Moto G6 用户报告了他们手机的各种问题,其中一些是 Wi-Fi 不断断开连接、电池快速耗尽或无法充电、扬声器不工作、蓝牙连接问题、色调差异、指纹传感器不工作等。在本指南中,我们将尝试修复 Moto G6 常见问题。 (Moto G6 users have reported various problems with their handset, some of them are Wi-Fi keeps getting disconnected, battery draining quickly or not charging, speakers not working, Bluetooth connectivity problems, the disparity in color tone, fingerprint sensor not working, etc. In this guide, we will try fixing Moto G6 common issues. )
Moto G6 系列(Moto G6 series)是摩托罗拉(Motorola)品牌代名词质量的完美典范。该系列共有三个变体,Moto G6、Moto G6 Plus和Moto G6 Play。这些手机不仅具有很酷的功能,而且还便于携带。这是一款体面的旗舰设备,引起了很多人的注意。除了硬件,它还拥有出色的软件支持。
但是,不可能制造出完美无瑕的设备。就像市场上所有其他智能手机或任何电子设备一样,Moto G6系列智能手机也存在一些问题。用户抱怨与Wi-Fi、电池、性能、显示等相关的问题。然而,好消息是这些问题是可以解决的,而这正是我们将帮助您解决的问题。在本文中,我们将解决与Moto G6、G6 Plus和G6 Play相关的一些最常见问题,并为这些问题提供解决方案。
修复 Moto G6(Fix Moto G6)、G6 Plus或G6 Play 常见问题(G6 Play Common Issues)
问题 1:Wi-Fi 不断断开连接(Problem 1: Wi-Fi Keeps Getting Disconnected)
许多用户抱怨他们的 Moto G6 手机上的 Wi-Fi 不断断开连接(Wi-Fi keeps getting disconnected on their Moto G6 mobiles)。连接到本地网络时,Wi-Fi 连接会在 5-10 分钟后断开。尽管连接几乎会立即自动恢复,但它会导致不必要的中断,尤其是在流式传输在线内容或玩在线游戏时。
不稳定的连接令人沮丧和不可接受。这个问题并不新鲜。以前的Moto G手机(如 G5 和 G4 系列)也存在Wi-Fi连接问题。在发布新的智能手机系列之前,摩托罗拉(Motorola)似乎没有注意解决这个问题。
不幸的是,没有任何官方承认和解决这个问题。然而,一位匿名人士在互联网上发布了一个可能解决此问题的方法,幸运的是它有效。论坛上的许多Android用户声称该方法帮助他们解决了这个问题。下面给出了一个分步指南,您可以按照它来解决不稳定的 Wi-Fi 连接问题。
- 您需要做的第一件事是以恢复模式(Recovery Mode)启动您的设备。为此,请关闭您的设备,然后按住电源按钮和音量调高按钮。一段时间后,您将在屏幕上看到快速启动模式。(Fastboot)
- 现在,您的触摸屏将无法在此模式下工作,您必须使用音量按钮进行导航。
- 使用音量键进入恢复模式选项(Recovery mode option),然后按电源按钮将其选中。
- 在这里,选择“擦除缓存分区”(“Wipe Cache Partition”)选项。
- 之后,重新启动手机(restart your phone)。
- 现在,您需要重置您的网络设置(Network Settings)。为此Open Settings>> System>> Reset>> Reset Network Settings>> Reset Settings。您现在需要输入密码或PIN,然后确认以重置您的网络设置。
- 之后,打开设置>>网络和Internet>> Wi-Fi>> Wi-Fi首选项>>高级>>在睡眠期间保持Wi-Fi打开>>始终打开Wi-Fi设置。
- 如果您使用的是Moto G5,那么您还应该切换扫描Wi-Fi。转到设置>>位置>>选项>>扫描>>关闭扫描Wi-Fi。
Problem 2: Battery Draining Quickly/Not Charging
无论(Irrespective)您拥有哪种Moto G6变体,一旦充满电,您的电池应该至少可以运行一整天。但是,如果您的电池电量迅速耗尽或您的设备无法正常充电,则说明您的电池存在问题。许多Android用户抱怨说 15-20% 的电池在一夜之间耗尽(battery drains overnight)。这不正常。一些用户还抱怨设备即使连接到充电器也无法充电。如果您遇到类似的问题,那么您可以尝试以下几种解决方案:
重新校准电池(Re-Calibrate the Battery)
重新校准电池是解决电池快速耗尽或不充电问题的一种简单有效的方法。为此,请按住电源按钮 7-10 秒以关闭手机。当您松开电源按钮时,您的设备将自动重启。重新启动后,插入手机随附的原装充电器,让您的手机在一夜之间充电。很明显,重新校准电池的理想时间是晚上睡觉前。
省电小贴士(Tips to Save Power)
- 找出哪些应用程序消耗了过多的电量。转到设置(Settings),然后转到电池(Battery)。在这里,您将能够看到哪些应用程序正在迅速耗尽您的电池电量。卸载您不需要的或至少更新它们,因为新版本可能带有可降低功耗的错误修复。
- 接下来,在您不使用Wi-Fi、蜂窝数据和蓝牙时关闭它们。(Bluetooth)
- 每台Android设备都带有内置的省电模式,使用它或下载第三方省电应用程序。
- 使所有应用程序保持最新状态,以优化其性能。这将对电池寿命产生重大影响。
- 您还可以从恢复(Recovery)模式中擦除缓存(Cache)分区。本文前面已经提供了详细的分步指南。
- 如果这些方法都不起作用,并且您仍然遇到电池快速耗尽的情况,那么您需要将手机重置为出厂设置。
问题 3:扬声器工作不正常(Problem 3: Speakers Not Working Properly)
一些Moto G6 用户一直面临扬声器问题(Moto G6 users have been facing issues with their speakers)。在观看视频或听音乐时,甚至在通话过程中,扬声器突然停止工作。它完全静音,此时您唯一可以做的就是插入一些耳机或连接蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器。该设备的内置扬声器完全失灵。虽然这不是一个常见的问题,但仍然需要解决。
一位名叫Jourdansway的(Jourdansway)Moto G6用户提出了解决此问题的有效方法。您需要做的就是将立体声通道组合成一个单声道。
- 打开设备上的设置(Settings),然后选择辅助功能(Accessibility)。
- 在这里,点击“音频和屏幕文本”(“Audio and On-Screen Text”)选项。
- 之后,单击Mono Audio。
- 现在,启用在播放音频时合并两个通道的选项。这样做将解决扬声器在使用时静音的问题。
问题 4:蓝牙连接问题(Problem 4: Bluetooth Connectivity Problem)
蓝牙(Bluetooth)是一项非常有用的技术,普遍用于在各种设备之间建立无线连接。一些Moto G6用户抱怨蓝牙一直断开连接或根本无法连接(Bluetooth keeps getting disconnected or does not connect)。以下是您可以尝试解决此问题的一些方法。
- 您可以做的第一件事是关闭然后再次打开蓝牙(Bluetooth)。这是一个简单的技巧,通常可以解决问题。
- 如果这不起作用,则忘记或取消配对特定设备,然后重新建立连接。打开手机上的蓝牙设置(Bluetooth Settings),然后点击设备名称旁边的齿轮图标,然后点击忘记(Forget)选项。通过将手机的蓝牙(Bluetooth)与设备的蓝牙配对来重新连接。
- 此问题的另一个有效解决方案是清除蓝牙(Bluetooth)缓存(Cache)和数据(Data)。打开(Open)设置(Settings),然后转到应用程序(Apps)。现在单击菜单图标(右上角的三个垂直点)并选择“显示系统应用程序”。搜索(Search)蓝牙(Bluetooth)共享并点击它。打开(Open)存储并点击清除缓存(Cache)和清除数据(Clear Data)按钮。这将解决蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接问题。
问题 5:色调的差异(Problem 5: Disparity in Color Tone)
在某些 Moto G6 手机中,屏幕上显示的颜色不正确(colors displayed on the screen aren’t proper)。在大多数情况下,除非与其他类似的手机相比,否则差异非常微小且难以区分。然而,在某些情况下,色调的差异是相当明显的。例如,红色看起来更像棕色或橙色。
问题 6:滚动时遇到延迟(Problem 6: Experiencing Lags While Scrolling)
Moto G6 用户面临的另一个常见问题是滚动时明显滞后(Moto G6 users is a significant lag while scrolling)。还有一个屏幕快门问题和输入后响应延迟(即触摸屏幕上的图标)。许多Android智能手机都面临类似的问题,即屏幕无响应并且与设备界面的交互感觉迟缓。
- 触摸手机时,请(Make)确保手指干燥。水或油的存在会阻碍正确接触,结果屏幕会感觉没有响应。
- 尝试(Try)使用不太厚的优质屏幕保护膜,因为它会干扰触摸屏的灵敏度。
- 尝试重新启动您的设备,看看是否能解决问题。
- 如上所述,滞后的体验可能是第三方应用程序出现故障,唯一确保您的设备以安全(Safe)模式启动的方法。在安全(Safe)模式下,只有系统应用程序或预装应用程序处于活动状态,因此如果设备在安全(Safe)模式下完美运行,那么很明显罪魁祸首确实是第三方应用程序。然后,您可以开始删除最近添加的应用程序,这将解决问题。
- 如果以上方法都不起作用,那么您需要将手机带到服务中心并要求更换。
问题 7:设备运行缓慢并一直冻结(Problem 7: Device is Slow and keeps Freezing)
当您的手机在使用时挂起或通常感觉一直很慢时,这会变得非常令人沮丧。滞后和冻结(Lags and freezes)会破坏使用智能手机的体验。手机变慢的原因可能是缓存文件过多、后台运行的应用程序过多或操作系统太旧。尝试这些解决方案来解决冻结问题(fix freezing issues)。
清除缓存和数据(Clear Cache and Data)
1. 转到手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 单击应用程序(Apps)选项以查看您设备上已安装应用程序的列表。
3. 现在,选择您要删除其缓存文件的应用程序并点击它。
4. 单击存储(Storage)选项。
5.在这里,您将找到清除缓存和清除数据(Clear Cache and Clear Data)的选项。单击(Click)相应的按钮,该应用程序的缓存文件将被删除。
关闭在后台运行的应用程序(Close Apps Running in the Background)
即使您退出应用程序,它也会继续在后台运行。这会消耗大量内存并导致移动设备变慢。您应该始终清除后台应用程序以加速您的设备。点击最近的(Recent)应用程序按钮,然后通过向上滑动或单击十字按钮来删除应用程序。除此之外,防止应用程序在不使用时在后台运行。Facebook、Google Maps等一些应用程序即使在未打开时也会继续跟踪您的位置。转到应用程序的设置并禁用这些后台进程。您还可以从“设置”中重置应用偏好,以减轻设备压力。
更新安卓操作系统(Update the Android Operating System)
- 转到手机的设置( Settings)。
- 点击系统(System)选项。
- 现在,单击软件(Software)更新。
- 您将找到检查软件更新(Check for Software Updates)的选项。点击它。
- 现在,如果您发现有可用的软件更新,请点击更新选项。
问题 8:指纹传感器不工作(Problem 8: Fingerprint Sensor Not Working)
如果Moto G6 上的指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor on your Moto G6)检测指纹的时间过长或根本无法工作,那么这是一个值得关注的问题。有几个原因可能会导致此问题,我们将同时处理这两个原因。
重置指纹传感器(Reset your Fingerprint Sensor)
如果指纹传感器工作非常缓慢或屏幕上弹出“指纹硬件不可用”消息,则需要重置指纹传感器。(“Fingerprint Hardware is not available”)下面给出了一些可以让您解决问题的解决方案。
- 您可以做的第一件事是删除所有已保存的指纹,然后重新设置。
- (Boot)以安全模式(Safe)启动您的设备以识别和消除有问题的应用程序。
- 如果上述方法均无效,请在手机上执行恢复出厂设置。(Factory Reset)
移除物理障碍(Remove Physical Obstruction)
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Moto G6、G6 Plus 或 G6 Play 常见问题(fix Moto G6, G6 Plus, or G6 Play common issues)。如果您仍有未解决的问题,您可以随时将手机带到服务中心。您还可以创建错误报告并将其直接发送给 Moto-Lenovo支持(Support)人员。为此,您首先需要启用开发人员(Developer)选项并在其中启用USB 调试(USB Debugging)、错误报告快捷方式(Bug Report Shortcut)和Wi-Fi 详细日志记录(Wi-Fi Verbose Logging)。之后,您需要在遇到问题时按住电源按钮,屏幕上会弹出一个菜单。选择错误(Bug)报告选项,您的设备现在将自动生成错误报告。您现在可以将它发送给Moto-Lenovo 支持(Support)人员,他们将帮助您修复它。
Fix Moto G6, G6 Plus or G6 Play Common Issues
Moto G6 users have reported various problems with their handset, some of them are Wi-Fi keeps getting disconnected, battery draining quickly or not charging, speakers not working, Bluetooth connectivity problems, the disparity in color tone, fingerprint sensor not working, etc. In this guide, we will try fixing Moto G6 common issues.
Someone in your family must have owned a Motorola mobile at one point in time or another. This is because they were really popular back in the day. They had to go through a bad phase which involved a change of ownership a couple of times. However, ever since their integration with Lenovo, they are back with a bang.
The Moto G6 series is a perfect example of the quality that is synonymous with the Motorola brand name. There are three variants in this series, the Moto G6, Moto G6 Plus, and the Moto G6 Play. These mobiles are not only packed with cool features but are also pocket friendly. It is a decent flagship device that is turning a lot of heads. Apart from the hardware, it also boasts of excellent software support.
However, it is not possible to create a device that would be flawless. Just like every other smartphone or any electronic device available in the market, the Moto G6 series smartphones have a few problems. Users have complained about issues related to Wi-Fi, battery, performance, display, etc. The good news, however, is that these problems can be fixed and that is exactly what we are going to help you with. In this article, we will address some of the most common issues related to Moto G6, G6 Plus, and G6 Play and provide solutions for these problems.
Fix Moto G6, G6 Plus, or G6 Play Common Issues
Problem 1: Wi-Fi Keeps Getting Disconnected
A lot of users have complained that the Wi-Fi keeps getting disconnected on their Moto G6 mobiles. While connected to a local network, the Wi-Fi connection is lost after 5-10 minutes. Although the connection is automatically restored almost instantly, it causes an unwanted interruption, especially while streaming online content or playing an online game.
Unstable connectivity is frustrating and unacceptable. This problem isn’t new. Previous Moto G mobiles like the G5 and the G4 series also had Wi-Fi connectivity issues. It seems that Motorola hasn’t taken care to address the issue before releasing a new line of smartphones.
Unfortunately, there isn’t any official acknowledgment of and solution to the problem. However, an anonymous individual posted a probable solution to this problem on the internet, and luckily it works. Many Android users on forums have claimed that the method helped them to fix this problem. Given below is a step-wise guide that you can follow to fix the problem of unstable Wi-Fi connection.
- The first thing that you need to do is boot your device in Recovery Mode. To do this, switch off your device and then press and hold the power button along with the Volume up button. After some time, you will see the Fastboot mode on your screen.
- Now, your touch screen will not work in this mode, and you will have to use the Volume buttons to navigate.
- Go to the Recovery mode option using the volume keys and then press the power button to select it.
- Here, select the “Wipe Cache Partition” option.
- After that, restart your phone.
- Now, you need to reset your Network Settings. To do so Open Settings>> System>> Reset>> Reset Network Settings>> Reset Settings. You will now be required to enter your password or PIN and then confirm to reset your network settings.
- After that, go to your Wi-Fi settings by opening Settings>> Network and Internet>> Wi-Fi>> Wi-Fi Preferences>> Advanced>> Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep>> Always.
- If you are using Moto G5, then you should also switch of scanning Wi-Fi. Go to Settings>> Location>> Options >> Scanning>> turn Off scanning Wi-Fi.
If the Wi-Fi connectivity still persists after executing all steps, then you need to seek professional help. Head down to the service centre and ask them to either fix the faulty Wi-Fi or replace your device completely.
Problem 2: Battery Draining Quickly/Not Charging
Irrespective of the Moto G6 variant that you own, once it is fully charged, your battery should run for at least an entire day. However, if you are experiencing rapid battery drains or your device isn’t charging properly, then there is some problem with your battery. A lot of Android users have complained that 15-20 percent of battery drains overnight. This is not normal. Some users have also complained that the device does not charge even when connected to the charger. If you are facing similar problems, then they’re a couple of solutions that you can try:
Re-Calibrate the Battery
Re-calibrating the battery is an easy and effective way to fix the problem of battery draining quickly or not charging. To do this, turn off your mobile phone by pressing the power button for 7-10 seconds. When you let go of the power button, your device will automatically restart. Once it reboots, plug in the original charger that came with the handset and allows your phone to charge overnight. It is clear that the ideal time for re-calibrating your battery is at night just before you go to sleep.
Your device should now be working properly, but unfortunately, if it does not, then it is possible that the battery was defective. However, since you have purchased your mobile recently, it is well within the warranty period, and your battery will be easily replaced. Just head over to the nearest service centre and convey your grievances to them.
Tips to Save Power
Another reason behind battery draining quickly could be your extensive usage and energy inefficient practices. Following are some of the things that you can do to make your battery last longer:
- Figure out which apps are consuming too much power. Go to Settings and then Battery. Here you will be able to see which apps are rapidly draining your battery. Uninstall the ones that you do not need or at least update them as the new version might come with bug fixes that reduce power consumption.
- Next up, switch off your Wi-Fi, cellular data, and Bluetooth when you are not using them.
- Every Android device comes with an in-built battery saver, use that or download third-party battery saver apps.
- Keep all apps up to date so that their performance is optimized. This will have a substantial effect on battery life.
- You can also Wipe the Cache partition from Recovery mode. The detailed step-wise guide for the same has been provided earlier in this article.
- If none of these methods work and you are still experiencing rapid battery drains then you need to reset your phone to the factory settings.
Problem 3: Speakers Not Working Properly
Some Moto G6 users have been facing issues with their speakers. The speakers suddenly stop working while watching a video or listening to music and even during an ongoing call. It gets completely mute, and there is the only thing that you can do at this time is plug in some headphones or connect a Bluetooth speaker. The device’s in-built speakers become completely dysfunctional. Although this is not a common problem still needs to be fixed.
A Moto G6 user by the name of Jourdansway has come up with a working fix for this problem. All that you need to do is combine the stereo channels into a mono channel.
- Open the Settings on your device and then select Accessibility.
- Here, tap on the “Audio and On-Screen Text” option.
- After that, click on Mono Audio.
- Now, enable the option to combine both channels when audio is being played. Doing so will fix the problem of the speaker getting mute while in use.
Problem 4: Bluetooth Connectivity Problem
Bluetooth is a very useful technology and is universally used to establish wireless connections between various devices. Some Moto G6 users have complained that the Bluetooth keeps getting disconnected or does not connect at all in the first place. The following are some of the things that you can try to resolve this issue.
- The first thing that you can do is turn off and then turn on your Bluetooth again. It is a simple trick that often solves the problem.
- If that doesn’t work, then forget or unpair the particular device and then re-establish the connection. Open Bluetooth Settings on your mobile and tap on the gear icon next to the device’s name and then click on the Forget option. Reconnect it by pairing your mobile’s Bluetooth with that of the device.
- Another effective solution to this problem is to Clear Cache and Data for Bluetooth. Open Settings and then go to Apps. Now click on the menu icon (three vertical dots on the top right-hand side) and select “Show system apps”. Search for Bluetooth share and tap on it. Open Storage and tap on Clear Cache and Clear Data buttons. This will fix the Bluetooth connectivity issue.
Problem 5: Disparity in Color Tone
In some Moto G6 handsets, the colors displayed on the screen aren’t proper. In most cases, the difference is very minute and indistinguishable unless compared with another similar mobile. However, in some cases, the difference in color tone is quite evident. For example, the color red looks more like brown or orange.
One of the probable reasons behind colors appearing to be different is that the color correction setting has been accidentally left on. Colour correction is a part of Accessibility features that are meant to be an aid for people who have color blindness and are unable to see certain colors properly. However, for normal people, this setting will cause colors to look strange. You need to make sure that it is turned off if you do not need it. Go to Settings and then open Accessibility. In here, look for the Color correction setting and make sure that it is turned off.
Problem 6: Experiencing Lags While Scrolling
Another common problem faced by Moto G6 users is a significant lag while scrolling. There is also a screen shuttering issue and delay in response after input (i.e. touching an icon on the screen). A lot of Android smartphones face similar problems where the screen is unresponsive and the interaction with the device’s interface feels laggy.
An input lag and screen unresponsiveness can be caused by physical interferences like a thick screen guard or water on your fingers. It can also be caused by some buggy app or glitches. Given below are some probable solutions to fix this problem.
- Make sure that your fingers are dry when you are touching your phone. The presence of water or oil will obstruct proper contact, and a result screen would feel unresponsive.
- Try and use a good quality screen protector that isn’t too thick as it can interfere with the touch screen’s sensitivity.
- Try rebooting your device and see if that solves the problem.
- As mentioned above, the laggy experience could be the doing of a faulty third-party app and the only way to make sure is to boot your device in Safe mode. In Safe mode, only the system apps or the pre-installed apps are active and so if the device works perfectly in Safe mode, then it becomes clear that the culprit is indeed a third-party app. You can then start deleting recently added apps, and that will solve the problem.
- If none of the above methods work, then you need to take your phone to a service center and ask for a replacement.
Problem 7: Device is Slow and keeps Freezing
It becomes really frustrating when your phone hangs while using it or generally feels slow at all times. Lags and freezes ruin the experience of using a smartphone. The reasons behind a phone getting slow could be excessive cache files, too many apps running in the background, or an old operating system. Try these solutions to fix freezing issues.
Clear Cache and Data
Every app saves cache and data files. These files, though useful, occupy a lot of space. The more apps you have on your device, the more space will be occupied by the cache files. The presence of excessive cache files can slow down your device. It is a good practice to clear cache from time to time. However, you can’t delete all cache files at once, you need to delete cache files for each app individually.
1. Go to the Settings on your phone.
2. Click on the Apps option to view the list of installed apps on your device.
3. Now, select the app whose cache files you would like to delete and tap on it.
4. Click on the Storage option.
5. Here, you will find the option to Clear Cache and Clear Data. Click on the respective buttons, and the cache files for that app will get deleted.
Close Apps Running in the Background
Even after you exit from an app, it keeps running in the background. This consumes a lot of memory and causes the mobile to get slow. You should always clear background apps to speed up your device. Tap on the Recent apps button and then remove apps by swiping them up or clicking the cross button. Apart from that, prevent apps from working in the background when not in use. Some apps like Facebook, Google Maps, etc. keep tracking your location even when they are not open. Go to the app’s settings and disable background processes like these. You can also reset app preferences from Settings to reduce pressure on your device.
Update the Android Operating System
Sometimes when an operating system update is pending, the previous version might get a little buggy. It is always a good practice to keep your software up to date. This is because, with every new update, the company releases various patches and bug fixes that optimize the device’s performance. Therefore, we would strongly recommend you to update your operating system to the latest version.
- Go to the Settings of your phone.
- Tap on the System option.
- Now, click on the Software update.
- You will find an option to Check for Software Updates. Click on it.
- Now, if you find that a software update is available, then tap on the update option.
Problem 8: Fingerprint Sensor Not Working
If the fingerprint sensor on your Moto G6 is taking too long to detect your fingerprint or not working at all, then that is a cause of concern. There are a couple of reasons that might be responsible for this problem, and we are going to deal with both of them.
Reset your Fingerprint Sensor
If the fingerprint sensor is working very slowly or the message “Fingerprint Hardware is not available” pops up on your screen, then you need to reset your fingerprint sensor. Given below are some of the solutions that will allow you to fix the issue.
- The first thing that you can do is remove all saved fingerprints and then set up again.
- Boot your device in Safe mode to identify and eliminate problematic app.
- If none of the above methods works then perform a Factory Reset on your phone.
Remove Physical Obstruction
Some kind of physical obstruction may be preventing your fingerprint sensor from working properly. Make sure that the protective case you are using isn’t obstructing your fingerprint sensor. Also, clean the sensor part with a wet cloth to remove any dust particles that might be present on top of it.
We hope that this article was helpful and you were able to fix Moto G6, G6 Plus, or G6 Play common issues. If you still have unresolved issues, then you can always take your mobile to a service center. You can also create a bug report and send it directly to the Moto-Lenovo Support staff. To do so, you need first to enable Developer options and in there enable USB Debugging, Bug Report Shortcut, and Wi-Fi Verbose Logging. After that, you need to press and hold the power button whenever you face an issue, and a menu will pop up on your screen. Select the Bug report option, and your device will now automatically generate a bug report. You can now send it to the Moto-Lenovo Support staff, and they will help you fix it.