我们今天使用互联网的主要原因是为了交流。毫不夸张地说,它是我们今天所享受的一切的决定因素。如果没有互联网,今天的世界无疑会陷入停顿。互联网(Internet)跨越(Bridging)地理和其他鸿沟,将整个世界压缩成一个地球村。这是由应用程序的创新和开发引领的,这些应用程序进一步试图尽可能地缩小现有差距。其中一个想法是Internet Relay Chat或简称IRC。国税局(IRC)是一个聊天室的纽带,让数百万人可以出于多种原因进行互动,例如随意聊天、约会和消磨空闲时间。它用于将志同道合的人聚集在一起并不受距离限制地与他们互动,并作为交流思想和想法的媒介。在本文中,我们展示了适用于Mac和Linux的 15 个最佳(Linux)IRC客户端。
15 个适用于 Mac 和 Linux 的最佳 IRC 客户端(15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux)
了解了IRC是什么之后,我们现在将深入研究细节并快速查看此类客户的列表。下面给出了人们用来代替电子邮件和电话在全球范围内发送消息和数据文件的最佳 IRC 客户端(Best IRC Clients)的详细列表:
1. 微信(1. WeeChat)
- 它是一个快速、轻量级且免费使用的Internet 中继聊天( Internet Relay Chat)客户端。
- 它的用户界面支持C 语言(C language)。
- 它还支持用Python(Python)、Ruby和Perl编写的各种插件。
- 它可以实时动态加载/卸载这些插件。
- 它的用户界面使用256 种颜色(256 colors)的数组。
- 通过使用键盘快捷键,它可以充分发挥导航优势。
- 它支持多台服务器和许多其他独特的附加功能。
- 它有一个内置的脚本管理器。
- 它启用了移动支持,您可以连接到微信 IRC(Weechat IRC)客户端。
- 它支持远程连接或接口。
尽管在语音上与(Though)Hexchat几乎相似并且以前称为 X Chat-WDK的设计与Hexchat相同。由于以下功能,它被归类为最佳 IRC客户端列表:(Best IRC)
- 它是开源的( open-sourced),正在积极开发中。
- 它可以根据您选择的语言进行定制。
- 其用户友好的界面组织得非常好,可以将频道布置为选项卡或树结构格式。
- 该界面使您可以隐藏某些功能。
- 它启用了大量插件。
- 它有一个庞大的脚本库。
- 它自动连接到在Linux(Linux)、Mac OS X上具有跨平台存在的多个网络。
- 它允许访问活动用户列表。
- 它支持一对一的单独操作。
- 它支持拼写检查、代理支持、网络仪表(spell check, proxy support, network meters, )和键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcuts)等功能。
3. HydraIRC
HydraIRC是另一个基于文本的消息系统,由于以下列出的独特功能而被列入Windows、Mac和Linux的最佳IRC 客户端列表:(Best IRC Clients)
- 它是可用于Windows、Mac和Linux的免费IRC客户端。
- 一机多用,操作简单。
- 它允许使用源代码——程序员编写的人类可读指令列表,计算机将其转换为由 0 和 1 组成的目标代码,以理解和执行它们。
- 它还使您能够搜索不同的搜索引擎和社交媒体网站。
- 图形用户界面( Graphical User Interface)使用大量插件。
- 它是一个支持多个服务器的开源应用程序。
- 它启用自定义通知。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 雅虎聊天室:它在哪里消失了?(Yahoo Chat Rooms: Where did it fade away?)
4.夸塞尔(4. Quassel)
Quassel 是德语中用于(Quassel )谈话(talking)的日常表达。它是一个实时的、基于文本的Internet 中继聊天(Internet Relay Chat)。Quassel是另一个最好的IRC mac 客户端。
- 在Windows(Windows)、Mac和Linux等所有主要平台上都可以免费使用IRC客户端。
- 这是开源软件。
- 它使用户能够学习并在需要时更改软件及其源代码。
- 它使用户能够转发软件及其源代码。
- 它支持多种连接。
- 它支持IPV6、SSL、代理(Proxy)、SASL、TLS、CTPC。
- 它使您能够重新与用户建立联系。
- 它使您能够与家人、朋友和同事联系或重新联系。
- 它有一个简单但现代的图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)。
- 它还带有一个PPA,它是一个软件存储库的主机。
- 它不会不必要地加载CPU ,并且(CPU)RAM消耗也很低。
- 它允许使用自定义颜色来指示活动。
众所周知, mIRC(mIRC)是最受欢迎和最强大的IRC客户端之一。
- 它提供30 天的免费试用期(30 days of free trial),让您掌握其功能。
- $20的微薄起始费用注册/升级单用户许可证,并摆脱闪屏功能。
- 它的GUI软件非常干净、简单、实用且易于配置。
- 整洁的GUI让您可以更改字体、布局、弹出窗口等。
- 它使您可以一对一或与多个用户进行连接和聊天。
- 除了 Mac 和 Linux 操作系统外,它还可以与 Windows 10、8、7、Vista 和 XP一起使用。(Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP)
- 它还启用与 IRC 无关的(IRC-related)任务。
- 它支持强大而健壮的脚本语言。
- 它使用了大量的脚本。
- 它允许用户与其他用户共享和交流。
6. 座谈会(6. Colloquy)
Colloquy是适用于 iOS 设备的最流行和最知名的IRC客户端应用程序之一,具有一系列卓越的功能,使其成为IRC通信的理想选择。
- 它与Retina显示器完美搭配。
- 通过本地和推送通知,它允许 iOS 多任务处理。它还具有自动完成功能,适用于几乎所有IRC命令。
- 它有一个有组织的Colloquies显示,让您可以一目了然地查看所有聊天记录。
- 在讨论过程中说出您的昵称或某些术语时,可以对其进行自定义以突出显示带有振动警报的消息。
- 它包含许多有用的功能,包括忽略特定人员的选项、可搜索的成员列表以及按人显示的信息。
- 它适用于iOS 8.0及更高版本,以及 Mac OS X。
- iOS 应用程序 $1.99,可供下载。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 Skype 聊天文本效果(How to Use Skype Chat Text Effects)
7. XChat Azure
XChat Azure是一种在(XChat Azure)OS X设备上通过IRC网络进行连接的全面方法。它使用简单,但有很多功能。
- XChat Aqua/Azure是用于Mac计算机的轻量级IRC客户端。(IRC)
- 它能够自动完成指令和昵称。
- 它具有内置的拼写检查功能(spell-checking feature),可以保护您免受语法错误的影响。
- 您可以与其他人共享文件。
- 它使您能够快速连接到各种IRC服务器和频道,让您可以进行公开和私人聊天。
- 这是一款免费应用程序,至少具有其他客户所没有的突出功能。
- 它使您能够加密您的通信,然后收件人可以使用正确的密码对其进行解密。
- 它也是一个免费的开源程序,源代码可在GitHub上找到。
- 它可以免费下载。
8.文字(8. Textual)
Textual是(Textual)Mac OS X的高端IRC客户端。
- 它有一个专门的开发团队,并定期得到支持和更新。
- 它提供了一个图形用户界面,与任何其他当前的通信程序一样,并包括各种键盘快捷键,以便于导航。
- 它支持所有Mac版本。
- 它易于使用、调整和个性化。
- 客户端是有据可查的,你可以用各种计算机语言编写扩展。
- 在客户端的特定安装文件夹中,您可以存储您的自定义和插件脚本。
- 所有最新的IRC功能,包括原生IPv6支持、完全符合IRCv3要求以及客户端证书身份验证,都包含在这个完全加载但轻量级的程序中。
- 从它使用非(Off)记录消息传递(Record Messaging)技术可以看出,它非常重视用户隐私。
9. 伊尔西(9. Irssi)
对于 Linux 和其他 Unix 系统,Irssi是一个命令行 IRC 客户端。
- 它缺乏图形用户界面,仅依赖于终端命令。
- 您可以使用多个主题更改客户端的外观。
- 设置和个性化很简单。
- 因为它是一个开源IRC客户端,所以有一个充满活力的社区正在开发和编写脚本来扩展其功能。
- 如果您想获得基本包中未包含的功能,可以从Irssi 脚本库( Irssi Script Repository)下载数百个脚本。
- 它具有远程连接选项、可配置的键绑定、日志记录和所有其他标准IRC客户端功能。
- 它专为类 Unix 操作系统而设计,包括处理SILC和ICB协议的插件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20 款最佳手机追踪应用(20 Best Cell Phone Tracking App)
10. 对话(10. Konversation)
Konversation是一个强大的基于KDE框架的Linux IRC客户端,并在GNU 通用公共许可证(GNU General Public License)下发布。
- 它具有屏幕显示(On-Screen Display)功能,每当提及您的昵称时都会显示覆盖消息。
- 它有一个URL捕捉器,让您只需单击一下即可访问网站。
- 您可以使用频道书签工具插入特殊字符,而无需使用 24 Best Free Typing Software for PC 手动输入(type them in manually using 24 Best Free Typing Software for PC)。
- 如果您经常使用特定说明,您可以使用应用程序中的快速按钮(Quick Buttons)来最大程度地减少重复输入。
- 它拥有多种有趣的功能,以及高度精美的用户界面和持续的社区支持。
- 它完全免费使用。
- 您可以为加入的每个频道使用不同的字符编码。
- 您可以使用内置脚本传达天气信息或正在收听的音乐。
11. 石灰聊天(11. LimeChat)
- 它建立在相当先进的RubyCocoa 框架之上。(RubyCocoa framework)
- 客户端使用完全安全的SSL(SSL)加密以无缝方式连接到众多服务器。
- 它在后台保持活动状态 10 分钟,让您在不丢失连接的情况下关闭客户端并专注于其他事情。
- 它还具有轻量级且针对速度进行优化的用户界面。
- 它允许您使用鼠标或键盘的箭头按钮遍历通道。
- 即使您使用不同的频道,您也会收到有关新消息或亮点的实时通知。
- 该应用程序还具有自动锁定功能。
- 这是一个免费软件程序。
- 特点之一是URL会自动转换为可点击的链接。
- 它可以在横向模式下使用。
- 它支持振动和消息突出显示。
- 它支持SSL和SASL 身份验证(authentication)。
12. 洋泾浜(12. Pidgin)
Pidgin的前身为Gaim ,是一种适用于(Gaim)Windows、Linux和Mac OS X的多协议即时通讯软件。
- Pidgin 是一个简单易用的应用程序。
- 它是一个多平台聊天软件,可让用户一次连接到多个聊天网络。
- 它不仅仅是一个 IRC 客户端。
- 它可以作为一个多合一的Internet消息传递工具。
- 它与各种聊天网络进行交互,包括IRC、AIM、Google Talk、XMPP、Bonjour、MSN Plus等。
- 它的用户可以同时登录各种 IM 网络上的多个帐户。
- 同时,您可以在AOL Instant Messenger上与朋友交谈,在 Yahoo Messenger 上与好友交谈( talk to a buddy on Yahoo Messenger),并坐在 IRC 频道上。
- 它建立在支持多种即时通讯协议的 libpurple 库之上。
- 它的记录外消息 (OTR)(Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR))插件经常被使用。端到端加密可用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Facebook Messenger 中离开群聊(How to Leave a Group Chat in Facebook Messenger)
AdiIRC是一个免费的Internet 中继聊天(Internet Relay Chat)( IRC ) 客户端。
- 这是一个完全免费的 IRC 客户端。
- 它经常更新,因此每个新版本都会引入新功能。
- 它带有一长串有用的功能,使其成为Mac、Linux和Windows上最好的 IRC 客户端之一。
- IRC 客户端使用起来非常简单。
双列 UI、多服务器连接、文件传输、代理和 SSL 支持、完整的消息记录、MTS 主题、拼写检查器、监控面板、IRCv3 兼容性(Dual column UI, multiple server connections, file transfers, proxy and SSL support, complete message logging, MTS themes, spellchecker, monitor panels, IRCv3 compatibility)等等只是其中的几个亮点。
14. 司木溪(14. Smuxi)
Smuxi是一个分布式的IRC客户端。它使用客户端-服务器方法来传输您在离线时错过的通信,就像Quassel 一样(Quassel)。
- 您可以停止聊天并在另一台机器上重新开始聊天,而不会丢失任何信息。存储所有消息、当前对话和其他信息。
- 它带有一些预配置的服务器(pre-configured servers)。用户必须选择服务器。
- 用户可以自行添加服务。
- 它还支持用户进行个性化。
- 背景的颜色可以修改。
- 字体、时间戳格式、缓冲行和其他选项可供用户使用。
- 您也可以使用桌面通知选项。
- 除了 IRC , Smuxi 还可以连接Twitter、Facebook Chat和Jabber/XMPP
- 您可以使用两种不同的观看模式管理许多IRC频道。(IRC)Caret Mode允许您使用键盘探索 Smuxi 的界面,而Browse Mode允许您在选项卡之间切换而不影响它们的状态。
- Smuxi 可以编写脚本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具(18 Best Tools for Hacking)
15. KVIrc
KVIrc已经开发了将近十年。它是仍在使用的最古老的 IRC 客户端之一。它的特征反映了它被创建的时间段。
- 这是一个易于使用的 IRC。
- 它有很多脚本功能。
- 它使用户能够进行大量的个性化。
- 它是可移动(transportable)的。
- 用户无需安装它。它可以直接从硬盘访问。
- 它还可以在各种系统上运行,包括Windows和Mac。
- 通过调整输入和输出字体、背景和选择颜色以及透明度,您可以构建一个完整的主题。
- 使用窗口平铺功能可以同时看到多个通道。
- 它允许您为要加入的任何IRC网络自定义参数。(IRC)
- 创建要跟踪的用户名通知列表,当他们在线时它会通知您。(Notify List)
- 当您使用智能编码(Smart Encoding)选项时,您可以同时使用两种编码,这在您使用各种语言进行交流时非常有用。
- 词(Word)过滤器可用于隐藏垃圾邮件和其他不需要的信息。
我们看到互联网的发展为我们提供了更多的IRC聊天客户端。举几个例子,我们可以列出Nettalk、ThrashIRC、Pidgin、Smuxi等等,它们或多或少地在类似于上述大多数的线路上运行。因此,总而言之,聊天室的概念,虽然曾经被认为是老派的思想和过时的思想,但仍然通过服务器广泛使用,特别是在人们可以互动、与用户、朋友和同事保持联系的艰难时期,并确保在房间四面墙的安全范围内通过互联网与他的客户圈子进行业务活动。我们希望您能够了解Mac 和 Linux 的最佳 IRC 客户端( best IRC client for Mac and Linux)。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请将其留在下面的评论部分。
15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux
The main reason we use the internet today іs for communication. It would not be an exaggeration to call it the determining factor of everything we enjoy todаy. Without the internet, todaу’ѕ world would no doubt cоmе tо a standstill. Bridging geographical and other chasms, the Internet literally compresѕed the whole world into a global village. This was led by the innovations аnd dеvelopment of applіcationѕ that further tried to close the existing gap as mυch as possible. One of those ideas is Internet Relay Chat or IRC for short. IRC is a nexus of chаtrooms that let millionѕ of people interact with each other for multiple reasons like casual chatting, dating, and spеnding their free time. It is used for bringing like-minded people together and interacting with them without any restrictions of dіstance and serves as a mеdium for the exchange of thoughts and ideas. In this articlе, wе have shown top 15 best IRC client for Maс and Linux.
15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux
Having understood what IRC is, we shall now delve into the specifics and take a quick look into the list of such clients. Given below is a detailed list of the Best IRC Clients used by people as a surrogate for emails and phones to send messages and data files across the globe:
1. WeeChat
WeeChat feather-light chat client is considered to be on the list of the most powerful and fast IRC client because of the following reasons as detailed below:
- It is a fast, lightweight, and free-to-use Internet Relay Chat client.
- Its user interface is C language enabled.
- it also supports a wide range of plug-ins written in Python, Ruby, and Perl.
- It enables dynamic loading/unloading of these plug-ins in real-time.
- Its user interface uses an array of 256 colors.
- It permits a fully navigational advantage through the use of keyboard shortcuts.
- It supports multiple servers and many other unique add-on features.
- It has an in-built scripts manager.
- It enables mobile support and you can connect to the Weechat IRC client.
- It enables remote connectivity or interfaces.
Though phonetically almost similar to Hexchat and formerly known as X Chat-WDK is similarly designed on the same pattern as Hexchat. It is categorized in the list of Best IRC Clients due to the following features:
- Being open-sourced, it is actively developed.
- It is customizable as per the language of your choice.
- Its user-friendly interface is very well organized and enables channels to be laid out as both tabs or in the tree structure format.
- The interface enables you to hide certain features.
- It enables a huge list of plugins.
- It has a vast library of scripts.
- It automatically connects to multiple networks having a cross-platform presence on Linux, Mac OS X.
- it enables access to the list of active users.
- It enables one to one individual operation.
- It enables features like spell check, proxy support, network meters, and keyboard shortcuts.
3. HydraIRC
HydraIRC is another text-based messaging system considered in the list of Best IRC Clients for Windows, Mac, and Linux due to the below listed unique features:
- It is free of cost IRC client available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- it is easy to operate by one and all.
- It enables the use of a source code – a list of human-readable instructions that a programmer writes which a computer converts into an object code comprising of 0’s and 1’s to understand and execute them.
- It also enables you to search for different search engines and social media sites.
- The Graphical User Interface uses a huge list of plugins.
- It is an open-source application supporting multiple servers.
- It enables custom notifications.
Also Read: Yahoo Chat Rooms: Where did it fade away?
4. Quassel
Quassel is a day-to-day expression used in the German language for talking. It is a real-time, text-based Internet Relay Chat. Quassel is another best IRC mac client.
- It is free to use IRC clients on all major platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- This is open-source software.
- It enables the user to study and if needed change the software and its source code.
- It enables the user to forward the software and its source code.
- It enables multiple connectivities.
- It supports IPV6, SSL, Proxy, SASL, TLS, CTPC.
- it enables you to re-connect with the user.
- It enables you to connect or re-connect with your family, friends, and colleagues.
- It has a simple but modern Graphical User Interface.
- It also comes with a PPA which is a host of software repositories.
- It does not unnecessarily load the CPU and is also low on RAM consumption.
- It enables the use of custom colors indicating the activity.
5. mIRC
mIRC is known to be amongst the most popular and powerful IRC clients.
- It enables 30 days of free trial to allow you to get the hang of its functions.
- If you want to get instantly functional you can register/upgrade for a single-user license at a meager starting charge of $20 and get rid of the splash screen functionality.
- Its GUI software is very clean, simple, practical, and easy to configure.
- The uncluttered GUI lets you change fonts, layouts, pop-ups, etc.
- It enables you to connect and chat one-on-one or with multiple users.
- It can be used with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP besides Mac and Linux OS too.
- It also enables tasks that are not IRC-related.
- It enables a powerful and robust scripting language.
- It makes use of a vast array of scripts.
- It allows the users to share and communicate with other users.
6. Colloquy
Colloquy is one of the most popular and well-known IRC client apps for iOS devices, with a slew of remarkable features that make it the ideal choice for IRC communication.
- It works perfectly with Retina displays.
- With both local and push notifications, it allows iOS multitasking. It also features an auto-completion capability that works with practically all IRC commands.
- It has an organized Colloquies display that allows you to see all of your chats at a glance.
- When your nickname or certain terms are spoken during discussions, it may be customized to highlight messages with vibration alerts.
- It contains a number of useful features, including the option to ignore specific people, a searchable member list, and information displayed per person.
- It works with iOS 8.0 and later, as well as Mac OS X.
- The iOS app costs $1.99 and is available for download.
Also Read: How to Use Skype Chat Text Effects
7. XChat Azure
XChat Azure is a well-rounded means of connecting via IRC networks on OS X devices. It’s simple to use yet has a lot of features.
- XChat Aqua/Azure is a lightweight IRC client for Mac computers.
- It has the ability to auto-complete instructions and nicknames.
- It has an inbuilt spell-checking feature that safeguards you from grammatical blunders.
- You have the ability to share files with other people.
- It enables you to quickly connect to various IRC servers and channels, allowing you to have both public and private chats.
- It’s a free app with at least one standout feature that other clients don’t have.
- It enables you to encrypt your communication, which may then be decrypted by the recipient with the right passcode.
- It’s also a free and open-source program, with the source code available on GitHub.
- It may be downloaded for free.
8. Textual
Textual is a high-end IRC client for Mac OS X.
- It has a dedicated development team and is supported and updated on a regular basis.
- It offers a graphical user interface that appears like any other current communication program and includes various keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation.
- it supports all Mac versions.
- It’s simple to use, adjust, and personalize.
- The client is well-documented, and you may write extensions in a variety of computer languages.
- In the client’s specific installation folder, you may store your customizations and plug-in scripts.
- All of the newest IRC capabilities, including native IPv6 support, full conformance with IRCv3 requirements, and client-side certificate authentication, are included in this fully loaded yet lightweight program.
- As seen by its use of Off the Record Messaging technology, it places a premium on user privacy.
9. Irssi
For Linux and other Unix systems, Irssi is a command-line IRC client.
- It lacks a graphical user interface and relies only on terminal commands.
- you may change the client’s appearance with multiple themes.
- It’s simple to set up and personalize.
- Because it’s an open-source IRC client, there’s a vibrant community developing and writing scripts to extend its capabilities.
- Hundreds more scripts are available for download from the Irssi Script Repository if you want to gain features that aren’t included in the basic package.
- It has remote connection options, configurable keybindings, logging, and all the other standard IRC client capabilities.
- It is designed for Unix-like operating systems and includes plugins that handle the SILC and ICB protocols.
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10. Konversation
Konversation is a powerful IRC client for Linux based on the KDE framework and published under the GNU General Public License.
- It has an On-Screen Display function that displays an overlay message whenever your nick is mentioned.
- It has a URL catcher that allows you to get to a website with only one click.
- You may use the channel bookmarker tool to insert special characters without having to type them in manually using 24 Best Free Typing Software for PC.
- You may utilize Quick Buttons in the app to minimize repeated typing if you use particular instructions regularly.
- It boasts a diverse set of intriguing features, as well as a highly polished user interface and ongoing community support.
- It’s completely free to use.
- You can use a different character encoding for each channel you join.
- You may communicate weather information or the music you’re listening to with built-in scripts.
11. LimeChat
If you’re seeking a fast and dependable IRC client for your Mac, LimeChat is likely to be the answer.
- It’s built on the RubyCocoa framework, which is quite advanced.
- The client connects to numerous servers in a seamless manner, using completely secure SSL encryption.
- It stays active in the background for 10 minutes, allowing you to dismiss the client and focus on other things without losing connectivity.
- It also has a user interface that is lightweight and optimized for speed.
- It allows you to traverse through channels using the mouse or the keyboard’s arrow buttons.
- Even if you’re on a different channel, you’ll get real-time notifications for new messages or highlights.
- The app also has an auto-lock feature.
- It’s a freeware program.
- One of the characteristics is that the URL transforms into clickable links automatically.
- It may be used in landscape mode.
- It supports vibration and message highlighting.
- It supports SSL and SASL authentication.
12. Pidgin
Pidgin, previously Gaim, is a multi-protocol instant messaging software for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
- Pidgin is a simple application to use.
- It’s a multi-platform chat software that lets users connect to many chat networks at once.
- It’s a lot more than an IRC client.
- It works as an all-in-one Internet messaging tool.
- It interacts with a variety of chat networks, including IRC, AIM, Google Talk, XMPP, Bonjour, MSN Plus, and others.
- Its users can log in to several accounts on various IM networks at the same time.
- At the same moment, you may speak with pals on AOL Instant Messenger, talk to a buddy on Yahoo Messenger, and sit on an IRC Channel.
- It is built on the libpurple library, which supports a variety of instant messaging protocols.
- Its Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) plugin is frequently used. End-to-end encryption is available.
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13. AdiIRC
AdiIRC is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client that is available for free.
- It’s a completely free IRC client.
- It is often updated, thus new features are introduced with each new version.
- It comes with a long list of useful features, making it one of the finest IRC clients for Mac, Linux, and Windows.
- IRC Client is pretty simple to use.
Dual column UI, multiple server connections, file transfers, proxy and SSL support, complete message logging, MTS themes, spellchecker, monitor panels, IRCv3 compatibility, and much more are just a few of the highlights.
14. Smuxi
Smuxi is an IRC client that is distributed. It uses the client-server approach to transmit communications you missed while offline, just as Quassel.
- You may stop a chat and pick it up again on a separate machine without losing any information. All messages, current conversations, and other information are stored.
- It comes with a few pre-configured servers. The user must select a server.
- The user is free to add the services themselves.
- It also enables personalization by the user.
- The color of the backdrop can be modified.
- The typeface, timestamp formats, buffered lines, and other options are available to the user.
- You may also use the desktop notification option.
- Smuxi can connect to Twitter, Facebook Chat, and Jabber/XMPP in addition to IRC.
- You may manage many IRC channels using two different viewing modes. Caret Mode allows you to explore Smuxi’s interface with the keyboard, whereas Browse Mode allows you to switch between tabs without affecting their state.
- Smuxi can be scripted.
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15. KVIrc
KVIrc has been under development for almost ten years. It is one of the oldest IRC clients still in use. Its characteristics reflect the time period in which it was created.
- It’s an easy-to-use IRC.
- It has a lot of scripting features.
- It enables a great deal of personalization by the user.
- It’s transportable.
- It is not necessary for the user to install it. It is accessible straight from the hard disc.
- It can also operate on a variety of systems, including Windows and Mac.
- By adjusting the input and output fonts, background and selection colors, and transparency, you may build a whole theme.
- Multiple channels can be seen at the same time using the window tiling feature.
- It allows you to customize parameters for any IRC network you want to join.
- Create a Notify List of usernames to keep track of, and it will notify you when they are online.
- When you utilize the Smart Encoding option, you may use two encodings at the same time, which is useful if you’re conversing in various languages.
- Word filters can be used to conceal spam and other undesired information.
We see the development of the internet has made many more IRC chat clients available to us. To name a few more we can list Nettalk, ThrashIRC, Pidgin, Smuxi and many more which more or less function on lines similar to the majority of those described above. So, to conclude, the concept of chatrooms, though once thought to be the old school of thought and outdated, is still widely used through the servers, especially in these trying times where one can interact, remain connected with users, friends, and colleagues, and ensure business activity with his circle of clients through the internet within the safety of the four walls of the room. We hope that you are able to know best IRC client for Mac and Linux. If you have any queries/suggestions, leave them in the comment section below.