拥有Discord 服务器既是(Discord server)福也是祸。一方面,它是一种免费文本和 VoIP 服务(text and VoIP service),您和几个朋友可以使用它来相互交流,无论是在游戏中还是其他方式。
另一方面,它可能会成为一个充满不同个性的蓬勃发展的社区,其中一些人可能会毫不犹豫地说出自己的想法和(anything and everything)想法。令社区其他人感到沮丧的是,他们可能没有发现它像人们想象的那样丰富文化。

粗俗的行为和言语(Vulgar behavior and words)对于在线社区(online community)来说并不新鲜,尤其是在游戏环境中(gaming environment)。在与认为匿名赋予他们豁免权的键盘战士打交道时,种族诽谤和仇恨言论几乎可以被认为是常态。
作为所有者,您有责任监督聊天环境(chat environment),确保您社区中的人感到舒适并继续帮助它茁壮成长。所以,当谈到在Discord(Discord)中禁止“坏话”时,有一个Discord 过滤器(Discord filter)机器人可以解决这个问题。

不和谐过滤器机器人阻止“坏话”(Discord Filter Bots Block “Bad Words”)
你可能已经注意到Discord有一个内置的Explicit Content Filter,那么你为什么需要一个机器人来完成这项工作呢?您必须了解,内置功能绝不是要阻止聊天中的某些单词。相反,它只会审查或过滤掉可能被认为不安全的图像和视频 ( NSFW )。
这是一个很好的开始,因为图像可能包含淫秽和粗俗的内容,但它不会让您的聊天免受偶尔的诅咒词(curse word)的影响。您需要的是一个Discord 过滤器(Discord filter)机器人,它可以过滤掉您认为在您的社区中不受欢迎的任何脏话。

亵渎不和谐过滤器机器人(Profanity Discord Filter Bots)
有许多Discord 过滤器(Discord filter)机器人可以删除任何和所有被扔进“坏词黑名单(word blacklist)”的脏话。大多数相同的机器人通常会附带许多其他功能,您可能会发现这些功能对不断发展的Discord 社区(Discord community)有用。
我们继续提供了两个更流行的Discord 过滤器(Discord filter)机器人Nightbot 和 Dyno(Nightbot and Dyno),您会发现它们包含(find contain)亵渎过滤器(profanity filter)和其他社区支持功能。我们将详细介绍该机器人的内容、如何下载和设置它,以及如何使用提供的亵渎过滤器选项(profanity filter option)。
不和谐的夜间机器人(Nightbot For Discord)(Nightbot For Discord)

它提供了大量聊天命令和自动审核工具,可用于您的Twitch 和 YouTube 频道(Twitch and YouTube channels)以及Discord 服务器(Discord server)。
您可以利用他们的黑名单功能(blacklist feature),在其中添加要从聊天中过滤的任何不适当的单词或短语。它还能够抑制过多的符号、表情、大写字母、链接、copypasta 以及您的聊天社区可能遇到的其他主要烦恼的垃圾邮件。
Nightbot最初是为流媒体聊天而设计的,因此为了为您的Discord 服务器(Discord server)获取它,您将需要一个Twitch.tv或YouTube帐户。您还需要一个Nightbot 帐户(Nightbot account)。
完成这些设置后,您可以将Nightbot 帐户(Nightbot account)与Discord 帐户(Discord account)集成,并将其添加到您的服务器。
- 通过您的Twitch 或 YouTube 帐户(Twitch or YouTube account)登录到您的Nightbot 帐户(Nightbot account),然后导航到“集成(Integrations )”选项卡。我们将在本演练中使用Twitch 帐户(Twitch account)。
- 在 Discord 下,单击连接按钮以在(Connect)Nightbot和您的Discord 帐户(Discord account)之间建立连接。如果您尚未登录,系统将提示您登录Discord 。

- 在新窗口中,单击授权(Authorize )以允许集成。

- 将出现一个新的弹出窗口,让您知道Nightbot已准备好加入服务器。单击右上角的加入服务器(Join Server)按钮。

- 将弹出另一个授权窗口。(authorization window)选择您希望Nightbot集成的服务器,然后单击授权(Authorize)按钮。
- 您还可以选择在该服务器上授予Nightbot哪些权限。(Nightbot)一般来说(Generally),机器人需要大量权限才能有效工作,或者根本不需要,所以我只会让那些被选中的人保持原样。
- 通过单击“我不是机器人(I’m not a robot)”框来接受 reCAPTCHA并完成该过程。
- 下一个窗口将取决于您用于登录Nightbot的帐户( (Nightbot)Twitch 或 YouTube(Twitch or YouTube) ) 。由于我们使用的是Twitch,因此您将被要求为Discord设置与您的(Discord)Twitch 频道(Twitch channel)中的角色相对应的角色。如果需要,请填写并在完成后单击更新(Update )按钮,然后关闭窗口。
- Nightbot需要成为主持人才能在Discord上工作。
- 从左侧的菜单中,单击过滤器(Filters )图标以进入垃圾邮件防护(Spam Protection)窗口。

- 单击Blacklist Words/Phrases过滤器右侧的选项。(Options )
- 默认情况下应启用。如果没有,请先单击启用(Enable )按钮。
- (Enter)在黑名单(Blacklist)文本字段中输入您希望Nightbot从您的Discord(和Twitch)聊天中过滤的所有单词和短语。
- 您还可以确定您希望使用您添加到列表中的单词的任何人超时的时间长度,以及您认为不受惩罚的任何角色。
- 完成后,单击提交(Submit )按钮。
Nightbot现在将从您的Discord 聊天(Discord chat)频道中过滤您添加到黑名单中的所有单词和短语。(Blacklist)那些使用黑名单(Blacklist)上的脏话的人将根据您设置的时间长度受到惩罚。

Dyno是一个完全可定制的多功能Discord 过滤器(Discord filter)机器人,具有简单易用和直观的Web 仪表板(web dashboard)。Dynobot带有一个反垃圾邮件/自动审核过滤器(moderation filter),对于消除Discord 聊天(Discord chat)中的脏话非常有用。
- 使用您的Discord 帐户(Discord account)凭据登录主页。
- 单击后,您将收到非常熟悉的授权对话框(authorization dialog)。选择您的服务器并点击授权(Authorize )按钮。
- 在“管理服务器(Manage Servers)”选项卡中,选择您要为其添加Dynobot的服务器并完成该过程。
- 在Server Dashboard中,向下滚动Modules部分并启用Automod。然后,单击设置(SETTINGS)。

- 单击(Click)“禁用词”选项卡(Words tab)并输入需要过滤的词和短语。完成后,点击更新(Update)。

- 已经设置了默认禁用词列表。根据需要添加(Add)更多。
- 切换(Swap)回“设置”选项卡(Settings tab)。在这里,您可以设置Dynobot如何处理在聊天中使用任何说脏话的人。
- 这包括一个自动静音(automute )功能,适用于使用过滤词之一的任何人、输入全部大写(ALL CAPS)、创建重复文本(duplicate text)和大量垃圾邮件(SPAM)。
2 Discord Filter Bots to Block Bad Words
Оwning а Discord server can be a blessing and a curѕe. On the one hand, it’s a freе text and VoIP service that you and a few friends can use to communicate with one another, be it in-game or otherwise.
On the other hand, it could become a booming community filled with varying personalities, some of which may have no qualms with saying anything and everything on their minds. Much to the dismay of the rest of the community who may not find it as culturally enriching as one may believe.

Vulgar behavior and words are nothing new to an online community, especially within a gaming environment. Racial slurs and hateful rhetoric can almost be considered the norm when dealing with keyboard warriors who think anonymity grants them the power of immunity.
Being the owner, it’s on you to police the chat environment, ensuring those in your community feel comfortable and continue to help it thrive. So, when it comes to banning “bad words” in Discord, well, there’s a Discord filter bot for that.

Discord Filter Bots Block “Bad Words”
You may have noticed that Discord has a built-in Explicit Content Filter, so why would you ever need a bot to do the job? You have to understand that the built-in feature was never meant to block out certain words from the chat. Instead, it only censors or filters out images and videos which may not be considered not safe for work (NSFW).
It’s a great start as images can contain obscene and vulgar content, but it doesn’t save your chat from the occasional curse word. What you’re going to need is a Discord filter bot that filters out any profanity you deem unwelcome in your community.

Profanity Discord Filter Bots
There are a great many Discord filter bots available that will remove any and all profanity tossed onto the “bad word blacklist”. Most of those same bots will often come with many other functions you might find useful to a growing Discord community.
We’ve gone ahead and provided two of the more popular Discord filter bots, Nightbot and Dyno, that you’ll find contain both a profanity filter and other community-bolstering functions. We’ll detail what the bot is about, how you can download and set it up, and how to use the offered profanity filter option.

Anyone who is currently active on Twitch.tv will be familiar with this bot. Whether you’ve heard about it or currently use it, Nightbot is one of the better bots you can have for not only filtering out profanity but for many other functions.
It provides plenty of chat commands and auto-moderation tools for use with your Twitch and YouTube channels as well as your Discord server.
You can make use of their blacklist feature where you can add any inappropriate words or phrases you want to filter from your chat. It also has the ability to suppress the spamming of excessive symbols, emotes, capital letters, links, copypasta, and other major annoyances that your chat community may experience.
Nightbot was originally designed for use with streamer chat so in order to acquire it for your Discord server, you’re going to need either a Twitch.tv or YouTube account. You will also need a Nightbot account as well.
Once you have these set up, you can then integrate your Nightbot account with your Discord account and add it to your server.
- Login to your Nightbot account via either your Twitch or YouTube account, and navigate to the Integrations tab. We’ll be using a Twitch account for this walkthrough.
- Under Discord, click the Connect button to establish a connection between Nightbot and your Discord account. You’ll be prompted to sign in to Discord if you’re not already.

- In the new window, click Authorize to allow the integration.

- A new pop-up will appear letting you know that Nightbot is ready to join a server. Click the Join Server button at the top-right.

- Another authorization window will pop-up. Select the server you want Nightbot integrated with and then click the Authorize button.
- You can also choose which permissions to grant Nightbot on that server. Generally, bots require a multitude of permissions to work effectively, or at all, so I would just leave those selected as is.
- Suffer the reCAPTCHA by clicking the I’m not a robot box and complete the process.
- The next window will depend on which account (Twitch or YouTube) you used to login to Nightbot. Since we’re using Twitch, you’ll be asked to set up roles for Discord that correspond to the roles in your Twitch channel. Fill it out if you want to and click the Update button when finished, then close the window.
- Nightbot will need to be made a moderator for it to work on Discord.
- From the menu on the left, click on the Filters icon to be taken to the Spam Protection window.

- Click on Options to the right of the Blacklist Words/Phrases filter.
- Should be enabled by default. If not, click the Enable button first.
- Enter all of the words and phrases you’d like Nightbot to filter from your Discord (and Twitch) chat into the Blacklist text field.
- You can also determine the length of time you’d like to timeout anyone using the words you’ve added to the list and any role you feel is exempt from punishment.
- When you’re finished, click the Submit button.
Nightbot will now filter all words and phrases that you added to the Blacklist, from your Discord chat channels. Those using profanity found on the Blacklist will be punished according to the length of time you set.

Dyno is a fully-customizable multi-purpose Discord filter bot with a simple to use and intuitive web dashboard. Dynobot comes with an anti-spam/auto moderation filter that is incredibly useful for eliminating the profanity from your Discord chat.
- Sign in on the homepage using your Discord account credentials.
- Once clicked, you’ll receive the very familiar authorization dialog. Choose your server and hit the Authorize button.
- In the Manage Servers tab, select the server for which you’d like to add Dynobot and complete the process.
- From the Server Dashboard, scroll down the Modules section and enable Automod. Then, click SETTINGS.

- Click over to the Banned Words tab and enter the words and phrases that require filtering. When finished, hit Update.

- A list of default banned words has already been set up. Add more as needed.
- Swap back to the Settings tab. Here you can set up how Dynobot handles the use of anyone uttering profanity in chat.
- This includes an automute function for anyone using one of the filtered words, typing in ALL CAPS, creating duplicate text, and mass SPAM.