沟通是生存的基础。你创造和分享想法、信息、新闻、观点、感受和事实,以达成共同的集体理解。在万维网(World Wide Web)出现之前,人们过去常常通过信件或印刷媒体进行口头或书面交流。然而,这个过程非常耗时。这是一种公认的非正式沟通方式,但(communication but businesses)不能让企业以这种时间就是金钱的方式运营。互联网和电子邮件的(internet and e-mail)出现改变了这一切,现在可以在眨眼之间交换想法。这在影响全球企业方面树立了一个里程碑。电子邮件(Email)成为国内外贸易交流不可或缺的方式。小型供应商和大型企业客户都张开双臂欢迎它供内部使用。(in-house use)商业(Business)公司开始创建其业务独有的电子邮件帐户。因此(Hence)开始为小型企业寻找最好的免费电子邮件提供商。阅读我们的无域免费企业电子邮件(business email)帐户列表,包括Gmail、Yahoo Mail 和 Outlook等流行的(Yahoo Mail and Outlook)主机服务(host service)提供商。
小型企业最佳免费电子邮件提供商列表(List of Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
电子邮件地址(email address)身份的很大一部分是域。域(domain)是part of an email address that comes after @ symbol的部分。您会发现最常见的域是@gmail.com、@yahoo.com、@outlook 等。许多企业也为其员工提供具有自己定制域的电子邮件地址。使用这些独特的企业电子邮件帐户,他们可以轻松地执行以下操作:
- 发送短信,
- 共享文件 - PDF Adobe文件或Microsoft Word文件,
- 分享图片或幻灯片,
- 启用视频会议,
- 共享联系人或活动日历,
- 和任何其他商业信息
实现起来并不难,但对于初创企业来说,设置自定义域并不是一件容易的事。这就是为什么他们更喜欢没有根据公司或品牌目标自定义域的免费(company or brand goals)商业电子邮件(business email)帐户。但是许多电子邮件服务提供商(如Outlook 商务(Outlook business)电子邮件免费)适用于小型企业,并且可能是商务电子邮件(business email)帐户的不错选择。让我们看看适用于小型企业的最佳电子邮件帐户的所有选项。
1. 邮箱
![Gmail 注册页面 | 最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MfDlN0sX3zA/Yjb4nOZ_LZI/AAAAAAAAhcM/LhcqImBsAXcnDNIJAri09QjsRydyx7v-gCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCyiNyRBg/s0/4YPLVotbertj8hxo-tU7McH8dKM.png)
Gmail是 Google(by Google)提供的电子邮件服务,在为没有自定义域的小型企业提供最佳免费电子邮件提供商方面,它是市场领导者。(market leader)由于以下内在原因,它是吸引所有人的最有用和最有效的应用程序:
- 它易于使用(easy to use),并为所有年龄段的人所接受。
- 它具有高度直观的用户界面(user interface),具有高级语法和自动拼写检查(advanced grammar and auto spell-check) 功能(features)。
- 它会提示(prompts) 您跟进(you to follow up)并回复消息。
- 它使您能够使用 Google 聊天和 Google Meet与其他人在线联系。(connect with others online)
- 它还可以使用 Google Chrome 浏览器进行离线响应。(enables offline responses)
- 它不仅与Google 生态系统(Google ecosystem)(即Google Docs 和 Google Calendar(Google Docs and Google calendar) )协同工作,而且还与Microsoft Outlook、Mozilla Thunderbird和Apple Mail等其他软件集成并很好地工作(integrates and works well )。
- 它提供了出色的两步安全验证(two-step security verification),除了您的用户名和密码(username and password)之外,它还要求您在登录时输入Google通过文本或语音消息(text or voice message)发送的代码。
- 有强大的垃圾邮件过滤器(powerful spam filters)可以过滤垃圾邮件,确保您不会收到垃圾邮件,并防止您的帐户被黑客入侵。
- 它提供针对恶意软件的实时保护(Real-Time Protection)
- 它拥有巨大的15GB 数据存储容量(15GB of data storage capacity)。
- 它具有许多高级功能,例如撤消发送和电子邮件转发功能(Undo Send & Email Forwarding features)。
- 它高度可靠(highly reliable)且无故障,使您可以长时间在 PC 上工作而不会出现任何中断,从而提供出色的正常运行时间。
- 您无需打开电子邮件即可打开和查看附件(open and view attachments)
- 您可以暂停您的消息(snooze your messages),以它们来自的方式暂时删除它们,并留在收件箱的顶部。这提醒您跟进这些您最初没有时间处理的电子邮件,而不是当时其他更重要的消息。
- 它可通过其移动应用程序在iOS和Android 智能手机上使用。(smartphones)
- 它会自动阻止网络钓鱼电子邮件(automatically blocks phishing Emails)阻止此类犯罪分子试图模仿/复制真实的、公认的组织的电子邮件以窃取您的敏感数据和信息。
因此,它是全球最受欢迎的电子邮件帐户(Email account)业务之一。对于那些有兴趣开始使用Gmail的人,它提供了终极初学者指南(Ultimate Beginner Guide),提供有关如何创建自定义域名以在(custom domain name)Google G-Suite上打开您的帐户并立即开始使用的快速提示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在没有电话号码验证的情况下创建(Phone Number Verification)Gmail 帐户(Gmail Account)
2. 雅虎邮箱(2. Yahoo Mail)
雅虎邮箱(Yahoo Mail)由雅虎(by Yahoo)于 1997 年推出,现在是一家名为Verizon Communication的(Verizon Communication)公司的子公司(subsidiary company)。由于其以下优点,这项商务电子邮件服务(business email service)已深入数百万用户的心中:
- 它可以快速轻松地登录(quick and easy sign in)其邮箱
- 它使组织中的员工能够实时集体使用。(real-time collective use )
- 这启用了 SSL,即安全套接字层协议(Secure Socket Layer protocols ),提供了一种方法来保护两个设备之间通过 Internet 进行的电子邮件通信。
- 您可以通过选择您选择的主题来自定义您的收件箱。(customize your inbox )
- 它有一个巨大的1 TB 的可用存储空间。(1 TB of free storage space.)
- 它支持(supports) 需要用户同时按住多个键的键盘快捷键。(Keyboard Shortcuts)这可以通过几次按键实现一系列输入操作,因此得名Shortcut。
- 它使用户能够发送免费的 SMS 消息。(send free SMS messages.)
- 它使用户能够利用他们的即时消息(instant messaging)进行快速消息传输。
- 它禁用垃圾邮件(disables spam),确保您不会收到阻止超过 150 亿条垃圾邮件的垃圾邮件。这有助于确保您的邮箱安全可靠。
- 它使您能够添加新邮箱(add new mailboxes)。
- 它还支持邮箱迁移(Mailbox Migration),您可以在其中将一封或多封电子邮件、约会和联系人从一个电子邮件客户端(email client)转移到另一个。
- 它还支持自定义域名计划(custom domain name plan),允许同一域名(domain name)下组织中的工作人员使用不同的电子邮件地址。
- 此外,它还支持记事本、日历和内置的网络搜索工具(supports notepad, calendar, and an in-built web search tool)
- 使用关键字、数据或联系人使用户(keywords, data, or contacts enables users)能够搜索工作电子邮件。
- 它还可以在您使用移动应用程序(mobile app)移动时帮助管理您的电子邮件。您可以从Play 商店(Play store)下载它。
- 它可以确保您的系统在 90 天后使用(after 90 days)自动删除垃圾邮件(auto-deletion of trash messages) 不会超载。
安全性薄弱(weak security),
不太聪明的电子邮件组织(not-so-smart email organization)和
没有 IMAP 访问权限(no IMAP access)。
然而,这并没有妨碍它的受欢迎程度,因为优点远远大于缺点。尽管早在 1997 年推出,这家面向小型企业的专业免费电子邮件服务提供商(email service provider)仍然保持着其在全球超过 2 亿用户中的受欢迎程度。因此,毫无疑问,此Yahoo Mail 服务(Yahoo Mail service)应该是您的万维网(World Wide Web)冲浪工具包的一部分。
三、展望(3. Outlook)
![Outlook 的注册页面](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-e2pQorysFZ0/Yjb1hHmD5mI/AAAAAAAAhe4/vaWj5VtBpi06psU2zSsxDwwYVi7f2bgYgCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCyiNyRBg/s0/3qezgDsxmLAhj50czR3Fbk02dH0.png)
Outlook是另一家顶级的免费电子邮件提供商(email provider),无论是商业还是个人,它在这个竞争激烈的市场中占有一席之地。由于以下理由,这被评为没有自定义域的小型企业的最佳免费电子邮件之一:
- 它易于使用(easy to use)且组织良好。
- 它与 Office 365(integrates well with Office 365 a)和其他 Microsoft 产品完美集成。
- 其有条理且重点突出的收件箱(organized and focused inbox)与最新的桌面和在线Office 应用程序(Office apps)相连。
- 它还可以保护您免受间谍软件(safeguards you against spyware)的侵害,防止您的机密信息落入坏人之手。
- 它提供了(offers) 键盘快捷键(Keyboard shortcuts),使您能够使用一个或多个键在计算机上执行操作或一组命令,从而将输入序列(input sequence)减少到几次击键。
- 这个特殊的杂乱功能(special clutter feature)可以从您的收件箱中找到并分离低优先级的电子邮件。
- 顾名思义,取消删除功能有助于从您的设备中恢复意外删除的电子邮件(Undelete) 。(feature)酷(Cool),对吧?
- 它发出密件抄送(Blind carbon copy),即密件抄送(Bcc)警告,让您知道您收到的消息也已发送给匿名第三方。因此(Hence),您可以采取适当的行动,无论是否接受消息。
- 借助其内置的日历(built-in calendar) 功能(feature),它使您能够正确计划和监控您的活动和会议日程,帮助您更好地管理时间(time management)。
- 此外,它还会向您发送重要提醒(important reminders),以免您错过重要或紧急的活动。
- 它使您可以灵活地根据您的优先级(flexibility to) 创建规则(create rules)来组织您的电子邮件。
- 他们提供无限的数据存储(unlimited data storage )设施
- 它为您的Windows PC、Mac 或智能手机(Windows PC, Mac, or smartphone)提供办公应用程序和云文件存储和共享功能(cloud file storage and sharing features)。
- 它使您只需轻扫其名称即可查看您的联系信息。(view your contact information)
- 它还提供出色的两步安全验证(two-step security verification)控制,使黑客更难访问您的帐户。
- Envato Envato Tuts+ tutorial的帮助可以帮助初学者和老前辈,以防任何与工作相关的问题。
与其他人一样,免费的Outlook 商务(Outlook business) 电子邮件(email free)也有一些限制,例如:
有限的自定义选项( limited customization options)和
- 敏感的垃圾邮件过滤器。(sensitive spam filters. )
然而,与如此多的荣誉相比,这些限制是微不足道的。此外,科技巨头(tech giant)微软(Microsoft)的支持和资源(support and resources)为其提供了超过 4 亿用户的支持,消除了对任何小限制的恐惧。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Outlook 应用程序无法在Windows 10 PC中打开(Open)
4. Zoho Mail
![ZohoMail 的注册页面 | 最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jncZE8nDKTE/YjcytfVRsZI/AAAAAAAAKv4/s9_sk-p4_jQhf3t7r9JgtQRFcw614OUAwCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxqHo63eC-w2z6yviSn9DYRDJuWMKm_sPX6g-BI1OEFwv6L01SgCY8x7NMPafCADWrqG-5bpVDJ9v1dX5VJUMKLtB4dJOAcVJsEhFbbXtL-XEojuNI5AruC6OEcs4cjQnBRmHxiidG_bT2PUln-JyMDeM9aSWLAKSXNGv7-yc7yQmIvhyUYhbDkEh81nfEAWmrpABM29e2_Sw9E50aw52PTBbSFGr-9f2F_zVQ6X8hhfsueD2Q3TAAeasc4-YpuzFdw2-e8Er4zY_PbIim0s6V3-GMF_pNVuXyk43N0cVPAQ4d5EcEKzOSQZl94Dd4hs_80k2TqFQdbSNhpq9D9NQyskK8FU-cfokIaFU0zhsWLLuGZVsuH1NRNGn4YNiKEV3QCAPqc9kzi1dPCRqXGd--4GOATbeSeKcQVgEuAwUTG5knE2W6mc6eg3LAB05feSMp5RK6QTKY72osxAAWsYKriaD-cjcVT3-YNVM5UanAfvczKJd_aCqsMi7kY2O-rOOq_hTYACxmVLcoKulU2T9PDKqZObOmLUWvpw1LFqfbIcIgdTfhTJx2pOU5yBgXu92TP53dU475DxGW5MnLmd0KwZo4qU3vaO3OQOutgpXWW1yHWLDsgvUWG4wybPqFh4idUvTQRR786lrgNYjAwl6DdkQY/s0/N6PREDovO97ub6R2IOkqsyFkDQg.png)
- 它通过发送快速流消息或共享电子邮件来遵循(follows) 社交网络风格的功能(social networking style features),而不是带有主题和签名(subject and signature)的长消息的旧方法,其中有时会丢失问题的症结。
- 电子发现功能(e-Discovery feature)使您能够快速找到电子邮件。
- 它还有一个共享的电子邮件收件箱(shared email inbox ),以便销售团队中的每个人都可以访问和共享新闻电子邮件,这是(access and share press emails)电子邮件模板表单(email template form)中有用的新闻稿。
- 它还使销售和营销团队(marketing team)能够通过电子邮件联系组中的相同合作伙伴,使他们能够共享文件、添加评论和管理基于组的活动。(contact the same partners in a group )
- 它支持云存储,而不是本地或硬盘存储(disk storage)。它允许每个用户最多5 GB 的云存储(5 GB of cloud storage per user)。此后,可以在需要时从任何远程位置访问此数据。
- Zohomail通过云存储带来的另一个优势是,如果需要,多个(more than) 用户可以处理一个公共文件(one user can work on a common file,)。
- 显然,这可以节省设备上的内存空间(saves memory space),无论是笔记本电脑还是智能手机。
- Zohomail 也可以保护您免受垃圾邮件的(protects you from spamming emails)侵害。
- 它适用于移动设备(mobile-friendly),您也可以从智能手机访问您的电子邮件。
- 它还为您提供了一个独特、简短且易于拼写和记忆的自定义域名(custom domain name) 工具。(facility)它告诉访问者在哪里可以找到您,并使他们能够在需要的时候不断地回来。
- 它没有广告(free of ads),让您免受不必要的干扰。
- 它启用(enables) 垃圾邮件过滤(spam filtering)并提供防病毒保护(provides antivirus protection)
- 它保证了无缝、无故障的(seamless, trouble-free) 正常运行时间(uptime),使您能够集中精力、不间断地工作。
- 它还具有其他有益的建设性工具,例如日历、任务、文档和笔记、电子表格、使用语音和视频演示的 Zoho Meeting 以及会议(calendars, tasks, documents and notes, spreadsheets, Zoho Meeting using voice and video presentation, and Conferencing)。
- 此外,它还托管Cliq以进行团队聊天。Cliq 功能(Cliq feature)提供表情符号、Gifs、Zomojis、Emojis(emoticons, Gifs, Zomojis, Emojis)和富有表现力的短语的列表,使这些团队聊天更加生动、参与和不那么单调。
- 用户界面(user interface)根据框架用户策略审查业务电子邮件的内容。
- Zohomail易于运行(easy to run),最多可供25 位用户免费使用(free of cost by a maximum of 25 users),使其成为中小型企业的有用模型。
- 这个选项卡式应用程序(tabbed app)使您能够通过单击在收件箱、日历和草稿电子邮件之间切换,而不会浪费任何时间。(draft email)
- 那些使用该帐户有困难的人可以在其管理面板(admin panel)的帮助下通过极其详细的分步说明进行故障排除。
- 使用Zapier 集成(Zapier integrations),您可以自动协调Zohomail、Zoho Cliq、 Zoho Writer和 Zoho Connect之间的工作。
- 它支持POP/IMAP/email forwarding service,还可以让您使用第三方应用程序检查您的电子邮件。
总体而言,ZohoMail是小型企业的最佳电子邮件。拥有如此多的功能,它被评为最好的免费商业电子邮件(business email)帐户之一,无论是否有域。
![GoDaddy 邮件服务注册页面 | 最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YP-w_qmEpJw/YjcQ_J5Y0XI/AAAAAAAApug/Q4Dl9mVReN8_tq_vaFJSfQB5P-yszt-cQCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhx6X5i_8Az7IZXV3nb-PxX1CSUHSFmSc6oq9vMrVLAbkuNkObNOx3wv8obBV9AhzeiTlD78bCwmRvOTWK6NxsO3KVaKRhu0GcC2-gQqplQ4oq48y5ES2OxM57FQOPj7TTSh85yzCb1G0Jvfmg0dRTuWcf1hBXCZJClrDNE2tqRNmjUClvACg8pnm2lMUeUV9sRv-61UT4BFvPub4bkJRzhSZo-lIQf88tdgqR4NXC36JYfvFUVcdYifCuvaIBbuDlAvnDamnMayhUWKLv_r_ZD_R93UUSIupOOtPlKpzEKe_McqWU4WCD0Y7Z8MXIGmAUamlCPkmmPnhPKy8s8rmW4CqRIKN8W29cYUdLYZ9ZXaF9u6ttm7UKPEztnyVUX0dxFBv8wLKPJI3GdgQ_CZCSkMpF3L8H6yXYHlCJjxk5Zv6OwC_viVRMRaodnvZv1masoT0jn1nct-tqNkGPdTVoOY3dJ8jiLz-F5-8FtIxNDMtNqEkD0lXuwR7iAdsGlTn9t2ZXQgB2WWLJS1z1BaE5HUh0k4y7Ih1Nn8Vff5um66JDZaSmxdUNtWVQZBdG8e05deeWdbRTEB01NVcNrlB_JirUo3wudC4080_bI5DDRtDgmwuUp8mbcIDP3XsJznVtAzUJ4DhTILjuGVMJzQ3JEG/s0/GmcT52j2sYXBb4x-xOQbA2g0Kqk.png)
GoDaddy Pro出现在没有自定义域的最佳免费商业电子邮件(business email)帐户列表中,因为它使生活更轻松,因为它具有以下属性:
- 它使您能够预览(preview file attachments)电子邮件中的文件附件。
- 它提供自定义域名功能,提供与您的(offers custom domain name)域(domain e.g.)匹配的电子邮件地址,例如 [email protected]。这将有助于提高您的专业形象,从而建立信誉和可信度(credibility and trustworthiness)。
- 它还具有适合移动设备的界面(mobile-friendly interface),使您可以从智能手机访问电子邮件。
- 它使您能够计划和组织您的约会(plan and organize your appointments)。
- 它还使您能够在Android 手机或平板电脑等所有设备上发送邀请。(send invites on all devices)
- 它使您能够跟进来回提醒(follow up with to and fro reminders)。
- 只需单击鼠标,它就可以恢复意外删除的电子邮件(restore accidentally deleted emails)。
- 这些商务电子邮件与您选择的电子邮件应用程序同步(sync with email apps of your choice)。这意味着您可以在所有设备上与GoDaddy一起使用(GoDaddy)Outlook、Apple Mail。
- 除了上述之外,它还可以过滤垃圾邮件(filtering of spam mails)。
- 它还通过提供来自间谍软件和数据盗窃的数据安全性来保护您的数据库。(providing data security)
- 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,它会阻止广告(it blocks advertisements),防止您分心和手头的工作动摇。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 雅虎聊天室(Yahoo Chat Rooms):它在哪里消失了?
6. GMX 邮件(6. GMX Mail)
![GMX 邮件的注册页面](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yklybkbMAbk/Yjcgt3EnvnI/AAAAAAAAEJg/S5_E-QQY2sgyIkIlMYocLulTQXJI3QtTgCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w39XckQY/s0/cj1rOxCP0_oKsZFqDgLqupmb3tE.png)
GMX Mail是另一个自 1997 年以来活跃的电子邮件帐户(email account),由于以下原因,它属于小型企业的最佳电子邮件列表:
- 您可以使用其无限的电子邮件存储设施(unlimited email storage facility)存储尽可能多的数据。
- 它包括一个(includes an) 地址簿(Address book),您可以在其中存储所有联系人和与您通信的人的地址。
- 邮件收集器(mail collector) 功能(feature)自动将来自不同来源的所有传入电子邮件转发到主邮箱,使您能够在一个地方访问所有电子邮件。
- 它提供了一个数据存储(data storage) 设施(facility),可以将您的文件存储在其数据库中。
- 它使您可以在没有自定义域的情况下注册 10 个免费的企业电子邮件帐户。(register with 10 free business email accounts)
- 通过 GMX 邮件来回传输大型附件(transfer of large attachments)很容易。
- 它演变为组织中每个独立部门的单独沟通渠道(separate communication channel for each independent department in an organization),例如,关于销售的沟通不会与生产部门(production dept)的沟通发生冲突等等。随着您的组织开始扩展,这将派上用场。
- 它的Organizer 功能(feature)支持Android和iOS设备的移动界面。移动应用程序(Mobile apps) 可帮助(help plan)您根据可用时间段规划和管理您的预约时间表。它还使您能够使用这些移动应用程序接收来自其他电子邮件服务的电子邮件。
- 只有在确认用户名和正确密码后,它才能提供安全访问。(rovides secure access)它计划通过实施双因素身份验证(two-factor authentication )方法来尽快升级安全措施。
- 它提供垃圾邮件过滤(spam filtering),让您的收件箱远离垃圾邮件以及病毒和恶意软件(virus & malware)。
- 有趣的是,它为您提供了存储电子邮件信息多长时间的灵活性。例如,如果您希望任何特定或所有邮件仅在“垃圾箱”文件夹(Trash folder)中保留一天,只需定义一天的存储时间(day storage time)。所需的消息或消息将在定义的时间段后自动删除。(automatically get deleted after the defined period.)
- 目前活跃用户不多,它不需要自定义域名(does not require custom domain name)电子邮件,从而节省了不必要的开支。随着活跃用户列表的增加,它可能在未来需要这项服务。
有限的用户支持( limited user support),
(auto-deactivation of account)如果帐户处于非活动状态 6 个月,则会自动停用帐户。因此,您需要继续定期使用它以避免停用。
尽管有列出的缺点,但GMX Mail拥有大约 1100 万用户的支持,并且对于没有域的小型企业来说是一个很好的电子邮件服务提供商。(email service provider)
7.质子邮件(7. ProtonMail)
![ProtonMail 的计划和定价](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-N8nGLhFidxY/YjcXQKK3lHI/AAAAAAAAC6Y/Pd5iRCFvvg8SIRjCXm19e3DL854kdkwmwCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w3dXckQY/s0/b5tqOFOw6uzUrR6iO7NsxutU6rs.png)
ProtonMail 电子邮件帐户(Email Account)被推荐为没有自定义域的小型企业的最佳电子邮件列表之一,原因如下:
- 这个开源软件(open-source software)不仅可以根据您的需要和要求 灵活地查看源代码,还可以修改源代码。(source code)
- 电子邮件帐户易于使用(easy to use)。
- 此外,它还受到严格的瑞士隐私法(strict Swiss privacy laws)的保护。
- 它是 100% 保密的,并提供安全的 E2EE 通信,(provides secure E2EE communication,)即端到端加密电子邮件(End Encrypted email)服务。除了发件人或预期收件人之外,没有第三方可以读取或解密它,因为它完全支持PGP,即相当好的隐私实践(Pretty Good Privacy Practice)。
- 您无需透露(not required to divulge confidential information)真实姓名、电话号码(telephone number)或任何其他个人信息等机密信息来创建ProtonMail 帐户(ProtonMail account)。您只需选择一个域名(domain name),生成一个安全密码(secure password),就可以开始您的业务了。
- 适合移动设备的电子邮件帐户可让您通过(mobile-friendly email account)Android和iOS应用程序从您的手机访问您的电子邮件。
尽管如此,免费的ProtonMail 帐户(ProtonMail account)也有以下缺点:
- 它将您的存储空间限制为仅500 MB和一个电子邮件地址(one email address)。
- 您每天(150 messages per day)不能发送超过150 条消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)Outlook 和 Hotmail 帐户(Outlook & Hotmail Account)有什么区别(Difference Between)
8. 美国在线邮件(8. AOL Mail)
![AOL Mail 的注册页面 | 最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Bt28Yb35hoQ/YjdjeRYccmI/AAAAAAAAOFE/XKi3_d9D27UMtG_CvLVnSkuRPoN_u_8RQCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhyU0JW91iiU4HdUNyWpEBsKLTw-6rQ88JJcf3GF8lMk7uR2vURQvSrLKx3HPJ-0bFTSQRDYtFiF0xXMnzMqjkeinj0p4_6R1kO7c7YxY5qQhApZ0W4keaxtQNkUgY3tkRT5-ypFY9VCwWOdWlQjQXqnqqmUhUOHojDHDyRxOdzXgn83uL9cUhyZQAyqoLNXwTuyPI3w7jMVLY_X3G_jMusEXoZHkAYQKZqBgUhPxBxFlPwhH-2DdZDXsVjKZqfavx4quKoI8Dn5vbKBw1fBP2LP-TMONu3R7eOkf34NH9fhPJJ8dtB0a9Nr9Lbun4wsDt2UkPoVWdXK-T5WEyqL8jtJIZzuNmeYS32rgbNJxt2MkVJe0ECNAjwjXY1oCKwCAja-lwWv2MG2WdS5jNcBqq8uNpsf5TXfjQaewupijbNsp_viGHOdMXhU68bv9CYzh3Jg897TZj113lNc9x2yiPm9ZLpb68caNxrHKk6kQvdPMHMRzJzCFsHGdrcsGW8UUQ6Ht3UrJUSKHvNnPH9C-EavJf8LBHVfter4gT7dO0uaIhreDldhomF7fI1DE1HmW7QFlecOcn2MqpmjESsYDZlEqVL_O7bu6l5iDcDGvhsDH0Fhqz9rIOYRCpkWkIV1yugxhdBnKN3LY3H2ntww_OXdkQY/s0/vdqRcndrkTqc6ET_H5wYmkO575Y.png)
AOL Mail是 1980 年代名为America Online的公司的创意,该公司后来被(America Online)美国(USA)Verizon Communication的一个部门接管。通过定期更新,其最新版本在小型企业最佳电子邮件列表中获得了一个名称,因为:
- 他们提供几乎无限的电子邮件存储(unlimited email storage )设施。
- 地址功能(address feature)使用户能够个性化他们的电子邮件地址(personalize their email address )和电子邮件域名(email domain name)。但是,在 2018 年之后,此功能被停止使用,以支持Yahoo Small Business 品牌(Yahoo Small Business brand)。因此(Thus),使其成为最好的无域免费商务电子邮件主机之一。(business email host)
- 其先进的垃圾邮件过滤器(advanced spam filters )使其收件箱中没有垃圾邮件。
- 它可以防止恶意软件和病毒(protection against malicious software and virus) 攻击(attacks)。
- 它允许通过Mailbird、Outlook 等第三方电子邮件客户端访问电子邮件。(access to email messages through third-party email clients )
- 它使简单邮件传输协议(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol )( SMTP ) 能够发送和接收最大 25 MB的电子邮件和附件,偶尔与(up to 25 MB)IMAP 或 POP3 服务(IMAP or POP3 services)配对,可以查看邮件服务器(mail server)上的所有文件夹或消息并下载它们。
- 其用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface )可防止机密信息落入数据窃取者、网络浏览者和黑客的坏人之手。
由于上述属性,此电子邮件服务(email service)赢得了被评为小型企业最佳电子邮件列表的信任。
9. iCloud 邮件(9. iCloud Mail)
![iCloud 登录页面](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EslGsmIr7DQ/YjcHTmWaU8I/AAAAAAAApyk/nilwUVqrewE1Dn7UN6VTth0va9C0RXLuACEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhx6X5i_8Az7IZXV3nb-PxX1CSUHSFmSc6oq9vMrVLAbkuNkObNOx3wv8obBV9AhzeiTlD78bCwmRvOTWK6NxsO3KVaKRhu0GcC2-gQqplQ4oq48y5ES2OxM57FQOPj7TTSh85yzCb1G0Jvfmg0dRTuWcf1hBXCZJClrDNE2tqRNmjUClvACg8pnm2lMUeUV9sRv-61UT4BFvPub4bkJRzhSZo-lIQf88tdgqR4NXC36JYfvFUVcdYifCuvaIBbuDlAvnDamnMayhUWKLv_r_ZD_R93UUSIupOOtPlKpzEKe_McqWU4WCD0Y7Z8MXIGmAUamlCPkmmPnhPKy8s8rmW4CqRIKN8W29cYUdLYZ9ZXaF9u6ttm7UKPEztnyVUX0dxFBv8wLKPJI3GdgQ_CZCSkMpF3L8H6yXYHlCJjxk5Zv6OwC_viVRMRaodnvZv1masoT0jn1nct-tqNkGPdTVoOY3dJ8jiLz-F5-8FtIxNDMtNqEkD0lXuwR7iAdsGlTn9t2ZXQgB2WWLJS1z1BaE5HUh0k4y7Ih1Nn8Vff5um66JDZaSmxdUNtWVQZBdG8e05deeWdbRTEB01NVcNrlB_JirUo3wudC4080_bI5DDRtDgmwuUp8mbcIDP3XsJznVtAzUJ4DhTILjuGVMJrQ3JEG/s0/ErBU4Vb_aj_n_nNOUlfPV0GfYbk.png)
iCloud 邮件(iCloud Mail)是苹果(Apple)对Gmail的反击。由于以下原因,它是Apple(Apple)用户的强大且受欢迎的电子邮件服务提供商(Email Service Provider),它进入了小型企业的最佳电子邮件列表:
- 它支持两步安全授权(two-step security authorization ),确保不会损害您的电子邮件帐户(email account)的安全。
- 它还具有垃圾邮件过滤器(spam filter),可确保您的邮箱免受未经请求的垃圾邮件(junk mail)的侵害。
- 顾名思义,它的自动回复功能会自动向(auto-responder function)商务电子邮件(business email)的发件人发送预先写好的确认。无论是来自个人、网站还是组织,都可以使用此功能。
- 它还便于数据存储服务(data storage services )保存笔记和提醒以备后用。
- 其基于云的内置日历(cloud-based built-in calendar)包括联系人列表(contact list)、日历、日程安排,以正确计划和监控您的活动和会议。
- 它在 iCloud 上向其用户提供Tuts + tutorials
- iCloud 最独特的特点是它也可以在 Windows PC 上下载和访问(downloaded for & accessed on Windows PCs)。
这款受欢迎且免费的电子邮件管理器(email manager)已成为满足全球Apple用户需求的最佳企业电子邮件帐户之一。(business email)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复未同步到 PC 的iCloud(Fix iCloud) 照片(Photos)
10. Yandex 邮件(10. Yandex Mail)
![Yandex Mail 的注册页面](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-H00PNxempEw/YjdePBFALqI/AAAAAAAAxJI/XeI8VGr7M9kD8elk2Jagaigv0VSyNhFwACEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhyA7Kl1nmuuE8YbfjpS9M3y-4uTVj7wwni_pQolcgJ95qTiO-uLPhHKnju5WtDUoCrh2GRhIuYn7H3A46WuR-NxwSiz3saC40lwEhLnEYSN1u049dY0D67l2CYyjg9Y07wRfnE24PF602JMWQ1tdO-7rwnXCbH-aen2ea7CQo1ODnAY1BCnUqtOf3xImHqFiNG3S8Q2NwO2TMd0tE1PbEUe3d5YJbd5HYjzbMmBiGMhVyvwZzVxKv1vF6EyEneYOXYpGLPPH2NpymJra9dKyL2eURnGuZzKwpReiu5BpQLzp-hh87uSJSlyCQ7ayU5pcMdJssGrsEJh5C-WsErMEJ0tE_FqLyDYX9EQ_MunDF7n3WJGQfXpQv5pjBA8MziUg9apzX0jdHDVVZJig8mgsk-81NqKeyDpZur2nn6PNvOlsduvCBq6Pgr51EQrrqOG5FNe5uiW36h5-u_yykFWzomxUoJ5SZkrxNrRvDqgntZvuPVxqE97MLOzC2UMF7kEWnA8HOkgWS4DRgY5vw2HYe0vwyFUDZbgDKOdbw0wn573JdoDAEeF7eTzjYqswz6pOpZDT0yyKKczaWxJPtWMgZ6yH18L_euilSbnLknCwvQX6JL3-DCrNUOD7sWAloZMYvFekGONPDCd4d2RBg/s0/sVreopsCJt1bn6Qw_ielOsJ7Hzg.png)
Yandex Mail是一个俄罗斯搜索引擎(Russian search engine),包含传入和传出消息的翻译功能(translation feature)。由于以下原因,它在小型企业的 10 大最佳电子邮件列表中名列前茅:
- 它提供出色的垃圾邮件和病毒防护(excellent spam and virus protection),阻止来自Web的所有不请自来的(Web)垃圾邮件(junk mail)和其他恶意软件。
- 它具有 10GB的初始存储容量(storage capacity),可在每次剩余不到 200 MB 的可用存储空间时增加容量,从而提供无限(unlimited storage)存储空间(storage space)。
- 其用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface)使其易于设置和使用。
- 在标签、个人按钮、日历、(labels, personal buttons, calendar,)云盘、表单、信使和热键等工具的帮助下,它使网上冲浪变得更加快速和有趣。
- 该软件使您可以灵活地查看媒体文件、图像和其他附件,(view your media files, images, and other attachments )而无需打开邮件。
- 这个快速灵活的站点还为其用户启用了自定义域名功能。(enables custom domain name)
- 它还启用了双重身份验证(two-factor authentication)安全性,可防止任何人侵入您的电子邮件帐户(email account)。
- 对于个人而言,它只能免费访问三个电子邮件用户(free access to only three email users),但当您注册为公司或公司时,您可以获得1,000 个免费帐户的灵活性。(flexibility of 1,000 free accounts.)
毫无疑问,Yandex Mail拥有许多有趣的功能,是您初创公司必备的优秀电子邮件服务提供商。(email service provider)
11. 网络邮件(11. WebMail)
WebMail提供了一个免费的电子邮件帐户(email account),具有许多惊人的功能,例如:
- 它为用户提供10 GB 的云存储空间(10 GB of cloud storage ),用于文件共享(file-sharing)。
- 用户可以通过互联网免费发送语音邮件。(send voicemails )
- 您可以设置 Fax2Mail(set up Fax2Mail ),让您直接在电子邮件收件箱中接收传真消息。(email inbox)
- 它免费提供辅助电子邮件帐户(secondary email account )。
- 它配备了日历、通讯录、任务列表(calendar, address book, task list)等工具,非常适合办公用途。
- 您可以发送短信(send SMSs)而无需任何额外费用。
- 您可以在任何地方访问您的电子邮件帐户,(access your email account anywhere)因为它在所有设备上都可用。
所有这些功能都免费使 Webmail 成为小型企业的最佳电子邮件,尤其是那些刚起步并需要没有域的免费企业电子邮件的企业。(business email)
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Mail2World是这个列表的一个有趣的补充,它为它的用户提供了大量的功能。虽然它确实提供了具有额外好处的高级计划,但(Premium plan)免费电子邮件计划(Free email plan)对于小型企业来说也值得考虑。
- 您可以从一个位置管理多个电子邮件帐户(manage multiple email accounts),并且不需要为所有电子邮件地址使用不同的电子邮件客户端。
- 免费计划提供25 GB 的云存储空间(GB of cloud storage space)。
- 您可以从2000 多个符合您公司形象和目标的(company image & goals)域选项(2000 domain options)中选择您的域。
- 它配备了一流的垃圾邮件过滤器(best-of-the-line spam filters),可确保您的数据安全。
- 您可以使用为iOS 和 Android(iOS and Android)生态系统开发的移动应用程序(using mobile app)通过智能手机访问您的电子邮件帐户。(email account)
- 即使您处于离线状态,(access all your emails even when you are offline)您也可以访问所有电子邮件。
- 您的电子邮件帐户会在您登录的所有设备上主动同步,因此您可以从任何设备与您的电子邮件进行交互。(actively synced across all devices)
- 您可以安排在预定时间发送电子邮件(schedule an email)。这非常有用!
Mail2world对于小企业主来说是一个不错的选择,他们可以在享受免费计划的同时享受其大量功能。随着业务的扩展,您可以以 $29.99 per year的价格升级到高级计划。(premium plan)
13. 图塔诺塔(13. Tutanota)
![Tutanota官方网站| 最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BPKVvE4g2e0/Yjb8SLgJRvI/AAAAAAAAhaA/2Qb6YDzC2CMQHfvbuD-QmXShksFuZ1n5QCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCziNyRBg/s0/5It7MnouICr5aoOzk5q1NQR5G-Q.png)
Tutanota是一项电子邮件服务,于 2011 年从其德国(Germany)总部推出。我们将其包含在小型企业最佳电子邮件列表中的原因有很多,其中包括:
- 这是一个开源(open-source) 项目(project),因此任何人都可以查看和修改源代码(source code)以发现任何差异。
- 它适用于所有主要操作系统(available for all major operating systems),使其覆盖大量设备。
- 它加密(encrypts emails)从一端到另一端的电子邮件以确保隐私。
- 它会删除一个超过 6 个月未激活的帐户。(deletes an account)如果您忘记登录,您可以不用担心旧的电子邮件帐户。(email account)
- 它提供了内置日历和通讯录等功能,(in-built calendar and address book,)使其与办公场景(office scenario)更加兼容。
- 您可以发送匿名电子邮件(anonymous emails),而无需透露任何个人数据,例如电话号码。
- 它配备了出色的( great) 垃圾邮件检测和过滤(spam detection and filtering)工具。
- 它有自己的搜索引擎(own search engine),可以为您提供与您的电子邮件相关的任何结果。
除了在隶属于 9 Eyes 的国家/地区开发之外,这是一个很好的选择,可用作您的小型企业或初创企业的日常(business or start-up)电子邮件服务(email service)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具
14. 邮件围栏(14. MailFence)
对于小型企业的电子邮件服务提供商, MailFence(MailFence)是一个出色的竞争对手,因为:
- 它提供无广告的电子邮件体验(ad-free emailing experience)。
- 它阻止垃圾邮件、跟踪器(blocks spam, trackers,)和任何可能干扰用户隐私的东西。
- 它对浏览器中的电子邮件进行加密,(encrypts emails in the browsers)这样除了目标用户之外,没有人可以访问电子邮件的内容。
- 电子邮件经过数字签名(signed digitally),以确保它确实是由帐户的原始所有者发送的。
- 它提供了与办公相关的工具,例如日历、地址簿和文件管理器(calendars, address books, and file manager)。
唯一的限制是免费计划的存储空间(storage space on a free plan)。用户只得到
- 500MB 空间用于电子邮件和
- 另外 500MB 用于文档。
通过升级到高级计划(premium plan)可以轻松解决这个问题。由于该公司位于比利时,因此(Belgium)NSA等外国机构的法律不适用,该公司拒绝发布任何禁言令。
15. 邮件.com
![Mail.com 的注册页面|最佳免费商业电子邮件帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qwwRtuxnEks/YjcNQ3ZjqAI/AAAAAAAAB5M/K9eXJNWUAwEJD7HWJ4ElT-R1ITQnVksPQCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w39XckQY/s0/CYHsJRHvk_d4nW4dmdERzXH-mNQ.png)
Mail.com就是这样一个电子邮件服务提供商(service provider),尽管它的名字很明显,但它已经被遗忘了。以下值得注意的功能使其成为没有域的小型企业的最佳电子邮件的有力竞争者:
- 它在创建免费电子邮件帐户时为来自(email account)over 150+ domains的用户提供选择。
- 为用户提供65 GB 的电子邮件存储空间和 2 GB 的其他文件存储空间(65 GB of email storage and 2 GB for other files)。
- 它允许最多 30 MB 的附件(attachments upto 30 MB)。
(Multiple email accounts)可以从一个控制台管理多个电子邮件帐户。
- 它提供了一个易于使用的界面(easy-to-use interface)。
- 此外,它还使用其电子邮件过滤器(email filters)阻止垃圾邮件发送者和跟踪者。
- 它使用内置的防病毒(inbuilt antivirus) 程序(program)扫描电子邮件附件,以确保发件人和收件人的安全(safety & security)。
- 它可通过 iOS 和 Android 应用程序在移动设备上使用。(available on mobile devices)
- 它配备了与办公室相关的工具(office-related tools ),如日历,以满足您的所有需求。
尽管Mail.com自 1995 年以来就已经存在,并且在其他更受欢迎的选项中已经丢失。随着时间的推移,它的稳健性已经证明了自己,这理所当然地使它在这个列表中占有一席之地。
- 修复 Windows PC 无法连接到电视
- 如何在Excel中冻结(Excel)行和列(Rows and Columns)
- 如何关闭(Off)Outlook 电子邮件已读(Outlook Email Read Receipt)回执
- 适用于 Windows 11 的 9 款最佳日历应用
适用于小型企业的最佳免费电子邮件服务(email service)提供商名单非常庞大,并且不乏有趣的网站,例如Fastmail、Office 365、G Suite、Rackspace、Intermedia Exchange Mail等等。尽管它们也是必不可少的通信方式,但不幸的是,它们并不是免费的商业电子邮件(business email)帐户。为了您的利益,我们将讨论限制在15 个最好的免费商业电子邮件帐户(15 best free business email accounts)(有域和无域)。您可以通过下面的评论部分(comment section)与我们联系。
15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business 2022
Communicatіon is fundamental to existence. You create and share ideas, information, news, views, feelings, and facts tо rеach a common, collective understanding. Before the World Wide Web came into existence people used to communicate verbally or in writing through letters, or print mеdia. This process, however, was pretty time-consuming. It was an accepted method of informal communication but businesses cоuld not be made to run in this fashion where time is moneу. The emergеnce of the internet and e-mail changed all that and ideas could now be exchanged in the blink of an eye. This set a milestone when it cаme to affecting businesses worldwide. Email became an indispensable method of inter-trade communication both internally and externally. It was welcomed with opеn arms for in-house use, bу small vendors as well as big corporate clients. Businеss houses began to create E-maіl accounts that were unique to their businesses. Hence began the searсh for the best free email providers for small business. Read our list of free business email accounts without domain, including popular host service рroviders like Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook.
![Best Free Email Providers for Small Business](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QSgDfw-cUc8/YjcxLOQNtSI/AAAAAAAAKwU/l7L0snPevlE0AgWMJsL8eDgfRHySuxy0gCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxqHo63eC-w2z6yviSn9DYRDJuWMKm_sPX6g-BI1OEFwv6L01SgCY8x7NMPafCADWrqG-5bpVDJ9v1dX5VJUMKLtB4dJOAcVJsEhFbbXtL-XEojuNI5AruC6OEcs4cjQnBRmHxiidG_bT2PUln-JyMDeM9aSWLAKSXNGv7-yc7yQmIvhyUYhbDkEh81nfEAWmrpABM29e2_Sw9E50aw52PTBbSFGr-9f2F_zVQ6X8hhfsueD2Q3TAAeasc4-YpuzFdw2-e8Er4zY_PbIim0s6V3-GMF_pNVuXyk43N0cVPAQ4d5EcEKzOSQZl94Dd4hs_80k2TqFQdbSNhpq9D9NQyskK8FU-cfokIaFU0zhsWLLuGZVsuH1NRNGn4YNiKEV3QCAPqc9kzi1dPCRqXGd--4GOATbeSeKcQVgEuAwUTG5knE2W6mc6eg3LAB05feSMp5RK6QTKY72osxAAWsYKriaD-cjcVT3-YNVM5UanAfvczKJd_aCqsMi7kY2O-rOOq_hTYACxmVLcoKulU2T9PDKqZObOmLUWvpw1LFqfbIcIgdTfhTJx2pOU5yBgXu92TP53dU475DxGW5MnLmd0KwZo4qU3vaO3OQOutgpXWW1yHWLDsgvUWG4wybPqFh4idUvTQRR786lrgNYjAwlqDdkQY/s0/MlYYGcrsDGvswQck5qCkdiDiXAI.jpg)
List of Best Free Email Providers for Small Business
A huge part of the identity of an email address is the domain. The domain is the part of an email address that comes after @ symbol. The most common domain you would find would be, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, @outlook etc. Many businesses provide their employees with email address with their own customized domains as well. Using these unique business E-mail accounts they can easily do the following:
- send text messages,
- share files – PDF Adobe files or Microsoft Word files,
- share images or slides,
- enable video conferencing,
- share contacts or calendar of events,
- and any other business information
to a specific individual or a group collectively.
It is not too hard to achieve but for start-ups, setting a customized domain is not an easy task. That’s why they prefer free business email accounts without domain customized as per their company or brand goals. But many email service providers like Outlook business email free accommodate small businesses and can be a good option for business email accounts. Let us see what all options are available for the best email accounts for small businesses.
1. Gmail
![Gmail Signup page | Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MfDlN0sX3zA/Yjb4nOZ_LZI/AAAAAAAAhcM/LhcqImBsAXcnDNIJAri09QjsRydyx7v-gCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCyiNyRBg/s0/4YPLVotbertj8hxo-tU7McH8dKM.png)
Gmail,the email service provided by Google, is the market leader when it comes to best free email providers for small business without customized domain. It is the most useful and efficient application appealing to everyone because of the following inherent reasons:
- It is easy to use and acceptable to people of all ages.
- It has a highly intuitive user interface with advanced grammar and auto spell-check features.
- It prompts you to follow up and reply to messages.
- It enables you to connect with others online using Google chat and Google meet.
- It also enables offline responses using the Google Chrome browser.
- It not only synergizes with the Google ecosystem i.e., Google Docs and Google calendar but also integrates and works well with other software like Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Apple Mail.
- It provides excellent two-step security verification whereby in addition to your username and password, it also asks you to enter a code sent by Google via text or voice message when you sign in.
- There are powerful spam filters that filter spam emails ensuring you do not receive junk messages and providing safety from the likelihood of your account being hacked.
- It provides Real-Time Protection against malicious software
- It has a huge 15GB of data storage capacity.
- It has many advanced features like the Undo Send & Email Forwarding features.
- It is highly reliable and free from glitches enabling you to work on your PC for long periods without any interruptions, providing excellent uptime.
- You can open and view attachments without opening emails
- You can snooze your messages, temporarily removing them in a way that they come from, and stay at the top of your inbox. This reminds you to follow up on these emails that you initially did not have time to cater to instead of other more important messages at that time.
- It is available on iOS and Android smartphones through its mobile apps.
- It automatically blocks phishing Emails from keeping such criminals at bay who try to imitate/copy emails of genuine, recognized organizations to steal your sensitive data and information.
Thus, it is one of the most in-demand businesses Email account world over. For those interested to begin working on Gmail, it provides an Ultimate Beginner Guide for quick tips on how to create a custom domain name to open your account on Google G-Suite and get started right away.
Also Read: How to create a Gmail Account without Phone Number Verification
2. Yahoo Mail
![Signup page for Yahoo Mail](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QIA3RiNrxUM/Yjc8CTojzjI/AAAAAAAAKo8/f8-yO7aiXaceFrvXs9VA_I3mxs4zeKyBwCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxqHo63eC-w2z6yviSn9DYRDJuWMKm_sPX6g-BI1OEFwv6L01SgCY8x7NMPafCADWrqG-5bpVDJ9v1dX5VJUMKLtB4dJOAcVJsEhFbbXtL-XEojuNI5AruC6OEcs4cjQnBRmHxiidG_bT2PUln-JyMDeM9aSWLAKSXNGv7-yc7yQmIvhyUYhbDkEh81nfEAWmrpABM29e2_Sw9E50aw52PTBbSFGr-9f2F_zVQ6X8hhfsueD2Q3TAAeasc4-YpuzFdw2-e8Er4zY_PbIim0s6V3-GMF_pNVuXyk43N0cVPAQ4d5EcEKzOSQZl94Dd4hs_80k2TqFQdbSNhpq9D9NQyskK8FU-cfokIaFU0zhsWLLuGZVsuH1NRNGn4YNiKEV3QCAPqc9kzi1dPCRqXGd--4GOATbeSeKcQVgEuAwUTG5knE2W6mc6eg3LAB05feSMp5RK6QTKY72osxAAWsYKriaD-cjcVT3-YNVM5UanAfvczKJd_aCqsMi7kY2O-rOOq_hTYACxmVLcoKulU2T9PDKqZObOmLUWvpw1LFqfbIcIgdTfhTJx2pOU5yBgXu92TP53dU475DxGW5MnLmd0KwZo4qU3vaO3OQOutgpXWW1yHWLDsgvUWG4wybPqFh4idUvTQRR786lrgNYjAwlaDdkQY/s0/lXGd5hTwKMrmIq3tttVmY2AatKs.png)
Yahoo Mail was launched by Yahoo in 1997, which is now a subsidiary company of an establishment called Verizon Communication. This business email service has made its way into the hearts of millions of users because of its following merits:
- It enables a quick and easy sign in to its mailbox
- It enables real-time collective use by employees in an organization.
- This enables SSL i.e., Secure Socket Layer protocols providing a way to secure email communication between two devices over the internet.
- You can customize your inbox in your way by choosing themes of your choice.
- It has a massive 1 TB of free storage space.
- It supports Keyboard Shortcuts requiring the user to press and hold more than one key simultaneously. This enables a series of input operations through a few keystrokes, hence the name Shortcut.
- It enables users to send free SMS messages.
- It enables users to make use of their instant messaging for quick message transfers.
- It disables spam, ensuring you do not receive junk messages blocking more than 15 billion spam messages. This helps keep your mailbox safe and secure.
- It enables you to add new mailboxes.
- It also enables Mailbox Migration wherein you can transfer one or more emails, appointments, and contacts from one email client to another.
- It also supports a custom domain name plan allowing different email addresses to workers in your organization under the same domain name.
- Moreover, it supports notepad, calendar, and an in-built web search tool
- Using keywords, data, or contacts enables users to search for work emails.
- It also helps manage your emails while you are on the move with its mobile app. You can download it from Play store.
- It ensures that your system is not overloaded using auto-deletion of trash messages after 90 days.
There are a few shortcomings too like:
weak security,
not-so-smart email organization and
no IMAP access.
This has however not hampered its popularity as the pros outweigh the cons by a wide margin. Despite having been launched way back in 1997, this professional free email service provider for small business still maintains its popularity with over 200 million users worldwide. So, without any iota of doubt, this Yahoo Mail service should be a part of your World Wide Web surfing toolkit.
3. Outlook
![Signup page for Outlook](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-e2pQorysFZ0/Yjb1hHmD5mI/AAAAAAAAhe4/vaWj5VtBpi06psU2zSsxDwwYVi7f2bgYgCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCyiNyRBg/s0/3qezgDsxmLAhj50czR3Fbk02dH0.png)
Outlook is another top, free email provider, both business & personal, that has held its ground in this competitive market. This is rated amongst the best free email for small business without customized domain due to the following rationale:
- It is easy to use and well-organized.
- It integrates well with Office 365 and other Microsoft products.
- Its organized and focused inbox connects with the latest desktop and online Office apps.
- It also safeguards you against spyware, preventing your confidential information from going into the wrong hands.
- It offers Keyboard shortcuts that enable you to perform an operation or a set of commands on a computer using one or more keys, reducing the input sequence to a few keystrokes.
- This special clutter feature finds and separates low-priority emails from your inbox.
- The Undelete feature, as the name suggests, helps to recover accidentally deleted emails from your device. Cool, right?
- It issues a Blind carbon copy, i.e., Bcc warning to make you aware that the message you received has also been sent to anonymous third parties. Hence, you can take suitable action, whether to entertain the message or not.
- With the help of its built-in calendar feature, it enables you to properly plan and monitor your events and meeting schedules, helping you in better time management.
- Additionally, it sends you important reminders so that you do not miss out on your crucial or urgent activities.
- It imparts you the flexibility to create rules as per your priorities to organize your emails.
- They offer unlimited data storage facilities
- It offers office applications cum cloud file storage and sharing features for your Windows PC, Mac, or smartphone.
- It enables you to view your contact information simply by whisking over its name.
- It also provides excellent two-step security verification controls, making it harder for hackers to access your account.
- The assistance from the Envato Tuts+ tutorial helps both beginners and old-timers alike, in case of any work-related hick-ups.
Like others, Outlook business email free also has a share of its constraints, such as:
limited customization options and
- sensitive spam filters.
These limitations are, however, minuscule as compared to so many distinctions to its credit. Furthermore, the support and resources of the tech giant Microsoft give it the backing of more than 400 million users, washing away the fear of whatever little limitations it has.
Also Read: How to Fix Outlook App Won’t Open in Windows 10 PC
4. Zoho Mail
![Signup page for ZohoMail | Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jncZE8nDKTE/YjcytfVRsZI/AAAAAAAAKv4/s9_sk-p4_jQhf3t7r9JgtQRFcw614OUAwCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxqHo63eC-w2z6yviSn9DYRDJuWMKm_sPX6g-BI1OEFwv6L01SgCY8x7NMPafCADWrqG-5bpVDJ9v1dX5VJUMKLtB4dJOAcVJsEhFbbXtL-XEojuNI5AruC6OEcs4cjQnBRmHxiidG_bT2PUln-JyMDeM9aSWLAKSXNGv7-yc7yQmIvhyUYhbDkEh81nfEAWmrpABM29e2_Sw9E50aw52PTBbSFGr-9f2F_zVQ6X8hhfsueD2Q3TAAeasc4-YpuzFdw2-e8Er4zY_PbIim0s6V3-GMF_pNVuXyk43N0cVPAQ4d5EcEKzOSQZl94Dd4hs_80k2TqFQdbSNhpq9D9NQyskK8FU-cfokIaFU0zhsWLLuGZVsuH1NRNGn4YNiKEV3QCAPqc9kzi1dPCRqXGd--4GOATbeSeKcQVgEuAwUTG5knE2W6mc6eg3LAB05feSMp5RK6QTKY72osxAAWsYKriaD-cjcVT3-YNVM5UanAfvczKJd_aCqsMi7kY2O-rOOq_hTYACxmVLcoKulU2T9PDKqZObOmLUWvpw1LFqfbIcIgdTfhTJx2pOU5yBgXu92TP53dU475DxGW5MnLmd0KwZo4qU3vaO3OQOutgpXWW1yHWLDsgvUWG4wybPqFh4idUvTQRR786lrgNYjAwl6DdkQY/s0/N6PREDovO97ub6R2IOkqsyFkDQg.png)
As another nail in the peg, ZohoMail is considered to be a secure and one of the best email for small businesses due to the following virtues:
- It follows social networking style features by sending quick stream messages or sharing of emails, rather than the old method of long messages with a subject and signature, in which at times the crux of the matter would be lost.
- The e-Discovery feature enables you to locate emails quickly.
- It also has a shared email inbox so that everyone on the sales team can access and share press emails, which are helpful press releases in the email template form.
- It also enables the sales and marketing team to contact the same partners in a group through their emails enabling them to share files, add comments and manage group-based activities.
- It enables cloud storage rather than local or hard disk storage. It allows up to 5 GB of cloud storage per user. This data can thereafter be accessed, as and when needed, from any remote location.
- Another advantage Zohomail entails through cloud storage is that more than one user can work on a common file, if needed.
- Obviously, this saves memory space on your device, be it laptop or smartphone.
- Zohomail protects you from spamming emails too.
- It is mobile-friendly and you can access your emails from your smartphone too.
- It also provides you with a custom domain name facility that is unique, short, and easy to spell and memorize. It tells visitors where to find you and enables them to keep coming back, whenever they need to.
- It is free of ads, sparing you of uncalled-for distractions.
- It enables spam filtering and provides antivirus protection
- It guarantees seamless, trouble-free uptime enabling you concentrated, break-free working.
- It also has other beneficial, constructive tools like calendars, tasks, documents and notes, spreadsheets, Zoho Meeting using voice and video presentation, and Conferencing.
- Additionally, it hosts Cliq for team chats. The Cliq feature offers a list of emoticons, Gifs, Zomojis, Emojis, and expressive phrases, making these team chats more lively, participative, and less monotonous.
- The user interface reviews the content of business emails as per the framed user policies.
- Zohomail is easy to run and can be used free of cost by a maximum of 25 users, making it a useful model for small and medium-sized businesses.
- This tabbed app enables you to switch between your inbox, calendar, and a draft email with a single tap, without wasting any time.
- Those having difficulty using the account can troubleshoot with the help of its admin panel through extremely detailed step-by-step instructions.
- Using Zapier integrations you can automatically harmonize working between Zohomail, Zoho Cliq, Zoho Writer, and Zoho Connect.
- It supports POP/IMAP/email forwarding service and also enables you to check your email using a third-party app.
Overall, ZohoMail is the best email for small businesses. With so many feathers under its belt, it is rated amongst the best free business email accounts to maintain, with or without domain.
5. GoDaddy
![Signup page for GoDaddy mail service | Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YP-w_qmEpJw/YjcQ_J5Y0XI/AAAAAAAApug/Q4Dl9mVReN8_tq_vaFJSfQB5P-yszt-cQCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhx6X5i_8Az7IZXV3nb-PxX1CSUHSFmSc6oq9vMrVLAbkuNkObNOx3wv8obBV9AhzeiTlD78bCwmRvOTWK6NxsO3KVaKRhu0GcC2-gQqplQ4oq48y5ES2OxM57FQOPj7TTSh85yzCb1G0Jvfmg0dRTuWcf1hBXCZJClrDNE2tqRNmjUClvACg8pnm2lMUeUV9sRv-61UT4BFvPub4bkJRzhSZo-lIQf88tdgqR4NXC36JYfvFUVcdYifCuvaIBbuDlAvnDamnMayhUWKLv_r_ZD_R93UUSIupOOtPlKpzEKe_McqWU4WCD0Y7Z8MXIGmAUamlCPkmmPnhPKy8s8rmW4CqRIKN8W29cYUdLYZ9ZXaF9u6ttm7UKPEztnyVUX0dxFBv8wLKPJI3GdgQ_CZCSkMpF3L8H6yXYHlCJjxk5Zv6OwC_viVRMRaodnvZv1masoT0jn1nct-tqNkGPdTVoOY3dJ8jiLz-F5-8FtIxNDMtNqEkD0lXuwR7iAdsGlTn9t2ZXQgB2WWLJS1z1BaE5HUh0k4y7Ih1Nn8Vff5um66JDZaSmxdUNtWVQZBdG8e05deeWdbRTEB01NVcNrlB_JirUo3wudC4080_bI5DDRtDgmwuUp8mbcIDP3XsJznVtAzUJ4DhTILjuGVMJzQ3JEG/s0/GmcT52j2sYXBb4x-xOQbA2g0Kqk.png)
GoDaddy Pro appears on the list of the best free business email accounts without customized domain as it makes life easier due to the following attributes:
- It enables you to preview file attachments in your email.
- It offers custom domain name facility, providing an email address matching your domain e.g., [email protected]. This will help improve your professional image thereby, building credibility and trustworthiness.
- It also has a mobile-friendly interface enabling you to access your emails from your smartphone.
- It enables you to plan and organize your appointments.
- It also enables you to send invites on all devices like Android phones or tablets.
- It enables you to follow up with to and fro reminders.
- With a single click of the mouse, it can restore accidentally deleted emails.
- These business emails sync with email apps of your choice. This means you can work with Outlook, Apple Mail, across all your devices alongside GoDaddy.
- In addition to the above, it enables the filtering of spam mails.
- It also secures your database by providing data security from spyware and data theft.
- Last but not least, it blocks advertisements preventing you from distractions and wavering from work at hand.
Also Read: Yahoo Chat Rooms: Where did it fade away?
6. GMX Mail
![Signup page for GMX Mail](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yklybkbMAbk/Yjcgt3EnvnI/AAAAAAAAEJg/S5_E-QQY2sgyIkIlMYocLulTQXJI3QtTgCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w39XckQY/s0/cj1rOxCP0_oKsZFqDgLqupmb3tE.png)
GMX Mail is another email account active since 1997, which falls on the list of the best email for small businesses on the following grounds:
- You can store as much data as you like with its unlimited email storage facility.
- It includes an Address book where you can store the addresses of all your contacts and people you correspond with.
- The mail collector feature automatically forwards all incoming emails from different sources into the primary mailbox, enabling you to access all your emails in one place.
- It provides a data storage facility enabling storing your files in its data bank.
- It enables you to register with 10 free business email accounts without customized domain.
- To and fro transfer of large attachments via GMX mail is easily possible.
- It evolves into a separate communication channel for each independent department in an organization, e.g., communications regarding sales will not clash with those of the production dept and so on. This will come in handy, as your organization begins to scale.
- Its Organizer feature enables a mobile interface for both Android and iOS devices. Mobile apps help plan and manage your appointment schedules according to available time slots. It also enables you to receive emails from other email services using these mobile apps.
- It provides secure access only after confirmation of username and correct password. It plans to soon upgrade security measures by implementing a two-factor authentication method.
- It provides spam filtering, keeping your inbox free of spam emails as well as virus & malware.
- Interestingly, it gives you the flexibility of how long you want to store your email messages. For example, if you want any specific or all messages to stay in your Trash folder for only one day, just define one day storage time. The desired messages or messages will automatically get deleted after the defined period.
- With not many active users at present, it does not require custom domain name emails saving the need to spend unnecessarily. It may entail this service in the future as the list of active users rises.
Its notable shortcomings include:
limited user support,
auto-deactivation of account if it is inactive for 6 months. Thus, you need to continue using it regularly to avoid deactivation.
Despite the listed drawbacks, GMX Mail has the support of approx 11 million users and is a good free mass email service provider to small business without domain.
7. ProtonMail
![Plans and Pricing for ProtonMail](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-N8nGLhFidxY/YjcXQKK3lHI/AAAAAAAAC6Y/Pd5iRCFvvg8SIRjCXm19e3DL854kdkwmwCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w3dXckQY/s0/b5tqOFOw6uzUrR6iO7NsxutU6rs.png)
The ProtonMail Email Account is recommended to be amongst the list of the best email for small businesses without customized domain due to the reasons detailed below:
- This open-source software enables flexibility to not only view but also modify source code as per your needs and requirements.
- The email account is easy to use.
- Moreover, it enjoys the protection of strict Swiss privacy laws.
- It is 100% confidential and provides secure E2EE communication, i.e., End to End Encrypted email service. No third party other than the sender or the intended recipient can read or decrypt it, as it fully supports PGP, i.e., Pretty Good Privacy Practice.
- You are not required to divulge confidential information like your real name, telephone number, or any other personal information to create a ProtonMail account. You simply have to select a domain name, generate a secure password and that’s about it to get going with your business.
- A mobile-friendly email account enables access to your emails from your mobile through the Android and iOS apps.
Even though, free ProtonMail account comes with following disadvantages too:
- It limits your storage to just 500 MB and one email address.
- You cannot send more than 150 messages per day.
Despite the above, it is still loved by millions of users and enjoys an appreciable fan following world over.
Also Read: What is the Difference Between an Outlook & Hotmail Account
8. AOL Mail
![Signup page for AOL Mail | Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Bt28Yb35hoQ/YjdjeRYccmI/AAAAAAAAOFE/XKi3_d9D27UMtG_CvLVnSkuRPoN_u_8RQCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhyU0JW91iiU4HdUNyWpEBsKLTw-6rQ88JJcf3GF8lMk7uR2vURQvSrLKx3HPJ-0bFTSQRDYtFiF0xXMnzMqjkeinj0p4_6R1kO7c7YxY5qQhApZ0W4keaxtQNkUgY3tkRT5-ypFY9VCwWOdWlQjQXqnqqmUhUOHojDHDyRxOdzXgn83uL9cUhyZQAyqoLNXwTuyPI3w7jMVLY_X3G_jMusEXoZHkAYQKZqBgUhPxBxFlPwhH-2DdZDXsVjKZqfavx4quKoI8Dn5vbKBw1fBP2LP-TMONu3R7eOkf34NH9fhPJJ8dtB0a9Nr9Lbun4wsDt2UkPoVWdXK-T5WEyqL8jtJIZzuNmeYS32rgbNJxt2MkVJe0ECNAjwjXY1oCKwCAja-lwWv2MG2WdS5jNcBqq8uNpsf5TXfjQaewupijbNsp_viGHOdMXhU68bv9CYzh3Jg897TZj113lNc9x2yiPm9ZLpb68caNxrHKk6kQvdPMHMRzJzCFsHGdrcsGW8UUQ6Ht3UrJUSKHvNnPH9C-EavJf8LBHVfter4gT7dO0uaIhreDldhomF7fI1DE1HmW7QFlecOcn2MqpmjESsYDZlEqVL_O7bu6l5iDcDGvhsDH0Fhqz9rIOYRCpkWkIV1yugxhdBnKN3LY3H2ntww_OXdkQY/s0/vdqRcndrkTqc6ET_H5wYmkO575Y.png)
AOL Mail was the brainchild of a 1980s company called America Online, which was later taken over by a division of the Verizon Communication of the USA. With regular updates, its latest version has gained a name on the list of best email for small businesses because:
- They offer an almost unlimited email storage facility.
- The address feature enables users to personalize their email address and email domain name. However, after 2018, this feature was discontinued in favor of the Yahoo Small Business brand. Thus, making it one of the best free business email host without domain.
- Its advanced spam filters keep its inbox free of spam mail.
- It enables protection against malicious software and virus attacks.
- It allows access to email messages through third-party email clients like Mailbird, Outlook, etc.
- It enables Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send and receive emails and attachments up to 25 MB in size, occasionally pairing with IMAP or POP3 services which enable viewing of all folders or messages on the mail server and downloading them.
- Its user-friendly interface safeguards confidential information from falling into the wrong hands of data stealers, web prowlers, and hackers.
Because of the above attributes, this email service has won credence to be rated in the list of the best email for small businesses.
9. iCloud Mail
![iCloud Login page](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EslGsmIr7DQ/YjcHTmWaU8I/AAAAAAAApyk/nilwUVqrewE1Dn7UN6VTth0va9C0RXLuACEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhx6X5i_8Az7IZXV3nb-PxX1CSUHSFmSc6oq9vMrVLAbkuNkObNOx3wv8obBV9AhzeiTlD78bCwmRvOTWK6NxsO3KVaKRhu0GcC2-gQqplQ4oq48y5ES2OxM57FQOPj7TTSh85yzCb1G0Jvfmg0dRTuWcf1hBXCZJClrDNE2tqRNmjUClvACg8pnm2lMUeUV9sRv-61UT4BFvPub4bkJRzhSZo-lIQf88tdgqR4NXC36JYfvFUVcdYifCuvaIBbuDlAvnDamnMayhUWKLv_r_ZD_R93UUSIupOOtPlKpzEKe_McqWU4WCD0Y7Z8MXIGmAUamlCPkmmPnhPKy8s8rmW4CqRIKN8W29cYUdLYZ9ZXaF9u6ttm7UKPEztnyVUX0dxFBv8wLKPJI3GdgQ_CZCSkMpF3L8H6yXYHlCJjxk5Zv6OwC_viVRMRaodnvZv1masoT0jn1nct-tqNkGPdTVoOY3dJ8jiLz-F5-8FtIxNDMtNqEkD0lXuwR7iAdsGlTn9t2ZXQgB2WWLJS1z1BaE5HUh0k4y7Ih1Nn8Vff5um66JDZaSmxdUNtWVQZBdG8e05deeWdbRTEB01NVcNrlB_JirUo3wudC4080_bI5DDRtDgmwuUp8mbcIDP3XsJznVtAzUJ4DhTILjuGVMJrQ3JEG/s0/ErBU4Vb_aj_n_nNOUlfPV0GfYbk.png)
iCloud Mail is Apple’s counter to Gmail. it is a powerful and popular Email Service Provider for Apple users making its way into the list of best email for small businesses due to the following reasons:
- It enables a two-step security authorization ensuring no compromise for the safety of your email account.
- It also has a spam filter ensuring protection from unsolicited and junk mail in your mailbox.
- Its auto-responder function, as the name suggests, automatically sends a pre-written acknowledgment to the sender of the business email. This feature is available irrespective of the fact whether it’s from an individual or a website or an organization.
- It also facilitates data storage services to save notes and reminders for later use.
- Its cloud-based built-in calendar includes a contact list, calendar, schedules to properly plan and monitor your events and meetings.
- It provides Tuts + tutorials on the iCloud to its users for functionality or work-related problems.
- The most unique trait of iCloud is that it can be downloaded for & accessed on Windows PCs too.
This popular and free email manager has made its mark amongst the best business email accounts catering to the needs of Apple users all over the world.
Also Read: Fix iCloud Photos Not Syncing to PC
10. Yandex Mail
![Signup page for Yandex Mail](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-H00PNxempEw/YjdePBFALqI/AAAAAAAAxJI/XeI8VGr7M9kD8elk2Jagaigv0VSyNhFwACEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhyA7Kl1nmuuE8YbfjpS9M3y-4uTVj7wwni_pQolcgJ95qTiO-uLPhHKnju5WtDUoCrh2GRhIuYn7H3A46WuR-NxwSiz3saC40lwEhLnEYSN1u049dY0D67l2CYyjg9Y07wRfnE24PF602JMWQ1tdO-7rwnXCbH-aen2ea7CQo1ODnAY1BCnUqtOf3xImHqFiNG3S8Q2NwO2TMd0tE1PbEUe3d5YJbd5HYjzbMmBiGMhVyvwZzVxKv1vF6EyEneYOXYpGLPPH2NpymJra9dKyL2eURnGuZzKwpReiu5BpQLzp-hh87uSJSlyCQ7ayU5pcMdJssGrsEJh5C-WsErMEJ0tE_FqLyDYX9EQ_MunDF7n3WJGQfXpQv5pjBA8MziUg9apzX0jdHDVVZJig8mgsk-81NqKeyDpZur2nn6PNvOlsduvCBq6Pgr51EQrrqOG5FNe5uiW36h5-u_yykFWzomxUoJ5SZkrxNrRvDqgntZvuPVxqE97MLOzC2UMF7kEWnA8HOkgWS4DRgY5vw2HYe0vwyFUDZbgDKOdbw0wn573JdoDAEeF7eTzjYqswz6pOpZDT0yyKKczaWxJPtWMgZ6yH18L_euilSbnLknCwvQX6JL3-DCrNUOD7sWAloZMYvFekGONPDCd4d2RBg/s0/sVreopsCJt1bn6Qw_ielOsJ7Hzg.png)
Yandex Mail is a Russian search engine incorporating a translation feature for both incoming and outgoing messages. It ranks in the list of the 10 best email for small businesses due to the following reasons:
- It provides excellent spam and virus protection, blocking all unsolicited, junk mail and other malicious software from the Web.
- With an initial storage capacity of 10GB, it offers unlimited storage, by increasing the capacity every time you are left with less than 200 MB of free storage space.
- Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to set-up and use.
- With the help of tools like labels, personal buttons, calendar, cloud disk, forms, messenger, and hotkeys, it makes surfing on the web a lot more quick and interesting.
- This software gives you the flexibility to view your media files, images, and other attachments without opening the message.
- This fast and flexible site enables custom domain name feature for its users as well.
- It also enables two-factor authentication security disabling anyone from breaching into your email account.
- For an individual, it enables free access to only three email users, but when you sign up as a firm or corporate house you get the flexibility of 1,000 free accounts.
Yandex Mail, with so many interesting features to its credit, is, without doubt, a good email service provider to have in your start-up kitty.
11. WebMail
![Sign up page of Webmail](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QWC0WDlmK9U/YjcP3nWsqtI/AAAAAAAApv4/3cc9OpJV7wgiCkJAiDKSkM9hdNLrY201wCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhx6X5i_8Az7IZXV3nb-PxX1CSUHSFmSc6oq9vMrVLAbkuNkObNOx3wv8obBV9AhzeiTlD78bCwmRvOTWK6NxsO3KVaKRhu0GcC2-gQqplQ4oq48y5ES2OxM57FQOPj7TTSh85yzCb1G0Jvfmg0dRTuWcf1hBXCZJClrDNE2tqRNmjUClvACg8pnm2lMUeUV9sRv-61UT4BFvPub4bkJRzhSZo-lIQf88tdgqR4NXC36JYfvFUVcdYifCuvaIBbuDlAvnDamnMayhUWKLv_r_ZD_R93UUSIupOOtPlKpzEKe_McqWU4WCD0Y7Z8MXIGmAUamlCPkmmPnhPKy8s8rmW4CqRIKN8W29cYUdLYZ9ZXaF9u6ttm7UKPEztnyVUX0dxFBv8wLKPJI3GdgQ_CZCSkMpF3L8H6yXYHlCJjxk5Zv6OwC_viVRMRaodnvZv1masoT0jn1nct-tqNkGPdTVoOY3dJ8jiLz-F5-8FtIxNDMtNqEkD0lXuwR7iAdsGlTn9t2ZXQgB2WWLJS1z1BaE5HUh0k4y7Ih1Nn8Vff5um66JDZaSmxdUNtWVQZBdG8e05deeWdbRTEB01NVcNrlB_JirUo3wudC4080_bI5DDRtDgmwuUp8mbcIDP3XsJznVtAzUJ4DhTILjuGVMJ3Q3JEG/s0/GZBQvvHFIAtHdIw2qk8SY1LelTk.png)
WebMail provides a free email account with many amazing features such as:
- It provides users with 10 GB of cloud storage to be used for file-sharing.
- Users can send voicemails over the internet for free.
- You can set up Fax2Mail that lets you receive your faxes messages in your email inbox directly.
- It offers a secondary email account free of cost.
- It is equipped with tools like a calendar, address book, task list, etc, which makes it perfect for office purposes.
- You can send SMSs without any extra charges.
- You can access your email account anywhere as it is available on all devices.
All these features, at no cost, make Webmail the best email for small businesses, especially those who are just starting up and need free business email without domain.
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12. Mail2World
![Official website of Mail2world](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-w06x7IB41cw/Yjc19o-rpbI/AAAAAAAAu48/3bpp7Rq2ekk5fFI8n1N5lfi3Oq1CiGHkwCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhxcrfjNL0kpApMdsYcrhR6ibP9yFPgid8tif1XJf590Y_S6I5KKOmSt3l5FGY4xSNyvZdonIyhAy17tqtmX612OyJ04O3L0FlnNcNc0C54eOcYAIPck3FI_krYDif6TAC-yzKxFLqijseiFajZsn5zZb5ikZDEoD98WADPb77Q8xJjOH9YzrQe3CB3fICtjnubLwJfl_5qf96x98EvSIMovAxNksn1luuo0L_dnicCPkBgBf5wN0-gtGg1mLEXM8O7RQ9uZx49lRm7ceAFzzMt_6Cq2w-eXXuubN_kNKoT7juKeFa2-L0zW6YGXdHX_H-uPut3z-kosp-leDwO3y29zBsAOH0aOENAJ-JGeAnRJ7TKv4t2I6l2cfc-lF9kRTKX6aYwsM79CQqNoNt61sae4bD0zEcPXA9px0izvU6TWFBY_0eJV8U_jRs_hFuQGd3mv42XGA9AF9USp0pq4reDvfzEUbUScBDJxV2FH0gc74fjQOnfl4a2FntrUFG4TIrLZdM1piJaWyZ1PgX8v43nHC1Hi9uMmXsWiYFo5NX1MHFRWVJnhLyCAzaIwxq_hg3o27aMIgAeS-fQ5cwlLgvZliezsqr04t33qG12AvR8NX8glkuNvFAGVed6Q_NgxRGKhvGXPVRSd4G8WMKKg3ZEG/s0/RG1n4PXMC8zcCoHLjJ2fq6S2nEc.png)
Mail2World is an interesting addition to this list and offers tons of features to its users. While it does offer a Premium plan with added benefits, the Free email plan is also worth consideration for small business.
- You can manage multiple email accounts from a single location and do not need different email clients for all your email addresses.
- The free plan offers 25 GB of cloud storage space.
- You can select your domain from over 2000 domain options that fit with your company image & goals.
- It is equipped with best-of-the-line spam filters to keep your data safe.
- You can access your email account over your smartphone using mobile app developed for both iOS and Android ecosystems.
- You can access all your emails even when you are offline.
- Your email account is actively synced across all devices where you are logged in so you can interact with your emails from any device.
- You can schedule an email to be sent at a pre-determined time. This is pretty useful!
Mail2world is a great option for small business owners who can enjoy its vast number of features while still being on the free plan. You can upgrade to the premium plan for $29.99 per year as the business expands.
13. Tutanota
![Official Website of Tutanota | Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BPKVvE4g2e0/Yjb8SLgJRvI/AAAAAAAAhaA/2Qb6YDzC2CMQHfvbuD-QmXShksFuZ1n5QCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhwW0CBk7YkolKRhlb6URWa_IgJhlV6Uh5HTXSA46rtPZTzcTVDH5E3Inr1300PCuFmPfzlhV9-wZ0cgm5eyq7ZHFxRZXVbHy0npWVZFQ1PONMxdTopZNqunXwLBLiLb67ib1SygjFUxfYmkgsM2KWbfxsJ0dJUmw1O8_eCdFnl3uawCEzgsMAIg1Qc5NZzeL_r4wLfEjXahBctYEmz8PuHb0PPtvGp-r6YtKLJySOhlKEvT2KQlPP_m8uuAu4nd9hM73lCbqdlSPO8Zq50PdX0wx8st7wB0bPkCKfKneQLRTuZCoubxrSAYYcR0TPzO_mZA9q14hTQoKUUP0yEF1F69JKIE4VMhscEvH2o_SFK7IDwFOJoGP2ZHxPnq1oEr-THgN0QuqzqlZwBKlRjYLmCuyWmtQEJcFb0y83vg4HNMcHMnH4lEEvT9qrp3Mqtom7UIrB2jajclGsNQdwU2a7PVl9MgQ1x74JGCA2gUeIiNlJDd9HgeDJzjAFR5NnV04Ho1gVSVvXEJNT-wQ-v1MGrgxZvOE1OzaWw9ezHrC91jfyv8d8BV4tQ7x9Ll0_Vn7OfNGviasNi0v1rdTERPCA9bQI_7ffue7P4Pk2Q2IPY6_4g-aCGST5HqVmLuxaNKxzTo79CRHjCziNyRBg/s0/5It7MnouICr5aoOzk5q1NQR5G-Q.png)
Tutanota is an email service that was launched in 2011 from its headquarters in Germany. There are many reasons why we included this in our list of best emails for small businesses which include:
- It is an open-source project so anyone can view & modify the source code for any discrepancies.
- It is available for all major operating systems which gives it coverage over a huge number of devices.
- It encrypts emails from one end to the other to ensure privacy.
- It deletes an account that has not been active for more than 6 months. You can be tension-free about your old email account, in case you forget to log into it.
- It offers features like an in-built calendar and address book, making it more compatible with an office scenario.
- You can send anonymous emails without disclosing any personal data like phone numbers.
- It comes with great spam detection and filtering tools.
- It has its own search engine to give you results on anything related to your emails.
Apart from being developed in a country affiliated with 9 Eyes, this is a great option to be used as a daily email service for your small business or start-up.
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14. MailFence
![Official website of MailFence](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xoqTNT-3OUQ/YjdkXaoPq9I/AAAAAAAAxCA/BuyhXZxxmG0Ptyjnqst7QG0PWWWC4082wCEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhyA7Kl1nmuuE8YbfjpS9M3y-4uTVj7wwni_pQolcgJ95qTiO-uLPhHKnju5WtDUoCrh2GRhIuYn7H3A46WuR-NxwSiz3saC40lwEhLnEYSN1u049dY0D67l2CYyjg9Y07wRfnE24PF602JMWQ1tdO-7rwnXCbH-aen2ea7CQo1ODnAY1BCnUqtOf3xImHqFiNG3S8Q2NwO2TMd0tE1PbEUe3d5YJbd5HYjzbMmBiGMhVyvwZzVxKv1vF6EyEneYOXYpGLPPH2NpymJra9dKyL2eURnGuZzKwpReiu5BpQLzp-hh87uSJSlyCQ7ayU5pcMdJssGrsEJh5C-WsErMEJ0tE_FqLyDYX9EQ_MunDF7n3WJGQfXpQv5pjBA8MziUg9apzX0jdHDVVZJig8mgsk-81NqKeyDpZur2nn6PNvOlsduvCBq6Pgr51EQrrqOG5FNe5uiW36h5-u_yykFWzomxUoJ5SZkrxNrRvDqgntZvuPVxqE97MLOzC2UMF7kEWnA8HOkgWS4DRgY5vw2HYe0vwyFUDZbgDKOdbw0wn573JdoDAEeF7eTzjYqswz6pOpZDT0yyKKczaWxJPtWMgZ6yH18L_euilSbnLknCwvQX6JL3-DCrNUOD7sWAloZMYvFekGONPDCf4d2RBg/s0/uLOP9Rbp0YRxFPoTcYpzO0W1em8.png)
MailFence is an excellent competitor when it comes to email service providers for small business since:
- It offers an ad-free emailing experience.
- It blocks spam, trackers, and anything that may interfere with the privacy of the users.
- It encrypts emails in the browsers so that no one except the intended user, can access the contents of the email.
- Emails are signed digitally to ensure that it is indeed sent by the original owner of the account.
- It offers office-related tools like calendars, address books, and file manager.
The only limitation is the storage space on a free plan. The user only gets
- 500MB of space for emails and
- another 500MB for documents.
This problem can be easily rectified by upgrading to a premium plan. Since the company is based in Belgium, laws of foreign agencies like the NSA do not apply and the company denies any gag order from being issued.
15. Mail.com
![Sign up page for Mail.com |Best Free Business Email Accounts](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qwwRtuxnEks/YjcNQ3ZjqAI/AAAAAAAAB5M/K9eXJNWUAwEJD7HWJ4ElT-R1ITQnVksPQCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhxeSqmKu1BtuATYSULyy9OK0vUZJMh4EEreX9rzJid57_Lr5itgoyxzXecCdHil_kcjllNp636SB8ECcTxmI--8us7mIs7_4fcnjy5EcSKFLsehZVlA79dQvMROYqrbbfCkZz25BePPjbkt5vMp0a-Ffrw5A99b5RlKddBRMXeM9g_FOe-xFzRbvRW7TYY6HykLA9PekQsEvOV8jpg0SHFKFaAgGIgHmS8N7Z4b0t8oAyxaq09z-wMB1q859mpaUbsnf4wcrBa-aLiovkCSe0-odM-A-9luIU_P030lCRFTGU9BY0zVaY2-1KUD4qSF0CxrUZ63BI5AN1rY-GLaYkrr6q6sLymszIx_5ReHwutHRLMCol2Y3bqo8_EmWqm1xKORC4FaaCfGnEFVJB_wg7045IZzS73d4lf5GevtJPILvrX6AAn4MdBndWPI54Il_GyriQm-PvgqlWRU8VIZSbskQDSr606f1DhUT0lFbEm55jRTZO5fxh4ah9Me-2zfxCotjHRzCLkIkXarR56jt-M2SgQLbI-FEfyKwUTPXJ4v_RR4iPWc90tJKVi01D3pbDGX5WGBgfwItEcVTJrbT3YKakmk0mweSX3-I0kynawDx1NIRHydgBsBNyU99ZZWyYdyYcFCu2SsV1d5Oa8w39XckQY/s0/CYHsJRHvk_d4nW4dmdERzXH-mNQ.png)
Mail.com is one such email service provider that has been forgotten despite its obvious name. The following noteworthy features make it a strong contender for being the best email for small businesses without domain:
- It provides users from over 150+ domains to choose from while creating a free email account.
- Users are given 65 GB of email storage and 2 GB for other files.
- It allows attachments upto 30 MB.
Multiple email accounts can be managed from one console.
- It offers an easy-to-use interface.
- Additionally, it keeps spammers and trackers at bay using its email filters.
- It scans email attachments with inbuilt antivirus program to ensure the safety & security of the sender as well as the recipient.
- It is available on mobile devices via iOS and Android apps.
- It comes with office-related tools like the calendar to fit all your needs.
Although Mail.com has been around since 1995 and has been lost among other more popular options. Its robustness has proven itself over time and that rightfully earns it a spot on this list.
The list of the best free email service providers for small business is huge and there is no dearth of interesting sites like Fastmail, Office 365, G Suite, Rackspace, Intermedia Exchange Mail, and many more. Although they are also indispensable methods of communication, unfortunately, these are not free business email accounts. We have limited our discussion to the 15 best free business email accounts, with and without domain, for your benefit. You can reach out to us via comment section below.