有这么多不同的编程语言可供选择,试图找出哪些值得你投入时间可能有点麻烦。简短的回答是所有这些,因为每种语言都有自己的用途以一种或另一种形式. 但对于那些没有无限时间的人来说,坚持更受欢迎的选择会更明智。


我们提供了 8 种(和一些异常值)最流行的编程语言的列表,这些语言可以作为任何希望进入编程和开发的人的基石。

它是开发Android应用程序的基础,使其成为对Android应用程序开发领域感兴趣的任何人的要求。不仅如此,任何有希望的软件工程师(Software Engineer)都会很好地将这种编程语言作为他们的信仰。
它还用于 Web 和桌面应用程序的开发,这些应用程序将受益于一次编写、随处运行的编程语言。该语言是一种更容易学习的语言,也是世界各地雇主所追捧的技能。
对于有兴趣学习Java的人来说,那里有大量免费帮助。该主题最受欢迎的课程必须是Udemy上的 The Complete Java Masterclass(The Complete Java Masterclass)。它被认为是学习Java(Java)的最完整的课程之一,适合初学者和Java开发人员。

作为您可以学习的最简单的编程语言,Python是 Web 应用程序设计中的佼佼者。Pinterest和Instagram等网站的(Web)创建归功于Python以及其他一些网站。
这种语言是当今最受欢迎的编程语言之一,并且可能是您在 2020 年可以学习的最重要的语言,无论您的职业道路如何。它已经超过Java,成为大学和学术界教授最多的编程语言。
Python支持多个系统和平台,可以帮助提高程序员的工作效率,并且是面向对象的编程驱动的(通过交互对象或基于类的实例设计的计算机程序)。对于任何对机器学习、人工智能和数据科学感兴趣的人来说,年薪中位数约为 112,000 美元。
想要进入 Python?Python.org是一个很好的起点。如果你不介意花几块钱,Python (Python Fu)Fun (n)damentals对于初学者来说也是一门很棒的课程。

如果您上过大学或在高中上过计算机科学课程,通常是您将学习的第一门编程语言。C 和 C++ 都被认为是常青语言。要明白,如果您打算将这两种语言中的任何一种用于就业目的,那么高中所教的内容还不足以削减它。
您可以在 Internet 上找到大量免费的 C++ 课程,从初级到中级难度不等。如果您刚刚进入编程世界,或者不确定这是否是您准备投入大量资金的职业选择,那么学习 C 和 C++ 是一个很好的起点。
在花时间学习 C 之后,您会发现这种易于学习的编程语言实际上是其他高级编程语言的基础。这应该可以帮助您更轻松地熟悉Java和Python等更受欢迎的编程语言。
Udemy提供了很多很棒的课程来开始你的 C/C++ 教育。试试C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners或C++ Programming Basics,两者都是免费的。

这里我们有另一种 C 语言,C#。C# 是用于开发Microsoft应用程序的最佳编程语言之一。任何对 PC 和 Web 的图形(Graphical) 用户界面(User-Interface)( GUI ) 开发感兴趣的人都将从这门语言的知识中受益。
具有Java的先验知识只会使您进一步受益于 C#,因为它们具有相似的语法。C# 负责.NET框架,并且在 PC 和控制台上的游戏开发中也被大量使用。
当今 C# 的一个关键要求是使用Unity引擎进行游戏开发。如果您打算开始自己的视频游戏开发,Unity是一个不错的起点。它是免费的,如果有点限制,通常使用起来很简单。C# 在就业方面不像以前那样受欢迎或有利可图,但如果您发现需要,将其添加到您的编程语言库中也没有什么坏处。
如果您学习 C# 的目的是进入Unity 游戏开发(Unity Game Development),那么来自Udemy的(Udemy)Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games课程是一个很好的选择。对于 C# 和Unity的其他用途,您应该注册CourseraIntroduction to C# Programming and Unity。

TypeScript是(TypeScript)JavaScript的超集,被认为是 2019 年最受欢迎的语言之一。甚至Facebook也同意他们在去年初将Jest(JavaScript 测试(JavaScript Testing))从Flow(另一种编程语言)转移到TypeScript 。
没有比 2020 年更好的学习 JS 时间了,就像过去十年一样,这是市场上最需要的编程语言之一。
开始您的旅程的好地方是The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects!在Udemy上找到。如果您更喜欢部分学习代码,Code Academy有各种各样的JavaScript课程,应该会有所帮助。

PHP已经存在了很长时间,被认为是必须了解的编程语言。它是一种开源语言,与同行相比,它在 Web 开发方面也被认为相当缓慢。
它是开源的意味着它不是一种非常安全的编程语言,但确实有一个相当大的开源软件社区来支持它。学习PHP只需最少的时间投资,并且可以帮助您获得 Web 应用程序、内容管理系统和电子商务应用程序的就业机会(尽管正在减少)。
(Web)对PHP(PHP)感兴趣的Web开发人员将在 Coursera 的“用 PHP 构建 Web 应用程序”(Building Web Applications in PHP)课程中找到大量知识。您是否一心想创建一个电子商务网站?查看在 Udemy 上从头开始使用 PHP 和 MySQL 学习电子商务网站。(Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch)

这种编程语言是专为 iOS 应用程序设计的。Apple早在 2010 年就决定,它不想强迫 iOS 开发人员使用Objective-C,因此Swift为这些开发人员提供了另一种可以使用的语言。任何仍在使用Cocoa Touch库进行交互的人仍然可以使用Objective-C,因为两者使用的框架保持不变。
Swift相对于(Swift)Objective-C 之(Objective-C)类的语言的优势在于代码减少(几乎减少了四分之一),它更容易学习,并且由于它更有可能生产的应用程序的质量,开发人员社区具有更大的增长潜力。任何(Anyone)希望进入 iOS 应用程序开发或只是想使用可能是未来最赚钱的编程语言加入劳动力大军的人,最好学习Swift。
与我们列表中的大多数条目一样,Udemy是有关这种编程语言的重要知识来源。查看iOS 11 和 Swift 4 – 完整的 iOS 应用程序开发训练营(iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp),走从初学者到专业人士的道路。
只是想看看它的全部内容吗?DZone.com提供了一个漂亮的教程,可以引导您完成一些事情。要了解 iOS 11 的基础知识,pluralsight.com上的本课程将帮助您入门。

尽管SQL功能强大,但它也有相当大的缺点,包括难以将数据从对象转换为数据库表、单一服务器可用性以及需要写出所有内容,这与允许自动生成解决方案的ORM不同。(ORM)公平地说,手工编写大部分SQL往往会导致比(SQL)ORM更紧凑、更高性能的查询。任何对数据科学(Data Science)职业领域感兴趣的人都可以很好地学习SQL。
当您将SQL与NoSQL进行比较时, (NoSQL)SQL的结构化数据、集成支持系统和模式使其成为企业的首选,而NoSQL可能会发现快速应用程序开发更适合其利基市场。
对于 SQL,Code Academy可以让您开始学习他们的一门课程。NoSQL爱好者可以从 edx.org 的NoSQL 数据解决方案简介(Introduction to NoSQL Data Solutions)和Amazon DynamoDB:构建 NoSQL 数据库驱动应用程序(Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications)的课程中学到很多东西。
其他有用的编程语言学习(Other Useful Programming Languages To Learn)

查看列表,您可能会或可能不会注意到一些您认为存在的缺失。主要是Ruby及其框架Ruby on Rails ( RoR ),因为它是一种在许多 Web 应用程序中使用的语言,并且今天仍然有不错的需求。它已被用于Shopify、Airbnb、Fiverr、Github和Bloomberg等等。尽管许多公司仍在使用它,但在过去几年中它已经失去了很多炒作,因此不能被推荐为“必须学习”。
其他鲜为人知的编程语言,如 R、Rust、Kotlin和Golang,目前还没有达到让它们看起来值得了解的流行程度。然而,我们认为Kotlin将使任何认真对待Android 应用程序开发(Android app development)的人受益,因为街上的消息是它可能是下一件大事。
Golang,也称为 Go,很难学习,但任何对开发框架(developing frameworks)感兴趣的人都可能会觉得值得花时间学习。与 Go 一样,你会发现Rust也是一门非常难学的语言,但它可能会非常有益。
它能够创建能够链接到其他编程语言的库。如果有兴趣,Rust for Undergrads应该可以帮助你开始。
What are the Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020?
If you’ve ever found yourself sitting, staring at your mоnitоr wonderіng “what programming language should I learn today?”, we might јust have an answer for you.
With so many different programming languages to choose from it can be a bit of a chore trying to figure out which ones are worth investing your time in. The short answer would be all of them as each language has its own use in one form or another. But for those who don’t have limitless time, it would be wiser to stick to the more popular choices.

New programming languages are popping up all the time but there are few tried and true which have withstood the test of obsolescence. These particular programming languages are those most found in demand, are stable, and can often lead to employment opportunities.
As previously stated, learning multiple program languages can be beneficial, especially for programmers and senior developers, as this provides more tools for your occupational toolbox.
Learning a handful, or all, of the programming languages on our list, should provide you with an assortment of in-demand knowledge that top-paying jobs in the development and programming fields are looking for.

What Programming Language Should I Learn?
We’ve provided a list of 8 (and a few outliers) of the most popular programming languages that serve as cornerstones for anyone looking to get into programming and development.

Java is probably the most famous programming language the world over. Its purpose was for the development of server-side applications to mobile apps and video games that can be deployed in a cross-platform computing environment.
It is the basis for developing Android apps making it a requirement for anyone interested in the field of Android app development. Not only that but any Software Engineer hopefuls would do well to make this programming language their religion.
It is also used in the development of web and desktop apps that would benefit from a write-once, run anywhere programming language. The language is one of the easier to learn and is a skill sought after by employers around the world.
Where To Learn It
There is plenty of free help out there for anyone interested in learning Java. The most popular course on the subject would have to be The Complete Java Masterclass on Udemy. It is considered one of the most complete courses you can take to learn Java that is suitable for both beginners and Java developers alike.

Regarded as the simplest programming language you can learn, Python is the cream of the crop when it comes to web application design. Web sites like Pinterest and Instagram owe their creation to Python as well as a few others.
This language is one of the most in-demand programming languages today and might be the most important language you can learn in 2020 regardless of career path. It has already surpassed Java as the most taught programming language in universities and academia.
Python supports multiple systems and platforms, can help to improve a programmer’s productivity and is object-oriented programming driven (computer programs designed by interacting objects or class-based instances). The annual salary median is around $112k for anyone interested in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science.
Where To Learn It
Looking to get into Python? Python.org is a great place to start. If you don’t mind spending a few bucks, Python Fundamentals is also a great course for beginners.

Quite often the first programming language you’ll ever learn if you’ve been to college or took a computer science class in high school. Both C and C++ are considered evergreen languages. Understand that if you ever plan to use either of these languages for employment purposes, what was taught in high school isn’t nearly enough to cut it.
You can find plenty of free courses for C++ on the internet, ranging from beginner to intermediate levels of difficulty. If you are just getting into the world of programming or are uncertain about if it’s a career choice you’re ready to invest a lot into, picking up C and C++ is a great place to start.
After spending time learning C, you’ll come to find that this easy to learn programming language is actually the basis for other higher-level programming languages. This should help you familiarize yourself with more in-demand programming languages like Java and Python that much easier.
Where To Learn It
Udemy offers plenty of great courses to begin your education in all things C/C++. Try C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners or C++ Programming Basics, both of which are free.

Here we have another C language, C#. C# is one of the best programming languages there is for developing Microsoft apps. Anyone interested in Graphical User-Interface (GUI) development for both PC and web will benefit from the knowledge of this language.
Having prior knowledge with Java will only benefit you further with C# as they are of similar syntax. C# is responsible for the .NET framework and is also used quite heavily in the development of games on both PC and consoles.
A key requirement of C# today would be focused on game development using the Unity engine. If you plan to get started on your own videogame development, Unity isn’t a bad place to start. It’s free and generally simple to use if a bit limited. C# isn’t as popular or as lucrative in the employment front as it once was but it doesn’t hurt to add it to your programming language arsenal should you find a need.
Where To Learn It
If your purpose for learning C# is to get into Unity Game Development, the Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games course from Udemy is an excellent choice. For other uses of C# and Unity, you should enroll into Introduction to C# Programming and Unity from Coursera.

If your primary focus is learning a programming language that will always be useful, then JavaScript fits the bill. JavaScript is relatively simple to learn, can work smoothly with other languages in a variety of applications, can be run quickly in the client-side browser (Server-side as well using NodeJS), and is found just about everywhere on the internet.
Web and mobile development, game development, and desktop app development, JavaScript is an indispensable language that continues to improve.
TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, was considered one of the most loved languages of 2019. Even Facebook agrees as they moved Jest (JavaScript Testing) from Flow (another programming language) to TypeScript at the beginning of last year.
Where To Learn It
There is no better time to learn JS than in 2020 as it is now, as it has been for the last decade, one of the most demanded programming languages on the market.
A great place to begin your journey would be through The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! found on Udemy. If you’d prefer learning code in parts, Code Academy has an excellent assortment of JavaScript courses that should help.

Another language that dominates the internet, primarily in the form of dynamic data-heavy websites and app development, is PHP. Some of the bigger contributions of PHP can be found in sites like WordPress and Facebook.
PHP has been around for a very long time and is regarded as a must-know programming language. It’s an open-source language and also considered rather slow in terms of web development when compared to its peers.
It being open-source means that it’s not a very secure programming language but does have a rather large open-source software community to back it up. Learning PHP takes minimal time investment and can aid you in employment opportunities (though dwindling) for web applications, content management systems, and eCommerce applications.
Where To Learn It
Web developers interested in PHP will find plenty of knowledge shared in Coursera’s Building Web Applications in PHP course. Have your heart set on creating an e-commerce site? Check out Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch found on Udemy.

This programming language was designed specifically for iOS apps. Apple decided back in 2010 that it didn’t want to force iOS developers to work with Objective-C so Swift offers those developers an alternate language to work with. Anyone still using the Cocoa Touch libraries for interactions may still use Objective-C as the frameworks used by both remain unchanged.
Swift offers real-time output for interactivity and fast response to code or debugging changes on the fly. The automated debugging system is actually one of the key elements of the Swift system providing it more interactive properties that are common with scripting systems similar to Python.
The advantages Swift has over a language like Objective-C is code reduction (by almost a fourth), it’s far easier to learn, and the developer community has more potential for growth due to the quality of apps it’s more likely to produce. Anyone hoping to get into iOS app development or simply wants to join the workforce using what may just be the most lucrative programming language moving forward would do well to learn Swift.
Where To Learn It
Like most of the entries on our list, Udemy is a great source of knowledge on this programming language. Check out there iOS 11 & Swift 4 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp to take the path of beginner to pro.
Just looking to see what it’s all about? There’s a nifty tutorial courtesy of DZone.com that can walk you through a few things. To understand the fundamentals of iOS 11, this course on pluralsight.com will get you started.

SQL has been around for a very long time. The purpose of SQL is as an application’s backend database. As a standalone language, SQL may not seem as beneficial. However, as a software developer, regardless of the language you choose, understand both the database and SQL are a necessity.
When it comes to data queries, availability, and consistency, SQL provides. If there is a need to retrieve data from multiple tables within the database, SQL will deliver that information swiftly. The entire language has been optimized for large numbers of table rows and expedient searches throughout the entire database for what project you’re working on.
As powerful as SQL is, it does come with considerable drawbacks including difficulty converting data from objects into database tables, single server availability, and everything needs to be written out, unlike ORM which allows for an auto-generated solution. Though to be fair, writing most of SQL by hand tends to lead to a tighter, more high-performance query than that of ORM. Anyone with an interest in the Data Science career field will do well to learn SQL.
NoSQL has been gaining popularity due to its performance on low-cost hardware, the elasticity and scalability it offers over other kinds of available databases, and making database model structuring unnecessary. It has the potential to overtake SQL in the data science field but nothing yet points to this as fact. As it is a newer language it lacks community support (though this is rapidly expanding) and a standardized platform.
When you stack up SQL vs NoSQL, the structured data, integrated support system, and schemas of SQL make it the preferred choice for businesses, whereas NoSQL may find that swift application development to be more its niche.
Where To Learn It
For SQL, Code Academy can get you started with one of their courses. NoSQL enthusiasts can find plenty to learn from edx.org’s courses on Introduction to NoSQL Data Solutions and Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications.
Other Useful Programming Languages To Learn

Looking over the list, you may or may not notice a few missing that you would have assumed to be present. Mainly that of Ruby and its framework Ruby on Rails (RoR), seeing as it is a language used in many web apps and still in decent demand today. It’s been used in Shopify, Airbnb, Fiverr, Github, and Bloomberg to name a few. Though plenty of companies are still using it, it has lost a lot of its hype over the last few years and as such cannot be recommended as a “must learn”.
Other lesser-known programming languages like R, Rust, Kotlin, and Golang, haven’t reached the popularity to make them seem worth knowing at this time. However, we think that Kotlin would benefit anyone serious about Android app development as word on the street is that it could be the next big thing.
Golang, also referred to as Go, is pretty difficult to learn but anyone interested in developing frameworks may find it worth their time. Along the same line as Go, you’ll find that Rust, also a really difficult language to learn, can be very rewarding.
It has the ability to create libraries that are capable of linking to other programming languages. If interested, Rust for Undergrads should help get the ball rolling.