尽管如今几乎所有笔记本电脑都内置了Wi-Fi,但它们并不总是配备最好的无线硬件。如果您是台式 PC 用户,您的计算机可能会附带一个以太网网络适配器,但不是(Ethernet)Wi-Fi。
无论哪种方式,您都需要选择最适合您的需求和预算的 USB Wi-Fi 适配器,这意味着您很幸运,因为我们列出了 12 个最好的 Wi-Fi 适配器,每一个都以独特的方式。
在 Wi-Fi USB 适配器(USB Adapter)中寻找什么
为您的无线网络购买USB Wi-Fi适配器可能比您想象的要复杂。不仅有许多不同的 Wi-Fi 标准要应对,而且还有不同的USB 标准(USB standards)。
获得双频Wi-Fi加密狗是个好主意,这样您就可以连接到使用 2.4Ghz 或 5Ghz Wi-Fi频段的热点。如果您只想将USB适配器与家用路由器一起使用,并且只关心它们是否兼容,那么这并不是什么大问题。
至于Wi-Fi标准,现在不要太担心购买Wi-Fi 6 适配器,除非您知道您正在市场上购买Wi-Fi 6 路由器并且将拥有可以测试的那种宽带其快速的互联网连接速度。
macOS Big Sur和Linux用户须知
所有现代Apple Mac(Apple Macs)都有内置的 Wi-Fi 模块,但出于多种原因,您可能对它不满意。不幸的是,在我们对本文的研究过程中,很明显,自 macOS Big Sur以来,操作系统上对第三方USB Wi-Fi适配器的支持充其量只是参差不齐。(USB Wi-Fi)这些加密狗中的大多数都没有适用于 macOS 的官方驱动程序软件,因此如果有的话,您将被迫依赖第三方驱动程序。
如果您要购买专门用于 Big Sur 或更新的Mac的(Mac)USB Wi-Fi适配器,请在购买前进行一些研究,以确认它可以与现代 macOS 系统兼容。如果您犯了错误,请记住,像亚马逊(Amazon)这样的零售商通常很乐意退款或交换科技产品。
至于Linux,情况要好一些,因为大多数Linux桌面发行版都支持几种常见的 Wi-Fi 芯片组。这意味着您甚至可能无需安装任何驱动程序即可使适配器正常工作。不过,如果您是Linux用户,请仔细检查适配器是否与您的Linux风格兼容。即使您使用Windows 10进行双重引导,在引导至(Windows 10)Linux时仍需要合适的驱动器。
1. 最佳在线游戏适配器:华硕 USB-AC68(Asus USB-AC68)双频 USB 3.0 Wi-Fi 适配器
- 快速 AC1900 速度
- 可折叠便携
- 用于低延迟游戏的 3×4 MIMO
游戏玩家与其他 Wi-Fi 用户的要求截然不同。重要的不是连接的峰值速度,而是您和服务器之间的延迟有多小。滞后峰值可能意味着采取虚拟子弹和将它们抛出之间的区别。
华硕 USB-AC68(Asus USB-AC68)旨在确保在发送或接收多人游戏数据时没有不必要的延迟。假设你也有一个好的游戏路由器,3×4 MIMO设计可以同时发送和接收数据而不会受到干扰。
这也是一个 Wi-Fi 适配器,它使用波束成形技术来确保适配器和路由器之间的信号保持坚如磐石。虽然此适配器最适合桌面游戏系统,但它也很便携。它有折叠天线,所以如果你想把它塞进你的笔记本电脑包里,你可以毫不费力地做到这一点,如果你不是在线或局域网(LAN)游戏玩家,AC68的价格并没有那么大的吸引力,但是如果你认真对待多人游戏,这就是你想要的。
Netgear 的Nighthawk路由器在游戏社区和那些欣赏可以处理现代光纤宽带和高带宽LAN应用(如大文件传输和家庭流媒体)的高端家庭网络设备的用户中备受推崇。
Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 USB适配器以紧凑的外形提供可笑的 Wi-Fi传输速度。(Wi-Fi)随附一个出色的磁性桌面支架,您可以使用它以最佳方式将适配器放置在任何磁性金属表面上。还有一个巧妙的集成可折叠天线,因此您可以轻松地将其随身携带以供笔记本电脑使用。
这是一个双频适配器,因此您不必担心无法连接到较旧的 2.4Ghz 路由器。值得注意的是,Netgear支持 macOS。根据我们检查过的论坛文章,它似乎确实适用于 Big Sur和更新版本,尽管有些用户不得不跳过几圈才能完成所有设置。
- 在一台设备中包含蓝牙(Bluetooth)和Wi-Fi
- 袖珍的
有时您只有许多USB端口可用,尤其是在较旧的计算机上。如果您有一个既没有 Wi-Fi 也没有蓝牙(Bluetooth)的旧桌面系统,这款Edimax 二合一(Edimax)适配器将一次性将这两种技术添加到您的设计中。遗憾的是,这仍然是 Wi-Fi 4 设备,因此它仅支持 2.4Ghz 频段的 150Mbps 速度。但是,对于一台较旧的计算机,您想融入无线世界,这已经绰绰有余了。
TEW-809UB看起来有点像卡在背上的虫子,但这款 Wi-Fi 适配器以实惠的价格提供快速的AC1900速度,并在您需要时兼作远程适配器。这些天线是可拆卸的,所以如果你想把你的适配器放在笔记本电脑包里,你可以把它们取下来,避免担心你会弄断一些东西。
假设(Suppose)您在家中和旅途中使用单个USB Wi-Fi适配器。(USB Wi-Fi)在这种情况下,由于双频支持,TEW-809UB提供了出色的性能、尖端的无线技术以及与任何路由器的兼容性。它有点贵,但从客户那里了解真实世界的性能体验,似乎每一美元都值得。
- 非常实惠
- 带有可调节天线的简单设计
- 双频 Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
有时,您只需将Wi-Fi添加到 Wi- (Wi-Fi)Fi(Wi-Fi)损坏、丢失或过时的计算机即可。您当然不想因为这样一个简单的功能而感到震惊。如果您想要最新的尖端硬件, USB (USB) Wi-Fi适配器的价格可能超过 100 美元,但TP-Link的另一端市场覆盖了额定总速率为 600 Mbps的(Mbps)AC600。
您可以以 100 美元的价格购买其中五个这样的适配器,并且还有剩余的零钱可以购买汉堡和薯条。因此,这是为您家中的每台计算机添加Wi-Fi的绝佳方式。这是一款带有高增益双频天线的Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) 适配器。(Wi-Fi)它在 2.4Ghz 频段上支持 200Mbps,在 5Ghz 频段上支持 433Mbps。该适配器应该适用于任何现代路由器或热点,并且提供的速度对于任何给定的单个用户来说应该足够了。
遗憾的是,这是一个没有波束成形技术的全向适配器,因此范围可能比预期的要短。尽管如此,您还是应该使用Wi-Fi扩展器来确保您的家有完整的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)覆盖范围!
这款来自Netgear(Netgear)的nano 适配器旨在插入USB端口,然后单独放置。这几乎不会挂在任何东西上并被折断,因此它非常适合笔记本电脑,您可能需要四处移动计算机并且不想在将笔记本电脑放入包中时不断拔下 Wi-Fi 适配器。
这是一个双频适配器,因此您可以轻松连接到您找到的任何路由器。Netgear 声称每个频段的速度分别为 300 Mbps和 867 Mbps,但由于这是一款 USB 2.0 设备,因此请降低您的期望。USB 2.0 本身的吞吐量限制为 480 Mbps。实际上(Realistically),您最多可以达到几百兆位,但对于大多数移动用户来说,这已经绰绰有余了。无论如何,您只能从纳米适配器中的微型天线中获得这么多。A6150的主要吸引力在于它紧凑、可靠且价格合理。不是超快的速度。
我们从各种用户评论中挑选了跳过随附CD-ROM上的软件(这些天谁有 CD 驱动器?)并从Netgear网站获取最新驱动程序。
对于紧凑型便携式 Wi-Fi 适配器,您通常必须在相对较弱的内部天线阵列或笨重的外部天线系统之间进行选择。Edimax提出了第三种选择,将可折叠天线集成到闪存驱动器大小的适配器主体中。
它可能看起来很小,但这是一个 AC1750 802.11ac 适配器。因此,如果路由器支持,您可以推送兆比特。它隐藏了三个发射和三个接收天线,可以180度调节,让您获得最佳信号。
将 Wi-Fi 适配器添加到现代Windows系统时,通常只需将其插入即可,然后一切正常。如果您不是Windows用户或者您使用的是Linux的某些变体,则可能很难找到可以工作的适配器。
9.最佳(Best Price)性价比: TP - Link Archer T4U (Performance)Plus(TP-Link Archer T4U Plus)
常识认为,某事可以快速或便宜,但不能两者兼而有之。T4U Plus似乎吸取了这种智慧,将其卷起,然后直接扔进垃圾桶。
T4U Plus只需 25 美元左右,即可提供AC1300(总计约 1300Mbps)性能和出色的稳定性。
T4U Plus使用双天线系统为您的 Wi-Fi 网络提供更强大、更稳定的连接。它还采用MU-MIMO技术,以充分利用其带宽,同时发送和接收数据。
与此价格范围内的其他适配器不同,T4U Plus是一款 USB 3.0 设备,这意味着它能够为每个频段提供宣传的 400Mbps 和 876Mbps 速度。NETGEAR AC1200 Wi-Fi USB 2.0 迷你适配器(NETGEAR AC1200 Wi-Fi USB 2.0 Mini Adapter)等产品提供 1200Mbps 的速度,但USB 2.0本身限制为 480Mbps!
除非您有特定的高性能Wi-Fi用例,否则大多数人应该会对T4U Plus作为桌面系统的Wi-Fi解决方案感到高兴。(Wi-Fi)
如果不出意外,D-Link DWA-192以其有趣的球形而著称。关于“思考你的球体”的模因浮现在脑海中,但我们认为这个 Wi-Fi 适配器看起来很酷,你不想把它藏起来。
球形隐藏了一组强大的天线和传输硬件,专门设计用于扩展您的 Wi-Fi 范围并减少对中继器或Wi-Fi 网状(Wi-Fi mesh)系统的需求。
这是一个使用USB 3.0接口的(USB 3.0)AC1900适配器,因此假设您的路由器可以跟上速度,这里有很多潜在的速度。DWA-192 使用先进的波束成形技术来瞄准您的路由器并确保不浪费传输功率。
D-Link声称DWA-192提供的范围是典型 Wi-Fi 适配器的三倍,并且可以帮助克服由于您和路由器之间的墙壁和其他物体造成的信号损失。由于这款适配器的价格低于 50 美元,因此它也比许多 Wi-Fi 扩展器便宜,而且不会牺牲速度。
Wi-Fi 6是最新最好的 Wi-Fi 标准。它不仅提供比旧的 Wi-Fi 标准更高的速度,而且还对可靠性、延迟和安全性进行了许多改进。可悲的是,您当前的笔记本电脑或台式机可能没有Wi-Fi 6,因此即使您购买了Wi-Fi 6路由器或在野外遇到了一个,您也无法充分利用其中。
虽然将来购买新计算机是解决问题的一种方法,但与此同时,您可以使用D-Link的这款出色的紧凑型适配器来升级任何支持USB 3的计算机。
虽然您无法获得PCIe Wi-Fi 6卡的全部 3000 Mbps速度,但每个频段上的574 和 1200 Mbps都不容小觑。(Mbps)它肯定比任何 Wi-Fi USB适配器都快。
12.最佳(Best)紧凑型远程(Long-range)适配器:BrosTrend 1200
虽然我们喜欢D-Link DWA-192的外星球体设计和远程能力,但它太笨重,无法带到任何地方。如果您需要将远程 Wi-Fi 适配器带到工作场所或其他一些您不能非常靠近路由器或热点的开放空间,我们认为BrosTrend 1200是一个更好的解决方案。
该适配器带有一个 5 dBi 高增益天线,可让您将天线朝向路由器倾斜并获得远距离连接。这款 USB 3 双频无线适配器在每个频段上支持 300 和 867 Mbps的速度。(Mbps)
没有什么能比得上快速可靠的无线连接了。通过选择正确的无线适配器,您可以摆脱连接不良带来的所有挫败感,留下自由和便利。Wi-Fi 连接是当今生活中必不可少的一部分,上面的适配器之一应该可以让您连接到全球网络。
12 Best USB Wi-Fi Adapters (2022)
While virtually аll laptops ship with Wi-Fi built-in these days, they don’t always come with the best wireless hardware. If you’re a desktop PC user, you’ll probably get an Ethernet network adapter included with your computer, but not Wi-Fi.
Either way, you’ll want to choose the best USB Wi-Fi adapter for your needs and budget, which means you’re in luck since we’ve listed twelve of the very best Wi-Fi adapters, each in their unique way.
What to Look For in a Wi-Fi USB Adapter
Shopping for a USB Wi-Fi adapter for your wireless network can be more complicated than you might expect. Not only are there many different Wi-Fi standards to contend with, but also different USB standards.
Then you also need to decide whether you want a large dongle with an antenna that can sustain high speeds over long distances or a compact dongle that can easily fit into your laptop bag.
It’s a good idea to get a dongle that’s dual-band Wi-Fi so that you can connect to hotspots that use either 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz Wi-Fi bands. If you’re only going to use your USB adapter with your home router and only care that they are compatible, then it’s not a significant deal.
As for Wi-Fi standards, don’t worry too much about buying a Wi-Fi 6 adapter right now unless you know that you’re in the market for a Wi-Fi 6 router and will have the sort of broadband that will test its fast internet connection speed.
You may also want to keep an eye out for “beamforming technology,” which is a method to give Wi-Fi signals more directionality. A device with beamforming can target your router’s relative position more directly and maximize transmission power. It can be crucial if you’re looking to stretch the limits of Wi-Fi penetration and range!
A Note for macOS Big Sur and Linux Users
All modern Apple Macs have a built-in Wi-Fi module, but you might not be happy with it for several reasons. Unfortunately, during our research for this article, it became apparent that since macOS Big Sur, the support for third-party USB Wi-Fi adapters on the operating system has become spotty at best. Most of these dongles don’t have an official driver software for macOS, so you’ll be forced to rely on third-party drivers if any.
If you’re shopping for a USB Wi-Fi adapter specifically for your Big Sur or newer Mac, do some research before buying it to confirm that it will work with modern macOS systems. If you make a mistake, remember that retailers like Amazon are usually happy to refund or exchange tech products.
As for Linux, things are a little better there since most desktop distros of Linux have support for several common Wi-Fi chipsets. This means you may not even have to install any drivers to make the adapter work. Still, if you’re a Linux user, double-check that an adapter has compatibility with your flavor of Linux. Even if you’re dual-booting with Windows 10, you still need to have suitable drives when booting into Linux.
1. Best Online Gaming Adapter: Asus USB-AC68 Dual-Band USB 3.0 Wi-Fi Adapter
- Fast AC1900 speeds
- Foldable for portability
- 3×4 MIMO for low-latency gaming
Gamers have very different requirements from other Wi-Fi users. It’s not so much the peak speed of the connection that matters, but how little latency there is between you and the server. A lag spike can mean the difference between taking a virtual bullet and dishing them out.
The Asus USB-AC68 is designed to make sure there’s no unnecessary lag when sending or receiving your multiplayer game data. Assuming that you also have a good gaming router, the 3×4 MIMO design can simultaneously send and receive data with no interference.
This is also a Wi-Fi adapter that uses beamforming technology to ensure that the signal between the adapter and router remains rock-solid. While this adapter is best for desktop gaming systems, it’s portable too. It has folding antennas, so if you want to slip it into your laptop bag, you can do it without much fuss, If you aren’t an online or LAN gamer, the AC68 doesn’t have that much appeal at its price, but if you take multiplayer seriously, this is the one to go for.
- Very fast
- Neat magnetic cradle idea
Netgear’s Nighthawk routers are well-respected in both the gaming community and among those who appreciate high-end home network gear that can handle modern fiber broadband and high-bandwidth LAN applications such as large file transfers and in-home streaming.
The Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 USB adapter offers ludicrous Wi-Fi transfer speeds in a compact form factor. There’s an excellent magnetic desktop cradle included that you can use to position the adapter on any magnetic metal surface optimally. There’s also a clever integrated foldable antenna, so you can easily take it with you for laptop use.
This is a dual-band adapter, so you don’t have to worry that you can’t connect to older 2.4Ghz routers. Significantly, Netgear supports macOS. Based on the forum articles we checked, it does seem to work on Big Sur and newer, although some users had to jump through a few hoops to get it all set up.
- Includes Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in one device
- Compact
Sometimes you only have many USB ports available, especially on older computers. If you have an older desktop system that has neither Wi-Fi nor Bluetooth, this Edimax 2-in-1 adapter will add both technologies to your design in one go. Sadly, this is still a Wi-Fi 4 device, so it only supports 150Mbps speeds on the 2.4Ghz band. However, for an older computer, you want to hook into the wireless world, that’s more than enough.
4. Best Premium Adapter: Trendnet TEW-809UB
- Awesome design
- Removable antenna
- Great performance
The TEW-809UB looks a little like a bug that’s stuck on its back, but this Wi-Fi adapter offers fast AC1900 speeds for a great price and doubles as a long-range adapter when you need it to. Those antennas are removable, so if you want to take your adapter with you in a laptop bag, you can take them off and avoid worrying that you’re going to break something off.
Suppose you use a single USB Wi-Fi adapter at home and on the go. In that case, the TEW-809UB offers killer performance, cutting-edge wireless technology, and compatibility with any router, thanks to dual-band support. It’s a little pricey, but reading about the real-world performance experience from customers, it seems worth every dollar.
- Very affordable
- Simple design with an adjustable antenna
- Dual-band Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Sometimes all you need is to add Wi-Fi to a computer with broken, missing, or outdated Wi-Fi. You certainly don’t want to experience sticker shock for such a simple feature. USB Wi-Fi Adapters can cost more than $100 if you want the latest cutting-edge hardware, but TP-Link has the other end of the market covered with the AC600 rated at 600 Mbps total.
You can buy five of these adapters at $100 and still have change left over for a burger and fries. So it’s an excellent way to add Wi-Fi to every computer in your house. This is a Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) adapter with a high-gain dual-band antenna. It supports 200Mbps on the 2.4Ghz band and 433Mbps on the 5Ghz band. This adapter should work with any modern router or hotspot, and the speeds on offer should be enough for any given single user.
Sadly this is an omnidirectional adapter without beamforming technology, so the range may be shorter than expected. Still, you should be using Wi-Fi extenders to ensure your home has complete Wi-Fi coverage anyway!
- Small
- Good price
- Adequate speed limited by USB 2
This nano adapter from Netgear is designed to slot into a USB port and then be left alone. There’s little danger that this will hook on anything and get broken off, so it’s perfect for laptops where you may need to move the computer around and don’t want to constantly unplug your Wi-Fi adapter when you put the laptop in its bag.
This is a dual-band adapter, so you’ll have no trouble connecting to any router you find. Netgear claims speeds of 300 Mbps and 867 Mbps for each band, but temper your expectations since this is a USB 2.0 device. USB 2.0 itself is limited to a throughput of 480 Mbps. Realistically you’ll max out at a few hundred megabits, but for most mobile users, this is more than enough. In any event, there’s only so much you can get out of the tiny antennas in a nano adapter. The main draw of the A6150 is that it’s compact, reliable, and well-priced. Not blazing-fast speeds.
We’ve picked up from the various user reviews to skip the software on the included CD-ROM (who has a CD drive these days?) and get the latest driver from the Netgear website.
The A6150 is a great way to upgrade the Wi-Fi on older laptops as a plug-and-forget solution.
- Fast performance
- Excellent reception in a compact dongle
When it comes to compact, portable Wi-Fi adapters, you usually have to choose between a relatively weak internal antenna array or a clunky external antenna system. Edimax has come up with a third option to integrate a foldable antenna into an adapter body the size of a flash drive.
It might seem small, but this is an AC1750 802.11ac adapter. So you can push the megabits if the router supports it. It hides three transmission and three reception antennas and can be adjusted through 180 degrees, so you get the best signal.
If you don’t mind having a fairly long adapter stick out of your laptop, this is a simple adapter to fold up and slip in a laptop bag pocket.
- Dual antenna design
- Excellent compatibility with many operating systems
When adding a Wi-Fi adapter to a modern Windows system, it’s usually a matter of plugging it in, and then everything works. If you’re not a Windows user or you’re using some variant of Linux, it can be hard to find adapters that work.
The Nineplus has a great reputation for being compatible with various operating systems. Including ones that aren’t that mainstream and ones that are old now. So if you want to add Wi-Fi to a system that’s not running the latest version of Windows, the Nineplus is an excellent choice.
- Fast performance
- USB 3
- Fantastic price for the specifications
Common wisdom holds that something can be fast or cheap, but not both. The T4U Plus seems to take that wisdom, roll it up, and throw it straight in the trash.
For around $25, the T4U Plus offers AC1300 (around 1300Mbps total) performance and excellent stability.
The T4U Plus uses a dual antenna system to provide a stronger, more stable connection to your Wi-Fi network. It also features MU-MIMO technology to make the most of its bandwidth, sending and receiving data simultaneously.
Unlike other adapters in this price range, the T4U Plus is a USB 3.0 device, which means it’s capable of the advertised 400Mbps and 876Mbps speeds for each band. Products like the NETGEAR AC1200 Wi-Fi USB 2.0 Mini Adapter offer 1200Mbps speeds, but USB 2.0 itself is limited to 480Mbps!
Unless you have a specific high-performance Wi-Fi use case, most people should be delighted with the T4U Plus as a Wi-Fi solution for a desktop system.
- Awesome design
- Wall-penetrating power
If nothing else, the D-Link DWA-192 is notable for its interesting spherical shape. Memes about “pondering your orb” come to mind, but we think this Wi-Fi adapter looks so cool you won’t want to hide it away.
The spherical shape hides a formidable set of antenna and transmission hardware, specifically designed to stretch your Wi-Fi range and reduce the need to have repeaters or a Wi-Fi mesh system.
This is an AC1900 adapter using a USB 3.0 interface, so there’s plenty of potential speed on offer here, assuming your router can keep up. The DWA-192 uses advanced beamforming technology to target your router and ensure transmission power isn’t wasted.
D-Link claims that the DWA-192 offers three times the range of typical Wi-Fi adapters and can help overcome signal loss because of walls and other objects between you and the router. Since this adapter comes in at under $50, it’s also cheaper than many Wi-Fi extenders, without the speed sacrifice.
The only real problem with the DWA-192 is that it’s not very compact. This is definitely for home use only, but other than that, this ball of wonders should amp up your browsing like nothing else.
11. Best Portable Wi-Fi 6 Dongle: D-Link DWA-X1850
- All the benefits of Wi-Fi 6
- Compact design
- High speed
Wi-Fi 6 is the latest and greatest Wi-Fi standard. It doesn’t just offer higher speeds than older Wi-Fi standards but many improvements to reliability, latency, and security. Sadly, the chances are that your current laptop or desktop doesn’t have Wi-Fi 6, so even if you buy a Wi-Fi 6 router or you encounter one out in the wild, you won’t be able to take full advantage of it.
While buying a new computer in the future is one way to solve the issue, in the meantime, you can use this excellent compact adapter from D-Link to upgrade any USB 3 capable computer.
While you can’t get the full 3000Mbps speeds of a PCIe Wi-Fi 6 card, 574- and 1200- Mbps on each band is nothing to be sniffed at. It’s certainly faster than any Wi-Fi USB adapter.
12. Best Compact Long-range Adapter: BrosTrend 1200
While we adore the D-Link DWA-192 with its alien orb design and long-range ability, it’s just too bulky to take anywhere. If you need to take a long-range Wi-Fi adapter to a work site or some other open space where you can’t be very close to the router or hotspot, we think the BrosTrend 1200 is a better solution.
The adapter comes with a 5 dBi high-gain antenna that lets you angle the antenna towards the router and gets a connection from long distances. This USB 3 dual-band wireless adapter supports 300- and 867- Mbps speeds on each band.
Plug In That Wireless Power
There’s nothing like a fast and reliable wireless connection. By picking the right wireless adapter, you take all the frustration of poor connections out of your life and just leave the freedom and convenience. A Wi-Fi connection is an essential part of life these days, and one of the adapters above should keep you connected to the global web.