当您的 iPad Mini因安装未知软件而出现手机挂机、充电慢、卡屏等情况时,建议您重置设备。您可以选择进行软重置或恢复出厂设置/硬重置 iPad Mini。
iPad Mini的出厂重置通常是为了删除与之相关的全部数据。因此(Hence),该设备之后需要重新安装所有软件。它使设备的功能就像一个全新的设备。它通常在设备软件更新时执行。
![如何硬重置 iPad Mini](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YYOQpz4G1BY/YZH8G7DEQ3I/AAAAAAAAZro/L_WdS3okIeoi5tdv9vEabi3esS2PXy29wCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4cTIjAY/s0/Qc6okulJtV9rqD_P0a_hc2E5Mr0.png)
由于设备功能不正常而需要更改设置时,通常会执行iPad Mini硬重置。(Mini)它会删除存储在硬件中的所有内存,并使用 iOS 版本对其进行更新。
如何软硬重置 iPad Mini(How to Soft & Hard Reset iPad Mini)
如果您还在处理 iPad 的问题,那么您来对地方了。我们提供了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您硬重置 iPad Mini。阅读(Read)到最后,学习各种方法来做同样的事情。
如何软重置 iPad Mini
有时,您的iPad Mini可能会出现异常行为,例如页面无响应或屏幕挂起。您可以通过重新启动手机来解决此问题。软重置(Reset)通常被称为标准重启过程。
软重置(Soft Reset)iPad Mini的程序
1. 按住电源按钮(Power button)一段时间。
![软重置 iPad Mini 的程序](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dWbRDwGqtPI/YZGk0GWtzvI/AAAAAAAANIU/COfoS7ux7_kVdufqgbbzaIZ36EWK1DsCwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhysbsXm9iUvKTwZLDdan-9yqjqjEee0tchsgrdNO6LfVDGwSyjuFjQw9AjHSo8z2aLpulv6NSkWDLe0tBOzY8wzzbiJWJ0gg_Gvi3fExsctxqjzfcduPYM9aEU6Lru9642geMu2f0Agt45jM8impxHx9MtIkSEHhpD2fw1ayJVnLufiWbXoLu1LGfkJmeeBdgxL8BvvlVn3llCVjiNlRvnSHJ3SLjThUxg8breERRAOSsit_424xqo7rOhhRrHi11p16deJ6Ig6a_w-d6ul2miH0emmeHSbek2s2cdLVvYc-LmhZPWSj3MQkISYoiSjOaBHOFcBX1_bj8gnzupeskBRyjUG2SJpNnn9hfjEMQpcJygMWTTfQpnyXT6f_0sXq86dAE1KkPp4XlGxNsGJjtXv-s1lqG8izEL4C_SwqfgotANXfgn01Siy1vvbEZ9VQX0dLBwaFca4c-VIkd2DE4ARwFSgALlHKSC6kHnCRiYhbW7r_qQvSCGVtPF0UKE6_kQ7zkLLvFFLEaaKvfi_tqX8ayIdJOpm9jjlXKaBLDlLTmISr3aHm0oBQ5XefBIf4qmcBi7vDBlebtFevxIHP0kfBXc-dx1ZXLkOKnUSIbgwueDGjAY/s0/eJVHIe7oahHOTWdxdRvGp1lk0Eg.jpg)
2.屏幕上会出现一个红色滑块。(red slider)拖动它并关闭(OFF)设备。
3. 现在,屏幕变黑,出现Apple标志。看到徽标后松开按钮。(Release)
1. 按下Power + Home buttons并按住它们一段时间。
3. 等待设备重启(restart),检查问题是否解决。
这三个简单的步骤也将有助于重新启动 iPad Mini,进而恢复其标准功能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在您的 PC 上运行 iOS 应用程序?(How To Run iOS Apps On Your PC?)
如何硬重置 iPad Mini(How to Hard Reset iPad Mini)
如前所述,任何设备的硬重置都会删除其中存在的所有信息。如果您想出售您的 iPad Mini,或者您希望它像购买时一样工作,您可以选择硬重置。硬重置称为出厂重置。
硬重置(Hard Reset)iPad Mini的程序
有两种简单的方法可以将 iPad Mini恢复出厂设置:(Factory Reset)
方法一:使用设备设置硬重置 (Method 1: Use Device Settings to Hard Reset )
1. 进入设备设置。(Settings.)您可以直接在主屏幕上(home screen)找到它,也可以使用“搜索”(Search )菜单找到它。
3. 点击重置(Reset)选项,然后点击 擦除所有内容和设置。(Erase all Content and Settings.)
注意:(Note:)这将删除 iPad Mini中存储的所有照片、联系人和应用程序。
5. 如果您在设备上启用了密码,它会要求您输入密码。输入密码继续。
6.现在将显示擦除 iPhone选项。(Erase iPhone )单击它后,您的 iPad Mini将进入出厂重置模式。( Factory Reset mode.)
如果您的 iPad Mini(Mini)上存储了大量数据和应用程序,则可能需要很长时间才能重置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法读取文件 iTunes Library.itl(Fix The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read)
方法2:使用iTunes和电脑硬重置 (Method 2: Use iTunes and Computer to Hard Reset )
1. 转到设置下的 iCloud。(Go to iCloud under Settings.)确保您的设备上的“查找我的 iPad”选项已关闭。(Find My iPad option is turned OFF on your device.)
2. 借助电缆将 iPad 连接到计算机。
注意:(Note:) 请(Please)确保设备已正确连接到您的计算机,以促进顺利连接并将损坏风险降至最低。
3. 启动您的iTunes并同步您的数据。
- 如果您的设备开启了自动同步功能(automatic sync ON),那么它会在您插入设备后立即传输新添加的照片、歌曲和应用程序等数据。
- 如果您的设备无法自行同步,则必须自己进行。在 iTunes 的左侧窗格中,您将看到一个名为“摘要”的选项。(Summary.)单击它后,点击Sync。至此,手动同步(manual sync)设置完成。
4.完成第3步后,回到iTunes内的第一个信息页面。(first information page)单击恢复 iPad(Restore iPad )选项。
5. 系统会提示您“点击此选项将删除手机上的所有媒体”。(tapping this option will delete all the media on your phone.)' 由于您已经同步了数据,请单击“恢复”(Restore )按钮继续。
6. 当您第二次单击此按钮时,恢复出厂(Factory Reset)设置过程开始。设备将检索软件以帮助恢复您的设备。强烈建议在整个过程自行完成之前不要断开 iPad 与计算机的连接。
7.恢复出厂(Factory Reset)设置后,它会询问您是要“恢复数据(Restore your data)”还是“将其设置为新设备(Set it up as a new device)”。根据您的要求,选择其中一个选项。
8. 当您单击恢复(Restore)选项时,所有数据、媒体、照片、歌曲、应用程序和备份消息都将被恢复。根据需要恢复的数据大小,预计恢复时间会有所不同。
注意:(Note:)在数据完全恢复到 iOS 设备之前,请勿断开设备与系统的连接。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够硬重置 iPad Mini(hard reset the iPad Mini)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Soft & Hard Reset iPad Mini (2022)
When your iPad Mini collapses in situations like mobile hang, slow charging, and screen freeze due to the installations of unknown softwarе, уou are recommended tо reset your device. Yоu can eіther choose to proceed with a soft reset or factory reset/Hard reset iPad Mini.
A soft reset is similar to rebooting the system. This will close all the running applications and will refresh your device.
Factory reset of iPad Mini is usually done to remove the entire data associated with it. Hence, the device would require the re-installation of all of the software thereafter. It makes the device function like a brand new one. It is usually carried out when a device’s software gets updated.
![How to Hard Reset iPad Mini](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YYOQpz4G1BY/YZH8G7DEQ3I/AAAAAAAAZro/L_WdS3okIeoi5tdv9vEabi3esS2PXy29wCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4cTIjAY/s0/Qc6okulJtV9rqD_P0a_hc2E5Mr0.png)
An iPad Mini hard reset is usually carried out when settings need to be altered due to improper functioning of the device. It deletes all the memory stored in the hardware and updates it with a version of iOS.
Note: After any type of Reset, all the data associated with the device gets deleted. Therefore, it is recommended to back up all the files before you undergo a reset.
How to Soft & Hard Reset iPad Mini
If you are also dealing with issues with your iPad, you are at the right place. We bring a perfect guide that will help you to hard reset the iPad Mini. Read till the end to learn various methods to do the same.
How to Soft Reset iPad Mini
Sometimes, your iPad Mini might exhibit abnormal behavior like irresponsive pages or hang screens. You can fix this issue by restarting your phone. Soft Reset is generally referred to as the standard reboot process.
Procedure to Soft Reset your iPad Mini
1. Press the Power button and hold it for some time.
![Procedure to Soft Reset your iPad Mini](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dWbRDwGqtPI/YZGk0GWtzvI/AAAAAAAANIU/COfoS7ux7_kVdufqgbbzaIZ36EWK1DsCwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhysbsXm9iUvKTwZLDdan-9yqjqjEee0tchsgrdNO6LfVDGwSyjuFjQw9AjHSo8z2aLpulv6NSkWDLe0tBOzY8wzzbiJWJ0gg_Gvi3fExsctxqjzfcduPYM9aEU6Lru9642geMu2f0Agt45jM8impxHx9MtIkSEHhpD2fw1ayJVnLufiWbXoLu1LGfkJmeeBdgxL8BvvlVn3llCVjiNlRvnSHJ3SLjThUxg8breERRAOSsit_424xqo7rOhhRrHi11p16deJ6Ig6a_w-d6ul2miH0emmeHSbek2s2cdLVvYc-LmhZPWSj3MQkISYoiSjOaBHOFcBX1_bj8gnzupeskBRyjUG2SJpNnn9hfjEMQpcJygMWTTfQpnyXT6f_0sXq86dAE1KkPp4XlGxNsGJjtXv-s1lqG8izEL4C_SwqfgotANXfgn01Siy1vvbEZ9VQX0dLBwaFca4c-VIkd2DE4ARwFSgALlHKSC6kHnCRiYhbW7r_qQvSCGVtPF0UKE6_kQ7zkLLvFFLEaaKvfi_tqX8ayIdJOpm9jjlXKaBLDlLTmISr3aHm0oBQ5XefBIf4qmcBi7vDBlebtFevxIHP0kfBXc-dx1ZXLkOKnUSIbgwueDGjAY/s0/eJVHIe7oahHOTWdxdRvGp1lk0Eg.jpg)
2. A red slider will appear on the screen. Drag it and power OFF the device.
3. Now, the screen turns black, and the Apple logo appears. Release the button once you see the logo.
4. It takes a while to restart; wait until your phone boot.
1. Press the Power + Home buttons and hold them for some time.
2. Release the button once you see the Apple logo.
3. Wait for the device to restart and check if the problem is fixed.
These three simple steps will also help restart your iPad Mini, which in turn, would resume its standard functionality.
Also Read: How To Run iOS Apps On Your PC?
How to Hard Reset iPad Mini
As mentioned, a hard reset of any device erases all the information present in it. If you wish to sell your iPad Mini or if you want it to work like it did when you bought it, you can opt for a hard reset. A hard reset is referred to as a factory reset.
Procedure to Hard Reset your iPad Mini
There are two simple ways to Factory Reset your iPad Mini:
Method 1: Use Device Settings to Hard Reset
1. Enter device Settings. You can either find it directly on the home screen or find it using the Search menu.
2. Several options will be displayed under the Settings menu; click on General.
![Open Settings then tap General](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-FnZ_alMiUew/YZDmiNweglI/AAAAAAAAD2k/bnnoiaLhfokFHgCvi4_RAJ9JR3Mx4A1WgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz8QPRGtwEo72ygTKeCRUT-J3k63fFwh_kLNv0Ktr9r_SWH1IaYOIBaEbRsIRb6a17x6R_TUHlbblBjMz1X8HVokLuL2VYJ-vM4Atr9SGXvN_3AaHz0jePYxqaXCaVZ8uyBaVifv_rmmPiIjZr9u_rliLlOEykbyGMv2w6gzhnIXZEdQ6gaWbsED7TWs3dsJ3BJlVBdTJonnKPF0Okf6IJgoPVWWfbAe2D3FRaLJOpJ88L6ibjR0m0LW4641fb46JejmHA33rMk048ZeKUEwYXMQEoiN0XAif44C8b0Crue99LpqXES26NdlzaVGF7Zq9Te8whfW8kdVQXMet5aF2E4-tcxCUUBFWautpCa-hqKHGuGo-Q--oHtVlfbBM222C1iqI7uTWR3A6j4HuiVKC-WXsrMPzhDmsCSasiXT41q6HbiCmzUAUVtMecoL06BJKFmPcSS4YCos0FU-dt0SCmGJL6p0kzt9TZT9iAm3beekVt_iyHXNwqX91bDbnWc1c3POYNQcTvJWWd4o5gpDVVbExMenOd5tSi4er5CZ3oxfB7SaCGeOoaFeaE_S0PVcN8_7kBX2YPeuTHwsr2PKHpE-1LeTuTA9H_uRD8IY0EwzIPEjAY/s0/-AdZ-in-ohXL7B4zRwbpXkB_PKU.png)
3. Tap the Reset option then tap on Erase all Content and Settings.
Note: This will delete all photos, contacts, and applications stored in your iPad Mini.
![Click on Reset and then go for the Erase All Content and Settings option](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-zYRCg0xizAU/YZDws0TCGOI/AAAAAAAADxQ/XLbdpf3lPQEIRCQjwh1UxsA5iG8FF3jiwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz8QPRGtwEo72ygTKeCRUT-J3k63fFwh_kLNv0Ktr9r_SWH1IaYOIBaEbRsIRb6a17x6R_TUHlbblBjMz1X8HVokLuL2VYJ-vM4Atr9SGXvN_3AaHz0jePYxqaXCaVZ8uyBaVifv_rmmPiIjZr9u_rliLlOEykbyGMv2w6gzhnIXZEdQ6gaWbsED7TWs3dsJ3BJlVBdTJonnKPF0Okf6IJgoPVWWfbAe2D3FRaLJOpJ88L6ibjR0m0LW4641fb46JejmHA33rMk048ZeKUEwYXMQEoiN0XAif44C8b0Crue99LpqXES26NdlzaVGF7Zq9Te8whfW8kdVQXMet5aF2E4-tcxCUUBFWautpCa-hqKHGuGo-Q--oHtVlfbBM222C1iqI7uTWR3A6j4HuiVKC-WXsrMPzhDmsCSasiXT41q6HbiCmzUAUVtMecoL06BJKFmPcSS4YCos0FU-dt0SCmGJL6p0kzt9TZT9iAm3beekVt_iyHXNwqX91bDbnWc1c3POYNQcTvJWWd4o5gpDVVbExMenOd5tSi4er5CZ3oxfB7SaCGeOoaFeaE_S0PVcN8_7kBX2YPeuTHwsr2PKHpE-1LeTuTA9H_uRD8IY0EwzIPEjAY/s0/1b__79rbnER1ThDaSZBeZiUYfz4.png)
5. If you have the passcode enabled on your device, it will ask you to enter it. Proceed on by entering the passcode.
6. Erase iPhone option will be displayed now. Once you click it, your iPad Mini will enter into Factory Reset mode.
It may take a long time to reset if you have extensive data and applications stored on your iPad Mini.
Note: When your phone is in Factory reset mode, you cannot perform any operations.
Once the reset is complete, it would work like a new device. Now, it is perfectly safe to sell it to someone or exchange it with a friend.
Also Read: Fix The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read
Method 2: Use iTunes and Computer to Hard Reset
1. Go to iCloud under Settings. Ensure that the Find My iPad option is turned OFF on your device.
2. Connect your iPad to your computer with the help of its cable.
Note: Please make sure that the device is appropriately connected to your computer to facilitate a smooth connection and to minimize the risk of damage.
3. Launch your iTunes and sync your data.
- If your device has automatic sync ON, then it transfers data like newly added photos, songs, and apps as soon as you plug in your device.
- If your device does not sync on its own, then you will have to do it yourself. On the left pane of iTunes, you will see an option named Summary. Once you click on it, tap on Sync. Thus, the manual sync setup is completed.
4. After completing step 3, go back to the first information page inside iTunes. Click on the Restore iPad option.
5. You will be warned with a prompt ‘tapping this option will delete all the media on your phone.’ Since you have already synced your data, proceed by clicking the Restore button.
6. When you click this button for the second time, the Factory Reset process begins. The device will retrieve the software to help restore your device. It is strictly recommended to not disconnect your iPad from the computer until the entire process completes itself.
7. Once the Factory Reset is done, it asks whether you wish to ‘Restore your data’ or ‘Set it up as a new device.’ Depending upon your requirement, choose one of the options.
8. When you click on the Restore option, all data, media, photos, songs, applications, and backup messages will be restored. Depending upon the data size that needs to be restored, the estimated restoring time will vary.
Note: Do not disconnect your device from the system until data is completely restored to your iOS device.
After the restoration process, your device will restart. Just wait for a little for your device to become as fresh as a new one. You can now disconnect the device from your computer and enjoy using it!
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to hard reset the iPad Mini. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries/comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.