您是否正在为您的 Android 设备寻找免费的防病毒软件?好吧,别再看了,因为在本指南中,我们讨论了 10 款适用于 Android 的最佳防病毒软件,您可以免费使用它们。 (Are you looking for Free Antivirus Software for your Android device? Well, look no further, as in this guide we have discussed 10 best Antivirus software for Android which you can use for free. )
尽管这确实是个好消息,但情况很快就会变得相当势不可挡。在互联网上的众多此类软件中,您选择哪一个?什么是您的最佳选择?如果你也有同样的想法,请不要害怕,我的朋友。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论 2022 年适用于Android的 10 款最佳免费杀毒软件。不仅如此,我还将为您提供有关它们的每一个小细节。阅读完本文后,您将需要了解更多信息。所以,一定要坚持到底。现在,不再浪费时间,让我们继续。和朋友一起阅读。
2022 年适用于Android的10款最佳免费杀毒软件(Best Free Antivirus Software)
以下是适用于Android(Android)的 10 款最佳免费杀毒软件。请继续阅读以了解有关它们的更多详细信息。
#1. Avast Mobile Security
首先(First),我要和你谈谈的安卓(Android)杀毒软件是Avast Mobile Security。您显然很清楚多年来保护我们 PC 的品牌。现在,它意识到了它所缺少的巨大的智能手机市场,并迈出了一步。根据AV-Test最近组织的一项测试,Avast移动安全已被评为顶级Android恶意软件扫描程序。
借助此防病毒软件,您只需在屏幕上单击一下即可扫描任何有害或受感染的木马(Trojans)以及应用程序。除此之外,该软件始终保护您的 Android 设备免受病毒和间谍软件的侵害。
为了让您更轻松,防病毒软件可让您查看所有应用程序见解,以便您可以跟踪您在手机上存在的每个应用程序上花费的时间。有一个照片库,您可以在其中安全地保存您的照片,不让任何您不想看到它们的人看到。垃圾清理器功能可帮助您擦除残留文件以及缓存文件。另一个独特的功能是Web Shield,它使您能够继续安全地浏览网页。
下载 Avast Antivirus( Download Avast Antivirus)
#2. Bitdefender Mobile Security
我现在要向您展示的另一款适用于Android的防病毒软件称为Bitdefender Mobile Security。该软件为您提供针对病毒和恶意软件的全面安全性。该防病毒软件附带一个恶意软件扫描程序,如果您相信的话,它的检测率可以达到惊人的 100%。除此之外,完全有可能借助PIN码锁定您认为敏感的任何应用程序。如果您连续输入错误PIN 5 次,将超时 30 秒。更好的是,防病毒软件使您能够跟踪、锁定甚至擦除您的Android设备,以防它丢失。
除此之外,网络安全功能可确保您拥有安全可靠的浏览体验,这要归功于其对任何潜在有害内容的极其精确和快速的检测率。好像这一切还不够,有一个名为Snap Photo的功能,当您不在时,防病毒软件会点击任何篡改您手机的人的照片。
下载 Bitdefender 移动安全和防病毒软件( Download Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus)
#3. 360 Security
现在,下一个绝对值得你花时间和关注的杀毒软件,就是 360安全(Security)。该应用程序会定期执行扫描以查找可能存在于您设备中的任何潜在有害恶意软件。但是,它有时会在搜索中搞砸。举个例子,当然,Facebook确实占用了我们很多时间,我们会尽量减少浏览它,但它不能完全被视为恶意软件,对吧?
除此之外,还有一些助推器功能。然而,他们真的没有那么好。开发人员为我们提供了免费和付费版本的防病毒软件。免费版带有广告。另一方面,高级版的订阅费为一年 5.49 美元,并且不包含这些广告。
下载 360 安全( Download 360 Security)
#4. Norton Security & Antivirus
(Norton)对于任何使用过 PC 的人来说,诺顿都是一个熟悉的名字。多年来,这款防病毒软件一直保护我们的计算机免受病毒、恶意软件、间谍软件、特洛伊木马(Trojan)和所有其他安全威胁的侵害。现在,该公司终于意识到了Android智能手机领域的巨大市场,并已涉足其中。防病毒软件具有几乎 100% 的检测率。除此之外,该应用程序还可以有效删除可能会降低设备速度,甚至影响设备寿命的病毒、恶意软件和间谍软件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 款适用于 Android 的最佳拨号器应用程序(10 Best Dialer Apps for Android)
该软件会扫描您正在使用的所有 Wi-Fi 连接,以让您了解不安全以及可能有害的连接。安全搜索功能可确保您不会偶然发现可能使您在浏览过程中丢失敏感数据的不安全网站。除此之外,还有一个叫做偷看的功能,可以捕捉到你不在时试图使用手机的人的图像。
该应用程序提供免费和付费版本。超过 30 天免费试用期后,使用免费版即可解锁高级版。
下载 Norton Security & Antivirus( Download Norton Security & Antivirus)
#5. Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus
下载卡巴斯基杀毒软件( Download Kaspersky Antivirus)
#6. Avira
我要与您讨论的下一个防病毒软件称为Avira。它是互联网上最新的防病毒应用程序之一,尤其是当您将其与列表中的其他应用程序进行比较时。但是,不要让它愚弄你。确实是保护手机的绝佳选择。所有基本功能,如实时保护、设备扫描、外部 SD 卡扫描都在那里,然后还有更多。除此之外,您还可以使用其他功能,包括防盗支持、黑名单、隐私扫描和设备管理功能。Stagefright Advisor(Stagefright Advisor)工具增加了它的优势。
下载 Avira 防病毒软件( Download Avira Antivirus)
#7. AVG Antivirus
现在,对于上榜的杀毒软件,让我们把目光转向AVG杀毒。该软件由AVG Technologies开发。该公司实际上是Avast软件的子公司。新时代防病毒软件中存在的所有一般功能,例如Wi-Fi安全性、定期扫描、呼叫阻止程序、RAM加速器、节电程序、垃圾清理器,以及更多此类功能都存在于这个软件中,例如好。
在 14 天的试用期内,免费版本可使用高级功能。这段时间结束后,您将不得不支付费用才能继续使用它们。此防病毒软件还附带了一些附加应用程序,例如Gallery、AVG Secure VPN、Alarm Clock Xtreme和AVG Cleaner,您可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载。
下载 AVG Antivirus( Download AVG Antivirus)
#8. McAfee Mobile Security
接下来,我将与您讨论McAfee移动安全。当然,如果您已经在使用计算机,那么您确实了解McAfee。该公司长期以来一直为 PC 所有者提供其防病毒服务。最后,他们也决定涉足安卓(Android)安全领域。该应用程序提供了一些壮观的功能。现在,首先,它当然会扫描并删除有风险的网站、可能有害的代码、ARP 欺骗攻击(ARP spoofing attacks), 还有很多。但是,它所做的更多是删除您不再需要或根本不需要的文件。除此之外,该应用程序还密切关注数据使用情况以及提高电池性能以获得更好的性能。
该应用程序提供免费和付费版本。高级版相当昂贵,一年 29.99 美元。但是,当您将其与您获得的功能进行比较时,这是有道理的。
下载 MCafee 移动防病毒软件( Download MCafee Mobile Antivirus)
#9. Dr. Web Security Space
您(Are)是否正在寻找已经存在很长时间的防病毒软件?如果答案是肯定的,那么你来对地方了,我的朋友。让我向您介绍网络安全空间(Web Security Space)博士。该应用程序具有惊人的功能,例如快速扫描和全面扫描、为您提供宝贵见解的统计数据、隔离空间,甚至是勒索软件保护。URL过滤、通话和短信(SMS)过滤、防盗功能、防火墙、家长控制等其他功能使您的体验更加出色。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 个最佳免费清洁器应用程序(10 Best Free Cleaner Apps For Android)
该应用程序有几个不同的版本。有一个免费版本。要获得一年的订阅,您需要支付 7.99 美元。另一方面,如果您想使用高级版几年,您可以通过支付 15.99 美元来获得它。终身计划非常昂贵,售价为 74.99 美元。但是,请记住,在这种情况下,您只需支付一次,就可以终生使用它。
下载 Dr.Web 安全空间( Download Dr.Web Security Space)
#10. Security Master
最后但同样重要的是,现在让我们谈谈名单上的最后一款杀毒软件——安全大师(– Security Master)。事实上,它是曾经是Android的(Android)CM Security应用程序的升级版本。该应用程序已被很多人下载,并且在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得了不错的评价。
除此之外,您还可以直接从这个应用程序浏览所有您喜欢的网站,例如Facebook、YouTube、Twitter等等。有一个安全连接VPN功能,可让您访问在您居住的地区被阻止的网站(access to the websites that are blocked)。入侵者自拍功能会在您不在时点击任何试图篡改您手机的人的自拍。消息安全功能使您能够隐藏通知预览。
下载安全大师( Download Security Master)
10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android in 2022
Are you looking for Free Antivirus Software for your Android device? Well, look no further, as in this guide we have discussed 10 best Antivirus software for Android which you can use for free.
The digital revolution has completely changed our lives in every aspect. The smartphone has become an integral part of our daily lives. We do not just save some contact numbers and call them up whenever we need or feel like to. Instead, these days we save all the sensitive information about our personal and professional lives in it.
This is, on the one hand, essential and convenient, but also makes us vulnerable to cybercrime. The data leak and hacking can cause your data to fall into wrong hands. This, in turn, can lead to severe troubles. At this point, you are most likely wondering then how I can stop it? What are the preventive measures I can take? That is where antivirus software comes in. With this software’s help, you can protect your sensitive data from the dark side of the internet.
Although it is indeed good news, the situation can get quite overwhelming pretty quickly. Among the plethora of this software out there on the internet, which one do you choose? What is the best choice for you? In case you are thinking about the same, do not be afraid, my friend. I am here to help you with precisely that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 10 best free antivirus software for Android in 2022. Not only that, but I am also going to give you every little detail about each one of them. You are going to need to know anything more by the time you finish reading this article. So, make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us go on. Read along with friends.
10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android in 2022
Here are the 10 best free antivirus software for Android. Read on for finding out more details on each of them.
#1. Avast Mobile Security
First of all, the antivirus software for Android I am going to talk to you about is Avast Mobile Security. You are obviously well-aware of the brand that has protected our PCs over the years. Now, it has realized the huge smartphone market it was missing on and has made a step into it as well. According to a recent test organized by AV-Test, the Avast mobile security has been ranked as the top Android malware scanner.
With the help of this antivirus, you can scan for any harmful or infected Trojans as well as apps with the single tap on the screen. In addition to that, the software always protects your Android device against viruses as well as spyware.
Avast mobile security does contain some in-app purchases. However, you can delete these apps. Not only that, but you could also have access to several other features such as app locking facility, camera tap, SIM security, and many other premium features.
To make things easier for you, the antivirus software lets you see all the app insights so that you can keep track of the time you spend on each app that is present on your phone. There is a photo vault where you can keep your photographs securely from anyone you would not want to see them. The junk cleaner feature helps you to wipe residual files as well as cache files. Another unique feature is the Web Shield that enables you to carry on with safe web browsing.
Download Avast Antivirus
#2. Bitdefender Mobile Security
Another antivirus software for Android that I am now going to show you is called Bitdefender Mobile Security. The software gives you complete security against viruses as well as malware. The antivirus comes with a malware scanner that has an amazing detection rate of 100 percent if you can believe it. In addition to that, it is entirely possible to lock any apps that you think as sensitive with the help of a PIN code. In case you enter the false PIN consecutively 5 times, there will be a timeout of 30 seconds. What is even better is that the antivirus enables you for tracking, locking, and even wipe your Android device in case it has gone missing.
In addition to that, the web security function makes sure that you have a safe and secure browsing experience thanks to its superbly precise as well as fast detection rate of any potentially harmful content. As if all of it was not enough, there is a feature called Snap Photo, in which the antivirus software clicks a picture of anyone who is tampering with your phone when you are not present.
On the downside, there is only one. The free version of the antivirus software only offers the feature for scanning all the malware. For all the other amazing features, you are going to have to buy the premium version.
Download Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus
#3. 360 Security
Now, the next antivirus software that is definitely worthy of your time, as well as attention, is 360 Security. The app performs a scan looking for any potentially harmful malware that might be present in your device on a regular basis. However, it does mess up in its search at times. To give you an example, sure, Facebook does take up a lot of our time, and we will do good to surf it less, but it cannot exactly be considered malware, right?
In addition to that, there is some booster feature as well. However, they are really not that good. The developers have offered us both a free as well as paid versions of the antivirus software. The free version comes with ads. On the other hand, the premium version comes with a subscription fee of $5.49 for a year and does not contain these ads.
Download 360 Security
#4. Norton Security & Antivirus
Norton is a familiar name to anyone who has been using a PC. This antivirus has for many years, protected our computers from viruses, malware, spyware, Trojan, and every other security threat. Now, the company has finally realized the huge market that the Android smartphone field is and has stepped foot on it. The antivirus software comes with an almost 100% detection rate. In addition to that, the app efficiently deletes viruses, malware, and spyware that can lower the speed of your device, and even tamper its longevity.
Not only that, you can block calls or SMS that you do not want to receive from someone with the help of this app. Apart from that, there are features that enable you to lock your device remotely so that no one can access your sensitive data. In addition to that, the app can also trigger an alarm to find your Android device that might have gone missing.
Also Read: 10 Best Dialer Apps for Android
The software scans all the Wi-Fi connections you are using to let you know of an unsecured as well as potentially harmful one. The safe search feature makes sure you do not stumble onto unsecured websites that might make you lose your sensitive data in the process of browsing. In addition to that, there is also a feature called sneak peek that captures the image of the person who tries to use the phone when you are not present.
The app comes in both free as well as paid versions. The premium version gets unlocked once you are past the 30-day free trial, using the free version.
Download Norton Security & Antivirus
#5. Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus
Kaspersky is one of the most popular as well as widely loved names when it comes to antivirus software. Up until now, the company was providing the antivirus software only to computers. However, that is no more the case. Now, after they have realized the massive market potential of the Android smartphone, they have decided to come up with their own Android antivirus software. Not only does it remove all the viruses, malware, spyware, and Trojan, but the anti-phishing feature that comes with it makes sure that all the financial information of yours stay safe whenever you are doing online banking or shopping online.
In addition to that, the app can also block calls as well as SMS that you would rather not receive from someone. Along with that, the feature for placing a lock on each of the apps present on your phone is also there. So, once you place this lock, anyone who would want to access images, videos, photos, or anything else on your phone would need to enter a secret code that only you know. As if all of it was not enough, the antivirus software also enables you to track your phone in case you lose it at any point in time.
The only drawback of the software is that it comes with way too many notifications that can be quite annoying.
Download Kaspersky Antivirus
#6. Avira
The next antivirus software that I am going to talk to you about is called Avira. It is one of the newest antivirus apps that are out there on the internet, especially when you compare it to the other ones present on the list. However, do not let that fool you. It is indeed a great choice for protecting your phone. All of the basic features such as real-time protection, device scans, external SD card scans are there and then some more. In addition to that, you can make use of the other features that include anti-theft support, blacklisting, privacy scanning, and device admin features as well. The Stagefright Advisor tool adds to its benefits.
The app is quite lightweight, especially when compared to the other apps on this list. The developers have offered it in both free as well as paid versions. What is great that even the premium version does not cost a hefty sum of money, saving you a lot in the process.
Download Avira Antivirus
#7. AVG Antivirus
Now, for the antivirus software on the list, let us turn our attention to AVG antivirus. The software is developed by AVG Technologies. The company is actually a subsidiary of Avast software. All of the general features that are present in the new age antivirus software such as Wi-Fi security, scanning on a periodical basis, call blocker, RAM booster, power saver, junk cleaner, and many more such features are present in this one as well.
The advanced features are available on the free version during a trial period of 14 days. After that period is over, you are going to have to pay the fee to keep on using them. There are a few more add-on apps that come with this antivirus such as Gallery, AVG Secure VPN, Alarm Clock Xtreme, and AVG Cleaner that you can download from the Google Play Store.
There is a Surveillance Agent feature that lets you capture photos as well as record audio from your phone through the website. You can keep the photographs securely stored in the photo vault where no one but you would be able to see them.
Download AVG Antivirus
#8. McAfee Mobile Security
Next up on the list, I am going to talk to you about the McAfee mobile security. Of course, in case you are already using a computer, you do know about McAfee. The company has been offering its antivirus services to the PC owners for a long time now. Finally, they have decided to step on to the Android security field as well. The app has some spectacular features to offer. Now, to begin with, of course, it scans as well as removes risky websites, potentially harmful codes, ARP spoofing attacks, and many more. However, what more it does is that it deletes files that you no longer need or never needed at all in the first place. In addition to that, the app also keeps an eye on the data usage along with boosting the battery for better performance.
In addition to that, you can lock away any sensitive content as well. Not only that, the feature for blocking calls as well as SMS that you do not want to receive from someone, and controlling what your kids can see to protect them against the dark side of the internet is also there as well. A wide range of anti-theft features is also there. After you have downloaded them, you can make use of them to wipe your data along with locking your phone remotely. In addition to that, you can also stop a thief from uninstalling the security app from your phone. As if all of it was not enough, you can even track your phone along with sounding a remote alarm with the help of this app.
The app comes in both free as well as paid versions. The premium version is quite expensive, standing at $29.99 for a year. However, when you compare it with the features you are getting, it is only justified.
Download MCafee Mobile Antivirus
#9. Dr. Web Security Space
Are you looking for antivirus software that has been around for a long time? In case the answer is yes, you are in the right place, my friend. Let me present to you Dr. Web Security Space. The app comes with amazing features such as quick as well as full scans, stats that give you valuable insight, a quarantine space, and even protection from ransomware. The other features such as URL filtering, call as well as SMS filtering, anti-theft features, a firewall, parental control, and many more make your experience a whole lot better.
Also Read: 10 Best Free Cleaner Apps For Android
The app comes in several different versions. There is a free version. To get a year’s worth of subscription, you would need to pay $7.99. On the other hand, if you would like to use the premium version for a couple of years, you can get it by paying $15.99. The lifetime plan is quite pricey, standing at $74.99. However, keep in mind that in this case you would have to pay only once and you can use it all your life.
Download Dr.Web Security Space
#10. Security Master
Last but not least, let us now talk about the final antivirus software on the list – Security Master. It is in truth the upgraded version of what used to be the CM Security app for Android. The app has been downloaded by quite a lot of people and boasts of pretty good ratings on the Google Play Store.
The app does a great job of protecting your phone from viruses as well as malware, making your experience so much better, not to mention, safer. Even in the free version, you can make use of tons of brilliant features such as scanner, junk cleaner, phone booster, notification cleaner, Wi-Fi security, message security, battery saver, call blocker, CPU cooler, and many more.
In addition to that, you can also browse all your favourite sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and many more directly from this app. There is a Safe connect VPN feature that lets you access to the websites that are blocked in the region you are living in. The intruder selfie feature clicks selfies of anyone who tries to tamper with your phone when you are not around. The message security feature enables you to hide notification previews.
Download Security Master
So, guys, we have come towards the end of this article. It is time to wrap it up. I hope the article has given you value that you so desperately needed and was worthy of your time as well as attention. In case you have a question or think I have missed a specific point, or if you would like me to talk about something else entirely, please do let me know. Until next time, stay safe, take care, and bye.