屏幕录制可以定义为一个过程,您可以通过该过程捕获或记录(capture or log any activity)您在 PC 或移动屏幕上进行的任何活动,而无需水印。在笔记本电脑、PC 和手机的世界中,作为专业人士,您需要制作课程和教程、制作与产品相关的视频、进行演示(to make lessons and tutorials, create product-related videos, give demos)并做出明智的决定并与他人分享。这需要了解最好的屏幕(Screen) 捕获软件(Capture Software)才能公正地处理您的工作。对于屏幕(Screen)录制,不必有在线连接。有适用于Windows 10且不需要Wifi的离线和免费屏幕录制软件(Wifi)需要稳定互联网的连接和在线屏幕录像机。在本文中,我们列出了适用于Windows 10 PC 的最佳免费屏幕录像机。
16 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费屏幕录像机(16 Best Free Screen Recorder for PC)
在我们深入研究各种免费的 PC 屏幕录像机之前,我们必须了解在选择最佳屏幕录像软件或工具时需要考虑哪些因素?只是(Just)为了快速参考,应该考虑以下因素:
- 便于使用,
- 编辑功能,
- 捕获选项,
- 许可费的成本(如果适用),
- 屏幕捕获工具的硬件和软件要求,
- 更新/支持政策和
- 对提供软件的公司进行全面审查。
牢记上述因素,我们试图在下面列出一些最好和最容易使用的Windows屏幕录制软件(Screen Recording Software)作为现成的推算器。
1. ShareX
ShareX是一个开源的、无广告的(open-source, ad-free)、高度先进的屏幕录制工具,它为各种开发人员和编辑器提供了许多自定义功能,详细信息如下:
- 它支持全屏录制。
- 热键功能(hotkeys feature)有助于更快、更快、更轻松地在网上冲浪。
- 它还可以直接在Youtube和网络上的其他论坛上上传录音。(upload recordings directly)
- 它借助屏幕颜色选择器、图像编辑器、二维码生成器等工具启用水印和颜色效果。
- 其内置的照片编辑器使您能够自定义静态照片(customize still photographs)。
- 它还可以保存GIF(GIFs)等文件。
- 它还可以使用 OCR 捕获文本。
- 它支持 Linux 和 Windows(supports both Linux as well as Windows)操作系统。
2. 卡姆塔西亚(2. Camtasia)
- 它可以使用网络摄像头进行屏幕捕获。
- 它还支持直接从网络下载视频、音乐、照片和PowerPoint幻灯片。(PowerPoint)
- 它支持 Windows、iOS 和 Mac(supports Windows, iOS, and Mac)操作系统。
- 它可以从桌面或其他设备录制音频和视频。
- 它可以添加字幕(enables adding captions)并从他人的帮助下制作具有专业外观的视频。
- 它还有助于在 PC 上逐帧独立编辑每个音频、视频和光标轨道。(independently edit each audio, video,)
- 这个内置的视频编辑工具允许您创建测验(create quizzes)和其他相关活动并将它们添加到您的视频中。
- 它甚至提供了庞大的音乐和音频库。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 Windows 的最佳文件复制软件(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows)
3. TinyTake
MangoApps(TinyTake)的 TinyTake 屏幕录制软件是一款(MangoApps)复杂的软件,可以快速捕捉图像和视频,并在一分钟内与他人分享。由于以下原因,它被列入最佳 Windows 屏幕录制软件列表(Windows):(Software)
- 它允许您选择、创建和分配自定义快捷键(choose, create, and assign custom shortcut keys)。
- 该软件支持Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac)操作系统。
- 它可以捕获整个屏幕或屏幕的任何指定区域的图像。
- 它使您能够在屏幕上录制超过 120 分钟的流式视频。
- 它可以添加字幕并获得他人的帮助。
- 它使您可以放大或缩小任何视频。
- 它支持在云上存储,(storing on the cloud)并拥有一个基于云的在线图库。
- 它还提供网络上存储文件的批量共享(offers bulk sharing)。
- 它可以部分模糊屏幕截图(partially blur a screenshot)以隐藏屏幕截图中的任何敏感数据。
- 它与智能手机等各种设备兼容。
- 它可以使用彩色笔和图像突出显示图像。(highlighting of images)
- 该软件可以使用文本框、箭头或图片标题进行编辑。
4.OBS工作室(4. OBS Studio)
OBS Studio开源、强大的 Windows 屏幕录制软件被评为Windows最佳屏幕录制(Windows)软件(Windows)之一,因为它具有以下属性:
- 它支持高清流媒体和视频录制,并且可以每秒 60 帧的帧速率捕捉高清视频。
- 它不限制正在录制或流式传输的视频的长度。
- 它没有广告(free of advertisements)。
- 它启用了部分屏幕或整个屏幕捕获的选项。(part screen or whole screen capture.)
- 它可以灵活地从您的图形卡直接录制。
- 它支持在 YouTube、Gaming 和 Twitch 上进行直播。(live streaming)
- 您可以自定义录制并设置多个场景。
- 其带有前置源过滤器的内置音频混音(built-in audio mixer)器有助于制作流畅和柔和的视频。
- 它不会将覆盖文档的任何识别图像、形状或文本添加为水印。
- (OBS Studio)Windows和Mac以及Linux操作系统都支持OBS Studio 。
- 它可以将素材转换为FLV格式。
- 它可以轻松地在图像和文本之间切换。(switch between images and texts.)
- Windows捕获、浏览器窗口、网络摄像头、捕获卡等使用自定义转换。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
5. Movavi 屏幕录像机(5. Movavi Screen Recorder)
Movavi Screen Recorder是一款轻量级的屏幕录制软件,被认为是最好的屏幕捕捉软件之一,因为它具有以下功能/特征:
- 它可以使用网络摄像头进行屏幕捕获。
- 它是一款轻量级、易于使用的工具(lightweight, easy-to-use tool),可以截取屏幕截图、剪切和拼接不同的视频片段。
- 您还可以使用插入式麦克风单独录制任何语音或声音。
- 它可以在缺席的情况下录制视频。
- 它还支持一系列设置(range of settings),例如在截屏时以每秒 60 帧的速度进行音量和帧速率。
- 它还可以让您自由安排录制。
- Movavi允许您的计算机自动关闭或休眠。
- 它使您能够将网络摄像头/屏幕截图保存为高清视频和GIF(GIFs)。这些高清视频和GIF(GIFs)可以保存为 AVI、MP4、MOV 和 MKV 格式。(saved in AVI, MP4, MOV, and MKV formats.)
- 它可以将这些GIF(GIFs)和视频上传到Google Drive或YouTube或与亲友分享。
- 它同时支持Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac) OS。
- 对于在一台计算机上使用,它收取 59.95 美元的象征性终身许可费。虽然在试用期间它只允许 5 分钟的录制时间。
6.截屏(6. Screencastify)
Screencastify虽然是 chrome 扩展,但也可以用作Windows 10的屏幕录制软件。由于以下属性,它是 PC 上最好的屏幕录像机之一:
- 它可以离线录制(offline recording)视频。
- 它会自动将视频文件上传到Google Drive或下载并保存在您的计算机上。
- 工具箱有简单的编辑工具。
- Screencastify 还可以启用光标设置(enable cursor settings)。
- 它支持 MP3 和 MP4 格式( supports MP3 & MP4 formats),使您能够将视频发送给他人。
- 您还可以单独执行视频或桌面录制,并使用附加的插入式麦克风录制任何语音或声音。
- 它允许最多 5 分钟的免费视频录制,但对于无限制的无限制录制,您需要每年支付 49 美元的名义金额。
- 它具有鼠标聚光灯单击突出显示功能(mouse spotlight click highlighting function),以引起用户的注意。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC 在 Windows 10 中剪切视频(How to Cut Video in Windows 10 using VLC)
7.闪回(7. FlashBack)
(FlashBack)适用于Windows的(Windows)FlashBack屏幕录制软件非常适合录制游戏,并且由于以下属性而被认为是 PC 上最好的免费屏幕录制器之一:
- 它可以使用网络摄像头轻松捕捉任何屏幕画面。
- 它允许对您的视频使用独特但自定义的水印。(customized watermarks)
- 它提供了多种选项,例如缩放和平移(zooming and panning),可以扫描整个屏幕、特定窗口或任何特定定义的区域。
- 它具有精心设计、易于使用的界面。
- 它还具有内置的标题、(built-in captions,)图像、箭头和亮点。
- 它会自动隐藏在 PC 屏幕上工作时输入的密码。
- 它使您能够更改 PC 屏幕的墙纸。此外,它有助于隐藏令人困惑和草率的桌面图标。
- 它突出显示鼠标。
- 录音机可以在线工作。
- 它使您能够以 MP4、GIF、WMV、QuickTime、AVI 和 Flash 格式导出文件(export files in MP4, GIF, WMV, QuickTime, AVI, and Flash formats)。
- 它只允许从网络下载FBR格式的文件。
- 它支持 Youtube 和 Windows(supports Youtube and Windows)。
- 它可以从多个监视器进行录制。
- 虽然有些工具是只付费的,但它有30 天的免费试用期(30-day free trial),之后您需要每台 PC 49 美元或在两台计算机上使用 74 美元。
8. Screencast-O-Matic
Screencast-O-Matic易于使用的免费屏幕录制软件被认为是适用于Windows 10的最佳屏幕录制软件列表,原因如下:
- 它可以使用网络摄像头捕获屏幕的任何区域。
- 它支持从其他设备下载视频、图像和音频。
- 它使用户可以自由地录制尽可能多的音频或视频剪辑。
- 它使您能够修剪、绘制或添加字幕( trim, draw or add captions)。
- 它还使您能够放大或缩小( zoom in or out)视频。
- 除了Windows,它还支持Mac、Google Chrome和 iOS 操作系统。
- 他们编辑计算机音频并将编辑后的文件与各自的视频同步。
- Screencast-O-Matic 可以将视频从 PC 直接共享到Youtube。
- 它允许快速分享教程(quick sharing of tutorials)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
9.冰淇淋屏幕录像机(9. Icecream Screen Recorder)
(Icecream Screen Recorder)适用于Windows的(Windows)Icecream Screen Recorder软件被认为是适用于Windows 10的免费屏幕录制软件之一,因为下面详述了许多自定义功能:
- 是一款快速录音软件。
- 它是一个易于使用、开源(easy to use, open-source)、高度先进、无广告的软件。
- 它可以实现全屏 3D 游戏录制( full-screen 3D game recording)。
- 它可以捕获音频剪辑。
- 这允许使用网络摄像头捕获屏幕画面。
- 它与YouTube、Google Drive和Dropbox兼容。
- 它使您可以将屏幕截图或录音复制到剪贴板。
- 它支持视频编辑(video editing),您可以剪切或删除视频的任何部分。
- 它还使您能够减慢或加快屏幕录制的速度。
- 它使您能够以不同的格式导出文件。
- 它使您能够隐藏桌面图标、光标(hide desktop icons, cursors)甚至禁用屏幕保护程序。
- 它可以灵活地添加您选择的任何水印。
- 它可以使用热键并(use of hotkeys and set timers)为不同的屏幕录制设置计时器。
- 它可以添加鼠标点击动画。(mouse click animations.)
10. 首次亮相视频捕捉(10. Debut Video Capture)
Debut Video Capture Software for Windows是 PC 上最好的免费屏幕录像机之一,因为它具有以下详细信息:
- 它可以使用网络摄像头捕获任何屏幕,同时允许从其他外部设备进行录制。
- 它不固定视频的任何长度或时间限制。
- 它使您能够捕获整个屏幕。
- 它使您能够安排您的录音(schedule your recordings)。
- 它也可以用作安全摄像机(use as a security camera too)。
- 它不会在您的录音上放置任何水印。
- 它使您能够添加字幕并应用过滤器。
- 它使您能够以PNG或JPG格式捕获屏幕截图。
- 它还使您能够预览添加的效果。
- 它没有编辑工具。
- 它使您能够以多种格式保存您的录音,如MP4、MOV、WMV、AVI等。
- 它使您能够显示或隐藏光标或将光标用作指针(show or hide your cursor or use your cursor as a pointer)。
- 它可以使用外部麦克风进行音频录制。
- 它启用画中画格式(picture-in-picture formatting)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Photoshop 转换为 RGB(How to Photoshop Convert to RGB)
11. Apowersoft 免费在线录屏(11. Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder)
如果您想录制演示文稿、软件演示或教程,请考虑使用 Apowersoft 免费在线屏幕录像机(Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder)。它也是适用于Windows 10的最佳免费屏幕录制软件之一,因为:
- 您可以从您的桌面或相机捕获视频,并从您的 PC 和麦克风录制音频,或者两者都没有。
- 您可以选择录制整个屏幕、手动选择区域或选择其中一种预设分辨率。
- 它还具有可以为速度和便利性定制的键盘快捷键。(keyboard shortcuts)
- 您可以选择记录指针或不记录指针。
- 它使您能够在以您选择的格式导出视频之前对视频进行微小的更改。
- 您还可以在录制过程中添加评论(add comments during the recording)。
- 从多种输出格式(range of output formats)中进行选择,例如MP4、WMV、AVI、MOV等。
- 您可以将录音保存为视频或GIF,直接上传到YouTube或Vimeo,或通过电子邮件将其发送到Google Drive或Dropbox。
12. Filmora Scrn
Filmora Scrn是游戏玩家中流行且可靠的最佳 PC 屏幕录像机。
- 它可以让您无时间限制(no time limitations)地同时录制游戏、相机、电脑屏幕和音频。
- 它使您能够拍摄快速移动的情况(photograph fast-moving situations)。它可以以每秒 15 到 120 帧的速度进行录制。
- 您还可以使用该应用程序添加文字注释,以增强观众的观看体验。
- 为了使您的光标脱颖而出,您可以更改其大小、颜色和形式。
- 它能够以高清甚至 4K 录制。
- 由于屏幕录制软件包含一系列编辑选项来帮助您微调录制内容,因此您不需要单独的视频编辑应用程序。
- 它接受50 多种不同格式(50 different formats)的文件,并允许您根据需要以各种格式导出录音。
- 它可以免费下载或以 29.99 美元购买。
- 它与Windows 和 Mac(both Windows and Mac)兼容。
- 它还允许您同时从两个设备录制屏幕。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 NVIDIA ShadowPlay 无法录制(How to Fix NVIDIA ShadowPlay Not Recording)
13. 班迪康(13. Bandicam)
Bandicam是一款适用于(Bandicam)Windows 10的复杂的免费屏幕录制软件,可以录制屏幕和游戏。
- 尽管使用了高压缩比(high compression ratio),它仍能保持视频质量。
- 可以以每秒 120 帧的速度捕获 4K 超高清视频。
- 视频(Videos)可以通过IPTV、HDTV、APPLE TV、手机、PlayStation和Xbox录制。
- 用户可以以JPEG、PNG 或 BMP 格式( JPEG, PNG, or BMP formats)截取屏幕截图。
- 它可以捕获从整个计算机屏幕到Excel电子表格、Web 浏览器、Powerpoint演示文稿等的所有内容。
- 由于免费版本中的视频包含水印,因此您需要订阅高级帐户( subscribe to a premium account)才能充分利用它。它可以免费下载或以 39.99 美元的价格购买。
14. 屏幕流(14. ScreenFlow)
如果您正在寻找具有音频功能的Mac屏幕录像机,您一定会喜欢ScreenFlow。它是Mac PC上最好的免费屏幕录像机之一。
- 它可以以Retina分辨率录制您的(retina)Mac,组织视频组件和设置,并将背景音频添加到录制的电影中。
- 对于录制的片段,样式(Styles)功能存储特定元素的视觉/音频设置,如投影和颜色过滤器(drop shadows and colour filters)。
- 另一方面,其模板(Templates)功能允许用户提前计划并组织、插入和定义注释组,例如文本占位符和结尾段。
- Super Pack 版(Super Pack edition)的订阅者还可以访问超过 500,000 张独特的图片和音频片段,他们可以在所有电影中使用这些图片和音频片段。购买价格为 129 美元。
- 它适用于Mac 和 iOS(both Mac and iOS)。
- 它使您能够创建高分辨率视网膜电影。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Discord 屏幕共享滞后(How to Fix Discord Screen Share Lag)
15. 王牌思想家(15. AceThinker)
AceThinker是一款基于网络的免费屏幕录制软件,适用于Windows 10,易于设置和使用。
- 您可以使用它来录制屏幕的特定部分或全屏,对更有趣的视频进行实时修改(make real-time modification),并同时捕捉麦克风和计算机的噪音。
- MP4、MOV和API只是您可以转换和保存录音的一些流行视频格式。
- AceThinker还允许您将录音快速发布到Dropbox、Google Drive或YouTube。
- 所有这些功能都包含在该程序的免费版本中,但如果您想要更多功能,您可以以39.95 美元的价格升级到PRO版本。(PRO)
预定的屏幕录制(Scheduled screen recordings)是其专业版(PRO Version)的主要功能。
- 如果您想在下午录制直播,但工作时没有互联网连接,您可以在家里的电脑上安装这个屏幕截图工具,安排它,让它为您完成工作。
- 它适用于Mac 和 Windows( Mac and Windows)。
- 您可以跟踪足球赛事、股市发展等。
(16. Apowersoft Online Screen Recorder
- 通过简单的 3 步过程(simple 3-step process),它非常易于使用。
- 此外,它在主页本身提供了书面和数字用户指南(User Guide)。
- 就像其他工具一样,您可以选择自定义区域、整个屏幕或网络摄像头视频。
- 它允许您在屏幕上记录所有类型的活动(record all types of activities),例如视频流、实时聊天和教程。
- 此在线录音机不限制( doesn’t limit)您录制的内容和持续时间。所以,这是双赢的!
从上述最好的免费 PC 屏幕录像机(best free screen recorder for PC)列表中,我们看到了它们的多种功能,例如用于捕获我们的 PC 屏幕活动、用于教师等专业培训师的培训,以及游戏爱好者用来分享他们的游戏体验其他。该列表并未在此结束,因为还有其他适用于Windows的(Windows)屏幕(Screen)录制软件,如Bandicam、Cam Studio、Spring套件、Filmora Scrn等。如果您知道任何您使用和喜爱的屏幕录制应用程序,请通过下面的评论部分告诉我们。
16 Best Free Screen Recorder for PC
Ѕcreen recording can be defined as a process by which you can capture or log any activity you are doing on your PC or mobile screen without a watermark. In the world of laptops, PCs, and mobiles, as a professional, you need to make lessons and tutorials, create product-related videos, give demos and make an informed decision and share with others. This requires knowledge of the best Screen Capture Software to do justice to your work. For Screen recording, it is not essential to have online connectivity. There are both, offline and free screen recording software for Windows 10 that do not require a Wifi connection and online screen recorders that require stable internet. In this article, we have listed the best free screen recorder for Windows 10 PC.
16 Best Free Screen Recorder for PC
Before we delve further into the various free screen recorder for PC, we must understand which factors are deemed necessary to be considered while selecting the best screen recording software or tool? Just for a quick reference, one should consider factors like:
- ease of use,
- editing functions,
- capture options,
- cost towards license fees if applicable,
- hardware and software requirements of the screen capture tool,
- updates/support policy and
- complete review of the company offering the software.
Keeping the said factors in mind, we have tried to list below some of the best and easiest to use Screen Recording Software for Windows as a ready reckoner.
1. ShareX
ShareX is an open-source, ad-free, highly advanced screen recording tool that possesses many custom features for various developers and editors as detailed below:
- It enables full-screen recording.
- The hotkeys feature helps quicker, faster, and easier surfing on the web.
- It can also upload recordings directly on Youtube and other forums on the web.
- It enables water-markings and color effects with the help of tools like screen color picker, image editor, QR code generator, etc.
- Its in-built photo editor enables you to customize still photographs.
- It also enables saving files such as GIFs.
- it can also capture text using OCR.
- It supports both Linux as well as Windows operating systems.
2. Camtasia
Camtasia is a good screen recording tool that allows the recording of audio and videos one after another. It is considered amongst the best screen recording tools for the following reasons:
- It enables screen capturing using a webcam.
- It also enables downloading of videos, music, photos, and PowerPoint slides directly from the web.
- It supports Windows, iOS, and Mac operating systems.
- It enables recording audio and videos from a desktop or other device.
- It enables adding captions and taking help from others to make professional-looking videos.
- It also helps to independently edit each audio, video, and cursor track frame by frame on a PC.
- This inbuilt video editing tool allows you to create quizzes and other related activities and add them to your videos.
- It even offers vast music and audio library.
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3. TinyTake
TinyTake screen recording software by MangoApps is sophisticated software that is fast-acting and captures images and videos, sharing them with others in a minute. It is considered in the list of the best Screen Recording Software for Windows for the following reasons:
- It allows you to choose, create, and assign custom shortcut keys.
- The software supports both Windows and Mac operating systems.
- It enables capturing an image of the entire screen or any specified area of the screen.
- It enables you to record streaming videos on your screen for more than 120 minutes.
- It enables adding captions and taking help from others.
- It enables you to zoom in or zoom out on any video.
- It enables storing on the cloud and has an online cloud-based gallery.
- It also offers bulk sharing of stored files on the web.
- It can partially blur a screenshot to hide any sensitive data from the screenshot.
- It is compatible with all kinds of devices like smartphones, etc.
- It enables the highlighting of images using colored pens and images.
- The software can be edited using textbox, arrow, or picture caption.
4. OBS Studio
OBS Studio open-source, powerful screen recording software for Windows is rated to be amongst the best screen recorders for Windows due to the following attributes it exhibits:
- It enables high-definition streaming as well as the recording of videos and can capture HD videos at a frame rate of 60 frames per second.
- It does not limit the length of video being recorded or streamed.
- It is free of advertisements.
- It enables both the options for either part screen or whole screen capture.
- It enables the flexibility of direct recording from your graphics card.
- It enables live streaming on YouTube, Gaming, and Twitch.
- You can customize your recording and set up multiple scenes.
- Its built-in audio mixer with pre-source filters helps produce smooth and soft-sounding videos.
- It does not add any identifying image, shape, or text that overlays the document as a watermark.
- OBS Studio is supported by Windows and Mac, as well as the Linux operating system.
- It enables the conversion of footage into FLV format.
- It can easily switch between images and texts.
- Windows captures, browser windows, webcams, capture cards, and more using custom transitions.
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5. Movavi Screen Recorder
Movavi Screen Recorder, a lightweight screen recording software considered to be amongst the best screen capture software because of the following features/traits:
- It enables screen capturing using a webcam.
- It is a lightweight, easy-to-use tool that can take screenshots, cut and join different video clips.
- You can also separately record any voice or sound using a plug-in microphone.
- It enables video recording in absentia.
- It also enables a range of settings, like volume and frame rate @ 60 frames per second when taking a screenshot.
- It also enables freedom to schedule your recording.
- Movavi allows your computer to auto shut down or sleep.
- It enables you to save webcam/ screenshots as HD videos and GIFs. These HD videos and GIFs can be saved in AVI, MP4, MOV, and MKV formats.
- It enables uploading these GIFs and videos on Google Drive or YouTube or sharing with friends and relatives.
- It supports both Windows and Mac OS.
- It charges a nominal lifetime license fee of $59.95 for use on one computer. While it only allows 5 minutes of recording time during the trial period.
6. Screencastify
Screencastify, though a chrome extension, can also be used as screen recording software for Windows 10. It is one of the best screen recorders for PC due to the following attributes:
- It enables offline recording of videos.
- It auto uploads video files to Google Drive or downloads and saves them on your computer.
- The toolbox has simple editing tools.
- Screencastify can also enable cursor settings.
- It supports MP3 & MP4 formats and enables you to send videos to others.
- You can also perform a video or desktop recording separately and record any voice or sound using an additional plug-in microphone.
- It allows free video recording up to a maximum of 5 minutes but for unlimited restriction-free recording, you need to pay a nominal amount of $49 per annum.
- It has a mouse spotlight click highlighting function to get the attention of its user.
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7. FlashBack
FlashBack screen recording software for Windows is ideal for recording games and is considered one of best free screen recorder for PC due to the following attributes:
- It can easily capture any screen footage using a webcam.
- It allows the use of distinctive but customized watermarks to your videos.
- It offers multiple options like zooming and panning enabling scanning of the whole screen, a specific window, or any specifically defined area.
- It has a well-designed, easy-to-use interface.
- It also has built-in captions, images, arrows, and highlights.
- It auto hides passwords that are typed while working on a PC’s screen.
- It enables you to change the wallpaper of the PC’s screen. Moreover, it helps to hide confusing and sloppy desktop icons.
- It highlights the mouse.
- The recorder can work online.
- It enables you to export files in MP4, GIF, WMV, QuickTime, AVI, and Flash formats.
- It enables downloading of files from the net only in FBR format.
- It supports Youtube and Windows.
- It enables recording from more than one monitor.
- Though some of the tools are paid-only, it has a 30-day free trial after which you are required to $49 per PC or $74 for use on two computers.
8. Screencast-O-Matic
Screencast-O-Matic easy-to-use free screen recording software is considered in the list of best screen recording software for Windows 10 due to the following reasons:
- It enables capturing of any area of the screen using a webcam.
- It enables downloading of videos, images, and audio from other devices.
- It gives users the freedom to record as many audio or video clips.
- It enables you to trim, draw or add captions.
- It also enables you to zoom in or out of a video.
- in addition to Windows, it also supports Mac, Google Chrome, and iOS operating systems.
- They edit computer audio and synchronize the edited files with their respective videos.
- Screencast-O-Matic enables direct sharing of videos from the PC on to Youtube.
- It allows quick sharing of tutorials.
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9. Icecream Screen Recorder
Icecream Screen Recorder software for Windows is considered to be amongst free screen recording software for Windows 10 because of the many custom features detailed below:
- It is fast recording software.
- It is an easy to use, open-source, highly advanced, ad-free software.
- It enables full-screen 3D game recording.
- It enables capturing audio clips.
- This allows capturing of screen footage using a webcam.
- It is compatible with YouTube, Google Drive, and Dropbox.
- It enables you to copy screenshots or recordings to the clipboard.
- It enables video editing and you can cut or delete any part of the video.
- It also enables you to slow down or speed up your screen recordings.
- It enables you to export files in different formats.
- It enables you to hide desktop icons, cursors and even disable screen savers.
- It enables the flexibility of addition of any watermark of your choice.
- It enables the use of hotkeys and set timers for different screen recordings.
- It enables the addition of mouse click animations.
10. Debut Video Capture
Debut Video Capture Software for Windows is amongst the best free screen recorders for PC because of the following features as detailed below:
- It enables capture of any screen using a webcam while allowing recording from other external devices.
- It does not fix any length or time limit for the video.
- It enables you to capture your entire screen.
- It enables you to schedule your recordings.
- It enables its use as a security camera too.
- It does not place any watermarks on your recordings.
- It enables you to add your captions and apply filters.
- It enables you to capture screenshots in PNG or JPG.
- It also enables you to preview the added effects.
- It does not have an editing tool.
- It enables you to save your recording in multiple formats like MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, etc.
- It enables you to show or hide your cursor or use your cursor as a pointer.
- It enables audio recording using an external microphone.
- It enables picture-in-picture formatting.
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11. Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder
If you want to record a presentation, software demonstration, or tutorial, consider Apowersoft Free Online Screen Recorder. It is also one of the best free screen recording software for Windows 10 because:
- You may capture video from your desktop or a camera, and record audio from your PC, microphone, both, or none.
- You have the option of recording the entire screen, manually selecting a region, or selecting one of the preset resolutions.
- It also has keyboard shortcuts that may be customized for speed and convenience.
- You have the choice of recording the pointer or not recording the pointer.
- It enables you to make tiny changes to your video before exporting it in the format of your choosing.
- You may also add comments during the recording.
- Choose from a range of output formats, such as MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, and more.
- You may save the recording as a video or GIF, upload it straight to YouTube or Vimeo, or email it to Google Drive or Dropbox.
12. Filmora Scrn
Filmora Scrn is a popular and dependable best free screen recorder for PC among gamers.
- It allows you to simultaneously record gameplay, camera, computer screen, and audio with no time limitations.
- It enables you to photograph fast-moving situations. It can record at speeds ranging from 15 to 120 frames per second.
- You may also use the application to add text notes to enhance the viewing experience of your viewers.
- To make your cursor stand out, you may change its size, colour, and form.
- It has the ability to record in HD and even 4K.
- Because the screen recording software incorporates a range of editing options to help you fine-tune your recordings, you won’t need a separate video editing application.
- It accepts files in more than 50 different formats and allows you to export your recordings in a variety of formats, depending on your requirements.
- It is available for free download or buy for $29.99.
- It’s compatible with both Windows and Mac.
- It also allows you to simultaneously record the screen from two devices.
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13. Bandicam
Bandicam is a sophisticated free screen recording software for Windows 10 that can record both the screen and the games.
- It maintains video quality despite using a high compression ratio.
- Capture of 4K ultra-high-definition video at 120 frames per second is possible.
- Videos may be recorded through IPTV, HDTV, APPLE TV, cellphones, PlayStation, and Xbox.
- Users may take screenshots in JPEG, PNG, or BMP formats.
- It can capture everything from your full computer screen to Excel spreadsheets, web browsers, Powerpoint presentations, and more.
- Because the videos in the free version include a watermark, you’ll need to subscribe to a premium account to get the most out of it. It may be downloaded for free or purchased for $39.99.
14. ScreenFlow
If you’re seeking a Mac screen recorder with audio capabilities, you’ll love ScreenFlow. It is one of best free screen recorder for Mac PC.
- It can, among other things, record your Mac at retina resolution, organize video components and settings, and add background audio to the recorded movie.
- For a recorded segment, the Styles function stores visual/audio settings for particular elements like drop shadows and colour filters.
- On the other hand, its Templates feature allows users to plan ahead of time and organise, insert, and define groups of annotations such as text placeholders and outro segments.
- Subscribers to the Super Pack edition additionally gain access to over 500,000 unique pictures and audio snippets that they may use in all of their films. It costs $129 to buy.
- It works on both Mac and iOS.
- It enables you to create high-resolution retina movies.
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15. AceThinker
AceThinker is a web-based free screen recording software for Windows 10 that is easy to set up and use.
- You can use it to record a specific part of your screen or the full screen, make real-time modifications for a more interesting video, and capture noises from your microphone and computer all at the same time.
- MP4, MOV, and API are just a few of the popular video formats that you may convert and keep your recordings in.
- AceThinker also allows you to rapidly post your recordings to Dropbox, Google Drive, or YouTube.
- All of these features are included in the free version of the program, but if you want more features, you may upgrade to the PRO version for $39.95.
Scheduled screen recordings are the main feature of its PRO Version.
- If you want to record a live broadcast in the afternoon but don’t have an internet connection at work, you may install this screen capture tool on your home computer, schedule it, and let it do the work for you.
- It works on both Mac and Windows.
- You can keep track of soccer events, stock market developments, and so forth.
16. Apowersoft Online Screen Recorder
Apowersoft is a free online screen recorder as well as an app that can be downloaded for offline use on your PC. A few noteworthy features include:
- With a simple 3-step process, it is quite easy to use.
- Moreover, it offers a written as well as digital User Guide on the homepage itself.
- Just like other tools, you get the option to either select a customized area, or the whole screen or web-cam video.
- It allows you to record all types of activities on your screen such as video stream, live chat and tutorials.
- You can export videos to MP4, WMV, AVI, FLV, MPEG, VOB, ASF and GIF formats.
- This online recorder doesn’t limit what you record and for what duration. So, its a win-win!
From the list of the above best free screen recorder for PC, we have seen their multiple functions like used for capturing our PC screen activity, for training by professional trainers like teachers, etc, and also used by gaming enthusiasts to share their gaming experiences with others. The list does not end here as there are other Screen recording software for Windows like Bandicam, Cam Studio, Spring suite, Filmora Scrn etc. If you know any screen recorder app that you use and love, let us know via the comment section below.