如果您发现自动完成功能在 Outlook 中不起作用,(Autocomplete is not working in Outlook)本文建议了解决方案。自动完成(Autocomplete)是Outlook中的一项重要功能,它会在您输入姓名首字母时立即建议电子邮件地址。但是,据报道,许多用户遇到了自动完成功能在Outlook中无法正常工作的问题。这可能是由于损坏的自动完成(Autocomplete)缓存或加载项或其他原因造成的。如果您也面临同样的问题,我们为您提供保障。在这里,我们将提到您应该能够解决问题的各种方法。

如果自动完成(Autocomplete)功能在 Outlook 中无法正常工作,可以尝试以下方法:
- 确保启用自动完成(Autocomplete)设置。
- 重命名 RoamCache 文件夹。
- 禁用由 iTunes 安装的Outlook 更改通知程序(Outlook Change Notifier)加载项。
- 在安全模式下运行 Outlook。
- 创建一个新的配置文件。
- 启动 Outlook(Start Outlook)应用程序并转到File > Options。
- 在Outlook 选项(Outlook Options)向导中,导航到“邮件”(Mail)选项卡。
- 现在,向下滚动到Send Messages部分,并确保在 To、Cc 和 Bcc 行中键入时名为 Use AutoComplete List toSuggest names(Use AutoComplete List to suggest names when typing in the To, Cc, and Bcc lines)的复选框已启用。如果没有,请启用它。
- 单击确定(OK)按钮。

使用上述步骤转到自动完成选项,然后选择旁边的Empty AutoComplete List按钮。(Empty AutoComplete List)接下来,通过单击是(Yes)按钮确认自动完成列表清除过程。

在使用此方法之前,请检查您使用的是Microsoft Exchange Server帐户还是其他帐户。为此,打开Outlook并转到File > Info,然后单击帐户设置(Accounts Settings)选项。在新的对话框窗口中,检查类型(Type)是Microsoft Exchange还是其他。

如果类型是Microsoft Exchange,请尝试以下步骤:
第 1 步:转到 File > Info > Accounts Settings,然后选择Microsoft Exchange Server帐户。然后,单击更改( Change)按钮。

第 2 步:在下一个提示中,单击更多设置(More Settings)按钮,然后禁用使用缓存交换模式(Use Cached Exchange Mode)复选框。之后,按 OK 按钮并退出Outlook应用程序。

第 3 步:现在,按Windows + R热键打开“运行”(Run)对话框并在其中输入以下地址:
第 4 步:在打开的目录中,您将看到一个名为RoamCache的文件夹。将此文件夹重命名为 old_RoamCache。

第 5 步:重新启动Outlook应用程序。
第 6 步:现在,您必须启用之前禁用的Use Cached Exchange Mode复选框。(Use Cached Exchange Mode)参考上面的步骤(Step)(1)和步骤(Step)(2)来做。
第 7 步:最后,再次重新启动Outlook并查看自动完成功能是否再次开始工作。
3]禁用iTunes安装的Outlook更改通知(Outlook Change Notifier)插件
由于iTunes 安装的Outlook 更改通知程序(Outlook Change Notifier)加载项,也可能触发自动完成无法正常工作的问题。尝试使用以下步骤禁用它,然后检查问题是否仍然存在:
- 启动 Outlook(Start Outlook)并转到File > Options并导航到加载项(Add-Ins)选项卡。
- 按“管理 COM 加载项(Manage COM add-ins)”选项旁边的“开始”(Go)按钮。
- 在加载项(Add-ins)对话框窗口中,找到Outlook 更改通知程序(Outlook Change Notifier)加载项,然后取消选中它。
- 接下来,单击确定按钮进行确认,然后返回主窗口。
如果任何其他加载项导致此问题,您应该在安全模式下检查Outlook并查看自动完成功能是否有效。(Outlook)只需(Simply)按Windows + R热键打开Run,在其中写入outlook.exe/safe,然后按Enter按钮。它将在没有任何加载项的情况下以安全模式启动Outlook应用程序。(Outlook)
现在阅读:(Now read:) Outlook 中缺少电子邮件正文或文本。(Body of Emails or Text is missing in Outlook.)
Autocomplete not working correctly in Outlook
This article suggеѕts solutions if you find that Autocomplete is not working in Outlook. Autocomplete is an important feature in Outlook which suggests email addresses as soon as you type the initials. However, many users have reportedly encountered a problem where autocomplete doesn’t work properly in Outlook. This may occur due to a corrupted Autocomplete cache or an add-in or something else. If you are also facing the same issue, we got you covered. Here, we are going to mention various methods using which you should be able to fix the issue.

Autocomplete is not working in Outlook
These are the methods to try if Autocomplete is not working correctly in Outlook:
- Ensure that the Autocomplete setting is enabled.
- Rename the RoamCache folder.
- Disable Outlook Change Notifier add-in installed by iTunes.
- Run Outlook in Safe Mode.
- Create a new profile.
Let’s discuss these solutions in elaboration!
1] Ensure that the Autocomplete setting is enabled
The first thing you need to try to fix this issue is to ensure that the Autocomplete option is turned on. For that, you can follow below steps:
- Start Outlook application and go to File > Options.
- In the Outlook Options wizard, navigate to the Mail tab.
- Now, scroll down to the Send Messages section and make sure that the checkbox called Use AutoComplete List to suggest names when typing in the To, Cc, and Bcc lines is enabled. If not, enable it.
- Click on the OK button.

Now, if the autocomplete option is already enabled and still not working, you should try clearing out the Autocomplete list using the below steps:
Go to the autocomplete option using the above-mentioned steps and then select the Empty AutoComplete List button present beside it. Next, confirm the autocomplete list clearing process by clicking the Yes button.

After that, try sending some test emails to the same recipient and see if Autocomplete starts working or not. If not, consider using another method from this list to troubleshoot the problem.
2] Rename the RoamCache folder
Another method that you can try is renaming the RoamCache folder. It will reset autocomplete, so you will lose all saved addresses in autocomplete list.
Before using this method, check if you are using a Microsoft Exchange Server account or some other one. For that, open Outlook and go to the File > Info and click on the Accounts Settings option. In the new dialog window, check if the Type is Microsoft Exchange or something else.

If the type is Microsoft Exchange, try the below steps:
Step 1: Go to File > Info > Accounts Settings and select the Microsoft Exchange Server account. Then, click on the Change button.

Step 2: In the next prompt, click on the More Settings button and then disable the Use Cached Exchange Mode checkbox. After that, press the OK button and exit the Outlook application.

Step 3: Now, press Windows + R hotkey to open the Run dialog box and enter the below address in it:
Step 4: In the opened directory, you will see a folder named RoamCache. Rename this folder as old_RoamCache.

Step 5: Restart the Outlook application.
Step 6: Now, you have to enable the Use Cached Exchange Mode checkbox that you previously disabled. Refer to the above Step (1) and Step (2) to do that.
Step 7: Finally, again restart Outlook and see if the autocomplete starts working again.
Note: In the case of a home email account, you can skip Step (1), Step (2), Step (6), and Step (7) and follow other steps to rename the RoamCache folder and reset Autocomplete.
3] Disable Outlook Change Notifier add-in installed by iTunes
The autocomplete not working problem may also be triggered due to the Outlook Change Notifier add-in installed by iTunes. Try disabling it using the below steps and then check if the problem still persists:
- Start Outlook and go to File > Options and navigate to the Add-Ins tab.
- Press the Go button present beside the Manage COM add-ins option.
- In the Add-ins dialog window, locate the Outlook Change Notifier add-in and then uncheck it.
- Next, click the OK button to confirm and then return to the main window.
4] Run Outlook in Safe Mode
If any other add-in is causing this problem, you should check Outlook in safe mode and see if the autocomplete feature works or not. Simply press Windows + R hotkey to open Run, write outlook.exe/safe in it, and press the Enter button. It will start the Outlook application in safe mode without any add-in.
If the autocomplete works in safe mode, there might be some issues with add-ins installed. Disable all of them using the steps mentioned in Method (3). And then, restart Outlook and see if the issue is gone.
5] Create a new profile
When no other solution works, you should try creating a new Outlook profile and see if the Autocomplete feature starts working again. This fixes up issues in Outlook generally also.
That’s it! Hope you are able to resolve Autocomplete not working in Outlook issue using the above methods.
Now read: Body of Emails or Text is missing in Outlook.