您可以安装任何免费的音乐制作软件(free music production software)开始使用,但如果您不想下载音乐音序器软件,则不必下载。从下面的列表中选择一种在线工具。


2. Chrome 音乐实验室(Chrome Music Lab)(免费)
Chrome 音乐实验室(Chrome Music Lab)正式来说是一个 Chrome 实验,旨在帮助孩子们学习制作音乐。但是,想要涉足数字音乐基础的成年人也可以使用它。

该实验室不是一个单一的统一音序器和乐器工具,而是分解为几个简单、多彩且友好的音乐创作工具。Song Maker是最能展示创建旋律和音序的原理的一种工具。音乐实验室不是为严肃的项目创作声音的最佳场所,但它肯定是最适合在线制作音乐的网站。

4. Soundation Studio(免费提供 1.99 美元和 6.99 美元选项(Options))
Soundation Studio是您今天可以使用的功能最齐全的在线音乐制作工具之一。Soundation的杀手级功能是它的协作项目,您和其他团队成员可以在云中一起处理单个音乐项目。


6. Acid Machine(免费使用 $7 Windows 和 Mac App)
顾名思义,这款基于浏览器的工具仍处于测试(Beta)阶段,专为Acid House音乐流派而设计。酸屋(Acid House):

- 支持合成器和鼓机虚拟乐器
- 有一个模式编辑器和音序器,您可以通过激活歌曲模式来使用
- 可作为Windows和Mac的独立桌面应用程序购买(Mac)
BeepBox是一个简单的旋律音序器,听起来像经典的 8 位视频游戏芯片。它有一个简单的界面,所以你很快就会做出很酷的哔哔声。

8.在线排序器(Online Sequencer)(免费)
Online Sequencer是此处列出的所有网站中最贴切的名称。它是最纯粹意义上的音乐音序器。只需(Simply)选择您想要的乐器并使用模式编辑器以正确的顺序和时间对音符进行排序。

您也不必从头开始。其他人已经创建了近 200 万个序列,您可以加载和修改这些序列。
您现在可以选择在 Web 浏览器中运行的八种出色的音乐工具。没有理由拖延那些即兴表演。如果您最终使用这些工具剪切或重新混合曲调(cutting or remixing tunes),请在下方发布链接。
The 8 Best Online Sequencers for Music Enthusiasts
Computer technology has opened up the world of music creation to everyone. People armеd with nothing more than laptoрѕ and creative vision can pop musical hits out easily and share them on ѕocial media or music streаming sеrvices such as SoundCloud.
You could install any free music production software to get started, but you don’t have to download music sequencer software if you don’t want to. Choose one of the online tools from the list below.

Audiotool is an audio production suite that’s free. It offers a simulated audio production environment with virtual replicas of many popular instruments and studio gadgets.
Audiotool uses a modular design that lets you hook up its synthesizers and pedals to create the sound you want. It’s an excellent way for people who have worked with traditional studio equipment to get going quickly.

Audiotool includes plenty of tutorials to help you learn. Also, load one of the demo tracks to see what a pro can get out of this software.
Officially, Chrome Music Lab is a Chrome Experiment aimed at helping kids learn to make music. However, adults who want to dabble in the basics of digital music can use it too.

Rather than being a single unified sequencer and instrument tool, the lab is broken up into several simple, colorful, and friendly music creation tools. The Song Maker is one tool that best demonstrates the principles of creating melodies and sequencing notes. The music lab isn’t the best place to create sounds for serious projects, but it’s the most approachable website for making music online for sure.
Sampulator is a straightforward tool for creating musical samples so that you can use them in a sequencer to build songs. The tool comes with several free sample packs, and you can buy more as part of various themed packs. It has a simple, straightforward multitrack timeline, so it should be possible to create complete songs with it. Each sample pad is linked to a key on your keyboard. So, after putting in some practice, hit the record button and create your tune.

The only problem is that we could not figure out how to export our song. Online research suggests that Sampulator supports exporting WAV files, but we couldn’t find the button to do it, which is a puzzling omission.
4. Soundation Studio (Free With $1.99 and $6.99 Options)
Soundation Studio is one of the most fully-featured online music production tools you can use today. The killer feature of Soundation is its collaboration projects, where you and other team members can work on a single music project together in the cloud.

The free version has serious limitations that make it unsuitable for professional products, such as limited audio export quality. However, you can simply sketch out some ideas and learn the software without paying.
Rather than being a full music sequencer, PatternSketch is “just” an electronics drum machine written as a web app.

It’s incredibly intuitive to put together beats for your project and to export audio for use in your main sequencer. There are preset patterns if you just want a classic beat to use quickly and plenty of drum kits to choose from too.
6. Acid Machine (Free With $7 Windows and Mac App)
As the name suggests, this browser-based tool, which is still in Beta, is designed for the Acid House genre of music. Acid House:

- Supports synth and drum machine virtual instruments
- Has a pattern editor and sequencer you can use by activating song mode
- Can be purchased as a standalone desktop app for Windows and Mac
BeepBox is a simple melody sequencer that sounds like classic 8-bit video game chiptunes. It has a simple interface, so you’ll be making cool bleep-boop tunes in no time.

One ingenious feature is that you can store notes and settings in the actual URL. You can “save” your songs by saving the URL in a text file. BeepBox is also available as a downloadable app. It’s probably more convenient to use the save and export feature built into the app itself.
Online Sequencer has the most apt name of any website listed here. It’s a music sequencer in the purest sense. Simply pick the instrument you want and use the pattern editor to sequence notes in the proper order and time.

You don’t have to start from scratch either. Others have created almost two million sequences that you can load up and modify.
You now have the pick of eight fantastic music tools that will run in a web browser. There’s no reason to procrastinate on those jam sessions. If you do end up cutting or remixing tunes with these tools, post the link down below.