这些天来,我们的生活几乎被我们的智能手机所统治。随着用于购物、银行、社交网络、电子邮件以及日常生活的几乎所有其他方面的移动应用程序,智能手机的价值比以往任何时候都大得多。丢失您的手机可能意味着您失去做日常家务的能力,并构成其他人访问您的个人信息的严重风险。但是,现在有各种电话跟踪应用程序可以帮助您定位被盗或放错地方的手机。此类应用程序通过将蜂窝跟踪与GPS 跟踪相结合来(GPS tracking)优化电力使用和定位精度(optimize power use and position accuracy)。有些软件只有基本功能,例如GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking),而有些软件则具有更高级的功能,例如通话录音(call recording)、社交媒体监控和远程摄像头访问(camera access)。通过这种方式,如果智能手机被盗,您可以轻松追踪它。同时,有许多免费的应用程序可以在用户不知情的情况下跟踪手机。在本文中,您将了解最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序,包括它们的成本和功能(cost and features)。
20 款最佳手机移动位置跟踪应用程序(20 Best Cell Phone Mobile Location Tracking App)
手机追踪应用程序是一款可以安装在设备上的软件,可用于追踪其活动,例如GPS 位置(GPS location)、通话记录和短信。
- 它还有助于寻找亲戚和朋友(search for relatives and friends)。
- 当您的一位家庭成员在附近时,您将收到 GPS 通知。(receive a GPS notification)
- 一些最好的电话查找应用程序可以跟踪设备位置(device location)以及监控设备活动(monitor device activity)。
在这篇文章中,我们汇总了用于跟踪丢失或被盗智能手机的最佳移动跟踪器应用程序。此处列出了最好的移动位置跟踪器应用程序,以及它们的一些最有用的功能和相应的下载链接。(location tracker apps)
1. 间谍(1. MSpy)
mSpy是最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序,可以远程监控孩子在手机上的活动并保护他们免受不合适的内容的影响。mSpy 是一款在他们不知情的情况下跟踪手机的应用程序,确保您的孩子在任何时候都安全,而不会意识到这一点。
- 它使您可以快速轻松地访问他们的所有通信。(access all of their communications)
- 您可以使用此工具来确定设备的GPS 位置(GPS position)。
- 在功能方面,该应用程序允许您访问浏览器数据、联系人、消息和社交媒体应用程序(access browser data, contacts, messages, and social media applications),如Facebook、Line、Telegram、WeChat和WhatsApp。
- mSpy 可用于限制通话和短信(restrict calls and SMS),以及禁止(ban websites and app installations)在您孩子的手机上安装网站和应用程序。
- 您还可以使用该应用程序检查电子邮件、应用程序和键盘输入的日志(examine logs for emails, applications, and keyboard inputs)。
- 该应用程序每 5 分钟刷新一次移动活动,让您可以实时(in real-time)掌握孩子的活动。
- 该软件适用于所有iOS 版本(iOS versions),以及大多数Android 手机和 Kindle Fire(Android phones & Kindle Fire)平板电脑。
- 它适用于Mac OS X 和 Windows(Mac OS X and Windows)。
mSpy 为该解决方案提供了三个价格等级。该应用程序的演示版(demo version)是免费提供的。之后,您可以选择以下计划之一:
1 个月:(1 Month:)每月 48.99 美元
3 个月:(3 Months:)每月 27.99 美元
12 个月:(12 Months:)每月 11.66 美元
另请阅读:(Also Read:)追踪一个人(A Person)位置(Location)的7种方法(Ways)
2. FlexiSPY
FlexiSPY是适用于台式机、智能手机和平板电脑的最复杂的监控应用程序。(monitoring app)它挤满了各种功能,使您的手机上的间谍和监控(spying and monitoring)变得轻而易举。它进入了我们的最佳手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序列表,因为:
- 您可以使用该应用程序来监控您的电脑或手机(monitor your computer or mobile phone)。
- 它与所有设备兼容,与(compatible with all devices )市场上的其他选项相比,设置起来非常容易。
- 它提供的功能允许您跟踪(follow) 数字通信、监控社交媒体和即时消息、记录电话(digital communications, monitor social media and instant messages, record phone calls)等。
- 此应用程序还包括一个方便的移动应用程序(a handy mobile app),可让您随时随地跟踪手机的活动。
- 手机追踪器应用程序在后台运行,(runs in the background, )监控活动而不引起人们的注意。
- 该软件可以简单地将您的 iPhone 变成录像机或遥控相机(transform your iPhone into a video recorder or a remotely operated camera),让您监控社交媒体网站。
- Lite 版本(Lite version)提供所有关键功能,费用适中。
- 高级(Premium)应用程序增加了查看短信、通话记录和照片的功能。
- Extreme应用程序具有广泛的高级功能,包括实时电话拦截(phone interception)。
其定价结构(pricing structure)如下:
3. 斯皮耶拉(3. Spyera)
Spyera是一款手机、平板电脑和计算机监控应用程序(computer monitoring application),由于以下原因,它是最佳手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序头衔的有力竞争者:
- 这是一个易于使用的(easy-to-use)应用程序。
- 您可以使用它来远程监控您的Android 手机、平板电脑、iPhone 或 iPad(Android phone, tablet, iPhone, or iPad)。
- 它使用实时 GPS 跟踪(real-time GPS tracking)来跟踪设备的下落。
- 该应用程序允许您远程激活(remotely activate the microphone)目标Android 手机(Android handset)上的麦克风以记录手机的周围环境。
- 使用任何网络浏览器安静地监控手机和 PC 上的所有对话、 (quietly monitor all conversations )GPS 位置(GPS position)监控和用户活动。
- 该应用程序有两种操作模式(two modes of operation):可见且不可检测和隐藏且不可检测。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 查找任何位置的GPS 坐标(Find GPS Coordinate)
XNSPY是一个多平台监控工具(monitoring tool),父母和员工都可以使用。它是最用户友好、最安全和最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序。
- 网站上有该工具的现场演示(live demo of the tool)。
- 它提供了一个用户友好的控制界面(user-friendly control interface),以及强大的功能和易于安装。
- 它使用简单(simple to use),您可以通过以下三个简单步骤来跟踪您的小工具。
- 您可以使用该应用程序从远处检查所有通话记录和联系人列表。(examine all call logs and contact lists)
- 它为您提供最新动态(up-to-the-minute updates)。
- 它为所有最流行的即时消息应用程序(Instant Messaging apps)(如WhatsApp、Snapchat、Facebook Messenger、Facebook 应用程序(Facebook App)、Instagram、Tinder等)提供(Tinder)应用内屏幕录制(in-app screen recording)等功能。
- XNSPY 是适用于Android和iOS设备的多平台监控解决方案。(monitoring solution)
- 它支持在线和( both online and) 离线(offline) 监控(monitoring)模式。
XNSPY为该解决方案提供两种价格选择。所有这些费用均基于12 个月的计费周期(12-month billing cycle)。还有季度和月度计费选项。
XNSPY 基础版(XNSPY Basic Edition),每月 4.99 美元。
XNSPY 高级版(XNSPY Premium Edition),每月 7.49 美元。
5. GPS 手机追踪器(5. GPS Phone Tracker)
GPS Phone Tracker是最好的移动位置跟踪器应用程序(location tracker apps)之一,可让您使用手机跟踪和监控其他人。它是最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序之一,可以随时跟踪您的朋友和家人的位置,而他们不知道。
- 这是一款免费软件,可让您在不知情的情况下跟踪某人的电话。( track someone’s phone)
- 这是一个简单方便的应用程序,可确保您家人的安全(assures your family’s safety and security)。
- 如果您的小工具被盗或放错地方,(locating your gadget if it is stolen or misplaced)这是一款出色的应用程序。
- 许多客户选择它是因为其简单的连接功能、准确的建议和帮助以及一致的性能( precise advice and assistance, and consistent performance)。
- 该软件允许您在地图上查看许多受监控的设备(view many monitored devices on a map)。
- GPS 电话跟踪器和里程跟踪器软件(GPS Phone Tracker and Mileage Tracker software)是一个有用的应用程序,包括基本的电话监控和里程跟踪功能(includes basic phone monitoring and mileage tracking features)。这使您能够跟踪青少年的驾驶习惯和目的地。独一无二(Unique)的,不是吗?
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复提高(Fix Improve Location Accuracy Popup)Android中的位置准确性弹出窗口
6. 我的机器人在哪里(6. Where’s My Droid)
Where's My Droid是我的(Where’s My Droid)手机(phone apps)定位应用中的顶级应用之一,它也可能是可用的最强大的移动跟踪软件(tracker software),它可以调高铃声音量(ringer volume)并在激活时让设备响铃。(device ring)由于其出色的防盗功能、被动位置更新和地理围栏功能,它更加独特。Where's My Droid目前已安装在超过 500 万台目标设备上。安装GPS 跟踪器(GPS tracker)并在设置中启用位置跟踪。
- 它makes the phone ring/vibrate,这有助于找到它。
- 如果设备距离不足以听到铃声,位置跟踪软件会提供具体和准确的位置来回收您的手机。(gives specific and exact locations)
- 如果您的手机落入坏人之手,另一个应用程序功能(app function)可让您擦除所有已保存的数据。(to wipe all of your saved data.)
- 如果您丢失了手机,您可以使用该应用程序远程锁定它并使其无法操作(remotely lock it and make it inoperable),从而防止小偷访问您的任何个人信息。
- 如果您的电池电量不足,您会收到位置警告(a location warning),如果您的 SIM 卡或电话号码发生变化,您会收到提醒。(alerted if your SIM or phone number changes.)
Where's My Droid提供免费版和高级版。
免费版:(Free Edition:)基本(Basic)免费版包含GPS跟踪(GPS tracking)功能、低电量时的GPS闪光(GPS flare)、远程屏幕锁定和SIM卡更换(Sim Card change)警告。在免费版中,您可以使用一个帐户最多跟踪三台设备。
精英计划:(Elite plan: )它包括各种附加功能,每月收费 0.99 美元。地理围栏(Geo-fencing)、被动位置跟踪(location tracking)、应用程序卸载阻止、查看远程联系人以及解锁不成功时的按需摄像头只是Elite 计划(Elite plan)的一些重要功能。您可以使用高级版同时跟踪多达 10 台设备。
基于网站的应用程序包含Google Play 版本(Google Play version)中没有的功能。通话记录(call log)、避免卸载的伪装图标和通话通知功能都是可用的选项。
7.家庭定位器(7. Family locator)
我们最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序列表中的另一个条目是家庭定位器(Family Locator),它可以帮助您与家人和对您最重要的人保持联系。
- 它是最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序之一,当您的家人在某个位置登记入住时会通知您。(notifies you when a member of your family has checked in)
- 它还包括limitless location alerts, 24/7 roadside help, SOS features等。
- 您可以将其用于监控功能,以便与家人保持联系(monitoring features to stay in touch with your family)并与他们一起安排旅行计划。
- 它还允许您与家人、同伴和其他联系人组成私人群组(称为圈子),并通过聊天与他们保持联系。(to form private groups, known as circles)
- 当他们遇险时,the panic/emergency button会警告您,您可以跟踪手机的状态信息(status information)以获取更多数据并到达该位置。
- 它与Android和iOS兼容。
尽管该应用程序是免费(free)的,但它确实包含广告。如果您进行一次性应用内购买(one-time in-app purchase),您可以摆脱它们并获得不间断的体验。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)
8. Glympse
Glympse是另一款出色的手机跟踪软件,用于使用(Glympse)GPS跟踪共享实时位置。它很容易被命名为最好的移动位置跟踪器应用程序(location tracker app)之一。
- 其用户友好的设计(user-friendly design)使跟踪您的行踪变得轻而易举。
- 向您的朋友和家人发送Glympse ,让他们知道您正在路上(let them know you’re on your way)。
- 用户可以简单地监控送货(monitor a delivery),找出朋友和同事(find out where friends and coworkers)的位置,并通知联系人中的个人他们的下落。
- 用户还可以建立(form) 应用内群组(in-app groups)以获得更多安全和保护。
- 将这款丢失的手机查找器(phone finder)与同类应用程序区分开来的一个特点是,一旦给出了位置,其他人就可以在没有安装 Glympse 应用程序的情况下查看地图。(view the map without having the Glympse app installed.)
- Glympse 还可以保护您的智能手机免遭盗窃。(safeguards your smartphone against theft.)
- 您可能会要求更新(ask for an update),以了解您需要在餐厅等待您的同事多长时间。
这款免费(free) 应用程序(app)可用于Android和iOS智能手机,(iOS)实时(current position in real-time)显示用户当前位置。
9. 爱分享(9. iSharing)
iSharing是一款手机追踪器应用程序(phone tracker app),可让您实时追踪您的行踪。
- 移动跟踪器应用程序(tracker app)使家人和亲密朋友能够安全地共享位置数据(securely share location data )并进行通信。
- 这款出色的手机追踪应用可以让用户建立不同的群组,与联系人聊天,并追踪群组成员的实时位置(to establish different groups, chat with contacts, and track the group members’ real-time positions)。
- 它甚至包括一个功能,允许组成员查看他们的位置历史(allows group members to see their location history)。
- 您可以通过发送和接收免费语音信息(sending and receiving free audio messages)与您的家人联系。
- 它还提供许多与其他家庭监控(family monitoring)应用程序相同的功能,例如家人和朋友的实时位置跟踪、实时通知、丢失或被盗手机的 GPS 跟踪(real-time location tracking for family and friends, real-time notifications, GPS tracking for lost or stolen phones)等等。
- 它适用于Android和iOS智能手机。
与列表中的其他应用程序一样,它有免费版(free version)和每月 3.99 美元的高级版(premium version)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Google 地图中查看(Google Maps)位置历史记录(Location History)
10. 地理追踪器(10. Geo Tracker)
计算跟踪数据的最佳手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序之一是Geo Tracker。这是一款出色的GPS 追踪器(GPS tracker),特别适合长途旅行者和极限运动爱好者。
- 这是一款独一无二的软件,因为它可以与 Google 和 Yandex 地图一起使用(works with both Google and Yandex maps)。
- 它允许您从 Google 切换到 Yandex 地图(switch from Google to Yandex maps),为您提供该地区最准确的地图。
- 对于俄罗斯(Russia)和独联体(CIS)的访问,您可以使用替代的 Yandex(the alternative Yandex),它在该地区有更广泛的应用程序。
- 该应用程序在地图上显示位置(position on a map)以及轨道长度、最高速度、高度、坡度(statistics like track length, top speed, altitude, slope)和其他数据等统计数据。
- 这是一款免费的 Android 应用程序,可在手机不知情的情况下跟踪手机(track phones without them knowing)。
该应用程序在位置跟踪(location tracking)方面运行良好。但是,一些Android用户声称,当屏幕关闭时,该应用程序无法运行。该应用程序的创建者建议了一种在Android 8(Android 8)及更高版本上修改多个后台录制设置的方法。
11. 找到我的(11. Find my)
适用于Apple(Apple)设备的全新Find My应用程序(以前称为Find My iPhone)可让您定位放错位置的设备,包括 iPhone、iPad、AirPods等。它是最好的移动位置跟踪器应用程序(location tracker apps)之一。
- 它允许您使用发送蓝牙信号(sends out Bluetooth signals)的应用程序来帮助您定位丢失的设备,即使它已关闭并处于睡眠状态。
- 然后,这些小工具会将您的 iPhone 发现的位置发送到 iCloud(send your iPhone discovered position to iCloud),让您可以追踪丢失或被盗的设备。
- 您只需要一个Apple (iCloud) 帐户即可使用(Apple (iCloud) account to use)此移动跟踪器应用程序。
- 然后,您可以轻松找到丢失的智能手机,远程锁定它,播放声音来定位它,并在登录后显示一条消息(find your missing smartphone, lock it remotely, play a sound to locate it, and show a message after you’ve logged in)。
- 您还可以远程删除(remotely delete all of the data)设备上的所有数据。
手机位置历史记录是(Cell phone location history)Find My最重要的功能之一,因为它会自动跟踪您丢失的设备所在的区域,让您可以立即识别这些位置并定位手机。
- Find My 是一款免费的应用程序,可以在手机不知情的情况下跟踪手机,该应用程序(free app to track phones)仅适用于 iPhone。(exclusively available for iPhones.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)适用于Android的15 个最佳免费圣诞动态壁纸应用程序(Christmas Live Wallpaper Apps)
12. 找到我的孩子(12. Find My Kids)
Find My Kids是一款面向家庭的GPS 定位(GPS location)应用程序,可提供儿童安全和家长管理。它是可用的最有效的电话监控应用程序(phone monitoring apps)之一。
- 它允许您将GPS 手表链接到您孩子的设备(link a GPS watch to your child’s device)或安装特定的应用程序(install a specific application)。
- 它允许用户在地图上跟踪孩子的行踪(follow the child’s whereabouts on a map)以及他们的日常移动历史(mobility history)。
- 您可以为您的孩子何时离开或到达家或学校(notifications for when your child departs or arrives at home or school)设置 通知。
13. 家庭安全(13. FamiSafe)
FamiSafe是当今最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序之一。该应用程序为用户提供了丰富的工具来跟踪其目标手机的位置。
- 您可以选择查看目标设备的当前位置(view the target device’s current location)。
- FamiSafe位置(FamiSafe location)跟踪应用程序是完全免费(completely free)的。但是,某些功能需要购买成本适中的高级会员资格。
- 如果您需要追踪丢失或被盗的手机的位置,(trace the position of a mobile phone that has been lost or stolen)如果手机连接到互联网,这个应用程序可以让您快速方便地进行。
- 目标设备的控件不需要由用户处理(target device’s controls do not need to be handled by the users)。您可以通过手机轻松配置或调整控件。
- FamiSafe 位置跟踪(FamiSafe Location Tracking)是一款出色的工具,不仅适用于Android和 Apple iOS智能手机,还适用于PC(PCs)和计算机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版
14.谷歌地图 (14. Google Maps )
谷歌地图(Google Maps)是一个流行的导航应用程序(navigation app),它在监控手机(cell phone)位置(s location)时相当精确。您可以使用Google 地图(Google Maps)轻松获取前往任何目的地的路线。
- 使用应用程序的位置共享功能(location-sharing features),您可以跟踪手机的下落。
- 谷歌地图(Google Maps)不仅能提供正确的方向;它还具有许多内置功能,例如能够使用实时定位工具跟踪目标设备的位置(the ability to track the location of your target device using the live location tool)。
- 因为它采用GPS ,所以该软件在位置监控(position monitoring)方面具有很高的精度(high level of precision)。
- 谷歌地图可用于Android和Apple iOS 设备(Apple iOS devices)。
- 这个应用程序完全免费使用(completely free to use)。
15. 谷歌查找我的设备(15. Google Find My Device)
Find My Device是一款专为Android智能手机设计的(Android)Google 应用(Google app)。
- 您可以借助此应用程序快速追踪被盗或放错手机的位置。(trace the location of your stolen or misplaced cell phone)
- 该软件可让您免费(free)跟踪(track the location)手机的位置。
- 您必须要求客户在他们的智能手机上下载该应用程序(to download the app on their smartphone)以监控他们的手机位置(phone location)。
- 在目标智能手机(target smartphone)上下载软件后,您可以轻松监控和跟踪位置(easily monitor and track the location)。
- 您无需支付(do not have to pay)任何费用即可使用此软件,也无需支付任何费用即可使用服务。
- 使用这个应用程序,您可以快速跟踪您当前的位置(quickly track your current position)。
- 如果您放错了手机,该软件具有出色的功能,可以让您擦除数据、跟踪设备的位置或响铃(erase your data, track the device’s position, or ring it)。
- 只有Android智能手机与该应用程序兼容。
手机追踪器(phone tracker) 谷歌查找我的设备(Google Find My Device)是可靠的。但是,当设备连接到Internet时,应用程序只是跟随它。仅GPS 定位(GPS location)功能将无法让您追踪手机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 7 种修复缓慢谷歌地图的方法
16. 悬停表(16. Hoverwatch)
另一个监控智能手机位置、语音通话和短信的绝妙选择是Hoverwatch。它是一种隐蔽的监控工具(monitoring tool),具有隐蔽记录位置、短信(SMS)、通话音频(call audio)等功能。您将能够通过在线帐户检查记录的数据。
- 它有一个免费的键盘记录功能(keylogger feature),可以记录所有被触摸的键盘键(records all of the keyboard keys touched)。
- 当屏幕解锁时,它会立即使用前置摄像头拍摄快照(takes a snapshot using the front camera)。
- SMS 跟踪器允许您查看目标手机(target phone)发送或接收的所有 SMS 和 MMS 通信。(see all SMS and MMS communications)
- 它的地理位置跟踪器(geolocation tracker)使用 Wi-Fi 信号、手机信号塔和GPS来提供有关目标手机位置的(the location of the target phone)信息。
- 此应用程序与Android、Windows 和 Mac OS X(Android, Windows, and Mac OS X)兼容。
电话历史记录跟踪、社交媒体跟踪、文本跟踪(Phone history tracking, social media tracking, text tracking,)和更多功能可用。
- 它跟踪在 Facebook 讨论中共享的电影、音乐文件和照片。(movies, music files, and photos shared)
- 此应用程序具有隐身模式(stealth mode),允许目标用户(target user)察觉不到它,并确保它不会扰乱他们的日常生活。这使其成为在他们不知情的情况下跟踪电话的最佳应用程序。
个人(Personal)版(起价为每月 24.95 美元)、专业版(Professional)(起价为每台设备每月 9.99 美元)和商业(Business)版(起价为每台设备每月 6.00 美元)是Hoverwatch的三个(Hoverwatch)版本(editions)。您可以免费注册。
17.地图任务(17. MapQuest)
MapQuest是一款有趣的导航工具(navigation tool),可将您的Android或 iOS 设备变成虚拟旅行伴侣(travel companion)。这个简单的应用程序可以帮助您进行语音导航(voice navigation)以获取步行或驾驶指示,以及在地图上探索感兴趣的站点。MapQuest在美食家中特别受欢迎,因为它与OpenTable 和 GrubHub(OpenTable and GrubHub)连接,允许用户浏览餐厅菜单、预约和下订单。
- 它可以帮助您优化小批量交付(optimizing your small-batch delivery)计划。
- 在免费版中,您可以计划每次行程最多 26 站。(26 stops per journey)
- 用户可以通过输入他们的出发地和结束地来获得驾驶说明(driving instructions)并找到酒店、医院和自动柜员机 (ATM) 。(find hotels, hospitals, and automated teller machines (ATMs))
- 它带有语音导航,可通过(voice navigation)步行或驾车(walking or driving)到达您的兴趣点。
- 用户可以使用 MapQuest 获取地球上任何位置的地图。(maps of any location)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
18. GPS路线查找器(18. GPS Route Finder)
最好的手机(cell phone)跟踪应用程序之一是GPS Route Finder,由于以下原因,它被列入我们的名单。
- 这些免费的GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking)应用程序可让您与朋友分享您的位置(share your position with your friends)并查看他们在地图上的位置。
- 这个应用程序帮助您在地图上定位您的位置(locating your location on a map),让您自由漫游并获得您需要的方向。
- 无论您是开车还是步行(driving or walking),您都可以了解到达目的地的最快路径(the fastest path to your destination)。
- 这个模型甚至有一个数字速度计(digital speedometer),可以添加它来跟踪汽车在特定路线上的速度。
- 地理区域计算器(Geo Area Calculator)使您能够在旅途中计算区域(calculate areas)并计算谷歌地图上任何点之间的距离。(calculate distance)
19. Mobilespy.at
- 它的互联网平台(internet platform)允许您实时监控您的手机(monitor your phone in real-time)。
- 您可以同时查看所有传入和传出的短信(incoming and outgoing text messages ),获取地理位置信息(obtain geo-location information),甚至在错过某些内容时获得通知。(get notifications )
- 您可以使用此应用监视 Live GPS、WhatsApp、Facebook 和其他服务(spy on Live GPS, WhatsApp, Facebook, and other services)。
- 为了便于使用,这个复杂的平台允许您从一个位置监控多个设备。(to monitor several devices from a single location.)
- 为了提供精确的位置数据,它还跟踪(keeps track of any Wi-Fi network )目标设备连接到的任何 Wi-Fi 网络。
- 它实时显示来自所有链接电话的数据( data from all linked telephones in real-time)。
- 它具有恢复已删除邮件(recovering deleted messages)的能力。
- 它有近42 种不同的特性(42 different characteristics)。
- 它记录每一次交流(every communication)。
- 这是一个带有实时仪表板、键盘记录器(real-time dashboard, a key logger)和其他工具的平台。
- 它与 iPhone 和Android设备兼容。
1 个月(1 month),每月 19 美元。
3 个月(3 Months),每月 16 美元。
6 个月(6 Months),每月 13 美元。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 4G(Fix 4G)无法在Android上运行的14种方法(Ways)
20. uMobix
uMobix是一款复杂但最好的移动位置跟踪器应用程序(location tracker app)之一。这包括对您孩子的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)上发生的任何事情的实时监控功能。
- 该应用程序易于设置和使用(simple to set up and use)。
- 获得许可证后,您只需要设备的iCloud 登录信息(iCloud login information),即可在不到 5 分钟的时间内访问应用程序的所有功能。(access all of the app’s features)
- 它提供时间戳、持续时间和呼叫者信息(timestamps, durations, and caller information)以及来电和去电。(with incoming and outgoing calls.)
- 在目标的智能手机上,您可以完全访问目标的 Instagram 和 Facebook 帐户。(total access to the target’s Instagram and Facebook accounts.)
- 您只需单击一个按钮即可管理您的帐户设置、朋友和关注者。(manage your account settings, friends, and followers)
- 在Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上运行的智能手机是兼容的。它可以监控 30 多个社交媒体网络。(monitor over 30 social media networks.)
- 它显示您当前的位置(current location)以及您去过的地方的历史(history of the places you’ve been)。
- 这也是少数不需要越狱或生根(don’t need jailbreaking or rooting)iOS 或 Android 设备(iOS or Android device)的移动间谍应用程序(spy apps)之一,因此您可以监视您的目标而不必担心出现错误。
有关定价信息,您可以要求报价。根据用户评论,半年订阅费用约为 49.99 美元。
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我们希望本文将结束您寻找最佳手机移动位置跟踪应用程序(best cell phone mobile location tracking app)的探索。如果您对本文有任何建议或反馈,请随时在下面的评论部分(comment section)与我们联系。
20 Best Cell Phone Tracking App 2022
These days, our lives are almost ruled by our smartphones. With mobile applications for shopping, banking, social networking, emails, and practicallу all other aspects of dаily life, the value of a smartphone is significаntly greatеr than it has ever been. Losing your phone might mеan losing your capacity to do daily chorеs, as well as posing a sеrious risk of others gaining access to your рersonal infоrmatіon. However, there are various phone tracking applications available nowadays that can assist you with locating stolen or misplacеd handsets. Such apps optimize power use and position accuracy by combining cell tracking with GPS tracking. Some softwarе јust has bаsic functionality, such as GPS tracking, while оtherѕ have more advanced featυres, such as call recording, ѕocial media monitoring, and remote camera accesѕ. In this way, you can easily track your smartphone if it is stolen. At the same tіme, there are many free app to track phonе without them viz the usеrs knowing. In this article, you’ll learn about thе best cell phone tracking apps, including their cost and features.
20 Best Cell Phone Mobile Location Tracking App
A mobile phone tracking app is a piece of software that can be installed on a device and can be used to track its activities, such as GPS location, call history, and text messages.
- It also aids in the search for relatives and friends.
- You will receive a GPS notification when one of your family members is close by.
- Some of the finest phone-finding applications can track device location as well as monitor device activity.
We’ve rounded together the finest mobile tracker applications for tracking lost or stolen smartphones in this post. The best mobile location tracker apps are listed here, along with some of their most useful features and corresponding download links.
1. MSpy
mSpy is the best cell phone tracking app to remotely monitor your child’s activities on their phone and protect them from unsuitable content. mSpy is an app to track phone without them knowing, ensuring that your children are safe at all times, without being aware of the same.
- It allows you to access all of their communications quickly and easily.
- You may use this tool to determine the device’s GPS position.
- When it comes to functionality, the app allows you to access browser data, contacts, messages, and social media applications like Facebook, Line, Telegram, WeChat, and WhatsApp.
- mSpy can be used to restrict calls and SMS, as well as ban websites and app installations on your child’s phone.
- You may also use the app to examine logs for emails, applications, and keyboard inputs.
- The app refreshes mobile activity every 5 minutes, allowing you to remain on top of your child’s actions in real-time.
- The software works on all iOS versions, as well as most Android phones & Kindle Fire tablets.
- It works with both Mac OS X and Windows.
Three price tiers are available from mSpy for this solution. A demo version of the app is available for free. Following that, you have the option to select one of the following plans:
1 Month: $48.99 per month
3 Months: $27.99 per month
12 Months: $11.66 per month
Also Read: 7 Ways To Trace The Location Of A Person
2. FlexiSPY
FlexiSPY is the most sophisticated monitoring app for desktops, smartphones, and tablets. It’s jam-packed with features that make spying and monitoring on your phone a breeze. It made to our list of best cell phone tracking apps because:
- You may use the app to monitor your computer or mobile phone.
- It is compatible with all devices and is extremely easy to set up when compared to other options on the market.
- It offers features that allow you to follow digital communications, monitor social media and instant messages, record phone calls, and so on.
- This application also includes a handy mobile app that allows you to keep track of your phone’s activities from anywhere.
- The phone tracker app runs in the background, monitoring activities without drawing attention to itself.
- The software may simply transform your iPhone into a video recorder or a remotely operated camera, allowing you to monitor social media sites.
Lite, Premium, and Extreme are the three versions of FlexiSPY.
- The Lite version offers all key features for a modest fee.
- The Premium app adds the ability to view text messages, call records, and photos.
- The Extreme app has a wide range of advanced features, including live phone interception.
Its pricing structure is given below:
- The software for Android and iPhone smartphones costs $29.95 to download.
- The app costs $68 for iPad and $68 for PCs.
3. Spyera
Spyera is a mobile phone, tablet, and computer monitoring application that is a strong contender for the title of best cell phone tracking app due to these reasons:
- It’s an easy-to-use app.
- You may use it to keep an eye on your Android phone, tablet, iPhone, or iPad from afar.
- It uses real-time GPS tracking to track the device’s whereabouts.
- The app allows you to remotely activate the microphone on the target Android handset to record the phone’s surroundings.
- Use any web browser to quietly monitor all conversations on cellphones and PCs, GPS position monitoring, and user activity.
- There are two modes of operation for the app: visible and undetectable and hidden and undetectable.
Also Read: Find GPS Coordinate for any Location
XNSPY is a multi-platform monitoring tool that may be used by both parents and employees. It’s the most user-friendly and secure and best cell phone tracking app available.
- There is a live demo of the tool available on the website.
- It offers a user-friendly control interface, as well as robust features and easy installation.
- It’s simple to use, and you can keep track of your gadgets by following three simple steps.
- You may use the app to examine all call logs and contact lists from afar.
- It offers you up-to-the-minute updates on what’s going on.
- It offers features like in-app screen recording for all of the most popular Instant Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Facebook App, Instagram, Tinder, and others are supported.
- XNSPY is a multi-platform monitoring solution for Android and iOS devices.
- It supports both online and offline monitoring modes.
XNSPY provides two price options for the solution. All of these costs are based on a 12-month billing cycle. There are also quarterly and monthly billing options.
XNSPY Basic Edition for $4.99 per month.
XNSPY Premium Edition for $7.49 per month.
5. GPS Phone Tracker
GPS Phone Tracker is one of the best mobile location tracker apps that allows you to track and monitor other individuals using your phone. It’s one of the best cell phone tracking apps for keeping track of where your friends and family are at all times, without them knowing about it.
- This is free software that allows you to track someone’s phone without them realizing it.
- This is a simple and handy app that assures your family’s safety and security.
- This is a fantastic app for locating your gadget if it is stolen or misplaced.
- Many customers choose it because of its simple connectivity features, precise advice and assistance, and consistent performance.
- The software allows you to view many monitored devices on a map.
- GPS Phone Tracker and Mileage Tracker software is a helpful app that includes basic phone monitoring and mileage tracking features. This enables you to keep track of your teen’s driving habits and destinations. Unique, isn’t it?
Also Read: Fix Improve Location Accuracy Popup In Android
6. Where’s My Droid
Where’s My Droid, one of the top locate my phone apps, is also possibly the greatest mobile tracker software available, turning up the ringer volume and making the device ring when activated. It’s even more unique because of its exceptional anti-theft function, passive location updates, and geofencing capability. Where’s My Droid is presently installed on over five million target devices. Install the GPS tracker and enable location tracking in the settings.
- It makes the phone ring/vibrate, which aids in finding it.
- The location-tracking software gives specific and exact locations to reclaim your phone if the device is not close enough to hear the ringtone.
- If your phone gets into the wrong hands, another app function allows you to wipe all of your saved data.
- If you lose your phone, you may use the app to remotely lock it and make it inoperable, preventing the thief from accessing any of your personal information.
- If you have a low battery, you will receive a location warning, and you will be alerted if your SIM or phone number changes.
Where’s My Droid is available in both free and premium editions.
Free Edition: A GPS tracking function, GPS flare in case of low power, remote screen lock, and Sim Card change warning are all included in the Basic free edition. You may track up to three devices with a single account in the free edition.
Elite plan: it includes a variety of additional features, costs $0.99 per month. Geo-fencing, passive location tracking, app uninstall blocking, seeing distant contacts, and on-demand cameras on unsuccessful unlock are just a few of the significant features of the Elite plan. You may track up to 10 devices simultaneously with the premium version.
The website-based app includes features not seen in the Google Play version. A call log, a disguised icon to avoid uninstallation, and call notification features are among the options available.
7. Family locator
Another entry in our list of the best cell phone tracking app is Family Locator, which helps you remain in touch with your family and the people who mean most to you.
- It is one of the best cell phone tracking apps that notifies you when a member of your family has checked in at a location.
- It also includes limitless location alerts, 24/7 roadside help, SOS features, and more.
- You may use this for monitoring features to stay in touch with your family and arrange your travel plans with them.
- It also allows you to form private groups, known as circles, with family members, peers, and other contacts, and remain in touch with them via chat.
- When they are in distress, the panic/emergency button will warn you, and you may trace the phone’s status information to get additional data and arrive at the location.
- It’s compatible with both Android and iOS.
Although the app is free, it does include advertisements. You can get rid of them and have an uninterrupted experience if you make a one-time in-app purchase.
Also Read:
8. Glympse
Glympse is another amazing phone tracking software for sharing real-time positions using GPS tracking. It is easily named as one of the best mobile location tracker app.
- Its user-friendly design makes tracking your whereabouts a breeze.
- Send a Glympse to your friends and family to let them know you’re on your way.
- Users may simply monitor a delivery, find out where friends and coworkers are and notify individuals in their contacts about their whereabouts.
- Users may also form in-app groups for more safety and protection.
- One feature that distinguishes this lost phone finder from comparable applications is that once the position is given, the other person may view the map without having the Glympse app installed.
- Glympse also safeguards your smartphone against theft.
- You may ask for an update to see how much longer you’ll have to wait for your coworker at the restaurant.
The free app, which is available for Android and iOS smartphones, shows users’ current position in real-time.
9. iSharing
iSharing is a phone tracker app that allows you to track your whereabouts in real-time.
- The mobile tracker app enables family and close friends to securely share location data and communicate.
- This excellent phone tracking app allows the user to establish different groups, chat with contacts, and track the group members’ real-time positions.
- It even includes a function that allows group members to see their location history.
- You may contact your family by sending and receiving free audio messages.
- It also offers many of the same features as other family monitoring applications, such as real-time location tracking for family and friends, real-time notifications, GPS tracking for lost or stolen phones, and more.
- It is available for both Android and iOS smartphones.
It, like the other applications on the list, has a free version and a $3.99/month premium version.
Also Read: How to View Location History in Google Maps
10. Geo Tracker
One of the best cell phone tracking apps that calculate track data is Geo Tracker. It’s an excellent GPS tracker that’s especially ideal for long-distance travelers and action sports enthusiasts.
- It’s a one-of-a-kind piece of software since it works with both Google and Yandex maps.
- It allows you to switch from Google to Yandex maps, giving you the most accurate map of the region.
- For visits to Russia and the CIS, you may use the alternative Yandex, which has a more extensive app in the region.
- The app shows the position on a map as well as statistics like track length, top speed, altitude, slope, and other data.
- It’s a free app for Android to track phones without them knowing.
The app operates wonderfully in terms of location tracking. However, some Android users have claimed that when the screen is switched off, the app does not work. The app’s creators have suggested a way to modify several background recording settings on Android 8 and later.
11. Find my
The all-new Find My app for Apple devices, formerly known as Find My iPhone, lets you locate misplaced devices including iPhones, iPads, AirPods, and more. It is one of the best mobile location tracker apps.
- It allows you to use an app that sends out Bluetooth signals to help you locate a missing device, even if it’s turned off and asleep.
- These gadgets then send your iPhone discovered position to iCloud, allowing you to track down your lost or stolen device.
- All you need is an Apple (iCloud) account to use this mobile tracker app.
- You can then simply find your missing smartphone, lock it remotely, play a sound to locate it, and show a message after you’ve logged in.
- You may also remotely delete all of the data on the device.
Cell phone location history is one of the most important features of Find My, as it automatically keeps track of the areas where your lost device has gone, allowing you to instantly identify these spots and locate the phone.
- Find My is a free app to track phones without them knowing, which is exclusively available for iPhones.
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12. Find My Kids
Find My Kids is a GPS location app for families that provides child safety and parental management. It is one of the most efficient phone monitoring apps available.
- It allows you to link a GPS watch to your child’s device or install a specific application.
- It allows users to follow the child’s whereabouts on a map as well as their daily mobility history.
- You may set up notifications for when your child departs or arrives at home or school.
13. FamiSafe
FamiSafe is one of the best cell phone tracking apps available today. This app provides users with a wealth of tools for tracking the position of their target mobile phone.
- You have the option to view the target device’s current location.
- The FamiSafe location tracking app is completely free. Some features, however, require the purchase of a moderately cost premium membership.
- If you need to trace the position of a mobile phone that has been lost or stolen, this app allows you to do so quickly and conveniently if the phone is linked to the internet
- The target device’s controls do not need to be handled by the users. From your phone, you can effortlessly configure or adjust the controls.
- FamiSafe Location Tracking is a fantastic tool that works not only on Android and Apple iOS smartphones but also for PCs and computers.
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14. Google Maps
Google Maps is a popular navigation app that is fairly precise when it comes to monitoring a cell phone’s location. You can simply get directions to any destination with Google Maps.
- Using the app’s location-sharing features, you may track a mobile phone’s whereabouts.
- Google Maps is capable of more than just providing correct directions; it also has many built-in features, such as the ability to track the location of your target device using the live location tool.
- Because it employs GPS, this software has a high level of precision when it comes to position monitoring.
- Google Maps may be used on both Android and Apple iOS devices.
- This app is completely free to use.
15. Google Find My Device
Find My Device is a Google app designed specifically for Android smartphones.
- You can quickly trace the location of your stolen or misplaced cell phone with the aid of this app.
- This software allows you to track the location of a cell phone for free.
- You must ask the customer to download the app on their smartphone to monitor their mobile phone location.
- You can easily monitor and track the location after the software is downloaded on the target smartphone.
- You do not have to pay anything to use this software, and you do not have to pay anything to use the services.
- Using this app, you can quickly track your current position.
- If you misplace your phone, this software has outstanding features that may let you erase your data, track the device’s position, or ring it.
- Only Android smartphones are compatible with the app.
The phone tracker Google Find My Device is reliable. However, when the device is linked to the Internet, the application just follows it. The GPS location feature alone will not allow you to trace the phone.
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16. Hoverwatch
Another fantastic alternative for monitoring a smartphone’s location, voice calls, and text messages is Hoverwatch. It’s a covert monitoring tool with features like discreetly recording location, SMS, call audio, and more. You will be able to examine the recorded data through an online account.
- It has a free keylogger feature that records all of the keyboard keys touched.
- When the screen is unlocked, it immediately takes a snapshot using the front camera.
- SMS tracker allows you to see all SMS and MMS communications that the target phone sends or receives.
- Its geolocation tracker uses Wi-Fi signals, cell towers, and GPS to provide information about the location of the target phone.
- This app is compatible with Android, Windows, and Mac OS X.
Phone history tracking, social media tracking, text tracking, and more features are available.
- It keeps track of movies, music files, and photos shared in Facebook discussions.
- This application has a stealth mode that allows it to be imperceptible to the target user and assures that it does not disrupt their daily routine. This makes it the best app to track phone without them knowing.
Personal (starts at $24.95 per month), Professional (starts at $9.99 per month per device), and Business (starts at $6.00 per month per device) are the three editions of Hoverwatch. You may register at no cost.
17. MapQuest
MapQuest is a fun navigation tool that turns your Android or iOS device into a virtual travel companion. This simple app can help you with voice navigation for walking or driving instructions, as well as exploring sites of interest on a map. MapQuest is especially popular among foodies since it is connected with OpenTable and GrubHub, allowing users to browse restaurant menus, make appointments, and place orders.
- It assists you in optimizing your small-batch delivery schedule.
- You may plan for up to 26 stops per journey in the free edition.
- Users may get driving instructions and find hotels, hospitals, and automated teller machines (ATMs) by entering their starting and finishing destinations.
- It comes with voice navigation to reach your points of interest through walking or driving.
- Users may obtain maps of any location on the planet using MapQuest.
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18. GPS Route Finder
One of the best cell phone tracking apps is GPS Route Finder which was made to our list due to the following reasons.
- These free GPS tracking applications allow you to share your position with your friends and see where they are on a map.
- This app assists you in locating your location on a map, allowing you to roam freely and obtain the directions you require.
- Whether you’re driving or walking, you may learn about the fastest path to your destination.
- This model even has a digital speedometer that can be added to track the car’s speed for a specific route.
- The Geo Area Calculator enables you to calculate areas on the go and calculate distance between any points on Google Maps.
19. Mobilespy.at
Parents, schools, and businesses may use Mobilespy.at to monitor their children’s smartphones.
- Its internet platform allows you to monitor your phone in real-time.
- You can view all incoming and outgoing text messages at the same time, obtain geo-location information, and even get notifications if you miss something.
- You may use this app to spy on Live GPS, WhatsApp, Facebook, and other services.
- For ease of use, this sophisticated platform allows you to monitor several devices from a single location.
- To offer precise location data, it also keeps track of any Wi-Fi network that the target device connects to.
- It shows data from all linked telephones in real-time.
- It has the capability of recovering deleted messages.
- It has almost 42 different characteristics.
- It records every communication.
- It’s a platform with a real-time dashboard, a key logger, and other tools.
- It is compatible with both iPhones and Android devices.
The following are the three price levels offered by Mobilespy. The utility has a demo accessible.
1 month for $19 monthly.
3 Months for $16 monthly.
6 Months for $13 monthly.
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20. uMobix
uMobix is a sophisticated yet one of the best mobile location tracker app. This includes real-time monitoring features for anything that happens on your child’s smartphone or tablet.
- The app is simple to set up and use.
- After acquiring a license, all you need is the device’s iCloud login information and you’ll be able to access all of the app’s features in less than 5 minutes.
- It delivers timestamps, durations, and caller information along with incoming and outgoing calls.
- On the target’s smartphone, it gives you total access to the target’s Instagram and Facebook accounts.
- You can manage your account settings, friends, and followers with a single click of a button.
- Smartphones running on Android and iOS are compatible. It can monitor over 30 social media networks.
- It shows you your current location as well as a history of the places you’ve been.
- This is also one of the few mobile spy apps that don’t need jailbreaking or rooting an iOS or Android device, so you can keep a watch on your target without fear of bugs.
For pricing information, you may request a quote. It will cost you approximately $49.99 for a half-yearly subscription, according to user reviews.
We hope this article will end your quest to find the best cell phone mobile location tracking app. If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding this article, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below.