我们整理了一份今年仍在运营的最佳 torrent 网站列表。近年来,随着文件共享服务受到调查,许多种子网站来来去去,让您不确定哪些是您可以信任的。我们制作了一个列表,以便您可以享受所有您喜欢的内容。当每个提供商通过提供优质服务来滥用消费者的需求时,种子就会成为救命稻草。不幸的是,虽然洪流允许用户免费访问优质内容,但它也经常被用于非法分发内容。因此,他们经常遭到世界各地当局的报复。它们危及用户并损害公司的安全性和完整性。二(Second)是侵犯版权。用一个简单的方法很难找到最好的洪流站点谷歌搜索(Google search)。当然,您将无法在一天内测试数十个。因此,您需要了解的网站如下所示,以便您节省这项艰巨的任务。各种交通报告被用来编制这份清单。这些顶级洪流网站可能会帮助您立即找到您正在寻找的东西。
十大最佳洪流网站(Top 10 Best Torrent Websites)
随着洪流使用在过去几年中的普及,互联网服务提供商(ISPs)、执法(law enforcement)机构和版权所有者开始对其进行监控和调查。这些组织针对私人和大型 torrent 索引站点,例如我们在本文中进一步描述的站点。以下是有关种子的更多信息。
- 点对点下载(Peer-to-peer download)技术,例如种子文件,仍然是客户在不填满托管站点(hosting site)的情况下获取材料的最有效方式之一。通过从其他用户下载文件的一小部分,同时他们也同时下载,torrent 方法(torrent method)可以为用户提供极快的文件传输。
- 如果您使用不安全的互联网连接下载文件,您的(insecure internet connection)互联网活动(internet activity)很可能会受到审查。如果您的ISP(ISP somehow)设法确定您非法下载了受版权保护的信息,您可能会面临严重的后果。
- 由于洪流的工作方式,它比其他类型的下载方法更受重视。当您使用 torrent 下载文件时,您同时托管了您之前下载的文件部分供其他用户查看。这意味着您在理论上不仅在下载,而且还在托管非法信息,这是一种严重的违法行为。
显然,您想保护自己免受这种剥削行为的侵害。如果您要使用种子,请确保您的互联网流量(internet traffic)已加密。使用 VPN 或虚拟专用网络服务(VPN or Virtual Private Networks service)(例如ExpressVPN),您将能够加密通过互联网传输的数据,使您的ISP或其他第三方无法检测到。下载种子时保持安全至关重要。在确定向您推荐哪些VPN(VPNs)时,我们会考虑以下因素:
安全(Security)性:应制定禁止登录的VPN 提供商政策(VPN provider policy)。强加密应该是他们的首要任务。
Torrent 兼容性(Torrent compatibility):应该可以通过VPN 网络使用 torrent 和其他(VPN network)P2P下载。
连接速度(Speed of the connection):连接速度(connection speed)应该很快,能够迅速下载大量文件。
服务器可访问性(Server accessibility)。该公司应该在各个国家/地区拥有大量服务器。
无限制(No restrictions):下载种子应该不受带宽限制、节流和其他限制。
注意:(Note:)我们建议在浏览和下载种子之前使用VPN 工具。(VPN tool)您可以阅读本文以了解市场上可用的一些VPN提供商。
1. KickassTorrents
一段时间以来, KickassTorrents(KickassTorrents)一直是市场上最好的种子网站之一。它也是最早遭受政府报复(government retaliation)的洪流服务之一。去年,该网站已停用。在其消亡后,大量克隆站点似乎是对原始站点的真实再现。但是,开发团队(developer team)并未正式支持这些网站。
值得庆幸的是,原来的KAT 团队(KAT team)重聚,在一个新的URL下复活了心爱的(URL)海盗服务(pirate service)。新站点具有与旧站点相同的材料和功能(material and functionality),例如允许用户讨论和提出不同类型的内容和文件共享技术的社区连接。
在镜像站点上(mirror site),用户界面和选项布局(user interface and option layout)实际上是相同的。种子库、最受欢迎的种子和种子网站都位于网站顶部。这些都伴随着一个标签云(tag cloud),显示该网站最受欢迎的搜索。
KickAsstorrents 具有大量种子和水蛭,可让您快速简单地下载种子。该服务提供文件和磁铁连接。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)uTorrent卡(Stuck)在连接到对等点上
2. LimeTorrents
LimeTorrents又回到了我们今年的名单上。LimeTorrents因其简单易用、丰富的材料和直观的风格而受到知识渊博的用户的欢迎,它显示了众多类别中最受欢迎的种子。这是另一个可以下载电视剧(TV series)、电影、游戏、应用程序和动漫的网站。
它有几个很棒的额外功能,例如一个验证系统(verification system),该系统会标记已被证明是安全的、正确标记的、质量好的种子,并带有星号,表明你可以信任它们。它还具有多个类别的RSS提要,您可以将其插入 torrent 客户端以自动检索该类别中的最新项目。
找到一个健康的 torrent 看起来相当简单,LimeTorrents成为令人惊叹的网站之一的原因之一是它的内容会定期更新。该torrent 站点(torrent site)有两个独特的网站,一个包含前 100 个最受欢迎的 torrent 的更新列表,另一个包含最近上传的 torrent。
3. 托伦茨2(3. Torrentz2)
Torrentz2 于 2003 年作为一个独立的种子搜索引擎(standalone torrent search engine)首次亮相,它从几个流行的种子网站中提取材料。直到 2012 年,该网站一直是希望下载所需内容的个人的热门目的地。由于背靠背的法律问题,原来的Torrentz 网站(Torrentz site)被撤下。
谢天谢地,该网站以新名称Torrentz2 回归(Torrentz2)。Torrentz2有很多常用类别的内容,您可以查看新的热门种子列表和每周最佳种子网站,这都是寻找新想法的好地方。用户可以在包含游戏、电影和电视节目等内容的torrent 文件中查找他们想要的内容。(torrent file)质量指标(quality index)是将Torrentz2与其他种子服务区分开来的一个要素。
它提供了一种用户友好的设计,使任何人都可以轻松找到他们正在搜索的内容,而无需筛选广告。有用于确认和评估种子质量的程序。因为它从大量不同的 torrent 站点收集数据,所以 Torrentz2(Torrentz2)是最强大的 torrent 搜索服务之一。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复uTorrent(Fix)无响应的10种方法(Ways)
4. 1337x
1337x 是专业种子下载者经常使用的另一个未编入索引的站点。1337X 成立于 2007 年,除英国(United Kingdom)、澳大利亚(Australia)、爱尔兰(Ireland)和奥地利(Austria)禁止使用外,几乎在所有国家/地区都可以使用。它具有精心设计的用户界面(user interface),使其运行速度更快,看起来比其他洪流网站更专业。它拥有您在种子方面可能需要的一切,包括电视剧(TV series)、电影和音乐,以及动漫和纪录片(anime and documentaries)等小众类别。
这个著名的torrent 网站(torrent site)拥有各种类型的文件。它还设有一个名为“趋势(Trending)”的部分,展示了当天和本周最受欢迎的种子。用户还可以使用排名前 100 的种子列表来找到其他类别的好种子下载。
1337x 网站提供了大量有关其种子的信息,包括种子和下载者的数量以及文件上传的日期,以及文件的大小。与其他一些网站不同,它有专门的上传者团队,不断产生新的内容。您可以订阅您最喜欢和最可靠的种子上传器。评论工具(comment tool)可用于表达对特定 torrent 链接质量的意见。
像 The Pirate Bay一样,它具有磁力链接以及相同内容的许多URL(URLs)。该网站几乎每小时都会更新一次新的种子。因此,您可以想象可供您选择的选项有多么多样化。
5. 海盗湾(5. The Pirate Bay)
多年来, 海盗湾(The Pirate Bay)一直位居多个榜单之首。不幸的是,近年来,TPB已成为法律当局最严厉批评和阻碍的网站之一。这个 torrent站点不在(site isn)列表的顶部,因为它必须多次更改URL(URLs),以至于许多人已经转移到其他站点。
(TPB)另一方面,只要可用,TPB将继续出现在各种类型的顶级洪流网站中。在该网站上,您可以找到软件、电子书、漫画和游戏,以及电影、电视剧(TV series)和音乐。几十年来,TPB一直自豪地炫耀其过时的用户界面,该用户界面已被禁用并多次恢复。它不仅是一个可靠的网站,而且还消除了屏幕上弹出广告的烦恼。
能够快速识别具有强种子的种子,从而加快下载(faster download)速度,是海盗湾(pirate bay)的一大卖点(selling feature)。如果您所在的国家/地区禁止TPB,您可以使用VPN 服务(VPN service)访问它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix)uTorrent访问(Access)被拒绝
RARBG 是互联网上最古老、最活跃的种子网站之一。它于 2008 年推出。RARBG不那么出色的设计可能会激怒一些用户,而它的制作者不会像其他较新的 torrent 网站那样定期更新(t update)和维护它。但是,该网站有效地实现了向水蛭提供健康种子文件的目标。另一方面, RARBG(RARBG)仍然有很多精彩的种子内容(torrent content)和一些忠实的崇拜者。
(RARBG)如果您正在寻找只有基本功能且简洁的基本torrent 服务, (torrent service)RARBG可能是一个不错的选择。除了通常的torrent 下载(torrent download)类别(如电影、音乐、软件、游戏等)外,网站上没有太多额外的功能。RARBG还有一个专门用于电影和电视节目预告片的单独(movie and television program trailers)网页(web page)。然而,一个突出的元素是建议的区域,这里有各种各样的电影,它们更像是艺术作品而不是大片。
目前在沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)、阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)、土耳其(Turkey)、丹麦(Denmark)、葡萄牙(Portugal)、英国(United Kingdom)、澳大利亚(Australia)、印度尼西亚(Indonesia)、意大利(Italy)、芬兰(Finland)和爱尔兰(Ireland)是非法的。另一方面,印度和希腊在 2019 年被列入名单。(India and Greece)版权侵权和盗版是(Copyright infringement and piracy)RARBG 排除(RARBG exclusion)的主要原因。
7. YTS
YTS创建于 2011 年,是所有影迷最好的种子下载提供商之一。这个也有多个域,在洪流用户中很受欢迎。要记住的一件事是,该网站与几年前停止运营的原始YTS/YIFY organization尽管如此,该网站的人气排名还是攀升。
YTS的美学外观是众所周知的。头版目前只有一个搜索页面(search page),跟随其他洪流索引服务。YTS主要由盗版内容提供支持,但其美学足以与一些流行的流媒体服务竞争。
用户可以快速提交内容请求并向站点管理员提供评论。但是,还需要创建用户帐户(user account)并在网站上发表评论。
正如最近发现的那样, YTS(YTS)通过将客户数据发送给合法公司意外地成为了反盗版活动的一部分。(anti-piracy campaign)我们觉得被迫将它包括在这里,因为它是适合电影爱好者的种子之一。但是,由于其政策,我们强烈建议所有用户通过强大的VPN连接到(VPN)YTS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 15种最佳(Best)uTorrent 替代品
8. 激流银河(8. TorrentGalaxy)
TorrentGalaxy是另一个很棒的torrent 下载(torrent downloading)选项。这是一个相对较新的torrent 网站(torrent site),寿命只有两年多一点。它以橄榄绿为主题的用户界面(user interface)整齐地组织了所有种子条目以及所有用户相关信息(pertinent information)。
内置的搜索栏(search bar)快速并产生准确的结果。另一方面,如果关于节目的信息很多, Torrent Galaxy 网站(Torrent Galaxy website)可能会显得杂乱无章。
该网站拥有一个活跃的社区和一群忠诚的上传者。除了下载种子,TorrentGalaxy现在还提供精选电影的流媒体。您为所有内容命名,TorrentsGalaxy将为它找到一个torrent 链接(torrent link)。电影、电视节目、音乐、游戏、应用程序、软件、电子书,甚至在线技能开发(skill development)课程都属于这一类。
在过去的几年里, EZTV.er域名 成功地远离了前 1000 个网站。对于喜欢下载电视节目的人来说,EZTV是一站式商店。EZTV是一个网站,那些想要获得电视节目(TV show)种子的人可以这样做。事实上,它是这个著名盗版网站(pirate website)上提供的内容的唯一形式。
最初于 2005 年出现的无广告网络平台非常棒。它在 2015 年停止工作,互联网上出现了各种带有广告的镜像URL 。(URLs)您可以使用它来下载电子书种子(eBook torrent)、您最喜欢的节目或您需要的任何其他内容。但是,您在上网时必须小心,例如使用广告拦截器来防止混乱。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Torrent Trackers:提升您的 Torrenting
10. Zooqle
Zooqle声称拥有超过 500 万个经过验证的种子,一年后又回到了前十名。Zooqle成立于 2013 年。这种扩张可能要追溯到不断增加的数量。网站流量尚未(site traffic hasn)恢复到以前的水平,但似乎保持着忠实的追随者。
该网站简洁明了的外观,加上没有侵入性广告,使用户可以轻松探索和发现他们正在寻找的内容。该网站的首页精选了一系列流行的电视节目、电影和最热门的内容。Zooqle(Zooqle content)的大部分内容是电视节目和电影种子,但流行的种子网站(torrent site)也有适用于各种设备平台的软件、游戏和其他类型的种子。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。是否有可能因洪流而入狱?(Q1. Is it possible to go to jail for torrenting?)
回答:(Ans: )如果您只是共享不受版权保护的信息,您就不能以这种方式共享数据而入狱或支付费用。但是,如果您使用他人拥有的 torrent 文件,则属于违法行为。在某些国家(States),您可能会因此入狱,例如美国(United) 。
Q2。下载种子时,我应该使用 VPN 吗?(Q2. When torrenting, should I use a VPN?)
答:(Ans: )我们始终建议使用VPN。您的IP 地址(IP address)通过VPN加密,使您的ISP难以追踪您的在线活动。如果您在没有VPN的情况下上网,您的ISP将能够查看您的互联网行为(internet behavior)。
- 修复参数不正确
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- 2022 年10 个最佳 Extratorrent.CC 替代方案(Best Extratorrent.CC Alternative)
- 十大Kickass Torrent 替代方案(Kickass Torrent Alternatives)(2022 年)
我们希望您发现此信息有用,并且能够为您提供有关最佳 torrent 网站(best torrent websites)的信息。请让我们知道哪个网站最适合您。请在下面提供的空白处留下任何问题或意见。
Top 10 Best Torrent Websites 2022
We’ve put together a list of best torrent websites that are still operational this year. Many torrent sites have come and gone in recent years as filesharing services have come υnder investigation, leaving you υnsure which onеs you can trust. We have made a list so you can enjoy all thе content you love. When eνery provider abuѕe consumer desires by providing premium services, torrents come in as a lifesaver. Unfortunately, while torrenting allоws υsеrs to access premium things for frеe, it is also frequently used to unlawfully distribute cоntent. As a result, they freqυently suffer retaliation from authorities throughoυt the world. They endangеr users and compromise the companу’ѕ security and integrity. Second, they infringe on copyright. Finding the fіnest torrent sites іs difficult with a simple Google sеarch. Of course, you won’t be able to test dozens in a single day. So the websites you need to know arе shown below for yoυ to save that excruciating tаsk. Various traffic reports wеre used to cоmpile this list. And these top torrent websites might help you locate the stuff you’re looking for іn no time.
Top 10 Best Torrent Websites
As torrent usage rose in popularity over the past few years, ISPs, law enforcement agencies, and copyright holders began monitoring and probing it. These organizations target both private individuals and big torrent indexing sites, such as the ones we’ve described further in this article. Following are more points to know about torrents.
- Peer-to-peer download technology, such as torrents, is still one of the most efficient ways for customers to obtain material without filling up a hosting site. By downloading small bits of a file from other users as they also download simultaneously, the torrent method enables extremely fast file transfers for users.
- It is quite probable that your internet activity will be scrutinized if you download files using an insecure internet connection. You may face harsh consequences if your ISP somehow manages to establish that you unlawfully downloaded copyrighted information.
- Because of how torrenting works, it is treated more seriously than other types of download methods. When you use a torrent to download a file, you are simultaneously hosting the portions of the file that you have previously downloaded for other users to see. It means that you are theoretically not just downloading but also hosting illegal information, which is a grave legal offense.
Obviously, you want to safeguard yourself against such exploitative behavior. If you’re going to use torrents, make sure your internet traffic is encrypted. Using a VPN or Virtual Private Networks service (e.g. ExpressVPN), you will be able to encrypt the data you transfer over the internet, making it impossible for your ISP or other third parties to detect. It is essential for staying safe when downloading torrents. We consider the following elements while determining which VPNs to recommend to you:
Security: VPN provider policy of no-logging should be in place. Strong encryption should be their top priority.
Torrent compatibility: It should be possible to utilize torrents and other P2P downloads through the VPN network.
Speed of the connection: The connection speed should be fast with the capability to download enormous files promptly.
Server accessibility. The firm should have plenty of servers located in various countries.
No restrictions: Downloading torrents should be free of bandwidth limitations, throttling, and other restrictions.
Note: We recommend using a VPN tool before surfing and downloading a torrent. You can read this article to learn about a few VPN providers available in the market.
1. KickassTorrents
KickassTorrents has been one of best torrent websites in the market for a while. It’s also one of the first torrenting services to experience government retaliation. Last year, the website was decommissioned. Following its demise, a slew of clone sites appeared to be authentic recreations of the original site. However, the developer team did not officially support these sites.
Thankfully, the original KAT team reunited to resurrect the beloved pirate service under a new URL. The new site has the same material and functionality as the old, such as community connections that allow users to discuss and propose different types of content and file-sharing techniques.
On the mirror site, the user interface and option layout are practically identical. The torrent library, the most popular torrents, and the torrent websites are all located at the top of the website. These are accompanied by a tag cloud that displays the site’s most popular searches.
KickAsstorrents features a large number of seeds and leeches, which allows you to download torrents quickly and simply. The service provides both files and magnet connections.
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2. LimeTorrents
LimeTorrents is back on our list for this year. LimeTorrents is popular with knowledgeable users because of its simplicity to use, extensive material, and intuitive style, which displays the most popular torrents in numerous categories. It is another website where you can download TV series, movies, games, applications, and animes.
It has several fantastic extra features like a verification system that marks torrents that have been certified to be secure, correctly labeled, and of good quality with a star, indicating that you can trust them. It also has RSS feeds for several categories that you can plug into your torrent client to automatically retrieve the most recent items in that category.
Finding a healthy torrent looks to be reasonably straightforward, and one of the reasons LimeTorrents is one of the amazing websites is because its content is updated regularly. The torrent site features two unique websites, one with updated lists of the top 100 most popular torrents and the other with the most recently uploaded torrents.
Users may create accounts to submit torrents, post reviews, bookmark torrents, and communicate with other users, among other things.
Like many other items on this list are restricted by ISPs in nations all over the world, which appears to harm total traffic. Last year, the site vanished from the top results of many search engines, a fate echoed by many of the other torrent sites on our list.
3. Torrentz2
Torrentz2 debuted in 2003 as a standalone torrent search engine that drew material from several popular torrent sites. Until 2012, the site was a popular destination for individuals looking to download desired content. Because of back-to-back legal concerns, the original Torrentz site was taken down.
The site has thankfully returned under the new name Torrentz2. Torrentz2 has a lot of content in the usual categories, and you can view lists of new popular torrents and the weekly best torrent websites, which are both good places to look for new ideas. Users may look for their desired content in the torrent file, which contains games, movies, and TV shows, among other things. The quality index is one element that distinguishes Torrentz2 from other torrent services.
It offers a user-friendly design that makes it easy for anyone to locate what they’re searching for without having to sift through adverts. There are procedures in place for both confirming and assessing the quality of the torrents. Because it collects data from a large number of different torrent sites, Torrentz2 is one of the most powerful torrent search services.
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4. 1337x
1337x is another unindexed site that professional torrenters frequently utilize. 1337X was founded in 2007 and is available in almost every country except the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, and Austria, which have banned it. It features a very well-designed user interface that makes it run faster and seem more professional than other torrent sites. It has everything you could desire in terms of torrents, including TV series, movies, and music, as well as niche categories such as anime and documentaries.
This well-known torrent site has files in a variety of genres. It also features a section called Trending that showcases the most popular torrents of the day and the week. Users can also use the top 100 torrents listings to find good torrents to download in other categories.
The 1337x website provides a wealth of information about its torrents, including the number of seeders and leechers with the date that file was uploaded, and the size of the same. Unlike some other sites, it has a dedicated crew of uploaders that consistently produce new content. You may subscribe to your favorite and most reliable torrent uploaders. The comment tool is useful for expressing opinions on the quality of specific torrent links.
Like The Pirate Bay, it features magnet links as well as many URLs for the same content. The site is updated almost every hour with new torrents. As a result, you can imagine how diverse the options are available to you.
5. The Pirate Bay
For many years, The Pirate Bay was at the top of several lists. Unfortunately, in recent years, TPB has gained a reputation as one of the most heavily criticized and impeded websites by law authorities. This torrent site isn’t at the top of the list since it had to change the URLs so many times that many people have moved on to other sites.
TPB, on the other hand, will continue to feature in the top torrent websites in a wide range of genres for as long as they are available. On the site, you may find software, eBooks, comics, and games, as well as movies, TV series, and music. For decades, TPB has proudly flaunted its outdated UI, which has been disabled and revived several times. It’s not only a reliable site, but it also eliminates the annoyance of pop-up adverts off your screen.
The ability to quickly identify torrents with strong seeds, resulting in faster download rates, is a major selling feature of the pirate bay. If TPB is prohibited in your country, you can access it with a VPN service.
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RARBG is one of the oldest and most active torrent sites on the internet. It was launched in 2008. The less-than-stellar design of RARBG may irritate some users while its producers don’t update and maintain it as regularly as other newer torrent sites. However, the website efficiently accomplishes its goal of giving healthy torrent files to the leeches. RARBG, on the other hand, still has a lot of fantastic torrent content and some committed admirers.
RARBG can be a good choice if you’re searching for a basic torrent service with only the fundamentals and no-frills. There aren’t many extra features on the website apart from the usual torrent download categories, such as movies, music, software, games, and so on. RARBG also has a separate web page dedicated to movie and television program trailers. However, one element that stands out is the suggested area, which has a diverse selection of films that are more art house than a blockbuster.
It is presently illegal in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Denmark, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Finland, and Ireland. India and Greece, on the other hand, were added to the list in 2019. Copyright infringement and piracy are the primary reasons for RARBG exclusion.
7. YTS
YTS, created in 2011, is one of the finest torrent providers for all movie fans. This one, too, has several domains and is quite popular among torrent users. One thing to keep in mind is that the website is unrelated to the original YTS/YIFY organization, which ceased operations a few years ago. Despite this, the website has climbed the popularity rankings.
The aesthetic look of YTS is well-known. The front page currently just has a search page, following the lead of other torrent indexing services. YTS is largely powered by pirated content, yet its aesthetics are good enough to compete with some popular streaming services.
Users may quickly submit content requests and provide comments to the site administrators. However, creating a user account and leaving comments on the website are also required.
YTS has accidentally become part of an anti-piracy campaign by sending over client data to legal companies, as was recently discovered. We felt forced to include it here because it is one of the suitable torrents for cinema buffs. However, due to its policies, we highly advise all users to connect to YTS via a powerful VPN.
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8. TorrentGalaxy
TorrentGalaxy is another fantastic option for torrent downloading. It’s a relatively new torrent site, with a lifespan of just over two years. Its olive green-themed user interface neatly organizes all of the torrent entries as well as all of the user pertinent information.
The built-in search bar is swift and produces accurate results. On the other hand, the Torrent Galaxy website may appear cluttered if there is a lot of information about the show.
The site features an active community and a devoted group of uploaders. In addition to downloading torrents, TorrentGalaxy now offers streaming of select movies. You name everything, and TorrentsGalaxy will find a torrent link for it. Movies, TV shows, music, games, apps, software, ebooks, and even online skill development classes fall under this category.
The website also has a function that allows you to register and save your favorite torrents. There is also a space in the comments section where people may discuss the torrents.
For the past several years, the domain EZTV.er has managed to stay out of the top 1000 websites. For those who appreciate downloading television shows, EZTV is a one-stop-shop. EZTV is a website where those who want to get TV show torrents may do so. It is, in fact, the sole form of the content offered on this well-known pirate website.
The torrenting website features a basic design with tabular listings of links and other information. Visitors may also create user-profiles and add torrents to their favorites list.
The ad-free platform on the web, which initially appeared in 2005, was wonderful. It stopped working in 2015, and various mirror URLs with adverts surfaced on the internet. You may use it to download an eBook torrent, your favorite shows, or anything else you need. However, you have to be cautious when surfing, such as utilizing adblockers to prevent clutter.
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10. Zooqle
Zooqle, which claims to have over five million verified torrents, is back in the top ten after a year away. Zooqle was established in 2013. This expansion may be traced back to the ever-increasing amount. The site traffic hasn’t recovered to its previous levels, but it appears to maintain a loyal following.
The website’s simple and clear appearance, which is supplemented by the lack of invasive adverts, makes it easy for users to explore and discover what they’re looking for. The website’s top page features a selection of popular TV shows, movies, and the most seeded content. The majority of Zooqle content is TV programs and movie torrents, but the popular torrent site also has software, games, and other sorts of torrents for a variety of device platforms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it possible to go to jail for torrenting?
Ans: You can’t go to jail or pay a fee for sharing data this way if you just share info that isn’t copyrighted. You are, however, breaching the law if you work with torrent files that are owned by someone else. You can go to jail for it in some nations, such as the United States.
Q2. When torrenting, should I use a VPN?
Ans: We always recommend using a VPN. Your IP address is encrypted via a VPN, making it difficult for your ISP to trace your online activities. Your ISP will be able to view your internet behavior if you surf the internet without a VPN.
We hope you found this information useful and were able to provide you with information on best torrent websites. Please let us know which site worked best for you. Please leave any questions or comments in the space provided below.