搜索(Search)一直是Windows的基本功能之一。尽管每个版本的Windows都允许您搜索文件、文件夹、应用程序和其他项目,但它们都没有提供像Windows 10这样强大的搜索体验。Microsoft将Windows 10中的(Windows 10)搜索(Search)功能提升到了一个全新的水平,无需在计算机中导航或打开浏览器来查找所需内容。此外(Furthermore),最新版本的Windows 10还增加了当天的快速搜索和搜索屏幕截图的选项。(Quick searches)本教程说明如何使用 Windows 10搜索(Search)访问您想要的任何内容,无论是文档、网站、应用程序、设置,甚至是个人:
注意:(NOTE:)提供的功能在Windows 2020 年 5 月 10 日更新(Windows 10 May 2020 Update)或更新版本中可用。如果您使用的是旧版本的Windows 10,您可能无法访问所有功能。检查您的 Windows 10 版本(Check your Windows 10 build),并在必要时获取可用的最新 Windows 10 更新(latest Windows 10 update)。
1. 使用Windows 10 搜索(Search)在您的 PC 和网络上查找任何内容
在 Windows 10 中,任务栏上的搜索(Search)栏可让您查找应用、文档、音乐和其他项目。要开始查找内容,请单击或点击“搜索”(Search)字段,然后会弹出“搜索”屏幕。(Search)

您还可以使用键盘快捷键Windows + S来显示“搜索”(Search)窗口。


要查找与您的关键字匹配的所有内容,只需开始输入您要查找的项目的名称。Windows 10 立即开始搜索与您的搜索词匹配的任何内容,并在找到结果时对其进行过滤。

您会在左上角获得最佳匹配,然后是其他结果和建议。(Best match)在“搜索”(Search)弹出按钮的右侧,Windows 10 显示有关所选结果的数据。使用键盘上的向上(Up)和向下箭头突出显示另一个条目并显示有关它的信息,并使用(Down)Enter键访问它。


提示:(TIP:)请记住,您的搜索结果还取决于Windows 10 搜索(Search)设置。有关更多详细信息,请阅读配置 Windows 10 搜索工作方式的 5 种方法(5 ways to configure how the Windows 10 Search works)。
2. 在Windows 10(Windows 10)中使用键盘搜索并打开应用程序
Windows 10 搜索(Search)的一大优点是它可以帮助您仅使用键盘打开应用程序。不要单击或点击Windows 10 搜索(Search)栏,而是按键盘上的Windows键。然后,开始输入您要打开的应用程序的名称,当它出现在搜索结果中时,按Enter 键(Enter)将其打开。以Google Chrome(Google Chrome)为例:按Windows徽标键,输入chr,然后按 Enter(Enter)。

您还可以使用箭头键来导航应用程序的不同选项。使用右箭头(Right Arrow)键访问右侧的选项,然后使用键盘上的向上(Up)和向下(Down)箭头进行导航。按Enter访问适用于您的应用的特定选项。
3. 使用Windows 10 搜索(Search)查找应用
如果您从“搜索”(Search)屏幕顶部的过滤器中选择“应用程序”,则这些是(Apps)Windows 10中返回的唯一搜索结果类型。您可以在插入关键字之前或之后单击或点击应用程序(Apps),甚至可以输入应用程序:(apps:)如果您更喜欢使用键盘,可以在搜索栏中输入。(Search)

当您从结果中突出显示应用程序时,右侧的窗格会显示其他选项,例如从“开始”菜单和任务栏中(Start menu)打开(Open)、以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)、固定(Pin)或取消(Unpin)固定、更改应用程序设置(App settings)、评分和审查(Rate and review)、共享(Share)和卸载(Uninstall)。选项因应用程序而异。例如,如果搜索结果是桌面应用程序,则您无法在Microsoft Store中对其进行(Microsoft Store)评分和审查(Rate and review)。

4. 使用搜索(Search)在Windows 10中查找文档(Windows 10)
要搜索您的文档(Documents),请单击或点击具有相同名称的过滤器。或者,如果您喜欢键入而不是单击,请插入文档:(documents:)在 Windows 10搜索(Search)栏中,后跟您要查找的文档的名称。

搜索体验的一个好处是,Windows 10 可以在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)、本地以及OneDrive中查找文档。您可以使用其默认应用访问您找到的任何文档,以及打开其位置或复制其路径。

5. 使用Windows 10 搜索(Search)通过Bing查找网络结果(Bing)
如果您不介意Microsoft Edge接管并完全无视您的默认浏览器,Windows 10搜索还可以在 Internet 上查找内容。(Search)打开窗口并单击或点击Web过滤器,或在 Windows 10搜索(Search)栏中键入web :,然后输入您要在 Internet 上查找的内容。

您甚至可以插入要访问的网站的名称,然后按 Enter(Enter)、单击或点击它以使用Microsoft Edge打开它。

值得注意的是,必(Bing)应为搜索结果提供支持。随意(Feel)在右窗格中滚动浏览它们,或使用“在浏览器中打开结果”("Open results in browser")按钮使用Microsoft Edge查看它们。

6. 使用搜索(Search)在Windows 10中查找电子邮件(Windows 10)
Windows 10 允许您使用搜索(Search)来查找您使用Microsoft的Mail和Outlook应用程序发送或接收的电子邮件。要仅搜索此类别,请单击或点击更多(More)以显示其他过滤器,然后按电子邮件(Email)。

或者,您也可以在 Windows 10搜索栏中键入(Search)电子邮件:(email:)然后插入您与之通信的联系人或电子邮件的主题作为您的关键字。

我们对连接到同一个Outlook.com邮件帐户的邮件(Mail)应用程序和Outlook应用程序进行了试验。(Outlook)从左侧窗格访问条目或使用右侧的“打开(Open)”或“在 Outlook Web 中打开”("Open in Outlook Web")选项具有相同的结果:Microsoft Edge 已启动(Microsoft Edge is launched)并加载 Outlook.com - 要求您登录。但是,“在 Outlook 中打开”("Open in Outlook")选项可让您使用Outlook应用程序访问电子邮件。
注意:(NOTE:)在2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)之前,选择在 Windows 10搜索(Search)屏幕中打开(Open)电子邮件会启动邮件(Mail)应用程序。我们希望此功能在未来的更新中回归。即使使用Gmail(Gmail)或其他不同于Microsoft Outlook的电子邮件客户端,我们也希望能够搜索我们的电子邮件,这目前是不可能的。
7. 使用Windows 10 搜索(Search)查找文件夹
Windows 10搜索(Search)还可以帮助您查找文件夹。要过滤搜索结果,请单击或点击更多(More),然后从下拉菜单中单击文件夹过滤器。(Folders)

或者,在 Windows搜索(Search)栏中键入文件夹: 。(folders:)然后,插入您要搜索的文件夹的名称,然后在右侧窗格中,您可以选择打开(Open)它、“打开文件位置("Open file location)”或“复制完整路径("Copy full path)”。

8. 使用搜索在(Search)Windows 10中查找音乐、照片或视频
使用 Windows 10搜索(Search)可以轻松找到您的音乐、照片和视频。要在开始搜索之前或之后过滤搜索结果,请从更多(More)下拉菜单中选择您喜欢的过滤器。

您还可以或插入照片:(photos:)查找可用的图像,音乐:(music:)音频文件或视频:(videos:)查看您的剪辑,然后是搜索词。您可以在右侧窗格中获得Open、“打开文件位置("Open file location)”和“复制完整路径”选项。("Copy full path")

9. 使用Windows 10 搜索(Search)来找人
您还可以在Windows 10(Windows 10)中通过单击或点击更多(More),然后点击联系人来搜索联系人(People)。

另一种方法是键入人员:(people:)在任务栏上的 Windows 10搜索(Search)栏中。然后,开始写下你要找的人的名字。显示结果后,选择您感兴趣的联系人,然后在右侧,您可以看到他们的联系方式和其他一些选项。

注意:如果您对 Windows 10 中的(NOTE:)人(People)脉应用程序感到好奇,可以阅读本文(this article)以了解它还能做什么。
10. 使用搜索(Search)查找Windows 10设置
Windows 10搜索(Search)屏幕还允许您缩小结果范围以显示设置。如果这是您想要的,请单击或点击更多(More),然后按设置(Settings)选项。

您还可以键入设置:(settings:)后跟要查找的设置。此搜索过滤器返回控制面板(Control Panel)和设置应用程序(Settings app)中可用的设置。除了打开它们的选项之外,一些设置会在(Open)Windows 10 搜索(Search)弹出窗口的右侧窗格中显示在线教程和相关设置的建议。

11. 只需单击或点击即可在网络上搜索天气、热门新闻、历史事件等
2020 年 5 月(May 2020)更新在Windows 10 搜索(Search)屏幕底部引入了一些新的有用搜索选项。但是,要显示这些额外的搜索,您必须先关闭搜索(Search)窗口中间显示的所有横幅和建议。按横幅右上角的X 关闭按钮将其关闭。(Dismiss)

这将显示快速搜索(Quick searches)部分,您可以在其中选择单击或点击天气(Weather)、热门新闻(Top news)和“历史上的今天”("Today in history")来搜索Bing以查找这些词。显示的选项并不总是相同的。

按下任何可用的快速搜索(Quick searches)后,右侧窗格将显示来自Bing的有关该主题的数据。正如您在Windows 10 搜索(Search)栏中所看到的,这就像使用Web过滤器查找那些确切的关键字一样。

12.在Windows 10中使用(Windows 10)Bing上的屏幕截图进行搜索(Bing)
关闭所有横幅后,如上一节所示, Windows 10(Windows 10) 搜索(Search)屏幕的右下角会显示一个附加按钮: “使用屏幕截图搜索("Search with a screenshot)”。


确保(Make)您要截屏的图像已在屏幕上打开,然后按“使用截屏搜索”("Search with a screenshot")按钮。这将打开Snip & Sketch工具并将光标变成十字准线。下一步是捕获您要搜索的图像,我们在有关如何使用 Snip & Sketch 在 Windows 10 中截取屏幕截图的教程中对此进行了详细说明(How to use Snip & Sketch to take screenshots in Windows 10)。
完成后,Windows 10 会在 Web 上搜索类似图像并显示有关图像的更多信息,并在Microsoft Edge浏览器中启动(Microsoft Edge)Bing - 无论您的偏好如何。

另外,您还可以使用视觉搜索(Visual Search)来识别熟悉的项目、地点和人员。将鼠标悬停(Hover)在图像预览或底部的视觉搜索按钮上以显示图像中可用的其他搜索。(Visual Search)

方块和蓝点提供额外的搜索。单击(Click)或点击带框的面孔以在右侧的“看起来像”部分中查看有关该人的更多信息。(Looks like)


你喜欢Windows 10 搜索(Search)窗口的新增功能吗?
我们已经开始严重依赖Windows 10中的(Windows 10)搜索(Search),因为它通常是打开应用程序或查找设置的最快方式。我们发现新的快速搜索(Quick searches)很有用,特别是因为我们现在有了一种快速查看天气的方法。但是,很明显,在搜索屏幕截图选项方面仍有工作要做。我们截图的七位演员中只有两位被成功识别,而且我们在图片中搜索裙子时只能看到裤子。你怎么看?这些(Are)新增功能有用吗,还是您宁愿坚持您所知道的?您如何使用 Windows 10搜索(Search)?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
12 tips on how to search in Windows 10
Search has always been one of the essential features of Windows. Although every version of Windows lets you search for files, folders, apps, and other items, none of them offers such a powerful search experience as Windows 10. Microsoft takes the Search feature to a whole new level in Windows 10, eliminating the need to navigate through your computer or open a browser to find what you need. Furthermore, the latest version of Windows 10 also adds Quick searches for the current day and the option to search for screenshots. This tutorial illustrates how to use the Windows 10 Search to access anything you want, whether it is a document, a website, an app, a setting, or even a person:
NOTE: The features presented are available in Windows 10 May 2020 Update or newer. If you are using an older version of Windows 10, you might not have access to all the features. Check your Windows 10 build and, if necessary, get the latest Windows 10 update available.
1. Use the Windows 10 Search to find anything on your PC and the web
In Windows 10, the Search bar found on your taskbar lets you look for apps, documents, music, and other items. To start looking for something, click or tap on the Search field, and the Search screen pops up.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Windows + S to have the Search window show up.

With the help of the Search fly-out, you can filter your results by selecting to look in Apps, Documents, Web, Email, Folders, Music, People, Photos, Settings, or Videos, as you're about to see in the next sections of this tutorial.

To find everything that matches your keyword(s), simply start typing the name of the item you are looking for. Windows 10 immediately starts searching for anything that matches your search terms, filtering the results as they are found.

You get the Best match on the top-left corner, followed by other results and suggestions. On the right side of the Search flyout, Windows 10 displays data about the selected result. Use the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to highlight another entry and display info about it, and the Enter key to access it.

The contents on the right are different depending on the type of result. If the search result is a file or folder, you can see its location and when it was last modified, as well as open it or copy its full path. If the search result is an app, you can Open it, and there might also be several other options, depending on the app.

Press Enter, click, or tap on any search result to access it.
TIP: Keep in mind that your search results also depend on the Windows 10 Search settings. For more details, read 5 ways to configure how the Windows 10 Search works.
2. Search and open an app using your keyboard in Windows 10
One of the best things about the Windows 10 Search is that it helps you open apps using only your keyboard. Instead of clicking or tapping on the Windows 10 Search bar, press the Windows key on the keyboard. Then, start typing the name of the app that you want to open, and, when it appears in the search results, press Enter to open it. Take, for example, Google Chrome: press the Windows logo key, type chr, and then hit Enter.

You can also use the arrow keys to navigate the different options for an app. Use the Right Arrow key to access the options on the right, and then the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to navigate them. Press Enter to access a specific option available for your app.
3. Use the Windows 10 Search to find apps
If you select Apps from the filters at the top of the Search screen, those are the only type of search results returned in Windows 10. You can click or tap Apps before inserting your keyword(s) or after, and you can even type in apps: in the Search bar if you prefer using your keyboard.

When you highlight an app from the results, the pane on the right displays additional options, like Open, Run as administrator, Pin or Unpin from the Start menu and taskbar, change the App settings, Rate and review, Share, and Uninstall. The options differ from app to app. For example, if the search result is a desktop app, you cannot Rate and review it in the Microsoft Store.

4. Use Search to find documents in Windows 10
To search through your Documents, click or tap the filter with the same name. Alternatively, if you prefer typing to clicking, insert documents: in the Windows 10 Search bar, followed by the name of the document you seek.

A nice thing about the search experience is that Windows 10 can seek documents both in File Explorer, locally, as well as in your OneDrive. You can access any document you find with its default app, as well as open its location or copy its path.

5. Use the Windows 10 Search to find web results with Bing
The Windows 10 Search can also look up things on the internet, if you don't mind Microsoft Edge taking over and completely disregarding your default browser. Open the window and click or tap on the Web filter, or type web: in the Windows 10 Search bar, followed by what you want to find on the internet.

You can even insert the name of a website you want to access, and then hit Enter, click, or tap on it to open it with Microsoft Edge.

It is worth noting that Bing powers the search results. Feel free to scroll through them in the right pane or use the "Open results in browser" button to see them with Microsoft Edge.

6. Use Search to find emails in Windows 10
Windows 10 lets you use Search to find emails that you have sent or received with Microsoft's Mail and Outlook apps. To only search this category, click or tap on More to reveal additional filters, and then press Email.

Alternatively, you can also type email: in the Windows 10 Search bar and then insert either the contact you communicated with or the email's subject as your keyword(s).

We experimented with both the Mail app and the Outlook app connected to the same Outlook.com mail account. Accessing an entry from the left pane or using the Open or "Open in Outlook Web" options on the right had the same result: Microsoft Edge is launched and loads outlook.com - where you are asked to sign-in. However, the "Open in Outlook" option lets you access the email with the Outlook app.
NOTE: Before the May 2019 Update, choosing to Open an email in the Windows 10 Search screen launched the Mail app. We hope this feature returns in future updates. We would also like to be able to search our emails even when using Gmail or other email clients different from Microsoft's Outlook, which is not currently possible.
7. Use the Windows 10 Search to find folders
The Windows 10 Search can also help you find your folders. To filter the search results, click or tap on More and then on the Folders filter from the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, type folders: in the Windows Search bar. Then, insert the name of the folder that you are searching for, and, in the pane on the right, you can choose to Open it, "Open file location," or "Copy full path."

8. Use Search to find music, photos, or videos in Windows 10
It's easy to use the Windows 10 Search to find your music, photos, and videos. To filter the search results before or after starting the search, select the filter you prefer from the More dropdown menu.

You can also or insert photos: to seek the images available, music: for audio files, or videos: to look in your clips, followed by the search term. You get the options to Open, "Open file location," and "Copy full path" in the pane on the right.

9. Use the Windows 10 Search to find people
You can also search for contacts in Windows 10 by clicking or tapping More and then People.

An alternative is to type people: in the Windows 10 Search bar on your taskbar. Then, start writing the name of the person that you are looking for. Once the results are shown, select the contact that interests you, and, on the right, you can then see their contact details and a few other options.

NOTE: If you're curious about the People app from Windows 10, you can read this article to find out what else it can do.
10. Use Search to find Windows 10 settings
The Windows 10 Search screen also lets you narrow down your results to show settings. If that is what you want, click or tap on More and press the Settings option.

You can also type settings: followed by the setting that you want to find. This search filter returns settings available in the Control Panel and the Settings app. On top of the option to Open them, some settings display suggestions for online tutorials and related settings on the right-hand pane of the Windows 10 Search popup.

11. Search the web for the weather, top news, historical events, and others with just one click or tap
The May 2020 update introduces some new useful search options at the bottom of the Windows 10 Search screen. However, to reveal these additional searches, you have to first close any banners and recommendations displayed in the middle of the Search window. Press on the X Dismiss button in the upper-right corner of a banner to close it.

This reveals the Quick searches section, where you can choose to click or tap on Weather, Top news, and "Today in history" to search Bing for those words. The options displayed are not always the same.

After pressing any of the available Quick searches, the right-hand pane displays data from Bing on the subject. As you can see in the Windows 10 Search bar, it's just like looking for those exact keywords using the Web filter.

12. Search with a screenshot on Bing in Windows 10
After you dismiss all the banners, as illustrated in the previous section, an additional button is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the Windows 10 Search screen: "Search with a screenshot."

The first time you click or tap on the button, you are notified that Bing may use the images you provide. You must click or tap OK to use this option.

Make sure the image you want to screenshot is open on your screen and press the "Search with a screenshot" button. This opens the Snip & Sketch tool and turns your cursor into a crosshair. The next step is to capture the image you want to search for, and we illustrate that in detail in our tutorial on How to use Snip & Sketch to take screenshots in Windows 10.
Once that's done, Windows 10 searches for similar images on the web and displays more information about the image, launching Bing in the Microsoft Edge browser - regardless of your preferences.

As a plus, you can also use Visual Search to identify familiar items, places, and people. Hover over the image preview or the Visual Search button at the bottom to reveal other searches available within the image.

The squares and the blue dots offer additional searches. Click or tap on a framed face to see more info on that person in the Looks like section on the right.

You can also click or tap on a blue circle item to shop for that item, which can be pretty useful if you purchase things online.

Do you like the new additions to the Windows 10 Search window?
We have come to rely heavily on the Search in Windows 10, as it is often the fastest way to open an app or find a setting. We find the new Quick searches useful, especially since we now have a fast way to check the weather. However, it's obvious that there is still work to be done on the searching for screenshot option. Only two of the seven actors in our screenshot were successfully recognized, and we could only see pants when searching for the skirt in the image. What do you think? Are these new additions useful, or would you rather stick with what you know? How do you use the Windows 10 Search? Let us know in the comments section below.