无论您是订阅流媒体服务(streaming services)还是想在没有电缆的情况下观看奥斯卡等活动(watch events like the Oscars without cable),您都应该考虑购买电视天线。是的,高清电视(HD TV)天线是一回事,随着时间的推移,它们可以为您节省很多钱。
天线相对便宜,只要你住在电视信号很好的地区,你就可以观看自己喜欢的节目和活动。在本文中,我们将向您展示您可以以任何预算购买的最佳高清电视天线。为您的智能电视(smart TV)购买一台,几乎可以观看任何您想要的节目。
这是一款可以在室内外工作的多功能天线,是这个价格范围内最好的天线之一。它没有放大,但ClearStream MAX-V仍然比使用放大器的一些竞争对手提供更多的电视台。您可以将此天线简单地放在室内任何地方,但为了获得最佳效果,建议将其连接到房屋外部或放在阁楼上。
ClearStream MAX-V(ClearStream MAX-V)可以捕捉 60 英里范围内的电视台。支持1080p视频接收,方便家庭影院。也就是说,这个天线的设计没什么特别的,而且有点笨重。但鉴于其出色的性能和优惠的价格,ClearStream MX-V仍然是一个有吸引力的选择。(ClearStream MX-V)
价格范围:(Price range:) 60 - 70 美元
如果您正在寻找具有稳定接收效果的电视天线,那就别无所求。Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro易于设置,并配有内置信号增强器,可确保真正的超强接收效果,可捕捉最远 40 英里外的电台。
它有一根可拆卸的 16 英尺长的同轴电缆和一根 3 英尺长的USB电缆,用于为放大器充电。集成的信号强度计将帮助您决定放置Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro的位置。
请记住,虽然被认为很薄,但Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro有点笨重。它也很宽,很难隐藏在智能电视或书架后面。有更小和更薄的天线选项,但Mohu将吸引更多的空中站,因为它的翼展更宽。对于需要额外帮助以获取更多频道的郊区来说,这是一个完美的选择。
价格范围:(Price range:) 90 - 100 美元
3. 1byone放大高清电视天线(1byone Amplified HDTV Antenna)
1byone放大高清电视天线(Amplified HDTV Antenna)采用平板设计,可完美搭配所有室内设计。但不要认为它的小尺寸意味着更少的功率。该天线可以接收最远 50 英里以外的 40 多个无线频道。如果您需要在不支付有线或卫星订阅费用的情况下收看所有本地电视台,这是一个不错的选择。
天线配有 20 英尺长的同轴电缆,即使您的智能电视在房间的另一侧,您也可以将其放在窗户附近以获得更好的接收效果。您可以选择通过插座或电视的USB端口为其供电。1byone放大高清电视天线(Amplified HDTV Antenna)随附所有部件,因此您无需购买额外的电缆或插座。
价格:(Price:) 21.99 美元
4.安拓高清智能(Antop HD Smart )天线SBS-301(Antenna SBS-301)
Antop HD Smart是一种用于电视和收音机的双重功能天线。它的射程为 70 英里,可以接收 1080p。天线本身带有一根 10 英尺长的电缆和两根同轴电缆,每根 5 英尺长。功放和FM天线内置,17寸天线不易隐藏。Antop SBS-301既可用作电视天线又可用作收音机天线这一事实并不意味着您必须将其拔出并切换设备。它带有第二个输出,可同时连接电视和收音机。
你可以用盒子里的别针和Velcro(Velcro)贴片将天线挂在墙上,或者你可以把它放在电视顶部,因为它带有支架。SBS-301的放大器有一个Smart Boost系统,可以让您拨出恰到好处的功率来观看特定频道。尽管安拓高清智能天线 SBS-301(Antop HD Smart Antenna SBS-301)是一个不错的选择,但其价格范围内的性能却适中。
价格:(Price:) 89.99 美元
5.磨湖叶地铁(Mohu Leaf Metro)
Mohu Leaf Metro是一种价格低廉但非常可靠的高清电视天线。它不是放大天线,其范围只有 25 英里,这使得频道选择非常有限。但它确实支持 1080p 接收。它还配有一根 10 英尺长的电缆,即使对于大客厅来说也应该足够了。
Mohu Leaf Metro(Mohu Leaf Metro)是一款非常简约的天线,使其不显眼。它体积小、超薄,却能拉动全城及周边地区的本地频道。如果您是城市公寓居民,这是一个很棒的天线。
Mohu Leaf Metro(Mohu Leaf Metro)采用可翻转设计,这意味着您可以轻松地将其与任何公寓装饰相搭配,因为它有一个白色和一个黑色的一面。您还可以在此天线上涂漆,使其与墙壁的颜色相匹配。
价格:(Price:) 24.99 美元
当室内电视天线根本不够用,并且您需要只能由外部天线提供的接收时,Winegard Elite是市场上最智能的选择之一。这是一个昂贵的解决方案,但值得。这款户外高清电视(HDTV)天线的设计考虑了拥挤的城市以及偏远的农村地区。
Winegard Elite Outdoor拥有 70 多英里的范围,可以接收来自所有当地广播塔的信号。该天线将确保您从所有流行的电视频道(如CBS、Fox、PBS等)接收高清信号。Winegard Elite针对VHF/UHF接收进行了优化,并具有低噪声放大器。它配有带 110V 适配器的USB电源线,可连接多台电视(TVs)。
价格范围:(Price range:) $130 – $160
7.安拓AT-800SBS高清智能面板天线(Antop AT-800SBS HD Smart Panel Antenna)
如果您正在寻找绝对最佳的电视体验,安拓 AT-800SBS 高清智能面板天线(Antop AT-800SBS HD Smart Panel Antenna)将给您最多。它有点贵,但它可以在室内或室外工作,提供电视和收音机,并且有 85 英里的范围。
它支持 1080p 接收,并有一个可调节的放大器,可以滤除来自 4G 塔的干扰。它的设计是多向的,因此您无需将其指向特定方向即可获得强信号接收。
您可以将Antop AT-800SBS作为电视或收音机同时连接到您的OTA流媒体设备。(OTA)这是因为天线具有双重连接性。它还兼容电视转换器盒和超高清 (4k) 电视机。通过投资安拓 AT-800SBS ,您将获得来自(Antop AT-800SBS)ABC、Univision、NBC等著名网络的免费电视频道。
价格范围:(Price range:) 135 - 150 美元
8. RCA 放大超薄高清电视天线(RCA Amplified Ultra-Thin HDTV Antenna)
RCA 放大超薄高清电视天线(RCA Amplified Ultra-Thin HDTV Antenna)是全向的,它可以接收最远 65 英里外的广播信号。它还能够确保最高质量的图像和声音,因为它与 4k 和 8k 超高清电视(HD TVs)兼容。它带有一个100*240V的电源适配器和放大器。该放大器具有LTE虚假信号过滤器并去除 3G、4g 和 5G,以确保清晰的接收。
该天线还具有免费的RCA Signal Finder应用程序,可帮助您在家中找到完美的位置。至于设计,它与其他纸薄天线没有太大区别。它有一个白色和黑色的一面来匹配不同的装饰和一个 16 英尺长的电缆。您可以使用包装盒中的可拆卸安装胶带轻松地将其安装到墙壁或窗户玻璃上。
价格:(Price: ) 39.99 美元
Winegard FL5500A是一款可靠的室内高清电视(HDTV)天线,可以拉动许多VHF/UHF、数字和常规电视频道,具有清晰的图像和声音。它的射程为 55 英里,是现代HDTV天线的黄金标准。听起来它可能不是一个特殊的天线,但它值得一提,因为它可靠且一致。该天线的最佳功能之一是它支持ATSC 3.0,这是NextGen电视的功能。
它的设计并不突出。它很简单,是平面的,有黑白的一面。它配有一根 15 英尺长的同轴电缆和一根 3 英尺长的USB电源线和一个 110V 适配器,以帮助节省能源。但是如果你住在农村地区,这个天线可能不够强大,无法接入你可能想要的所有无线频道。
价格范围:(Price range: ) 42.50 美元 - 57.60 美元
10. Vansky 户外放大数字高清电视天线(Vansky Outdoor Amplified Digital HDTV Antenna)
这是设计用于接收数字电视 UHF(Digital TV UHF)和VHF信号的最流行的户外天线之一。它还能够提供 1080p 图像,满足您对高清电视的需求。Vansky Outdoor数字电视天线具有带红外控制器的电动 360 度旋转功能。它的射程是令人难以置信的 150 英里,这使其成为农村房屋的完美解决方案。
Vansky天线包括一个带有双输出的控制盒,可将其连接到您家中的两台电视。为获得最佳性能,生产商建议您将天线安装在屋顶、房屋侧面或阁楼上。这款数字高清电视(Digital HDTV)天线随附简单明了的用户手册,便于组装和安装。尽管如此,不太精通技术的用户可能会发现这种天线操作起来不方便。
价格范围:(Price range: ) 12.20 美元 - 30 美元
这款飞利浦(Philips)天线非常简单可靠。它具有非常熟悉的兔耳式设计,并且对VHF和UHF信号的接收范围可达 30 英里。它还支持 4K 并支持未压缩的 1080p。
该天线的偶极子可延长至 15 英寸。它们是可调节的,因此您可以将它们指向最佳接收。天线本身由塑料制成,并带有一个加重的底座,使其保持平衡。这种设计很方便,但有些过时。
价格范围:(Price range: ) 5.60 美元 - 11 美元
11 Best Indoor and Outdoor TV Antennas for 2022
Whether yoυ’re subscribing to streaming services or looking for ways to watch events like the Oscars without cable, you should consider getting a TV antenna. Yes, HD TV antennas are a thing, and they can save you a lot of money over time.
Antennas are relatively inexpensive, and as long as you live in an area with great TV signals, you can watch your favorite shows and events. In this article, we’ll show you the best HD TV antennas you can buy for any budget. Get one for your smart TV and watch almost anything you want.
This is a versatile antenna that can work inside and outside, and it is one of the best in this price range. It is not amplified, but the ClearStream MAX-V still delivers more TV stations than some of its competitors that use amplifiers. You can simply put this antenna anywhere indoors, but for the best result, it’s recommended to attach it to the exterior of your house or keep it in the attic.
The ClearStream MAX-V can catch TV stations in a 60-mile range. It supports 1080p video reception, which is convenient for a home theater. That said, the design of this antenna is nothing special, and it’s a bit bulky. But ClearStream MX-V is still an attractive option given its fantastic performance and good price.
Price range: $60 – $70
If you are searching for a TV antenna with a solid and stable reception, look no further. Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro is easy to set up, and it comes with a built-in signal booster that will ensure the truly supreme reception, catching stations as far as 40 miles away.
It has a detachable 16 feet long coax cable and a three-foot-long USB cable for charging the amplifier. The integrated signal-strength meter will help you decide where to put the Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro.
Keep in mind that although considered thin, Mohu Leaf Supreme Pro is a bit bulky. It is also very wide and can be hard to hide behind your smart TV or a bookshelf. There are smaller and thinner antenna options, but Mohu will pull in more over-the-air stations because it has a wider wingspan. It is a perfect choice for suburban areas that need extra help getting more channels.
Price range: $90 – $100
1byone Amplified HDTV Antenna has a flat panel design that can fit perfectly with all interior designs. But don’t think that its small size means less power. This antenna can receive over 40 over-the-air channels from up to 50 miles away. It is a solid choice if you need to catch all local TV stations without paying for a cable or satellite subscription.
The antenna comes with a 20FT long coax cable that will allow you to put it near the window for better reception, even if your smart TV is on the other side of the room. You can choose to power it by an outlet or TV’s USB port. The 1byone Amplified HDTV Antenna comes with all the parts, so you won’t need to shop for extra cables or outlets.
Price: $21.99
Antop HD Smart is a double-duty antenna that will serve TV and radio. It has a range of 70 miles, and it can receive 1080p. The antenna itself comes with a 10feet cable and two more coaxial cables, each 5-foot long. The amplifier and the FM antenna are built-in, resulting in a 17-inch antenna that will not be easily concealed. The fact that Antop SBS-301 serves both as a TV and radio antenna doesn’t mean you will have to plug it out and switch devices. It comes with a second output to connect TV and radio simultaneously.
You can hang this antenna to the wall with pins and Velcro patches that you will receive in the box, or you can put it on top of your TV as it comes with a stand. The amplifier of SBS-301 has a Smart Boost system that will let you dial just the right amount of power to watch specific channels. Even though Antop HD Smart Antenna SBS-301 is a solid choice, it has a modest performance for its price range.
Price: $89.99
Mohu Leaf Metro is an inexpensive but very reliable HD TV antenna. It is not an amplified antenna, and its range is only 25 miles, which makes the channel selection very limited. But it does support 1080p reception. It also comes with a cable 10 feet long, which should be enough even for large living rooms.
The Mohu Leaf Metro is a very minimalistic antenna which makes it unobtrusive. It is small and ultra-thin, but it can pull the local channels from all over the city and its surroundings. It is a great antenna if you are an urban apartment dweller.
The Mohu Leaf Metro has a reversible design which means that you can easily fit it with any apartment decor as it has one white and one black side. You can also paint over this antenna to make it match the color of your walls.
Price: $24.99
When the indoor tv antenna is simply not enough, and you need a reception that can only be provided by the outside antenna, Winegard Elite is one of the smartest options on the market. It is a pricey solution, but one that is worth it. This outdoor HDTV antenna is engineered with crowded cities in mind, as well as distant rural areas.
Winegard Elite Outdoor boasts a 70+ mile range to pick up signals from all local broadcast towers. This antenna will ensure you receive the HD signal from all popular tv channels such as CBS, Fox, PBS, and many more. Winegard Elite is optimized for VHF/UHF reception and has a low-noise amplifier. It comes with a USB power cable with a 110V adapter and can be connected to multiple TVs.
Price range: $130 – $160
If you are searching for the absolute best tv experience, Antop AT-800SBS HD Smart Panel Antenna will give you the most. It is a bit pricey, but it works indoors or outdoors, serves TV and radio, and has an 85 miles range.
It supports 1080p reception and has an adjustable amplifier that can filter out interference from the 4G towers. Its design is multi-directional, so you don’t have to point it in a specific direction to get a strong signal reception.
You can connect the Antop AT-800SBS to your OTA streaming device simultaneously as the TV or radio. This is because the antenna has dual connectivity. It is also compatible with TV converter boxes and ultra-high definition (4k) TV sets. By investing in the Antop AT-800SBS, you will get free tv channels from famous networks such as ABC, Univision, NBC, and others.
Price range: $135 – $150
RCA Amplified Ultra-Thin HDTV Antenna is omnidirectional, and it can receive broadcast signals from up to 65 miles away. It is also capable of ensuring the highest quality of the picture and sound as it is compatible with 4k and 8k ultra HD TVs. It comes with a 100`240V power adapter and amplifier. The amplifier has an LTE false signal filter and removes 3G, 4g, and 5G to ensure crystal clear reception.
This antenna also has a free RCA Signal Finder app that helps you find a perfect position in your home. As for design, it’s not much different than the rest of the paper-thin antennas. It has a white and black side to match different decors and a 16 ft. long cable. You can easily mount it onto the wall or window glass with the removable mounting tape that comes in the box.
Price: $39.99
Winegard FL5500A is a reliable indoor HDTV antenna that can pull many VHF/UHF, digital, and regular tv channels with clear image and sound. It has a 55-mile range, a golden standard for modern-day HDTV antennas. It may sound like it’s not a special antenna, but it deserves mention because it is reliable and consistent. One of the best features of this antenna is that it supports ATSC 3.0, the feature of the NextGen TV.
Its design doesn’t stand out. It is simple, flat-paneled, and with a black and white side. It comes with a 15 ft long coaxial cable and a 3 ft USB power cable with a 110V adapter to help save energy. But if you live in a rural area, this antenna might not be powerful enough to pull in all the over-the-air channels you might want.
Price range: $42.50 – $ 57.60
This is one of the most popular outdoor antennas designed to receive Digital TV UHF and VHF signals. It is also capable of providing a 1080p picture that will satisfy your needs for high-definition tv. Vansky Outdoor digital TV antenna has a motorized 360-degree rotation with the infrared controller. Its range is an incredible 150 miles which makes it a perfect solution for rural houses.
Vansky antenna includes a control box with dual outputs to connect it to two TVs in your house. For best performance, the producers suggest you mount their antenna on the roof, side of the house, or in the attic. This Digital HDTV antenna comes with a straightforward user manual that makes it easy to assemble and install. Still, less tech-savvy users might find this antenna inconvenient to operate.
Price range: $12.20 – $ 30
This Philips antenna is very simple and reliable. It has a very familiar, rabbit-ear design and superior reception of up to a 30-mile range for VHF and UHF signals. It is also 4K-ready and supports uncompressed 1080p.
The dipoles of this antenna are extendable up to 15 inches. They are adjustable, so you can point them toward the best reception. The antenna itself is made out of plastic, and it comes with a weighted base that gives it balance. This design is convenient but somewhat outdated.
Price range: $5.60 – $11