11 最便宜的手机助推器(11 Best Cheap Cell Phone Booster)
蜂窝电话助推器是专门为解决移动覆盖范围差的问题而创建的小工具。因为它们同时为多个用户或设备提供更高的覆盖范围和信号强度,所以大多数手机信号增强器都很昂贵。理想的移动信号增强器将提高数据速度,同时消除丢失的呼叫和未发送的消息。我们编制了一份最便宜的手机助推器(Best Cheap Cell Phone Booster)列表。开源软件和商业软件都包含在列表中。
1. Phonetone 双频 700MHz 手机信号增强器(1. Phonetone Dual Band 700MHz Cell Phone Signal Booster)
- 使用这款双频 700MHz 增强器(dual-band 700MHz booster)可同时提高众多设备的信号强度。
- 即使这是您第一次使用它,您也可以轻松设置它。
- 它增加并支持4G,这是许多低成本信号增强器无法实现的。
- 它适用于大多数常见网络类型,包括3G、4G 和 LTE( 3G, 4G, and LTE)。
- 它适用于各种蜂窝设备和品牌,让家里或办公室的每个人都能享受它。
- 它设计用于家庭、车库、村庄或小型工作场所。
- 为了检测来自各个方向的信号,该助推器使用外部全向(Omnidirectional)天线。
- 该信号增强器易于设置。
- 它的覆盖面积高达5000平方英尺( coverage area of up to 5000 square feet),适用于小型和大型房屋。
- 它采用高达 65 dB 的信号增强作为标准。
- 这一款还提供5 年质保(5-year guarantee),使其成为物有所值的替代品。
- 它还可以自动调整信号以获得最佳强度和性能。
2. SH·W·CELL 威瑞森手机信号增强器(2. SH·W·CELL Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster)
SH·W·CELL 使用 Verizon 手机信号增强器(SH·W·CELL With the Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster),您可以在家中或工作场所享受更快的 4G LTE互联网。(LTE)它是另一种廉价的细胞信号增强器。
- 它针对数据密集型应用程序下载、上传和流式传输进行了优化。
- 只要您在设备的覆盖范围内,您的手机信号就会被放大。
- 该中继器可用于工作场所、家中、酒店房间、公寓、地下室、车库或小村庄。
- 它仅适用于频率范围为 746 至 757MHz 和 776 至 787MHz 的手机(frequency range of 746 to 757MHz and 776 to 787MHz)。
- 还是值得的,尤其是这么低的价格。
- 它支持多个用户。
- 它还占地1500至2000平方英尺(covers an area of 1500 to 2000 square feet)。
- 它提高了网络数据和语音质量。
- 它可以将 LTE 信号提升至 4G。
- 除了价格低廉外,它还具有全向天线。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何增强 Android 手机上的 Wi-Fi 信号(How to Boost Wi-Fi signal on Android Phone)
3. weBoost Drive 时尚单用户助推器(3. weBoost Drive Sleek Single-User Booster)
Drive Sleek 可能(Drive Sleek might)是单个用户的理想摇篮助推器。
- 它可能会增加单个设备的 3G 和 4G LTE信号和数据吞吐量。
- 根据技术进步,该设备可以处理 5G 及以上传输(handle 5G transmissions and beyond)。
- 这款手机信号增强器与任何美国运营商兼容。
- 当您移动服务提供商时,您不必为购买新设备而烦恼。
- 它的功能是一个简单的设置,并使用一个手机助推器,即使在该国最偏远的地区也可以帮助放大手机信号。
- 它的室内和室外天线都非常易于设置。
- 它们在接收和增强汽车内的细胞信号方面表现良好。
- 它能够减少丢失的呼叫,同时还可以改善接收和互联网(Internet)访问。
- 只需(Simply)将小工具放在底座中,无需触摸即可使用。
- 底座与大多数小工具兼容,甚至是较新的小工具。
- 它使所有美国网络的信号强度和速度提高了 32 倍,在信号较弱的地方为您提供额外 2 小时的通话时间。
- 这是您车辆配件的绝佳补充,特别是如果您想去美国的农村地区。
- 这使得它非常适合越野旅行和访问农村地区(ideal for cross-country trips and visits to rural locations)。
- 无论您走到哪里,都能获得更好的语音和文本质量以及更快的互联网速度。
- 这个小工具专为单身旅行者设计。绝对不是全家人的骑行。
- weBoost Drive Sleek经久耐用。
4. SureCall N-Range 车辆信号增强器(4. SureCall N-Range Vehicle Signal Booster)
SureCall N-Range(SureCall N-Range)是名单上的另一款低成本手机信号增强器。
- 一种在汽车中运行良好的小型手持便携式小工具。
- 当其他设备靠近免提底座时,它们的信号可能会有所增强。
- 它具有简单的天线设置,并且与市场上几乎所有知名的美国运营商兼容(simple antenna setup and is compatible with practically all well-known American carriers)。
- 与 weBoost Drive Sleek一样,此助推器一次只能用于一台设备。
- 一次只有一个设备可以使用此信号增强器。
- 将此设备安装在您的车辆中,您可以享受数英里的强信号和连续通话。
- 对于北美运营商,它可能会改善文本和电话信号,以及 4G LTE数据。
- 只需将您的智能手机放在免提底座上(simply putting your smartphone on the hands-free cradle),您就可以获得直接的信号增强。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳通知应用程序(2022 年)(10 Best Notification Apps for Android (2022))
5. weBoost Home MultiRoom (470144) 手机信号增强套件(5. weBoost Home MultiRoom (470144) Cell Phone Signal Booster Kit)
如果您的室外信号良好,weBoost House Multiroom可以覆盖您家中多达 5000 平方英尺的空间。它是另一种廉价的细胞信号增强器。
- 在许多方面,它都是大中型家庭的理想手机助推器。
- 如果您在户外的信号很差,那么 weBoost Home(Home Multiroom) Multiroom是一款非常适合在家使用的小工具。
- 它在农村地区特别有用,那里的移动电话塔可能离您家几英里。
- 内置布面天线,外观非常漂亮。
- 八木定向天线(Yagi directional antenna)足够强大,可以到达原本无法到达的手机信号塔。
- 支持几乎所有主要的美国运营商。
- 无论您的运营商如何,它都会运行良好。
- 它已获得FCC 批准(FCC approval)。
- 它还带有无工具安装选项。
- 它提供了两到三个目标覆盖的房间。
6. Hiboost 手机信号增强器(6. Hiboost Cell Phone Signal Booster)
这款HiBoost 信号增强器(HiBoost signal booster)迅速将自己从最便宜的手机增强器的竞争中脱颖而出。
- 它的内部面板天线保证了整个空间很容易被覆盖。
- 它增加了4G LTE、3G 和 2G 信号(4G LTE, 3G, and 2G signals)的强度。
- HiBoost是一款出色的细胞助推器,适用于希望查看其设备有效性证据的个人。
- 它为客户提供移动应用程序辅助界面,提供有关细胞助推器性能的实时信息。
- 它与美国和加拿大(Canada)的所有运营商兼容。
- 它通过提供一个应用程序来实现它,该应用程序提供有关您的空间信号如何工作的实时数据。
- 与其他助推器不同,您并不完全依赖工具。
- 它适用于所有美国和加拿大的运营商(American and Canadian carriers)。
- 它还提供最好的在线客户支持服务之一,以确保正确使用设备。
- 它为您提供有关系统实际性能的具体事实。
- HiBoost应用(HiBoost)程序还具有强大的在线支持系统,确保您不会被蒙在鼓里并获得所需的帮助。
- 助推器几乎适用于所有电子设备,包括智能手机和平板电脑。
- 它还可能覆盖 500 到 2000 平方英尺的面积( cover a 500 to 2000 square foot area)。
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7. Cel-Fi Go X
- 正是由于这一特性,它是市场上最有效的细胞助推器之一。
- 与 HiBoost 的产品一样,Cel-Fi Go X配备Android和 iOS 应用程序,允许用户实时监控手机信号状态。
- Cel-Fi X 是为不介意的人开发的单载波助推器。
- 它是当今市场上功能最强大的手机助推器之一,即使在室外信号不佳的情况下,也能够在室内转播稳定的信号。
- Cel-Fi Go X最多可支持四个室内天线。
- 它将利用其放大超过 40 dB 信号(amplify more than 40 dB signals)的能力,为您提供无与伦比的体验,无论您的外部信号有多差。
- 该小工具设置简单,并附带一长串附件,包括天线支架和雷电浪涌保护器,(antenna mount and a lightning surge protector,)因此您可以快速启动并运行它。
8. 适用于家庭和办公室的 HiBoost 手机信号增强器(8. HiBoost Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home and Office)
用于家庭和办公室的HiBoost 手机信号增强器是(HiBoost Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home And Office)HiBoost一系列信号增强器中的最新产品。
- 它提供了一个免费的应用程序,允许客户实时评估他们的手机信号质量。
- 如果您正在寻找一款易于设置且可在中型房屋或工作场所覆盖 4000 平方英尺区域的手机助推器,那就别无所求。
- 使用此放大器后,每个人的信号都有相当大的改善。
- 它可以覆盖多达 4000 平方英尺,并与(cover up to 4000 square feet)加拿大(Canada)和美国的(United) 所有(States)手机供应商兼容。
- 除了上述特点外,它还具有出色的(excellent) 4G、3G和2G加速能力(4G, 3G, and 2G boosting capabilities),让客户拥有更好的蜂窝体验,更少的通话丢失和更快的互联网(Internet)连接。
- 设备的内置天线和 50oHm 电缆简化了安装。
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9. SureCall Fusion4Home
SureCall Fusion4Home 信号增强器(SureCall Fusion4Home signal booster)非常适合寻找简单小工具来增加信号的个人。它也是一种廉价的细胞信号增强器。
- 由于其可定制的安装和功能,SureCall 是最便宜的手机助推器之一。
- 如果您正在寻找一款易于设置且可以覆盖中小型家庭的基本 4G 增强器,那么这款设备就是您的最佳选择。(basic 4G booster)
- 它具有简单的天线设置,并且与市场上几乎所有知名的美国运营商兼容。
- 该套件包括一个易于安装的外部Omni天线和一个用于捕获和转播增强信号的内部鞭状天线。(Omni)
- 信号在该地区可能达到 2000 平方英尺(reach up to 2000 square feet in the region),提供高质量的语音体验、更快的互联网(Internet)速度和更少的通话丢失。
10.威瑞森手机信号增强器(10. Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster)
Verizon 手机信号增强器(Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster)是专门为支持和放大Verizon Band 13运营商发送和接收的信号而创建的小工具。
- 它的工作方式与任何其他细胞助推器相同。
- 它体积小,重量轻。
- 只有支持Verizon Band 13蜂窝频段的手机才能与此电池增强器兼容。
- 如果您的手机支持,此实用程序将为您提供更好的信号体验,不会掉线。
- 它带有一个外部(exterior) 八木天线(Yagi Antenna),该天线从移动电话塔接收外部信号并将它们传输到内部鞭状天线,该天线将信号放大并在覆盖区域内广播。
- 然后,多个(Multiple)手机用户可以使用增强信号,该信号可以跨越高达 1500 到 2000 平方英尺的区域(span an area of up to 1500 to 2000 square feet)。
- 因此,Verizon 的 4G LTE体验得到了改进,语音和音频质量更好,互联网(Internet)速度更快,通话丢失和未发送消息更少。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 2022 年 50 款最佳免费 Android 应用(50 Best Free Android Apps in 2022)
11. 用于家庭办公室和房车的 5G 手机信号增强器(11. 5G Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home Office And RV)
用于家庭办公室的 5G 手机信号增强器和 RV 电池增强器(5G Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home Office And RV cell booster)具有创新功能,使其与此列表中的其他产品区分开来。
- 该放大器具有触摸屏LED显示屏,可实时显示信号强度和频段信息。
- 这款手机增强器非常适合在拥有大量手机用户的大型办公楼中使用。
- 它具有LED 触摸显示屏和自动增益控制(LED touch display and Automatic Gain Control)等功能,使其易于操作。
- 购买巨大的办公区域无疑是值得的。
- 您还可以通过关闭或降低手动增益旋钮来管理您的助推器设备。
- 5G蜂窝信号(Cell Signal Booster)增强器具有上述功能,可在增强外部信号、消除通话丢失和增加互联网(Internet)连接方面发挥奇效。
- 同时为服务区不同位置的各种小区用户保证了更好的信号。
- 蜂窝助推器可以覆盖高达 4000 平方英尺的区域,( cover an area of up to 4000 square feet)并与所有主要的美国运营商兼容。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解最便宜的手机助推器(best cheap cell phone booster)。让我们知道您最喜欢上述哪种廉价手机信号增强器。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
11 Best Cheap Cell Phone Booster
Smartphones and other technologies keep the globe linked at all times. The internet mаkes it simplе to stay in tоuch with family аnd friends, as well as get solutions tо a νariety оf concerns. Υou lоse communication and convenience if you can’t gеt a solid connection fоr any reason. Cell phone boosters may be the answer in such situations, allowing you to enјoy an unintеrrupted network on a regular basis. In this article, we have shown best cheap сell рhone booster. So, continue reading to know about cheap cell signal booster.
11 Best Cheap Cell Phone Booster
A cellular phone booster is a gadget that was created expressly to address the issue of poor mobile coverage. Because they provide higher coverage and signal strength for several users or devices at the same time, most mobile phone signal boosters are pricey. The ideal mobile signal booster will improve data speeds while also eliminating lost calls and unsent messages. We’ve compiled a list of the Best Cheap Cell Phone Booster. Both open-source and commercial software are included in the list.
1. Phonetone Dual Band 700MHz Cell Phone Signal Booster
Phonetone is a modest and relatively new brand of mobile phone accessories that offers a reasonably powerful cell phone booster that might be a potential alternative for individuals seeking something inexpensive.
- The signal strength of numerous devices is improved simultaneously with this dual-band 700MHz booster.
- Even if it’s your first time using it, you’ll have no trouble setting it up.
- It increases and supports 4G, which is something that many low-cost signal boosters can’t achieve.
- It works with the majority of common network types, including 3G, 4G, and LTE.
- It works with a variety of cellular devices and brands, allowing everyone in the house or office to enjoy it.
- It’s designed to be used in a home, garage, village, or small workplace.
- To detect signals from all directions, this booster uses an exterior Omnidirectional antenna.
- This signal booster is simple to set up.
- It has a coverage area of up to 5000 square feet, making it suitable for both small and big houses.
- It employs a signal boost of up to 65 dB as standard.
- This one also has a 5-year guarantee, making it a better value for money alternative.
- It also adjusts the signal automatically for optimal strength and performance.
2. SH·W·CELL Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster
SH·W·CELL With the Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster, you may enjoy faster 4G LTE internet at your home or workplace. It is another cheap cell signal booster.
- It’s optimized for data-intensive app downloads, uploads, and streaming.
- As long as you’re in the coverage area of the device, your phone’s signal will be amplified.
- This repeater may be used at the workplace, at home, in a hotel room, in an apartment, in a basement, in a garage, or in a hamlet.
- It only works with phones that have a frequency range of 746 to 757MHz and 776 to 787MHz.
- It’s still worth it, especially at this low price.
- It supports multiple users.
- It also covers an area of 1500 to 2000 square feet.
- It has increased network data and voice quality.
- It can boost LTE signals up to 4G.
- It has an omnidirectional antenna in addition to a low price.
Also Read: How to Boost Wi-Fi signal on Android Phone
3. weBoost Drive Sleek Single-User Booster
The Drive Sleek might be the ideal cradle booster for a single user.
- It may increase a single device’s 3G and 4G LTE signal and data throughput.
- Depending on technological advancements, the device can handle 5G transmissions and beyond.
- This cell phone signal booster is compatible with any US carrier.
- When you move service providers, you won’t have to bother about buying a new unit.
- It functions as a simple setup and uses a mobile phone booster that may assist magnify cell phone signals even in the most remote parts of the country.
- Its indoor and outdoor antennas are both very simple to set up.
- They perform well when it comes to receiving and boosting cell signals within the car.
- It has the capacity to decrease lost calls while also improving reception and Internet access.
- Simply place the gadget in the cradle and use it without touching it.
- The cradle is compatible with most gadgets, even newer ones.
- It makes all US networks’ signals up to 32 times stronger and quicker, giving you an extra 2 hours of conversation time in locations where the signal is weak.
- It’s a terrific addition to your vehicle’s accessories, especially if you want to go to rural sections of the nation.
- This makes it ideal for cross-country trips and visits to rural locations.
- Wherever you go, get improved voice and text quality as well as faster internet speeds.
- This gadget is designed for single travelers. Definitely not a ride for the whole family.
- The weBoost Drive Sleek is built to last.
4. SureCall N-Range Vehicle Signal Booster
The SureCall N-Range is another low-cost mobile phone signal enhancer on the list.
- A small, handheld, and portable gadget that works well within the automobile.
- When other devices are near the hands-free cradle, their signals may be somewhat enhanced.
- It has a simple antenna setup and is compatible with practically all well-known American carriers on the market.
- Like the weBoost Drive Sleek, this booster can only be used for one device at a time.
- Only one device can utilize this signal enhancer at a time.
- With this device installed in your vehicle, you may enjoy miles of strong signal and continuous calls.
- For North American carriers, it may improve text and phone signals, as well as 4G LTE data.
- By simply putting your smartphone on the hands-free cradle, you may get a direct signal enhancement.
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5. weBoost Home MultiRoom (470144) Cell Phone Signal Booster Kit
If your signal outside is good, weBoost House Multiroom can cover up to 5000 square feet of space within your home. It is another cheap cell signal booster.
- In many respects, it’s the ideal cell phone booster for medium- to large-sized homes.
- If you have a terrible signal outdoors, the weBoost Home Multiroom is an excellent gadget to have at home.
- It’s especially useful in rural locations, where a mobile phone tower may be several miles away from your home.
- With an interior panel antenna with a cloth front, it has a very nice appearance.
- The Yagi directional antenna is strong enough to reach cell towers that would otherwise be impossible to reach.
- Almost all major American carriers are supported.
- It will operate perfectly well regardless of your carrier.
- It has received FCC approval.
- It also comes with a no-tool installation option.
- It offers two to three rooms of targeted covering.
6. Hiboost Cell Phone Signal Booster
This HiBoost signal booster rapidly sets itself apart from the competition of best cheap cell phone booster.
- Its inside panel antenna guarantees that the whole space is easily covered.
- It increases the strength of 4G LTE, 3G, and 2G signals.
- HiBoost is an excellent cell booster for individuals who want to see evidence of their device’s effectiveness.
- It provides customers with a mobile app-assisted interface that provides real-time information on the cell booster’s performance.
- It is compatible with all carriers in the US and Canada.
- It achieves it by delivering an app that provides real-time data on how your space’s signal is working.
- Unlike other boosters, you are not exclusively reliant on a tool.
- It works well with all American and Canadian carriers.
- It also offers one of the best online customer support services to guarantee that the equipment is used correctly.
- It supplies you with concrete facts on the system’s real performance.
- The HiBoost app also has a powerful online support system, ensuring that you are not left in the dark and receive the assistance you require.
- The booster works with practically all electrical devices, including smartphones and tablets.
- It may also cover a 500 to 2000 square foot area.
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7. Cel-Fi Go X
Cel-Fi is a single carrier signal booster that amplifies the signal of only one carrier at a time.
- It’s because of this property that it’s one of the most potent cellular boosters on the market.
- Like HiBoost’s products, the Cel-Fi Go X comes with an Android and iOS app that allows users to monitor the status of their mobile phone signal in real-time.
- Cel-Fi X is a single carrier booster developed for people who don’t mind it.
- It is one of the most powerful mobile phone boosters on the market today, capable of rebroadcasting a steady signal indoors even when the outside signal is poor.
- Cel-Fi Go X is capable of supporting up to four indoor antennae.
- It will leverage its capacity to amplify more than 40 dB signals to provide you with an unrivaled experience, regardless of how poor your outside signal is.
- The gadget is simple to set up and comes with a long list of accessories, including an antenna mount and a lightning surge protector, so you can have it up and running quickly.
8. HiBoost Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home and Office
The HiBoost Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home And Office is the latest in a long series of signal boosters from HiBoost.
- It provides a gratis app that allows customers to assess the quality of their cell phone signal in real-time.
- If you’re searching for a mobile phone booster that’s simple to set up and covers a 4000 square foot area in a mid-sized house or workplace, look no further.
- After utilizing this amplifier, everyone has seen a considerable improvement in their signal.
- It can cover up to 4000 square feet and is compatible with all cell phone providers in Canada and the United States.
- Apart from the aforementioned characteristics, it has excellent 4G, 3G, and 2G boosting capabilities, allowing customers to have a better cellular experience with fewer lost calls and a quicker Internet connection.
- Installation is simplified by the device’s built-in antenna and 50oHm cable.
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9. SureCall Fusion4Home
SureCall Fusion4Home signal booster is ideal for individuals looking for a simple gadget to increase their signal. It is also one of cheap cell signal booster.
- SureCall is one of the best cheap cell phone booster because of its customizable installation and features.
- Look no farther than this device if you’re searching for a basic 4G booster that’s straightforward to set up and can cover a small to mid-sized home.
- It has a simple antenna setup and is compatible with practically all well-known American carriers on the market.
- The kit includes an outside Omni antenna that is simple to install and an inside whip antenna that catches and rebroadcasts boosted signals.
- The signal may reach up to 2000 square feet in the region, providing a high-quality voice experience, quicker Internet speeds, and fewer lost calls.
10. Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster
Verizon Cell Phone Signal Booster is a gadget that was created specifically to support and magnify signals sent and received by the Verizon Band 13 carrier.
- It works in the same way as any other cellular booster.
- It is small and light in weight.
- Only cell phones that support the Verizon Band 13 cellular band are compatible with this cell booster.
- If your phone supports it, this utility will provide you with a better signal experience that is free of dropped calls.
- It comes with an exterior Yagi Antenna that takes outside signals from a mobile phone tower and transfers them to the interior whip antenna, which amplifies the signal and broadcasts it across the coverage area.
- Multiple mobile phone users may then use the enhanced signal, which can span an area of up to 1500 to 2000 square feet.
- As a consequence, Verizon’s 4G LTE experience has been improved, with better voice and audio quality, faster Internet, and fewer lost calls and unsent messages.
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11. 5G Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home Office And RV
5G Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home Office And RV cell booster has innovative features that set it apart from the others on this list.
- The amplifier has a touch screen LED display that shows the signal strength and band information in real-time.
- This mobile phone booster is ideal for usage in large office buildings with a significant number of cell phone users.
- It has features like an LED touch display and Automatic Gain Control that make it easy to operate.
- It is unquestionably worthwhile to purchase huge office areas.
- You may also manage your booster device by turning off or lowering the manual gain knob.
- With capabilities like the ones listed above, the 5G Cell Signal Booster works wonders to boost outside signals, eliminate lost calls, and increase Internet connection.
- At the same time, it guarantees a better signal for various cell users in different locations of the service area.
- The cellular booster can cover an area of up to 4000 square feet and is compatible with all major American carriers.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to know about best cheap cell phone booster. Let us know which one of the above cheap cell signal booster you liked the most. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.