您是否正在寻找 2022 年适用于 Android 的最佳音乐播放器应用程序?使用我们广泛的 10 大 Android 音乐播放器指南,永远不会用尽选项。(Are you in search of the best Music Player Apps for Android in 2022? Never run out of options with our extensive guide of Top 10 Android Music Players.)
音乐(Music)是发生在我们身上的最好的事情之一。每当我们快乐、悲伤、快乐等等时,我们都会听音乐。(music whenever)现在,在这个智能手机时代,当然,这就是我们听音乐所依赖的。每个 Android 智能手机(Every Android smartphone)都带有自己的音乐播放器(stock music player)。但是,这对您来说可能还不够。
并非所有这些都功能丰富,并为您提供最佳体验。另一种听音乐的方式是在线流媒体。虽然它确实是一个非常好的选择,但它可能并不适合所有人。如果您是其中之一,请不要害怕我的朋友。你来对地方了。我在这里为您提供准确的帮助。在本文中,我将与您讨论 2022 年排名前 10 位的Android 音乐(Android music)播放器。我还将向您介绍它们的每一个细节。当你读完这篇文章时,你不需要知道其他任何东西。所以一定要坚持到底。现在不再浪费时间,让我们开始吧。继续阅读。
2022 年 10 大 Android 音乐播放器(Top 10 Android Music Players of 2022)
以下是目前市场上排名前 10 位的Android 音乐(Android music)播放器。请继续阅读以了解有关它们的更多信息。
#1. AIMP
首先(First),我要和你谈谈的第一个音乐播放器叫做(music player)AIMP。这是互联网上最好的Android 音乐播放器应用程序之一。(Android music player)Android 音乐播放器(Android music player)兼容几乎所有流行的音乐文件(music file)类型,例如MP4、MP3、FLAC等等。除此之外,还有多种自定义选项可供选择,将权力交还给您。
用户界面(user interface)( UI) 简约且易于使用。即使是对技术了解不多的人也可以很快掌握它。除此之外,还有很多主题可供您选择。材料设计界面(design interface)增加了它的好处。其他一些令人惊叹的功能包括HTTP直播、音量标准化(volume normalization)、出色的均衡器等等。该应用程序还有一个桌面版本,以备不时之需。
下载 AIMP( Download AIMP)
#2. Musicolet
列表中的下一个Android 音乐(Android music)播放器是Musicolet。它是轻量级且功能丰富的音乐播放器(music player)。该应用程序甚至也没有任何广告。除此之外,该应用程序使您只需使用耳机按钮即可控制(earphone button)音乐播放器(music player)。您需要做的就是按一次播放或暂停(play or pause),按两次播放下一首曲目,按三次播放您听过的最后一首歌曲。
除此之外,当您按下按钮四次或更多次时,歌曲将自行快进。开发人员声称该音乐应用程序(music app)是唯一兼容多个播放队列的Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序。(player app)您可以一次设置二十多个队列。有一个高效且直观的GUI,可以更轻松地访问(access tabs)艺术家、播放列表、专辑和文件夹的选项卡。
除此之外,该应用程序还带有均衡器、标签编辑器(tag editor);歌词支持、小部件、睡眠定时器等等。Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)还支持Android Auto。
下载 Musicolet( Download Musicolet)
#3. Google Play Music
现在,我要向您介绍的下一个Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序是(player app)Google Play Music。当然,谷歌(Google)是每个人都熟悉的名字。(name everyone)然而,他们的音乐播放器(music player)经常被许多人忽视。不要傻瓜,犯同样的错误。Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)具有广泛的功能。
另请阅读:适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳 YouTube 视频下载器(Also Read: 8 Best YouTube Video Downloaders for Android)
音乐应用程序(music app)的一个独特功能是上传管理器。该功能可让您从多个不同来源上传多达 50,000 首歌曲,例如 iTunes 或当前存储所有歌曲的任何其他程序。除此之外,如果您选择每月支付 9.99 美元订阅他们的高级计划,您将被授予访问(premium plan)Google Play的完整集合的权限。不仅如此,您还可以访问YouTube Red。反过来,这使您可以在不中断广告的情况下观看其收藏中的所有视频。此外,您将获得对已开发节目的额外访问权限,仅记住YouTube Red订阅者。
下载谷歌音乐播放器( Download Google Music Player)
#4. GoneMAD Music Player
现在让我们把注意力转移到榜单上的下一个安卓音乐(Android music)应用——GoneMAD音乐(– GoneMAD music)播放器上。在选择音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)时,几乎所有用户都忽略的主要事情之一是该特定应用程序的音频引擎的质量。这就是GoneMAD占有很高地位的地方。尽管大量应用程序都使用股票音频引擎(stock audio engine),但它是为数不多的真正拥有自己的音频引擎的应用程序之一。音频引擎听起来也很棒,实现了它的目的。
Android 音乐(Android music)播放器带有多种主题供您选择。除此之外,该播放器还支持几乎所有流行的音乐格式以及Chromecast 支持(Chromecast support)。最新版本的用户界面(user interface)(UI) 非常时尚。但是,如果您更喜欢旧版本的用户界面(user interface)(UI),您可以随时选择重新使用它。
Android 音乐(Android music)播放器提供为期 14 天的免费试用版(trial version)。如果您想访问所有功能,可以花 5 美元购买高级版本。
下载 GoneMAD 音乐播放器( Download GoneMAD Music Player)
#5. BlackPlayer EX
现在我请大家看看我们列表中的下一个Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)——BlackPlayer Ex。该应用程序既简单又优雅,使您的听音乐体验更好。该结构设计为选项卡。除此之外,自定义选项卡的选项允许您仅使用您将要使用的选项卡并摆脱您可能永远不会使用的选项卡。
此外,Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)带有ID3 标签(ID3 tag)编辑器、小部件、均衡器和更多令人兴奋的功能。它还支持大多数流行的音频格式。各种各样的主题以及乱码增加了它的好处。没有广告,让您听音乐的体验更好。这绝对是一款适合那些想要保持简单和简约的应用程序。
下载 BlackPlayer( Download BlackPlayer)
#6. Phonograph
现在,让我们谈谈名单上的下一个Android 音乐(Android music)播放器——留声机(– Phonograph)。如果您正在寻找视觉上令人惊叹的Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app),这最适合您。用户界面(user interface)(UI) 具有材料设计并且很好地服务于它的目的。除此之外,用户界面(user interface)(UI) 也会自行更改,以与任何给定时间出现在屏幕上的内容进行颜色协调。(color coordinating)然而,这不仅仅是关于外观。它还带来了一些惊人的功能。
一个独特的功能是音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)会下载有关您的媒体丢失的所有信息,让您更有知识。另一方面,标签编辑器功能(tag editor feature)使您能够编辑所有标签,例如标题、艺术家等等。使用内置的主题引擎,您可以自定义应用程序,甚至更多,将权力交还给您。(theme engine)您还可以将库分类为艺术家、播放列表和专辑。
其他一些功能包括无缝播放、睡眠定时器、锁屏控制(lock screen control)等等。除此之外,音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)还附带应用程序内购买。
下载留声机( Download PhonoGraph)
#7. Apple Music
我不需要给你介绍苹果(Apple),对吧?我知道你在说,但它是针对iOS 操作系统(iOS operating system)的,但请多多包涵。Apple Music不再局限于 iOS ;您现在也可以在Android中访问它。拥有此应用程序后,您将可以访问包含超过 3000 万首歌曲的Apple目录。(Apple)除此之外,您还可以访问Beats One以及您的音乐播放列表。
该应用程序提供免费和付费版本。您可以享受三个月的免费版本,如果您是Verizon的无限数据计划的用户,则可以免费使用六个月。之后,您必须每月支付 9.99 美元才能订阅高级版。
下载苹果音乐( Download Apple Music)
#8. Foobar2000
你(Are)是复古的粉丝吗?寻找具有相同氛围的Android 音乐播放器?(Android music)你来对地方了,我的朋友。让我向您介绍列表中的下一个Android 音乐(Android music)播放器- Foobar 2000(list – Foobar 2000)。几年前,这款复古音乐播放器应用程序(vintage music player app)涉足Android 领域。(Android field)与桌面版(desktop version)类似,音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)也相当简单、简约且易于使用。Android 音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)支持大多数流行的音频格式。
另请阅读:在 Windows PC 上运行 Android 应用程序(Also Read: Run Android Apps on Windows PC)
除此之外,您还可以将所有音乐从UPnP服务器流式传输到您正在使用的Android 设备。(Android device)这反过来又可以确保您始终与家庭网络(home network)上的音乐保持联系。
不利的一面是,它绝对不是一个引人注目的应用程序。这背后的原因是Android 4.0界面以及基于文件夹的设计。除此之外,Android 音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)也没有很多新的和有趣的功能,尤其是与列表中的所有其他应用程序相比。但是,如果您只希望设备上的音乐没有太多干扰,那么这对您来说是一个非常好的音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)。
下载 Foobar2000( Download Foobar2000)
#9. JetAudio HD
我们中的一些人喜欢经受住时间考验并且已经存在很长时间的应用程序。如果您是其中之一,那么您来对地方了,我的朋友。请允许我向您介绍我们列表中的下一个Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序- (player app)JetAudio HD。Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)包含大量功能,但仍设法保持简单。有一个均衡器和 32 个预设,增加了它的好处。其他基本功能,例如低音增强(bass boost)、小部件、标签编辑器(tag editor)、MIDI播放,还有更多可用。除此之外,您还可以利用广泛的音频增强功能,使您的听音乐体验更加出色。这些增强功能以插件的形式提供。
Android 音乐(Android music) 播放器应用程序(player app)提供免费和付费版本。这两个版本完全相同。付费版本带来的是删除所有干扰您音乐聆听体验的烦人广告。
下载 JetAudio HD( Download JetAudio HD)
#10. Pulsar
最后但并非最不重要的一点,让我们将注意力转移到榜单上的最后一款安卓音乐(Android music) 播放器应用(player app)——Pulsar。该应用程序是市场上最轻量级的应用程序之一,可为您节省RAM和内存。此外,它是免费提供的。此外,它甚至没有广告,增加了它的好处。用户界面(user interface)(UI) 非常令人惊叹,而且效率很高。除此之外,您还可以根据您的选择和偏好自定义用户界面(UI)。(user interface)有大量不同的主题供您选择。
您可以将库安排到艺术家、专辑、流派和播放列表中:主屏幕小部件(home screen widget)、内置标签编辑器(tag editor)、5 波段均衡器、last.FM scrobbling、无缝播放以及更多令人惊叹的功能增加了它的优势。交叉淡入淡出支持、Android Auto以及Chromecast 支持(Chromecast support),让您的体验更加出色。除此之外,您还可以根据最近播放、新添加和播放次数最多的歌曲创建智能播放列表。
下载脉冲星( Download Pulsar)
所以,伙计们,我们已经接近本文的结尾。现在是结束它的时候了。我希望这篇文章提供了您所渴望的价值,并且值得您花时间和关注(time and attention)。既然您已经掌握了最好的知识,请确保将其用于最佳用途。如果您有任何问题或认为我遗漏了某个特定点,或者您想让我完全谈谈其他事情,请告诉我。
Top 10 Android Music Players of 2022
Are you in search of the best Music Player Apps for Android in 2022? Never run out of options with our extensive guide of Top 10 Android Music Players.
Music is one of the best things that has happened to us. We listen to music whenever we are happy, sad, joyful, and whatnot. Now, in this era of smartphones, of course, that is what we rely upon for listening to music. Every Android smartphone comes with its own stock music player. However, that might not be enough for you.
Not all of them are feature-rich and give you the best experience possible. Another way of listening to music would be online streaming. While it is indeed a very good option but it might not be suitable for everyone out there. In case you are one of them, do not be afraid my friend. You have come to the right place. I am here to help you precisely with it. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the top 10 Android music players of 2022. I am going to give you every little detail on each one of them as well. By the time you finish reading this article, you are not going to need to know anything else. So make sure to stick to the end. Now without wasting any more time, let us begin. Keep on reading.
Top 10 Android Music Players of 2022
Here are the top 10 Android music players out there in the market as of now. Read along to find out further information about them.
#1. AIMP
First of all, the first music player I am going to talk to you about is called AIMP. This is one of the best Android music player apps out there on the internet. The Android music player is compatible with almost all of the popular music file types such as MP4, MP3, FLAC, and many more. In addition to that, there is a wide range of customization options available as well, putting the power back into your hands.
The user interface (UI) is minimalistic and easy to use. Even a person who does not have much knowledge of technology can get the hang of it pretty quickly. Along with that, there are lots of themes you could choose from. The material design interface adds to its benefits. Some of the other amazing features are HTTP live streaming, volume normalization, superb equalizer, and many more. The app also has a desktop version in case you would like one.
Download AIMP
#2. Musicolet
The next Android music player on the list is Musicolet. It is lightweight as well as a feature-rich music player. The app does not even have any ads either. In addition to that, the app enables you to control the music player simply by using the earphone button. All you need to do is press it once for play or pause, press it twice for playing the next track, and press it thrice for going to the last song you listened to.
Along with that, When you press the button for four or more times, the song will be fast-forwarded on its own. The developers have claimed that the music app is the only Android music player app that is compatible with multiple playing queues. You can set more than twenty queues at once. There is an efficient as well as intuitive GUI that makes it easier to access tabs for artists, playlists, albums, and folders.
In addition to that, the app also comes with an equalizer, tag editor; lyrics support, widgets, sleep timer, and many more. The Android music player app also supports Android Auto.
Download Musicolet
#3. Google Play Music
Now, the next Android music player app I would introduce you to is Google Play Music. Of course, Google is a name everyone is familiar with. However, their music player is often ignored by many. Do not be a fool and make the same mistake. The Android music player app comes with a wide range of features.
Also Read: 8 Best YouTube Video Downloaders for Android
A unique feature of the music app is the upload manager. The feature lets you upload up to 50,000 songs from several different sources such as iTunes or any other program where all your songs are stored at the present time. In addition to that, in case you to choose to subscribe to their premium plan by paying $9.99 per month, you will be granted access to the complete collection of Google Play. Not only that, but you will also get access to YouTube Red. This, in turn, lets you watch all the videos that are in its collection without the interruption of ads. Also, you are going to get additional access to the programming that has been developed, keeping only the YouTube Red subscribers in mind.
Download Google Music Player
#4. GoneMAD Music Player
Now let us all turn our attention as well as focus on the next Android music app on the list – GoneMAD music player. One of the main things that almost all of the users ignore when choosing a music player app is the quality of the audio engine of that particular app. This is where GoneMAD holds a very high place. Whereas a large number of apps make use of a stock audio engine, it is one of the few apps that actually have its own audio engine. The audio engine sounds amazing as well, fulfilling its purpose.
The Android music player comes with a wide range of themes that you can choose from. In addition to that, the player supports almost all the music formats that are popular along with Chromecast support. The latest version of the user interface (UI) is quite sleek. However, in case you like the older version of the user interface (UI) more, you can always choose to get back to it.
The Android music player offers a free trial version for a period of 14 days. In case you would like to access all the features, you can buy the premium version for $5.
Download GoneMAD Music Player
#5. BlackPlayer EX
Now I would request you all to take a look at the next Android music player app in our list – the BlackPlayer Ex. The app is quite simple as well as elegant, that makes your experience of listening to the music much better. The structure is designed as tabs. In addition to that, the option of customizing the tabs allows you to use only the ones that you are going to and get rid of the ones that you are probably never going to use.
Furthermore, the Android music player app comes with an ID3 tag editor, widgets, equalizer, and many more exciting features. It also supports most of the popular audio formats. The wide variety of themes as well as scrobbling add to its benefits. There are no ads, making your experience of listening to music so much better. This is definitely an app that is for the ones who would like to keep it simple as well as minimalistic.
The developers have offered this app in both free as well as paid versions. The free version has the basic features, whereas the pro version boasts of all the premium features. However, even the paid version is not that expensive.
Download BlackPlayer
#6. Phonograph
Now, let us talk about the next Android music player on the list – Phonograph. This is best suited for you in case you are looking for an Android music player app that is visually stunning. The user interface (UI) has material design and serves its purpose quite well. In addition to that, the user interface (UI) also changes itself on its own for color coordinating with the content that is present on the screen at any given time. However, it is not only about looks at all. There are some amazing features it brings with it as well.
One unique feature is that the music player app downloads all the information about your media that is missing, making you more knowledgeable. The tag editor feature, on the other hand, enables you to edit all the tags such as title, artists, and many more. With the theme engine that is built-in, you can customize the app, even more, putting the power back into your hands. You can also categorize the library into artists, playlists, and albums.
Some of the other features include gapless playback, sleep timer, lock screen control, and many more. In addition to that, the music player app also comes with in-app purchases.
Download PhonoGraph
#7. Apple Music
I do not need to give you an introduction to Apple, right? I know you are saying but it is for the iOS operating system, but do bear with me. The Apple Music is not limited to iOS anymore; you can now get access to it in Android as well. Once you have this app, you are going to get access to the catalog of Apple that contains more than 30 million songs. In addition to that, you will also be granted access to Beats One along with your music playlists.
The app comes in both free as well as paid versions. You can enjoy the free version for three months, and in case you are a user of the unlimited data plan from Verizon, six months of free access. After that, you would have to pay $9.99 each month for the subscription of the premium version.
Download Apple Music
#8. Foobar2000
Are you a fan of vintage? Looking for an Android music player that radiates the same vibes? You are in the right place, my friend. Let me present to you the next Android music player on the list – Foobar 2000. The vintage music player app stepped foot on the Android field some years ago. Similar to the desktop version, the music player app is also quite simple, minimalistic, and easy to use. Most of the popular audio formats are supported on the Android music player app.
Also Read: Run Android Apps on Windows PC
In addition to that, you can stream all the music from UPnP servers to the Android device you are using. This, in turn, makes sure that you are always in touch with your music on your home network.
On the downside, it is definitely not an eye-catching app. The reason behind this is the Android 4.0 interface along with the design that is folder based. In addition to that, the Android music player app also does not have many of the new as well as interesting features, especially when compared to all the other apps on the list. However, in case you just want the music on your device with not too many distractions, this is quite a good music player app for you.
Download Foobar2000
#9. JetAudio HD
Some of us love apps that have stood the test of time and have been there for a long time. In case you are one of them, you are in the right place, my friend. Allow me to introduce to you the next Android music player app on our list – the JetAudio HD. The Android music player app is packed with tons of features but still manages to keep it all simple. There is an equalizer along with 32 presets, adding to its benefits. Other basic features such as bass boost, widgets, a tag editor, MIDI playback, and many more are available. In addition to that, you can make use of the wide range of audio enhancements for making your experience of listening to music even better. These enhancements come as plugins.
The Android music player app comes with both free as well as paid versions. Both of these versions are absolutely identical. What the paid version brings to the table is the removal of all those annoying ads that interrupt your music listening experience.
Download JetAudio HD
#10. Pulsar
Last but not the least, let us turn our attention as well as focus on the final Android music player app on the list – Pulsar. The app is one of the most lightweight apps out there in the market, saving you both RAM as well as memory. Also, it is offered free of charge. Furthermore, it does not even have ads, adding to its benefits. The user interface (UI) is quite stunning, as well as efficient. In addition to that, you also have the power to customize the user interface (UI) as per your choices as well as preferences. There are tons of different themes for you to choose from.
You can arrange the library into artists, albums, genres, and playlists: home screen widget, in-built tag editor, 5-band equalizer, last.FM scrobbling, gapless playback, and many more amazing features add to its benefits. The crossfade support, Android Auto, as well as Chromecast support, make your experience even better. In addition to that, you can also create smart playlists on the basis of recently played, newly added, and most played songs.
Download Pulsar
So, guys, we have come towards the end of this article. It is now time to wrap it up. I hope the article has given a value that you have craved as well as being worthy of your time and attention. Now that you have the best possible knowledge make sure to use it to the best possible use. In case you have any questions or think I have missed a specific point, or if you would like me to talk about something else entirely, do let me know.