说得非常贴切,眼见为实。如果数据不容易理解和吸引人,那就浪费了,因为没有人注意。图表(Diagrams)除了功能强大之外,还是一种非常通用的模式,可以让人们看到更大的图景。它可以帮助人们将活动设想到最细微的细节,并全面研究计划以预见障碍。此外,您可以采取先发制人的行动,提前克服这些障碍,以节省时间、金钱和精力。除了(Apart)Microsoft Visio之外,还有其他几种Visio在线替代品可供具有各种有趣功能的用户使用。继续阅读以了解Visio替代开源软件,每个软件都有详细的功能列表。
21 种最佳在线免费 Visio 替代品(21 Best Free Visio Alternatives Online)
Microsoft设计了一个简单但功能强大的工具和理想软件Microsoft Office Visio(Microsoft Office Visio) ,以帮助可视化和理解数据的正确概念。以下是有关Microsoft Office Visio的一些注意事项。
- 虽然这个Microsoft Office Visio工具有一定的局限性,并且不能在手机和 mac 操作系统上运行,但它仍然在企业界的 IT 专业人员和业务经理中广泛应用。
- 但是,网络上还有更多此类工具可用。
对于那些想要轻松制作图表并在他们的 PC 和手机上尝试不同的新东西的爱好者,我们列出了最好的免费Visio在线替代品及其属性。与Microsoft Office Visio(Microsoft Office Visio)相比,此列表将帮助您更好地了解它们的位置。因此,让我们深入探索所有选项。
1. 清晰图表(1. Lucidchart)
Lucidchart 是一个基于网络的工具,号称是最常用的图表软件。由于以下功能,它也被认为是一个很好的在线Visio替代品和强大的竞争对手:(Visio)
- Lucidchart是一种易于理解的优秀办公工具,可以实现 连贯的协作 。(collaboration )
- 它具有 功能强大的用户界面(highly functional user interface)。
- 它提供了大量漂亮的模板、形状和其他连接器。
- 它支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux(Windows, Mac, and Linux)操作系统。
- Lucidchart有许多内置的平面图,并结合了 拖放(drag and drop) 功能。
- 它可以导入或导出旧的 Visio VDX 文件。
- 该软件可以在您完成并上传文件后灵活地删除它。
- 它使您的数据完全安全,符合 通用数据保护条例(General Data Protection Regulation)。
- 此外,它还通过调查问卷请求反馈以生成详细报告。
免费计划:(Free plan:) 供个人使用,有足够数量的有限模板和形状,可以同时自由地同时处理三个活动文档。
基本计划:(Basic plan:) 每月收费 4 美元,它使您可以使用无限的形状和文档。
专业版计划:(Pro plan:) 每月 9.95 美元,可提供包含无限形状、模板和文档的庞大库,并可自由下载或上传任何Visio文件。
2. yEd 图表编辑器
yEd Graph Editor 是另一种高质量的图表工具,具有以下功能,可在此最佳Visio替代在线软件列表中:
- 它有一个简单的用户界面。
- yEd 支持多种平台,如 Windows、 Mac、 Linux/Unix和许多其他操作系统(Systems)。它还支持移动设备。
- yEd Graph Editor 拥有 庞大的元素库, (vast repository of elements )只需单击鼠标即可排列。
- 它还通过使用自己创建的自定义元素或从其他Visio文件中自动从其他地方导入图像来为各种数据元素安排自己。
- 它还从 Excel电子表格中导入数据。
- 它使您可以选择各种布局并排列数据集。
- 它允许您 可视化图表、流程图 (visualize your diagrams, flow charts, )等。
- 这个最好的Visio替代在线软件允许用户以任何 PNG、 PDF、 SWF、 SVG 文件格式(file format)保存文件。
- 保存的文件格式或图像可以 轻松上传到网站(easily uploaded to websites) 或发送给朋友、同事和客户。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费照片编辑软件(28 Best Free Photo Editing Software for PC)
(Pencil Project)由于以下属性,Pencil Project 被认为是免费Microsoft Office Visio的有力竞争者:(Microsoft Office Visio)
- 它有最好的、干净的用户界面。
- 它有各种简单的工具和图标。
- 它使用OpenClipart.org立即在(OpenClipart.org)Web上搜索更多图像 。
- 它可以 灵活地(flexibility to sketch) 在同一文档的特定页面上绘制草图。
- 它支持多种操作系统,如 Windows、 Mac、 Linux和 Ubuntu。
- 使用Android和 iOS 平台,您可以 将文档导出为标准网页(export documents as a standard web page) 或其他格式。
- 它的单击和双击功能可让您旋转或调整元素大小。
- 它使您能够同时 处理(at the same time)多个项目(work on multiple projects) 。
- 您无需为使用该工具支付任何费用。
- 它创建 模型 (mockups ),并 为 PC 和移动设备提供一 组很酷的 GUI 元素。(cool collection of GUI elements)
另一种Visio替代在线软件Google 绘图(Google Drawings)是由Google开发的基于云的图表工具。由于以下功能,此应用程序被认为是免费Visio工具的一个非常方便和有用的替代品:
- 它允许使用艺术字( WordArt)。
- 它有助于插入预先设计的图表。
- Google 绘图(Google Drawings)有一系列用于制作图表、地图和流程图的形状、线条和标注。
- 它有助于将您完成的工作保存到 Google Drive 和其他网站。
- 您可以将最终图表、流程图、电子表格等保存为 PDF、JPG、 PNG 或 SVG 文件(PNG, or SVG files)。
- 它可以添加 混合良好的颜色叠加层和纹理(well-blended color overlays and textures)。
- 它有一组可以拖放的模板、形状、箭头和涂鸦。
- 它还使用户能够灵活地调整对象的大小、移动和旋转对象。
- 出色的类 Doc 界面使您也 可以离线工作(work offline) 。
- 它可作为 Internet 上基于云的 Web 应用程序(cloud-based web application) 使用。
- 它使您能够共享您的文档。
- 其他人可以 查看和评论(view and comment) 您的帖子,并使您能够 编辑和改进(edit and improve )您的文档。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 16 款适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(16 Best Free File Rename Software for Windows)
5. 格利菲
Gliffy是一种Visio替代开源工具,可供正在寻找Microsoft Office Visio工具的可靠替代品的人使用。它具有制作优质文档的一系列功能,如下所示:
- Gliffy是一个易于使用、闪电般快速的图表工具。
- 它不需要下载更新。
- 它使拖放工具能够利用各种元素。
- 它有一个非常整洁、整洁、 整洁的界面(uncluttered interface)。
- Gliffy融合了颜色叠加、工程和建筑设计、纹理,甚至是一 组自定义主题(set of custom themes)。
- 它使您能够制作流程图, 增强(augmenting effective communication) 团队各个成员之间的有效沟通。
- 您只需右键单击即可删除任何图像或文档。
- 它同时支持 Windows 和 macOS (Windows and macOS ),并且在台式机和移动设备上都可以使用。
- 它使您能够轻松地共享图表。
- 它允许您保存您的工作,甚至在移动时进行任何演示。
团队计划:(Team plan:) 对于要求适中的团队/机构,每月 4.99 美元。
个人计划:(Personal plan:) 小型企业每月 7.99 美元。
企业计划:(Enterprise plan:) 包含最佳功能,以高成本定制定价。
Diagrams.net是另一个开源且响应迅速的平台。使用此平台,您可以高效地创建和共享图表,并且是Microsoft Office Visio的强烈推荐替代品,原因如下:
- Diagrams.net有一个非常干净整洁的界面。
- 该界面既可以离线也可以在线工作。
- 它不在服务器上存储任何数据。
- 它支持 Google Drive、 Dropbox、 GitHub和其他基于云的服务。
- 它支持 Windows、 Linux 以及 macOS。
- 它还可以在 台式机 (desktops )以及 Android 和 iOS 手机(iOS mobiles)上使用。
- 此外,它使您能够同时与多个人一起工作。
- 它有许多形状和模板。
- 只需单击一个按钮,您就可以在您的作品中添加或删除其他元素。
- 它使您能够以 PDF、 SVG、 PNG或 XML 格式(XML formats)保存和传输文件。
- Diagrams.net在最新工具的帮助下使用线条质量准备您的工作。
- 除了 20 美元起 的基本包(basic pack)和 200 美元的专业包(pro pack)外,它还提供 30 天免费试用。(30-day free trial)
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- Dia 可以使用基于 文本的命令行界面(text-based command-line interface) 通过快速输入命令来运行。
- 它可以在 USB记忆棒的帮助下在任何地方使用。
- 它支持 多种操作系统(multiple operating systems)。
- 此Visio替代在线软件支持使用除SVG、PNG、JPEG、Microsoft Visio VDX格式或任何其他文件格式之外的默认.dia 文件(.dia file) 格式 (format )创建文件/图表 。
- 各种创建的文件可以保存在 Google Drive 或任何其他 云存储(cloud storage)中。
- 它使您能够更改画布的背景颜色。
- 此外,它使您能够从各种可用形状中下载和选择不同的形状。
- 它使您能够处理各种 小型到大型项目(small to large projects)。
8. LibreOffice 绘图
LibreOffice Draw于 2010 年首次推出,是最好的免费在线Visio替代品之一,原因如下:
- 它是一个免费且易于使用的开源图形编辑工具。
- 您可以 在 LibreOffice 中以本地方式打开 Visio 文件。(indigenously open Visio files)
- 它支持拼写检查、自动更正和词库的使用。
- LibreOffice Draw 支持 Java 和多种操作系统,如 Windows、 Mac和 Linux。
- 它还支持多种平台,如 Google Chrome 以及 Android 和 iOS 系统(iOS systems)。
- 默认情况下,它使您能够以 自定义 XML 文件 (custom XML file )格式或任何其他各种格式创建文件。
- LibreOffice Draw使您能够连接到其他组。
- 用户可以恢复他们的文档。
- 它 不需要(does not require) 注册 Office 365 会员资格(Office 365 membership)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 的 19 个最佳免费文件管理器(19 Best Free File Manager for Windows)
Creately是一款基于 Web 的软件,最适合大型企业,因为它具有以下质量特征矩阵:
- 它可以比其他平台上的更快地制作图表。
- 它拥有一个 直观的界面(intuitive interface) ,包含数十种预制形状、线条、智能连接器等。
- 它使您能够与您的团队远程工作。
- 它支持 Windows、 Linux和 macOS。
- 它使您能够以 PNG、 JPEG、 PDF、 SVG 格式(SVG formats)保存文件。
- 它使您能够共享您保存的文件。
- 它提供 30 天的免费试用(30 days of free trial) 和供个人使用的公共或免费应用程序。
- 它还 为精打细算的用户或小型企业 提供$5 per month or $49 per year
- 它 为具有简单要求的中型团队team offer at $25 per month
- 它还支持 一次性付费桌面应用程序(one-time fee-paid desktop app) 供个人使用,价格为 75 美元,并提供一整年的免费升级。
- 这个用户友好的界面拥有大量 现成的 26,000 个矢量符号(ready-made 26,000 vector symbols) 和 1500 多个内置模板(1500 inbuilt templates) 供使用。
- 除了上述之外,该接口还提供了许多Microsoft Visio中没有的连接器。
- 它还支持 直接下载 Visio 文件(direct downloading of Visio files)。
- 它使您可以将创建的文件保存为 PDF、 PPT、 Word、 HTML和许多其他文件格式。
- 它使您能够通过 Internet 共享这些保存的文件。
- 它支持多种操作系统,如 Windows、 Linux和 macOS。
- 除了 免费计划(free plan)外,它还提供折扣价的付费计划。
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ASCII是美国信息交换(Information Interexchange)标准代码(Standard Code)的压缩形式。ASCIIflow是一个创建 ASCII 图表(ASCII diagrams)的工具。它由美国标准协会(American Standards Association)( ASA ) 委员会于 1963 年首次开发和出版。由于以下功能,它是一个出色的在线Visio替代品:(Visio)
- 它是一种使用数字代码来表示字符的电子通信字符编码标准,并且是 在 PC 上对文本文档进行编码的最广泛使用的标准。(encoding text documents)
- 该编码系统使 PC 能够将文档存储为一系列数字。
- 它还使 PC 能够与使用 ASCII 系统(ASCII system)的其他计算机共享此类文档。
- 它有助于 创建由文本组成的绘图(create drawings made up of texts)。
- 它使您能够以图表的形式轻松绘制和快速传达想法。
- 它使您可以将绘图复制到剪贴板以粘贴到 记事本(Notepad)或其他文本编辑器中。
- 它使您能够在线工作、同步并保存到 Google 云端(Google) 硬盘(drive)。
- 它使您能够通过电子邮件发送您的小图表。
Graphviz是一个允许您使用 DOT 数据(DOT data) (图形描述语言(Graph Description Language))创建图形的程序。以下是此Visio替代在线软件的功能:
- 它具有 Web 界面和 交互式图形用户界面(interactive graphical user interface)。
- 您可以创建多种格式的图表,包括 SVG、 PDF等。
- 它允许您更改字体、颜色、布局和线条样式等。
- 您可以使用此工具为 网页设计(web design)、 网络数据库(networking databases)和其他主题创建图表。
- 它允许您创建分层图形图形。
- 还支持命令行 界面。(command-line interface)
- 它在 Windows、 macOS X和 Linux上运行。
- 它是免费使用的Visio替代开源软件。
- 有多种形式可供选择,并有大量箭头可供使用。
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Visual Paradigm Online是一组基于 Web 的工具,用于创建图表、图表和信息图表等。
- 它带有一个 完全免费的版本(completely free version)。包含 200 个图表模板(200 diagram templates) 。
- 您的图表可以保存为 JPG、 PNG或 PDF 文件。
- 您还可以使用Microsoft文档和演示文稿来合并您的资产。
- 它使您可以访问 免费的在线云存储库 (free online cloud repository ),您可以在其中保存您的工作。
- 您可以处理图表、评论和修改团队成员所做的工作。
- 它的 线性对齐工具 (linear alignment tool )可确保您的所有图表都处于同一方向。
- 拖放(Drag)允许您快速构建图表。
- 您可以免费制作图表、表格、海报、信息图表等等。
- 如果您出于教育原因使用Visual Paradigm Online,您可以加入 学术合作伙伴计划(Academic Partner Program) 以免费访问整个平台。
14. OpenOffice 绘图
Microsoft Visio的最佳免费替代品之一是OpenOffice Draw。阅读此Visio替代在线软件的功能:
- 这是一个免费的开源程序。
- 您可以绘制图表、流程图和时间线等。
- 有多种格式和风格选项可供选择。
- 在您的编辑屏幕中,您可以更改、渲染和重新排列对象。
- 您可以从内置图库(built-in gallery)中将剪贴画添加到您的图表 中。
- 您也可以上传和添加您的照片或艺术品。
- 您的图表将以 基于 XML的OpenDocument 格式存储。(OpenDocument format)
- 您的文档的 Flash 版本 (flash version )也可以保存。
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IT 专家可以使用Continuity作为 图表工具(diagramming tool)。该程序的特点是:
- 它有助于创建清晰和吸引人的图表。
- 您可以使用此工具徒手书写和绘图。
- 它允许对数据库和存储库文件进行 加密(encrypted)。
- 该程序允许您 创建 3D 图表(create a 3D diagram)。
- 它适合 商业和个人使用(business and personal use)。
- 它使您能够轻松绘制视觉模型。
- 它在 Windows、macOS X 和(macOS X, and) Linux上运行。
- 手(Freehand)绘图、3D 图表、UML支持和十几个不同的图表主题都包含在这个免费程序中。
Coggle是一个基于 Web 的应用程序,用于创建流程图和思维导图。许多其他协作程序(例如Google Docs)允许使用电子表格或文本文档格式。
- 它支持 思维导图 (mind mapping )和基本流程映射。
- 您可以创建和共享无限数量的公共图表、上传照片以及 转换为文本和 Visio 格式(convert to text and Visio formats)。
- Coggle以(Coggle) $5 a month价格为您提供所有这些,以及额外的项目形状和线条控制。
- 它使您可以快速方便地创建笔记。
- 它使您能够 实时协作(collaborate in real-time)。
- 在图中,您可以简单地设计循环和组合分支。
- Coggle 带有 多种流程图形状(variety of flowchart shapes)。
- 无需登录,任何人都可以对图表进行修改。
- 它与 Windows、 Mac OS X和 Linux兼容。
- (Coggle)不需要下载或安装Coggle 。要使用该界面,您必须先登录。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳手机清洁器应用程序(8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android)
17. UMLet
UMLet是一个在(UMLet)Java上运行的 UML 产品。此Visio替代在线程序具有以下功能:
- 您可以将图表导出为 PDF、SVG、JPG和其他格式。
- 该程序与 Windows、 Linux和 Mac OS X兼容。
- 您可以使用 UMLet 从纯文本中创建图表。
- 通过双击,您可以将项目添加到UML图中。
- 您可以使用它将原理图复制到系统剪贴板。
- 它允许使用修改后的部分作为模板。
- 您可以 构建自己的 UML 组件(construct your own UML components)。
- 它还包括几个用于快速访问的键盘快捷键。
- 它允许您快速轻松地生成图表。
- 您可以将UMLet与 编码环境Eclipse结合使用。(Eclipse)
- 此实用程序允许您创建快捷方式以便快速访问。
- 它具有免费且易于使用的用户界面。
- 该程序可以 与 Eclipse 结合使用(conjunction with Eclipse) 来编写代码。
PlantUML是一个开源的UML(统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language))图表软件。
Graphviz 软件用于在此实用程序中创建图表。
- 该软件可以从命令行 运行(command line)。
- Plantuml 可以 使用这个开源程序以PNG格式保存。(PNG)
- Plantuml 24×7 全天候可用。
- 该软件可在 Windows、 Mac OS X和 Linux上运行。
- 您可以 快速生成和利用(quickly generate and utilize diagrams) 部署图和序列图等图表。
- 它还带有即用型模板,使创建图表变得简单快捷。
- 它有助于创建快速图表。
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19. 奥格尼米
- 它可以随时在任何设备上使用。
- 该程序允许您 将图表保存为 PDF 或 PNG 文件(save a chart as a PDF or PNG file)。
- Organimi 允许您 上传 CSV 或 Excel 数据文件(upload a CSV or Excel data file)。
- 您可以使用此程序导入图像。
(Custom fields)可以很容易地创建自定义字段,例如复选框、标签和URL链接。(URL)
(Custom rules) 可以在图表中创建自定义规则。
- 它允许您向同事发送电子邮件以分享您的工作。
- 此Visio替代开源程序仅与 Windows 兼容(only compatible with Windows)。
- 它既简单易用又非常强大。
- 如果您是新客户,您可以加入 免费试用(free trial) ,看看他们必须提供哪些服务。
- 他们有一个易于使用的界面,使创建图表变得轻而易举。
- 您甚至可以打印和导出图表。
- 除此之外,它们还提供 定制格式(bespoke formatting)。
- 您可以选择与同事分享您的工作。
20. Xmind
(Tree diagrams, fishbone diagrams, spreadsheets)该程序支持树形图、鱼骨图、电子表格和其他类型的图表。
- 它还允许您以各种格式共享和导出图表,例如 Excel、PowerPoint 和 PDF(Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF)。
- 它还提供易于使用的界面,使您的工作更轻松。
- 它能够产生任何类型的图形设计。
- 该 软件的主题编辑器(Theme editor) 有助于编辑图表。
- Xmind 让您可以随时随地访问视觉效果。
- 它可以在多种操作系统上运行,包括 Windows、 macOS、 Linux和 ChromeOS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 Windows 的最佳文件复制软件(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows)
21. 可可(21. Cacoo)
Cacoo被称为每个图表的工具和最好的 Visio 替代开源软件,就像这个列表中的其他软件一样。以下是该软件的一些属性:
- 您可以轻松查看刚刚创建的图表中的更改。
- 它允许您 在任何地方与您的团队讨论、聊天、屏幕共享和视频聊天。(discuss, chat, screen share, and video chat)
- 您可以 在组内同时共享和编辑图表(share and edit diagrams at the same time) 。
- Cacoo包含 100 多个模板,用户可以使用这些模板来创建他们想要的图表。
- 这个Visio替代开源软件允许您集成任何应用程序,如Google Drive、Dropbox、Google Docs等。
- Cacoo 支持 更深入的跨职能团队合作(deeper cross-functional teamwork) 来构建令人惊叹的图表。
我们提供了一些最好的 在线 Visio 替代方案(Visio alternative online),可以帮助您使用流程图来可视化活动并做好计划以逐步推进。请在下面的评论部分告诉我们您喜欢哪个Visio替代开源程序。
21 Best Free Visio Alternatives Online
It is very aptlу said that seeing is believing. If the data is not easy to understand and aрpealing, іt goes to waste, as no one pays any heed. Diаgrams, besideѕ being powerful, are a νery versatile mode tо get people to see the larger picture. It helps peoplе envisagе an activity down to the minutest dеtails, and study plans comprehensively to foresee hurdles. Further, you can take pre-emptive action to overcome those hurdles well in advance to save time, money, and effort. Apart from Microsoft Visio, there are several other Visio alternatives online for users with various interesting features. Read on further to get to know Visiо аlternative open source software with a detailed features list for each.
21 Best Free Visio Alternatives Online
A simple but powerful tool and ideal software named Microsoft Office Visio was designed by Microsoft to help visualize and understand data in its rightful concept. Following are a few points to know regarding Microsoft Office Visio.
- Though this Microsoft Office Visio tool has certain limitations and does not work on mobile phones and mac operating systems, it still has a wide application with IT professionals and business managers in the corporate world.
- However, there are many more such tools available on the web.
For those enthusiasts who want to make diagrams without many hassles and try something different and new on their PCs and mobiles, we have made a list of the best free Visio alternative online, along with their attributes. This list will help you better understand where they stand compared to Microsoft Office Visio. So, let us dive in and explore all the options.
1. Lucidchart
Lucidchart is a web-based tool boasted of being the most used diagramming software. It is also considered a good Visio alternative online and strong competitor because of the following features:
- Lucidchart is an easy-to-understand excellent office tool and enables collaboration coherently.
- It has a highly functional user interface.
- It offers a huge collection of good-looking templates, shapes, and other connectors.
- It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
- Lucidchart has many inbuilt floor plans and incorporates the drag and drop feature.
- It can import or export your old Visio VDX files.
- This software enables flexibility to delete a document once you have finished and uploaded it.
- It enables complete security of your data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation.
- Also, it requests feedback through a questionnaire to generate a detailed report.
This Visio alternative online software has a few plans for the subscription as follows:
Free plan: For personal use with a sufficient number of limited templates and shapes with the freedom to work simultaneously on three active documents at the same time.
Basic plan: At monthly charges of $4, it enables you to use unlimited shapes and documents.
Pro plan: $9.95 per month offers a huge library of unlimited shapes, templates, and documents and the freedom to download or upload any Visio files.
2. yEd Graph Editor
yEd Graph Editor is another high-quality diagramming tool and has the following features to be in this list of best Visio alternative online software:
- It has a simple user interface.
- yEd supports multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix, and many other Operating Systems. It also supports mobile devices.
- yEd Graph Editor has a vast repository of elements that it arranges in a single click of a mouse.
- It also arranges itself for various data elements by making use of custom elements created by self or automatically importing images from elsewhere from other Visio files.
- It also imports data from an Excel spreadsheet.
- It gives you the choice of a variety of layouts and arranges the data sets.
- It allows you to visualize your diagrams, flow charts, etc.
- This best Visio alternative online software allows users to save the files in any PNG, PDF, SWF, SVG file format.
- The saved file formats or images can be easily uploaded to websites or sent to friends, colleagues, and clients.
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3. Pencil Project
Pencil Project is considered a mighty contender to the free Microsoft Office Visio because of the following attributes:
- It has the best, clean user interface.
- It has a variety of simple tools and icons.
- It instantly searches the Web for more images using OpenClipart.org.
- It enables flexibility to sketch on a specific page in the same document.
- It supports multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac, Linux, and Ubuntu.
- Using the Android and iOS platforms, you can export documents as a standard web page or in other formats.
- Its single click and double click feature let you rotate or resize the elements.
- It enables you to work on multiple projects at the same time.
- You do not need to make any payment for using the tool.
- It creates mockups and has a cool collection of GUI elements for PCs and mobiles.
4. Google Drawings
Another Visio alternative online software, Google Drawings is a cloud-based diagrammatic tool developed by Google. This application is considered to be a very handy and useful alternative to the free Visio tool because of the following features:
- It enables the use of WordArt.
- It helps to insert pre-designed diagrams.
- Google Drawings has an array of shapes, lines, and callouts for making diagrams, maps, and flowcharts.
- It helps save your completed work to Google Drive and other websites.
- You can save the final diagrams, flow charts, spreadsheets, etc. as PDF, JPG, PNG, or SVG files.
- It enables the addition of well-blended color overlays and textures.
- It has a collection of templates, shapes, arrows, and scribbles that can be dragged and dropped.
- It also enables the user the flexibility to resize, move, and rotate the objects.
- The excellent Doc-like interface enables you to work offline too.
- It is available as a cloud-based web application on the internet.
- It enables you to share your documents.
- Others can view and comment on your post and enable you to edit and improve your document.
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5. Gliffy
Gliffy, a Visio alternative open source tool, is available for people who are looking for a solid replacement for the Microsoft Office Visio tool. It has a flora of features to make good documents, as indicated below:
- Gliffy is an easy-to-use, lightning-fast diagramming tool.
- It needs no updates to be downloaded.
- It enables the drag and drop facility to make use of a variety of elements.
- It has a very neat, tidy, and uncluttered interface.
- Gliffy has a blend of color overlays, engineering and architectural designs, textures, and even a set of custom themes.
- It enables you to make a flowchart, augmenting effective communication among various members of the team.
- You can delete any image or document simply by right-clicking on it.
- It supports both Windows and macOS and is functional on both desktops and mobiles.
- It enables you to easily share your diagrams.
- It allows you to save your work and even make any presentations while on the move.
Subscription plans for this software are as follows:
Team plan: $4.99 per month for teams/agencies with moderate requirements.
Personal plan: $7.99 per month for small business enterprises.
Enterprise plan: incorporates the best features, with custom pricing at a high cost.
6. Diagrams.net
Diagrams.net is another open-source and very responsive platform. Using this platform, you can efficiently create and share diagrams and is a highly recommended alternative to Microsoft Office Visio due to the following reasons:
- Diagrams.net has a very clean and tidy interface.
- The interface works both offline as well as online.
- It does not store any data on the server.
- It enables support for Google Drive, Dropbox, GitHub, and other cloud-based services.
- It endorses Windows, Linux as well as macOS.
- It is also functional on desktops as well as Android and iOS mobiles.
- Moreover, it enables you to work with multiple people at the same time.
- It has a host of shapes and templates.
- With a single click of a button, you can add or delete additional elements to your work.
- It enables you to save and transfer your files in PDF, SVG, PNG, or XML formats.
- Diagrams.net prepares your work using line quality, with the help of the latest tools.
- It offers a 30-day free trial besides the basic pack starting at $20 and a pro pack at $200.
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7. Dia
Dia is an excellent, updated open-source diagramming tool that can be useful for your various diagramming operations with these features:
- Dia can be run using a text-based command-line interface by entering commands quickly.
- It can be used from anywhere with the help of a USB stick.
- It supports multiple operating systems.
- This Visio alternative online software enables the creation of files/diagrams using the default .dia file format besides SVG, PNG, JPEG, Microsoft Visio VDX format, or any other file format.
- The various created files can be saved in Google Drive or any other cloud storage.
- It enables you to change the background color of the canvas.
- Further, it enables you to download and choose different shapes from a wide range of available shapes.
- It enables you to work on all kinds of small to large projects.
8. LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Draw was first launched in 2010 and is amongst the best free Visio alternative online for the following reasons:
- It is a free and easy-to-use open-source graphics editing tool.
- You can indigenously open Visio files in LibreOffice.
- It enables spell-check, autocorrect, and the use of a thesaurus.
- LibreOffice Draw supports Java and multiple Operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- It also supports multiple platforms like Google Chrome and the Android and iOS systems.
- It enables you to create files by default in the custom XML file format or any of the other various formats.
- LibreOffice Draw enables you to connect to other groups.
- Users can recover their documents.
- It does not require signing up for an Office 365 membership.
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9. Creately
Creately is a web-based software, best for large enterprises because of the following matrix of quality traits:
- It enables making diagrams faster than those on other platforms.
- It hosts an intuitive interface with dozens of pre-made shapes, lines, smart connectors, etc.
- It enables you to work remotely with your team.
- It supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- It enables you to save your files in PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG formats.
- It enables you to share your saved files.
- It offers 30 days of free trial and a public or free application for personal use.
- It also offers cheaper options at just $5 per month or $49 per year for the budget-conscious user or a small enterprise.
- It enables a team offer at $25 per month for medium-sized teams with simple requirements.
- It also enables a one-time fee-paid desktop app for personal use at $75 with a full year of free upgrades.
10. EdrawMax
EdrawMax has the following features that make this software stand out from the others in the market:
- This user-friendly interface has a host of ready-made 26,000 vector symbols and more than 1500 inbuilt templates for use.
- In addition to the above, the interface also has on offer a host of connectors not found in Microsoft Visio.
- It also enables direct downloading of Visio files.
- It enables you to save your created files in PDF, PPT, Word, HTML, and many other file formats.
- It enables you to share these saved files over the internet.
- It supports multiple operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Besides the free plan, it also has paid plans at discounted rates.
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11. ASCIIflow
ASCII is the condensed form for the American Standard Code for Information Interexchange. ASCIIflow is a tool that creates ASCII diagrams. It was first developed and published in 1963 by the American Standards Association (ASA) committee. It is an excellent Visio alternative online because of the following features:
- It is a standard enabling encoding of characters for electronic communication using numeric codes to represent characters and is the most extensively used standard for encoding text documents on PCs.
- This encoding system enables the PC to store a document as a series of numbers.
- It also enables the PC to share such documents with other computers using the ASCII system.
- It helps to create drawings made up of texts.
- It enables you to easily draw and quickly convey ideas in diagram form.
- It enables you to copy your drawing to your clipboard to paste into Notepad or another text editor.
- It enables you to work online, sync, and save to Google drive.
- It enables you to send your small diagrams through email.
12. Graphviz
Graphviz is a program that allows you to create graphs using DOT data (Graph Description Language). Following are the features of this Visio alternative online software:
- It features a web interface as well as an interactive graphical user interface.
- You may create a diagram in a variety of formats, including SVG, PDF, and others.
- It allows you to change fonts, colors, layouts, and line styles, among other things.
- You may use this tool to create a diagram for web design, networking databases, and other topics.
- It allows you to create layered graph graphics.
- The command-line interface is also supported.
- It runs on Windows, macOS X, and Linux.
- It is a Visio alternative open source software that is free to use.
- There are numerous forms to choose from with a large number of arrows to employ.
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13. Visual Paradigm Online
Visual Paradigm Online is a collection of web-based tools for creating diagrams, charts, and infographics, among other things.
- It comes with a completely free version. There are 200 diagram templates included.
- Your diagrams may be saved as JPG, PNG, or PDF files.
- You may also use Microsoft documents and presentations to incorporate your assets.
- It gives you access to a free online cloud repository where you may save your work.
- You may work on a diagram, comment, and amend the work done by your teammates.
- Its linear alignment tool ensures that all of your diagrams are in the same direction.
- Drag and drop allows you to quickly construct diagrams.
- For free, you can make charts, forms, posters, infographics, and much more.
- If you’re using Visual Paradigm Online for educational reasons, you may join the Academic Partner Program to get free access to the whole platform.
14. OpenOffice Draw
One of the best free alternatives to Microsoft Visio is OpenOffice Draw. Read the features of this Visio alternative online software:
- It’s a free and open-source program.
- You can draw graphs, flowcharts, and timelines, among other things.
- There are several formatting and stylistic options to choose from.
- In your editing screen, you may alter, render, and rearrange objects.
- You may add clip art to your diagrams from a built-in gallery.
- You may also upload and add your photographs or artwork.
- Your diagrams will be stored in the OpenDocument format, which is based on XML.
- A flash version of your document can also be saved.
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15. Continuity
IT experts may use Continuity as a diagramming tool. The features of this program are:
- It aids in the creation of clear and appealing diagrams.
- You may use this tool to write and draw freehand.
- It allows databases and repository files to be encrypted.
- This program allows you to create a 3D diagram.
- It’s suitable for both business and personal use.
- It enables you to draw visual models with ease.
- It runs on Windows, macOS X, and Linux.
- Freehand drawing, 3D diagrams, UML support, and a dozen various diagram themes are all included in this free program.
16. Coggle
Coggle is a web-based application for creating flow charts and mind maps. Many additional collaborative programs, such as Google Docs, allow either a spreadsheet or a text document format.
- It supports mind mapping and basic process mapping.
- You may create and share an infinite number of public diagrams, upload photos, and convert to text and Visio formats.
- Coggle provides you with everything of this for $5 a month, plus additional item shapes and line control.
- It allows you to quickly and conveniently create notes.
- It enables you to collaborate in real-time.
- In the figure, you can simply design loops and combine branches.
- Coggle comes with a variety of flowchart shapes.
- Without logging in, anybody may make modifications to the diagram.
- It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- Coggle is not required to be downloaded or installed. To use the interface, you must first log in.
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17. UMLet
UMLet is a UML product that runs on Java. This Visio alternative online program has these features:
- You may export diagrams to PDF, SVG, JPG, and other formats.
- This program is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
- You may use UMLet to create a diagram out of the plain text.
- With a double click, you may add items to a UML diagram.
- You may copy a schematic to the system clipboard with it.
- It enables the usage of modified parts as templates.
- You can construct your own UML components.
- It also includes several keyboard shortcuts for quick access.
- It allows you to rapidly and easily generate diagrams.
- You may use UMLet in conjunction with Eclipse, a coding environment.
- This utility allows you to create shortcuts for quick access.
- It has a user interface that is both free and simple to use.
- This program may be used in conjunction with Eclipse to write code.
18. PlantUML
PlantUML is an open-source UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagramming software.
Graphviz software is used to create the diagrams in this utility.
- This software can run from the command line.
- Plantuml may be saved in PNG format using this open-source program.
- Plantuml is available 24×7.
- This software runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- You can quickly generate and utilize diagrams such as deployment diagrams and sequence diagrams.
- It also comes with ready-to-use templates that make creating diagrams simple and quick.
- It aids in the creation of fast diagrams.
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19. Organimi
Organimi is a program that allows you to create an organizational chart. This Visio alternative open-source software has several attributes that assure its credibility and usefulness.
- It’s available on any device at any time.
- This program allows you to save a chart as a PDF or PNG file.
- Organimi allows you to upload a CSV or Excel data file.
- You may use this program to import images.
Custom fields, such as checkboxes, tags, and URL links, may be readily created.
Custom rules can be created in charts.
- It allows you to send emails to your coworkers to share your work.
- This Visio alternative open-source program is only compatible with Windows.
- It is both simple to use and quite powerful.
- If you’re a first-time customer, you may join up for a free trial to see what services they have to offer.
- They have an easy-to-use interface that makes creating charts a breeze.
- You may even print and export your charts.
- Aside from that, they also provide bespoke formatting.
- You have the option of sharing your work with your colleagues.
20. Xmind
Xmind is a brainstorming and mind mapping tool with an integrated platform, as it is made to spark creativity and produce new ideas. Let us see what this Visio alternative open-source software has to offer:
Tree diagrams, fishbone diagrams, spreadsheets, and other types of diagrams are supported by this program.
- It also allows you to share and export diagrams in a variety of formats, such as Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF.
- It also offers an easy-to-use interface that makes your job easier.
- It is capable of producing any type of graphic design.
- The Theme editor of this software aids in the editing of diagrams.
- Xmind gives you access to visuals at any time and from any location.
- It runs on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and ChromeOS.
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21. Cacoo
Cacoo is known as a tool for every diagram and the best Visio alternative open-source software, like the rest from this list. Here are some of the attributes of this software:
- You easily review changes in the diagram you just created.
- It allows you to discuss, chat, screen share, and video chat with your team from anywhere.
- You can share and edit diagrams at the same time within a group.
- Cacoo contains more than 100 templates that users can use to create the diagrams they want to.
- This Visio alternative open-source software allows you to integrate any applications, like Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
- Cacoo enables deeper cross-functional teamwork to build amazing diagrams.
We have provided some of the best Visio alternative online that can help you with your flowcharts to visualize activities and plan well to move ahead progressively. Let us know which Visio alternative open-source program you liked in the comments section below.