自 10 年前以来,大多数人的首选娱乐方式已经从一种书呆子、专业的在线观看电影和连续剧的方式转变为一种流行的方式。Netflix、Hulu、Amazon Prime和其他流媒体服务近年来声名鹊起,其原创内容获得了艾美奖和奥斯卡(Emmys and Oscars)等主要荣誉。我们需要知道如何通过电话和电视观看它们。我们为您提供了一个有用的指南,以了解最好的Fire TV镜像应用程序。因此,请继续阅读以了解Amazon Fire 棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像iPhone 应用程序(iPhone apps)。
8 款最佳 Fire TV 镜像应用(8 Best Fire TV Mirroring Apps)
iPhone 用户经常将他们的资料保存在手机上或通过移动连接访问。屏幕镜像的添加使用户可以轻松地将小屏幕视频转换为全屏电视比例。借助 iPhone 的巨大显示屏,您可以在大屏幕上观看电影和电视节目、玩游戏或进行视频聊天(video chat)。
然而,当谈到 iOS 兼容性时,事情会变得有点复杂,因为Apple使用不同的协议将内容从iPhone 和 iPad(iPhone and iPad)投射到基于 Android 的设备上。今天,我们将向您展示如何将亚马逊火棒(fire stick)镜像 iPhone,包括iPad 和 iPhone(iPad and iPhone),直接到您的电视。
Amazon Fire TV Stick已迅速成为最受欢迎的流媒体播放器之一。以下是更重要的几点:
- 它们允许您观看免费电影、了解体育运动、观看直播电视、玩游戏等等。
- 这个亚马逊设备(Amazon device)不仅仅是一个流媒体网页的工具;它还包括从游戏到生产力的所有应用程序。
- 如果您有空闲的下午,您甚至可以将其他应用程序加载到您的Fire Stick上,并访问大量新材料,包括免费的电视剧和现场直播。(TV series)
- 随着 ott 战争的升温,现在是投资Amazon Fire TV的最佳时机,尤其是 40 美元的Amazon Fire TV Stick。
- 屏幕镜像是Fire TV(Fire TV)上的一项秘密功能,使其更加方便。亚马逊让在(Amazon)Fire TV上镜像/投射视频变得简单。
- 一系列设备所需的大部分内容都已集成到硬件中。您可以使用适当的配置将您的iPhone 屏幕(iPhone screen)投射到Fire TV镜像应用程序或将内容(app or stream content)从您的 PC 流式传输到它。
以下是使用Fire TV(Fire TV)镜像应用程序之前要记住的事项。
可靠的 Wi-Fi:(Reliable Wi-Fi: )Fire Stick和Fire TV都依赖稳定的 Wi-Fi 连接才能有效运行。在镜像时了解位置很重要,这一点至关重要。换句话说,你不能将一个城市的iOS 屏幕(iOS screen)镜像到另一个城市的电视上。这样做的动机是出于安全考虑(safety concern)。它不仅可以阻止黑客控制设备,还可以确保更好的镜像质量,因为两个设备共享相同的连接。
iOS 版本:(iOS Versions: )有许多不同的Apple设备和版本可用。可用的 iOS 版本因设备和年份而异,从 iPhone 到 iPad Mini。使用以下说明,您应该能够在任何 iOS 设备上连接和镜像内容,包括 iPhone、iPad、iPad Air、iPod 或 iPad Mini。唯一的缺点是大多数投射应用程序仅与 iOS 9 及更高版本兼容。大部分用户不会受到影响;只有那些出于怀旧原因而坚持使用陈旧设备的人才会受到影响。
两个设备,两个应用程序:(Two devices, two apps: )以下所有投射选项都需要在两个不同的设备上安装相同的软件:一个在iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)上,另一个在Fire Stick上。在大多数情况下,该界面可以克服任何协议不兼容或其他阻碍屏幕镜像的挑战。应用程序保证一切正常运行,但它们必须能够访问并相互交互(access and interact)才能做到这一点。
镜像、投射和流式传输之间有什么区别?(What are the differences between mirroring, casting, and streaming?)
将一个设备的内容复制到另一个设备有多种说法。最流行的是投射和镜像,但在将 iOS 内容传输到电视镜像应用程序时,您也会听到流媒体。
镜像:(Mirroring:)镜像在电视上显示的图像与在iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)上显示的图像相同。这两个显示器的工作方式几乎相同。如果您只想向某人展示一个网页或几张照片,并且不想在iPhone 的小屏幕(iPhone screen)周围蜂拥而至,那么镜像是您的最佳选择。
投射:(Casting:)类似于镜像,但更常与Chromecast一起使用。Casting就像镜像一样,可以足够快地播放一些电影,但它的主要用途是在另一个设备上显示一个设备屏幕(device screen)。
流式传输:(Streaming: )通常,流式传输是在您的 iOS 设备上播放的大屏幕电视(screen TV)上观看视频的理想方式。专门用于将高清电影(包括音频)从一台设备传输到另一台设备。因为在整个过程中交换了更多的数据,所以它需要更强大的技术,而不仅仅是复制内容。为了获得更大的成果,它需要更强大和更有活力的设备。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何加速 Firestick
是时候在您的 iOS 设备和Fire TV(Fire TVs)上安装一些应用了!以下是下面的最佳Fire TV镜像应用程序列表,可将内容从一个硬件投射或镜像到另一个相对简单的硬件。
1. AirScreen – AirPlay & Cast & Miracast & DLNA
Airscreen应用(Airscreen)程序于 2018 年开发,可免费使用。该应用程序需要 iOS 版本 8.0 或更高版本。
- 此应用支持后台运行应用、个性化设备功能、超高清分辨率(Ultra High-Definition resolution)以及Airplay、Cast、Miracast、DLNA和Chromecast等主要无线流媒体协议。
- Airscreen还允许您镜像大量应用程序、屏幕录制(screen recording)和保护隐私。
- 该应用程序支持多种语言,例如阿拉伯语(Arabic)、中文(Chinese)、荷兰语(Dutch)、英语(English)、法语(French)、德语(German)、希腊语(Greek)、意大利语(Italian)、日语(Japanese)、韩语(Korean)、波兰语(Polish)、葡萄牙语(Portuguese)、俄语(Russian)、西班牙语(Spanish)和越南语(Vietnamese)。
- 该应用程序允许多达六名成员的家庭共享功能。此应用程序包括应用程序内购买。
2. 用于 Fire TV 的 AirBeamTV 镜像接收器(2. AirBeamTV Mirroring Receiver for Fire TV)
最好的 iOS 投射替代方案之一是AirBeamTV Mirroring Receiver 应用程序(AirBeamTV Mirroring Receiver app)。AirBeamTV有一个镜像应用程序(mirroring app),被广泛认为是最好的应用程序之一。它与所有开箱即用的 iPhone 和 iPad 设备以及Mac PC 和笔记本电脑(Mac PCs and laptops)兼容。
无需电线或其他设备,AirBeamTV 即可(AirBeamTV)传输从电影到音乐、屏幕截图、照片等的所有内容。该软件不需要任何其他设备或设备即可运行,从而消除了连接的不便。它通常被称为 iOS 的“Chromecast 替代品”,而且效果很好。
请记住,使用此软件需要付费。要使用该程序,您需要购买完整版,但除此之外,没有什么能阻止您将iOS 屏幕(iOS screen)镜像到Fire TV。
1. 下载AirBeamTV并将其安装在您的Fire TV上。
2. 然后,在您的iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)上,购买并安装Mirror for Amazon Fire TV。
3.当两个应用程序都打开并连接时,您可以将iOS设备中的内容镜像到Fire Stick 。
3. Fire TV 的视频和电视演员表(3. Video & TV Cast for Fire TV)
这个来自 2kit 的免费镜像工具非常简单。Video & TV Cast一旦加载到iOS 和 Fire TV 设备上(iOS and Fire TV devices),就可以将iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)的内容广播到电视上。只需几个步骤,您就可以观看电影、观看体育赛事直播以及将音乐或照片传输(transmit music or photographs)到您的Fire Stick。该程序可以免费使用,但有一个付费版本,其中包含一些有价值的功能。以下是使用此亚马逊火棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像iPhone 应用程序(iPhone app)的步骤。
1. 首先,从您的 iPhone 上的 AppStore 下载并安装适用于 iOS 的Video & (AppStore)TV Cast 。(Video & TV Cast for iOS)
2. 然后,打开您的Fire TV并下载亚马逊应用程序(Amazon app)。
3. 安装并链接这两个应用程序后,您只需选择要在iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)上观看的内容,剩下的工作将由Video & TV Cast完成。(Video & TV Cast)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是亚马逊背景调查政策(Amazon Background Check Policy)?
4. iWebTV for Fire TV
观众可以使用 iWebTV 流媒体应用程序从更广泛的流媒体选项中进行选择。(wider choice)iWebTV 应用程序渴望成为终极的iOS 和 Fire TV(iOS and Fire TV)镜像解决方案。
- 该软件提供720p、1080p 甚至 4K 分辨率的高清视频流。(HD video)
- 这将它与该类别中的其他一些类似应用程序区分开来。
- 它可以播放多种视频格式,不仅像许多其他铸造程序一样,还可以播放 mp4,而且您可以将新素材添加到您的队列中,而无需停止播放。
- 镜像就像下载应用程序并按下播放按钮(play button)一样简单,对于希望在电视上快速接收iPhone 视频(iPhone video)的任何人来说,它都是一个不错的选择。
- 在这两种设备上,iWebTV 都可以免费使用,但是,部分内容会被横幅广告(banner ad)遮挡。这可以通过一次性应用内付款来消除。
请按照以下步骤使用此Fire TV镜像应用程序。
1. 要开始使用iWebTV,首先下载iOS 应用程序(iOS app)。
2.接下来,通过在设备上查找或通过上面提供的URL发送电子邮件来下载(URL)Fire TV 的 iWebTV 应用程序(iWebTV app for Fire TV)。
3. 连接两个应用程序后,打开 iOS 版本并选择您要观看的视频。
5. 用于 Fire TV 的 AllConnect(5. AllConnect for Fire TV)
该软件的设计考虑了基本的用户界面(user interface)。这个简单、轻量级的镜像程序完全符合它在锡上所说的:它将娱乐从你的 iPhone 镜像到你的Fire TV。只需轻点几下,您就可以浏览YouTube 和 Vimeo(YouTube and Vimeo)等视频网络,然后将所有内容广播到您的电视上。
您还可以使用它来广播FLAC 和 mp3 音频文件(FLAC and mp3 audio files)、投射Plex 或 Kodi 内容(Plex or Kodi content),甚至在寻找更多内容的同时在后台播放文件。这里没有噱头或技巧;只是从 iOS 到Fire TV(Fire TV)的大量简单流式传输。以下是使用此亚马逊火棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像iPhone 应用程序(iPhone app)的步骤。
1.要使用AllConnect,您必须先下载并安装iOS应用程序(iOS app)。它是免费使用的,但有广告和限制您可以连接的设备数量,这两者都可以通过应用内付款删除。
2. 然后,在您的Fire TV上,安装AllConnect应用程序。
3.将素材添加(Add material)到 iOS 并在应用在两个平台上链接后开始镜像。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复出现在网络上的Amazon KFAUWI 设备(Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device)
6. 用于 Fire TV 的 AirPlayMirror 接收器(6. AirPlayMirror Receiver for Fire TV)
该软件为亚马逊火棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像 iPhone提供了更全面的镜像选项。(mirroring option)它允许您一次从最多四台Apple设备投射、观看 YouTube 或 Netflix(view YouTube or Netflix),并从您的iPhone 或 Mac(iPhone or Mac)播放任何媒体材料,包括照片、图像和视频。
虽然它是一个受欢迎的选择,但它不是免费的,但它确实有一个 15 分钟的免费试用版(trial edition),因此您可以在购买完整版之前先试用一下。
使用AirPlayMirror不同于使用其他应用程序来使用此Amazon Fire 棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像iPhone 应用程序(iPhone app)。按着这些次序:
1. 首先在 Fire TV 上设置AirPlayMirror 。
2. 在应用程序中启用您的设备作为接收器后,拿起您的 iPhone 并启用AirPlay。
3.从AirPlay接收器列表中选择您的Fire TV 。
4. 连接设备后,从您的iOS 硬件(iOS hardware)中选择内容并开始镜像。
7. Reflector 2 – Fire TV 的 AirPlay 接收器(7. Reflector 2 – AirPlay Receiver for Fire TV)
Reflector 2使用Apple AirPlay 技术(Apple AirPlay technology)将iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)的屏幕投射到任何Android 设备(Android device),包括Fire TV 和 Fire Stick(Fire TV and Fire Stick)。它属于“易用性”类别,而不是“技术特性”类别。
安装应用程序、打开AirPlay并选择您想要投射到电视上的音乐、视频或图形图片就可以完成。不幸的是,Reflector的价格很高(price tag),但它实现了它所声称的并保持了良好的视频质量(video quality)。以下是使用此Fire TV镜像应用程序的步骤。
1.为您的 Fire TV下载Reflector 2应用程序。(Reflector 2)
2.安装它并将Fire TV配置为接收器。
3. 接下来,拿起您的iOS 智能手机(iOS smartphone)并启动AirPlay应用程序。
4. 从可用接收器列表中选择Fire TV,然后选择您要投射和观看的材料。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)清除亚马逊浏览历史记录(Amazon Browsing History)的2种方法(Ways)
8. Fire TV 的 AirReceiver(8. AirReceiver for Fire TV)
对于刚接触游戏的人来说,这不是一个选择。这个Fire TV镜像应用程序是所有镜像替代方案中最难使用的,但它具有多种功能。AirReceiver允许您从 iOS 设备广播和镜像高质量的音乐和视频(high-quality music and video)。将 YouTube视频直接发送到您的电视,从您的(Send YouTube)NAS 系统(NAS system)中检索媒体,在您编辑和排队新视频时让程序(program running)在后台运行,等等。
该软件不是免费的,但考虑到您可以使用的大量功能,它非常值得。请注意,在镜像屏幕之前需要一些时间来适应事物。按照以下步骤执行亚马逊火棒(Amazon Fire stick)镜像iPhone 过程(iPhone process)。
1. 要开始使用AirReceiver,请前往Amazon Appstore并下载该应用程序。
2. 启动它,让您的Fire TV成为有源接收器。
3. 之后,拿起您的iOS 智能手机并(iOS smartphone and turn)打开AirPlay。
4. 只需选择您的Fire TV作为目标和您希望反映的材料。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。使用 Amazon Fire Stick 镜像 iPhone 是否可行?(Q1. Is it feasible to use an Amazon Fire Stick to mirror an iPhone?)
回答:您需要在您的(Ans: )Amazon Fire TV Stick上安装第三方应用程序才能从您的iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)镜像。虽然还有其他选择,但来自亚马逊的(Amazon)AirScreen是一款适用于 iOS 的免费程序。
Q2。每个月使用 Fire Stick 需要付费吗?(Q2. Is there a charge for using Fire Stick every month?)
Ans: 不(Ans: No),Fire TV Stick没有月费,但成为Prime会员(Prime member)会大大增加价值,Hulu Plus、Netflix、HBO(HBO GO需要)等服务都有自己的订阅费用。
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我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解最好的Fire TV 镜像应用程序(Fire TV mirroring apps)。请让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何问题或意见,请在评论区留下。
8 Best Fire TV Mirroring Apps 2022
Sincе 10 years ago, the majority of people’s preferred entertainment has shifted from a nerdy, specialized manner of watching movies and series online to a popular way of doing so. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and оther streaming services havе risen to prominеnce in recent years, with theіr original content winning major honors such as Emmyѕ and Oscars. We nеed to know how to watch them on a phone to a television. We bring to you a helpful guide to know the best Fire TV mіrroring aррs. So continue reading to know about Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone арps.
8 Best Fire TV Mirroring Apps
iPhone users frequently keep their material on their phones or access it via mobile connections. The addition of screen mirroring makes it simple for users to convert small-screen video to full-screen TV ratios. With the enormous display of the iPhone, you can watch movies and TV shows, play games, or have a video chat on the big screen.
When it comes to iOS compatibility, though, things get a little more complicated because Apple uses distinct protocols to cast content from iPhone and iPad to Android-based devices. Today, we’ll show you how to amazon fire stick mirroring iPhone, including the iPad and iPhone, directly to your TV.
The Amazon Fire TV Stick has quickly become one of the most popular streaming media players. Here are more important points listed below:
- They allow you to view free movies, keep up with sports, watch live TV, play games, and much more.
- This Amazon device is more than simply a tool for streaming web pages; it also includes apps for everything from gaming to productivity.
- You can even sideload additional applications onto your Fire Stick and gain access to a vast new universe of material, including free TV series and live broadcasts if you have a spare afternoon.
- With the ott wars heating, there’s never been a better time to invest in Amazon Fire TV, notably the $40 Amazon Fire TV Stick.
- Screen mirroring is a secret function on Fire TV that makes it even handier. Amazon has made it simple to mirror/cast video on Fire TV.
- The majority of what you’ll need for a range of devices is already incorporated into the hardware. You can cast your iPhone screen to Fire TV mirroring app or stream content from your PC to it with the appropriate configuration.
Following are the things to keep in mind before using Fire TV mirroring app.
Reliable Wi-Fi: Both the Fire Stick and the Fire TV rely on a stable Wi-Fi connection to function effectively. It’s crucial to understand that location matters while mirroring. To put it another way, you can’t mirror an iOS screen in one city to a TV in another. The motivation for this stems from a safety concern. It not only stops hackers from taking control of devices but also assures better mirroring quality because the two devices share the same connection.
iOS Versions: There are many different Apple devices and versions available. Available iOS versions vary by device and by year, from iPhone to iPad Mini. Using the instructions below, you should be able to connect and mirror content on any iOS device, including an iPhone, iPad, iPad Air, iPod, or iPad Mini. The only drawback is that most casting applications are only compatible with iOS 9 and up. The majority of users will not be affected; only those who cling to antiquated devices for nostalgic reasons will be affected.
Two devices, two apps: All of the following casting options necessitate the installation of the same software on two distinct devices: one on your iPhone or iPad and the other on your Fire Stick. For the most part, the interface can overcome any protocol incompatibilities or other challenges that prevent screen mirroring. The applications guarantee that everything runs properly, but they must be able to access and interact with one another to do so.
What are the differences between mirroring, casting, and streaming?
Copying the contents of one device to another is referred to by a variety of words. The most prevalent are casting and mirroring, but you’ll also hear streaming when it comes to transferring iOS content to fire tv mirroring app.
Mirroring: Mirroring shows the same image on a TV as it appears on an iPhone or iPad. The two displays work in nearly identical ways. If you only want to show someone a webpage or a few photographs and don’t want to swarm around a little iPhone screen, mirroring is the way to go.
Casting: Similar to mirroring, but more commonly used with Chromecast. Casting, like mirroring, can be quick enough to play some films, but its primary use is to display one device screen on another.
Streaming: In general, streaming is the ideal way to watch videos on a big screen TV that is now playing on your iOS device. Specifically intended to transport high-definition movies, including audio, from one device to another. Because a lot more data is exchanged throughout the process, it needs more powerful technology than merely replicating content. To obtain greater outcomes, it requires equipment that is more powerful and dynamic.
Also Read: How to Speed Up Firestick
It’s time to install some apps on your iOS devices and Fire TVs! Here is the list of best Fire TV mirroring apps below to make casting or mirroring content from one piece of hardware to another relatively simple.
1. AirScreen – AirPlay & Cast & Miracast & DLNA
The Airscreen app was developed in 2018 and is available for free. The app requires an iOS version of 8.0 or above.
- This app supports running apps in the background, personalize device features, Ultra High-Definition resolution, and major wireless streaming protocols such as Airplay, Cast, Miracast, DLNA, and Chromecast.
- Airscreen also allows you to mirror a huge range of applications, screen recording, and protect privacy.
- This app is available in various languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
- The app allows a family-sharing feature with up to six members. This app includes in-app purchases.
2. AirBeamTV Mirroring Receiver for Fire TV
One of the best iOS casting alternatives is AirBeamTV Mirroring Receiver app. AirBeamTV has a mirroring app that is widely regarded as one of the best. It’s compatible with all iPhone and iPad devices right out of the box, as well as Mac PCs and laptops.
Without the need for wires or other gear, AirBeamTV transmits everything from movies to music, screenshots, photographs, and more. The software does not require any other devices or equipment to function, which eliminates the inconvenience of connecting. It’s commonly referred to as the “Chromecast replacement” for iOS, and it works well.
Keep in mind that there is a cost associated with using this software. To use the program, you’ll need to buy the full version, but apart from that, nothing is stopping you from mirroring your iOS screen to your Fire TV.
Follow the instructions below to get the AirBeamTV casting app up.
1. Download AirBeamTV and install it on your Fire TV.
2. Then, on your iPhone or iPad, purchase and install Mirror for Amazon Fire TV.
3. You may mirror content from your iOS device to your Fire Stick when both applications are open and connected.
3. Video & TV Cast for Fire TV
This free mirroring tool from 2kit is as simple as it gets. Video & TV Cast, once loaded on iOS and Fire TV devices, allows you to broadcast the contents of your iPhone or iPad to your television. With only a few steps, you can watch movies, watch live sports, and transmit music or photographs to your Fire Stick. The program is free to use, but there is a paid version that includes some valuable features. Following are the steps to use this Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone app.
1. First, download and install Video & TV Cast for iOS from AppStore on your iPhone.
2. Then, switch on your Fire TV and download the Amazon app.
3. Once both applications are installed and linked, all you have to do is select the material you want to watch on your iPhone or iPad, and Video & TV Cast will take care of the rest.
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4. iWebTV for Fire TV
Viewers may choose from a wider choice of streaming options using the iWebTV streaming app. The iWebTV app aspires to be the ultimate iOS and Fire TV mirroring solution.
- The software offers HD video streaming in 720p, 1080p, and even 4K resolutions.
- This distinguishes it from a few other comparable apps in the category.
- It can play a wide range of video formats, not only mp4 like many other casting programs, and you can add new material to your queue without having to stop playback.
- Mirroring is as simple as downloading the app and pressing the play button, making it a great option for anybody looking for a quick way to receive an iPhone video on their TV.
- On both devices, iWebTV is free to use, however, part of the content will be obscured by a banner ad. This can be removed with a one-time in-app payment.
Follow the steps given below to use this Fire TV mirroring app.
1. To get started with iWebTV, first download the iOS app.
2. Next, download the iWebTV app for Fire TV by looking for it on the device or emailing it via the URL provided above.
3. Once you’ve connected the two applications, open the iOS version and choose the videos you wish to watch.
5. AllConnect for Fire TV
The software is designed with a basic user interface in mind. The straightforward, lightweight mirroring program does exactly what it says on the tin: it mirrors entertainment from your iPhone to your Fire TV. With a few short touches, you can browse video networks like YouTube and Vimeo, then broadcast everything to your TV.
You may also use it to broadcast FLAC and mp3 audio files, cast Plex or Kodi content, and even play files in the background while looking for more. There are no gimmicks or tricks here; simply a lot of simple streaming from iOS to Fire TV. Here are the steps to use this Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone app.
1. To use AllConnect, you must first download and install the iOS app. It’s free to use, but there are ads and a restriction on how many devices you can connect to, both of which can be removed with an in-app payment.
2. Then, on your Fire TV, install the AllConnect app.
3. Add material to iOS and begin mirroring once the app is linked on both platforms.
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6. AirPlayMirror Receiver for Fire TV
The software offers a more comprehensive mirroring option for Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone. It allows you to cast from up to four Apple devices at once, view YouTube or Netflix, and play any media material, including photographs, images, and videos, from your iPhone or Mac.
While it is a popular choice, it is not free, but it does have a free 15-minute trial edition so you may try it out before purchasing the full version.
Using AirPlayMirror differs from using other applications to use this Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone app. Follow these steps:
1. Start by setting AirPlayMirror up on your Fire TV.
2. After enabling your device as a receiver in the app, grab your iPhone and enable AirPlay.
3. Select your Fire TV from the list of AirPlay receivers.
4. After connecting the device, select content from your iOS hardware and begin mirroring.
7. Reflector 2 – AirPlay Receiver for Fire TV
Reflector 2 uses Apple AirPlay technology to project the screen of your iPhone or iPad to any Android device, including the Fire TV and Fire Stick. It falls under the “ease of use” category rather than the “technical characteristics” category.
Installing the app, turning on AirPlay, and selecting the music, video, or graphic picture you want to be projected on your TV is all it takes. Unfortunately, Reflector has a premium price tag, but it accomplishes what it claims and maintains good video quality. Here are the steps to use this Fire TV mirroring app.
1. Download Reflector 2 app for your Fire TV.
2. Install it and configure the Fire TV to function as a receiver.
3. Next, take your iOS smartphone and launch the AirPlay application.
4. Select Fire TV from the list of available receivers, and then choose the material you wish to cast and watch.
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8. AirReceiver for Fire TV
This is not an option for those who are new to the game. This Fire TV mirroring app is the most difficult to use of all the mirroring alternatives, but it compensates with a multitude of capabilities. AirReceiver allows you to broadcast and mirror high-quality music and video from your iOS devices. Send YouTube videos straight to your TV, retrieve media from your NAS system, keep the program running in the background while you edit and queue new videos, and so on.
The software isn’t free, but it’s well worth it given the vast array of functions you’ll have access to. Just be aware that getting acclimated to things will take some time before you can mirror your screen. Follow these steps to perform Amazon Fire stick mirroring iPhone process.
1. To get started with AirReceiver, go to the Amazon Appstore and download the app.
2. Start it up and make your Fire TV an active receiver.
3. After that, take your iOS smartphone and turn on AirPlay.
4. Simply select your Fire TV as a target and the material you wish to reflect.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it feasible to use an Amazon Fire Stick to mirror an iPhone?
Ans: You’ll need to install a third-party app on your Amazon Fire TV Stick to mirror from your iPhone or iPad. While there are other options, AirScreen from Amazon is a free program that works well with iOS.
Q2. Is there a charge for using Fire Stick every month?
Ans: No, the Fire TV Stick does not have a monthly fee, but being a Prime member increases its value greatly, and services like Hulu Plus, Netflix, HBO (which is required for HBO GO), and others all have their own subscription fees.
We hope this information was helpful and that you were able to know about the best Fire TV mirroring apps. Please let us know which best method worked best for you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments area.