又一年即将结束,那么现在有什么更好的时间回顾并总结一些您应该使用的最佳 Android 应用程序呢?
我们挑选出在多个类别中超出预期的Android 应用程序。(Android apps)从最佳手机游戏到最佳生产力应用程序(productivity app),此列表向您展示了截至 2020 年 1 月(January 2020)Android所能提供的最佳功能。
最佳 Android 应用程序 - 概述(The Best Android Apps – Overview)
- 最佳手机游戏(Best Mobile Game)——使命召唤手游
- 最佳照片和图库应用 -(Best Photos and Gallery App – ) 1Gallery
- 最佳视频流应用程序(Best Video Streaming App)- Netflix
- 最佳新闻应用(Best News App)- Flipboard
- 最佳笔记应用程序(Best Note Taking App )- Google Keep
- 最佳生产力应用程序 -(Best Productivity App – ) Any.do
- 最佳 VPN 应用程序 -(Best VPN App – )私人互联网接入
- 最佳云存储应用 -(Best Cloud Storage App – ) Google Drive
- 最佳购物应用 -(Best Shopping App – ) Microsoft Edge(With Honey)
- 最佳团队聊天应用(Best Team Chat App – )——Slack
- 最佳健身应用(Best Fitness App)- Google Fit
最佳整体手机游戏——使命召唤手游(Call of Duty Mobile)(Best Overall Mobile Game – Call of Duty Mobile)
《使命召唤:移动版(Call of Duty: Mobile)》首周下载量突破 1 亿次,打破了记录。当你分解它时,这并不奇怪。使命(Call)召唤(Duty):移动版(Mobile)是世界上最受欢迎的第一人称射击游戏 使命(Call)召唤(Duty)的第一款真正的智能手机翻拍。(smartphone remake)
在此之前已经有大量的《使命召唤》移动游戏,(Call)但(Duty)没有什么能比得上复制控制台版本的功能。期待经典地图、团队死亡竞赛、搜索(team deathmatch and search)和摧毁等传统游戏模式,以及僵尸和大逃杀(battle royale)等其他热门游戏。
《使命(Call)召唤:移动版(Mobile)》继承了PUBG 移动(PUBG mobile)版在全球如此受欢迎的原因,拥有令人印象深刻的 3D 图形和触摸控制,任何人都可以直观地玩。很容易掌握游戏并(game and jump)投入行动。
但游戏模式和进度系统(progression system)的多样性将让玩家不断回归,甚至可能比PUBG Mobile还要多。
最佳照片和画廊应用程序 – 1Gallery(Best Photos & Gallery App – 1Gallery)
1Gallery 是2019 年为Android发布的一款出色的新图库应用(gallery app),您可以使用它来编辑照片、视频、查看您过去的记忆,并确保您的媒体安全。1Gallery 的亮点功能是您可以隐藏照片和文件夹,并将它们锁定在PIN 码(PIN)、密码或指纹 ID 后面。
1Gallery 中的所有隐藏内容均已加密,因此只要您不打开(t turn)任何云备份(cloud backup)服务,您的文件就不会被他人看到。
1Gallery 有一些基本的照片编辑(photo editing)工具,可让您对照片进行裁剪、旋转或添加滤镜。您还可以修剪视频以剪切内容。1Gallery 中还有很多(s plenty)可用的内容,例如明暗主题,以及对RAW、SVG等的(SVG)文件支持(file support)。
最佳视频流应用程序(Best Video Streaming App) - Netflix
电视和电影(TV and movie)流媒体领域有一些大牌,但利基市场的先行者Netflix仍处于领先地位。Netflix已将其巨额收益进行再投资,以推出一个又一个独家内容。
当然,Amazon Prime、HBO甚至Disney+都在做同样的事情,但Netflix做这件事的时间更长,而且他们制作了很多精彩的节目。
Netflix也在投资区域内容,因此无论您来自美国、英国、韩国(South Korea)还是其他任何地方,您都可以期望从第三方来源和Netflix独家内容中找到适合您的内容。
Netflix 应用程序(Netflix app)的设计也非常出色,可以轻松搜索、收藏甚至下载您喜欢的内容。
最佳新闻应用(Best News App)- Flipboard
当Flipboard首次取得成功时,它是一款开创性的应用程序。Flipboard在 10 年前推出后,现在可能已经过时了,但它仍然拥有管理您自己的新闻体验(news experience)的最佳系统之一。
随着您更多地使用Flipboard,您真的可以投入更多时间将应用程序转变为您自己的个人新闻空间(news space)。您可以创建个人杂志以包含您最喜欢的特定主题资源。例如,可以为电子竞技创建杂志,为高尔夫等杂志创建另一个杂志。
最佳笔记应用程序(Best Note Taking App )- Google Keep
Android上有许多功能强大的笔记应用程序,但Google Keep因其便利性而脱颖而出。记笔记(Note taking)就是能够尽快记下想法和计划,但记笔记应用程序应该通过确保您的笔记在未来实际上清晰易读并且可以通过搜索轻松找到来提升这一点。
这就是为什么Google Keep在我们的 2019 年Android 应用(Android apps)综述中占据一席之地的原因。只需(Simply)打开应用程序,点击加号按钮即可创建新笔记。从这里您可以控制快速添加图像、文本、照片、录音或复选框。
借助Google Keep背后的Google力量,这些简单的功能被放大了。例如,您的录音被转录,您将获得一个完整的文本版本(text version)来配合它。这使得搜索特定语音笔记变得容易。
您可以将笔记整理成不同的类别,与他人共享,甚至可以转录照片中的文字。而且,由于它与您的Google 帐户绑定,所有笔记都可以与您访问(Google account)Google Keep的任何设备同步。
最佳生产力应用程序 - Any.do(Best Productivity App – Any.do)
Any.do与其他应用程序也有很好的集成。您可以使用Alexa 或 Google Assistant(Alexa or Google Assistant)免提安排任务。您还可以在WhatsApp中创建任务和设置提醒。
您也可以登录您的Google 个人资料,并将所有内容(Google profile and sync everything)与您使用的所有设备同步,从而更轻松地保持井井有条、每天高效工作。
最佳 VPN 应用程序 -私人互联网接入(Private Internet Access)(Best VPN App – Private Internet Access)
有许多免费的VPN(VPNs),但我们选择了付费订阅的VPN 。更具体地说,我们可以信任的VPN应用程序。(VPN)当您连接到VPN时,您将通过第三方服务器(party server)发送所有数据,这意味着您必须信任该第三方。
许多免费的VPN 应用程序(VPN apps),甚至一些付费的应用程序,都会保留您的数据日志,并经常在其条款中声明他们“可能”将该数据发送给第三方供应商。与根本不使用VPN(VPN)相比,这对您的隐私构成更大的威胁。
私人互联网访问(Internet Access)不会保留有关您的日志,并且使用VPN获取新的Netflix 内容(Netflix content)会产生与许多其他内容不同的奇迹。使用PIA,您可以将位置切换到最多 33 个国家/地区,并为每个应用程序设置VPN的排除或包含。(VPN)Private Internet Access还以合理的价格为用户提供无限带宽——每月 9.99 美元,或每年 74.99 美元。
最佳云存储应用 - Google Drive(Best Cloud Storage App – Google Drive)
使用Android 手机(Android phone),您会发现很难不使用您的Google 帐户(Google account),尤其是在同步方面。因此,我们建议Google Drive作为(Google Drive)Android上的最佳云存储选项(cloud storage option)也就不足为奇了。
所有帐户均可免费获得 15GB 存储空间,您将获得内置的Google 文档(Google Docs)、表格(Sheets)和幻灯片(Slides)。您可以在Google Drive(Google Drive)中存储任何内容,从重要文档到电影和令人难忘的照片。不过,我们建议为后者下载(recommend downloading) Google 照片(Google Photos),以利用其无限的照片存储空间(photo storage)。
Google 强大的搜索功能在Google Drive中也可以方便地查找特定文件。在备份方面,所有内容都通过您的Google 帐户(Google account)同步,因此您可以设置文件和照片的自动备份。
最佳购物应用 - Microsoft Edge(With Honey)(Best Shopping App – Microsoft Edge (With Honey))
我们将Microsoft Edge选为 2019 年最佳购物应用(shopping app),因为它现在带有内置的Honey 集成(Honey integration)。Honey是一款可以在结账时自动将优惠券代码应用于数百个不同网站的应用程序。通过这种方式,您可以在线购买您喜欢的商品,并希望找到更好的交易。
Honey(Honey doesn)还没有独立的Android 应用程序(Android app),但我们有点喜欢它。独立的Apple 应用程序(Apple app)有点乱。它迫使您通过应用程序购买商品,并且在下订单时您必须直接与Honey打交道。
相比之下,Microsoft Edge中的Honey 集成(Honey integration)反映了Honey 桌面(Honey desktop)扩展。要打开它,请转到Microsoft Edge中的设置,点击优惠券(coupons)并选择(select)激活 Honey。
最佳团队聊天应用——Slack(Best Team Chat App – Slack)
Microsoft Teams紧随其后(close runner),但对我们而言,Slack仍然是与他人协作、管理大量用户之间的聊天以及跟踪所有重要事项的最佳选择。
聊天应用程序(chat app)的主要问题之一是并非每个人都会在线查看每条消息,因此聊天应用程序(chat app)需要具有强大的搜索功能(search feature),以便用户下次在线时可以赶上。
Slack 的搜索引擎(search engine)非常强大。您可以按时间限制进行搜索,例如,非常特定的时间段或日期之间的消息。您可以搜索包含某些单词的消息,在某些频道中搜索某些短语,或者在此处了解有关Slack 搜索工具的(Slack’s search tools here)更多信息。
Slack还为应用程序集成提供了强大的支持,使通过(Slack)Trello、Google Drive和Zendesk等第三方平台管理任务变得更加容易。您可以直接向Slack 团队(Slack team)中的成员发送消息或呼叫成员,也可以使用 @commands 在聊天中发送消息通知他们。
最佳健身应用(Best Fitness App)- Google Fit
谷歌(Google)的应用程序(s apps)获得如此高评价的原因之一是因为谷歌(Google isn)并没有试图通过他们的应用程序销售额外的功能——他们只是想改善他们的安卓操作系统的(Android operating)用户体验(user experience)。这意味着Google Fit与(Google Fit)Google的许多其他应用程序一样,具有完全免费的功能。
Google Fit拥有您所期望的所有典型功能,包括计步器、用于跑步和骑自行车的锻炼追踪器(workout tracker),以及使用Android 智能手表(Android smartwatch)时的进一步锻炼追踪。
但Google Fit也重新设计了新的关注点,专注于保持移动性。您会获得一份移动时间记录,该记录会记录您何时做一些简单的事情,例如走下楼梯或从办公室起身去喝咖啡。
11 Best Android Apps in 2020
Another year has drawn to a close, so what bettеr time to look back and round up some of the best Android apрs yоu ѕhould be using?
We’ve picked out the Android apps that exceeded expectations in a number of categories. From best mobile game to best productivity app, this list shows you the very best of what Android has to offer, as of January 2020.
The Best Android Apps – Overview
- Best Mobile Game – Call of Duty Mobile
- Best Photos and Gallery App – 1Gallery
- Best Video Streaming App – Netflix
- Best News App – Flipboard
- Best Note Taking App – Google Keep
- Best Productivity App – Any.do
- Best VPN App – Private Internet Access
- Best Cloud Storage App – Google Drive
- Best Shopping App – Microsoft Edge (With Honey)
- Best Team Chat App – Slack
- Best Fitness App – Google Fit
Call of Duty: Mobile broke records by hitting 100 million downloads in its first week. It’s no surprise when you break it down. Call of Duty: Mobile is the first true smartphone remake of Call of Duty, the world’s most popular first person shooter game.
There have been plenty of mobile Call of Duty games before this, but nothing comes this close to replicating what the console versions do. Expect classic maps, traditional game modes like team deathmatch and search and destroy, and other hits like zombies and battle royale.
Piggybacking off what made PUBG mobile so popular worldwide, Call of Duty: Mobile has impressive 3D graphics and touch controls that are intuitive for anybody to play. It’s easy to get to grips with the game and jump into the action.
But the variety of game modes and progression system will keep players coming back, perhaps even more so than PUBG Mobile.
Best Photos & Gallery App – 1Gallery
1Gallery is a great new gallery app released for Android in 2019 that you can use to edit photos, videos, view your past memories, and also keep your media safe. The highlight feature of 1Gallery is that you can hide photos and folders and lock them behind a PIN, password, or fingerprint ID.
All hidden content in 1Gallery is encrypted so your files should be safe from being seen by others as long as you don’t turn on any cloud backup services.
1Gallery has some basic photo editing tools to let you crop, rotate, or add filters to your photos. You can also trim videos to cut out content. There’s plenty more available in 1Gallery, such as a light and dark theme, and file support for RAW, SVG and much more.
Best Video Streaming App – Netflix
The TV and movie streaming space has some big names in it, but Netflix, the forerunner of the niche, is still in the lead. Netflix has reinvested its huge earnings to push out title after title of exclusive content.
Of course, both Amazon Prime, HBO and even Disney+ are doing the same, but Netflix has been doing it for longer and they’ve built an excellent selection of shows.
Netflix is also investing into regional content, so whether you’re from the US, UK, South Korea, or anywhere else, you can expect to find content for you, both from third party sources and from Netflix exclusive content.
The Netflix app is also excellently designed and it’s easy to search, favorite, and even download your favorite content.
When Flipboard first grew to success, it was a groundbreaking app. Flipboard may now be showing its age, after launching 10 years ago, but it still has one of the best systems for curating your own news experience.
With Flipboard you can choose your areas of interest and the app will deliver you a mix of curated content from editors and automatically suggested content through Flipboard’s algorithms.
As you use Flipboard more, you can really invest more time into turning the app into your own personal news space. You can create personal magazines to include your favorite sources for particular themes. For example, it’s possible to create a magazine for esports, and another for, say, golf.
Best Note Taking App – Google Keep
There are many powerful note taking apps on Android, but Google Keep stands out for its convenience. Note taking is all about being able to scribble down thoughts and plans as quickly as possible, but note taking apps should elevate that by making sure your notes are actually legible in the future and easily findable through search.
That’s why Google Keep gets the spot here in our 2019 roundup of Android apps. Simply just open the app, tap the plus button and your new note is created. From here you have controls to quickly add images, text, photos, voice recordings, or tick boxes.
With Google Keep having the power of Google behind it, these simple features are amplified. For example, your voice recordings are transcribed and you’ll get a full text version to go alongside it. This makes searching for specific voice notes easy.
You can organize notes into different categories, share with others, and even transcribe text from photos. And, with it being tied to your Google account, all notes sync up with any device you access Google Keep on.
Best Productivity App – Any.do
For when you need more than just a note taking app, Any.do will do perfectly. It starts with creating a small note for something you need to do. For example, buying a birthday gift. From there, you can start to slot in more tasks, set deadlines and sync all tasks with your calendar.
Any.do has great integration with other apps too. You can use Alexa or Google Assistant to schedule tasks hands-free. You can also create tasks and set reminders in WhatsApp.
You can sign into your Google profile and sync everything up with all devices you use, too, making it easier to stay organized and productive all day, every day.
There are many free VPNs, but we have opted to choose a VPN with a paid subscription. More specifically, a VPN app we can trust. When you connect to a VPN, you are sending all of your data through a third party server, which means you have to trust that third party.
Many free VPN apps, and even some paid ones, will keep logs of your data, and often state in their terms that they “may” send that data to third party vendors. This is more of a threat to your privacy than not using a VPN at all.
Private Internet Access keeps no logs about you and using the VPN for new Netflix content works wonders unlike many others. With PIA, you can switch locations to up to 33 countries, and set exclusions or inclusions for the VPN on a per-app basis. Private Internet Access also has unlimited bandwidth for users at a reasonable price – $9.99 per month, or $74.99/year.
Best Cloud Storage App – Google Drive
With an Android phone, you’ll find it hard not to use your Google account, especially as far as syncing is concerned. So, it’s no surprise that we’d suggest Google Drive as the best cloud storage option on Android.
All accounts get 15GB storage for free, you get built-in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. You can store anything in Google Drive, from important documents to movies and memorable photos. Although, we’d recommend downloading Google Photos for the latter to take advantage of their unlimited photo storage.
Google’s powerful search features come in handy in Google Drive for finding specific files too. In terms of backup, everything is synced through your Google account, so you can set up automatic backup for files and photos.
We’ve picked Microsoft Edge as the best shopping app in 2019 because it now comes with a built-in Honey integration. Honey is an app that can automatically apply coupon codes at checkout to hundreds of different websites. This way, you can shop for what you like online and hopefully find a better deal.
Honey doesn’t yet have a standalone Android app, but we kind of like it that way. The standalone Apple app is a bit of a mess. It forces you to go through the app to purchase items, and you have to deal with Honey directly when it comes to making orders.
In contrast, the Honey integration in Microsoft Edge mirrors the Honey desktop extension. To switch it on, go to settings in Microsoft Edge, tap coupons and select to activate Honey.
Best Team Chat App – Slack
Microsoft Teams is a close runner up, but to us Slack is still the best choice for collaborating with others, managing chats between large groups of users, and keeping track of everything important.
One of the main problems with chat apps is that not everybody will be online to see every message, so a chat app needs to have a powerful search feature so that users can catch up when they’re next online.
Slack’s search engine is very powerful. You can search by time constraints, for example, messages between very specific time periods or dates. You can search for messages containing certain words, search within certain channels for certain phrases, or well, learn more about Slack’s search tools here.
Slack also has great support for app integrations, making it easier to manage tasks through third party platforms like Trello, Google Drive, and Zendesk. You can direct message or call members in your Slack team or send messages that notify them in the chat with @commands too.
One of the reasons Google’s apps get so highly rated is because Google isn’t trying to sell extra features with their apps – they just want to improve the user experience on their stock Android operating system. This means Google Fit, like many other apps from Google, is filled with features for absolutely free.
Google Fit has all of the typical things you’d expect, including a step counter, a workout tracker for running and cycling, and further exercise tracking when using an Android smartwatch.
But Google Fit also has a new redesigned focus on just staying mobile. You are given a record of move minutes, which tracks whenever you do simple things like walking down stairs or getting up from your office to get a coffee.
You also get heart points that track each time you do a minute of moderate activity. With these features, you can focus on being more active when you can’t fit in a workout, as well as gaining motivation to go exercise when you have more free time.
That brings us to the end of our roundup of the best Android apps. This list serves to showcase the best that Android has to offer in a number of distinct categories, but if you feel we’re missing something, feel free to reach out to us.