有时,即使在收音机上收听歌曲时,您也会完全忘记这首歌或艺术家的名字。别担心,这里有一些适用于 Android 的最佳歌曲查找器应用程序,可帮助您识别和识别歌曲。(Sometimes you totally forget the song or the artist’s name even while listening to the song on the radio. Don’t worry, here are some of the best song finder apps for Android to help you identify & recognize songs. )
(Music)自纪念以来,(time memorial)音乐一直是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分(part and parcel)。它不仅使我们感到愉悦,而且还使我们对生活有了新的认识,使我们充满了千种不同的情感,甚至具有科学证明的治疗效果。无论我们的心情或生活状况如何——快乐、悲伤、愤怒、冥想——我们都可以求助于音乐来拯救我们。f 有大量的歌曲类型——无论是经典、嘻哈、流行音乐,或完全不同的东西。在这些流派中,到目前为止,有数百万首歌曲可供您收听。再加上每天发布的新歌曲,您将对我们所有人的浩瀚歌曲海洋有所了解。
现在,有如此大量的歌曲,任何人几乎都不可能记住所有这些歌曲。如果您不记得在某处听过的歌曲的歌词,但不知道歌曲的细节或歌曲的歌手是谁。也许,您是一个经常忘记这些细节的人,然后最终以零阳性结果搜索同一首歌曲。这就是歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder apps)的用武之地。这些应用程序可帮助您搜索和定位这些您喜欢但不记得的歌曲。互联网上有各种各样的。
虽然这是个好消息,但它也可能会让人不知所措。在众多应用程序中,您应该选择哪一个?什么是您的最佳选择?如果您也在寻找这些问题的答案,请不要害怕,我的朋友。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论截至目前 2022 年适用于Android的 6 款最佳(Android)歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder apps)我还将为您提供每一个的详细信息。当你读完这篇文章时,你不需要知道任何关于它们的任何其他信息。所以一定要坚持到底。现在不再浪费时间,让我们深入研究它。一起阅读。
歌曲查找器应用程序如何工作?(How do the Song Finder apps work?)
在我们进入列表中歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder apps)的详细信息和比较之前,让我们花点时间了解这些应用程序的基本工作原理。所以这些应用程序所做的就是收集你听过的音乐的样本。在下一步中,音频指纹将存储到列表中每个应用程序都包含的海量在线数据库中。(online database)总而言之,这些歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder apps)可帮助您回答“我在哪里听过这首歌?”的问题。
2022 年 6 款适用于 Android 的最佳歌曲查找器应用程序(6 Best Song Finder Apps for Android of 2022)
以下是目前互联网上最好的 6 款适用于Android的(Android)歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder apps)继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。
1. 沙赞(1. Shazam)
首先(First),我要与您讨论的第一个歌曲查找器应用程序称为(song finder app)Shazam。由Apple Corporation开发,它很可能是您可以在互联网上找到的最受喜爱的Android歌曲查找器应用程序之一。(song finder app)该应用程序已被来自世界各地的许多人下载。除此之外,它还拥有非常高的用户评分(user rating)以及一些好评。因此,您无需担心此歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)的可信度或效率。
用户界面(user interface)(UI) 易于使用,其功能首屈一指。该应用程序最好的一点(thing about)可能是您可以轻松搜索和查找歌曲,只需轻按一下即可。不仅如此,一旦应用程序找到歌曲,它还可以让您完全访问歌曲的歌词。似乎所有这些功能都不足以说服您尝试使用该应用程序,这是另一个惊人的事实 -即使您处于离线状态,没有互联网,您也完全有可能访问Shazam的海量数据库。(Shazam)如果您居住在互联网服务较差的地区,此功能非常方便。
开发人员免费向其用户提供歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder app)这是一个对许多人有用的功能,尤其是那些想要节省预算的人。
下载沙赞( Download Shazam)
2. 猎犬(2. SoundHound)
接下来,我希望大家将注意力转向我们列表中的下一个歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app),它被称为SounHound。这是另一个非常受欢迎的Android歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder app)歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)已被全球超过 1 亿用户下载。不仅如此,著名的《纽约时报》还宣布该应用程序是(NY Times has declared the app to be the top 10 list of must-have apps)智能手机必备应用程序的前 10 名。因此,您无需担心歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)的效率或品牌价值(efficiency or brand value)。
该应用程序带有一个交互式用户界面 (UI),并且非常易于导航。安装歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)后,您只需打开应用程序并说出“OK Hound ”即可找到歌曲。然后,说出这首歌是什么,就是它。该应用程序将为您完成其余的工作。如果您希望应用程序播放特定歌曲,您需要做的就是说 OK Hound,然后跟上歌曲的名称和艺术家的姓名。
除此之外,您还可以将您拥有的SoundHound 帐户(SoundHound account)合并到您的Spotify 帐户(Spotify account)。反过来,这将允许您创建个性化的播放列表。但是,要使用此功能,您需要订阅(music subscription)Spotify的音乐。除此之外(Apart),歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)还带有一个名为LiveLyrics ® 的附加功能,可让您在歌曲在后台播放时阅读歌曲的歌词。除此之外,您还可以随时在许多社交媒体网站上分享您正在听的歌曲,例如Facebook、WhatsApp、Twitter、Snapchat和谷歌(Google)。
下载 SoundHound( Download SoundHound)
3. 音乐比赛(3. Musixmatch)
您是否(Are)正在寻找仅专注于帮助您查找歌曲并为您提供这些歌曲歌词的歌曲查找器应用程序?(song finder app)如果答案是肯定的,那么您来对地方了。我有适合你的应用程序。让我向您介绍列表中名为Musixmatch的下一个(Musixmatch)歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)。适用于Android的歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)出色地完成了它的工作。
开发人员提供了免费和付费版本的应用程序。免费版本附带应用内购买。在高级版本中,您可以在演唱您选择的歌曲时获得逐字同步的好处,这与所有那些卡拉 OK(word sync)音乐应用程序(music apps)非常相似。除此之外,您还可以在没有互联网的情况下离线收听所有歌词。如果您居住在互联网服务(internet service)较差的地区,此功能非常有用。
下载 Musixmatch( Download Musixmatch)
4. 歌词狂热(4. Lyrics Mania)
我要与您讨论的下一个适用于Android的(Android)歌曲查找器应用程序称为 Lyrics (song finder app)Mania。你可能已经从它的名字猜到了它的作用——是的,它可以帮助你找出任何给定歌曲的歌词。它的工作做得非常好。在我看来,它是目前在互联网上可以找到的最好的Android歌词应用程序。(Android)
歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)加载了数百万首歌曲的歌词。有一个音乐ID 功能(ID feature),可以让您几乎立即识别在您附近播放的任何歌曲。用户界面简单易用。即使是技术知识很少或刚开始使用该应用程序的人也可以轻松处理它。除此之外,歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)允许您在继续播放歌词时访问外部音频播放器(audio player),增加了它的好处。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)Android的7种最佳 FaceTime 替代(Best FaceTime Alternatives)品
歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)提供免费和付费版本。如果你问我,免费版本本身就非常棒。但是,如果您喜欢享受事物的全部乐趣,则可以通过花钱购买该应用程序的高级版本来获得一些附加功能。
下载歌词疯狂( Download Lyrics Mania)
5. 节拍(5. Beatfind)
我们列表中的下一个歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)称为Beatfind。这是一个相对较新的Android歌曲查找器应用程序(newer song finder app),特别是如果您将它与列表中的其他歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder apps)进行比较。但是,不要让它愚弄你。它的工作做得非常好。
歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)可以轻松识别您周围播放的几乎所有歌曲。歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)的一个独特功能是根据当前正在播放的歌曲的节拍使用出现在屏幕上的频闪灯。此功能使其成为在聚会上使用它的绝佳选择。除此之外,音乐识别节点(music recognition node)也由ACRCloud提供支持。不仅如此,您完全有可能保留您过去搜索过的歌曲的历史记录,以防万一。
一旦您正在搜索的歌曲被此歌曲查找器应用程序识别,它就会为您提供在(song finder app)Spotify、YouTube或Deezer上播放该特定歌曲的选项。您可以完全免费在YouTube上播放。(YouTube)但是,如果您想在Spotify 或 Deezer(Spotify or Deezer)上播放它,您首先需要订阅(music subscription)这些平台的音乐。歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)的客户服务(customer service)非常出色。有高效的客户服务(customer service)主管 24X7 全天候为您服务,以防您需要任何帮助,无论是白天还是晚上的任何时间点(day or night).
不利的一面是,应用程序的用户界面(user interface)(UI) 有点棘手。因此,用户需要一段时间来习惯如何处理应用程序。因此,我绝对不会向初学者或(beginner or someone)技术知识很少的人推荐歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder app)
下载 Beatfind( Download Beatfind)
6.音乐ID(6. Music ID)
最后,我要与您讨论的最后一个歌曲查找器应用程序称为(song finder app)Music ID。这是一款歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app),具有简单且简约的用户界面 (UI)。该应用程序在为您提供配乐标签以及音乐识别(music recognition)功能方面做得很好。
有一个探索选项卡,您可以在其中查看所有热门歌曲和几位不同艺术家的所有可用数据。除此之外,您还可以对被识别为相同的歌曲添加评论。不仅如此,歌曲查找器应用程序(song finder app)还展示了包含每位艺术家详细信息的个人资料,例如在电影中显示的以及电视节目信息、传记数据等等。不利的一面是,您无法查看歌曲的歌词。
开发人员已免费向用户提供歌曲查找器应用程序。(song finder)这对用户来说是一个了不起的功能,尤其是那些想从应用程序上省钱的人。
下载音乐 ID( Download Music ID)
6 Best Song Finder Apps For Android of 2022
Sometimes you totally forget the song or the artist’s name even while listening to the song on the radio. Don’t worry, here are some of the best song finder apps for Android to help you identify & recognize songs.
Music has been the part and parcel of our life since time memorial. Not only it entertains us, but it also gives us new insight into life, floods us with a thousand different emotions, and even has a scientifically proven therapeutic effect. No matter what is our mood or the situation of our life is – happy, sad, angry, meditative – we can turn to music for our rescue.f There are a plethora of song genres out there – be it classic, hip-hop, pop, or something else entirely. In those genres, there are millions of songs out there for you to listen to as of now. Add to that the new songs releasing every single day and you will have an idea of the vast sea of songs out there for all of us.
Now, with such a huge number of songs out there, it is virtually impossible for anyone to remember all of them. What if you could not remember the lyrics of a song you have heard somewhere but do not know the details of, or who the singer of the song was. Perhaps, you are someone who constantly forgets these details and then end up searching for the same song with zero positive results. That is where the song finder apps come in. These apps help you to search for and locate these songs that you love but cannot remember. There is a wide range of them out there on the internet.
Although that is good news, it can be pretty overwhelming as well. Among the plethora of these apps, which one should you choose? What is the best choice for you? In case you are searching for the answers to these questions as well, do not be afraid, my friend. I am here to help you with that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the 6 best song finder apps for Android of 2022 as of now. I am also going to give you the details of each one of them. By the time you finish reading this article, you are not going to need to know anything else about any of them. So make sure to stick to the end. Now without wasting any more time, let us dive deep into it. Read along.
How do the Song Finder apps work?
Before we jump into the details and comparison of the song finder apps on the list, let us take a moment to figure out how these apps essentially work. So what these apps do is that they gather samples of the music you listened to. In the next step, the audio fingerprint to a massive online database that every app on the list contains. To put it all in perspective, these song finder apps help you answer the question of ‘where have I listened to this song?’
6 Best Song Finder Apps for Android of 2022
Here are the 6 best song finder apps for Android that are out there on the internet as of now. Keep on reading to find out more detailed information about each one of them.
1. Shazam
First of all, the first song finder app that I am going to talk to you about is called Shazam. Developed by Apple Corporation, it is most likely one of the most widely loved song finder app for Android that you can find out there on the internet. The app has been downloaded by a wide number of people from all over the world. In addition to that, it also boasts of a very high user rating along with some great reviews. So, you do not need to worry about the trustworthiness or the efficiency of this song finder app.
The user interface (UI) is easy to use and is second to none in its functionality. The best thing about is the app is probably the fact that you can search as well as find songs with a single tap without much hassle. Not only that, as soon as the song is found by the app, it also gives you total access to the lyrics of the song as well. As if all of these features were not enough to convince you to try and use the app, here is another amazing fact – it is entirely possible for you to have access to the massive database of Shazam even when you are offline, without the internet. This feature is handy in case you live in an area with poor internet services.
The developers have offered the song finder app to its users free of charge. This is a feature that will prove useful to many, especially those who would want to save on their budget.
Download Shazam
2. SoundHound
Next, I would request you all to turn your attention towards the next song finder app on our list, which is called SounHound. This one is another song finder app for Android that is immensely popular. The song finder app has been downloaded by more than 100 million users from across the world. Not only that, the famous NY Times has declared the app to be the top 10 list of must-have apps on your smartphone. So, you do not need to worry about the efficiency or brand value of the song finder app.
The app comes loaded with a user interface (UI) that is interactive as well as super easy to navigate. Once you have installed the song finder app, all you need to do to find a song is open the app and say OK Hound. Afterwards, say what’s this song and that is it. The app will do the rest of the work for you. In case you would like the app to play a particular song, all you need to do is say OK Hound and then follow it up with the name of the song along with the name of the artist.
In addition to that, you can also merge the SoundHound account you have to your Spotify account. This, in turn, will allow you to create a personalized playlist. However, for using this feature, you are going to need a music subscription to Spotify. Apart from that, the song finder app also comes with an additional feature that is called LiveLyrics® that allows you to read the lyrics of a song while the song is being played in the background. In addition to that, you can always share what song you are listening to on many social media sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snapchat, and Google.
Download SoundHound
3. Musixmatch
Are you someone who is searching for a song finder app that focuses solely on helping you find out songs along with providing you with the lyrics of those songs? In case the answer is yes, you are in the right place. I have just the right app for you. Let me present to you the next song finder app on the list which is called Musixmatch. The song finder app for Android does its job fantastically well.
A unique feature of the app is called Floating Lyrics. What this feature does is portraying to you the lyrics of almost all the songs that you can find in the world. In addition to that, the feature also bolds out the lyrics of a song that is being played in the background. What is even better is that there is also a feature that showcases a translated version of the lyrics. However, keep in mind that this feature does not work for all of the songs in the app.
In addition to that, it is entirely possible for you to make a flashcard with lyrics such as quoting an excerpt from any song you love. You can then share it on social media as well. This is an amazing feature in today’s world.
The developers have offered the app both for free as well as paid versions. The free version comes with in-app purchases. In the premium version, you get the benefits of word by word sync while singing the song of your choice, which is quite similar to all those karaoke music apps. In addition to that, you can also hear all the lyrics offline without the internet as well. This feature is extremely useful in case you live in an area where internet service is poor.
Download Musixmatch
4. Lyrics Mania
The next song finder app for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Lyrics Mania. You have probably guessed what it does from its name – yes, it helps you figure out the lyrics of any given song. And it does its job fantastically well. It is – in my not so humble opinion – the best lyrics app for Android that you can find on the internet as of now.
The song finder app comes loaded with lyrics of millions of songs. There is a music ID feature that enables you to identify any song that is playing near you in almost no time. The user interface is simple as well as easy to use. Even someone with little technical knowledge or just begun using the app can handle it without much hassle. In addition to that, the song finder app grants you access to an external audio player while you keep on streaming the lyrics, adding to its benefits.
Also Read: 7 Best FaceTime Alternatives for Android
The song finder app comes in both free as well as paid versions. The free version in itself is quite amazing if you ask me. However, if you are someone who loves to take on the full pleasure of things, you can get a few add on features by spilling out money to buy the premium version of the app.
Download Lyrics Mania
5. Beatfind
The next song finder app on our list is called Beatfind. It is a relatively newer song finder app for Android, especially if you compare it to the other song finder apps on the list. However, do not let that fool you. It does its job exceptionally well.
The song finder app can recognize almost all the songs played around you without much hassle. A unique feature of the song finder app is the usage of strobe lights that appear on the screen as per the beats of the song that is currently being played. This feature makes it an amazing choice for using it at parties. In addition to that, the music recognition node is also powered by ACRCloud. Not only that, it is entirely possible for you to keep a history of songs that you have searched for in the past in case that is what you wish.
Once the song you are searching for is identified by this song finder app, it gives you options to play that particular song on Spotify, YouTube, or Deezer. You can play it on YouTube for absolutely free. However, in case you would like to play it on Spotify or Deezer, you are going to need a music subscription to these platforms at first. The customer service of the song finder app is spectacular. There are efficient customer service executives available for you 24X7 in case you need any help with anything, that too at any point of time in the day or night.
On the negative side, the user interface (UI) of the app is a bit tricky. Therefore, it would take a user time to get used to how to handle the app. So, I would definitely not recommend the song finder app to a beginner or someone with little technological knowledge.
Download Beatfind
6. Music ID
Finally, the final song finder app I am going to talk to you about is called Music ID. It is a song finder app that has a user interface (UI) that is simple as well as minimalistic. The app does a great job of providing you with soundtracks tags as well as music recognition features.
There is an explore tab in which you can see all the available data about all the top songs and several different artists. In addition to that, you can add comments on the songs that are identified for the same. Not only that, but the song finder app also showcases a profile with detailed information of every artist such as shown on movies as well as TV shows information, biographical data, and so much more. On the downside, there is no option for you to see the lyrics of a song.
The developers have offered the song finder app free of charge to its users. This is an amazing feature for the users, especially those who would like to save money off apps.
Download Music ID
So, guys, we have come towards the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I really hope the article has provided you with the value that you have been searching for all this time and that it was well worth of your time as well as attention. In case you think I have missed a specific point, or if you have a specific question in your mind, please do let me know. I would love to answer your queries as well as obliging your wishes.