由于各种原因,Apple 的MacBook笔记本电脑系列很受欢迎。(MacBook)有些人喜欢构建质量和设计(quality and design),有些人是 macOS 的忠实粉丝,有些人只是想在当地咖啡店(coffee shop)创作最新剧本时看起来很时尚。
无论您出于何种原因对这些纤巧的翻盖式计算机感兴趣,选择合适的计算机都可能是一种令人毛骨悚然的体验。Apple很少更新他们的MacBook(MacBooks) ,两台乍一看完全一样的机器在引擎盖下可能会有很大的不同 。(look)
因此,我们将查看当前的每款MacBook型号,并帮助您根据每种型号的优势选择您应该购买的合适的MacBook 。
您需要 MacBook 做什么?(What Do You Need Your MacBook To Do?)
在我们真正仔细阅读MacBook(MacBooks)购买目录之前,有必要停下来谈谈你(you)。毕竟,购买MacBook是一项不小的财务决策,您必须确保它能够帮助您度过典型用户需要的 4 到 5 年。
- 你(Are)是普通用户吗?也就是说,您是否使用计算机浏览网页、做一些基本的办公工作(office work)和观看一些视频?
- 你是(Are)一个做更多雄心勃勃的事情的中层用户吗?也许您编辑高清视频(HD video)、制作音乐或喜欢时不时地玩电子游戏(video game)?
- 或者,您是专业用户吗?您是否从事需要复杂计算或对时间高度敏感的工作?换句话说,时间对你来说真的是金钱吗?
我们正在研究的每款MacBook(MacBooks)都在一定程度上满足了这些不同级别的用户需求,因此,如果您清楚地知道自己想要 MacBook 做什么,请继续阅读。
当前的 MacBook 型号(Current MacBook Models)
我们将在本节中讨论的MacBook是(MacBooks)截至 2020 年 1 月(January 2020)的最新型号。我们会在新模型发布时更新文章,因此请务必定期查看我们的结论是否已更改。
目前 MacBook 系列中只有三个产品线。这包括(MacBook range.This)新的MacBook Air、带触控栏的MacBook Pro (Touchbar)13(MacBook Pro 13)英寸和MacBook Pro 16英寸。
我们将 13 英寸型号分为两层,因为它们有显着差异,不应相互混淆。
仅限入门级用户:(Entry-level Users Only: )MacBook Air 2019
MacBook Air是你能买到的最便宜的MacBook,2019 年的更新使推荐零售价下降(price drop)了 100 美元。Air的机身与MacBook Pro 13英寸不同,采用楔形机身,作者可能会喜欢它。
这是2019 年MacBook更新中唯一的(MacBook)双核(dual-core) MacBook 机型(MacBook model),这意味着如果您需要它做的不仅仅是浏览网页、文字处理(word processing)、电子表格和YouTube ,您应该寻找其他地方。对于大多数人来说,大多数时候,新Air会很好。
它具有采用TrueTone 技术的出色 13.3 英寸(TrueTone technology)Retina 显示屏(Retina display)。过去只有“专业”产品才有的东西。TrueTone 根据您的照明条件调整显示,以显示一致的色温(color temperature)。您还可以使用此型号获得两个Thunderbolt端口和TouchID ,这在(TouchID)预算机器(budget machine)中是一个不错的选择。
这也是目前唯一一款仍具有物理功能键的新款MacBook,因为新款 13 英寸MacBook Pro配备了TouchBar。
Air是唯一一款采用金色的MacBook,如果你喜欢的话,它的重量比配备TouchBar的(TouchBar)13 英寸 MacBook Pro(MacBook Pro 13)轻约 200 克。这是给你的吗?
谁应该购买 2019 款 MacBook Air?(Who Should Buy the MacBook Air 2019?)
对于对计算机有非常基本要求的人来说,MacBook Air是一款出色的笔记本电脑。(MacBook Air)它的基本配置(base configuration)带有 8GB 或RAM和 128GB 的存储空间。考虑到用例(use case),我们不建议任何人为更多RAM或存储空间付费(anyone pay)。
事实上,由于基本型号 Air 和带(base model Air and base model MacBook Pro)TouchBar的基本型号 MacBook Pro 13" 的价格仅相差 200 美元,因此我们不建议(t recommend) 任何人(anyone)购买 2019 Air,除非您绝对无法超出预算。
为什么?因为多花 200 美元,您将获得两个额外的CPU内核、一个明显更亮的屏幕(brighter screen)、更好的扬声器和一个明显更好的集成GPU。但是,如果您确实觉得Air足以满足您的需求,那么它是一款精美且制作精良的机器,并且仍然具有macOS 体验(macOS experience)。
入门级MacBook Pro代表了我们见过的最重大的一代升级之一。这些新款MacBook Pro(MacBook Pros)配备四核CPU,是之前型号的两倍。这使得MacBook Pro 13 ” 成为更繁重的(MacBook Pro 13)照片编辑(photo editing)、高清(和一些(some )4K)视频编辑和更快速的一般桌面体验(desktop experience)的可行解决方案。
这个型号有两个Thunderbolt端口,就像Air一样。它也有一个四四方方的设计(boxier design),但几乎适合Air的任何地方。Air的性能牺牲当然不值得您获得的边际额外便携性。Pro是任何人都衡量的超极本级(measure ultrabook-class)。
四核CPU还意味着通过 Thunderbolt 3 使用 eGPU(外部 GPU(external GPU))可以将这款主流笔记本电脑变成真正的台式机强者(desktop powerhouse)。无论(Whether)是游戏还是依赖 GPU 的应用程序,四核CPU与Breakaway Puck eGPU之类的东西相结合,确实可以使它成为一个实用的选择。
它的屏幕也明显比Air更亮,通常更好,这对于需要准确颜色的照片和视频的内容创作者来说很重要。这也是入门级Pro首次自带TouchBar 和 TouchID(TouchBar and TouchID)。尽管您是否喜欢TouchBar是一个偏好问题。
谁应该购买带有 TouchBar 2019 的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro?(Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 13” With TouchBar 2019?)
这是绝大多数客户应该购买的MacBook 。屏幕非常大,处理器(processor beefy)足够强大,几乎可以做任何事情,而且它的屏幕非常好。
除非您绝对知道(know )自己需要它,否则我们不建议您为 256GB存储选项(storage option)与基本 128GB(base 128GB)存储选项支付额外费用。因为您可以用更少的钱和更多的容量购买非常好的USB-C SSD。然而,对于长视频编辑项目和严肃的多任务处理,选择 16GB RAM 选项是一个不错的选择。(RAM option)由于用户无法升级RAM或内部SSD ,因此您必须从一开始就做出选择。(SSD)
添加 eGPU 和这种新的四核 CPU 的选项改变了 13 英寸MacBook Pro的可能性,并且在整个现代MacBook 稳定(MacBook stable)版中根本没有更好的性价比选项(bang-for-buck option)。您也可以花 300 美元购买 1.7 Ghz 型号(Ghz model),但性能(performance doesn)上(t track)的差异并不会随着价格的急剧上涨而变化。
话虽如此, Core i7 (Core i7) CPU在这个稍微好一点的模型中的超线程功能可以在视频编码渲染等任务中发挥作用。如果您要使用能够证明拥有八个软件线程的软件,那么值得考虑。但是,大多数人应该坚持使用 i5。
与入门级设备的基本(base model)型号(base model)相比,配备TouchBar的高端MacBook Pro 13英寸基本型号的成本要高出整整 500 美元。那么你能从这么大的变化中得到什么?
这里的第一个显着区别是增加了另外两个Thunderbolt端口。这意味着您可以从两侧为 MacBook 充电,并且可以连接更多外围设备,而无需投资扩展坞。现在,老实说,大多数人只需要两个端口和一个漂亮的码头就可以了。然而,不可否认拥有备用端口是一种奢侈。
另一个很大的区别是 2.4Ghz 四核CPU和更大的基础型号(base model) SSD 容量(SSD capacity)。与入门级MacBook Pro 13的 128GB (MacBook Pro 13)SSD相比,拥有 256GB 固然不错,但同样,外置SSD(SSDs)每 GB 的价格要便宜得多(much ),而且对于几乎每个人来说都足够快。
那么升级后的 i5 的额外性能是否值得价格上涨?在纸面上似乎确实如此。然而,这款更昂贵的MacBook与更便宜的型号具有相同的机箱和散热限制。两者都具有相似的升压时钟,并且多个独立的基准测试表明这两个CPU(CPUs)的性能非常相似。是的,这款处理器速度稍快一些,但不足以保证价格溢价(price premium)。
同样,此型号(model isn)中升级的集成GPU与入门级(GPU)MacBook Pro 13中的型号相差不远”。再来一次。此型号还有更快的Core i7选项,但我们的建议保持不变。除非您的应用程序确实需要八个线程,否则最好坚持使用默认CPU。
谁应该购买带有 TouchBar(2.4Ghz,2019 年)的 MacBook Pro 13 英寸?(Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 13” With TouchBar (2.4Ghz, 2019)?)
假设您只能使用两个Thunderbolt端口,最好使用该型号的 500 美元溢价,而不是为基本型号(base model)MacBook Pro添加更多(MacBook Pro)RAM 和存储空间(RAM and storage)。只有确定性能上的微小差异至关重要的用户才需要在这里申请。
但是,如果您正在从事对最大CPU 性能(CPU performance)至关重要的工作,那么您最好看看更大的MacBook Pro产品,假设您并不完全依赖于 13 英寸外形尺寸(form factor)。如果酷睿 i7(Core i7)选项看起来对您有吸引力,那么让MacBook Pro 16看起来硬朗一下就显得尤为重要,因为该选项将这款较小型笔记本电脑的价格推高了接近苹果旗舰机型的基本型号。(base model)
很久以来,任何MacBook都像新款 16 英寸(MacBook)MacBook Pro一样广受好评。Apple似乎注意到用户对旧款 15 英寸机型和其他所有MacBook的所有投诉,因为这款新机器列出了一长串。
首先(First),屏幕占用了大量边框,让苹果(Apple)将 16 英寸LCD 面板(LCD panel)放入与 15 英寸机型非常相似的空间。其次,键盘现在采用了完全不同且更加强大的键盘开关设计(keyboard switch design)。这可能会出现在所有未来的MacBook机型上,但就目前而言,其他 2019 款MacBook正在使用过去(MacBooks)被证明相当不可靠(proven rather unreliable)的“蝴蝶”开关(” switch)设计。对于这款MacBook来说并非如此。
接下来,这款MacBook有一个TouchBar 和 TouchID(TouchBar and TouchID),但它也有一个物理的“Escape”键,这是专业用户一直津津乐道的事情。
16 英寸型号最重要的方面无疑是规格。
- 由于Core i7(Core i7) “超线程”功能,基本型号具有12个线程的六个处理器内核。(SIX processor)更高端的型号有八个核心,(EIGHT)板载(CPU onboard)一流的Core i9 CPU 。
- 两款笔记本电脑均标配 16GB 的RAM,以及 512GB 和 1TB 的SSD 存储(SSD storage)。
- 两款笔记本电脑都有独立的GPU(GPUs),AMD Radeon Pro 5300M和 5500M 分别展示了它们的特性。这两张卡与Nvidia的(Nvidia)GTX 1650和GTX 1660 Ti大致比较。这(Which)使得它们成为出色的中端游戏(midrange gaming)卡和出色的移动GPU(GPUs),可用于专业 GPU 加速任务。
谁应该购买 16 英寸 MacBook Pro?(Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 16”?)
第一批应该认真考虑 16英寸机器(” machine)的人是那些正在看 2.4 Ghz MacBook Pro 13英寸的人。诚然(True),价格差异为 600 美元,但如果您选择配备 16GB RAM和 512GB SSD的型号,则价格差异(price difference)仅为 200 美元。
你用这 200 美元得到的东西是惊人的。它包括一个更大的屏幕、两个额外的处理器内核、八个额外的线程和一个指数级更强大的GPU。更不用说高级键盘了。除非您绝对必须拥有一台 13英寸机器(” machine),否则基本型号 MacBook Pro 16(base model MacBook Pro 16)英寸会使 2.4Ghz 13 英寸型号完全多余。
第二类需要强烈考虑 16英寸机器(” machine)的人是那些从事任何时间就是金钱的专业工作的人。这款笔记本电脑渲染视频、3D、科学或任何其他处理器密集型任务的速度比该系列中的其他MacBook快得多。它有一大堆咕噜咕噜的声音,而这和下一个模型之间的 600 美元的价格差异与你从它的(price difference)功率优势(power advantage)中获得的收益相比算不了什么。
此外,与其他MacBook Pro机器不同,Core i9型号非常值得它所要求的 400 美元溢价。额外的 512GB 存储空间、另外两个内核和四个线程以及一个速度适中的GPU相加起来相当便宜。
我们不建议任何使用案例(use case doesn)不能从 8 核和 16 线程中受益(t benefit)的人购买高端型号(end model),但如果您的预算可以承受,升级是值得的,并提供一些额外的未来证明(future proofing)。
旧款 MacBook 机型(Older MacBook Models)
较旧的Mac(Mac)机型仍有很多不错的选择,但最新的机器系列解决了过去五年左右 困扰MacBook 产品线的热节流、(MacBook lineup)键盘可靠性和性能问题。(keyboard reliability and performance issues)
因此,我们不建议(t recommend)购买那些使用过的旧型号,因为它们不会从Apple的保修计划中受益。如果您确实直接从Apple购买了新的或翻新的旧型号,我们强烈建议您在标准保修之外购买Apple Care。
Which MacBook Should I Buy in 2020? How To Pick The Right One For You
Apple’s range of MacBook laptops are popular for various reasons. Some people love the build quаlity and design, others are stalwart macOS fans, and some people simply want to look stylish as they work on their latest scrеenplay at the local coffee shop.
Whatever your reason for lusting after one of these svelte clamshell computers, it can be a hair-raising experience to pick the right one. Apple updates their MacBooks infrequently and two machines that look exactly the same at first glance can be very different under the hood.
So we’re going to look at every current model of MacBook and help you pick the right MacBook you should buy based on the strengths of each model.
What Do You Need Your MacBook To Do?
Before we actually peruse the catalogue of MacBooks to buy, it’s worth pausing for a moment to talk about you. After all, buying a MacBook is no small financial decision, and you have to be sure it will get you through the 4-5 years the typical user will need it to.
- Are you a casual user? That is, do you use your computer to browse the web, do some basic office work and watch some videos?
- Are you a mid-tier user who does more ambitious things? Perhaps you edit HD video, make music or like to play a video game every now and then?
- Alternatively, are you a professional user? Do you do work that requires complex computation or is highly time-sensitive? In other words, is time literally money for you?
Each of the MacBooks we’re looking at fits into these different levels of user needs to one extent or another, so if you’ve got a clear idea of what you want your MacBook to do, read on.
Current MacBook Models
The MacBooks we’re going to discuss in this section are the most current models as of January 2020. We’ll update the article when new models are released, so be sure to check back periodically to see if our conclusions have changed.
At the moment there are only three product lines in the MacBook range.This includes the new MacBook Air, the MacBook Pro 13” with Touchbar and the MacBook Pro 16”.
We’ve split the 13” model into its two tiers, since they have significant differences and should not be confused with each other.
The MacBook Air is the cheapest MacBook you can buy, and the 2019 refresh brought a welcome $100 price drop to the recommended retail price. The Air has a different body to the MacBook Pro 13”, sporting a wedge-shaped body that writers are likely to appreciate.
This is the only dual-core MacBook model among the 2019 MacBook refreshes, which means you should look elsewhere if you need it to do much more than browse the web, word processing, spreadsheets and YouTube. For most people, most of the time, the new Air is going to be just fine.
It has a fantastic 13.3” Retina display with TrueTone technology. Something only “Pro” products had in the past. TrueTone adjust the display according to your lighting conditions, to show consistent color temperature. You also get two Thunderbolt ports and TouchID with this model, which is a nice touch in the budget machine.
This is now also the only new MacBook that still has physical function keys, since the new 13” MacBook Pro sports a TouchBar.
The Air is the only MacBook to come in gold, if that’s your thing, and weighs about 200g less than the MacBook Pro 13” with TouchBar. So is this for you?
Who Should Buy the MacBook Air 2019?
The MacBook Air is a great laptop for anyone who has very basic requirements from their computer. It’s base configuration comes with 8GB or RAM and 128GB of storage. We don’t recommend that anyone pay for more RAM or storage given the use case.
In fact, since the base model Air and base model MacBook Pro 13” with TouchBar only differ $200 in price, we don’t recommend anyone buy the 2019 Air unless you absolutely can’t stretch your budget.
Why? Because for that extra $200 you’ll get two extra CPU cores, a significantly brighter screen, better speakers and a significantly better integrated GPU. If you do feel the Air is enough computer for your needs however, it’s a beautiful and well-made machine and still comes with the macOS experience.
The entry-level MacBook Pro represents one of the most substantial generational upgrades we’ve seen. These new MacBook Pros come with a quad-core CPU, twice as many as the previous models. This makes the MacBook Pro 13” a viable solution for heavier photo editing, HD (and some 4K) video editing and a much snappier general desktop experience.
This model has two Thunderbolt ports, just like the Air. it also has a boxier design, but will go and fit almost everywhere the Air does. The performance sacrifices of the Air certainly aren’t worth the marginal extra portability you get. The Pro is by anyone’s measure ultrabook-class.
That quad-core CPU also means that using an eGPU (external GPU) via Thunderbolt 3 can turn this mainstream laptop into a real desktop powerhouse. Whether for gaming or GPU-dependent applications, the quad-core CPU combined with something like the Breakaway Puck eGPU can really make it a practical option.
The screen on this is also significantly brighter and generally better than the Air, something that matters to content creators who need accurate color for photos and videos. This is also the first time that the entry-level Pro comes with the TouchBar and TouchID. Although whether you like the TouchBar is a matter of preference.
Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 13” With TouchBar 2019?
This is the MacBook that the vast majority of customers should buy. The screen is comfortably large, the processor beefy enough enough to do just about anything and it has a screen that is jaw-droppingly good.
Unless you absolutely know that you need it, we don’t recommend paying the extra money for the 256GB storage option versus the base 128GB. Since you can buy a very nice USB-C SSD for less money and more capacity instead. Choosing the 16GB RAM option is however a good choice for long video editing projects and serious multitasking. Since neither the RAM or internal SSD can be upgraded by users, that’s a choice you have to make from the outset.
The option of adding an eGPU combined with this new quad-core CPU transforms what is possible with the 13” MacBook Pro and there is simply no better bang-for-buck option in the entire modern MacBook stable. You can opt for a 1.7 Ghz model as well for an extra $300, but the difference in performance doesn’t track with such a steep increase in price.
That being said, the hyper threading feature of the Core i7 CPU in this slightly better model can make a difference in tasks such as video encoding renders. If you are going to use software that will justify having eight software threads, it’s worth considering. However, most people should simply stick with the i5.
The higher-end MacBook Pro 13” with TouchBar costs a full $500 more for the base model compared to the base model of the entry-level unit. So what do you get for that significant chunk of change?
The first notable difference here is the addition of another two Thunderbolt ports. This means you can charge your MacBook from both sides and can attach far more peripherals without having to invest in a dock. Now, to be honest, most people are going to be OK with just two ports and a nice dock. However, there’s no denying the luxury of having ports to spare.
The other big difference is the 2.4Ghz quad-core CPU and larger base model SSD capacity. It’s certainly nice to have 256GB compared to the 128GB SSD of the entry-level MacBook Pro 13” but, again, external SSDs are much cheaper per gigabyte and more than fast enough for almost everyone.
So is the extra performance from the uprated i5 worth the bump in price? On paper it does seem to be the case. However, this more expensive MacBook had the same chassis and thermal constraints as the cheaper model. Both have similar boost clocks as well and multiple independent benchmarks have shown the two CPUs perform very similarly. Yes, this processor is a little faster, but not enough to warrant the price premium.
Likewise, the uprated integrated GPU in this model isn’t too far off the model you get in the entry-level MacBook Pro 13”. Once again. There’s an even faster Core i7 option for this model as well, but our advice remains the same. Unless you really need eight threads for your applications, it’s better value to stick with the default CPU.
Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 13” With TouchBar (2.4Ghz, 2019)?
Assuming that you can live with just the two Thunderbolt ports, it would be better to use the $500 premium of this model and rather add more RAM and storage to the base model MacBook Pro. Only users who are sure the small difference in performance will be crucial need apply here.
However, if you are doing work where the maximum CPU performance is crucial, you’d be better off looking at the larger MacBook Pro offerings, assuming that you aren’t absolutely tied to the 13” form factor. If the Core i7 option looks appealing to you, then it’s particularly important to give the MacBook Pro 16” a hard look, since that option pushed the price of this smaller laptop perilously close to the base model of Apple’s flagship.
It’s been a long time since any MacBook has received as much universal praise as the new 16” MacBook Pro. Apple seem to have noted every complaint users had about the old 15” model and every other MacBook, since this new machine ticks off a long list of them.
First of all, the screen has eaten a significant amount of bezel, letting Apple put a 16” LCD panel into a very similar amount of space as the 15” model. Secondly, the keyboard now uses an entirely different and much more robust keyboard switch design. This may be coming to all future MacBook models, but for now, other 2019 MacBooks are using a “butterfly” switch design that has proven rather unreliable in the past. Not so for this MacBook.
Next up, this MacBook has a TouchBar and TouchID, but it also has a physical “Escape” key, which is something professional users have been quite vocal about.
The most important aspect of the 16” model is undoubtedly the specifications.
- The base models sports SIX processor cores with 12 threads thanks to the Core i7 “hyperthreading” feature. The higher-end model has EIGHT cores, with a class-leading Core i9 CPU onboard.
- Both laptops have 16GB of RAM as standard and 512GB and 1TB of SSD storage respectively.
- Both laptops have discrete GPUs, with the AMD Radeon Pro 5300M and 5500M respectively showing their stuff. These two cards compare roughly with the GTX 1650 and GTX 1660 Ti from Nvidia. Which makes them good midrange gaming cards and excellent mobile GPUs for professional GPU-accelerated tasks.
Who Should Buy The MacBook Pro 16”?
The first group of people who should seriously consider the 16” machine are those who are looking at the 2.4 Ghz MacBook Pro 13”. True, there’s a $600 difference in price, but if you go for the model with 16GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD, the price difference is only $200.
What you get for that $200 is phenomenal. It includes a much larger screen, two extra processor cores, eight additional threads and an exponentially more powerful GPU. Not to mention the superior keyboard. Unless you absolutely must have a 13” machine, the base model MacBook Pro 16” renders the 2.4Ghz 13” model entirely redundant.
The second group of people who need to strongly consider the 16” machine are those doing any sort of professional work where time is money. This laptop will render video, 3D, scientific or any other processor-intensive task much faster than all but one other MacBook in the range. It’s got a heap of grunt and the $600 price difference between this and the next model down is nothing in the face of how much you stand to gain from its power advantage.
Also, unlike the other MacBook Pro machines, the Core i9 model is well worth the $400 premium it commands. An extra 512GB of storage, yet another two cores and four threads plus a moderately faster GPU adds up to quite a bargain comparatively.
We would not recommend anyone whose use case doesn’t benefit from eight cores and 16 threads to buy the top end model, but if your budget can stretch to it, the upgrade is worthwhile and provides some extra future proofing.
Older MacBook Models
There are still plenty of good deals to be had on older Mac models, but the latest lineup of machines deal with thermal throttling, keyboard reliability and performance issues that have plagued the MacBook lineup over the past five years or so.
Consequently, we don’t recommend buying those older models used, since they would not benefit from Apple’s warranty programs. If you do buy an older model directly from Apple that’s new or refurbished, we strongly recommend taking Apple Care in addition to the standard warranty.