然而,其中一些并不是那么特别,这就是为什么他们需要一个好的照片编辑应用程序。说到照片编辑,首先想到的名字就是Adobe Photoshop。这个照片编辑工具的功能非常出色,而且是首屈一指的。但是,它本身也有一个缺点。它与Android不兼容。现在考虑到大多数智能手机用户都在使用Android操作系统这一事实,您将毫无疑问地知道,许多人一开始就无法访问Adobe Photoshop。但也有一些不错的选择。
![Android 的 10 种最佳 Photoshop 替代品](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9v7jjrTqCjk/YZINiNEVHbI/AAAAAAAAZhE/HjXBOjHfetYo1YSL4G6YaOwUrdu-KKznQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4sTIjAY/s0/nTx4GeUh4L6n4UXsKsr8Sgymy0A.png)
虽然这是个好消息,但它也可能很快变得势不可挡,尤其是如果您是初学者。在您拥有的众多选择中,哪一个最适合您?你应该去这个还是那个?如果您正在寻找这些问题的答案,请不要害怕,我的朋友。你来对地方了。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论适用于Android的 10 种最佳 Photoshop 替代品(Android)你现在可以在互联网上找到。我还将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的详细信息。当你读完这篇文章时,你将不再需要它们中的任何一个。所以一定要坚持到底。现在,不用再浪费时间了,这里有 10 种具有丰富功能的Photoshop for Android的最佳免费替代品。(Android)
适用于 Android 的 10 种最佳 Photoshop 替代品(10 Best Photoshop Alternatives for Android)
下面提到的是迄今为止您可以在互联网上找到的 10 种适用于Android的最佳 Photoshop 替代品。(Android)请继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。让我们开始吧。
1. 快播(1. Snapseed)
首先(First),我要与您讨论的第一个最好的Android Photoshop 替代品称为Snapseed。该应用程序已从世界各地的人们那里下载,并拥有一些高评价的好评。因此,您无需担心它的效率或可信度。
该应用程序的工作方式与Adobe Photoshop非常相似。除此之外,用户界面 (UI) 简单、干净且优雅。此外,它也易于使用。任何技术知识很少的人或刚入门的人都可以轻松处理该应用程序。丰富的功能确保应用程序能够很好地执行其任务。大量过滤器可以确保照片处于最佳状态。其他一些功能包括结构、曝光、画笔、遮罩、修复工具等等。开发人员已免费向其用户提供该应用程序。
下载 Snapseed( Download Snapseed)
2.像素(2. Pixlr)
列表中第二个最好的Android Photoshop替代品是Pixlr。该应用程序具有惊人的功能。它带有广泛的效果、过滤器、叠加层等等。
借助此应用程序的图层编辑功能,您可以将多张不同的照片混合为一张。该功能也出现在Adobe Photoshop Mix上,但就其拥有的众多功能而言,这个应用程序要好得多。
其他一些令人惊叹的功能包括颜色固定、通过铅笔画风格化图像、创建照片拼贴、海报效果等等。除此之外,您还可以使用焦点模糊(focal blur)、蒙版、文本叠加、海报效果、墨水素描等。
下载 Pixlr( Download Pixlr)
3. Adobe Photoshop 混合(3. Adobe Photoshop Mix)
![Adobe Photoshop 混合](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8W0FOg54gDY/YZIetwuWDjI/AAAAAAAAZas/E880iAQR5HQ3TvLuiKhgibeaj8ocyTR0ACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww48TIjAY/s0/pzb_c-jyxpDE_ie00qjE6AmpEok.png)
现在,我要与您讨论的下一个最佳 Photoshop 替代品称为Adobe Photoshop Mix。正如您已经从名称中猜到的那样,该应用程序也是由Adobe开发的。与Adobe Photoshop(Adobe Photoshop)类似(Similar),这个也带有图层支持。这对于很多用户来说确实是一个很大的优势。
除此之外,您还可以剪切以及将多张不同的照片组合成一张。用户界面 (UI) 易于使用且简约。您只需点击一个添加(Add)选项即可添加新图层。但是,请记住,您在任何时候最多只能添加五个不同的层。
开发人员已免费向其用户提供该应用程序。但是,您必须使用您的Adobe ID登录才能使用该应用程序。如果您没有Adobe ID,请不要害怕,我的朋友。您可以直接从应用程序免费注册。
下载 Adobe Photoshop 混合( Download Adobe Photoshop Mix)
4. ToolWiz 照片(4. ToolWiz Photos)
我将要与您讨论的下一个适用于Android的最佳Photoshop替代品称为ToolWiz Photos。该应用程序的一个独特功能是它配备了您作为摄影师所需的几乎所有照片编辑功能。该应用程序为您提供超过 2000 种照片编辑功能,增加了它的优势。
下载 ToolWiz 照片( Download ToolWiz Photos)
5. 多层 - 照片编辑器(5. Multi-Layer – Photo Editor)
![多层 - 照片编辑器](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yXn_03DtCo8/YZMMH2nXCXI/AAAAAAAAf6Q/zGdQFYaC1_UtjsC7kViFo_MggwQcaqQHgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzfrNjAY/s0/UIM7_qVzVtEPuOXXj_BQbiIKT0M.png)
现在,我要与您讨论的下一个最好的Android Photoshop 替代品称为Multi-Layer – 照片编辑器(Multi-Layer – Photo Editor)。该应用程序可能不像列表中的其他应用程序那样广泛使用。但不要让这个事实欺骗你,我的朋友。它仍然和他们中的任何一个一样好。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 2020 的 8 个最佳 YouTube 视频下载器(8 Best YouTube video Downloaders for Android 2020)
用户界面 (UI) 简单易用。任何有一点技术知识的人或刚开始使用此应用程序的人都可以轻松解决它,而无需太多麻烦或努力。图层支持功能确保您可以将任何图片组合成几个不同的图层,类似于Adobe Photoshop。对于那里的许多用户来说,这确实是一个巨大的优势。
下载多层 - 照片编辑器( Download Multi-Layer – Photo Editor)
6. PicsArt 摄影工作室(6. PicsArt Photo Studio)
![PicsArt 摄影工作室](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Nzg6XJrjYfY/YZGW-pRYj7I/AAAAAAAANPY/KMh58HdUKPIgMzLGApDHr64BotFs4_tcwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhysbsXm9iUvKTwZLDdan-9yqjqjEee0tchsgrdNO6LfVDGwSyjuFjQw9AjHSo8z2aLpulv6NSkWDLe0tBOzY8wzzbiJWJ0gg_Gvi3fExsctxqjzfcduPYM9aEU6Lru9642geMu2f0Agt45jM8impxHx9MtIkSEHhpD2fw1ayJVnLufiWbXoLu1LGfkJmeeBdgxL8BvvlVn3llCVjiNlRvnSHJ3SLjThUxg8breERRAOSsit_424xqo7rOhhRrHi11p16deJ6Ig6a_w-d6ul2miH0emmeHSbek2s2cdLVvYc-LmhZPWSj3MQkISYoiSjOaBHOFcBX1_bj8gnzupeskBRyjUG2SJpNnn9hfjEMQpcJygMWTTfQpnyXT6f_0sXq86dAE1KkPp4XlGxNsGJjtXv-s1lqG8izEL4C_SwqfgotANXfgn01Siy1vvbEZ9VQX0dLBwaFca4c-VIkd2DE4ARwFSgALlHKSC6kHnCRiYhbW7r_qQvSCGVtPF0UKE6_kQ7zkLLvFFLEaaKvfi_tqX8ayIdJOpm9jjlXKaBLDlLTmISr3aHm0oBQ5XefBIf4qmcBi7vDBlebtFevxIHP0kfBXc-dx1ZXLkOKnUSIbgwueDGjAY/s0/F6D8co2qGqSwcBRrxNdKqRyTVI8.png)
PicsArt Photo Studio是最受欢迎和高效的照片编辑应用程序之一,是列表中的下一个条目。该应用程序已被世界各地的人们下载超过 5 亿次。因此,您无需担心应用程序的效率或可信度。
下载 PicsArt Photo Studio( Download PicsArt Photo Studio)
7. Byte Mobile – 图片编辑器(7. Byte Mobile – Image Editor)
![字节移动 - 图像编辑器](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BSz892XKJag/YZOHnwHKDrI/AAAAAAAAkdg/vuOfHtvAM_UJY0xhQsd6NNCHAgt6_xobwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhzpdh4f9gK7Pl3pIKdS-MAqT7y5y5X0OpTKm4PMusBVVSvpJP93YnAhXNmcZbWuT31i7jtYSyVauEPIMLju6rD4KWA7nyivubD2R2vcFmdszZ_h_8jlplsFLjAVnbmrRnr8fQanFkdu4qh3mnFv_3xGMe6pLcEkGdbUuNNwPvYD9AN9xf0_7ZEEl7P_bdX0h5M7FTHFM1M9DhOZGyfYCv5Hdaj3tVbHQUZ4AtHMUQZPpRyjGjcPFhXeIxxxwqGcocHgAzZFCSbIY-6paMUAs9gGkoNJqxjsrVnVfU75bRX8zxJysL-o_0gpKdd3qFL9r9D8bxO80gFiRO3ZtGhtJ6yQENn_B91ua_pZICWEFvs28PwlIAFZCwxDqZPvaa1Li7ywTjqsbbJNQ7r9yFK29dg-pdTjuyud3MC8w-SeyMkmr5T7Rap849TFdyaB8zfGepam1fh0mpx-JV-mwzd92BDBVyNWOtggku0J2ZH3HWVKToCFCFefShp83L6WwRfnWCMDK_uUzVSFbbMXD32DGhZEKfilDws41bYIwn8tsylvZGDgpfuptvtSQ_PxP4Cbdj_NxV57wCxIPi-V2OgEnhoHv6dEzE_lUwDtX23W9hAww6LPjAY/s0/ZeLzcUzbpZjyz7yqQW8TZapnNCU.png)
现在让我们将注意力转移到列表中的下一个最佳Photoshop替代品,即Byte (Android)Mobile – Image Editor(Byte Mobile – Image Editor)。该应用程序——类似于Adobe Photoshop——也与图层兼容。除此之外,该应用程序非常轻巧,占用的手机内存空间更少,并且使用的RAM也更少。
用户界面 (UI) 干净、简单且易于使用。任何具有一点技术知识或刚开始使用该应用程序的人都可以轻松处理它,而无需太多麻烦或努力。该应用程序的工作过程与多层照片编辑器(Multi-Layer Photo Editor)完全相同。但是,它没有其他功能那么广泛。
该应用程序已向其用户提供免费和付费版本。免费版效果很好,但确实带有广告。如果您想摆脱它们,您始终可以通过支付 0.99 美元的订阅费购买高级版本来实现。
下载字节移动 - 图像编辑器( Download Byte Mobile – Image Editor)
8. 喷枪(8. AirBrush)
下载喷枪( Download AirBrush)
9. Fotor 照片编辑器(9. Fotor Photo Editor)
![Fotor 照片编辑器](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GDxA38M3st4/YZDlI0mIduI/AAAAAAAAD28/H3rV_IizCaocPnX8AzAVxhjqdCfFBp4agCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz8QPRGtwEo72ygTKeCRUT-J3k63fFwh_kLNv0Ktr9r_SWH1IaYOIBaEbRsIRb6a17x6R_TUHlbblBjMz1X8HVokLuL2VYJ-vM4Atr9SGXvN_3AaHz0jePYxqaXCaVZ8uyBaVifv_rmmPiIjZr9u_rliLlOEykbyGMv2w6gzhnIXZEdQ6gaWbsED7TWs3dsJ3BJlVBdTJonnKPF0Okf6IJgoPVWWfbAe2D3FRaLJOpJ88L6ibjR0m0LW4641fb46JejmHA33rMk048ZeKUEwYXMQEoiN0XAif44C8b0Crue99LpqXES26NdlzaVGF7Zq9Te8whfW8kdVQXMet5aF2E4-tcxCUUBFWautpCa-hqKHGuGo-Q--oHtVlfbBM222C1iqI7uTWR3A6j4HuiVKC-WXsrMPzhDmsCSasiXT41q6HbiCmzUAUVtMecoL06BJKFmPcSS4YCos0FU-dt0SCmGJL6p0kzt9TZT9iAm3beekVt_iyHXNwqX91bDbnWc1c3POYNQcTvJWWd4o5gpDVVbExMenOd5tSi4er5CZ3oxfB7SaCGeOoaFeaE_S0PVcN8_7kBX2YPeuTHwsr2PKHpE-1LeTuTA9H_uRD8IY0EwzIPEjAY/s0/-2TMkdk4cUn2KrwodbPwplsaY0c.png)
我希望大家将注意力转向Android的下一个最佳Photoshop替代品称为Fotor Photo Editor。该应用程序做得很好,绝对值得您花时间。您可以在所有其他流行以及广受喜爱的照片编辑应用程序中找到的(photo editing apps)几乎(Almost)所有基本功能也都存在于它上面。
一些最令人惊叹的功能还包括样式、电影效果、图层、色彩平衡工具、曲线、滤镜等等。还有一个拼贴制作器功能,可让您制作令人惊叹的拼贴画。该应用程序的用户界面 (UI) 干净、简单且易于使用。任何技术知识很少或刚开始使用该应用程序的人都可以轻松处理它,而无需太多麻烦或努力。
下载 Fotor 照片编辑器( Download Fotor Photo Editor)
10. 摄影指导(10. PhotoDirector)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我要与您讨论的最后一个最佳 Photoshop 替代品称为PhotoDirector。该应用程序由Cyberlink(Cyberlink)公司开发,是Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中评分最高的应用程序之一。因此,您可以确定它的效率和可信度。用户界面 (UI) 干净、简单且易于使用。
下载相片大师( Download PhotoDirector)
10 Best Photoshop Alternatives For Android
In this erа of the digital revolution, smartphones rule the mаrket. They have evolved from simply a gadget уou use to talk to family and friends to replace mаny othеr devices that were indіspensable at a timе in the рast. Onе of them is a camеra. Nowadays, cameras in smartphones are so advanced that they can take amazing quality photos. I can even go as far as saying that some of them might even give a DSLR a run for its money.
However, some of them are not that exceptional and that is why they require a good photo editing app. And when it comes to photo editing, the first name that comes to mind is that of Adobe Photoshop. This photo editing tool is excellent in what it does and is second to none. However, there is one drawback that it carries with itself. It is not compatible with Android. Now consider the fact that the majority of the smartphone users are using the Android operating system, you are going to know without a doubt that many do not have access to Adobe Photoshop in the first place. But there are some good alternatives out there.
![10 Best Photoshop Alternatives For Android](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9v7jjrTqCjk/YZINiNEVHbI/AAAAAAAAZhE/HjXBOjHfetYo1YSL4G6YaOwUrdu-KKznQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4sTIjAY/s0/nTx4GeUh4L6n4UXsKsr8Sgymy0A.png)
While that is great news, it can also become quite overwhelming pretty quickly, especially if you are a beginner. Among the wide range of choices that you have, which one is the best fit for you? Should you go for this one or that? In case you are searching the answers to these questions, do not be afraid, my friend. You have come to the right place. I am here to help you with precisely that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 10 best photoshop alternatives for Android that you can find out there on the internet as of now. I am also going to give you detailed information on each one of them. By the time you finish reading this article, you are not going to need anything more on any of them. So make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, here are the 10 best free alternatives to Photoshop for Android with rich features.
10 Best Photoshop Alternatives for Android
Below mentioned are the 10 best Photoshop alternatives for Android that you can find out there on the internet as of now. Read along to find out more detailed information on each one of them. Let us begin.
1. Snapseed
First of all, the first best photoshop alternative for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Snapseed. The app has been downloaded from people all over the world and boasts of some great reviews with high ratings. So, you do not need to worry about its efficiency or trustworthiness.
The app works in a way that is quite similar to that of Adobe Photoshop. In addition to that, the user interface (UI) is simple, clean, as well as elegant. Furthermore, it is easy to use as well. Anyone with little technical knowledge or someone who is just starting out can handle the app without much hassle. The rich features ensure the app performs its task quite well. A wide number of filters work on to make sure the photo is in its best possible shape. Some of the other features include structure, exposure, brush, masking, healing tool, and many more. The developers have offered the app free of charge to its users.
Download Snapseed
2. Pixlr
The next best Photoshop alternative for Android on the list is called Pixlr. The app is packed with amazing features. It comes with a wide range of effects, filters, overlays, and many more.
With the help of this app, you can blend several different photos together into one, thanks to its layer editing feature. The feature is also present on the Adobe Photoshop Mix, but this app is way better than that when it comes to the plethora of features it has.
Some of the other amazing features include color fixing, stylizing images by a pencil drawing, creating photo collages, poster effects, and many more. In addition to that, you can also make use of the focal blur, masking, text overlay, poster effects, ink sketch, and many more.
The developers have offered the app free of charge to its users. However, there are indeed ads that come with it.
Download Pixlr
3. Adobe Photoshop Mix
![Adobe Photoshop Mix](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8W0FOg54gDY/YZIetwuWDjI/AAAAAAAAZas/E880iAQR5HQ3TvLuiKhgibeaj8ocyTR0ACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww48TIjAY/s0/pzb_c-jyxpDE_ie00qjE6AmpEok.png)
Now, the next best Photoshop alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called Adobe Photoshop Mix. As you can already guess from the name, the app is also developed by Adobe. Similar to that of Adobe Photoshop, this one also comes with layer support. This is indeed a very big advantage for many of the users.
The app is specially designed keeping in mind all those among you who are photographers and would love to get hold of an app where you could do some quick edits as well as enhancements and share the end result with others. With the help of this app, you can add or remove filters, adjust contrast, colors, enhance the whole or a selected area of the photograph, blend as well as create masks, control opacity, and many more.
In addition to that, you can also cut as well as combine several different photos into a single one. The user interface (UI) is easy to use as well as minimalistic. You can add new layers by simply tapping a single Add option. However, keep in mind that you can only add up to five different layers at any time.
The developers have offered the app free of charge to its users. However, you are going to have to sign in with your Adobe ID for using the app. In case you do not have an Adobe ID, do not be afraid, my friend. You can sign up for free right from the app.
Download Adobe Photoshop Mix
4. ToolWiz Photos
![ToolWiz Photos](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rE810vr7kzk/YZL-xi6CsnI/AAAAAAAAgAw/dMt2jwgdEnMkdlkpXQRo5Zua6dcdrjMpACEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzPrNjAY/s0/U_gwAKoKgwxGo5CZ8_43ihlTYTA.png)
The next best Photoshop alternative for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called ToolWiz Photos. A unique feature of the app is that it comes loaded with almost all of the photo editing features that you are going to need as a photographer. The app offers you more than 2000 photo editing features, adding to its benefits.
Download ToolWiz Photos
5. Multi-Layer – Photo Editor
![Multi-Layer – Photo Editor](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yXn_03DtCo8/YZMMH2nXCXI/AAAAAAAAf6Q/zGdQFYaC1_UtjsC7kViFo_MggwQcaqQHgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzfrNjAY/s0/UIM7_qVzVtEPuOXXj_BQbiIKT0M.png)
Now, the next best photoshop alternative for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Multi-Layer – Photo Editor. The app might not be as much widely used as are the other apps on the list. But do not let that fact fool you, my friend. It is still as good as any of them.
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The user interface (UI) is simple as well as easy to use. Anyone with a little technical knowledge or someone who is only starting out to use this app can tackle it without much hassle or effort on their part. The layer support feature makes sure that you can compose any picture into several different layers, similar to that of Adobe Photoshop. This is indeed a huge plus for many of the users out there.
Download Multi-Layer – Photo Editor
6. PicsArt Photo Studio
![PicsArt Photo Studio](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Nzg6XJrjYfY/YZGW-pRYj7I/AAAAAAAANPY/KMh58HdUKPIgMzLGApDHr64BotFs4_tcwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhysbsXm9iUvKTwZLDdan-9yqjqjEee0tchsgrdNO6LfVDGwSyjuFjQw9AjHSo8z2aLpulv6NSkWDLe0tBOzY8wzzbiJWJ0gg_Gvi3fExsctxqjzfcduPYM9aEU6Lru9642geMu2f0Agt45jM8impxHx9MtIkSEHhpD2fw1ayJVnLufiWbXoLu1LGfkJmeeBdgxL8BvvlVn3llCVjiNlRvnSHJ3SLjThUxg8breERRAOSsit_424xqo7rOhhRrHi11p16deJ6Ig6a_w-d6ul2miH0emmeHSbek2s2cdLVvYc-LmhZPWSj3MQkISYoiSjOaBHOFcBX1_bj8gnzupeskBRyjUG2SJpNnn9hfjEMQpcJygMWTTfQpnyXT6f_0sXq86dAE1KkPp4XlGxNsGJjtXv-s1lqG8izEL4C_SwqfgotANXfgn01Siy1vvbEZ9VQX0dLBwaFca4c-VIkd2DE4ARwFSgALlHKSC6kHnCRiYhbW7r_qQvSCGVtPF0UKE6_kQ7zkLLvFFLEaaKvfi_tqX8ayIdJOpm9jjlXKaBLDlLTmISr3aHm0oBQ5XefBIf4qmcBi7vDBlebtFevxIHP0kfBXc-dx1ZXLkOKnUSIbgwueDGjAY/s0/F6D8co2qGqSwcBRrxNdKqRyTVI8.png)
One of the most widely loved and one of the efficient photo editing app PicsArt Photo Studio is the next entry on the list. The app has been downloaded more than 500 million times by people around the world. So, you would not need to worry about the efficiency or the trustworthiness of the app.
You can make use of the effects, make amazing collages, make use of millions of stickers that are created by users, and many more. In addition to that, you can also create memes, collages, and much other content that you can later share with your family as well as friends with the help of the drawing tool.
With the help of this app, you can make cutouts, crop an image, stretch as well as clone it, and many more. In addition to that, you can also add texts to an image, adjust curves, and add tons of filters. Not only that, there is a brush mode that comes with every editing feature that lets you edit a particular part of the photo and not the entirety of it. However, the individual photo editing feature is not as good as the collage.
The developer has offered the app for its users for both free as well as paid versions. The free version – although pretty good – does come with huge ads. You can get rid of them by buying the premium version by paying a subscription fee.
Download PicsArt Photo Studio
7. Byte Mobile – Image Editor
![Byte Mobile – Image Editor](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BSz892XKJag/YZOHnwHKDrI/AAAAAAAAkdg/vuOfHtvAM_UJY0xhQsd6NNCHAgt6_xobwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhzpdh4f9gK7Pl3pIKdS-MAqT7y5y5X0OpTKm4PMusBVVSvpJP93YnAhXNmcZbWuT31i7jtYSyVauEPIMLju6rD4KWA7nyivubD2R2vcFmdszZ_h_8jlplsFLjAVnbmrRnr8fQanFkdu4qh3mnFv_3xGMe6pLcEkGdbUuNNwPvYD9AN9xf0_7ZEEl7P_bdX0h5M7FTHFM1M9DhOZGyfYCv5Hdaj3tVbHQUZ4AtHMUQZPpRyjGjcPFhXeIxxxwqGcocHgAzZFCSbIY-6paMUAs9gGkoNJqxjsrVnVfU75bRX8zxJysL-o_0gpKdd3qFL9r9D8bxO80gFiRO3ZtGhtJ6yQENn_B91ua_pZICWEFvs28PwlIAFZCwxDqZPvaa1Li7ywTjqsbbJNQ7r9yFK29dg-pdTjuyud3MC8w-SeyMkmr5T7Rap849TFdyaB8zfGepam1fh0mpx-JV-mwzd92BDBVyNWOtggku0J2ZH3HWVKToCFCFefShp83L6WwRfnWCMDK_uUzVSFbbMXD32DGhZEKfilDws41bYIwn8tsylvZGDgpfuptvtSQ_PxP4Cbdj_NxV57wCxIPi-V2OgEnhoHv6dEzE_lUwDtX23W9hAww6LPjAY/s0/ZeLzcUzbpZjyz7yqQW8TZapnNCU.png)
Let us now turn our focus on to the next best Photoshop alternative for Android on the list which is called Byte Mobile – Image Editor. The app – similar to that of Adobe Photoshop – also is compatible with layers. In addition to that, the app is extremely lightweight, taking up less space on the phone memory as well as using less RAM.
The user interface (UI) is clean, simple, and easy to use. Anyone with a little technical knowledge or someone who is just beginning to use the app can handle it without much hassle or effort on their part. The working process of the app is quite identical to that of Multi-Layer Photo Editor. However, it does not have such a wide range of features as the other one.
In addition to that, you can modify every single layer of the photo with blending options, custom colors, opacity, lighting, drawing, material, and many more. You can also draw in it, thanks to the ‘Draw’ feature.
The app has been offered to its users for both free as well as paid versions. The free version works pretty well but does come with ads. In case you would like to get rid of them, you can always do so by buying the premium version by paying a subscription fee of $0.99.
Download Byte Mobile – Image Editor
8. AirBrush
Now, the next best Photoshop alternative for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called AirBrush. This app is best suited for you especially if you want an app that is designed specifically for beauty editing.
The app comes loaded with tons of amazing beauty editing features that are going to help you to take those selfies as well as snaps to a whole new level. Also, you would not find the features of this app on any other app that you are going to find in the same category. On the other hand, I would definitely not recommend the app to anyone who wishes to do some heavy editing.
Download AirBrush
9. Fotor Photo Editor
![Fotor Photo Editor](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GDxA38M3st4/YZDlI0mIduI/AAAAAAAAD28/H3rV_IizCaocPnX8AzAVxhjqdCfFBp4agCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz8QPRGtwEo72ygTKeCRUT-J3k63fFwh_kLNv0Ktr9r_SWH1IaYOIBaEbRsIRb6a17x6R_TUHlbblBjMz1X8HVokLuL2VYJ-vM4Atr9SGXvN_3AaHz0jePYxqaXCaVZ8uyBaVifv_rmmPiIjZr9u_rliLlOEykbyGMv2w6gzhnIXZEdQ6gaWbsED7TWs3dsJ3BJlVBdTJonnKPF0Okf6IJgoPVWWfbAe2D3FRaLJOpJ88L6ibjR0m0LW4641fb46JejmHA33rMk048ZeKUEwYXMQEoiN0XAif44C8b0Crue99LpqXES26NdlzaVGF7Zq9Te8whfW8kdVQXMet5aF2E4-tcxCUUBFWautpCa-hqKHGuGo-Q--oHtVlfbBM222C1iqI7uTWR3A6j4HuiVKC-WXsrMPzhDmsCSasiXT41q6HbiCmzUAUVtMecoL06BJKFmPcSS4YCos0FU-dt0SCmGJL6p0kzt9TZT9iAm3beekVt_iyHXNwqX91bDbnWc1c3POYNQcTvJWWd4o5gpDVVbExMenOd5tSi4er5CZ3oxfB7SaCGeOoaFeaE_S0PVcN8_7kBX2YPeuTHwsr2PKHpE-1LeTuTA9H_uRD8IY0EwzIPEjAY/s0/-2TMkdk4cUn2KrwodbPwplsaY0c.png)
The next best Photoshop alternative for Android that I would request you all to turn your attention to is called Fotor Photo Editor. The app does its job quite well and is definitely worth your time. Almost all of the basic features that you can find in all the other popular as well as widely loved photo editing apps are present on it as well.
Some of the most amazing features that are also present are styles, film effects, layers, color balance tool, curves, filters, and many more. There is also a collage maker feature that enables you to make amazing collages. The user interface (UI) of the app is clean, simple, as well as easy to use. Anyone with little technical knowledge or someone who is just beginning to use the app can handle it without much hassle or effort on their part.
Download Fotor Photo Editor
10. PhotoDirector
Last but not the least, the final best photoshop alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called PhotoDirector. Developed the company Cyberlink, the app boasts of one of the highest ratings on the Google Play Store. So, you can be sure of its efficiency as well as trustworthiness. The user interface (UI) is clean, simple, and easy to use.
The app comes loaded with a wide range of rich features. With the help of this app, it is entirely possible for you to add special effects to your photos. In addition to that, the app also enables its users to adjust the saturation, color balance, and many more. Along with that, you can also apply filters to the photo in question.
You can easily blend several different pictures in this app. The developers have offered the app to its users free of charge.
Download PhotoDirector
So, guys, we have come to the end of this article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope that the article has provided you with the value that you have been craving for all this while and that it was well worth your time as well as attention. Now that you have the necessary knowledge, make sure to put it to the best possible use. In case you have a specific question in mind, or if you think that I have missed a particular point, or in case you would like me to talk about something else entirely, please do let me know in the comments. I would be more than happy to oblige to your requests as well as answering your questions.