但是,YouTube也有一些缺点。该网站似乎在没有任何事先通知的情况下颠倒了指南以及内容创建和消费的条件条款。(creation and consumption)除此之外,还有其他关于该平台的投诉。因此,用户现在正在寻找几个不同的平台来使用。他们并没有失望。互联网上确实有很多。
尽管这是个好消息,但它很快就会变得势不可挡。大量的选择常常使我们因选择而瘫痪。在如此庞大的数字中,您应该选择哪一个?根据您的需求,最佳选择是什么?如果您也想知道这些问题的答案,请不要害怕,我的朋友。你来对地方找到他们了。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论前 15 名免费YouTube您现在可以在互联网上找到的替代品。我还将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的详细信息。阅读完本文时,您将需要了解有关这些应用程序的更多信息。所以,一定要坚持到底。现在不再浪费时间,让我们更深入地研究这个问题。继续阅读。
为什么要寻找 YouTube 的替代品?(Why should you look for alternatives to YouTube?)
现在,在我们深入研究这些替代方案的细节之前,请先让我花一点时间让你明白为什么你会首先寻找替代方案。毫无疑问, YouTube本身就是一个创造和消费内容(consume content)的好地方?当然是,但我希望你能忍受我。近几年来,YouTube已经形成了相当垄断的市场。然而,现在他们提出了自己的问题。许多(Many)创作者发现他们的帐户因违反YouTube服务条款而被限制甚至取消货币化(YouTube)以一种或另一种方式。在这些内容创作者中,许多人抱怨他们的视频和频道被YouTube屏蔽并没有真正违反服务条款。牢记这一点,最好让您的视频也可以在其他平台上使用。因为完全依赖YouTube可能风险太大,最终会让你很崩溃。
YouTube的另一个严重问题是版权。即使对于用户来说,当一个非常有趣的视频由于版权问题而被阻止或删除时也会很烦人。但同样的视频可能会在其他平台上播放而不会出现任何问题。因此,用户也可以在许多其他表现出色的平台上搜索视频。除此之外,最重要的因素之一是许多报告确认Google从(Google)YouTube 上(YouTube)的每个用户那里收集用户和使用数据。这是对任何人隐私的严重侵犯,绝对不能容忍。
15 大免费 YouTube 替代品(2021 年)– YouTube 等视频网站(Top 15 Free YouTube Alternatives (2021) – Video Sites Like YouTube)
以下是截至目前您可以在互联网上找到的前 15 种免费YouTube替代品。(YouTube)请继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。
1.日常运动(1. Dailymotion)
首先(First),我要与您讨论的第一个免费的YouTube 替代方案称为(YouTube alternative)Dailymotion。它可能是迄今为止您可以在互联网上找到的最受喜爱的YouTube替代品。(YouTube)该视频流服务提供的布局以及视频类别与YouTube相似,用户几乎很快就会习惯。
规章制度远没有YouTube那么严厉。因此,删除视频的实例并不多。但是,这甚至会产生不利影响,因为用户几乎可以自由上传他们想要的任何类型的视频。视频质量(video quality)非常专业,增加了它的好处。
现在不利的一面是,只有专业用户才能上传高清质量(HD quality)的视频。对于其他人,视频分辨率限制(video resolution limit)为 1080p。除此之外,还有 4 GB 的视频(GB video)限制。反过来,这只能接受大约 60 分钟的视频。因此,对于上传综合视频的人来说,这是相当困难的,尤其是出于教育目的。这可以让一些用户重新回到YouTube。
访问dailymotion链接(Visit the dailymotion link)(Visit the dailymotion link)
现在,我要与您讨论的下一个免费的YouTube 替代品称为(YouTube alternative)DTube。它是最关注隐私的最佳视频流媒体平台之一。该平台是完全去中心化的。这意味着该平台上的视频不是从单个集中式服务器上传或流式传输的,YouTube就是这种情况。相反,所有内容都存储在区块链上。这反过来又使黑客极难篡改或以其他方式损害视频内容(video content)。因此,您可以确保您的个人数据的安全。社区控制着这个平台。
除此之外,该平台的另一个巨大好处是其中没有广告。除此之外,也没有推荐算法。不仅如此,社区也支持言论自由,即使他们监控内容。最好的功能可能是内容创建者有机会通过加密货币(cryptocurrenc)赚取(y)收入。该平台的用户界面 (UI) 与YouTube(YouTube)相似,这是该平台的另一个好处。
访问 DTube 链接(Visit the DTube link)(Visit the DTube link)
3. 维密欧(3. Vimeo)
我要请你转移注意力的下一个免费的YouTube 替代品叫做(YouTube alternative)Vimeo。该平台不直接与YouTube 或 Dailymotion(YouTube or Dailymotion)等大玩家竞争。相反,它迎合了不同的观众。这个视频流媒体平台是广告商、创意人、短片制作人等艺术家的绝佳平台。这里的内容创作者迎合了特定的利基人群(niche crowd),他们寻找本质上经典的类型视频。如果您最重视互联网观众的可见性,那么Vimeo对您来说是一个很好的平台。
视频流媒体平台完全没有广告。因此,如果您想在任何平台或网站上嵌入视频而没有(platform or website)YouTube 上(YouTube)猖獗的烦人广告,那么Vimeo将为您提供很好的服务。在这方面,它比YouTube专业得多。
对于不断寻找优质内容(quality content)的消费内容的人来说,它可以证明是一个很好的平台。该平台具有适用于Android和 iOS 操作系统的应用程序,这增加了它的优势。视频质量与YouTube完全匹配。除此之外,分类以及子分类都做得非常好。用户界面 (UI) 也易于使用。任何技术知识很少或没有的人都可以很好地处理视频流平台。
Vimeo以免费和付费版本提供给用户。但是,免费版本将数据使用量(data usage)限制为每周 500 MB,直到总计为 5 GB。之后,如果您想升级,您将不得不支付每月 12 美元的订阅费。(subscription fee)但是,如果您每年付款,费用将降至每月 7 美元,从而节省您的预算。除此之外,您还可以按需对视频收费以赚取收入。视频流媒体网站有点杂乱无章。对于某些用户来说,这可能是一个问题。
访问 Vimeo 链接(Visit the Vimeo link)(Visit the Vimeo link)
4. 元咖啡馆(4. Metacafe)
好的(Alright),让我们继续讨论下一个免费的YouTube 替代方案(YouTube alternative),我将与您讨论。这个视频流媒体平台被称为Metacafe。它是目前您可以在互联网上找到的 YouTube 的最佳替代品之一。来自世界各地的超过 1000 万人使用(world use)这个视频流媒体平台。因此,您无需担心效率和可信度。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 YouTube 视频加载但不播放视频(Fix YouTube Videos loading but not playing videos)
视频流媒体平台对其所有视频设置了 90 秒的限制。一方面,它可以使您受益,因为此处上传的视频必须清晰明了。另一方面,详细和全面的视频不会在这个视频流媒体平台上占有一席之地。虽然它是上传社区内容的绝佳平台,但与YouTube相比,它的收视率要低得多。
访问 Metacafe 链接(Visit the Metacafe link)(Visit the Metacafe link)
5.维沃(5. Vevo)
你是(Are)一个爱上音乐视频(music videos)的人吗?您是否(Are)正在寻找满足您特定需求的视频流服务?如果这些问题的答案是肯定的,那么你来对地方了,我的朋友。请允许我向您介绍列表中的下一个免费YouTube 替代品(YouTube alternative)– Vevo。视频流媒体平台为您提供了无穷无尽的音乐视频(music videos)选择,您只需轻按屏幕即可观看。内容的质量始终是高清的,增加了它的好处。视频流媒体网站的用户界面 (UI) 简单易用。即使您是初学者或其他人(beginner or someone)没有太多技术知识的人,您可以毫不费力地处理网站。
另一方面,此处上传的内容没有您在YouTube 上(YouTube)可以找到的多样性或多样性(variety or diversity)。这背后的原因是视频流平台允许的特定类型的内容,即音乐视频(music videos)。因此,如果您正在搜索各种主题的视频,您将会感到失望。除此之外,您无法上传自己的任何音乐视频(music videos)。对于许多利用这些视频流媒体平台向世界展示他们的才华的用户来说,这可能是一个巨大的障碍。
访问 Vevo 链接(Visit the Vevo link)(Visit the Vevo link)
6. 9GAG 电视(6. 9GAG TV)
列表中的下一个免费YouTube 替代品(YouTube alternative)适用于那些社交媒体爱好者。它也适用于不断寻找有趣和短视频的人群。特别是Twitter和Facebook的用户已经爱上了视频流媒体平台。这背后的主要原因是该平台充满了模因、有趣的照片、GIF(GIFs)等等。除此之外,用户还可以与他们的朋友和家人分享所有内容。开发人员已确保始终将内容组织成几个不同的类别。结果,用户可以轻松找到他们正在寻找的任何视频,而无需付出太多努力。
访问 9GAG 电视链接(Visit the 9GAG TV link)(Visit the 9GAG TV link)
7.维欧(7. Veoh)
现在,列表中下一个完全值得您花时间和注意力的免费YouTube 替代品叫做(YouTube alternative)Veoh。视频流媒体平台在互联网上相对较新,特别是当您将它与您将在列表中找到的其他视频流媒体平台进行比较时。该平台还包含大量只有YouTube(YouTube)才能击败的视频。
在这个视频流媒体平台上,用户还可以访问电影、电视节目、音乐视频(music videos)和一般视频。除此之外,您还可以访问在ABC、CBS、Hulu等网络上播放的节目。除此之外,您还可以发布视频,以防您也是内容创建者。视频流媒体平台的独特之处在于它展示了许多您在其他免费提供给用户的平台上找不到的完整电视节目。在这个平台上上传的内容的数量和范围是巨大的。(number and range)反过来,这确保您将找到您正在搜索的任何内容。
该网站有 700 多部电影,其中大部分是短片。但是,我不推荐该平台作为观看电影的理想平台。这些电影以标准质量的视频播放,在这个数字革命时代,这不是你想要的。除此之外,该网站也不展示新电影。该网站每月接待的人数非常多。除此之外,展示的广告数量相对较少,尤其是当您将其与Crackle等竞争对手进行比较时。该网站还通过按受欢迎程度、日期、长度、流派、长度、语言、字幕和许多其他因素进行排序,将视频组织得非常好。
不利的一面是,您必须下载Veoh Player才能播放平台上的一些可用视频。对于很多用户来说,这可能是一个问题。除此之外,还需要视频播放器(video player)来离线下载视频以供以后观看。除此之外,搜索特定视频可能会带来很多麻烦,因为某些网络以及个人创作者对其内容使用相同的缩略图和片段。这反过来又会给用户造成混乱和浪费时间(confusion and waste time)。
访问 Veoh 链接(Visit the Veoh link)(Visit the Veoh link)
8. 抽搐(8. Twitch)
你是(Are)一个爱玩游戏的人吗?此外,您是否正在寻找专门用于游戏的视频流媒体平台?如果答案是肯定的,那么你来对地方了,我的朋友。让我向您介绍下一个名为Twitch的免费(Twitch)YouTube 替代品(YouTube alternative)。虽然大多数其他视频流媒体服务描绘了大量不同的利基市场,但由亚马逊提供支持的(Amazon –)Twitch(Twitch –which)是一个专为牢记游戏而设计的视频流媒体平台。每天,全球数百万用户在流式传输(world stream)视频流媒体平台上的在线游戏。如果您是刚刚起步的人,您需要做的就是关注直播并继续观看在线游戏。开发人员免费向其用户提供游戏。
另请阅读:虚拟游戏 (LAN) 的 10 大 Hamachi 替代品(Also Read: Top 10 Hamachi Alternatives for Virtual Gaming (LAN))
访问 Twitch 链接(Visit the Twitch link)(Visit the Twitch link)
9. 互联网档案馆(9. The Internet Archive)
现在,我要与您讨论的列表中的下一个免费YouTube 替代品称为(YouTube alternative)Internet Archive。这个名字听起来像你的存储平台(storage platform)吗?这是因为这正是它的本质。视频流平台是Wayback Machine的一部分。它存储的内容范围广泛,可以追溯到观看者和内容创建者都很少的时代。
如果您想观看大量电影、电视剧(TV series)、纪录片等,那么Internet 档案馆(Internet Archive)确实是您的最佳去处。这背后的原因是视频流平台上有大量的这些东西可用,包括你很可能在任何其他平台上找不到的东西。除此之外,用户完全可以上传自己的内容而没有太多麻烦或限制(hassle or restrictions)。
访问 Internet 存档链接(Visit The Internet Archive link)(Visit The Internet Archive link)
10. 特德(10. TED)
如果你不是生活在岩石下——(rock –)我很确定你不是——你肯定听说过TED。它是一个著名的组织,以在世界各地举办会议而闻名。它的大部分讲座都被录音了,他们继续做同样的事情。随后(Afterward),这些视频在TED官方网站上展示。如果您现在要访问该网站,您会发现超过 3000 场演讲,涵盖了几乎所有主题,从技术、设计、商业、全球问题等等。如果您正在寻找学习新事物的方法或只是在广泛的主题上寻找新的想法,则视频流平台最适合您。
访问 TED 链接(Visit the TED link)(Visit the TED link)
11. 脸书手表(11. Facebook Watch)
我要与您讨论的下一个免费的YouTube 替代方案称为(YouTube alternative)Facebook Watch。您可能已经非常了解这个平台。它是一个在Facebook内部运行的视频流媒体平台。您需要做的只是搜索您想观看的最喜欢的视频,您将在片刻内获得结果。(All)
工作流程与YouTube类似。但是,有一个关键区别(key difference)。YouTube(Whereas YouTube)作为独立服务运行(standalone service),而Facebook Watch则集成在Facebook中。用户(users)获得了庞大的用户群(user base)以及大量的流量。反过来,这使其成为YouTube的强大竞争对手。视频流媒体平台展示了从Facebook帐户和Facebook页面获取的视频。除此之外,一旦您输入查询,您将可以从中选择大量可靠的视频。
视频流媒体平台旨在提高品牌知名度(brand awareness)。因此,Facebook全力以赴将出现在Facebook Watch上的视频货币化,这样他们就可以以他们的品牌吸引更多的创作者。尽管视频流媒体平台仍处于休眠阶段,但一旦给予时间和适当的改进,它肯定会发展成为分享您创建的内容的最佳场所。
访问 Facebook 观看链接(Visit the Facebook Watch link)(Visit the Facebook Watch link)
12. 照相桶(12. Photobucket)
现在,我请求大家将注意力转向列表中的下一个免费YouTube 替代品(YouTube alternative)Photobucket。它是目前互联网上较新的应用程序之一,尤其是当您将其与列表中的其他应用程序进行比较时。除此之外,功能的数量也比你在我已经讨论过的其他应用程序上找到的要少得多。但是,不要让它愚弄你。这仍然是一个足够好的选择,您可以尝试。
视频流媒体平台展示了广泛的视频内容(video content)。安全服务器(secure server)确保您的所有敏感数据不会落入坏人之手。除此之外,该平台还拥有一个高效的用户生成视频存储库,您可以观看这些视频以打发时间。用户也可以上传高质量的视频。
访问 Photobucket 链接(Visit the Photobucket link)(Visit the Photobucket link)
13.弗里克(13. Flickr)
下一个您绝对可以尝试的免费YouTube 替代品称为(YouTube alternative)Flickr。该视频流媒体平台还允许其用户以视频的形式上传内容。但是,它的容量是有限的,尤其是当您将它与此列表中的其他平台进行比较时。
该平台是一个众所周知的平台,并具有一些惊人的功能。还有一个创建免费帐户的选项。但是,在这个版本中,用户只能上传时间限制(time limit)仅为 90 秒的视频。要上传更长的视频,您将不得不通过支付订阅费(subscription fee)来购买高级版本。用户界面 (UI) 简单、干净且非常易于使用。即使是刚起步的人或技术知识很少的人也可以毫不费力地使用该平台。除此之外,用户可以轻松上传自己的视频。
访问 Flickr 链接(Visit the Flickr link)(Visit the Flickr link)
14. 噼啪声(14. Crackle)
由Sony Picture Entertainment创建,Crackle是我要告诉你的下一个免费的YouTube 替代品。(YouTube alternative)这很可能是观看老好莱坞(Hollywood)电影和原创电视节目的最佳场所。大量深受喜爱的电影,如超自然活动(Paranormal Activity)、鲁迪(Rudy)、动物之家(Animal House)等,都可以在视频流媒体平台上观看。来自哥伦比亚(Columbia)影业(Pictures)、三星影业(Tri-star Pictures)、Funimation Films等许多知名制作公司的视频(Videos)也在这里展示。
15. 国际电视(15. IGTV)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我要与您讨论的最后一个免费的YouTube 替代方案称为(YouTube alternative)IGTV。现在,如果您不是生活在岩石下——(rock –)我很确定你不是——你肯定听说过IGTV。视频流媒体平台被设计为一个扩展,以便它可以成为YouTube的竞争对手。您可以在Instagram(Instagram)本身和IGTV上发布的视频之间的区别在于,Instagram允许您在(Instagram)IGTV上上传长达 1 分钟的视频,完全可以发布长达一小时的视频。视频流媒体平台绝对是一个令人兴奋的地方,尤其是当您牢记Instagram本身的娱乐性和令人上瘾的价值时。
另请阅读:如何激活 YouTube 暗模式(Also Read: How to Activate YouTube Dark Mode)
它本质上是一个全屏和垂直视频流平台。该平台没有网站,可以作为原生移动应用程序(mobile app)运行。在这个平台上,您可以关注Instagram用户以及您喜欢的创作者。除此之外,您甚至可以与他们互动。频道和主题基于特定的利基,增加了它的好处。还有一个将视频货币化的过程,以便越来越多的创作者愿意在这个平台上创作他们的内容。
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Top 15 Free YouTube Alternatives (2022) – Video Sites Like YouTube
In the era of the digital revolution, the way we сonsume entertaіnment or even education has changed drastically. Keeping that in mіnd, both the creation of content and the ways of consuming it have changed аs well. And in this, YouTube is one of the biggest names on the intеrnet. It is one of the most popular soсial networking sites and boasts of a huge number of users that iѕ increasing each day.
However, there are some drawbacks that come with YouTube as well. The site seems to reverse the guidelines as well as the terms of conditions of content creation and consumption without any prior notices. In addition to that, there are other complaints regarding the platform as well. As a result, the users are now looking for several different platforms to use. And they are not being disappointed. There is indeed a plethora of them out there on the internet.
Although it is great news it can become overwhelming pretty quickly. The vast number of options often paralyzes us with choices. Among such a huge number, which one should you choose? What is the best option as per your needs? In case you are wondering the answers to these questions as well, do not be afraid, my friend. You have come to the right place to find them. I am here to help you with it. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the top 15 free YouTube alternatives that you can find on the internet as of now. I am also going to give you detailed information about each one of them. By the time you finish reading this article, you are going to need to know anything more about these apps. So, make sure to stick to the end. Now without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the matter. Keep on reading.
Why should you look for alternatives to YouTube?
Now, before we delve into the details of these alternatives, first allow me a moment to make you understand why on earth would you search for alternatives in the first place. Surely YouTube is an amazing place to create as well as consume content in itself? Of course, it is, but I would request you to bear with me. In recent years, is what it has become, YouTube has created quite a monopoly on the market. However, now they are coming up with issues of their own. Many of the creators have found that their accounts have been restricted or even demonetized due to the fact that they have violated the terms of service of YouTube in one way or the other. Among these content creators, many have complained that there was no genuine breach of terms of service for which their videos, as well as channels, were blocked by YouTube. Keeping that in mind, it is most likely a good idea to make your videos available on other platforms as well. Since depending solely on YouTube might be too risky and leave you quite broken in the end.
Another grave issue of YouTube is copyright. Even for a user, it can be annoying when a really interesting video is blocked or taken down because of the copyright issue. But that same video might be up on some other platform without any issues. Therefore, the user too can search for videos on many of these other platforms that are doing a great job. In addition to that, one of the most important factors is that many reports confirm that Google collects user and usage data from every user on YouTube. This is a serious breach of the privacy of any person and should not be tolerated at all.
Another aspect that you should be looking at is the fact that many of these platforms serve a specific type of people who are searching for any particular niche. You can make good use of these platforms both as a creator as well as a user if you happen to like a particular set of content. To give you an example, Twitch showcases gaming videos and in case you happen to make gaming videos, you can make use of this platform to the best possible point.
Top 15 Free YouTube Alternatives (2022) – Video Sites Like YouTube
Here are the top 15 free YouTube alternatives that you can find out there on the internet as of now. Read along to find out more detailed information about each one of them.
1. Dailymotion
First of all, the first free YouTube alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called Dailymotion. It is probably the most widely loved alternative of YouTube that you can find out there on the internet as of now. The layout, as well as the video categories that this video streaming service offers, is similar to that of YouTube, the users will get accustomed to it in almost no time.
The rules and regulations are much less harsh than that of YouTube. Therefore, there are not many instances of removing videos. However, that can even have an adverse effect since the users are almost free to upload whatever kind of video they want to wish. The video quality is quite professional, adding to its benefits.
Now on to the downside, only the pro users can upload HD quality videos. For others, the video resolution limit is capped at 1080p. Along with that, there is a 4 GB video limit as well. This, in turn, videos of around 60 minutes are acceptable only. As a result, it is quite hard for someone who uploads comprehensive videos, especially for educational purposes. This can make some users revert back to YouTube.
Visit the dailymotion link
2. DTube
Now, the next free YouTube alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called DTube. It is one of the best video streaming platforms that focuses the most on privacy. The platform is totally decentralized. What that means is that the videos on this platform are not uploaded or streamed from a single centralized server which is the case of YouTube. Instead, all of the content is stored on the blockchain. This, in turn, makes it extremely difficult for hackers to tamper or otherwise harm the video content. As a result, you can be sure of the safety of your personal data. The community controls this platform.
In addition to that, another great benefit of the platform is that there are no ads in it. Along with that, there is no recommendation algorithm either. Not only that, the community supports free speech as well, even though they monitor the content. The best feature probably is that the content creators get the opportunity for earning revenue through cryptocurrency. The user interface (UI) of the platform is similar to that of YouTube, which is another benefit of the platform.
Visit the DTube link
3. Vimeo
The next free YouTube alternative that I am going to ask you shift your attention is called Vimeo. The platform does not directly compete with big players such as YouTube or Dailymotion. Instead, it caters to a different audience. This video streaming platform is a great platform for artists such as advertisers, creative people, short filmmakers, and so on. The content creators here cater to a specific niche crowd searching for genre videos that are classy in nature. In case you value the visibility to the internet-based viewers the most, then Vimeo is a great platform for you.
The video streaming platform is completely free of ads. Therefore, in case you want to embed a video on any platform or website without the annoying ads which are rampant on YouTube, then Vimeo is going to serve you well. In this aspect, it is way more professional than that of YouTube.
It can prove to be a great platform for anyone consuming the content who is constantly searching for good quality content. The platform has apps for both Android as wells as iOS operating systems which adds to its benefits. The quality of the video is in a complete match with YouTube. In addition to that, the categorization, as well as sub-categorization, is done superbly well. The user interface (UI) is also easy to use. Anyone with little or no technical knowledge can handle the video streaming platform quite well.
Vimeo is offered to its users in both free as well paid versions. However, the free version limits the data usage to 500 MB each week until it totals to 5 GB. After that, in case you would like to upgrade, you are going to have to pay a subscription fee of $12 per month. However, in case you pay annually, the charges are going to lower down to $7 per month saving you on your budget. In addition to that, you can charge your videos on demand to earn revenue. The video streaming website is a bit unorganized. This can be an issue for some of the users.
Visit the Vimeo link
4. Metacafe
Alright, let us all move on to the next free YouTube alternative that I am going to talk to you about. This video streaming platform is called Metacafe. It is one of the best alternatives to YouTube that you can find out there on the internet as of now. More than 10 million people from around the world use this video streaming platform. Therefore, you do not need to worry about efficiency as well as trustworthiness.
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The video streaming platform puts a 90-second limit on all of its videos. On the one hand, it can benefit you since the videos uploaded here must be crisp and to the point. On the other hand, detailed as well as comprehensive videos would not get a place in this video streaming platform. Although it is a great platform to upload community-based content, the viewership is much lower when you compare it with YouTube.
Visit the Metacafe link
5. Vevo
Are you someone who is in love with music videos? Are you searching for a video streaming service that caters to that specific need of yours? In case the answer to these questions is yes, you are in the right place, my friend. Allow me to present to you the next free YouTube alternative on the list – Vevo. The video streaming platform has an endless choice of music videos for you that you can watch with simply a tap on the screen. The quality of the content is always high-definition, adding to its benefits. The user interface (UI) of the video streaming website is simple as well as easy to use. Even if you are a beginner or someone who does not have much technological knowledge, you can handle the website effortlessly without much hassle.
On the other hand, the content uploaded here does not have the variety or diversity that you can find on YouTube. The reason behind this is the specific type of content the video streaming platform allows which is music videos. So, in case you are searching for videos ranging from a variety of topics, you are going to be disappointed. In addition to that, it is not possible for you to upload any music videos of your own. This can come as a huge turn-off for many of the users who make use of these video streaming platforms to showcase their talent to the world.
Visit the Vevo link
6. 9GAG TV
The next free YouTube alternative on the list is for those people who are social media enthusiasts. It is also for the group of people who are constantly on the search for funny as well as short videos. In particular, users of Twitter, as well as Facebook, has already fallen in love with video streaming platform. The primary reason behind this is that the platform is filled with memes, fun photos, GIFs, and much more. In addition to that, the users can also share all of it with their friends as well as family. The developers have made sure that the content is always organized into several different categories. As a result, the users can easily find whatever video that they are looking for without much effort on their part.
Visit the 9GAG TV link
7. Veoh
Now, the next free YouTube alternative on the list that totally is well worth to your time as well as attention is called Veoh. The video streaming platform is relatively new on the internet, especially when you compare it to the other video streaming platforms that you are going to find on the list. The platform also contains a massive range of videos on it which can only be beaten by YouTube.
On this video streaming platform, the users can get access to movies, TV shows, music videos, and general videos as well. In addition to that, you can also get access to shows that are shown on networks such as ABC, CBS, Hulu, and many more. Along with that, you can also put up your video in case you are a content creator as well. The unique feature of the video streaming platform is that it showcases many of the full-length TV shows which you cannot find on other platforms that are offered to its users for free. The number and range of the content that is uploaded here on this platform are vast. This, in turn, makes sure that you are going to find whatever it is that you are searching for.
There is another good news for you in case you are someone who creates content. In this video streaming platform, there is literally no upper limit on the length of the video that you can upload. This is especially useful for users who upload comprehensive videos and find no way to shorten it. In addition to that, the video streaming platform also allows its users to download the videos and watch them later offline without the internet.
The website has more than 700 films out of which most are short films. However, I would not recommend the platform as ideal for watching movies. The movies run in standard quality videos, which is not something you would like in this era of the digital revolution. In addition to that, the site does not showcase new movies as well. There is a very good amount of people that the website receives per month. Along with that, the number of ads shown is relatively less, especially when you compare it to its competitors such as Crackle. The website also has organized its videos extremely well via sorting by popularity, date, length, genre, length, language, subtitles, and many more factors.
On the downside, you are going to have to download Veoh Player to play some of the videos available on the platform. This can be an issue for quite a few of the users. In addition to that, the video player is also required for downloading videos offline for watching them later. Along with that, searching specific videos can cause a lot of trouble because some networks, as well as individual creators, use the same thumbnails as well as snippets for their content. This, in turn, causes confusion and waste time for the users.
Visit the Veoh link
8. Twitch
Are you someone who loves to play games? Also, are you searching for a video streaming platform dedicated only to gaming? In case the answers to that are yes, then you are in the right place, my friend. Let me introduce you to the next free YouTube alternative that is called Twitch. While most of the other video streaming services portray a huge number of different niches, Twitch –which is powered by Amazon – is a video streaming platform that is designed especially for keeping gaming in mind. Each day, millions of users across the world stream the games online on the video streaming platform. In case you are someone who is just starting out, all you need to do is follow the live stream and keep on watching the online games. The developers have offered the game to its users free of charge.
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However, on the downside, the popularity of this video streaming platform is far less, especially when you compare it to the giants such as YouTube. In addition to that, the payout is quite low as well. Along with that, there is no option for the viewers to rewind the videos. Furthermore, the streaming speed is also a bit slower in case you compare it to similar other websites. However, in case you are someone who simply loves gaming, then this video streaming platform is a great choice for you.
Visit the Twitch link
9. The Internet Archive
Now, the next free YouTube alternative on the list that I am going to talk to you about is called The Internet Archive. Does the name sound similar to a storage platform for you? It is because that is exactly what it is. The video streaming platform is a section of the Wayback Machine. It stores a wide range of content that dates back to the time when both the viewers as well as content creators were very few in number.
In case you would like to watch a huge number of movies, TV series, documentaries, and many more, then The Internet Archive is indeed the best place for you. The reason behind this is there is a massive library of these things available on the video streaming platform, including the ones that you most likely would not find on any other platform. In addition to that, it is entirely possible for users to upload their own content without much hassle or restrictions.
Visit The Internet Archive link
10. TED
In case you are not living under a rock – which I am quite sure you are not – you have definitely heard of TED. It is a reputed organization famous for hosting conferences all around the world. Most of its lectures have been recorded and they continue to keep doing the same. Afterward, these videos are showcased on the official website of TED. In case you are to visit the website now, you are going to find more than 3000 talks that cover almost every topic under the sun ranging from technology, design, business, global issues, and many more. The video streaming platform is best suited for you in case you are someone who is searching for ways to learn something new or simply looking for fresh new ideas on a wide range of topics.
Visit the TED link
11. Facebook Watch
The next free YouTube alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called Facebook Watch. You are probably quite aware of this platform already. It is a video streaming platform that operates within Facebook. All you need to do is just need to search for the favorite videos that you would like to watch and you will get back the results in a matter of moments.
The working process is similar to that of YouTube. However, there is one key difference. Whereas YouTube works as a standalone service, Facebook Watch is integrated within Facebook. The users get a massive user base along with great numbers in traffic. This, in turn, makes it a great competitor for YouTube. The video streaming platform showcases videos that are taken up from Facebook accounts as well as Facebook pages. In addition to that, there is a huge number of credible videos that you are going to get to choose from once you enter a query.
The video streaming platform is designed for bringing increased brand awareness. As a result, Facebook is all in for monetizing the videos that appear on Facebook Watch so that they could lure an even greater number of creators under their brand. Although the video streaming platform is still going through its dormant phase, once given time and the proper improvements, it is definitely going to evolve into the best place to share the content that you create.
Visit the Facebook Watch link
12. Photobucket
Now, I would request you all to turn your attention to the next free YouTube alternative on the list which is called Photobucket. It is one of the newer apps that is out there on the internet as of now, especially when you compare it to the other ones on the list. In addition to that, the number of features is also quite less than the ones you can find on the other apps that I have already talked about. However, do not let that fool you. This is still a good enough choice that you can try.
The video streaming platform showcases a wide range of video content. The secure server makes sure that all of your sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands. In addition to that, the platform also has an efficient repository of user-generated videos that you can watch for passing the time. The users can upload high-quality videos as well.
Visit the Photobucket link
13. Flickr
The next free YouTube alternative that you can definitely give a try is called Flickr. This video streaming platform also enables its users to upload content in the form of videos. However, the capacity of it is limited, especially when you compare it with the other platforms present in this list.
The platform is a well-known one along with some amazing features. There is an option to create a free account as well. However, the users can only upload videos with a time limit of a mere 90 seconds in this version. For uploading longer videos, you are going to have to buy the premium version by paying a subscription fee. The user interface (UI) is simple, clean, and very easy to use. Even someone who is just starting out or someone with little technical knowledge can handle the platform without much hassle. Along with that, the users can upload videos of their own without much trouble.
Visit the Flickr link
14. Crackle
Founded by Sony Picture Entertainment, Crackle is the next free YouTube alternative that I am going to tell you about. This is most likely the best place for watching older Hollywood movies as well as original TV shows. A large number of well-loved movies such as Paranormal Activity, Rudy, Animal House, and many more are made available on the video streaming platform. Videos from many of the reputed production houses such as Columbia Pictures, Tri-star Pictures, Funimation Films, and many more are also present here.
15. IGTV
Last but not the least, the final free YouTube alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called IGTV. Now, in case you are not living under a rock – which I am pretty sure you are not – you have definitely heard about IGTV. The video streaming platform has been designed as an extension so that it can become a competitor of YouTube. The difference between the videos that you can post on Instagram itself and IGTV is that Instagram allows you to upload videos of up to 1 minute, while on IGTV, it is entirely possible to post videos with a length of up to one hour. A video streaming platform is definitely an exciting place, especially when you keep in mind the entertainment as well as the addictive value of Instagram itself.
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It is essentially a full-screen as well as a vertical video streaming platform. The platform does not have a website and works as a native mobile app. On this platform, you can follow Instagram users as well as creators that are your favorite. In addition to that, you can even interact with them. The channels and topics are based on a particular niche, adding to its benefits. There is also a process going on to monetize the videos so that more and more creators become willing to create their content on this platform.
Visit the IGTV link
So, guys, we have come to the end of this article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope the article has provided you with the value that you have been craving for all this time and that it was well worth of your time as well as attention. In case you have a specific question in mind, or if you think that I have missed any particular point, or in case you would like me to talk to you about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would be more than happy to answer your questions and oblige to your request. Until next time, stay safe, take care, and bye.