超宽显示器,尤其是曲面显示器(curved monitors),因其提供的沉浸式体验而越来越受欢迎。很多人曾经认为曲面面板只是一种营销噱头,但实际上它产生了巨大的差异并提供了愉快的体验。
价格范围:450-550 美元。
LG 34WN750-B 提供市场上最好的价值。这款 34 英寸超宽显示器将通过其IPS(IPS)面板、1440p 分辨率和HDR支持为您提供最佳性价比。
尽管对于超宽显示器来说相当实惠,但这款 LG 具有无边框边框,因此您可以享受最大的观看区域。在后面板上,您会发现一系列有用的连接器,包括 2个HDMI、一个显示(Display)端口、一个耳机(Headphone)插孔、2 个下行USB端口和一个上行USB端口。太(Too)糟糕了,它也没有配备USB -C 连接器。
LG 的IPS面板显示鲜艳的色彩和 300 尼特的亮度。HDR 10的添加进一步增强了这些颜色,并提供了漂亮的深暗。总体而言,显示器在正常条件下表现良好,但如果阳光照射到屏幕上,300 尼特并不理想。
- IPS 面板,1440p 分辨率。
- HDR 10 和 99% sRGB 色域。
- 可调节支架和 VESA 支撑。
- AMD 自由同步。
2.三星奥德赛G9(Samsung Odyssey G9)
价格范围:1,250-1,400 美元。
三星 Odyssey G9(Samsung Odyssey G9)是游戏玩家和飞行/赛车模拟爱好者的最佳选择之一。只要您拥有高端GPU、办公桌上有足够的空间、钱包里有钱,您就应该将这款曲面超宽显示器添加到您的购物清单中。
49 英寸曲面QLED面板为您提供与两台 27 英寸显示器一样大的屏幕空间,而不会损失任何质量。但这并不是为您提供身临其境的游戏体验的尺寸。凭借高达 240Hz 的刷新率、1ms 的响应时间和 400 尼特的亮度(在HDR中为 500+ 尼特),图像质量令人惊叹。QLED技术还通过创建比 sRGB 更多的色彩空间来促成这一点。
Odyssey G9无疑是一件昂贵的奢侈品,它需要强大的显卡。
- 49 英寸曲面QLED面板,1000R 曲线。
- HDR 1000 提供鲜艳的色彩和深度。
- 240Hz 刷新率
- 1ms 响应时间。
- 支持 VESA 安装。
价格范围:600-900 美元。
一段时间以来,BenQ EX3501R每年都出现在“最佳超宽显示器”上。这是有原因的——性价比和功能比都很高。
EX3501R是一款具有 1800R 曲率的 1440p 分辨率显示器。它为您提供宽广的视角,并帮助您沉浸在您喜欢的内容中。无论(Whether)您是在玩游戏还是在 Netflix 上观看喜爱的电影(watching your favorite movies on Netflix),EX3501R都是一款出色的多媒体显示器。唯一可以改进的是亮度,因为它被限制在 300 尼特左右。
这款BenQ显示器提供您需要的所有现代连接选项,包括HDMI 2.0、Display Port和USB-C,并且还配备了一些不错的扬声器。也就是说,开箱即用的色彩准确性使这款超宽显示器成为一个不错的选择。您不必为控制而烦恼或使用专业校准器来获得准确的颜色、深暗和出色的HDR体验。
- 35英寸VA面板,1800R曲率。
- 100Hz 刷新率。
- 4ms 响应时间。
- 支持HDR。
- 包括一个 USB Type-C 连接器。
价格范围:450-600 美元
AOC以实惠的价格提供出色的游戏显示器(great gaming monitors)而闻名。CU34G2X型号是1440p(CU34G2X)曲面 VA 面板,具有 144Hz 刷新率、HDR支持和出色的对比度。在这个价格范围内,它很难被击败,特别是因为它在盒子外面的颜色也相当准确。
由于1 毫秒的响应时间, AOC CU34G2X是游戏玩家的可靠选择。也就是说,当您切换到HDR时,您还将获得出色的色彩和细致的阴影。这里唯一的缺点是亮度。这款超宽显示器的亮度约为 300 单位,与此列表中更昂贵的选项相比,它处于较暗的一面。
在连接性方面,CU34G2X并没有让人失望。它配备 2X HDMI和 2X DisplayPort连接器,以及 4x USB 3.2端口。这里唯一缺少的是 USB Type-C连接器。
- 34 英寸 VA 面板,1500R 曲率。
- 144Hz刷新率。
- 1ms 响应时间。
- 支持HDR。
- 4 个USB 3.2(USB 3.2)端口提供大量连接选项。
价格范围:650-850 美元。
如果您喜欢大量曲率来覆盖您的视野并提供身临其境的体验,那么AlienWare AW3420DW可能正适合您。
这款Alienware超宽显示器具有IPS面板,具有令人印象深刻的 1900R 曲率,可提供一流的游戏体验。凭借 120Hz 的刷新率和 2ms 的快速响应时间,您不会感到失望。也就是说,最令人印象深刻的特征是颜色。
AW3420DW开箱即可(AW3420DW)产生令人难以置信的色彩。它覆盖 100% 的 sRGB 色域,但也拥有 98% 的 DCI-P3 覆盖率。考虑到这不是设计师和内容创作者的专业显示器,这令人印象深刻。仅凭丰富的色彩和曲率,这款超宽显示器就值得在 2022 年购买。
- 34英寸IPS面板,1900R曲率。
- 120Hz 刷新率。
- 2ms 响应时间。
- 覆盖 98% DCI-P3 色谱。
- 原生 Nvidia G-SYNC 支持。
价格范围:1,500-1,900 美元。
如果钱不是问题,而您只是想要最好的游戏体验,那么华硕 ROG Swift PG35VQ(ASUS ROG Swift PG35VQ)应该是您的首选。当PG35VQ于 2019 年问世时,它是具有最佳功能的(THE)旗舰超宽显示器,过去售价 2,499 美元。如今,您可以获得与所有较新型号竞争的相同水平的性能,并获得显着折扣(尽管仍然很昂贵)。
昂贵的华硕 ROG(ASUS ROG)超宽显示器因其令人印象深刻的色彩准确度、华丽的HDR、2 毫秒响应时间和 200Hz 刷新率而在此列表中占有一席之地。逼真的色彩和快速的性能使其成为内容创作者和游戏玩家的绝佳选择,而 2022 年可能是购买这款显示器的最佳年份。此外,它还配备了一个集成的数模转换器,可为您提供水晶般清晰的音频体验。
总体而言,这款华硕 ROG Swift(ASUS ROG Swift)面板具有您对优质超宽机型所期望的所有功能,包括符合人体工程学的设计和智能风扇控制。凭借 90%的 DCI-P3(DCI-P3)色域覆盖、1000 尼特的峰值亮度和高性能规格,很难出错。
- 35英寸VA面板,1800R曲率。
- 200Hz 刷新率和 2ms 响应时间。
- 支持 1000 尼特的 HDR。
- 光环同步照明。
- 集成耳机 DAC。
7.宏碁捕食者游戏 X34(Acer Predator Gaming X34)
价格范围:900-1,000 美元。
Acer Predator Gaming X34是一款优质的超宽显示器,是首批支持Nvidia G-Sync以获得最佳性能的显示器之一。如果您正在寻找 1,000 美元以下的沉浸式游戏体验,这是最佳选择之一。
Predator是一款 1440p IPS面板,通过DisplayPort超频时可以达到 120Hz 的刷新率。4 毫秒的响应时间也不错,除非您是一名需要所有可用优势的竞技游戏玩家。也就是说,21:9 的纵横比和 100% sRGB 色域为您提供史诗般的视觉体验,几乎可以证明价格是合理的。
总的来说,Acer Predator是一款华丽的显示器,但它确实有一些值得一提的小限制。主要问题是缺乏端口。您将获得一个HDMI和一个DisplayPort以及 4 个USB 3.0连接器。以这个价格拥有更多的视频连接器会更好。最后,您还应该考虑您的办公桌面积,因为V 形(V-shape)支架需要大量空间。
- 34英寸IPS面板,1900R曲率。
- 120Hz 刷新率和 4ms 响应时间。
- Nvidia G-Sync 支持。
- 体面的集成扬声器。
价格范围:650-850 美元。
MSI Optix是一款价格低于 1,000 美元的优质 1440p 超宽显示器。价格可能仍然有些高,但这款游戏显示器可以与Acer Predator等价格更高的显示器竞争。
MSI MPG341CQR提供105% sRGB 色域覆盖率、144Hz 刷新率和 1ms 响应时间,使其成为顶级游戏显示器。它也相当亮,亮度达到 400 尼特,并且支持HDR。颜色充满活力,黑色足够深,可以创造出细致的阴影和身临其境的体验。
这款MSI显示器在连接性方面也是赢家。它配备 2个HDMI端口和 2个DisplayPort连接器,以及一个USB Type-C端口。连接您的游戏笔记本电脑(gaming laptop)和其他设备,以充分利用这款超宽显示器。作为额外的奖励,MSI Optix带有一个摄像头支架,可帮助您更轻松地进行流式传输。
- 34 英寸 VA 面板,1800R 曲率。
- 144Hz 刷新率和 1ms 响应时间。
- 支持 HDR400
- 自由同步支持。
- 配备 USB Type-C 端口。
价格范围:1,250-1,700 美元。
如果尺寸真的很重要,您可以使用 49 英寸Dell UltraSharp U4919DW 全力以赴(Dell UltraSharp U4919DW)。对于这个庞然大物,您可能需要一个新的电脑桌。(computer desk)
与另一款 49 英寸怪兽三星 Odyssey G9不同,(Samsung Odyssey G9)戴尔 UltraSharp(Dell UltraSharp)拥有 3800R 的曲率。这使得它在眼睛上非常容易,并且可以愉快地工作数小时。也就是说,这款超宽显示器非常适合商务和多任务处理,而不是游戏。
戴尔 UltraSharp U4919DW(Dell UltraSharp U4919DW)的正常响应时间为 8 毫秒,刷新率为 60 赫兹,这在玩游戏时通常是不可取的。它也不支持HDR。但是,您可以获得具有出色对比度和色彩准确度的大型IPS面板这一事实使其成为几乎所有其他方面的不错选择。(IPS)此外,它还配备了 2个HDMI 2.0连接器、1个DisplayPort、一个令人印象深刻的 5 个USB 3.0端口(向下),甚至还有一个USB Type-C连接器。
- 49英寸IPS面板,3800R曲率。
- 60Hz 刷新率和 8ms 响应时间。
- 大量的连接器。
- 配备一个可为笔记本电脑充电的USB Type-C端口。
9 Best Ultrawide Monitors in 2022
Ultrawide monitors and particularly curved monitors are increasingly popular due to the immersive experience they provide. A lot of people used to think the curved panel was just a marketing gimmick, but it actually makes a huge difference and provides a pleasant experience.
In this article, we’re going to explore the best ultrawide monitors based on their size, panel type, refresh rate, and other variables. Continue reading and you’ll find something that fits your price range
Price range: $450-550.
The LG 34WN750-B offers the best value on the market. This 34-inch ultrawide monitor will give you the best price-performance ratio with its IPS panel, 1440p resolution, and HDR support.
Despite being fairly budget-friendly for an ultrawide monitor, this LG has borderless bezels so you can enjoy a maximum viewing area. On the back panel, you’ll find a series of useful connectors, including 2x HDMI, a Display port, a Headphone jack, 2x downstream USB ports, and a single upstream USB port. Too bad it doesn’t come with a USB-C connector as well.
The LG’s IPS panel displays vivid colors and a brightness level of 300 nits. The addition of HDR 10 enhances those colors further and delivers nice, deep darks. Overall, the monitor behaves well under normal conditions, but if the sun hits the screen, 300 nits isn’t ideal.
- IPS panel with 1440p resolution.
- HDR 10 and 99% sRGB color gamut.
- Adjustable stand and VESA support.
- AMD FreeSync.
Price range: $1,250-1,400.
The Samsung Odyssey G9 is one of the best options for gamers and fans of flight/racing sims in particular. As long as you have a high-end GPU, enough room on your desk, and money in your wallet, you should add this curved ultrawide monitor to your shopping list.
The 49-inch curved QLED panel gives you as much screen space as two 27-inch monitors without any loss of quality. But it’s not the size that gives you an immersive gaming experience. With a whopping 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, and 400 nits worth of brightness (500+ nits in HDR), the quality of the image is stunning. The QLED tech also contributes to that by creating more color space than sRGB.
The Odyssey G9 is without a doubt an expensive luxury purchase and it requires a beefy graphics card.
- 49” curved QLED panel with a 1000R curve.
- HDR 1000 for vivid colors and depth.
- 240Hz Refresh rate
- 1ms response times.
- Supports VESA mounts.
Price range: $600-900.
The BenQ EX3501R has been showing up on “best ultrawide monitors” every year for some time now. There’s a reason for that – a great price to performance and features ratio.
The EX3501R is a 1440p resolution monitor with 1800R curvature. It gives you a wide viewing angle and helps you immerse yourself in the content you enjoy. Whether you’re playing a game or watching your favorite movies on Netflix, the EX3501R is a great multimedia display. The only thing that could be improved is the luminance because it’s limited to around 300 nits.
This BenQ monitor offers all the modern connectivity options you need, including HDMI 2.0, Display Port, and USB-C, and it also comes with some decent speakers. That said, it’s the out-of-the-box color accuracy that makes this ultrawide monitor a good choice. You don’t have to fidget with the controls or use a professional calibrator to get accurate colors, deep darks, and a great HDR experience.
- 35-inch VA panel with 1800R curvature.
- 100Hz refresh rate.
- 4ms response times.
- Supports HDR.
- Includes a USB Type-C connector.
Price range: $450-600
AOC is well-known for great gaming monitors at affordable rates. The CU34G2X model is a 1440p curved VA panel with a 144Hz refresh rate, HDR support, and great contrast. In this price range, it’s hard to beat, especially because it’s also fairly color-accurate right outside the box.
The AOC CU34G2X is a solid choice for gamers because of the 1ms response times. That said, you’ll also get great colors and detailed shadows when you switch to HDR. The only downside here is the brightness. This ultrawide monitor reaches around 300 units of luminance, which is on the darker side compared to the more expensive options on this list.
When it comes to connectivity, the CU34G2X doesn’t disappoint. It comes with 2X HDMI and 2X DisplayPort connectors, as well as 4x USB 3.2 ports. The only thing that’s missing here is a USB Type-C connector.
- 34-inch VA panel with 1500R curvature.
- 144Hz refresh rate.
- 1ms response times.
- Supports HDR.
- Plenty of connectivity options with 4x USB 3.2 ports.
Price range: $650-850.
If you love plenty of curvature to cover your field of view and provide an immersive experience, the AlienWare AW3420DW might be just right for you.
This Alienware ultrawide monitor has an IPS panel with an impressive 1900R curvature for a top notch gaming experience. With a 120Hz refresh rate and fast 2ms response times you won’t be disappointed. That said, the most impressive feature is the color.
The AW3420DW produces incredible colors out of the box. It covers the sRGB gamut 100%, but it also boasts 98% DCI-P3 coverage. That’s impressive considering this isn’t a professional monitor for designers and content creators. This ultrawide monitor is worth getting in 2022 for the rich colors and curvature alone.
The only major downside on this Alienware model is that it doesn’t support HDR. However, the realistic colors, fast response times, and overall great design compensate for that loss.
- 34-inch IPS panel with 1900R curvature.
- 120Hz refresh rate.
- 2ms response times.
- Covers 98% DCI-P3 color spectrum.
- Native Nvidia G-SYNC support.
Price range: $1,500-1,900.
If money is no object and you simply want the best possible gaming experience, the ASUS ROG Swift PG35VQ should probably be your first choice. When the PG35VQ came out in 2019, it was THE flagship ultrawide monitor with the best features and it used to cost $2,499. Nowadays, you get that same level of performance that competes with all the newer models, for a significant discount (although still expensive).
The expensive ASUS ROG ultrawide monitor deserves a spot on this list thanks to its impressive color accuracy, gorgeous HDR, 2ms response times, and 200Hz refresh rate. The realistic colors and fast performance makes it a great choice for content creators as well as gamers and 2022 might be the best year to grab this monitor. In addition, it also comes with an integrated digital-to-analog converter that will give you a crystal-clear audio experience.
Overall, this ASUS ROG Swift panel comes with all the features you’d expect from a premium ultrawide model, including an ergonomic design and smart fan control. With a 90% DCI-P3 color gamut coverage, peak brightness of 1000 nits, and high-performance specs, it’s hard to go wrong.
- 35-inch VA panel with 1800R curvature.
- 200Hz refresh rate and 2ms response times.
- HDR support with 1000 nits.
- Aura Sync lighting.
- Integrated headphone DAC.
Price range: $900-1,000.
The Acer Predator Gaming X34 is a premium ultrawide monitor that was among the first ones that supported Nvidia G-Sync for top performance. If you’re looking for an immersive gaming experience under $1,000, this is one of the best picks.
The Predator is a 1440p IPS panel that can reach a 120Hz refresh rate when overclocked through the DisplayPort. The 4ms response time isn’t bad either unless you’re a competitive gamer who needs every advantage available. That said, the 21:9 aspect ratio and 100% sRGB color gamut give you an epic visual experience that almost justifies the price tag.
Overall, the Acer Predator is a gorgeous display but it does have some minor limitations worth mentioning. The main issue is a lack of ports. You get an HDMI and a DisplayPort along with 4 USB 3.0 connectors. Having more video connectors at this price would’ve been preferable. Finally, you should also consider your desk area because the V-shape stand requires a lot of space.
- 34-inch IPS panel with 1900R curvature.
- 120Hz refresh rate and 4ms response times.
- Nvidia G-Sync support.
- Decent integrated speakers.
Price range: $650-850.
The MSI Optix is a premium 1440p ultrawide monitor in the under-$1,000 category. The price might still feel somewhat steep, but this gaming monitor competes with pricier ones like the Acer Predator.
The MSI MPG341CQR offers 105% sRGB color gamut coverage, 144Hz refresh rate, and 1ms response time, making it a top of the line gaming monitor. It’s also fairly bright, reaching 400 nits luminance, and it supports HDR. The colors are vibrant and the blacks are deep enough to create detailed shadows and an immersive experience.
This MSI monitor is also a winner when it comes to connectivity. It comes with 2x HDMI ports and 2x DisplayPort connectors, as well as a USB Type-C port. Connect your gaming laptop and other devices to get the most out of this ultrawide monitor. As an added bonus, the MSI Optix comes with a camera cradle to help you stream more easily.
- 34-inch VA panel with 1800R curvature.
- 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time.
- Supports HDR400
- Freesync support.
- Comes with a USB Type-C port.
Price range: $1,250-1,700.
If size is all that really matters, you can go all in with the 49-inch Dell UltraSharp U4919DW. You might need a new computer desk for this behemoth.
Unlike the Samsung Odyssey G9, another 49-inch monster, the Dell UltraSharp boasts a 3800R curvature. This makes it extremely easy on the eyes and pleasant to work with for hours. That said, this ultrawide monitor is ideal for business and multitasking, not gaming.
The Dell UltraSharp U4919DW has a normal response time of 8ms and a 60Hz refresh rate, which isn’t usually desirable when playing games. It also doesn’t support HDR. However, the fact that you get a massive IPS panel with great contrast ratio and color accuracy makes it a good choice for almost everything else. Additionally, it comes with 2x HDMI 2.0 connectors, 1x DisplayPort, an impressive 5x USB 3.0 ports (down), and even a USB Type-C connector.
- 49-inch IPS panel with 3800R curvature.
- 60Hz refresh rate and 8ms response time.
- Large number of connectors.
- Comes with a USB Type-C port that can charge laptops.
Are you using an ultra-wide monitor in your desktop setup? If so, let us know which one in the comments and give us a short review!