14 个最佳免费匿名消息网站(14 Best Free Anonymous Message Websites)
- 选择您最喜欢的网站并输入您的信息以发送匿名短信。
- 选择您选择的位置(如果有的话)并输入您要发短信的人的电话号码。
- 填写验证码(CAPTCHA)并提交消息。
- 它将在几秒钟内交付。
1.短信帮(1. SMS Gang)
首先是SMS Gang,它被认为是最好的匿名消息网站之一,原因如下:
- 该站点可以自动确定您的位置,并允许您向任何密码发送未知短信。(SMS)
- 您必须输入收件人的电话号码、您的姓名、密码和您的信息才能发送信息。
- 按下发送短信按钮(Send SMS button),您的信息将在几秒钟内送达。
- SMS Gang非常适合通过发送虚假短信来恶作剧您的好友。
2. 接缝(2. Seasms)
- 本站无需注册。
- 该网站允许用户向250 多个国家/(250 countries)地区匿名发送短信。
- 此外,您还可以共享图片、视频和文档(share pictures, videos, and documents)。
- 您还可以通过上传Excel文件和自定义字段以低至 20 美元的价格发送大量电子邮件。(mass emails)
- 向多个电话号码发送SMS和MMS的能力是优势之一。
- 可以使用动态消息传递。
- 有可用于追踪匿名通信的交付记录。
- 通信成本适中,这是缺点之一。
- 本地发件人 ID 要求适用于多个国家/地区。
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3.免费发送短信(3. Free Send SMS)
列表中的下一个是免费发送短信(Free Send SMS),这是列表中最好的之一,原因如下:
- 免费发送 SMS(Send SMS)的工作方式与向各种收件人发送数百万条消息的其他匿名 Internet 消息传递提供商类似。
- 该服务不鼓励您发送滥用或欺诈性的通信,如果您这样做,它不承担任何责任。
- 通过指定他们的电话号码并免费发送您的消息,您可以向任何国家发送短信(send SMS to any nation)。
4.匿名文本(4. Anonymous Text)
在美国,Anonymous Text是一种注重隐私的匿名消息服务,许多用户使用它来实现以下显着功能:
- 发送匿名短信很简单。
- 发送消息后,您可以跟踪消息的传递。
- 无需注册,您可以向全球任何人发送消息。
- 请记住(Remember)包含国家代码,您的消息将在几秒钟内送达。
- 该网站的用户界面非常简单且用户友好(incredibly simple and user-friendly)。
- 它与所有国家的所有移动运营商兼容。
- 可以在特定时间和日期发送消息。
- 您可以发送任意数量的消息,包括表情符号。
- 您也可以在英国(United Kingdom)使用他们的匿名消息服务。
- 发送消息的成本是一个小缺点。
- 因此,您可以确定自己的隐私。
- 本地发件人 ID 限制适用于多个国家/地区。
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5. 夏普邮件(5. Sharpmail)
由于下面列出的重要功能, Sharpmail(Sharpmail)也是最好但付费的匿名应用程序之一:
- Sharpmail提供全球SMS覆盖和发送欺骗性文本消息(spoof text messages)的能力。
- 该网站允许您维护您的地址簿,并包含一个SMS发件箱,您可以在其中保存您的消息历史记录和日志。
- 但是,要使用Sharpmail,您必须先在网站上注册,然后才能使用其免费服务。
- 该服务还支持Unicode SMS。
- 您无需查看任何广告即可获得免费回复。
- 您可以立即向海外号码发送短信(SMS),发送数据将实时更新。
- 优点包括创建您自己的私人虚构电话号码和发送匿名短信(creating your own private fictitious phone number and sending anonymous text messages)。
- 您可以在任何时间和日期发送匿名短信。
- 您最多可以输入160 个字符(160 characters)来发送匿名 SMS 消息。
- 完成注册过程后,您将能够发送匿名电子邮件并生成一次性电子邮件。
- 缺点是您必须先创建一个帐户并登录才能传输匿名文本。
- 您必须支付SMS积分才能发送消息。因此,它并不是完全免费使用(not entirely free to use)的。
6.匿名文本(6. AnonTxt)
- 这是一项很棒的服务,可让您在不透露姓名的情况下向某人发送免费的匿名文本。
- 该站点的界面简单、干净且使用快捷(simple, clean, and quick to use)。
- 即使在低带宽的地方它也能很好地工作,因此您不必等待您的消息到达预期的收件人。
- 换句话说,AnonTxt是向全球任何人发送免费匿名短信的免费且最容易接受的平台。
- 这些消息是真正免费的。
- 该网站的部分很容易理解。
- 它支持世界各地的大量移动运营商。
- 为了避免欺诈,使用了验证码。
- 缺点是您必须先注册一个帐户才能使用该服务。
- 每条消息的长度不应超过 100 个字符(no more than 100 characters long)。
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7. 文本(7. Textem)
- 要开始发送匿名短信,您可以从美国(United) 选择您选择的网络运营商。(States)
- 另一个出色的功能是如果您收到任何不适当的短信,则可以阻止号码。(block numbers)
- 此外,Textem允许您发送无限数量的(infinite number of messages)带有无限字符(unlimited characters)的消息。
- 但是,唯一的缺点是它仅适用于美国的运营商(only works with carriers in the United States)。
- 算上加分点,该网站的用户界面简单易用(simple and user-friendly)。
- 要发送匿名短信(SMS),您需要知道并指定收件人的手机运营商。
8. 武装短信(8. ArmSMS)
- 它允许您向任何电话号码发送短信(SMS)并与ArmSMS网站共享。
- 您还可以从他们的不常用消息列表和类别中发送短信(SMS),例如友谊、幽默短信、爱情短信(SMS)、圣诞节(Christmas)和新年(New Year)。
- ArmSMS允许您发送长达160 个字符、以(160 characters long)拉丁文或 Unicode(Latin or Unicode)编码的文本消息。
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9. 短消息(9. SMSflick)
- 它是一个免费且易于使用的(free and simple-to-use)消息传递平台,允许您发送匿名文本而无需透露您的身份或姓名。
- 您可以向地球上的任何电话号码发送免费的匿名短信。
- 此外,您的接收者永远不会知道是谁发短信给他们的。
- 要使用其群发短信服务,您必须先注册一个高级帐户(register for a premium account)。这是这个网站的唯一骗局。
10. 文本投递(10. TxtDrop)
考虑到下面列出的显着功能, TxtDrop(TxtDrop)是最好的免费匿名消息网站之一:
- TxtDrop 是一个为任何人提供免费文本聊天的基本网站。
- 美国和加拿大(United States and Canada)的用户可能会在网站上发短信,您的信息会立即发送给收件人。
- 只需(Simply)输入您的电子邮件地址、收件人的手机号码和您的信息即可发送。
- TxtDrop 也可以集成到您的网站中,允许人们直接从您的网站发送免费短信。(SMS)
- 该网站可免费使用,无需注册(free to use and requires no registration)。
- 它具有简单的界面(simple interface)和技术,非常快速和高效(highly quick and efficient)。
- 通过添加您的电子邮件地址,您可以从收件人那里获得答案。
- 缺点包括 TextDrop对美国和加拿大以外的(outside the United States and Canada)接收者不可用(unavailable)。
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向您的朋友发送匿名短信是恶作剧的好方法。出于以下原因,您可能想尝试一下SMSTI 。
- 它是发送免费短信而不透露您的身份的最佳网站之一。
- 无需注册(no need to register)或登录。
- 您可以发送最多160 个字符(160 characters)的免费匿名短信。
- 它允许您实时验证消息传递的状态。
- 您提交的匿名文本中没有广告。
- 缺点包括您只能向印度手机号码(Indian mobile phone numbers)发送免费的匿名短信。
12. 发送匿名短信(SendAnonymousSMS)
SendAnonymousSMS是 2022 年推出的免费短信欺骗网站,可让您向任何人发送免费短信,下面列出了值得注意的功能:
- 该站点的用户界面简单、清晰且易于导航(simple, clear, and simple to navigate)。
- 到达平台后,您现在所要做的就是输入收件人的电话号码和短信,您就可以开始了。
- 此外,它还允许您选择所需的位置来传递消息,从而确保您的隐私。
- 为了匿名和娱乐,您可以伪造发件人的电话号码(fake the sender’s phone number)。
- 它允许您选择最喜欢的位置,同时保持您的隐私。
- 此外,它还允许您在不透露身份的情况下向其他人发送电子邮件。
- 本网站不对您在任何时候发送的任何通讯负责。
- 如果您出于非法目的使用本网站,您的IP 地址将被公开(IP address will be published)。
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- 它允许您在 2022 年向美国(United) 的(States)任何号码发送匿名短信。
- 您可以在不暴露您的身份的情况下向某人发送SMS消息。(SMS)
- 每个用户都有一个唯一的电话号码(unique phone number),可用于向任何人发送短信。
- 该站点与所有 SMS 提供商(all SMS providers)兼容。
- 换句话说,TextForFree是发送匿名文本消息的理想方式,但一个缺点是您只能发送纯文本消息(only send plain text messages)。
- 该服务易于使用,并提供清晰的说明(easy to use and provides clear instructions)来帮助您发送匿名短信(SMS)。
没有第三方供应商可以访问(No third-party suppliers have access)您的电话号码。
- 消息中只允许使用140 个字符。(140 characters)
- 只有少数美国移动提供商(few US mobile providers)可用。
14. 福克斯文(FoxText)
- 该服务会阻止发送未经请求的消息,并且不会向任何人显示您的电话号码。
- 只需(Simply)输入收件人的电话号码和地区,然后发送您的信息。
有很多这样的网站,您可以通过这些网站对您的朋友进行恶作剧以获得乐趣。但是,我们不鼓励任何滥用这些网站的行为,为了每个人的福祉都应该遵守这些行为。本文旨在与您分享一些免费的匿名消息网站(free anonymous message websites),希望对您有所帮助。如果您仍然无法使用任何最好的匿名消息网站,请直接与我们联系!
14 Best Free Anonymous Message Websites
Have you еver considered texting someone anonymously? You’ve come to the right place if you answered yes. Today, we’ve compiled а list of some of the finest and free anonymous message websites you can use to send an anonymous text message to someone without disclosing your identity in this article. Howevеr, you must first read thе terms and conditions of any website you piсk to avoid any legal complications. However, there are far too many options for receiving text messages from another phone. The list of best anonymous message websites below also includes some pаyable anonymous messaging websites. Continue reading.
14 Best Free Anonymous Message Websites
It’s quite easy to send suspicious SMS messages to anyone. Before proceeding with a certain site, you should read their terms of service and guidelines attentively to prevent any misunderstandings. Follow the below steps to know how these sites work.
- Choose your favorite site and input your message to send an anonymous text message.
- Select your chosen location (if one is available) and input the phone number of the person you wish to text.
- Fill in the CAPTCHA and submit the message.
- It will be delivered in a matter of seconds.
Remember that anonymous text messaging apps are meant to be used for amusement only and that any unlawful behavior, such as threats or abuse, must be avoided. Let’s now go forward and list the free anonymous message websites for you.
1. SMS Gang
First on the list is SMS Gang, which is considered one of the best anonymous message websites for the following reasons:
- This site can automatically determine your location and allows you to send unknown SMS to any pin code.
- You must input the recipient’s phone number, your name, pin code, and your message to send a message.
- Press the Send SMS button, and your message will be delivered in seconds.
- SMS Gang is ideal for pranking your buddies by sending bogus text messages.
2. Seasms
Seasms is a worldwide SMS and MMS texting service for the reasons listed below:
- This site does not need registration.
- The website allows users to send text messages anonymously to over 250 countries.
- Also, you can share pictures, videos, and documents.
- You may also send mass emails for as little as $20 by uploading an Excel file and customizing the fields.
- The ability to send SMS and MMS to many phone numbers is one of the advantages.
- It is possible to use dynamic messaging.
- There are delivery records that may be used to track down anonymous communications.
- Communication costs a modest amount, which is one of the disadvantages.
- Local sender ID requirements apply in several countries.
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3. Free Send SMS
Next on the list is Free Send SMS, and this is one of the best on the list due to the following reasons:
- Free Send SMS works similarly to other anonymous internet messaging providers that send millions of messages to various recipients.
- The service does not encourage you to send abusive or fraudulent communications, and it assumes no responsibility if you do.
- By specifying their phone number and sending your message for free, you may send SMS to any nation.
4. Anonymous Text
In the United States, Anonymous Text is a privacy-focused anonymous messaging service and used by many users for the following notable features:
- It’s simple to send anonymous text messages.
- You can trace the delivery of your message once you’ve sent it.
- There is no need to register, and you may send messages to anybody on the globe.
- Remember to include the country code, and your message will be delivered within seconds.
The site has various advantages that are listed below:
- The site’s UI is incredibly simple and user-friendly.
- It is compatible with all mobile carriers in all countries.
- Messages can be sent at a particular time and date.
- You may send as many messages as you want, including emojis.
- You may also utilize their anonymous messaging service in the United Kingdom.
It also has its drawbacks, which are given below:
- The cost of sending messages is a minor drawback.
- As a result, you may be sure of your privacy.
- Local sender ID limitations apply to several countries.
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5. Sharpmail
Sharpmail is also one of the best but payable anonymous apps because of the significant features listed below:
- Sharpmail provides global SMS coverage and the ability to send spoof text messages.
- The website allows you to maintain your address book and includes an SMS outbox where you may save your message history and logs.
- However, to use Sharpmail, you must first register on the site and then utilize its free services.
- The service also supports Unicode SMS.
- You may get free responses without having to view any adverts.
- You may send SMS to overseas numbers sent immediately, and delivery data will be updated in real-time.
- The advantages include creating your own private fictitious phone number and sending anonymous text messages.
- You may send anonymous text messages at any time and date.
- You can type up to 160 characters to send an anonymous SMS message.
- After completing the registration process, you will be able to send anonymous emails and generate throwaway emails.
- The disadvantage is that you must first create an account and log in to transmit anonymous text.
- You must pay SMS credits to send messages. Therefore, it is not entirely free to use.
6. AnonTxt
AnonTxt is one of the best free anonymous message websites on the list for the following reasons:
- It is a fantastic service that allows you to send someone a free anonymous text without disclosing your name.
- The site’s interface is simple, clean, and quick to use.
- It works well even in low-bandwidth places, so you won’t have to wait for your message to reach its intended recipient.
- In other words, AnonTxt is the free and most acceptable platform for sending free anonymous text messages to anybody around the globe.
- The messages are truly free.
- The website’s parts are simple to follow.
- It supports a large number of mobile carriers throughout the world.
- To avoid fraudulence, a verification code is utilized.
- The disadvantage is that you must first register an account before utilizing the service.
- Each message should be no more than 100 characters long.
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7. Textem
If you want to send an infinite number of prank texts to a buddy, Textem can be the perfect option for the reasons listed below:
- To begin sending anonymous text messages, you can select your chosen network carrier from the United States.
- Another excellent feature is the ability to block numbers if you receive any inappropriate text messages.
- Furthermore, Textem allows you to send an infinite number of messages with unlimited characters.
- However, the sole downside is that it only works with carriers in the United States.
- Counting the plus points, the site’s UI is simple and user-friendly.
- To send anonymous SMS, you’ll need to know and specify the recipient’s cell carrier.
8. ArmSMS
ArmSMS is yet another easy and anonymous text message sender, and you need to try this website for the following reasons:
- It allows you to send SMS to any phone number and share it with the ArmSMS website.
- You may also send SMS from their list of infrequent messages and categories, such as friendship, humorous messages, love SMS, Christmas, and New Year.
- ArmSMS allows you to send text messages up to 160 characters long, encoded in Latin or Unicode.
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9. SMSflick
SMSflick is another anonymous text app on this list, and the following are the notable features of this site:
- It is a free and simple-to-use messaging platform that allows you to send an anonymous text without revealing your identity or name.
- You may send free anonymous text messages to any phone number on the planet.
- Furthermore, your receiver will never know who texted them.
- To utilize its mass texting service, you must first register for a premium account. This is the only con of this site.
10. TxtDrop
TxtDrop is one of the best free anonymous message websites considering the notable features listed below:
- TxtDrop is a basic website that offers free text chatting to anyone.
- Users in the United States and Canada may text on the site, and your messages are delivered promptly to the receiver.
- Simply send it by entering your email address, the recipient’s cell phone number, and your message.
- TxtDrop may also be integrated into your website, allowing people to send free SMS right from your site.
- The site is free to use and requires no registration.
- It features a simple interface and technique that is highly quick and efficient.
- By adding your email address, you can get answers from your recipient.
- Cons include that TextDrop is unavailable to receivers outside the United States and Canada.
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Sending anonymous text messages to your pals is a great way to prank them. You might want to give SMSTI a try for the following reasons.
- It is one of the greatest websites for sending free text messages without revealing your identity.
- There is no need to register or log in.
- You may send a free anonymous text message of up to 160 characters.
- It allows you to verify the status of a message’s delivery in real-time.
- There are no advertisements in the anonymous text you submitted.
- Cons include that you can only send free anonymous text messages to Indian mobile phone numbers.
12. SendAnonymousSMS
SendAnonymousSMS is a free text spoofing website from 2022 that allows you to send free text messages to anybody, and the noticeable features are listed below:
- The site’s user interface is simple, clear, and simple to navigate.
- Once you’ve arrived at the platform, all you have to do now is enter the recipient’s phone number and text message, and you’re good to go.
- Furthermore, it lets you choose the desired place to deliver the message, ensuring your privacy.
- For anonymity and amusement, you can fake the sender’s phone number.
- It allows you to choose a favorite location while maintaining your privacy.
- Also, it allows you to email someone else without revealing your identity.
- This website is not responsible for any communications you send at any time.
- If you use this site for unlawful purposes, your IP address will be published.
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13. TextForFree
TextForFree is another best free anonymous text messaging platform with the significant features listed below:
- It allows you to send anonymous text messages to any number in the United States in 2022.
- You may send SMS messages to someone without exposing your identity.
- Every user is given a unique phone number that can be used to send text messages to anybody.
- This site is compatible with all SMS providers.
- To put it another way, TextForFree is the ideal way to send anonymous text messages, but the one drawback is that you can only send plain text messages.
- The service is easy to use and provides clear instructions to assist you in sending anonymous SMS.
No third-party suppliers have access to your phone number.
- Only 140 characters are allowed in the message.
- Only a few US mobile providers are available.
14. FoxText
First on the list is FoxText which allows you to send free SMS to anybody and play pranks on your family and friends. You need to know the features of this site listed below:
- The service stops unsolicited messages from being sent and does not show your phone number to anyone.
- Simply input the recipient’s phone number and area, then send your message.
There are a lot of such websites with which you can pull out pranks on your friends for fun. However, we don’t encourage any misuse of these websites, which should be followed for everyone’s well-being. This article was intended to share some free anonymous message websites with you, and we hope it helped. If you’re still stuck with any of the best anonymous message websites, reach out to us directly!