Windows触摸屏笔记本电脑是最通用的计算机类型。您可以将其用作笔记本电脑,因为它的工作原理相同,并且带有普通键盘,您也可以将其用作平板电脑(use it as a tablet)。触摸屏是一项可以加快您的所有任务并帮助您快速导航的功能。如果您是艺术家,这一点就更重要了,因为触摸屏笔记本电脑将提高您的创作能力。
无论您需要一台用于视频编辑(laptop for video editing)的笔记本电脑、一台游戏笔记本电脑,还是一(gaming laptop)台用于孩子学业(laptop for your kid’s schoolwork)的经济型笔记本电脑,我们都能满足您的需求。在本文中,您将找到 2022 年最好的 Windows 触摸屏笔记本电脑。
戴尔 XPS 13(Dell XPS 13)结合了出色的性能和身临其境的显示效果。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13.4 英寸FHD+ 500 尼特显示屏,带抗反射涂层。
- 第 11代英特尔酷睿(Gen Intel Core)i7-1195G7 处理器。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- Intel Iris Xe集成显卡。
- (Fingerprint)用于安全登录的指纹读取器。
戴尔 XPS 13(Dell XPS 13)是最受欢迎的 Windows 触摸屏笔记本电脑之一,因为它提供了稳定的性能、华丽的显示屏,并且全部包装在一个轻便、易于携带的包装中。
第 11代(Gen)i7 CPU、16GB RAM、SSD存储和集成的Iris Xe GPU使这款笔记本电脑成为商务和多任务处理的强劲表现。但节目的明星是显示器。色彩高度准确且充满活力,黑色深沉,对比度使一切都熠熠生辉。显示屏使戴尔 XPS 13(Dell XPS 13)成为娱乐和内容创作的绝佳选择。也就是说,由于缺少专用显卡,这对游戏玩家来说并不是最佳选择。
Microsoft Surface Pro 8是一款可提供笔记本电脑性能的平板电脑。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 2880×1920,刷新率为 120Hz。
- 第 11代英特尔酷(Gen Intel Core)睿 i5 或 i7 处理器。
- 提供 8/16/32GB DDR4 RAM的多种配置。
- Intel Iris Xe集成显卡。
- 支持(Supports)外接GPU(GPUs)、4K 显示器和可移动SSD(SSDs)。
借助可拆卸键盘和可拆卸支架,Microsoft Surface Pro 8可以快速从笔记本电脑转换为平板电脑。虽然其他触摸屏笔记本电脑可以折叠成平板电脑,但您可以将Surface Pro用作真正的Windows平板电脑。
除了多功能设计外,Surface Pro 8还配备了令人印象深刻的高分辨率显示屏和 120Hz 刷新率。这使得笔记本电脑成为流媒体、内容创建甚至游戏的理想选择。微软的Surface Pro 8似乎在与 iPad Pro竞争,同时仍保持其强大的笔记本电脑品质。
HP Spectre x360配备持久耐用的电池和华丽的 4K AMOLED屏幕,是娱乐和商务的理想选择。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 15.6 英寸 4K AMOLED 触控显示屏。
- Intel Core i7-10510U 处理器,最高可达 4.9GHz。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- Intel Iris Xe集成显卡。
- 有指纹读取器。
- 支持电池快充。
HP Spectre是一款华丽的二合一笔记本电脑,您可以快速将其转换为平板电脑。主要卖点是显示鲜艳色彩和深墨黑色的 4K AMOLED屏幕。(AMOLED)在此显示器上观看您最喜爱的Netflix 节目是一种很棒的体验。(Netflix shows)此外,铰链和超薄设计让您在旅行时可以在平板电脑模式下使用该设备。
也就是说,内部结构可为您提供大多数活动所需的性能。借助第 10 代 i7 CPU、16GB RAM和Intel Iris Xe显卡,您可以执行多任务、创建内容、编辑照片和制作视频。您还可以连接大型外接显示器(connect a large external monitor),笔记本电脑可以很好地处理它。
如果您需要获得的所有性能,Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio是您能买到的最强大的 Surface 系列笔记本电脑。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 14.4” 2400×1600 分辨率显示屏,120Hz 刷新率。
- 第 11代英特尔酷(Gen Intel Core)睿 i5 或 i7 处理器。
- 拥有专用GPU – NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti。
- 提供 16/32 GB 的DDR4内存。
- (Supports)通过Thunderbolt 4(Thunderbolt 4)支持外部设备。
随着Windows 11的推出,您可能还想亲身体验微软的旗舰触摸屏笔记本电脑。Surface Laptop Studio本质上是一款Surface Book Pro(Surface Book Pro),它被更改为类似于MacBook Pro。比较是公平的,因为这款Windows笔记本电脑特别适合创意工作和娱乐。
第 11代 Intel CPU(Gen Intel CPU)和 16/32GB RAM为大多数用户提供了充足的动力。然而,真正让这款触屏笔记本电脑如此受欢迎的是NVIDIA的(NVIDIA)RTX 3050 Ti 。专用GPU功能强大,可让您充分享受游戏乐趣并使用专业的视频编辑软件。最重要的是,您还可以将Surface Laptop Studio用作平板电脑,而不会失去任何性能和功能。
Razer Blade Stealth专为需要高端OLED显示屏和NVIDIA性能的游戏玩家和内容创作者打造。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13.3 英寸 OLED 触控显示屏。
- sRGB 和DCI-P3颜色以获得最大的准确性。
- 第 11代 Intel Core(Gen Intel Core) i7 处理器和 16GB DDR4内存。
- 拥有专用GPU – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti。
- 可自定义的 Razer Chroma 键盘。
- 全铝机箱。
Razer以其游戏外围设备而闻名,但它也生产超便携游戏笔记本电脑——Razer Blade Stealth 13。
您会注意到的第一件事是全金属设计。它绝对是目前最好看的触摸屏笔记本电脑之一,而且它也很便携。它与戴尔 XPS 13(Dell XPS 13)一样轻薄,可与 13 英寸MacBook Pro媲美。
在内部,您会发现第 11 代Intel i7 处理器、16GB RAM和专用显卡。它随附的GTX 1650 Ti 足以应付轻量级游戏,但如果您是一名认真的游戏玩家,您可能应该寻找配备 RTX 系列GPU的替代品。总的来说(Overall),Razer Stealth非常适合生产力、照片编辑、日常业务任务,而且便携性值得入手。
联想 Yoga C740(Lenovo Yoga C740)是一款经济实惠的2-1 Windows触摸屏笔记本电脑,具有全面的功能。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 14 英寸全高清触摸屏显示器。
- 酷睿 i5-10210U 和 8GB DDR4 内存。
- 集成英特尔超高清显卡。
- 长效电池,平均使用时间长达 13 小时。
- 比具有类似规格的竞争对手便宜得多。
联想 Yoga C740(Lenovo Yoga C740)是一款 2 合 1 触摸屏笔记本电脑,因其经济实惠而引起轰动。只需不到 700 美元,您就可以获得一款功能全面的设备,该设备具有精确的触摸屏、持久耐用的电池以及出色的办公和娱乐性能。最重要的是,您可以在平板模式下使用联想 Yoga C740(Lenovo Yoga C740),屏幕会自动适应。
也就是说,这款联想 Yoga(Lenovo Yoga)可能没有最新的硬件或专用GPU,并且在端口方面有点缺乏,但它通常比其他触摸屏笔记本电脑便宜几百美元。如果您不需要高端处理能力来处理要求苛刻的软件和游戏,联想 Yoga C740(Lenovo Yoga C740)不会让您失望。
Acer Spin 5是一款多功能笔记本电脑,仅靠电池运行即可从早到晚持续使用。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13.5 英寸 2K 分辨率触摸显示屏。
- 第 10代英特尔酷(Gen Intel Core)睿 i5 或 i7 处理器。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 包括带有Wacom AES 1.0功能的Acer触控笔。(Acer)
- 电池续航时间长达 15 小时。
Acer Spin 5是一款中端触摸屏笔记本电脑,具有出色的性能、2K 显示屏、长效电池和坚固的金属机箱。这是工作和上学的绝佳选择,而且您不必为了负担而倾家荡产。
Acer Spin 5擅长多任务处理,但它也非常适合照片和视频编辑。2K 显示屏提供鲜艳的色彩和丰富的黑色,随附的触控笔在触摸屏上完美运行。如果您正在寻找一款电池电量足以支持您一整天的便携式设备,那么Acer Spin 5应该在您的购物清单上。
ZenBook Pro Duo(ZenBook Pro Duo)是绝对需要两个触摸屏的多任务处理者的最佳触摸屏笔记本电脑。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 15.6” 4K OLED 主触控显示屏。
- 14 英寸 4K 辅助触摸显示屏。
- 第十代英特尔酷睿 i7 处理器。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 专用GPU – NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060。
- 包括华硕手写笔。
如果您愿意花 2,000 多美元购买一台触摸屏笔记本电脑,您应该考虑华硕 ZenBook Pro Duo(ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo)。这台笔记本电脑提供的最有趣的功能是第二个屏幕。ScreenPad Plus(ScreenPad Plus)是辅助触摸显示屏,可让您添加工具、文件和快捷方式以提高工作效率。您甚至可以使用它来扩展您的主显示器。
除了两台 4K 显示器外,ZenBook Pro Duo还提供强大的处理能力。它配备了第 10 代 i7 CPU、16GB RAM和 NVIDIA 的RTX 2060 GPU。虽然CPU和GPU有点过时,但它们对于视频编辑、编程、音乐制作和娱乐来说已经绰绰有余了。
从本质上讲,华硕的(ASUS)ZenBook Pro Duo是艺术家、设计师和程序员最好的触摸屏笔记本电脑。
LG Gram 14(LG Gram 14)在单个包装中提供强大的性能、移动性和较长的电池寿命。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 14 英寸全高清触摸屏。
- 第十代英特尔酷睿 i7 处理器。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 电池续航时间长达 20 小时。
- 包括指纹读取器和触控笔。
LG Gram 14(LG Gram 14)是您可以买到的最轻的二合一触摸屏笔记本电脑之一。它仅重 2.5 磅。此外,如果您不执行任何要求苛刻的任务,电池最多可以使用约 20 小时,因此这款笔记本电脑非常适合旅行者。
14 英寸的屏幕可以产生清晰的图像,但是,它有点偏光。如果您是专业摄影师,您可能想在我们的列表中寻找另一个选项。否则,显示器非常适合娱乐和商务。LG Gram配备Intel i7 处理器、16GB RAM和SSD存储,是一款出色的多面手。它还包括一个用于绘图和记笔记的手写笔,这在平板模式下特别有用。
10.联想Flex 5(Lenovo Flex 5)
如果您正在寻找价格在 700 美元至 800 美元之间的功能强大的 2 合 1 触摸屏笔记本电脑,那么联想 Flex 5(Lenovo Flex 5)很难被击败。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 14 英寸全高清触摸屏。
- AMD Ryzen 5 4500U 处理器,集成AMD显卡。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 包括一支数字触控笔。
- 支持快充。
联想凭借(Lenovo)Flex系列的预算友好型Windows触摸屏笔记本电脑继续给人留下深刻印象。Lenovo Flex 5是一款二合一笔记本电脑,配备 14 英寸显示屏,您可以在平板电脑模式、观看帐篷模式或任何其他适合您活动的方式下进行调整。
联想(Lenovo)为Flex 5配备了AMD Ryzen 5 4500U 处理器,配备Radeon Graphics和 16GB RAM。考虑到它的价格仅略高于 700 美元,如果您需要一台用于内容创作、疯狂观看Netflix节目或日常计算的设备, Lenovo Flex 5是很划算的。(Lenovo Flex 5)此外,它还附带一支手写笔,让您开箱即用,享受全新的触摸屏笔记本电脑。
Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha(Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha)是三星(Samsung)硬件爱好者最好的触摸屏笔记本电脑。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13.3 英寸全高清 QLED 显示屏。
- 支持 10 指多点触控。
- 第 11代英特尔酷睿(Gen Intel Core)i7 处理器,集成英特尔 Iris Xe 显卡(Intel Iris Xe Graphics)。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 可以转换成平板电脑。
三星(Samsung)以提供高质量设备而闻名,Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha也不例外。QLED显示屏明亮,适合娱乐和平面设计工作,支持 10 个触控点。这意味着它可以同时响应屏幕上的 10 个手指,因此您可以轻松地同时导航和使用多个手势。
三星 Galaxy Book(Samsung Galaxy Book)可以在各种模式下翻转或折叠,包括平板模式,因此非常适合旅行。四核第 11 代Intel处理器,再加上 16GB 的RAM,也足以应付多任务、远程学习和日常任务,因此这是一款出色的通用触摸屏笔记本电脑。唯一的小缺点是按键有点难以阅读。
华硕(ASUS)的ZenBook Flip触摸屏笔记本电脑是最好的超薄可转换设备,具有一流的显示屏。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 13.3 英寸FHD OLED显示屏,色彩还原准确。
- 第 11代英特尔酷睿(Gen Intel Core)i7 处理器,配备英特尔 Iris Xe 显卡(Intel Iris Xe Graphics)。
- 16GB DDR4 内存。
- 包括具有 4096 压力等级的华硕(ASUS)手写笔。
华硕ZenBook Flip(ASUS ZenBook Flip)兼具多功能性和便携性。它是一款紧凑型触摸屏笔记本电脑,您可以随身携带,它为您提供比大多数竞争对手更多的连接选项。您可以获得各种端口,包括HDMI、USB Type-A和支持DisplayPort的(DisplayPort)Thunderbolt 4。您还可以获得一支高度准确的触控笔,因此您无需购买额外的配件。唯一值得拥有的是指纹扫描仪。
OLED显示屏通过sRGB 和DCI-P3色域提供逼真的视觉效果。在任何亮度级别下,颜色都很鲜艳,但这款屏幕的最佳之处在于它可以显示真正的黑色。如果您是摄影师、设计师或数码艺术家,华硕 ZenBook Flip 13(ASUS ZenBook Flip 13)是您的最佳选择之一。
HP Pavilion x360是用于远程工作和学习的最实惠的中档触摸屏笔记本电脑之一。
主要功能(Top Features)
- 支持四指手势的14 英寸FHD显示屏。(FHD)
- 第 11代英特尔酷(Gen Intel Core)睿 i5 处理器,配备英特尔 Iris Xe 显卡(Intel Iris Xe Graphics)。
- 8GB DDR4 内存。
- 广角高清网络摄像头。
- 支持快充(45分钟最多充50%)。
HP Pavilion x360是一款可转换的Windows触摸(Windows)屏笔记本电脑,主要推荐用于远程学习、多任务处理和流媒体内容。从本质上讲,它是一台适合办公室使用的笔记本电脑。HP Pavilion配备第 11 代Intel i5 处理器和仅 8GB内存(RAM),不建议将其用于游戏或 4K 视频编辑等要求苛刻的项目。
也就是说,HP Pavilion x360以实惠的价格提供了许多有用的功能。全高清屏幕响应四指手势,电池续航时间长达 8 小时左右,Wi-Fi 6 确保稳固连接。此外,HP Pavilion配备广角高清摄像头和清晰的扬声器,让您的所有视频聊天都清晰明了。唯一的缺点是键盘没有背光,所以如果你在黑暗中打字很多,请记住这一点。
13 Best Windows Touch Screen Laptops in 2022
A Windows touch screen laptop is the most versatile type оf computer. You can use it as a laptop because it works the same and it comes with a regular keyboard, and you can also use it as a tablet. The touch screen is a feature that will speed up all of your tasks and help you navigate quickly. It’s even more important if you’re an artist because a touch screen laptop will improve your ability to create.
Whether you need a laptop for video editing, a gaming laptop, or a budget-friendly laptop for your kid’s schoolwork, we got you covered. In this article you’ll find the best Windows touch screen laptops in 2022.
The Dell XPS 13 combines great performance with an immersive display.
Top Features
- 13.4” FHD+ 500-nit display with anti-reflective coating.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i7-1195G7 processor.
- 16GB DDR4 memory.
- Intel Iris Xe integrated graphics card.
- Fingerprint reader for logging in securely.
The Dell XPS 13 is one of the most popular Windows touch screen laptops because it offers solid performance, a gorgeous display, and it’s all packed in a light, easy-to-carry package.
The 11th Gen i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD storage, and the integrated Iris Xe GPU make this laptop a strong performer for business and multitasking. But the star of the show is the display. The colors are highly accurate and vibrant, the blacks are deep, and the contrast ratio makes it all shine. The display makes the Dell XPS 13 a great choice for entertainment and content creation. That said, it’s not the best option for gamers due to the lack of a dedicated graphics card.
The Microsoft Surface Pro 8 is a tablet that delivers the performance of a laptop.
Top Features
- 13” display with 2880×1920 resolution and 120Hz refresh rate.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i5 or i7 processor.
- Available in multiple configurations with 8/16/32GB DDR4 RAM.
- Intel Iris Xe integrated graphics card.
- Supports external GPUs, 4K monitors, and removable SSDs.
With a removable keyboard and a detachable kickstand, the Microsoft Surface Pro 8 can be quickly converted from a laptop to a tablet. While other touch screen laptops fold into a tablet, you can use the Surface Pro as a genuine Windows tablet.
In addition to the versatile design, the Surface Pro 8 comes with an impressively high-resolution display and a 120Hz refresh rate. This makes the laptop an ideal choice for streaming, content creation, and even gaming. Microsoft’s Surface Pro 8 seems to be in competition with the iPad Pro while still maintaining its robust laptop qualities.
With a long-lasting battery and a gorgeous 4K AMOLED screen, the HP Spectre x360 is ideal for entertainment as well as business.
Top Features
- 15.6” 4K AMOLED touch display.
- Intel Core i7-10510U processor that can go up to 4.9GHz.
- 16GB DDR4 memory.
- Intel Iris Xe integrated graphics card.
- Has fingerprint reader.
- Supports battery fast-charge.
The HP Spectre is a gorgeous 2-in-1 type of laptop that you can quickly convert into a tablet. The main selling point is the 4K AMOLED screen that displays vivid colors and deep inky blacks. Watching your favorite Netflix shows on this display is a great experience. In addition, the hinges and thin design allow you to use the device in tablet mode while traveling.
That said, the internals offer you the performance you need for most activities. With a 10th-gen i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, and Intel Iris Xe graphics you can multitask, create content, edit photos, and produce videos. You can also connect a large external monitor and the laptop will handle it well.
If you need all the performance you can get, the Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio is the most powerful Surface-series laptop you can buy.
Top Features
- 14.4” 2400×1600 resolution display with 120Hz refresh rate.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i5 or i7 processor.
- Has a dedicated GPU – NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti.
- Available with 16/32 GB of DDR4 memory.
- Supports external devices through Thunderbolt 4.
With the launch of Windows 11, you might want to also get your hands on Microsoft’s flagship touch screen laptop. The Surface Laptop Studio is in essence a Surface Book Pro that was changed to resemble the MacBook Pro. The comparison is fair, given that this Windows laptop is great particularly for creative work and entertainment.
The 11th Gen Intel CPU and the 16/32GB of RAM offer plenty of power for most users. However, it’s the RTX 3050 Ti from NVIDIA that really makes this touch screen laptop so desirable. The dedicated GPU is powerful enough to let you fully enjoy gaming and use professional video editing software. On top of that, you can also use the Surface Laptop Studio as a tablet without losing any of that performance and functionality.
The Razer Blade Stealth is built for gamers and content creators that need a high-end OLED display and NVIDIA performance.
Top Features
- 13.3” OLED touch display.
- sRGB and DCI-P3 colors for maximum accuracy.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of DDR4 memory.
- Has a dedicated GPU – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti.
- Customizable Razer Chroma Keyboard.
- All-aluminum chassis.
Razer is famous for its gaming peripherals, but it also makes an ultraportable gaming laptop – the Razer Blade Stealth 13.
The first thing you’ll notice is the all-metal design. It’s definitely one of the best-looking touch screen laptops out there and it’s also portable. It’s as light and thin as the Dell XPS 13 and comparable to the 13-inch MacBook Pro.
Inside, you’ll find an 11th-gen Intel i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and a dedicated graphics card. The GTX 1650 Ti it comes with is decent enough for light gaming, but if you’re a serious gamer you should probably look for an alternative that’s equipped with an RTX-series GPU. Overall, the Razer Stealth is great for productivity, photo editing, daily business tasks, and it’s worth getting for the portability.
The Lenovo Yoga C740 is a budget-friendly 2-1 Windows touch screen laptop with a well-rounded set of features.
Top Features
- 14” FHD touchscreen display.
- Core i5-10210U and 8GB DDR4 memory.
- Integrated Intel UHD graphics card.
- Long-lasting battery with up to 13 hours of average use.
- Significantly cheaper than competitors with similar specs.
The Lenovo Yoga C740 is a 2-in-1 touch screen laptop that made a splash because it’s budget-friendly. For less than $700 you get a well-rounded device with an accurate touch display, long-lasting battery, and great performance for office tasks and entertainment. On top of that, you can use the Lenovo Yoga C740 in tablet mode and the screen will adapt automatically.
That said, this Lenovo Yoga might not have the latest hardware or a dedicated GPU and it’s a little lacking when it comes to ports, but it’s usually a few hundred dollars cheaper than other touch screen laptops. If you don’t need high-end processing power for demanding software and games, the Lenovo Yoga C740 won’t disappoint you.
The Acer Spin 5 is a versatile laptop that will last you from morning to evening while running on battery alone.
Top Features
- 13.5” 2K resolution touch display.
- 10th Gen Intel Core i5 or i7 processor.
- 16GB DDR4 memory.
- Includes the Acer stylus with Wacom AES 1.0 features.
- Long-lasting battery with up to 15 hours of use.
The Acer Spin 5 is a midrange touch screen laptop with great performance, a 2K display, a long-lasting battery, and a solid metal chassis. It’s a great choice for work and school, plus you don’t have to break the bank to afford it.
The Acer Spin 5 excels at multitasking, but it’s also great for photo and video editing. The 2K display delivers vibrant colors and rich blacks, and the included stylus works flawlessly on the touch screen. If you’re looking for a portable device with enough battery power to last you a whole workday, the Acer Spin 5 should be on your shopping list.
The ZenBook Pro Duo is the best touchscreen laptop for multitaskers who absolutely need two touch screens.
Top Features
- 15.6” 4K OLED main touch display.
- 14” 4K secondary touch display.
- 10th Gen Intel Core i7 processor.
- 16GB DDR4 memory.
- Dedicated GPU – NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060.
- Includes the ASUS stylus pen.
If you’re willing to spend slightly more than $2,000 for a touch screen laptop, you should consider the ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo. The most interesting feature this laptop offers is the second screen. The ScreenPad Plus is a secondary touch display that lets you add tools, files, and shortcuts to increase your productivity. You can even use it to extend your main display.
In addition to the two 4K displays, the ZenBook Pro Duo also offers plenty of processing power. It comes with a 10th generation i7 CPU, 16GB of RAM, and NVIDIA’s RTX 2060 GPU. While the CPU and GPU are somewhat outdated, they are more than enough for video editing, programming, music production, and entertainment.
In essence, the ZenBook Pro Duo from ASUS is the best touch screen laptop for artists, designers, and programmers.
The LG Gram 14 offers robust performance, mobility, and long battery life in a single package.
Top Features
- 14” FHD touch screen.
- 10th Gen Intel Core i7 processor.
- 16GB of DDR4 memory.
- Long battery life of up to 20 hours of use.
- Includes fingerprint reader and stylus pen.
The LG Gram 14 is one of the lightest 2-in-1 touch screen laptops you can buy. It weighs only 2.5 pounds. Additionally, the battery can last up to a maximum of around 20 hours of use if you don’t perform any demanding tasks, so this laptop is ideal for travelers.
The 14-inch screen produces sharp images, however, it’s a little on the glossy side. If you’re a professional photographer, you might want to look for another option on our list. Otherwise, the display is great for entertainment and business. With an Intel i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and SSD storage, the LG Gram is an excellent all-rounder. It also includes a stylus pen for drawing and taking notes, which is particularly useful in tablet mode.
If you’re looking for a powerful 2-in-1 touch screen laptop in the $700-$800 price range, the Lenovo Flex 5 is hard to beat.
Top Features
- 14” FHD touch screen.
- AMD Ryzen 5 4500U processor with integrated AMD graphics.
- 16GB of DDR4 memory.
- Includes a digital stylus pen.
- Supports quick charge.
Lenovo continues to impress with budget-friendly Windows touch screen laptops with the Flex series. The Lenovo Flex 5 is a 2-in-1 laptop with a 14-inch display that you can adjust in tablet mode, a viewing tent mode, or any other way that suits your activities.
Lenovo equipped the Flex 5 with an AMD Ryzen 5 4500U processor with Radeon Graphics and 16GB of RAM. Considering it costs only slightly more than $700, the Lenovo Flex 5 is a bargain if you need a device for content creation, binge-watching Netflix shows, or everyday computing. In addition, it comes with a stylus pen included in the price, so you’re set to enjoy your new touch screen laptop straight out of the box.
The Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha is the best touch screen laptop for fans of Samsung hardware.
Top Features
- 13.3” FHD QLED display.
- 10-finger multi-touch support.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processor with integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics.
- 16GB of DDR4 memory.
- Can be converted into a tablet.
Samsung has a reputation for delivering high-quality devices and the Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha is no exception. The QLED display is bright and is suitable for entertainment as well as graphic design work, and it supports 10 touch points. This means it can respond to 10 simultaneous fingers on the screen, so you can easily navigate and use multiple gestures at the same time.
The Samsung Galaxy Book can be flipped or folded in various modes, including tablet mode, so it’s great for traveling. The quad-core 11th gen Intel processor, coupled with 16GB of RAM, is also enough for multitasking, remote learning, and day-to-day tasks, so this is a great general-purpose touch screen laptop. The only minor downside is that the keys are a little hard to read.
The ZenBook Flip touch screen laptop from ASUS is the best slim convertible device with a top notch display.
Top Features
- 13.3” FHD OLED display with accurate color reproduction.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i7 processor with Intel Iris Xe Graphics.
- 16GB of DDR4 memory.
- Includes the ASUS stylus pen with 4096 pressure levels.
The ASUS ZenBook Flip combines versatility with portability. It’s a compact touch screen laptop that you can carry anywhere and it gives you more connectivity options than most of the competition. You get a wide range of ports, including HDMI, USB Type-A, and Thunderbolt 4 with DisplayPort support. You also get a highly accurate stylus pen, so you won’t need to buy additional accessories. The only other thing that would be nice to have is a fingerprint scanner.
The OLED display delivers realistic visuals with the sRGB and DCI-P3 color gamuts. Colors are vibrant at any brightness level, but the best thing about this screen is that it displays true blacks. If you’re a photographer, designer, or digital artist, the ASUS ZenBook Flip 13 is one of your best options.
The HP Pavilion x360 is one of the most affordable mid-range touch screen laptops for remote work and learning.
Top Features
- 14” FHD display that supports four-finger gestures.
- 11th Gen Intel Core i5 processor with Intel Iris Xe Graphics.
- 8GB DDR4 memory.
- Wide-angle HD webcam.
- Supports fast charge (up to 50% in 45 minutes).
The HP Pavilion x360 is a convertible Windows touch screen laptop that is primarily recommended for remote learning, multitasking, and streaming content. In essence, it’s a laptop suitable for the office. With an 11th-gen Intel i5 processor and only 8GB of RAM, the HP Pavilion isn’t recommended for gaming or demanding projects like 4K video editing.
That said, the HP Pavilion x360 offers plenty of useful features for the price. The full HD screen is responsive to four-finger gestures, the battery lasts up to around 8 hours, and Wi-Fi 6 ensures solid connectivity. In addition, the HP Pavilion comes with a wide-angle HD camera and crisp speakers, so all your video chats will be crisp and clear. The only downside is that the keyboard isn’t backlit, so keep that in mind if you type a lot in the dark.