如果您想运行密集的 3D 应用程序或希望在支持GPU(GPU)加速的应用程序中获得更好的性能,显卡是必不可少的组件。几乎任何预算都有独立显卡,但其中许多都是糟糕的选择,即使与价格完全相同的其他显卡相比也是如此。
您还可能正在构建一个具有高端CPU的系统,但缺少任何类型的集成GPU。在这种情况下,这款RX 550也是一款出色的显卡,可为非游戏系统添加优质的通用图形性能。
一般来说,我们不建议有人在 2020 年购买只有 4GB 内存的 GPU,但如果您正在寻找基本 PC 游戏的门票,GTX 1650是集成(GTX 1650)CPU显卡的一大进步。
Zotac的这款型号是紧凑的单风扇设计,价格非常合理。如果您以 1080p 或更低的分辨率进行游戏,并且对现代游戏中的中低设置感到满意,那么GTX 1650将为您提供高度可玩的性能。
如果您是使用可以利用 Nvidia 的“ CUDA ”加速功能的工具的内容创建者,那么 1650 也可以为他们提供显着的提升。这是一张出色的全能卡,在现代游戏中仍能提供不错的游戏体验,并为 PC 目录中更远的游戏提供出色的体验。
Nvidia GTX 1660 GPU共有三种型号:1660、1660 Super和 1660Ti。super 是该系列中的最新型号,尽管CUDA内核比 Ti 略少,但它在游戏中的性能比更昂贵的显卡低 3%。
如果你在玩 1080p 游戏并且不关心光线追踪(ray tracing),那么 1660 Super与你所能得到的最好的显卡一样接近。它应该在中高设置下以每秒 60 帧的速度播放大多数现代游戏。大多数情况下,根据标题,所有游戏内设置都处于高位。
该卡的MSI版本也是最酷和最安静的版本之一,这就是我们特别推荐这款卡的原因。如果您使用其他利用GPU加速的软件(例如视频编辑器),1660 Super也会给它们带来显着的提升。它真的是一个甜心显卡。
RTX 2060是一款相当不错的显卡,其原始性能与上一代旗舰发布卡GTX 1080一致。(GTX 1080)这已经是一个很大的飞跃,但Nvidia已经用(Nvidia)RTX 2060 Super跟进了这张卡。性能接近RTX 2070卡,但价格大幅降低的卡。
这可能是最好的全能中上层卡。它可以处理任何你可以扔给它的 1080p 游戏。它还可以以 60fps 的速度处理 1440p 游戏,可能会在这里和那里进行一些削减。但是,如果包含特殊技术,真正让RTX 2060 Super与众不同的是什么。(Super)与其他RTX卡一样,2060 Super具有专用的光线追踪硬件以及专用的深度学习硬件。
它拥有足够多的RTX内核,让您体验光线追踪的核心优势,同时仍保持可播放的帧率。您还可以使用深度学习超级采样 (DLSS)(Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS))等技术,该技术可以通过使用 AI 将较低分辨率的渲染重建为屏幕的原始分辨率,从而极大地促进高分辨率游戏。如果这些对您来说听起来像是令人兴奋的技术并且这是您预算的限制,那么 2060 Super是一款出色的显卡。
这款Gigabyte显卡将强大的RTX 2060 压缩(RTX 2060)成一个微型 mini-ITX 友好的外形尺寸。2060 是现代游戏中的杀手级 1920×1080 分辨率卡,可以毫无怨言地处理 1080p 超宽和 1440p 分辨率,尽管您可能需要将游戏中的一些设置降低一两个档次。
当然,这种物理尺寸还有更强大的显卡可用,但我们认为这款 2060 显卡在这个相对小众的显卡领域达到了价格和性能的最佳位置。
1440p 选择:XFX RX 5700 XT 三倍耗散 8GB(XFX RX 5700 XT Triple Dissipation 8GB) – 379.99 美元
如果您不关心光线追踪或基于机器学习的功能(例如DLSS),而只想要原始性能,那么这就是您的显卡。5700XT 的性能与 2060 Super(Super)大致相同,但始终以较低的价格出售。
如果您的预算紧张且RTX功能无关紧要,那么在您的GPU上节省 50 美元可以让您升级另一个组件。AMD在当前的显卡阵容中可能表现不佳,但RX 5700XT在市场上确实占有一席之地。
当RTX系列显卡首次推出时,RTX 2080是旗舰型号,具有旗舰价格。2080 确实是市场上第一款可行的原生 4K GPU ,这让您不得不付出的令人瞠目结舌的美元数字变得更加柔和。
虽然官方发布的价格是 699 美元,但实际上这些卡的易手价格要高得多。即使在今天,你也会看到二手 2080 以 1000 美元的价格出售,尽管有人会支付这个价格是值得怀疑的。
没有人支付溢价的原因之一是RTX 2070 Super的性能在 2080 的 2-3% 范围内。然而,与 2080 不同的是,这种更成熟的芯片并不缺乏。您实际上可以以 700 美元或更少的价格购买一台。与卡的EVGA版本一样,提供了出色的工厂超频。
就其本身而言,2070 Super是一款了不起的显卡,但它值得一打,因为它的市场价格与我们列表中的下一张显卡非常接近。
极致性能价值之王(Extreme Performance Value King):EVGA RTX 2080 Super(EVGA RTX 2080 Super) – 719.99 美元
2080 Super的性能比股票RTX 2070 Super高出约 12-16%,很难放弃,因为从市场价格来看,它仅比 2070 高出约 50 美元。这似乎是一笔不错的交易,多支付 7% 的费用就能获得 12% 的性能提升。
但是,请记住,RTX 2070可以购买更小的物理尺寸,而且它通常更安静、更凉爽。它还需要一个输出功率多 50-100 瓦的电源。因此,如果您需要升级PSU或机箱为 2080 Super腾出空间,2070 Super几乎肯定是更好的选择。
如果您的PSU和机箱已经满足要求,那么 2080 Super更有意义,但这仅在您不必升级其他组件来适应它的情况下才适用。
RTX 2080 Ti 是无可争议的游戏显卡之王。它比 2080 Super(Super)遥遥领先,足以证明其价格合理。如果您想以原始 4K 分辨率玩游戏,并调高细节,它确实是唯一一款价格“合理”的可用显卡。话虽如此,2080 Ti 的原始性能数据看起来与即将推出的Xbox Series X系统一样好。
一方面,这意味着 2080Ti 应该让您的系统适应未来的基准、下一代跨平台游戏。另一方面,我们建议此时等待 30 系列Nvidia显卡,因为当新显卡发布时,它们的中端价格可能会与 2080Ti 相匹配。
Quadro系列显卡并非用于游戏(当然可以),而是用于专业工作站应用程序。因此,虽然RTX 4000的性能与 2060 Super差不多,但它的价格却与RTX 2080 Super相似。
你付什么钱?Quadro卡经过(Quadro)Photoshop、Premiere Pro、3D 建模软件(3D modelling software)、CAD等专业应用程序的测试和认证。如果您基于 GPU 的工作是关键任务并且停机时间会花费您金钱,那么Quadro卡是正确的选择。游戏的名称是稳定性、可靠性和准确性。RTX 4000 是我们推荐任何人购买的最低端Quadro卡。(Quadro)
Quadro in Disguise:Titan RTX(参考模型)(The Titan RTX (Reference Model)) – 2499.99 美元
如果您想拥有在撰写本文时存在的最快的单 GPU 解决方案,那么RTX Titan从字面上、客观上来说是唯一的选择。
RTX Titan的售价高达 2499 美元,与冲动购买完全相反。这也是一张我们绝对不推荐给任何正在寻找游戏解决方案的人的卡。如果您想要终极视频游戏卡,请选择RTX 2080 Ti。
另一方面,如果您正在寻找便宜的专业工作站卡,这可能是一个不错的选择。凭借高达 24GB 的RAM、大量机器学习功能和所有最新的 RTX 功能,它是一种“经济实惠”的方式,可以为图形和通用GPU任务获得工作站级性能。
需要注意的是,您没有获得 Nvidia 支持的Quadro认证、支持或驱动程序。如果您想在游戏系统上花这么多钱,只需购买两张 2080 Ti 卡并将它们连接起来即可获得真正疯狂的性能。
RTX 4000是专业显卡的入门级,但RTX 8000是该系列的巅峰之作。在高达 5 美元的情况下,这非常适合卡将自己付费的用例。
创造下一部CG 好莱坞(CG Hollywood)大片的高端工作站、复杂的计算机模拟和尖端的人工智能项目都符合这一描述。事实是,需要其中一张卡的每个人都已经知道它。尽管如此,对于我们这些凡人来说,盯着这样特别的东西总是很有趣。
在我们看来,这 12 张卡片中的每一张都代表了其预期用途的“最佳”产品。这(Which)并不总能帮助您根据自己的需求做出正确的选择。
因此,如果您仍然对购买哪种显卡最好感到困惑,请继续阅读我们关于如何选择显卡(choose a graphics card)的文章。希望(Hopefully)我们已经设法稍微缩小了选择范围,让您的决定更容易。
12 Best Graphics Cards In 2020
Graphics cards are an essential component if you want to run intense 3D appliсatіons or want better performance in applications that support GPU acceleration. There’s a discrete graphics card for just about any budget, but many of them are poor choices, even compared against other graphics cards at exactly the same price.
We’ve scoured the listings and compiled a list of the best graphics cards for their intended purpose and price point. We’ll start with the most budget-friendly cards and finish with GPUs that can make almost any wallet cry.
Not everyone wants to use their GPU for gaming, but can still make use of a decent amount of GPU power. While integrated graphics in CPUs improve every year, there’s no reason to stick with their relative lack of power in a desktop system.
If you’re running off integrated graphics in a system with an older CPU, there’s a good chance that, while your CPU is still good, the integrated graphics is really struggling with modern applications..
You might also be building a system with a high-end CPU, lacking any sort of integrated GPU whatsoever. In which case this RX 550 is also a great card to add premium general-purpose graphics performance to systems that aren’t intended for gaming.
In general, we can’t recommend that someone buy a GPU with only 4GB of memory in 2020, but if you’re looking for a ticket to basic PC gaming, the GTX 1650 is a major step up over integrated CPU graphics.
This model from Zotac is a compact, single-fan design at a very reasonable price. If you game at 1080p or lower resolutions and are happy with low-medium settings in modern games, then the GTX 1650 will give you highly-playable performance.
If you’re a content creator who uses tools that can take advantage of Nvidia’s “CUDA” acceleration feature, the 1650 can also provide a significant boost to them. It’s a great all-round card that still provides a decent gaming experience in modern titles and an excellent experience for games further back in the PC catalog.
There are three models of the Nvidia GTX 1660 GPU: 1660,1660 Super and 1660Ti. The super is the newest model in the range and, despite having slightly fewer CUDA cores than the Ti, it gets within 3% of the more expensive card’s performance in games.
With a factory-overclocked model such as this MSI unit, the difference is effectively nothing. Which means you can funnel the money you’ve saved to another component (such as the CPU or RAM) for more balanced performance.
If you’re gaming at 1080p and don’t care about ray tracing, then the 1660 Super is as close to the best graphics card as you’ll get. It should play most contemporary games at 60 frames per second at medium to high settings. Most often that’s with all in-game settings on high, depending on the title.
The MSI version of the card is also one of the coolest and quietest versions, which is why we are recommending this one in particular. If you use other software that takes advantage of GPU acceleration (such as video editors), the 1660 Super will also give them a significant boost. It really is a sweetheart graphics card.
The RTX 2060 is a pretty decent graphics card, giving raw performance in line with the GTX 1080, which was the flagship launch card from the previous generation. That’s already a big leap, but Nvidia has followed up that card with the RTX 2060 Super. A card that approaches the RTX 2070 card in performance, but at a significant price cut.
This is probably the best all-round mid-upper tier card. It will handle anything you can throw at it for 1080p gaming. It will also handle 1440p gaming at 60fps, with perhaps a few cuts here and there. However, what really sets the RTX 2060 Super apart if it’s inclusion of special technology. Like other RTX cards, the 2060 Super has dedicated ray-tracing hardware as well as dedicated deep learning hardware.
It has enough RTX cores to let you experience the core advantages of ray tracing, while still maintaining playable frame rates. You also get access to technology such as Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) which can give a serious boost to high-resolution gaming by using AI to reconstruct lower-resolution rendering to the native resolution of your screen. If these sound like exciting technologies to you and this is the limit of your budget, the 2060 Super is an excellent graphics card.
If you want to build a small form-factor computer either to save space on your desk or as a pseudo-console installed under your TV, then finding a graphics card that will fit those cases can be hard.
This Gigabyte graphics card squeezes the punchy RTX 2060 into a tiny mini-ITX friendly form-factor. The 2060 is a killer 1920×1080 resolution card in modern titles and will handle 1080p ultra-wide and 1440p resolutions with little complaint, though you might need to snip a few in-game settings down a notch or two.
Of course, there are more powerful cards available in this physical size, but we think this 2060 card hits the sweet spot of price and performance in this relatively niche graphics card segment.
If you don’t care about ray tracing or machine-learning based features such as DLSS, and just want raw performance, this is your graphics card. The 5700XT performs about the same as a 2060 Super, but consistently sells for a lower price.
If your budget is tight and the RTX features don’t matter, then saving $50 on your GPU can allow you to upgrade another component instead. AMD might not be doing too well in the current graphics card lineup, but the RX 5700XT does have a comfortable spot in the market.
When the RTX line of graphics cards first launched, the RTX 2080 was the flagship model, at a flagship price. The eye-watering number of dollars you had to part with was only softened by the fact that the 2080 was really the first viable native 4K GPU on the market.
While the launch price was officially $699, in reality these cards were changing hands for much more. Even today you’ll see used 2080s on sale for $1000, though it’s doubtful anyone is paying that price.
One of the reasons no one pays that premium is that the RTX 2070 Super comes within 2-3% of the 2080’s performance. However, unlike the 2080, there’s no shortage of this more mature silicon. You can actually get one for $700 or less. As with the EVGA version of the card, there are great factory overclocks on offer.
On its own, the 2070 Super is an amazing graphics card, but it’s worth hunting for one on sale, because it’s market price is perilously close to that of the next card on our list.
The Extreme Performance Value King: EVGA RTX 2080 Super – $719.99
Coming in at about 12-16% more performance than the stock RTX 2070 Super, the 2080 Super is a hard deal to pass up, considering that it’s only about $50 more than the 2070 when looking at market prices. It seems like a good deal, paying about 7% more for 12% more performance.
However, keep in mind that the RTX 2070 can be bought in smaller physical sizes, and it’s generally quieter and cooler as well. It also needs a power supply with 50-100 more watts of output. So if you need to upgrade your PSU or case to make space for the 2080 Super, the 2070 Super is almost certainly the better choice.
If your PSU and case are already up to it, then the 2080 Super makes more sense, but this is only true if you don’t have to upgrade other components to accommodate it.
The RTX 2080 Ti is the undisputed king of gaming graphics cards. It pulls far enough ahead of the 2080 Super to justify its price. If you want to play games at a native 4K resolution with the details dialed up, it’s really the only viable card at a “sensible” price. That being said, the raw performance figures for the 2080 Ti look about as good as the upcoming Xbox Series X system.
On the one hand this means a 2080Ti should future-proof your system for baseline, next-generation cross-platform games. On the other hand, we’d recommend waiting for 30-series Nvidia cards at this point, since their more mid-range fare is likely to match the 2080Ti when the new graphics cards release.
The Quadro series of cards are not meant for gaming (though of course they can) but instead are meant for professional workstation applications. So while the RTX 4000 performs about as well as a 2060 Super, it’s priced like an RTX 2080 Super.
What are you paying for? Quadro cards are tested and certified with professional applications such as Photoshop, Premiere Pro, 3D modelling software, CAD and so on. If your GPU-based work is mission critical and downtime will cost you money, then a Quadro card is the right choice. The name of the game is stability, reliability and accuracy. The RTX 4000 is the lowest-end Quadro card we’d recommend anyone buy.
If you want to own the single fastest single-GPU solution that exists at the time of writing, then the RTX Titan is literally, objectively, the only choice.
At a staggering $2499 the RTX Titan is the extreme opposite of an impulse purchase. It’s also a card we absolutely do not recommend for anyone who is looking for a gaming solution. If you want the ultimate video game card, go with the RTX 2080 Ti.
If, on the other hand, you’re looking for a cheap professional workstation card, this might be a good alternative. With a whopping 24GB of RAM, oodles of machine learning grunt and all the latest RTX features, it’s an “affordable” way to get workstation-grade performance for both graphical and general-purpose GPU tasks.
The caveat is that you don’t get the Nvidia-backed Quadro certification, support, or drivers. If you want to spend this much money on a gaming system, just buy two 2080 Ti cards and hook them up for truly insane performance.
The RTX 4000 is the entry-level to professional graphics, but the RTX 8000 is the pinnacle of the range. At a whopping five grand, this is strictly suitable for use cases where the card will pay for itself.
High-end workstations that are creating the next CG Hollywood blockbuster, sophisticated computer simulations and cutting edge artificial intelligence projects all fit this description. The truth is, everyone who needs one of these cards already knows about it. Still, it’s always fun for us mere mortals to gawk at something as special as this.
A Matter of Choice
These 12 cards each represent, in our opinion, a “best” product for their intended purpose. Which doesn’t always help you make the right choice for your own needs.
So if you’re still confused about which are the best graphics card to buy, head on over to our article on how to choose a graphics card. Hopefully we’ve managed to narrow down the list of choices just a little, to make your decision easier.