11 Best WiFi Temperature and Humidity Sensor
A wireless or WiFi tempеrature sensor is a dеvice that monitors and reсords temperature changes in the region in which it is installed. For residences in nations with four seasons, a wireleѕs and WiFi temperature sensor is required. It often delivers data in real-time to your smartphone. Physicallу, you can feel it, but without a sensor or a thermometer, determining the actual temperature is difficult. It’s also toυgh to keеp track of the temperature in your hоme while you’re out most of the time. As a result, a wireless or WіFі temperature sensor is an excellent addition to any home, particularly smart homes.
11 Best WiFi Temperature and Humidity Sensor
The following is a selected list of the best wifi temperature and humidity sensor, along with popular features and links to the most recent downloads. This collection of best wifi temperature and humidity sensor includes both open source and commercial options.
1. Temp Stick Wireless Remote Temperature & Humidity Sensor
We’ve seen some of the most dependable, accurate, and easy-to-use wireless temperature sensors, and Temp Stick is one of them. Ideal Sciences is a high-end brand when it comes to measurement equipment, such as this WiFi thermometer, which has a slew of useful features for ease of use.
- This smart sensor may be placed practically anyplace and is remarkably simple to set up.
- The manufacturer provides you with complete control over the information you want.
- Choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit, or modify the notifications to your liking.]
- A temperature restriction may be programmed and established.
- The sensor can last for over a year if you use high-quality batteries. As a consequence, you won’t need to replace them as often.
- It can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, making it ideal for use in cold locations.
- You can make your own hi-lo triggers if you want to.
- You can send messages or emails to as many accounts as you like until that limit is reached.
- For connecting to your 2.4 GHz WiFi network at home, it has one-year battery life.
- It has a lengthy battery life, depending on how frequently you access saved data.
- You also get a 3-year guarantee as a premium WiFi thermometer.
- You may also go into your account and decide how often you want the gadget to submit data, taking into consideration the battery life.
2. SensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer
Because of its small size, the SensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer is a perfect temperature monitoring device for display cabinets, instrument cases, or any delicate environment.
- When compared to the other temperature sensors on the list, its tiny size provides it an edge.
- The battery life may also be extended to over a year.
- The thermometer isn’t waterproof, but if you place the sensor right, you might use it outside with some protection.
- The SensorPush collects data every minute, making it more accurate than the Temp Stick in measuring temperature in real-time.
- On the smartphone, it also saves the latest 20 days of data.
- It’s simple to put together. Simply download the SensorPush app and hold your smartphone close to the device to complete the Bluetooth connection.
- It has a 325-foot range, but it can only be used in a direct line of sight.
- The SensorPush Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer was designed for consumers who prefer not to touch their thermometer or hygrometer.
- This gateway is noteworthy in part because it can function with all SensorPush sensors and has no restriction on the number of sensors that can be connected.
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3. La Crosse Alerts Mobile 926-25101-GP
The La Crosse Alerts Mobile is a reasonably priced gadget with a few new capabilities.
- It can detect the temperature in both water and soil, making it ideal for use in swimming pools and greenhouses.
- Based on the minimum and maximum values you provide, you’ll also receive notifications for changes in temperature and weather conditions. You may choose how frequently you want data to be pulled.
- Between 5 and 60 minutes, there are time intervals.
- If you set the device to deliver data more often, it will use more battery.
- After three simple steps, you’ll be receiving temperature and humidity notifications from anywhere on any device.
- On a clear line of sight, it has a transmission range of up to 200 feet.
- The La Crosse can be expanded by adding other sensors to different regions and tracking them with the same software.
You’ll get SMS, email, or app notifications if there’s a problem, such as a low battery or a lost connection.
4. iHome iSS50 5-in-one Smartmonitor
In addition to sensing temperature and humidity, the iHome iSS50 can detect movement, light levels, and sound.
- Its flexibility is boosted by the fact that it works with a variety of third-party smart devices, making it even handier.
- You may utilize the data you’ve collected to operate other smart gadgets in your house.
- The iHome iSS50 does not utilize batteries, unlike the other temperature monitoring devices on this list.
Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are both supported.
- You may easily listen to the readings using a smart speaker if you wish to.
- To work, it must be connected to a power outlet.
- The current temperature and humidity levels are shown on an LCD panel on the device.
- An app may be used to find the additional readings from all of the sensors.
- The iHome iSS50 may be connected to HomeKit or other smart home hubs, allowing you to control your home from anywhere.
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5. Ambient Weather WS-8482-X3 Wireless Monitoring Station
Since of its inexpensive monitoring system, Ambient Weather WS-8482-X3 Wireless Monitoring Station stands out from the others because it allows you to keep track of both interior and outdoor temperatures.
- Compatibility with Google Assistant and Alexa is another amazing feature of the Ambient Weather Monitoring station.
- It uses a WiFi connection with a range of up to 300 feet to gather and transfer data effectively.
- If the web interface looks to be too confusing for you, this might be beneficial.
- The user-friendly design makes it simple to keep track of several sensors, both indoors and out.
- A 3-foot dry probe is included to help you more precisely determine air temperature.
- You may use the gadget to configure both audio and visual warnings for when the temperature or humidity exceeds a specified threshold.
- The notifications will appear on the console, where the maximum and lowest values for each sensor will be shown.
6. Govee Thermometer/Hygrometer
Govee Thermometer/Hygrometeris is also one of best WiFi temperature and humidity sensor. Govee is one of the newest WiFi thermometer alternatives on the market, and it’s a good choice for people on a small budget.
- Temperature and humidity can be regulated to specified settings.
- It has a normal temperature range of -4 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, despite being a low-cost WiFi thermometer. This is made possible by its built-in temperature sensor, which has a streamlined design.
- It doesn’t require a monthly membership, so you’ll know exactly how much you’ll pay for it right away.
- An alert will sound if the weather becomes excessively hot, cold, humid, or dry.
- To watch the alerts and recordings, all you need is a stable internet connection.
- When it comes to WiFi, you may use it on a 2.4 GHz WiFi network with its smartphone app, which also supports Bluetooth.
- Because it comes with a 1-year guarantee, you can anticipate this WiFi thermometer to last a long time.
- You will know exactly how the temperature and humidity in your house are with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius and 3 percent for humidity.
- For even more exact measurements, user calibration is possible.
- It’s also worth noting that the data may be exported as a CSV file and analyzed if necessary.
- If you wish to see real-time numbers, you can read the data from the device’s LCD.
- Because the sensor is quick and sensitive, you’ll see variations in the numbers if you place warm or cold things near it.
- It can easily monitor the humidity of a certain space in addition to displaying the temperature.
- It comes with a smart app that includes a low battery alarm that alerts you when it’s time to replace the batteries.
- A summary of the recorded data is provided as a graph separated into 30-minute increments within the app.
- If the criteria have been crossed, it will become red.
- This gadget is unique in that it is one of the most precise models available.
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7. AcuRite 00782A2 Wireless Indoor/Outdoor
Perhaps all you need is a basic temperature sensor to keep an eye on your house or yard while you’re gone. If this is the case, AcuRite 00782A2 Wireless Indoor/Outdoor is the choice for you.
- It may be mounted on the wall or placed on any flat surface, such as a table.
- Even if you can put it outside, keep it dry.
- This device is solely meant to measure temperature and has no further features.
- The inbuilt LCD displays precise statistics.
- Within a 100-foot range, you may obtain readings every 60 minutes.
- Despite the low price, AcuRite provides a one-year warranty to provide you peace of mind about the device’s quality and functionality for a long time.
8. Inkbird WiFi Grill Meat Thermometer
We have another WiFi thermometer from Inkbird, which is likewise designed to assess the inside temperature of food products. If you’re searching for a WiFi thermometer for cooking, Inkbird and its high-performance thermometer models, such as the one shown above, are a good option.
- It’s great for checking the temperature of the food on the grill or in the oven while it’s cooking.
- To begin with, the temperature is steady, ranging from 32 to 482 degrees Fahrenheit, which is great for cooking. The kit also includes four temperature sensor probes.
- This one comes with a 1-year guarantee because it’s an Inkbird WiFi thermometer.
- This WiFi thermometer also comes with a 2000 mAh battery, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go.
- It is able to provide this range due to the four-probe sensors that are integrated.
- This WiFi thermometer not only has a smartphone app, but it also has an internal display for instantly checking the temperature.
- In terms of the app, it takes advantage of your home network’s 2.4 GHz WiFI for convenient monitoring.
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9. MOCREO Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer
Thanks to its multi-pack, Mocreo can be another wonderful alternative if you’re searching for a WiFi thermometer to monitor many rooms in your house. It is another best WiFi temperature and humidity sensor.
- The Mocreo WiFi thermometer is one of the few on the market that comes with numerous sensors.
- In the box, you’ll get three sensors as well as a hub.
- This Mocreo WiFi thermometer comes with a one-year guarantee, much like most other WiFi thermometers.
- With these sensors, you can easily obtain temperature measurements ranging from -4 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
- This hub-based WiFi thermometer’s smartphone app, as expected, provides notifications and improved connection.
- Temperature and humidity may be checked remotely using either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz WiFi.
10. ThermoPro TP90 WiFi Thermometer
If you’re searching for a high-performance WiFi thermometer that can handle a lot of use, ThermoPro and its thermometer model listed below might be a good choice.
- The TP90 WiFi thermometer from ThermoPro is the best-performing thermometer on our list.
- Because this WiFi thermometer is designed for heavy-duty use, ThermoPro includes a 5-year guarantee, making it an excellent choice for long-term use.
- This ThermoPro thermometer can interact with Alexa in addition to having a smartphone app.
- According to its temperature range, it can detect temperatures ranging from -58 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. This should be sufficient for calculating the temperature of any room in your home.
- Connect this thermometer to your home’s 2.4 GHz WiFi network to do this.
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11. MarCELL PRO Cellular Monitoring System
A basic wireless temperature sensor will not suffice in some instances. The MarCELL cellular monitoring device is an excellent choice in these circumstances.
- Verizon provides 4G cellular service (plans start at $8.25 per month).
- This makes it ideal for use in an RV, vacation home, or any other distant place where you may not have access to a WiFi network, a mobile hotspot, or the capacity to come on a regular basis to connect to the sensor.
- Keep in mind that the gadget must be connected to an AC outlet to work, however, a backup battery may give power for up to 48 hours in the case of a power outage.
- Even with the additional membership expenses required to use the gadget, evaluations of the item are overwhelmingly good.
- Temperature and humidity notifications, as well as power disruptions, are sent through text, phone, or email.
- Internal Lithium-Ion Battery with a battery life of 48 hours.
- In the Companion App, you can see humidity and temperature data.
- While the device’s internet connection needs a subscription plan ($8.25/month), it also includes an inbuilt Verizon cellular modem, allowing you to use it anywhere there is a Verizon cellular network signal.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned about best WiFi temperature and humidity sensor. Keep visiting our page for cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.