就像购买 PC 扬声器(buying a PC speaker)一样,在选择蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器之前需要考虑几个因素。其中一些因素包括您需要蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器的用途,您将在哪里使用扬声器,以及您愿意花多少钱购买一个。
DOSS SoundBox Touch是一款低成本的蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth),旨在紧贴您的包中并随身携带。
DOSS Soundbox具有双 6W 立体声扬声器,可提供具有令人印象深刻的音量的高清立体声。该扬声器还具有易于使用的电容式触摸控制,可让您轻松更改音轨、调节音量和配对。
扬声器随附一根辅助电缆,以便您可以插入设备,但您也可以通过插入microSD 卡(microSD card)来播放音乐。DOSS SoundBox扬声器中的内置可充电电池可让您以 50% 的音量播放长达 20 小时。
您可以获得黑色、蓝色、红色、灰色、粉色和白色等多种颜色的DOSS SoundBox 。
Anker是便携式电池和优质电缆(quality cables)市场的大品牌。但是,该公司还生产了一些很棒的扬声器,包括这款砖形Soundcore 2 蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器。
Soundcore 2(Soundcore 2)扬声器坚固、坚固且便携,足以随身携带。该扬声器还提供令人印象深刻的立体声,具有均衡的高音、超过 60 英尺的 蓝牙范围和强烈的低音。(Bluetooth)
Soundcore 2配备 Anker 的电源管理技术和 5,200mAh 锂离子电池,让您可以享受长达 24 小时令人难以置信的声音。您可以获得三种颜色的Soundcore 2 :黑色(Black)、蓝色和红色。
如果您喜欢在泳池边播放音乐或在淋浴时唱歌,iFox iF012 是在水边使用的顶级蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器之一。扬声器不仅防水,而且还可以完全浸入 3 英尺深的水中 30 分钟。
iFox iF012 前面有一组大按钮,可让您直接从扬声器播放、暂停、跳过曲目以及接听或挂断电话。此外,它的吸盘可让您将扬声器牢固地固定在陶瓷、玻璃或任何其他光滑表面上。
如果您想要一个基本的蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器,具有清晰的音频和长达 10 小时的电池寿命,iFox iF012 符合要求。
AOMAIS AOMAIS Sport II+ Bluetooth扬声器采用厚实而耐用的设计,能够应对大多数跌落和污垢。它的设计使其成为旅行、皮划艇、划船或露营等户外探险活动的理想选择。
扬声器具有IPX7防水保护,这意味着它可以浸入水中长达 30 分钟,并且可以安全地防雨、防雪、防尘和防震。这使得AOMAIS Sport II+非常适合在家庭、院子、淋浴间、海滩或游泳池中使用。
AOMAIS AOMAIS Sport II+扬声器具有 20W 晶莹剔透的音质和均衡的低音,其音量足以在户外听到。电池续航(Battery life)时间长达 30 小时,具体取决于音频内容和音量。
JBL Clip 2是一款超轻、超强、超坚固的蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器。它采用圆形设计,带有一个有用的登山扣,可以夹在背包或自行车上,随身携带音乐。
该扬声器可让您以无线方式传输音乐或通过智能手机或平板电脑拨打清晰、无回声的电话。连接到Clip 2的集成 3.5 毫米音频线还允许您将扬声器插入任何设备并播放音乐、收听播客(listen to podcasts)或有声读物。
如果您想要一个可以经常在户外使用的蓝牙扬声器, (Bluetooth)Clip 2覆盖着耐用的防水面料,并具有IPX7等级。这使得它能够承受大量的溢出和飞溅。
冰球大小的Clip 2 蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器可提供稳定的高音和令人满意的低音,电池续航时间长达 8 小时。您可以从黑色、蓝色、迷彩、蓝绿色、灰色和红色中获得各种颜色的扬声器。
JBL Flip 4 蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器采用圆柱形设计、令人印象深刻的立体声音效,以及支持长达 12 小时播放时间的内置可充电电池。
您最多可以将两部智能手机或平板电脑无线连接到扬声器,并将超过 100 个启用JBL Connect+的扬声器连接在一起。这样,您和您的朋友就可以挑选音乐并在设备上播放。
凭借IPX7防水等级,您无需担心溢出、下雨,甚至将 Flip 4 扬声器浸入水中,仍能享受出色的音效。JBL Flip 4有多种颜色可供选择,包括黑色、迷彩、海蓝色、蓝绿色、红色、蓝色、灰色、三色和白色。
Ultimate Ears (UE) Wonderboom 2是一款 4 英寸高的蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth),具有 360 度全方位音效和额外低音,非常适合在学习或放松时听音乐。
UE Wonderboom 2带有户外增强模式,您可以通过按下扬声器下方的按钮来激活它,无论您身在何处都可以享受大声音。电池(Battery)续航时间为 13 小时,足以陪伴您完成骑行冒险、一日游和海滩绕行。
您可以获得五种冷色的UE Wonderboom 2 :百慕大蓝(Bermuda Blue)、碎冰灰(Crushed Ice Gray)、激进红(Radical Red)、纯桃色(Just Peach)和深空(Space)。
Bose是一家成熟的公司,以其扬声器和家庭音响系统而闻名。SoundLink Color II 蓝牙(SoundLink Color II Bluetooth)扬声器采用有趣的曲线设计,采用柔软触感的硅胶外壳,方便您在旅途中随身携带。它是市场上最好的蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器之一。
得益于创新的Bose技术和精通音频,这款扬声器带来了令人印象深刻的声音。如果您想要立体声或派对模式,您可以配对两个SoundLink扬声器。或者,您可以使用SimpleSync技术与另一台Bose Smart Home Family设备配对并同步播放。
SoundLink Color II还具有IPX4防护等级和长达 8 小时播放时间的平均电池寿命。扬声器附带一个用于免提电话的内置麦克风,因此您可以大声进行清晰的个人或电话会议。
SoundLink Color II有六种冷色可供选择:水蓝色(Aqua Blue)、柠檬色(Citron)、珊瑚红(Coral Red)、午夜蓝(Midnight Blue)、极地白(Polar White)和柔和黑(Soft Black)。
Beats Pill+ Bluetooth speaker可以让任何房间充满比其尺寸更大的声音。该扬声器具有时尚的界面、紧凑的设计,并且足够便携,可以随身携带。
Beats Pill+与蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备配对并播放,享受清晰的音质(clear sound quality)和丰富的低音。扬声器还具有 12 小时的电池寿命,并带有一个指示器,可显示剩余电量。
如果你喜欢旅行或看电影,Beats Pill+值得考虑。您还可以使用它来拨打或接听电话,或通过扬声器为手机或外部音乐设备充电。
使用Beats Pill+应用程序,您可以获得更多功能、额外的软件更新和产品支持。该应用程序还允许您携带第二个扬声器,以更有创意的方式与您的朋友一起播放音乐(creative ways to play music with your friends)。
UE Megablast是一款音质出色的蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth),具有 360 度强烈丰富的声音。该扬声器带有完整的Alexa集成和免提语音控制功能,因此您可以要求Alexa从您最喜爱的音乐流媒体服务中播放免费的音乐(blast free tunes from your favorite music streaming services)。
要获得更身临其境的声音,您最多可以配对 8个 MEGABLAST(MEGABLAST)和BLAST扬声器,或连接两个扬声器以实现立体声模式。随着公司提供新功能,您还可以通过应用程序更新UE MEGABLAST扬声器。(UE MEGABLAST)
UE MEGABLAST扬声器的电池续航时间长达 16 小时。此外,它具有IP67防水等级,因此您可以将它带到泳池边,让 Alexa 播放您最喜爱的音乐(let Alexa play your favorite tunes)。您可以获得六种颜色的UE MEGABLAST :黑色(Black)、暴雪(Blizzard)、蓝色(Blue)、蓝钢(Blue Steel)、梅洛(Merlot)和石墨黑(Graphite Black)。
Bose SoundLink Revolve+是一款灯笼式蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器,可通过真正的 360(True 360)度覆盖范围向各个方向提供深沉、令人瞠目结舌的声音。扬声器采用灵活的织物手柄,便于携带和携带。
此外,SoundLink Revolve+还防水 ( IPX4 ),并采用耐用的铝制机身。但是,它只有两种颜色:Lux Grey(Lux Gray)和Triple Black。
扬声器的可充电电池可为您提供长达 16 小时的播放时间,您可以使用其内置麦克风接听电话并免提访问 Siri 或 Google 助理。(access Siri or Google Assistant)
如果您想与其他人同步播放音频,您可以使用SimpleSync技术将两个SoundLink扬声器配对在一起。您还可以使用Bose Connect应用程序在(Bose Connect)蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备之间轻松切换,并获取有关如何从蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器获得更多功能的提示。
DemerBox DB2 蓝牙(DemerBox DB2 Bluetooth)扬声器具有防挤压Pelican外壳和令人难以置信的 40 小时电池寿命。与扬声器的设计相结合的是其响亮、清脆的声音和有力的低音。所有这些特性使DemerBox DB2成为一个出色的户外探险伴侣。
此外,您不必担心下雨或溅水,因为DemerBox DB2具有防水外壳。该保护套可兼作钥匙、钱包和手机等贵重物品的存储空间。
不要被DemerBox DB2的外观和大小所迷惑。这款扬声器重量轻,体积小巧,便于随身携带。您还可以通过扬声器的内部USB充电为(USB)您的设备(charge your device)充电,并配对多个DemerBox扬声器以获得丰富的户外音响系统体验。
DemerBox DB2(DemerBox DB2)提供三种颜色:哈斯特橙(Haast Orange)、佩萨罗绿(Pesaro Green)和罗索蓝(Roseau Blue)。
随时随地享受您的音乐(Enjoy Your Music Anywhere)
12 Best Bluetooth Speakers In 2020
Finding the best Bluetooth speakеr can be triсky. The ѕheer amount of choices in terms of sizes, prices, and unique features can seem overwhelming.
Just like buying a PC speaker, there are a few factors to consider before you pick a Bluetooth speaker. Some of the factors include what you need the Bluetooth speaker for, where you’ll use the speaker, and how much you’re willing to spend to get one.
Whether you’re looking for a portable speaker for your home office, or a rugged speaker for the beach, this list of the best Bluetooth speakers provides some of the best options worth considering.
The DOSS SoundBox Touch is a low-cost Bluetooth speaker designed to fit snugly in your bag and carry with you on the go.
The DOSS Soundbox has dual 6W stereo speakers that deliver high definition stereo sound with impressive volume. The speaker also has easy-to-use, capacitive touch controls that allow you change tracks, adjust volume, and pair effortlessly.
An aux cable is included with the speaker so that you can plug in your device, but you can also play music by inserting a microSD card. The built-in rechargeable battery in the DOSS SoundBox speaker gives you up to 20 hours of playtime at 50 percent volume.
You can get the DOSS SoundBox in a variety of colors such as black, blue, red, grey, pink, and white.
Anker is a big brand in the portable batteries and quality cables market. However, the company also makes some great speakers including this brick-shaped Soundcore 2 Bluetooth speaker.
The Soundcore 2 speaker is solid, sturdy, and portable enough to carry around with you. The speaker also offers an impressive stereo sound with balanced high tones, Bluetooth range of more than 60 feet, and intense bass.
The speaker also has an aux port that lets you connect a Bluetooth-incompatible device to play music. Plus, its IPX7 protection safeguards the speaker against rain, spills, dust, and snow.
Soundcore 2 comes with Anker’s power management technology and a 5,200mAh Li-ion battery, so that you can enjoy up to 24 hours of incredible sound. You can get the Soundcore 2 in three colors: Black, blue, and red.
If you love to play music by the pool or sing in the shower, the iFox iF012 is one of the top Bluetooth speakers to use around water. Not only is the speaker waterproof, but it’s also fully submersible in water up to 3 feet for thirty minutes.
The iFox iF012 has a set of large buttons on the front that let you play, pause, skip tracks, and answer or end calls directly from the speaker. Plus, its suction cup allows you to attach the speaker securely to ceramic, glass, or any other smooth surface.
If you want a basic Bluetooth speaker, with clear audio and up to ten hours of battery life, the iFox iF012 fits the bill.
The AOMAIS Sport II+ Bluetooth speaker has a chunky but durable design that’s able to handle most drops and dirt. Its design makes it ideal for traveling, kayaking, boating, or camping among other outdoor adventures.
The speaker comes with IPX7 waterproof protection, meaning it can be submerged in water for up to 30 minutes, and safe against rain, snow, dust, and shock. This makes the AOMAIS Sport II+ perfect for use in the home, yard, shower, beach, or pool.
The AOMAIS Sport II+ speaker is loud enough to be heard outdoors thanks to its 20W crystal clear sound with balanced bass. Battery life is up to 30 hours, which varies based on the audio content and volume level.
Basic controls on top of the speaker allow you to play, pause, and skip tracks, control volume, and make or end calls. There’s also a built-in noise-canceling microphone for hands-free speakerphone, and an auxiliary jack and cable for a wired connection.
The JBL Clip 2 is an ultra-light, ultra-powerful, and ultra-rugged Bluetooth speaker. It rocks a circular design with a helpful carabiner to clip to a backpack or your bike, and take your music wherever you go.
The speaker allows you to stream music wirelessly or make clear, echo-free phone calls from a smartphone or tablet. An integrated 3.5mm audio cable attached to the Clip 2 also allows you to plug the speaker to any device and play music, listen to podcasts or audiobooks.
If you want a Bluetooth speaker you can use outside frequently, the Clip 2 is covered with durable waterproof fabric, and has an IPX7 rating. This makes it capable of withstanding plenty of spills and splashes.
The puck-size Clip 2 Bluetooth speaker delivers solid treble and satisfying bass sound and battery life of up to 8 hours. You can get the speaker in a variety of colors from black, blue, camo, teal, grey, and red.
The JBL Flip 4 Bluetooth speaker has a cylindrical design, impressive stereo sound, and a built-in rechargeable battery that supports up to 12 hours of playtime.
You can connect up to two smartphones or tablets wirelessly to the speaker and link over 100 JBL Connect+ enabled speakers together. This way, you and your friends can pick music and play it on the device.
With an IPX7 waterproof rating, you won’t have to worry about spills, rain, or even submerging your Flip 4 speaker in water, and still enjoy downright outstanding sound. The JBL Flip 4 is available in a slew of colors including black, camouflage, ocean blue, teal, red, blue, grey, trio, and white.
The Ultimate Ears (UE) Wonderboom 2 is a 4-inch tall Bluetooth speaker with big 360 sound and additional bass, making it great for listening to music while studying or relaxing.
The speaker has an IPX7 waterproof rating, dust protection, and it floats so you can use it in the pool, beach, or as a shower speaker. Plus, it’s drop-proof, dirt-resistant, and ultra-portable so you can slide the speaker into any beach bag or backpack with ease.
The UE Wonderboom 2 comes with an outdoor boost mode that you can activate by pressing a button underneath the speaker and enjoy big sound wherever you are. Battery life is 13 hours, which is enough to see you through biking adventures, day trips, and beach detours.
You can get the UE Wonderboom 2 in five cool colors: Bermuda Blue, Crushed Ice Gray, Radical Red, Just Peach, and Deep Space.
Bose is an established company best known for its speakers and home audio systems. The SoundLink Color II Bluetooth speaker has a fun, curvy design with a soft touch silicone exterior that makes it easy to carry around when you’re on the go. It’s one of the best Bluetooth speakers on the market.
The speaker packs impressive sound thanks to the innovative Bose technology and audio mastery. If you want stereo or party mode, you can pair two SoundLink speakers. Alternatively, you can use the SimpleSync technology to pair with another Bose Smart Home Family device and play in sync.
SoundLink Color II is also splash-proof with an IPX4 rating and an average battery life of up to 8 hours of playtime. A built-in mic for speakerphone is included with the speaker so you can take clear personal or conference calls out loud.
The SoundLink Color II is available in six cool colors: Aqua Blue, Citron, Coral Red, Midnight Blue, Polar White, and Soft Black.
The Beats Pill+ Bluetooth speaker fills any room with sound that’s bigger than its size. The speaker has a sleek interface, compact design, and is portable enough to carry wherever you go.
You can pair and play the Beats Pill+ with your Bluetooth device, and enjoy clear sound quality with rich bass. The speaker also has a 12-hour battery life with an indicator that shows you how much battery is left.
If you love traveling or watching movies, the Beats Pill+ is worth considering. You can also use it to make or receive calls, or charge your phone or external music device from the speaker.
With the Beats Pill+ app, you get even more features, additional software updates, and product support. The app also allows you to bring a second speaker for more creative ways to play music with your friends.
The UE Megablast is a great-sounding Bluetooth speaker with 360 degree intensely rich sound. The speaker comes with full Alexa integration and hands-free voice control so you can ask Alexa to blast free tunes from your favorite music streaming services.
For more immersive sound, you can pair up to 8 MEGABLAST and BLAST speakers, or connect two speakers for stereo mode. You can also update the UE MEGABLAST speaker via the app as new features are availed by the company.
The UE MEGABLAST speaker’s battery life lasts up to 16 hours. Plus, it has an IP67 waterproof rating so you can bring it by the pool and let Alexa play your favorite tunes. You can get the UE MEGABLAST in six colors: Black, Blizzard, Blue, Blue Steel, Merlot, and Graphite Black.
The Bose SoundLink Revolve+ is a lantern-style Bluetooth speaker that delivers deep, jaw dropping sound in every direction with True 360 degree coverage. The speaker is portable with a flexible fabric handle, making it easy to grab and go.
Plus, the SoundLink Revolve+ is also water resistant (IPX4) and built with a durable aluminum body. However, it only comes in two colors: Lux Gray and Triple Black.
The speaker’s rechargeable battery gives you up to 16 hours of playtime, and you can use its built-in mic to take calls and access Siri or Google Assistant hands-free.
If you want to play audio in sync with others, you can pair two SoundLink speakers together using the SimpleSync technology. You can also use the Bose Connect app to switch easily between Bluetooth devices, and get tips on how to get more from your Bluetooth speaker.
The DemerBox DB2 Bluetooth speaker has a crush-proof Pelican case and an incredible battery life of 40 hours. Coupled with the speaker’s design is its loud, crisp sound with punchy bass. All these features make the DemerBox DB2 a great outdoor adventure companion.
Plus, you won’t have to worry about rain or spills because the DemerBox DB2 has a waterproof case. The case doubles as a storage for your valuables such as keys, wallet, and your phone.
Don’t be fooled by the look and size of the DemerBox DB2. This speaker is lightweight and its compact size makes it easy to take anywhere. You can also charge your device through the speaker’s internal USB charging, and pair multiple DemerBox speakers for a rich outdoor sound system experience.
The DemerBox DB2 comes in three colors: Haast Orange, Pesaro Green, and Roseau Blue.
Enjoy Your Music Anywhere
Bluetooth speakers can be used just about anywhere, including outdoors. This also means that the best Bluetooth speaker you pick should have more than just cute colors and sleek designs.
It should be resistant to weather elements such as rain, dust, and more. All the Bluetooth speakers listed above come in good portable sizes, have good battery life, sturdy build, and deliver quality sound for any occasion at reasonable prices.
What’s your favorite Bluetooth speaker? Tell us about it in the comments.