几乎是时候开始假期旅行了,拜访远近的家人和朋友。(family and friends)尽管互联网服务比以往任何时候都更加可用,但有些地方仍然几乎无法使用。您需要一个便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器来旅行。
我们提供最适合旅行的便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器,让您在假期和 2022 年保持联系。
为什么我想要一个(Why Would I Want a )便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器(Portable Wi-Fi Router)?
您想要使用自己的便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器设置移动热点的原因有很多。
- 安全(Security)性:有时连接到公共Wi-Fi 接入(Wi-Fi access)点感觉有点粗略。拥有自己的移动热点可让您使用 Wi-Fi 网络,这将始终更加安全。一些旅行 Wi-Fi 路由器还带有内置VPN和防火墙支持。
- 节省(Savings):如果您有一个能够使用蜂窝数据的 Wi-Fi 路由器(router capable),那么您拥有的所有设备只需要具有Wi-Fi 功能(Wi-Fi capability)即可连接到该移动热点。您无需购买带SIM卡的平板电脑并将其加入任何数据计划(data plan)。您还可以将较旧的智能手机提供给孩子们在车内使用,而不是为他们购买手机套餐。另外,如果孩子们有旧设备并且他们发生了一些事情,那么对钱包的打击就不是那么大了。
- 速度(Speed):曾经住过酒店,连接到他们的 Wi-Fi 网络,想知道您是否刚刚连接到 1990 年代的拨号互联网?这不是您自己的便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器的问题。此外,如果您的便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器兼容 5G,您可以连接 4G LTE或更旧的设备并利用 5G 速度。
1.最佳高端移动 Wi-Fi 路由器(Best High End Mobile Wi-Fi Router)——Netgear Nighthawk(Netgear Nighthawk )(Netgear Nighthawk ) M5
价格(Price):699 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):5G
Wi-Fi : Wi-Fi 版本 6
大约 700 美元,Netgear Nighthawk M5移动 Wi-Fi 装置应该能够做几乎所有事情。它确实如此。如果您是重度旅行者或将其用作家中的主要Internet 连接(Internet connection),那么这可能是值得的。请注意,它在美国的 AT&T 和T-Mobile网络上效果最佳。电池很容易取出,因此请考虑购买备用电池以保持充电以进行快速更换。如果您所在地区没有 5G蜂窝服务(cell service),请考虑使用Netgear M1进行 4G 服务。
- VPN、DMZ 和密码支持
- 最多连接 32 台设备
- 长达 13 小时的电池寿命
- 以太网(Ethernet)和USB C连接器
- 板载触摸屏(Onboard touch-screen)控件还可以跟踪数据使用情况
- 2 x TS-9外部天线连接器,用于扩展范围
- 1 Gbps 以太网端口
- 基于 Web 和应用程序的管理
- 短信功能
2.亚军高端移动 Wi-Fi 路由器(Runner Up High End Mobile Wi-Fi Router)– NetGear Nighthawk M1
价格(Price):400 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):4G
Wi-Fi:802.11 a/b/g/n双频 2.4GHz(Dual Band 2.4GHz)和 5GHz
是的,另一个NetGear 夜鹰(NetGear Nighthawk)。您可能已经猜到这是 M5 之前出现的 NetGear Wi-Fi 路由器。然而,它仍然受到追捧。如果您只能使用 4G蜂窝服务(cell service),它也是理想的移动 Wi-Fi 路由器。
- VPN、DMZ 和密码支持
- 最多连接 20 台设备
- 长达 11 小时的电池寿命
- 以太网(Ethernet)和USB C连接器
- 板载触摸屏(Onboard touch-screen)控件还可以跟踪数据使用情况
- 卸载到常规Wi-Fi 或以太网((Wi-Fi or Ethernet)如果可用)以减少蜂窝数据消耗
- 基于 Web 和应用程序的管理
- (Share)从外部硬盘共享数据
- JumpBoost 为手机充电
3.最实惠的 Wi-Fi 移动热点(Best Affordable Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot)——NetGear 4G AC797(NetGear 4G AC797)(NetGear 4G AC797)
价格(Price):219 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):4G
Wi-Fi:802.11 a/c双频 2.4GHz(Dual Band 2.4GHz)和 5GHz
NetGear受欢迎是有原因的。如果价格较高的NetGear设备遥不可及,那么这就是适合您的移动Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot)。凭借Nighthawks上提供的许多功能,您将物有所值。虽然它的峰值下载速度(peak download speed)是 400 Mbs,但对于大多数人来说已经足够了。
- 访客 Wi-Fi 使用计时器登录
- 长达 11 小时的电池寿命
- 最大速度 400 Mbps
- 彩色显示屏(Color display)显示网络和电池信息(network and battery info),以及更多
- 最多连接 32 台设备
- 使用 NetGear 移动应用程序进行管理
4.经济实惠的 Wi-Fi 移动热点亚军(Runner Up Affordable Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot)– GlocalMe U3 移动热点(GlocalMe U3 Mobile Hotspot)(GlocalMe U3 Mobile Hotspot)
价格(Price):120 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):4G
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
- 小巧,重 4.4 盎司,大约 8 张信用卡叠在一起的大小
- 长达 13 小时的电池寿命
- 最大速度 150 Mbps
- USB Type-C 端口
- 最多连接 10 台设备
- 使用GlocalMe 应用程序(GlocalMe app)管理和购买数据包
价格(Price):60 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):4G
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11b,2.4 GHz
如果您需要在多个国家/地区使用轻便、廉价且多功能的移动热点,阿尔卡特 Linkzone MW41NF(Alcatel Linkzone MW41NF)可能适合您。该移动热点设备(hotspot device)需要SIM 卡(SIM card),因此无法在Sprint、Virgin或Verizon等(Verizon)CDMA服务上运行。阿尔卡特(Alcatel)还警告说不要让它充电超过 10 小时,从而导致过热。
- 小,重 10 盎司,大约手机的厚度(cell phone)
- 电池续航时间(battery life)长达7小时,待机 300 小时
- 数据下载速度高达 150 Mbps
- 微型 USB 2.0 插槽
- (Micros SD slot)支持高达 32GB 的Micros SD 插槽
- WPS 按钮(WPS button),方便移动 Wi-Fi 连接
- 最多连接 15 台设备
- 由应用管理
- 基本LED显示屏
价格(Price):99 美元
蜂窝网络(Cell Network):4G
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11 n/bg,2.4 GHz
如果您需要更大的 Wi-Fi 范围并且有地方可以插入,那么Yeacomm P21-2可能适合您。它价格实惠,但比列出的其他移动 Wi-Fi 路由器更大。以太网和电话端口(Ethernet and phone ports)非常适合小屋或远程办公室。是的,您可以插入固定电话并通过蜂窝电话拨打语音电话。
- 两个外置天线,范围更广
- 4 个以太网端口
- 2 个 RJ-11 电话端口,用于连接固定电话
- 数据下载速度高达 150 Mbps
- 内置VPN客户端
- 最多连接 32 台设备
- 由应用管理
- 需要外部电源
7.最佳高端旅行 Wi-Fi 热点(Best High End Travel Wi-Fi Hotspot)——GL.iNet GL-MT1300 Beryl(GL.iNet GL-MT1300 Beryl)(GL.iNet GL-MT1300 Beryl)
价格(Price):90 美元
Wi-Fi:802.11a/b/g/n/ac双频 2.4GHz(Dual Band 2.4GHz)和 5GHz
GL.iNet Beryl可能是最可爱的便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器,但在建立稳固的移动(GL.iNet Beryl)互联网连接方面(internet connection)它也是一头野兽。这个移动接入点(access point)足够小,可以放在口袋里,但其核心是安全性和多功能性(security and versatility)。Beryl可用作 Wi-Fi 路由器、中继器或通过其 USB 3.0 端口连接到您的手机(USB 3.0)。
- 使用OpenWRT 固件(OpenWRT firmware),使其高度可配置
- 预装OpenVPN 和 WireGuard(OpenVPN and WireGuard),支持 30 多家VPN 服务提供商(VPN service providers)
- 预装Tor服务
- 用于DNS 安全(DNS security)的预安装Cloudflare
- MicroSD 支持高达 512 GB
- USB 3.0 端口
- 1 个 WAN + 2 个 LAN Gb 以太网端口
- 最大 Wi-Fi 速度 867 Mbps
- 必须插电
8.亚军高端旅行 Wi-Fi 热点(Runner Up High End Travel Wi-Fi Hotspo)– GL.iNet GL-AR750S-Ext Slate
价格(Price):70 美元
Wi-Fi:802.11a/b/g/n/ac双频 2.4GHz(Dual Band 2.4GHz)和 5GHz
GL.iNet Slate稍微不那么可爱和强大,它为您提供了Beryl的大部分安全功能,支持从MicroSD卡共享数据,以及可观的 433 Mbps Wi-Fi速度。它也可以用作范围扩展器(range extender)。可以把它想象成Beryl的弟弟,恰好大小相同。
- 使用OpenWRT 固件(OpenWRT firmware),使其高度可配置
- 预装OpenVPN 和 WireGuard(OpenVPN and WireGuard),支持 30 多家VPN 服务提供商(VPN service providers)
- 用于DNS 安全(DNS security)的预安装Cloudflare
- MicroSD 支持高达 128 GB
- USB 2.0 端口
- 1 个 WAN + 2 个 LAN Gb 以太网端口
- 最大 Wi-Fi 速度 433 Mbps
- 必须插电
价格(Price):35 美元
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz
旅行路由器为什么这么可爱?TP-Link N300可能是最流行的旅行Wi-Fi 路由器(Wi-Fi router)。价格、功能和 2 年保修以及无限技术支持使其难以被击败,即使是价格的两倍。此外,它足够小,可以放在口袋里,所以它可以放在你的笔记本电脑包里旅行。因为它可以用作中继器、接入点(access point)(AP) 或移动热点,所以即使您不旅行也可以使用它。查看Nano Router 模拟器页面(Nano Router emulator page),了解它的管理方式。
- 路由器(Router)、中继器、接入点(access point)和移动热点模式
- 可通过适配器、智能手机充电器(smartphone charger)或笔记本电脑USB 端口供电(USB port)
- 1 个 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN 端口
- 300 Mbps 无线速度
- 内置防火墙和访问控制(Built-in firewall and access control)
- 内置家长控制
- 由应用程序或 Web 界面管理
- 支持访客网络
10.经济实惠的旅行 Wi-Fi 路由器亚军(Runner Up Affordable Travel Wi-Fi Router)– MikroTik – hAP Mini
价格(Price):22 美元
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz
MikroTik 的 hAP mini 的高度和长度(height and length)约为 4 英寸,宽度不到 2 英寸。这很小,考虑到它也有三个以太网端口。它使用配置为开箱即用的MikroTik RouterOS ,或者您可以访问其基于 Web 的(MikroTik RouterOS)配置页面(configuration page)以使其执行您想要的操作。如果有的话,可能的配置深度可能太多了。当然,还有一个应用程序。
- 至少 5 年的免费更新
- 桥接和路由功能
- 3 个 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN 端口
- 对配置的广泛控制
- 由应用程序或 Web 界面管理
- 支持VPN和其他安全标准
- 由应用程序或 Web 界面管理
- 支持访客网络
11.最佳预算旅行 Wi-Fi 路由器(Best Budget Travel Wi-Fi Router)- GL.iNet microuter-N300
价格(Price):22 美元
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz
来自GL.iNet(GL.iNet)的另一个条目, microrouter -N300 必须是可用的最小的 Wi-Fi 路由器。如此小的尺寸带来了更少的功能和范围。但是,这款无线路由器(wireless router)仍然非常强大且节能(energy efficient)。
- 很小(Tiny),只有 2 英寸 x 2 英寸 x 0.72 英寸,刚刚超过一盎司
- 使用OpenWRT 固件(OpenWRT firmware),使其高度可配置
- 路由器(Router)、中继器和接入点(access point)模式
- 最多连接 32 台设备
- 1 个 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN 端口
- 可通过适配器、智能手机充电器(smartphone charger)或笔记本电脑USB 端口供电(USB port)
12.亚军预算旅行 Wi-Fi 路由器(Runner Up Budget Travel Wi-Fi Router)– Kasda KW55293
价格(Price):16 美元
无线网络(Wi-Fi):802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz
它比GL.iNet microuter-N300价格更低,以太网端口更多,那么为什么Kasda不是同类产品中最好的呢?它大约有 6 个 microuter-N300 大小。但是以这个价格,它太好了,不能放弃。
- 无线速度高达 300Mbps
- 4 个 LAN 和 1 个 WAN 以太网端口
- WPS一键连接设备
- VPN 直通
- MAC 过滤
- 基于网络的配置
- LED 状态指示灯
- 支持Telnet连接
快乐的小径和安全的旅行(Happy Trails and Safe Travels)
我们的特色便携式 Wi-Fi 路由器之一将让您在与家人和朋友(family and friends)在假期联系时保持联系。您甚至可能想将它们作为礼物赠送。有没有更好、更实惠的科技长袜填充物?
12 Best Portable Wi-Fi Routers for Traveling in 2022
It’ѕ almost time to begin the holіday travels to visit family and friendѕ, near and far. Even though internet service is more available than ever, some spots are still almost off the grid. You need a portable Wi-Fi router for your travels.
We present the best portable Wi-Fi routers for traveling to keep you connected through the holidays and 2022.
Why Would I Want a Portable Wi-Fi Router?
There are many reasons you’d want to set up a mobile hotspot with your own portable Wi-Fi router.
- Security: Sometimes connecting to public Wi-Fi access points feels a little sketchy. Having your own mobile hotspot puts you on your Wi-Fi network, which will always be more secure. Several travel Wi-Fi routers also come with built-in VPN and firewall support.
- Savings: If you’ve got a Wi-Fi router capable of using cellular data, all the devices you have only need to have Wi-Fi capability to connect to that mobile hotspot. You don’t need to buy tablets with SIM cards and put them on any data plan. You could also give older smartphones to the kids to use in the car instead of buying them cellular plans. Plus, if the kids have older devices and something happens to them, it’s not as big a blow to the wallet.
- Speed: Ever been in a hotel, connected to their Wi-Fi network, and wondered if you just connected to 1990’s dial-up internet? That’s not a problem with your own portable Wi-Fi router. Also, if your portable Wi-Fi router is 5G compatible, you can connect your 4G LTE or older device and take advantage of 5G speeds.
1. Best High End Mobile Wi-Fi Router – Netgear Nighthawk M5
Price: $699
Cell Network: 5G
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Version 6
At around $700, the Netgear Nighthawk M5 mobile Wi-Fi unit should be able to do almost everything. And it does. If you’re a heavy traveler or use this as your primary Internet connection at home, it may be worth it. Note that it works best on the AT&T and T-Mobile networks in the US. The battery is easily removed, so consider getting a spare to keep charged for quick swaps. If you don’t have 5G cell service in your area, consider the Netgear M1 for 4G service.
- VPN, DMZ, and password support
- Connect up to 32 devices
- Up to 13-hour battery life
- Ethernet and USB C connectors
- Onboard touch-screen controls also tracks data usage
- 2 x TS-9 external antenna connectors to extend the range
- 1 Gbps Ethernet port
- Web and app-based management
- SMS Messaging capable
2. Runner Up High End Mobile Wi-Fi Router – NetGear Nighthawk M1
Price: $400
Cell Network: 4G
Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/b/g/n Dual Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Yes, another NetGear Nighthawk. You’ve probably guessed that this is the NetGear Wi-Fi router that came before the M5. Yet, it’s still sought after. It’s also the ideal mobile Wi-Fi router if you only have access to 4G cell service.
- VPN, DMZ, and password support
- Connect up to 20 devices
- Up to 11-hour battery life
- Ethernet and USB C connectors
- Onboard touch-screen controls also tracks data usage
- Offload to regular Wi-Fi or Ethernet if available to reduce cellular data consumption
- Web and app-based management
- Share data from an external hard drive
- JumpBoost to charge phones
3. Best Affordable Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot – NetGear 4G AC797
Price: $219
Cell Network: 4G
Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/c Dual Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
NetGear is popular for a reason. If the higher priced NetGear devices are just out of reach, this is the mobile Wi-Fi hotspot for you. With many of the features available on the Nighthawks, you’ll get your money’s worth. Although its peak download speed is 400 Mbs, it’s enough for most people.
- Guest Wi-Fi sign in with timer
- Up to 11-hour battery life
- Max speed 400 Mbps
- Color display shows network and battery info, plus more
- Connect up to 32 devices
- Manage with the NetGear mobile app
Price: $120
Cell Network: 4G
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz
- Small, weighing 4.4 oz and about the size of 8 credit cards stacked together
- Up to 13-hour battery life
- Max speed 150 Mbps
- USB Type-C port
- Connect up to 10 devices
- Manage and buy data packages with the GlocalMe app
Price: $60
Cell Network: 4G
Wi-Fi: 802.11b, 2.4 GHz
If you need a mobile hotspot that’s lightweight, inexpensive, and versatile in several countries, the Alcatel Linkzone MW41NF might be for you. This mobile hotspot device does require a SIM card, so it won’t work on CDMA services like Sprint, Virgin, or Verizon. Alcatel also warns about leaving it charging for more than 10 hours, leading to overheating.
- Small, weighing 10 oz and about the thickness of a cell phone
- Up to 7-hour battery life, 300 hours on standby
- Data speed up to 150 Mbps download
- Micro USB 2.0 slot
- Micros SD slot supporting up to 32GB
- WPS button for easy mobile Wi-Fi connection
- Connect up to 15 devices
- Managed by app
- Basic LED display
Price: $99
Cell Network: 4G
Wi-Fi: 802.11 n/bg, 2.4 GHz
If you need greater Wi-Fi range and have somewhere to plug it in, the Yeacomm P21-2 may be for you. It’s affordable, yet it’s larger than the other mobile Wi-Fi routers listed. The Ethernet and phone ports are ideal for the cottage or remote offices. Yes, you can plug in landline phones and make voice calls over cellular.
- Two external antennas for a greater range
- 4 Ethernet ports
- 2 RJ-11 phone ports to connect landline phones
- Data speed up to 150 Mbps download
- Built-in VPN client
- Connect up to 32 devices
- Managed by app
- Requires external power
Price: $90
Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Dual Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
The GL.iNet Beryl may be the cutest portable Wi-Fi router, but it’s also a beast when it comes to setting up a solid mobile internet connection. This mobile access point is small enough to fit in a pocket yet built with security and versatility at its core. The Beryl can be used as a Wi-Fi router, repeater, or tether to your phone through its USB 3.0 port.
Price: $70
Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Dual Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Slightly less cute and powerful, the GL.iNet Slate gives you most of the security features of the Beryl, support for sharing data from MicroSD cards, and respectable 433 Mbps Wi-Fi speeds. It can also be used as a range extender. Think of it as Beryl’s younger sibling that happens to be the same size.
Price: $35
Wi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz
What’s with travel routers being cute? The TP-Link N300 is likely the most popular travel Wi-Fi router. The price, features, and 2-year warranty with unlimited technical support make it hard to beat, even if it was twice the price. Plus, it’s small enough to fit in a pocket, so it can travel in your laptop bag. Because it can be used as a repeater, access point (AP), or a mobile hotspot, you can use it even when you’re not traveling. Check out the Nano Router emulator page to see how it’s managed.
- Router, repeater, access point, and mobile hotspot modes
- Can be powered with an adapter, smartphone charger, or laptop USB port
- 1 x 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN port
- 300 Mbps wireless speed
- Built-in firewall and access control
- Built-in parental controls
- Managed by app or web interface
- Guest network capable
10. Runner Up Affordable Travel Wi-Fi Router – MikroTik – hAP Mini
Price: $22
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz
MikroTik’s hAP mini is roughly 4 inches in height and length and under 2 inches in width. That’s small, considering it also has three ethernet ports. It uses the MikroTik RouterOS that’s configured to run out of the box, or you can access its web-based configuration page to make it do what you want. If anything, the depth of configuration possible may be too much. Of course, there’s an app as well.
- Minimum 5 years of free updates
- Bridging and routing capability
- 3 x 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN port
- Extensive control over configuration
- Managed by app or web interface
- Supports VPN and other security standards
- Managed by app or web interface
- Guest network capable
Price: $22
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz
Another entry from GL.iNet, the microrouter-N300 must be the smallest Wi-Fi router available. With such a small size comes fewer features and range. However, this wireless router is still very capable and energy efficient.
- Tiny at 2in x 2in x 0.72in and just over an ounce
- Uses OpenWRT firmware, making it highly configurable
- Router, repeater, and access point modes
- Connect up to 32 devices
- 1 x 10/100 Mbps WAN/LAN port
- Can be powered with an adapter, smartphone charger, or laptop USB port
12. Runner Up Budget Travel Wi-Fi Router – Kasda KW55293
Price: $16
Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHz
It’s lower priced and has more ethernet ports than the GL.iNet microuter-N300, so why isn’t the Kasda the best in this class? It’s about the size of 6 microuter-N300s. But at that price, it’s just too good to pass up.
- Wireless speed up to 300Mbps
- 4 LAN and 1 WAN Ethernet ports
- WPS for one-button connection of devices
- VPN pass-through
- MAC Filtering
- Web-based configuration
- LED status indicators
- Supports Telnet connections
Happy Trails and Safe Travels
One of our featured portable Wi-Fi routers is going to keep you connected while connecting with family and friends for the holidays. You may even want to give them as gifts. Could there be a better, affordable tech stocking stuffer?