最不方便和恼人的事情是您的设备在工作中冻结或卡住。你不同意吗?我相信你一定遇到过Mac屏幕死机的情况,你会惊慌失措,想知道当MacBook Pro死机时该怎么办。可以使用强制退出(Force Quit)功能关闭 macOS 上卡住的窗口或应用程序。但是,如果整个笔记本都停止响应,那就是一个问题。因此,在本指南中,我们将解释修复Mac一直冻结问题的所有可能方法。

如何修复 Mac 一直冻结问题(How to Fix Mac Keeps Freezing Issue)
当您长时间使用 MacBook(working on your MacBook for a significant amount of time)时,通常会出现此问题。但是,还有其他原因,例如:
磁盘存储空间不足(Insufficient Storage Space on Disk):存储空间不足会导致任何笔记本电脑上出现各种不同的问题。因此,一些应用程序将无法正常运行,导致MacBook Air不断出现冻结问题。
过时的 macOS(Outdated macOS) :如果您很长时间没有更新您的Mac ,您的操作系统可能会导致(Mac)Mac死机的问题。这就是为什么强烈建议将您的Mac Book更新到最新的 macOS 版本的原因。
方法一:清空存储空间(Method 1: Clear Storage Space)
理想情况下,您应该为笔记本电脑(包括MacBook)的正常运行保留at least 15% of storage space free。如果需要,请按照给定的步骤检查正在使用的存储空间并删除数据:
1. 点击Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择About This Mac,如图所示。

2. 然后,单击存储(Storage)选项卡,如下图所示。

3. 您现在可以看到内部磁盘上使用的空间。单击(Click)管理...(Manage…)确定存储杂乱的原因并将(Identify)其清除(clear it)。
通常,是媒体文件:照片、视频、GIF 等不必要地弄乱了磁盘。因此,我们建议您将这些文件存储在外部磁盘上(external disk)。
方法 2:检查恶意软件
如果您没有在浏览器上打开隐私功能(Privacy feature on your browser),单击未经验证的随机链接可能会导致笔记本电脑上出现不需要的恶意软件和错误。因此,您可以安装防病毒软件(antivirus software)来检查可能已经潜入 MacBook 的任何恶意软件,从而使其变慢并容易出现频繁死机。一些流行的有Avast、McAfee和Norton Antivirus。

- 确保(Make)检查通风口。不应有任何灰尘或碎屑堵塞这些通风口。
- 让设备休息并冷却。
- 充电时尽量不要使用MacBook 。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 MacBook 插入时不充电的问题(Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In)
方法四:关闭所有应用(Method 4: Close All Apps)
如果您有同时运行多个程序的习惯,您可能会遇到MacBook Air死机问题。可以同时运行的程序数量与 RAM(size of RAM)即随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)的大小成正比。一旦此工作内存被填满,您的计算机可能无法正常运行。解决此问题的唯一选择是重新启动系统。
1. 点击Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择Restart,如图所示。

2. 等待MacBook正常重启,然后从Spotlight启动(Spotlight )活动监视器(Activity Monitor )
3. 选择内存(Memory)选项卡并观察内存压力(Memory Pressure)图。

- 绿色图表( green graph)表示您可以打开新的应用程序。
- 一旦图表开始变黄(yellow),您应该关闭所有不必要的应用程序并继续使用所需的应用程序。
方法 5:重新安排凌乱的桌面(Method 5: Re-Arrange Your Cluttered Desktop)
您会惊讶地发现桌面上的每个图标都不仅仅是一个链接。它也是每次(image that is redrawn each time)打开 MacBook 时都会重新绘制的图像。这就是为什么杂乱的桌面也可能导致您的设备出现冻结问题。
- 将它们移动到可以轻松找到它们的特定文件夹中。(specific folders)
(Use third-party apps)使用Spotless(Spotless)等第三方应用程序来保持桌面井井有条。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 macOS 安装失败错误(How to Fix macOS Installation Failed Error)
方法六:更新macOS (Method 6: Update macOS )
或者,您可以通过更新 mac 操作系统来修复Mac不断冻结的问题。(Mac)无论是MacBook Pro还是Air,macOS 更新都非常重要,因为:
- 它们带来了重要的安全功能,可以保护设备免受错误和病毒的侵害。(protect the device from bugs and viruses.)
- 不仅如此,macOS 更新还改进了各种应用程序的功能(improve the features of various applications)并使其无缝运行。
- MacBook Air在较旧的操作系统上一直死机的另一个原因是它的配置,因为许多32 位程序在现代 62 位系统上无法运行。( 32-bit programs don’t function on modern 62-bit systems.)
以下是MacBook Pro死机时的处理方法:
1. 打开Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。

2. 然后,点击软件更新(Software Update)。

3. 最后,如果有任何更新可用,请单击立即更新(Update Now)。

您的Mac现在将下载安装程序,一旦 PC 重新启动,您的更新将成功安装以供使用。
方法 7:以安全模式启动(Method 7: Boot in Safe Mode)
这是一种诊断模式(Diagnostic mode),其中所有后台应用程序和数据都被阻止。然后,您可以确定某些应用程序无法正常运行的原因并解决您的设备问题。在 macOS 上可以很容易地访问安全模式。阅读我们关于如何以安全模式启动 Mac(How to boot Mac in Safe Mode)的指南,了解如何启用安全模式(Safe Mode)、如何判断Mac是否处于安全模式(Safe Mode)以及如何在Mac上关闭安全启动(Safe Boot)。

方法8:检查和卸载第三方应用程序(Method 8: Check & Uninstall Third-party Apps)
- 因此(Hence),您应该识别并删除所有引起冲突的第三方应用程序和加载项。
- 此外,请确保仅使用App Store支持的应用程序,因为这些应用程序是为Apple产品设计的。
因此,在安全模式下(Safe Mode)检查有故障的应用程序并卸载它们。
方法 9:运行 Apple 诊断程序或硬件测试 (Method 9: Run Apple Diagnostics or Hardware Test )
对于Mac设备,使用 Apple 的内置诊断工具是解决与其相关的任何问题的最佳选择。
- 如果您的Mac是在 2013 年之前生产的,则该选项的标题为Apple Hardware Test。
- 另一方面,用于现代 macOS 设备的相同实用程序称为Apple Diagnostics。
以下是解决MacBook Air一直卡住问题的方法:
1.关闭(Shut down)你的 Mac。
2.断开(Disconnect) 所有(all)外部设备与 Mac 的连接。
3.打开( Turn on)Mac 并按住电源(Power)按钮。

4. 看到“启动选项(Startup Options)”窗口后松开按钮。
5. 按键盘上的Command + D键。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Mac 上创建文本文件(How to Create Text File on Mac)
方法 10:重置 PRAM 和 NVRAM (Method 10: Reset PRAM and NVRAM )
Mac PRAM负责存储某些设置,帮助您快速执行功能。NVRAM存储与显示、屏幕亮度等相关的设置。因此,您可以尝试重置PRAM和NVRAM设置以修复Mac卡死问题。
1.关闭(Turn off)MacBook。
2. 按键盘上的Command + Option + P + R键。
3. 同时,按下电源按钮开启(switch on)设备。
4. 您现在将看到Apple 标志(Apple logo)出现和消失三次。之后,MacBook应该会正常重启。
现在,根据您的喜好更改时间和日期、Wi-Fi 连接、显示设置等设置,尽情享受使用笔记本电脑的乐趣。
方法 11:重置 SMC(Method 11: Reset SMC)
系统管理控制器(System Management Controller)或SMC负责处理许多后台进程,例如键盘照明、电池管理等。因此,重置这些选项也可能有助于修复MacBook Air或MacBook Pro一直死机:
1.关闭(Shut down)你的 MacBook。
2. 现在,将其连接到原装Apple 笔记本电脑充电器(Apple laptop charger)。
3. 按住键盘上的Control + Shift + Option + Power键约五秒钟(five seconds)。
4.松开(Release)按键,再次 按下电源按钮(power button)打开(switch on)MacBook 。
方法 12:强制退出应用程序
(Method 12: Force Quit Apps
很多时候,只需使用Mac上的(Mac)Force Quit实用程序即可修复冻结的窗口。因此,下次当您想知道MacBook Pro死机时该怎么办时,请按照给定的步骤操作:
选项 A:使用鼠标(Option A: Using Mouse )
1. 单击Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择强制退出(Force Quit)。

2. 现在将显示一个列表。选择您要关闭的应用程序。( application)
3. 冻结窗口将被关闭。
4. 然后,单击重新启动(Relaunch)以重新打开它并继续。

选项 B:使用键盘(Option B: Using Keyboard)
1. 同时按下Command ( ⌘ ) + Option + Escape键。
2. 菜单打开时,使用箭头键(Arrow keys)导航并按Enter关闭所选屏幕。
方法 13:如果 Finder 冻结,请使用终端(Method 13: Use Terminal if Finder Freezes)
1. 首先按键盘上的Command + Space按钮以启动Spotlight。
2. 键入Terminal并按Enter 键(Enter)将其打开。
3.输入rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist 并按Enter 键( Enter key)。

这将从隐藏的库文件夹中删除所有首选项。(delete all preferences)重新启动你的MacBook,你的问题应该已经解决了。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Mac 上使用实用程序文件夹(How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac)
方法 14:运行急救(Method 14: Run First Aid)
解决冻结问题的另一种方法是运行预装在每台 MacBook上的磁盘工具选项。(Disk Utility)此功能将能够修复笔记本电脑上的任何碎片或磁盘权限错误,这也可能导致MacBook Air一直冻结问题。按照给定的步骤执行相同的操作:
1. 转到应用程序(Applications)并选择实用程序(Utilities)。然后,如图所示打开Disk Utility。

2. 选择Mac的(Mac)启动盘(Startup Disk),通常表示为Macintosh HD。
3. 最后,单击急救(First Aid),让它扫描您的计算机以查找错误并在需要时应用自动修复。

我们希望您通过我们的指南找到了当 MacBook Pro 死机时该怎么做的答案。(what to do when MacBook Pro freezes through our guide.) 请(Make)务必告诉我们哪种方法修复了Mac一直冻结的问题。在下面的评论部分留下您的疑问、回复和建议。
MacBook Keeps Freezing? 14 Ways to Fix it
The most inconvenient and irritating thing is for your device to freeze or get stuck mid-work. Won’t you agree? I am sure you must have comе acroѕs a situation where your Mac ѕcreen frozе and you wеre left to panic and wonder what to do when MacBoоk Pro freezes. A ѕtuck window or an application on macOS can be closed by uѕing the Force Quit feature. However, if the entire notebook stops responding, then it is an issue. Therefore, in this guide, we will explain all possible ways to fix Mac keeps freezing issue.

How to Fix Mac Keeps Freezing Issue
This issue usually happens when you’ve been working on your MacBook for a significant amount of time. However, there are other reasons like:
Insufficient Storage Space on Disk: Less than optimum storage is responsible for a variety of different issues on any notebook. As such, several applications won’t work properly leading to MacBook Air keeps freezing issue.
Outdated macOS: If you haven’t updated your Mac in a very long time, your operating system may be causing the issue of Mac keeps freezing. This is why keeping your MacBook updated to the latest macOS version is highly recommended.
Method 1: Clear Storage Space
Ideally, you should keep at least 15% of storage space free for the normal functioning of a laptop, including MacBook. Follow the given steps to check the storage space being utilized and delete data, if needed:
1. Click on the Apple menu and select About This Mac, as shown.

2. Then, click on the Storage tab, as depicted below.

3. You will now be able to see the space utilized on the internal disk. Click on Manage…to Identify the cause of storage clutter and clear it.
Usually, it is the media files: photos, videos, gifs, etc. that unnecessarily clutter the disk. Therefore, we recommend you store these files on an external disk instead.
Method 2: Check for Malware
If you have not switched on the Privacy feature on your browser, clicking on unverified and random links may result in unwanted malware and bugs on your laptop. Therefore, you can install antivirus software to check for any malware that may have crept into your MacBook to make it slower and prone to frequent freezing. A few popular ones are Avast, McAfee, and Norton Antivirus.

Method 3: Avoid Overheating of Mac
Another common reason for freezing Mac is overheating of the device. In case your laptop gets too hot,
- Make sure to check the air vents. There should not be any dust or debris blocking these vents.
- Allow the device to rest and cool down.
- Try to not use your MacBook, while it is charging.
Also Read: Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In
Method 4: Close All Apps
If you have the habit of running lots of programs simultaneously, you may encounter MacBook Air keeps freezing problem. The number of programs that can run at the same time is proportionate to the size of RAM i.e. Random Access Memory. Once this working memory gets filled, your computer may be unable to function glitch-free. The only option to overcome this issue is to restart your system.
1. Click on the Apple menu and select Restart, as shown.

2. Wait for your MacBook to restart properly and then, launch the Activity Monitor from Spotlight
3. Select the Memory tab and observe the Memory Pressure graph.

- The green graph implies that you can open new applications.
- As soon as the graph begins to turn yellow, you should close all unnecessary apps and continue to use the required ones.
Method 5: Re-Arrange Your Cluttered Desktop
You will be surprised to know that every icon on your desktop is not just a link. It is also an image that is redrawn each time you open your MacBook. This is why a cluttered desktop may also contribute to freezing issues on your device.
Rearrange the icons according to their utility.
- Move them to specific folders where finding them is easy.
Use third-party apps like Spotless to keep the desktop well-organized.

Also Read: How to Fix macOS Installation Failed Error
Method 6: Update macOS
Alternately, you can fix Mac keeps freezing issue by updating the mac operating system. Whether it is a MacBook Pro or Air, macOS updates are extremely important because:
- They bring in important security features which protect the device from bugs and viruses.
- Not only this, but macOS updates also improve the features of various applications and make them function seamlessly.
- Another reason why MacBook Air keeps freezing on an older operating system is because of its configuration as many 32-bit programs don’t function on modern 62-bit systems.
Here’s what to do when MacBook Pro freezes:
1. Open the Apple menu and select System Preferences.

2. Then, click on Software Update.

3. Finally, if any update is available, click on Update Now.

Your Mac will now download the installer, and once the PC is restarted, your update will be successfully installed for use.
Method 7: Boot in Safe Mode
This is a Diagnostic mode in which all the background applications and data is blocked. You can then, determine why certain applications won’t function properly and resolve issues with your device. The safe mode can be accessed pretty easily on macOS. Read our guide on How to boot Mac in Safe Mode to learn to enable Safe Mode, how to tell if Mac is in Safe Mode, and how to turn off Safe Boot on Mac.

Method 8: Check & Uninstall Third-party Apps
In case your Mac keeps freezing while using some specific third-party applications, the problem may not be with your MacBook. Several third-party applications that were designed for previously manufactured MacBooks might be incompatible with the newer models. Moreover, various add-ons that are installed on your web browser may also contribute to frequent freezing.
- Hence, you should identify and then, remove all conflict-causing third-party apps and add-ons.
- Also, make sure to use only those applications which are supported by the App Store as these apps are designed for Apple products.
Thus, check for malfunctioning apps in Safe Mode and uninstall them.
Method 9: Run Apple Diagnostics or Hardware Test
For a Mac device, using Apple’s built-in diagnostic tools is the best bet to resolve any issues associated with it.
- If your Mac has been manufactured before 2013, then the option is titled Apple Hardware Test.
- On the other hand, the same utility for modern macOS devices is called Apple Diagnostics.
Note: Write down the steps before going forward with this method since you will have to shut down your system in the very first step.
Here’s how you can resolve MacBook Air keeps freezing issue:
1. Shut down your Mac.
2. Disconnect all external devices from Mac.
3. Turn on your Mac and hold the Power button.

4. Release the button once you see the Startup Options window.
5. Press Command + D Keys on the Keyboard.
Now, wait for the test to be complete. Once the process completes successfully, you will get an error code and resolutions for the same.
Also Read: How to Create Text File on Mac
Method 10: Reset PRAM and NVRAM
The Mac PRAM is responsible for storing certain settings, which help you to perform functions quickly. NVRAM stores settings related to display, screen brightness, etc. Therefore, you may try resetting PRAM and NVRAM settings to fix Mac keeps freezing issue.
1. Turn off the MacBook.
2. Press Command + Option + P + R keys on the keyboard.
3. Simultaneously, switch on the device by pressing the power button.
4. You will now see the Apple logo appear and disappear thrice. After this, the MacBook should reboot normally.
Now, change the settings such as time and date, wi-fi connection, display settings, etc., according to your preference and enjoy using your laptop as you like.
Method 11: Reset SMC
The System Management Controller or SMC is responsible for taking care of a lot of background processes such as keyboard lighting, battery management, etc. Therefore, resetting these options may also help you to fix MacBook Air or MacBook Pro keeps freezing:
1. Shut down your MacBook.
2. Now, connect it to an original Apple laptop charger.
3. Press Control + Shift + Option + Power keys on the keyboard for about five seconds.
4. Release the keys and switch on the MacBook by pressing the power button again.
Method 12: Force Quit Apps
Many times, a frozen window can be fixed by simply using the Force Quit utility on Mac. So, the next time you wonder what to do when MacBook Pro freezes, follow the given steps:
Option A: Using Mouse
1. Click on the Apple menu and select Force Quit.

2. A list will now be displayed. Select the application that you would like to close.
3. The frozen window will be closed.
4. Then, click on Relaunch to re-open it and continue.

Option B: Using Keyboard
Alternately, you can use the keyboard to launch the same function, if your mouse gets stuck too.
1. Press Command (⌘) + Option + Escape keys together.
2. When the menu opens, use the Arrow keys to navigate and press Enter to close the selected screen.
Method 13: Use Terminal if Finder Freezes
This method will help you fix Finder window on Mac, if it keeps freezing. Simply, follow these steps:
1. Begin by pressing the Command + Space button from the keyboard to launch Spotlight.
2. Type Terminal and press Enter to open it.
3. Type rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist and press Enter key.

This will delete all preferences from the hidden library folder. Restart your MacBook, and your problem should have been fixed.
Also Read: How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac
Method 14: Run First Aid
Another alternative to fixing the freezing issue is running the Disk Utility option that is pre-installed on every MacBook. This function will be able to fix any fragmentation or disk permission error on your laptop which may also contribute to MacBook Air keeps freezing issue. Follow the given steps to do the same:
1. Go to Applications and select Utilities. Then, open Disk Utility, as depicted.

2. Select the Startup Disk of your Mac which is usually represented as Macintosh HD.
3. Lastly, click on First Aid and let it scan your computer for errors and apply automatic repairs, wherever needed.

We hope you found the answer to what to do when MacBook Pro freezes through our guide. Make sure to tell us which method fixed Mac keeps freezing issue. Leave your queries, replies, and suggestions in the comment section below.