只有狂热的游戏玩家知道获得最佳游戏体验的艰辛。从购买具有高刷新率的最佳显示器到购买最新的控制器,这是一项有计划的工作。但是,流畅游戏最重要的考虑因素是网络 ping。如果您在在线游戏中获得高 ping,那么您可能会遇到延迟,这可能会破坏您的游戏体验。有几个因素会影响 ping 速率。阅读以下内容,了解一些降低 ping 的有效方法。
降低 Ping 并改善在线游戏的 14 种有效方法(14 Effective ways to lower your Ping and improve Online Gaming)
您可能想知道:什么是 ping?为什么我的ping这么高?我该怎么办?您将在本文中找到所有这些查询的答案。
Ping,也称为网络延迟(Network Latency),是您的计算机向与您交互的 Internet 服务器发送信号和从其接收信号所花费的时间。在网络游戏的情况下,高 ping 意味着您的计算机发送和接收信号所花费的时间很长。同样,如果您的ping正常或低,则意味着您的设备与游戏服务器之间的接收和发送信号的速度快速且稳定。显然,如果您的游戏设备和游戏服务器之间的信号较差、不稳定或相互通信缓慢,那么 ping 速率会严重影响在线游戏。
Windows 10 PC 高 ping 背后的原因(Reasons behind high ping on your Windows 10 PC)
影响 ping 速率的因素有很多,其中一些是:
- 不稳定的互联网连接
- 互联网路由器的问题
- (Improper)系统上的防火墙配置不正确
- Windows连接设置问题
- 后台运行多个网站
- 高CPU使用率导致设备过热
我们列出了一些已被证明有助于在Windows 10系统上进行在线游戏时降低高 ping 的方法。
方法 1:检查您的 Internet 连接 (Method 1: Check your Internet Connection )
如果您的互联网连接不稳定或较差,您可能会在在线游戏期间遇到高 ping 速率。此外,您的互联网速度与 ping 速率成间接比例,这意味着如果您的互联网连接速度较慢,您的 ping 速度会很高。无论哪种方式,高 ping 速度最终都会导致延迟、游戏冻结和游戏崩溃。因此,如果您想降低 ping,
- 确保您有稳定(stable)的互联网连接。
- 通过在线运行速度测试(speed test online)确保您获得良好的互联网速度(good internet speed )。
- 您还可以选择更好的互联网计划(Internet plan)来提高速度和更高的数据限制。
- 如果您的互联网速度仍然很慢,请联系您的互联网服务提供商(service provider)。
方法二:使用网线连接 (Method 2: Connect using Ethernet Cable )
有时,当您在在线游戏中获得高 ping 时,您的 Wi-Fi 连接就是原因。将网络以太网(Network Ethernet)电缆直接连接到您的 PC,而不是使用 Wi-Fi 连接,可以帮助您修复在线游戏中的高 ping。
1. 首先,确保您有足够的以太网电缆长度(sufficient Ethernet cable length),即足以从路由器连接到您的计算机。
2. 现在,将以太网电缆(Ethernet)的一端(one end)连接到路由器的以太网端口,(Ethernet)另一端连接(other end)到计算机的以太网(Ethernet)端口。
3. 然而,并非所有桌面都必须有以太网(Ethernet)端口。在这种情况下,您可以在 CPU中安装以太网网卡并在系统上安装(Ethernet network card)网卡驱动程序(network card driver)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复以太网在 Windows 10 中不起作用 [已解决](Fix Ethernet Not Working in Windows 10 [SOLVED])
方法3:重启路由器 (Method 3: Restart your Router )
如果您已切换到以太网(Ethernet)电缆但仍未获得最佳速度,请重新启动路由器以刷新下载速度。 通常(Often),重新启动路由器有助于修复在线游戏中的高 ping。简单地:
1.拔掉(Unplug)路由器的电源线。等待(Wait)一分钟,然后重新插入(plug it)。
2. 按住路由器的电源按钮将其打开。(Power button)
3. 或者,按下路由器上的重置按钮将其重置。(Reset)
4.重新连接(Re-connect)您的游戏设备,即移动/笔记本电脑/台式机,并检查您是否在在线游戏中获得较低的 ping。
方法 4:限制 Wi-Fi 连接的设备 (Method 4: Limit the Wi-Fi Connected Devices )
如果您的 PC、手机、笔记本电脑、iPad 等多台设备连接到家中的 Wi-Fi 路由器,您可能会遇到高 ping。由于游戏的带宽分配(bandwidth distribution)将受到限制,这将导致在线游戏的高ping速度。
当您质疑自己为什么我的 ping 如此之高时,(Why is my ping so high,)您首先应该检查的是连接到您的 Wi-Fi 路由器的设备数量。连接到它的设备越多,您在在线游戏中获得的 ping 值就越高。因此(Hence),要降低您的 ping,请断开连接到您的 Wi-Fi 连接且当前未使用的所有其他设备。(disconnect all other devices)
方法 5:将 PC 和路由器放置得更近一些(Method 5: Place PC and Router Closer)
如果您使用Wi-Fi连接从您的设备访问互联网并在在线游戏中获得高 ping,那么您的设备和Wi-Fi路由器可能会远离。要解决此问题,您应该将两者放在彼此附近。
1. 由于与笔记本电脑相比,移动台式机可能具有挑战性,因此您可以尝试将路由器移近桌面。(move your router closer to your desktop.)
2. 路由器和桌面之间的墙壁和房间可能会成为导致高 ping 速度的障碍物。因此,如果两个设备都在同一个房间里,那将是最好的。(both the devices are in the same room.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 无法访问修复站点,找不到服务器 IP(Fix Site Can’t Be Reached, Server IP Could Not Be Found)
方法 6:购买新的 Wi-Fi 路由器(Method 6: Purchase a New Wi-Fi Router)
您使用路由器已经有一段时间了吗?(Have you been using your router for quite some time now?)
随着技术的进步,路由器(routers)可能会变得过时,并且由于互联网带宽容量有限,它们会导致高 ping 率。因此,如果您想知道为什么我的 ping 如此之高,那么您的路由器可能已经使用了很长时间,并且您的Internet连接不是最新的。因此,获取最新的路由器可以帮助您降低在线游戏的 ping。要检查您的路由器是否过时并购买新路由器,请联系您的互联网服务提供商。
在硬件故障排除之后,现在让我们讨论修复Windows 10(Windows 10) PC上在线游戏中的高 ping 的软件相关解决方案。这些方法应该同样有效地降低您的 ping 并改善在线游戏。
Method 7: Pause/Stop all Downloads
在您的计算机上下载任何内容都会消耗大量Internet带宽,从而导致在线游戏中的高 ping。因此,暂停或停止系统上的下载是降低在线游戏 ping 的最有效方法之一。以下是在Windows 10(Windows 10)桌面/笔记本电脑中暂停下载的方法:
1. 打开 Windows设置(Settings )并点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
2. 点击暂停更新 7 天(Pause updates for 7 days)选项,突出显示。
3. 玩完游戏后,只需单击恢复更新(Resume Updates)按钮即可下载并安装暂停的更新。
这将有助于将Internet带宽重定向到您的游戏,这不仅会降低您的 ping,还会提高在线游戏的性能。
方法八:关闭后台应用(Method 8: Close Background Apps)
在后台运行的网站和程序会利用您的RAM存储、处理器资源以及Internet带宽。这可能会导致在玩在线游戏时出现高 ping。当您的CPU在高负载或接近 100% 负载下运行时,并且您在系统上玩在线游戏时,您的 ping 速度肯定会很差。因此,为了降低您的 ping 并改善在线游戏,请关闭所有在后台运行的网站和程序,如下所述:
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc 键(keys)启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,找到您要关闭的程序。
3. 单击所需任务(task),然后单击屏幕底部可见的结束任务将其关闭。(End task)为清楚起见,请参阅(Refer)下面的图片。
4. 重复第 3 步(Step 3),分别关闭后台运行的多个程序。
5. 完成后,从顶部切换到性能选项卡以检查(Performance)CPU使用率和内存(memory)消耗,如下图所示。
如果所述值较低,则也应降低高 ping。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 上修复高 Ping 的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Fix High Ping on Windows 10)
方法9:在本地服务器上玩在线游戏(Method 9: Play Online Games on a Local Server)
为确保您在网络游戏中获得正常的ping,最好选择本地服务器。假设(Suppose)您是印度(India)的游戏玩家,但是您在欧洲(Europe)的服务器上玩游戏,那么无论如何您都会面临高 ping。这是因为印度(India)的ping速度会低于欧洲(Europe)。因此,要修复在线游戏中的高 ping,您应该选择本地服务器,(select a local server,)即您所在位置附近的服务器。
(Method 10: Use VPN to fix High Ping in Online Games
如果你想在不同的游戏服务器上玩,而不是在本地服务器上玩,而不影响你的 ping 速度,那么你可以使用VPN软件来做到这一点。游戏玩家更喜欢使用VPN软件来隐藏他们的真实位置并在不同的游戏服务器上玩。(play on different game servers.)您可以下载免费或付费的VPN程序来实现这一点。
方法 11:以低质量图形玩游戏(Method 11: Play Games in Low-quality Graphics)
当您在在线游戏中获得较高的 ping 速度时,您的游戏体验可能会很差。有几个因素会影响您的 ping 速度,包括高GPU使用率。当您玩具有高质量图形的游戏时,您将使用许多计算机资源,从而导致高 ping。因此,您可以降低系统或游戏的图形质量。我们以Intel HD Graphics卡的(Intel HD Graphics)Graphics Screen Resolution方法为例进行了说明:
1. 右键单击桌面屏幕(Desktop screen)上的空白区域以启动图形控制面板。(Graphics Control Panel.)
2. 点击显示(Display),如图所示。
3. 在这里,将游戏分辨率降低(lower the game resolution)到当前屏幕分辨率的近一半。
如果您的屏幕分辨率为 1366 x 768,则将其更改为 1024 x 768 或 800 x 600。
4. 或者,转到游戏图形设置(Game Graphics Settings)并修改该特定游戏的设置。
最后,重新启动您的 PC 并检查您的 ping 是否比以前低。
方法 12:更新图形和网络适配器驱动程序(Method 12: Update Graphics & Network Adapter Drivers)
有时,在您的系统上使用过时版本的图形和网络适配器驱动程序可能会导致在线游戏中的高 ping 速率。因此,必须将您的图形和网络适配器驱动程序更新到最新版本,详情如下:
1.点击Windows搜索(Windows search)栏,输入设备管理器,(Device Manager,)从搜索结果中打开。
2. 现在,双击显示(Display) 适配器(adapters)将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的图形驱动程序(Graphics driver)并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver),如图所示。
4. 屏幕上会出现一个新窗口。在这里,选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)并允许下载和安装更新。
5.接下来,找到并双击网络适配器(Network adapters)。
6. 按照第 3 步,一一更新所有网络适配器。(Update)
7. 更新所有驱动程序后,重新启动(restart)计算机。
重新启动游戏以检查您是否能够降低 ping。
(Method 13: Use Third-party Software to Lower your Ping
如果以上方法均无效,则可以使用第三方软件降低 ping。当今市场上有多种程序可让您降低 ping 并提供流畅的游戏体验。您可以轻松找到付费和免费的Reduce Ping软件。但是,免费的不会像付费的那样有效。因此,我们建议杀死 ping(Kill ping) 和 Haste。
方法 14:Windows 防火墙或防病毒程序中的白名单游戏(Method 14: Whitelist Game in Windows Firewall or Antivirus Program)
如果您获得高 ping,那么降低它的一种方法是将游戏添加到您的Windows防火墙或系统上安装的其他防病毒软件。这些程序监控您的 PC 和游戏服务器之间的数据通信,以扫描和检测潜在威胁。虽然,这可以提高您在玩在线游戏时的 ping 速度。因此,在Windows防火墙或防病毒程序中将游戏列入白名单将确保数据传输绕过防火墙和防病毒应用程序,从而修复在线游戏中的高 ping。要在Windows防火墙中将游戏列入白名单,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall),如下所示。
2. 单击左侧面板中的允许应用程序或功能通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall)。
3.在下一个窗口中单击更改设置(Change Settings),然后选择要添加到允许应用程序列表中的(Allowed Apps.)游戏。(Game)
4. 如果您使用第三方防病毒软件,请将您的游戏(Game)作为例外(Exception)添加到阻止列表。(Block List. )设置(Settings)和菜单将根据您在我们系统上安装的防病毒(Antivirus)程序而有所不同。因此(Hence),寻找类似的设置并做必要的事情。
因此,这些是您可以用来 修复在线游戏中的高 ping 的一些方法。( fix high ping in online games.)我们希望我们的指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够降低Windows 10 PC 上的 ping。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
14 Ways to Lower Your Ping and Improve Online Gaming
Only avid gamerѕ know the struggle to attain the best gaming experience. From buying the best monitorѕ with high refresh rates to buying the latest controllers, іt is a calculated effort. But, the most important consideration for smooth gaming is network ping. If you are getting a high ping during an online game, then you might experience lag, which may rυin your gameplay. There are severаl fаctors that affect the ping rate. Read below to leаrn a few effective ways to lower your ping.
14 Effective ways to lower your Ping and improve Online Gaming
You may be wondering: What is ping? Why is my ping so high? What should I do? You will find the answers to all these queries in this article.
Ping, also known as Network Latency, is the amount of time your computer takes to send signals to and receive signals from the internet servers you interact with. In the case of online games, high ping implies that the time taken by your computer to send and receive signals is high. Similarly, if you have a normal or low ping, it means that the speed of receiving and sending signals between your device and the game server is quick and stable. Evidently, ping rate can seriously affect online gaming if the signals between your gaming device and the gaming server are poor, unstable, or slow in communicating with each other.
Reasons behind high ping on your Windows 10 PC
There are several factors affecting the ping rate, a few being:
- Unstable internet connection
- Problems with the internet router
- Improper firewall configuration on your system
- Issues with Windows connection settings
- Multiple websites running in the background
- High CPU usage resulting in excessive heating of the device
We have listed down some methods that have proven to be helpful in lowering high ping during online gameplay on Windows 10 systems.
Method 1: Check your Internet Connection
If you have an unstable or poor internet connection, you might experience a high ping rate during online gaming. Moreover, your internet speed is indirectly proportional to the ping rate, which means that if you have a slow internet connection, your ping speed will be high. Either way, a high ping speed would ultimately lead to lag, game freeze, and game crash. Therefore, if you wish to lower your ping,
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
- Ensure that you are receiving good internet speed by running a speed test online.
- You can also opt for a better Internet plan to get increased speed and higher data limit.
- If you are still getting slow-speed internet, contact your internet service provider.
Method 2: Connect using Ethernet Cable
Sometimes, when you are getting high ping during an online game, your Wi-Fi connection is the reason for it. Connecting a Network Ethernet cable directly to your PC, instead of using a Wi-Fi connection, can help you fix high ping in online games.
1. Firstly, ensure that you have sufficient Ethernet cable length i.e., long enough to reach your computer from the router.
2. Now, connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on your router and the other end to the Ethernet port of your computer.
3. However, not all desktops have Ethernet ports necessarily. In such cases, you can install an Ethernet network card in your CPU and install the network card driver on your system.
If you are using a laptop, then your laptop might have an inbuilt Ethernet port.
Also Read: Fix Ethernet Not Working in Windows 10 [SOLVED]
Method 3: Restart your Router
If you have switched to Ethernet cable but are still not getting optimum speed, restart your router to refresh the download speed. Often, restarting your router helps fix high ping in online games. Simply:
1. Unplug the power cable of your router. Wait for a minute before you plug it back in.
2. Press and hold the Power button of your router to switch it on.
3. Alternately, press the Reset button located on the router to reset it.
4. Re-connect your gaming device i.e., mobile/laptop/desktop, to it and check if you are getting a lower ping in online games.
Method 4: Limit the Wi-Fi Connected Devices
If you have multiple devices such as your PC, mobile phone, laptop, iPad, etc., connected to the Wi-Fi router in your house, you might experience high ping. Since the bandwidth distribution will be limited for gameplay, it will result in high ping speed in online games.
When you question yourself Why is my ping so high, the first thing you should check is the number of devices connected to your Wi-Fi router. The more the devices connected to it, the higher the ping you get in online games. Hence, to lower your ping, disconnect all other devices connected to your Wi-Fi connection that are currently not in use.
Method 5: Place PC and Router Closer
If you are using your Wi-Fi connection to access the internet from your device and getting high ping in an online game, then your device and Wi-Fi router may be kept afar. To fix this issue, you should place the two in proximity to each other.
1. Since moving a desktop can be challenging as compared to a laptop, you can try to move your router closer to your desktop.
2. The walls and rooms between your router and desktop can act as an obstruction leading to high ping speed. So, it would be best if both the devices are in the same room.
Also Read: Fix Site Can’t Be Reached, Server IP Could Not Be Found
Method 6: Purchase a New Wi-Fi Router
Have you been using your router for quite some time now?
With technological advances, routers can become obsolete and they lead to a high ping rate due to limited internet bandwidth capacity. So, if you are wondering why is my ping so high, then it is possible that you have been using your router for a long time, and it is not up to date with your Internet connection. Therefore, getting the latest router can help you lower your ping in online games. To check whether your router is outdated and to get a new one, contact your internet service provider.
After hardware troubleshooting, let us now discuss software-related solutions to fix high ping in online games on Windows 10 PC. These methods should be equally effective ways to lower your ping and improve online gaming.
Method 7: Pause/Stop all Downloads
Downloading anything on your computer consumes a lot of Internet bandwidth, causing high ping in online games. Thus, pausing or stopping downloads on your system is one of the most effective ways to lower your ping in online games. Here’s how you can pause downloads in Windows 10 desktop/laptop:
1. Open Windows Settings and click on Update & Security, as shown.
2. Click on Pause updates for 7 days option, as highlighted.
3. Once you are finished playing games, simply click Resume Updates button to download and install paused updates.
This will help redirect the Internet bandwidth to your game which will not only lower your ping but also improve the performance of the online game.
Method 8: Close Background Apps
The websites and programs running in the background utilize your RAM storage, processor resources and also, Internet bandwidth. This may lead to high ping while playing online games. When your CPU is running at high loads or near 100% load, and you are playing online games on your system, then you are bound to get a poor ping speed. Therefore, to lower your ping and improve online gaming, close all the websites and programs running in the background, as explained below:
1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to launch Task Manager.
2. In the Processes tab, locate the programs you wish to close.
3. Click on the desired task and then, click End task visible at the bottom of the screen to close it. Refer pic below for clarity.
4. Repeat Step 3 to close multiple programs running in the background individually.
5. After doing so, switch to the Performance tab from the top to check the CPU usage and memory consumption, as depicted below.
If the said values are low, high ping should have been reduced as well. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Fix High Ping on Windows 10
Method 9: Play Online Games on a Local Server
To ensure that you get a normal ping in an online game, it is better to choose a local server. Suppose you are a gamer in India, but you are playing on a European server, then you will face high ping anyhow. This is because the ping speed in India will be lower than that of Europe. So, to fix high ping in online games, you should select a local server, i.e. a server near your location.
However, if you want to play on a different server, you can always use VPN software, as explained in the next method.
Method 10: Use VPN to fix High Ping in Online Games
If you want to play on a different game server, but not a local server, without affecting your ping speed, then you can use VPN software to do so. Gamers prefer to use VPN software to hide their true location and to play on different game servers. You can download free or paid VPN programs to achieve this.
We recommend the following VPN software for your desktops and laptops:
Method 11: Play Games in Low-quality Graphics
When you get a high ping speed in an online game, you are likely to have a poor gaming experience. There are several factors that affect your ping speed, including high GPU usage. When you play games with high-quality graphics, you will be utilizing many of your computer resources resulting in high ping. Thus, you can reduce the graphics quality either for your system or for the game. We have explained the Graphics Screen Resolution method for Intel HD Graphics card as an example below:
1. Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop screen to launch the Graphics Control Panel.
2. Click on Display, as shown.
3. Here, lower the game resolution to almost half of your current screen resolution.
If your screen resolution is 1366 x 768, then change it to 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600.
4. Alternately, go to Game Graphics Settings and modify the settings for that particular game.
Finally, restart your PC and check whether you have lower ping than before.
Method 12: Update Graphics & Network Adapter Drivers
Sometimes, using an outdated version of the graphics and network adapter drivers on your system might result in a high ping rate in online games. Therefore, it is essential to update your graphics and network adaptor drivers to the latest version as detailed below:
1. Click the Windows search bar, type Device Manager, and open it from the search results..
2. Now, double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your Graphics driver and select Update Driver, as depicted.
4. A new window will appear on your screen. Here, select Search automatically for drivers and allow the update to be downloaded and installed.
5. Next, locate and double-click on Network adapters.
6. Following Step 3, Update all the network adapters, one by one.
7. Once all the drivers are updated, restart your computer.
Relaunch the game to check whether you were able to lower your ping or not.
Method 13: Use Third-party Software to Lower your Ping
If none of the above methods have worked, then you can use third-party software to reduce ping. There are multiple programs available in the market today that enable you to lower your ping and provide a smooth gaming experience. You can easily find paid as well as free Reduce Ping software. Though, the free ones will not be as effective as the paid ones. Therefore, we recommend Kill ping and Haste.
Method 14: Whitelist Game in Windows Firewall or Antivirus Program
If you are getting high ping, then one way to lower it is by adding the game to your Windows firewall or other antivirus software installed on your system. These programs monitor data communication between your PC and the game server to scan and detect potential threats. Although, this can increase your ping speed while playing online games. Thus, whitelisting the game in the Windows firewall or antivirus program would ensure that the data transfer bypasses the firewall and antivirus application, which will, in turn, fix high ping in online games. To whitelist a game in Windows firewall, follow the given steps:
1. Launch Windows Defender Firewall by searching for it in the Windows search bar, as depicted below.
2. Click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall from the left panel.
3. Click on Change Settings in the next window and select your Game to be added to the list of Allowed Apps.
4. If you use a third-party antivirus, add your Game as an Exception to the Block List. The Settings and menu will vary depending on the Antivirus program you have installed on our system. Hence, look for similar settings and do the needful.
So, these were some methods that you can use to fix high ping in online games. We hope our guide was helpful, and you were able to lower your ping on Windows 10 PC. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries/suggestions, then let us know in the comments below.