沟通是生活的本质。它可以是口头的或书面的。在当今时代,打字是帮助改善和管理时间的必备基本技能。在过去的美好时光,书面/打字交流仅限于在各个部门工作的速记员、秘书和打字员。随着计算机的出现,今天的情况发生了翻天覆地的变化。大多数交流是通过触摸打字在人与人之间进行交流的。我们在本文中展示了适用于 PC 的最佳打字软件列表。所以,继续阅读以了解免费打字软件!
24 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费打字软件(24 Best Free Typing Software for PC)
- 触摸打字是指用手指在键盘上打字,(typing on a keyboard)而不用看按键。
- 一个敬业的人很可能会在一周内学习并成为一名优秀的打字员。
- 平均打字速度被认为是每分钟 41 个字(41 words per minute),专业打字速度达到每分钟 65 到 95 个字,一些高级打字员达到每分钟 120 个字。
- 在打字时,无论是印地语(Hindi)还是英语(English),或任何其他语言,准确性和速度(accuracy, and speed)都是掌握的关键要素。
源自基于 AI 的独特算法的最佳 PC 打字软件,也称为打字导师软件,适用于Mac和Windows 用户(users)。以下是 PC 免费下载Windows 10的最佳打字软件列表:
1. 快速打字导师(1. Rapid Typing Tutor)
RapidTyping Tutor软件被认为是(RapidTyping Tutor)Windows PC上最好的打字软件之一。使用最少的系统资源,由于以下特殊功能,它被教师用作指导工具:
- 它为基本打字、Shift 键、数字键和数字键提供了广泛的培训统计数据和单独的课程。(extensive training statistics)
- 它使您能够更改内置课程并使用自定义的 TXT 文件(customized TXT files)配置您的键盘。
- 它以图表的形式显示您的打字技巧,使您可以随时查看结果。
- 由于其固有的丰富多彩的外观和主题,它很容易被孩子们理解。
- 它具有支持 24 种不同语言 的多语言(multi-lingual) 界面。(interface )
- 它支持远程监控,不需要安装在局域网内。
- 它可以复制到U 盘中(USB),以便在任意数量的计算机上使用,无论何时何地,无需安装在单个设备上。
- 它提供了许多特殊功能,例如打字导师、触摸打字、打字测试,以及针对儿童和成人的各种打字游戏(typing games for kids and adults alike),根据他们的技能。
- 它显示在键盘上移动的手,指示移动哪个手指来按下所需的键,以帮助简化您的打字。
- 它易于操作(easy to operate),可帮助您摆脱打字错误并提高打字技巧。
- 它为初学者、中级(Intermediates)和专业用户提供了三种不同的课程和测试模块来测试他们的技能。
- 它支持便携式版本,虚拟键盘兼容不同类型的键盘布局(keyboard layouts),如 QWERTY、AZERTY、QWERTZ 等。
- 它支持所有主要平台(supports all major platforms),包括 Windows 操作系统。
用户一直抱怨的这个工具的缺点是在软件的高级(Advanced)级别中语法错误(prevalence of grammatical errors)和打字错误的普遍存在。这引起了学生和打字员对重写文本中已经预先写好的段落的很多关注。
它的不同键盘布局更多地面向机构使用,而不是个人使用,这有时会让人感到困惑。习惯它们可能需要一定的时间。总的来说,除了上述弱点,它仍然被评为最好的 PC 打字软件之一。
2. KeyBlaze
KeyBlaze是一款打字软件,旨在让您成为打字大师。它是最好的个人电脑免费(PCs)打字软件(Typing Software)之一,因为它包含以下功能:
- 它通过设定每分钟字数的目标来帮助提高您的打字速度。
- 它使您能够跟踪每分钟的总字数和净字数。
- 它教你如何正确地将手指放在键盘上,以便于操作。
- 从第一天开始,就需要定期测试您的技能(regular tests of your skills)以检查您的进度,并保持您的打字分数记录。
- 它还借助图表来绘制您的进度,让您随时了解您的改进。
- 它易于操作,并通过短短 20 分钟的充满乐趣的听写练习和打字游戏帮助您提高技能。
- 如果您正在学习以听写为目的,成为高效的速记员、打字员或将现场或录制的语音转换为书面/电子文本文档的抄本,它有几个内置的音频文件可以帮助您练习。(several built-in audio files)
- 它支持多种键盘布局(supports multiple keyboard layouts),如美国英语(US English)、英国英语(UK English)、德沃夏克(Dvorak)、德语(German)等。
- 这款打字软件的免费版本最适用于Mac和Windows操作系统。
- 它使学校和机构能够根据自己的目标和要求为学生定制设计打字课程。
- 它不仅适合初学者,而且对专业作家、秘书、营销人员以及热衷于提高打字速度的人也有帮助。
- 它还通过使用声音或颜色突出显示(use of sound or color highlighting)任何打字错误。
- 完成全部课程后,颁发可打印的证书(issues a printable certificate),供您日后参考和使用。
该软件的缺点是,在其免费版本中,该软件在使用几次后就会被锁定。然后,它会提示家庭用户以 12.99$14.99 for commercial users美元的价格在线购买其paid version at $12.99。但是,要继续重新使用免费应用程序,您需要在想使用它时一次又一次地重新安装它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将字体添加到 Word Mac(How to Add Fonts to Word Mac)
Typing Master是一款在 PC(Typing Master)最佳打字软件(Best Typing Software)列表中保持其最佳打字软件之一的软件,原因如下:
- 它以非常系统和有计划的方式教授如何在不看键盘的情况下学习打字。
- 它不仅有助于提高您每分钟的打字速度,还可以使您的打字速度翻倍。
- 它可以免费(free of cost)下载,使您能够分析和检查您的打字准确性。
- 其基于网络的、用户友好的、可定制的界面提供了模块化的教学方法,超过10 小时的互动课程(10 hours of interactive lessons)提供了充满乐趣的学习体验。
- 它是最成熟的工具,被认为是适合所有年龄段的初学者的最佳类型培训软件之一,一旦经过培训,他们就可以成为键盘处理大师。
- 它也是最好的 wpm 测试工具(best wpm test tools)之一,可以评估潜在候选人的文本输入或打字技能,以确保他们符合您企业的招聘需求。
- 打字测试提供了世界各地众多组织接受的实时分析。
- 它还有一个单独的、独立的打字游戏部分,提供许多一流的有趣打字游戏,不仅有助于缓解空闲时间的无聊,还有助于提高打字技巧。
- 它与Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)兼容。
该软件的缺点之一是它与在Mac OS(Mac OS)上运行的单元不兼容。其次,用户界面不是很直观(user interface is not very intuitive),而且按照老派的设计语言显得乏味和过时,这可能不是很吸引人,而且对许多用户来说可能看起来很无聊,就像过时一样。
尽管存在上述缺点,但免费版本的接受度很高,适合大多数用户的需求和要求。目前,全球超过 300 万用户毫无疑问地使用和依赖它。
4.打字网(4. Typing.com)
Typing.com是 PC 和笔记本电脑上最好的打字软件之一,因为它具有以下优点,可以让打字看起来像孩子们的游戏:
- 它教你键盘,即如何正确地将手指放在键盘上以更好地管理键盘。
- 它提供了宝贵的技术基础(valuable technological fundamentals),有助于提高您的 wpm 打字速度和准确性。
- 它本身就是一个完整的学校和学区管理工具,通过基本的计算机知识 提供数字素养。(digital literacy)
- 它以英语(English)和西班牙语提供必要的编码技术和打字基础知识。
- 它提供交互式可定制课程、测试和游戏,是希望在游戏中学习打字的人的一站式解决方案。
- 它启用 SSO(enables SSO) ,即单(Single)点登录,一种用户身份验证服务,可教授在线行为并启用一组登录凭据(如用户(Username)名和密码)访问多个应用程序并在 Web 上工作时保持安全。
- 它提供标准化的准备方法(Standardized preparation methods)和一分钟、三分钟和五分钟的测试技术,以检查您的打字技能进度并监控性能水平。
除了免费版本,它还可以从Typing.com网站下载,(Typing.com)每个学生(per student)每月的名义费用$3.79 美元。
尽管它是最好的PC免费(PCs)打字软件(Typing Software)列表中最受欢迎的在线工具之一,但它的课程数量有限,因此对于将其使用限制为初学者和打字的高级用户可能不是很有帮助仅限新手。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 16 款适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(16 Best Free File Rename Software for Windows)
Ratatype是一个在线打字教程工具,被认为是 PC 上最好的免费打字软件(Typing Software),原因如下:
- 它具有简单、酷炫且直观的界面,可直接从 Web 运行,无需安装在您的 PC 上。
- 它的彩色键盘(color-coded keyboard)专注于您的手指移动来按下键盘的每个键。
- 其简洁而现代的设计提供了十多个免费打字课程来学习触摸打字,而不是专注于键盘的布局。
- 它是多语言的(multi-lingual),并提供简短的打字测试,以监控您在速度和准确性方面的进步。
- 它不复杂,是一个无限制的功能,可帮助在线与其他学习者竞争并记录结果以供将来分析和改进。
- 它使您能够结交一群朋友、同学和同事,以鼓励健康的竞争。
- 它提供了几个打字技巧(several typing tips),可帮助您学习触摸打字并培养有价值的键盘输入技巧。
- 它提供了个人打字证书(personal typing certificate),可在成功完成您的培训需求和目标时提供出色的打字速度。
- 它支持 Windows 操作系统。
该软件的唯一缺点是检查打字员的打字/速记技能的测试持续时间很短。其次,在完全掌握所需的预备知识之前,该软件不允许跳到高级课程。(software does not permit skipping to advanced lessons)它也不像众多其他替代软件那样提供大量功能。
6. Klavaro 触控打字导师(6. Klavaro Touch Typing Tutor)
(Klavaro touch typing)由于以下优点,Klavaro 触控打字软件被认为是免费的打字软件和简单的 PC 工具:(Typing Software)
- 它支持可自定义的键盘(customizable keyboards),允许您编辑和保存新的、未知的多键盘布局。
- 它是多语言的,从下拉菜单中支持各种打字语言,包括乌尔都语。
- 这款结构坚固的免费打字软件接受外部文本,并根据个人的专业知识提供四种不同的学习模块、练习和课程。
- 它没有杂乱,并有一个干净、直接的图形用户界面,可以识别缺点并以图表的形式显示您的每日进度(displays your daily progress),以帮助您了解和改进您当前的状态。
- 它支持(supports) 多种平台(multiple platforms),如 Windows 和 Linux。
- 这个简单的工具最适合存储空间有限(limited storage space)且规格低的计算机。
- 它不是资源密集型软件,而是一款灵活的触控打字导师,可以作为在线游戏运行,其唯一目的是提高键盘的打字适应性、速度和流畅性。
由于上述特点,我们可以轻松地说该软件具有很多功能,最适合专业人士和初学者,以获取最新的触摸打字技能。 (acquiring the latest touch typing skills. )
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何从 Word 文档中删除水印(How to Remove Watermarks From Word Documents)
7.打字教练(7. Typing Trainer)
Typing Trainer被认为是最好的免费打字程序之一,也是适用于Windows的在线培训师,原因如下:
- 它提供了一个简单的屏幕键盘(simple on-screen keyboard)电机热身工具和用于数字、符号、速度构建等的模块,使您能够在短短几个小时内将您的速度和键盘输入技能提高一倍。
- 它提供了一个简短的热身速成课程和练习,其中包含700+ typing activities和详细报告,以帮助您练习、学习和复习您的触摸打字技术。
- 它还提供了一个独特的Typing Analyzer工具,可以分析您的日常打字并识别反复造成困难和困难的按键。
- 它支持窗口操作系统(Window OS)。
- 这款免费的 PC 打字训练软件提供文本(Text)练习和各种单词,有助于提高您的打字速度。
它提供了很多建议,使您能够学到很多东西。该软件的唯一限制是它缺乏有效的测试模块(lacks an effective testing module),因此用户在检查已完成的日常工作活动时面临很多困难。
8.打字俱乐部(8. TypingClub)
Typing Club是一个基于网络的免费打字工具,由于以下优点,它被认为是 PC 上最好的打字软件之一:
- 这是为个人和教师量身定制的免费 Google 产品。(cost-free Google product)
- 它提供了多种工具来帮助您建立记忆并保持动力。
- 它是一款多语言软件,为不同语言(如英语(English)、德语(German)、法语(French)等)提供 100% 的在线支持。
- 它具有正确的手部姿势指南(proper hand posture guide),可在您键入时查看按键上的正确手部姿势。
- 它的画外音功能使您可以在键入时大声读出每个单词。
- 它为学生提供等级、徽章和星星(offers Levels, Badges, and Stars)作为奖励,帮助他们攀登阶梯以达到新的高度。
- 它为教师提供移动(Mobile)应用程序,帮助他们为学生设计课程。
- 它是高度交互的软件(highly interactive software),提供范围广泛的游戏、视频和离散打字挑战。
- 其具有高级功能的学校版使教师能够查看过去的表现并监控课堂上学生的进度。
尽管有许多积极的一面,但它也有其不足之处。用户抱怨在不作弊的情况下很难实现目标,(goals that are difficult to meet)并且使用不适当的手段使他们对应用程序失去兴趣。
他们还感叹它的免费版本有很多广告(free version has a lot of ads),这些广告可能会劝阻和浪费时间。他们还认为该软件不区分不同年龄组和智力的人,为所有人提供相同的课程。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Word 转换为 JPEG(How to Convert Word to JPEG)
9. MaxType PRO
由于以下原因, MaxType pro(MaxType pro)软件被认为是PC的最佳打字软件列表:(Best Typing Software)
- 它是完全免费(completely free)的,你不需要从口袋里掏出一分钱来使用这个软件。
- 它提供了多功能打字界面,有助于学习六种不同模式的打字。
- 它的独特之处在于它支持(enables a) 多用户界面(multi-user interface),这意味着相同的软件也可以被家庭的其他成员使用,也可以在同一台 PC 上使用,并具有受密码保护的配置文件。
- 它使每个用户都可以根据自己的自定义设置通过其独立的可视化分析和统计来制作自己的个人资料。
- 它支持多种欧洲键盘布局(supports several European keyboard layouts),如德语(German)、法语(French)、俄语(Russian)等。
- 它的用户界面提供了许多实用的会话并支持许多图形元素,这些元素借助图表来绘制您的进度,使您能够衡量自己的表现以快速熟练使用该应用程序。
- 它使用仅存在于组件内部而不是物理上存在于硬盘驱动器上的虚拟组件 提供打字测试。(offers typing tests)
- 它提供实践课程并记录您的击键,同时保持独特的每日和每周报告功能,监控您的学习曲线,以便在最短的时间内将您的打字水平从初学者提高到高级水平。
- 它还支持网络挑战(network challenge) 模式(mode),使您能够与世界各地的其他实时打字员竞争。
- 它还为初学者提供了许多有趣的迷你游戏(many fun mini-games),让他们在学习时不会感到无聊和享受。
名称中的Pro(Pro)一词给人的感觉是它仅供专业(Professional)打字员、秘书和速记员使用。毫无疑问,作为一个稍微复杂的工具(slightly complex tool),对于刚开始学习打字的初学者来说使用起来有点困难。其次,作为一个相对较旧的工具,如果您想在任何使用最新 Windows 10 操作系统的系统上使用它,就会发现它存在一些兼容性问题。
10. 打字更快(10. Type Faster)
Type Faster是自(Type Faster)Windows 98时代以来另一个非常流行的工具,由于以下支持它的论点,它仍然被认为是Windows PC的最佳免费(Windows)打字软件列表:(Typing Software)
- 它使您能够在 15 次练习中快速学习打字。
- 它使您可以根据需要增加或减少字体大小。
- 可以对其进行自定义以跟踪学生的进度。
- 它易于安装(easy to install)并支持 14 种不同的语言,包括西班牙语、英国和美国英语(English)等。
- 它使用所需的手指检测最弱的键和类型,而不会损坏键盘。
- 它提供了单用户和多用户选项(choice of single and multi-user options)的选择,在教练、教师、上班族、速记员和其他工作涉及在计算机上打字的人中很受欢迎。
- 它包括一个令人上瘾的、简单的 3D 文字游戏和一个改装的喷气式飞机。
- 它使您能够(enables you to tracks)在玩游戏时跟踪您的使用模式、教学、参加考试并提高您的打字技巧。
如前所述,该应用程序的用户界面属于Windows 98时代,给人一种 1990 年代的感觉。该工具的主要缺点是它缺乏定期更新(lacks regular updates),目前尚未开发。
尽管存在上述缺点,但它是一款极力推荐的软件,它包含许多未来主义的新颖功能,使其与在最新、最先进的 Windows 10 操作系统上运行的现代计算机高度兼容。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用 Microsoft Word 拼写检查器(How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker)
11. 触摸打字研究(11. Touch Typing Study)
由于以下原因, Touch Typing Study(Touch Typing Study)是一款易于使用且免费的打字软件,被列入PC最佳打字软件列表中:(Best Typing Software)
- 它使您能够学习15 节免费打字课程(15 free typing lessons),以提高您的打字或数据输入速度和准确性。
- 这些课程以多种语言授课,您可以选择您认为最适合您理解和遵循的语言。
- 这些打字课程分为不同的子标题,以便您可以放弃您已经熟悉的主题,并在您认为自己薄弱并且需要付出更多努力以更好地发挥作用的那些子标题上工作。
- 它为您提供多种键盘布局(multiple keyboard)选择,(choice of) 以满足您的舒适度和工作便利性。
- 它提供了广泛的游戏(offer a wide range of games)供您在学习时玩。
- 它使用肌肉记忆概念(using the muscle memory concept)(一种程序记忆方法的形式)有助于提高您的触摸打字技巧,这种方法是在没有任何有意识的思考和努力的情况下频繁重复特定动作的结果。
- 它还使您能够在速度测试的帮助下测试和评估您的打字技能的进步。
- 它与Windows和Mac OS兼容。
它仅通过书面说明提供文本课程,不提供任何音频或视频演示。(does not provide any audio or video presentations.)一些用户认为这种黑白教学概念是一个缺点,对其他人来说可能不是这样,因为它纯粹是个人选择。
12. 在线快速打字(12. Speed Typing Online)
Speed Typing Online是另一位打字导师,由于以下优点和优势,它在 PC最佳免费打字软件(Typing Software)列表中保持着自己的位置:
- 这是一款免费使用的在线打字软件,提供 17 节打字课程,让您学习键盘上的所有字母,以帮助提高您的数据输入速度和准确性。
- 它是可定制的,提供两种课程格式的选择,(choice of two lesson formats)即经典课程和高级课程,具体取决于您作为游戏新手或经验丰富的用户的打字水平。
- 这个在线应用程序最好的部分是,这个打字导师会根据你现有的技能和掌握情况自动向你建议你接下来必须学习哪些课程,以提高你的水平。
- 它使您能够根据您是新手还是老手来自定义所有课程的长度。(customize the length of all lessons)
- 它使您能够根据目标速度和准确性设置自己的打字目标。
- 它还提供广泛的测试轮次(broad range of test rounds)并保存报告,使您能够不时监控您的进度。
- 它与Windows平台兼容。
这个打字软件的唯一缺点是不是任何人和每个人都可以使用它(not anyone and everyone can use it)并访问它的教程或保存可用的课程以供将来参考,除非你注册了它。总而言之,它被认为是最适合初学者的打字软件之一,但对于高级用户来说并不是一个非常有用的应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Photoshop 转换为 RGB(How to Photoshop Convert to RGB)
13.车辆打字(13. The Vehicles Typing)
Vehicles Typing是一种被认为仅适合儿童和初学者的打字工具,由于以下特点,它在 PC 最佳打字软件列表中保持着自己的位置:
- 它可以免费下载,应用内购买支持汽车、火车、飞机和轮船等十种流行车辆的动画。
- 它提供了 30 多节课(offer more than 30 lessons),并提供按键提示,以帮助您键入一个单词或一个完整的句子。
- 它使您能够根据用户的意愿将一些车辆变成怪物
- 它可以在三个用户之间切换。
- 它支持基于Mac OS的 iOS 平台(supports the iOS platform),可运行Apple的台式机和笔记本电脑、iPhone、iPod 和其他Apple移动设备。
- 该软件应用程序最好的部分是它不支持任何广告(does not support any ads),从而节省时间和内存空间。
如前所述,它的最大限制是仅适用于儿童和初学者(suitable only for kids and beginners)。对于新手来说,这是一个很好的学习工具,但对于专业的打字员、速记员、文员或办公室的执行秘书来说,这并不重要。
14. 打字螺栓(14. Typing Bolt)
Typing Bolt是一款在线网络打字辅导工具,由于以下原因,被列入最佳 PC 免费打字软件列表:(Typing Software)
- 它是一款基于人工智能的在线打字软件(AI-based online typing software),可让您根据应该使用哪根手指输入每个字母来学习触摸打字。
- 它的用户界面在您的击键动态的帮助下使您能够了解食指的打字模式。
- 其用户友好的(user-friendly) 界面(interface)使用图形表示和其他多种独特的算法提供您的性能的实时统计数据。
- 它研究您的打字模式,提供定制的打字课程以提高您的打字技巧,自动管理您的难度级别以获得更好的结果。
- 一旦您获得所需的专业水平技能,它就会颁发成就证书,以向您的客户展示就业目的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
15.打字手指LT(15. Typing Fingers LT)
Typing Fingers LT是一款免费的打字应用程序,被列入PC版免费打字软件列表中(Free Typing Software)
- 它是一个交互式软件应用程序,有助于使打字成为一项有趣的活动。
- 它利用(use of) 现代技术(modern technology)和最新的教学方法帮助您准确打字,而无需看键盘。
- offering US/EN QWERTY键盘布局的家庭学校的理想软件。
- 它的用户界面设计精美,背景中播放一段轻柔的音乐,让打字成为一种有趣的体验。
- 它还提供打字游戏,让您可以边玩边学习。
- Windows 10和Mac 操作系统(Mac Operating)支持(Systems)这款 Symmetric 超级学习软件(Symmetric)。
- 它还转发对 Android 和 iOS(support to Android as well as iOS)设备的支持。
一旦任何人掌握了所有技能并成功完成了课程,他可能是一个孩子或一个成年人;它相应地提供打字手指文凭(Fingers Diploma)。
16. KTouch 打字导师(16. KTouch Typing Tutor)
KTouch Typing Tutor是一款开源软件,因其以下优点而被列入最佳 PC 打字软件列表:
- 它是一个轻量级应用程序,仅适用于Linux操作系统。
- 它显示了键盘,使您能够逐步学习触摸打字,指示使用哪个手指来按下特定键。
- 它可以帮助您收集全面的统计信息,以多种不同的语言提供超过 12 门课程。
- 它仅支持(supports only) Linux 操作系统。(Linux OS.)
它的主要缺点是它可以在Linux OS上使用,并且与 Windows 或 Mac OS 不兼容(not compatible with Windows or Mac OS)。毫无疑问,它被认为是在Linux 操作系统(Linux OS)上工作的人最好的轻量级工具之一。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何使用波浪号 Alt 代码键入 N(How to Type N with Tilde Alt Code)
17. GNU 打字员(17. GNU Typist)
GNU(GNU Typist) Typist 也称为 gtypist,被认为是 PC 最佳打字软件列表,原因如下:
- 这是一个开源应用程序(open-source application),可帮助您在尽可能短的时间内获得良好的打字技巧。
- 它是根据GNU 通用公共许可证(GNU General Public License)发布的授权 GNU 软件(authorized GNU software)。
- 它包含数百个打字课程(hundreds of typing lessons)、练习、测试等,可帮助您通过设备上的日常练习来提高打字技巧,无论是 PC 还是笔记本电脑。
- 它有多种语言版本,并提供您熟悉的语言的教程,即捷克语(Czech)、英语(English)、俄语(Russian)、德语(German)、法语(French)、挪威语(Norwegian),甚至西班牙语,甚至还有德语(German)、法语(French)甚至挪威语(Norwegian)的简单练习,用于测试您的学习的。
- 它支持多种键盘布局,如Qwerty、Dvorak和Colemak键盘。
- 它使您能够根据需要和要求修改任何现有教程或制作新教程。(modify any existing tutorials)
- 它与 Windows 兼容。
18. 打字教练白金(18. Typing Instructor Platinum)
Typing Instructor Platinum 是一款免费的打字工具,由于以下原因,它被列入 PC 最佳打字软件列表中:
- 它可以帮助您尽早学习和提高打字水平,并提供立竿见影的效果。
- 它提供 20 节定制课程,甚至允许用户根据自己的需要修改课程。
- 它提供多层次、多人30 种不同类型的动感十足的(30 different kinds of action-packed) 打字游戏(typing games),供您在学习的同时玩。
- 除了游戏,它还为用户提供听写、练习、250 多篇杂志文章和挑战。
- 它可以免费下载并与Windows 10、8、7(Windows 10)、XP、OS X兼容。
- 除了免费试用,它还提供$29.99完全付费版本(fully paid version at) 。
该软件是教育和娱乐的有效结合,被认为是有兴趣学习双打打字的Windows PC用户的最佳打字软件之一。(Windows PC)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 Windows 的最佳文件复制软件(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows)
19.布鲁斯不寻常的打字向导(19. Bruce’s Unusual Typing Wizard)
Bruce 的 Unusual Typing Wizard(Bruce’s Unusual Typing Wizard)再次免费提供打字软件,有助于从基础学习打字艺术,并因其以下优点而被列入最佳打字软件列表:
- 它是一个多用户应用程序(multi-user application),同时支持许多具有不同技能水平的新手和高级用户。
- 它的开发对教程而不是其美学意义更大。
- 它使用户能够根据他的打字需要和想要定制他的课程和练习课程。
- 其先进的算法(advanced algorithms)会分析您的击键并指导您在打字时如何最好地定位您的手指。
- 它提供了一些打字游戏,可让您判断自己的打字技巧,并在工作中享受乐趣。
- 它是一个500 KB 的小包(tiny little package),但它对资源的管理非常漂亮,并且以非常令人印象深刻的方式为低端用户提供了帮助。
- 它的用户界面虽然不是那么精致,但它提供了直观的控件和图形屏幕键盘,以供参考。
它与 Windows 10 操作系统不正式兼容,(not officially compatible with Windows 10 OS)因此不被评为最先进的打字工具。
总的来说,如果我们忽略了这个缺点,那么这款 Bruce's Unusual Typing Wizard软件工具被认为与市场上的其他工具非常相似,并且对于绝对初学者来说是非常方便的软件。
20. Bodie 的打字导师(20. Bodie’s Typing Tutor)
(Bodie’s Typing Tutor)由于以下原因,Bodie's Typing Tutor被认为是最好的免费打字软件列表。
- 这是一个易于使用的免费软件。
- 它使用户能够在几周内开始学习。
- 它有助于提高打字速度(increasing the rate of typing)。
- 它使用户能够学习一种无需看到键盘就可以键入的类型。
尽管此工具有助于确保更快的打字,但它也有其自身的一系列缺点,但必须确保从 PC 键盘(learn it from the PC keyboard)而不是移动键盘学习它,并且为了提高效率,必须每天练习它。
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21. Kiran 的打字导师(21. Kiran’s Typing Tutor)
Kiran's Typing Tutor由独立开发者Kiran Reddy开发,因其在小猫中的以下重要优点而被列入最佳打字软件列表:
- 它是一款无广告(ads-free) 工具,可从(tool)Microsoft Store轻松一键安装。
- 它不是商业软件,需要您支付任何费用才能下载此工具。
- 它为包括小学生和高级计算机学院在内的所有人提供良好而便捷的课程。
- 它有一个专门的儿童打字部分(dedicated kid typing section),称为儿童打字,专为小孩子设计。
- 它的主题和自定义功能为初学者提供了几个预装的主题和许多有趣的游戏。
- 它的统计页面使用图表和许多不同类型的测试、考试甚至游戏提供图形分析。它可以帮助您查看实时打字速度(real-time typing speed )和其他有助于提高屏幕打字速度和准确性的分析。
- 一旦您完成了侧边栏上的所有可用模块,它还会颁发证书。
该应用软件的唯一缺点或弱点是它不提供(doesn’t offer any online content)任何有助于进一步扩展其功能的在线内容。
22.印地语作家(22. Hindi Writer)
Hindi Writer是一款出色的工具,它使印地语(Hindi)打字更容易,并且由于以下原因被列入最佳 PC 免费打字软件列表:(Typing Software)
- 它不会强迫您记住任何新的键盘布局。
- 它具有 Windows 的内置印度语支持(Indic language support)。
- 它不需要您上传任何额外的字体安装,被认为是拼写检查和自动单词查找的最佳应用程序(best application for Spell Check and Auto Word Lookup)。
- 除了使用OpenOffice.org套件、Outlook、记事本(Notepad)等之外,它还支持Firefox、MS Office和Internet Explorer。
- 它利用(makes use of the) iTrans方案进行音译,可以将其视为有助于将文本从一种脚本转换为另一种的过程。
其次,这个软件在安装时被认为有点复杂(bit complicated while installing)。如前所述,该软件最好的部分是它可以免费使用和从网上下载。
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23. Anop印地语打字导师(23. Anop Hindi Typing Tutor)
Anop Hindi Typing Tutor是另一个印地语(Hindi)打字工具,可帮助您提高技能,使您能够快速准确地打字。由于以下原因,它被认为是 PC 的最佳免费打字软件列表:
- 它可以(can be used) 离线(offline)使用,并且不需要互联网连接即可运行。
- 它有一个漂亮而多彩的界面,让你粘在屏幕上,提高你的印地语(Hindi)打字速度。
- 对于那些为SSC(SSC)等竞争性考试学习印地语(Hindi)打字课程的人来说,它是最好的工具。
- 它被认为是Kurti dev 和 Devlys font 最好的辅导工具之一(best tutoring tools for Kurti dev and Devlys font)。
该工具无疑是快速学习者的好软件,有助于提高您输入印地语(Hindi)脚本的速度。它的用户界面有点慢(user interface is but a bit slow),而且对于快速在线打字来说不是很互动。除了这个缺点,毫无疑问,它被认为是当今可用的最好的印地语打字软件之一。
24.谷歌输入工具(24. Google Input Tool)
(Google Input Tool)由于以下原因,用于印地语输入的(Hindi)谷歌输入工具被认为是最好的个人电脑免费打字软件列表:(Software)
- 它使您也可以开始以印地语(Hindi)以外的语言在输入框中输入(Input Box)内容。
- 它具有流线型、整洁、直观的界面,让您可以毫无困难地快速打字。
- 它与 Android 和(compatible with both Android and) Google 服务(Google Services)兼容。
- 它也可供在网络上工作的 Chrome 和 Windows 用户使用(use of Chrome and Windows users)。
- 如果在键入时遇到任何问题,它会使用帮助文本。
虽然这个工具有助于确保更快的打字,但它有自己的一套障碍和缺点。它有联合词和标点符号的问题(issues with joint words and punctuation marks)。它会在听写过程中自动添加标点符号。其次,在没有任何语法要求的情况下,打字时自动任意大写单词,浪费时间和精力。
从上面的讨论中,我们可以说免费打字软件是那些想要全面管理计算机的人的必备程序。最后但是同样重要的; 可以有把握地得出结论,对于那些有兴趣在任何工作领域建立成功的职业并将打字作为他们的职业和谋生手段的人来说,上述最好的 PC 打字软件是当今的需要。( best typing software for PC)请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道您接下来想了解什么。
24 Best Free Typing Software for PC
Communicatіon is the essence of life. It can be verbal or written. In today’ѕ times, typing is a must-have fundamental skill to help improve and manage timе. In the good old days, writtеn/typеd сommunication was only limited to stenоgraphers, secretaries, аnd typists working in various departments. With the advent of computers, the scenario has drastically changed, today. Most communication is еxchanged between peoplе through touch typing. We have shown the list of best typing software for PC in this article. So, continue reading to know free typing software!
24 Best Free Typing Software for PC
Let us know what touch typing is:
- Touch typing means typing on a keyboard using your fingers and without looking at the keys.
- A dedicated person will most probably learn and can become a good touch typist within one week.
- The average typing speed is considered to be 41 words per minute, with professional typing speed going to 65 to 95 words per minute with some advanced typists going up to 120 words per minute.
- In typing, whether in Hindi or English, or any other language, accuracy, and speed are key elements to master.
Derived from AI-based unique algorithms the best typing software for PC, also known as typing tutor software, is available both for Mac as well as Windows users. The following is the list of the best typing software for PC free download Windows 10:
1. Rapid Typing Tutor
RapidTyping Tutor software is considered to be one of the best typing software for Windows PC. Using minimum system resources, it is used as a guidance tool by teachers because of the following special features:
- It provides extensive training statistics and separate lessons for basic typing, shift keys, digit keys, and numeric keys.
- It enables you to change the in-built lessons and configure your keyboard using customized TXT files.
- It displays your typing skills in the form of graphs enabling you to view the results at any time.
- Due to its inherent colorful appearance and themes, it is easily understood by children.
- It has a multi-lingual interface supporting 24 different languages.
- It enables remote monitoring and does not require to be installed within a local area network.
- It can be copied in a USB stick to be used on any number of computers, anywhere and everywhere without installing on individual devices.
- It offers a host of special features like typing tutor, touch typing, typing tests, and a variety of typing games for kids and adults alike, based on their skills.
- It displays moving hands over the keyboard that direct which finger to move for pressing the required key, to help simplify your typing.
- It is easy to operate and helps you get rid of typing mistakes and improve your typing skills.
- It offers three different courses and test modules for beginners, Intermediates, and professional users to test their skills.
- It supports a portable version and the virtual keyboard is compatible with different types of keyboard layouts like QWERTY, AZERTY, QWERTZ, etc.
- It supports all major platforms including Windows OS.
The drawback of this tool which users have been complaining about is the prevalence of grammatical errors and typing mistakes in the Advanced levels of the software. This has raised a lot of concern amongst students and typists of rewriting the already pre-written paragraphs in the text.
Its different keyboard layouts are oriented more for institutional use rather than individual use which can be quite confusing at times. It may take a certain amount of time to get used to them. On the whole, barring the above weaknesses, it is still rated to be amongst the best typing software for PCs.
2. KeyBlaze
KeyBlaze is the typing software designed to make you a typing master. It is one of the best Free Typing Software for PCs because of the following features it incorporates:
- It helps to improve your typing speed by setting a goal of the number of words per minute.
- It enables you to keep a track of both gross and net words per minute speed.
- It teaches you how to correctly place your fingers on the keyboard for ease of operation.
- It takes regular tests of your skills to check your progress maintaining a record of your typing scores, right from day one.
- It also plots your progress with the help of graphs keeping you updated on your improvements.
- It is easy to operate and helps improve your skills through short 20 minutes duration fun-filled dictation exercises and typing games.
- It has several built-in audio files to help you practice if you are learning for dictation purposes to become an efficient stenographer, typist, or a transcript converting a live or recorded speech into a written/electronic text document.
- It supports multiple keyboard layouts like US English, UK English, Dvorak, German, and many more.
- The free version of this typing software works best with both Mac as well as Windows operating systems.
- It enables schools and institutions to custom-designed the typing curriculum for their students as per their own set of goals and requirements.
- It is not only suitable for beginners but is also helpful for professional writers, secretaries, marketers, and those keen on improving their typing speed.
- It also notifies any typing mistakes through the use of sound or color highlighting.
- It issues a printable certificate after completing the full course, for your future reference and use.
The drawback of this software is that in its free version the software gets locked after using it a few times. It then prompts for online purchase of its paid version at $12.99 for home users and $14.99 for commercial users. However, to continue re-using the free application, you need to re-install it again and again as and when you want to use it.
Its user interface is also not very galvanic and looks dull as it has not been updated for a long time, by its developers. All-in-all, the software is appropriate for adults already in typing business but is not very alluring for kids or novices looking to improve their touch-typing skills.
Also Read: How to Add Fonts to Word Mac
Typing Master is the software that has maintained its position as one of the best Typing Software in the list of the Best Typing Software for PC due to the following merits:
- It teaches how to learn typing without even looking at the keyboard, in a very systematic and planned way.
- It not only helps in improving your word per minute typing speed but enables you to double it.
- It is available to download free of cost and enables you to analyze and check your typing accuracy.
- Its web-based, user-friendly, customizable interface provides a modular teaching approach with more than 10 hours of interactive lessons providing a fun-loaded learning experience.
- It is the most mature tool and is considered to be one of the best type training software for beginners of all ages enabling them to become masters at keyboard handling, once trained.
- It is also one of the best wpm test tools that enable to assess of the text entry or typing skills of prospective candidates to ensure that they are at par with the recruitment needs of your business.
- The typing tests provide real-time analytics accepted by numerous organizations all over the world.
- It also has a separate, independent typing games section that offers a host of top-notch fun typing games that not only help relieve boredom in free time but also help in enhancing typing skills.
- It is compatible with the Windows OS.
One of the drawbacks of this software is that it is not compatible with units working on the Mac OS. Secondly, the user interface is not very intuitive and is dull and outdated following an old-school design language that might not be very appealing and may seem boring to many users, as on date.
In spite of the above shortcoming, the free version is highly accepted and suits the needs and requirements of most users. It is currently being used and relied upon without any doubt by more than three million users across the world.
Besides the free version of the software, it also offers lifetime Standard and the Premium pro versions at an affordable price for those interested in working with them.
4. Typing.com
Typing.com is one of the best typing software for PC and laptops due to the below-mentioned merits it holds for making typing look like a child’s play for one and all:
- It teaches you keyboarding i.e. how to correctly place your fingers on the keyboard for better keyboard management.
- It provides valuable technological fundamentals to help improve your wpm typing speed and accuracy.
- It is in itself a full school and district administration tool providing digital literacy through basic computer knowledge.
- It provides necessary coding techniques and typing fundamentals both in English and Spanish languages.
- It provides interactive customizable lessons, tests, and games and is a one-stop solution for those who want to learn typing while gaming.
- It enables SSO i.e. Single sign-on, a user authentication service, that teaches online behavior and enables one set of login credentials like Username and password to access multiple applications and remain safe while working on the web.
- It provides Standardized preparation methods and the one-minute, three-minute, and five-minute testing techniques to check the progress of your typing skills and monitors performance levels.
Besides the free version, it is also available for download from the Typing.com website at a nominal monthly cost of $3.79 per student.
Though it is one of the most popular online tools to be considered in the list of the best Free Typing Software for PCs it has a limited number of lessons and as such may not be very helpful for the advanced user limiting its usage to beginners and typing novices only.
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5. RataType
Ratatype is an online typing tutorial tool considered the best free Typing Software for PCs due to the below-mentioned rationales:
- It has a simple, cool, and intuitive interface that works directly from the web and does not need to be installed on your PC.
- Its color-coded keyboard focuses on the movement of the fingers of your hand to press each key of the keyboard.
- Its clean and modern design offers over a dozen free typing lessons to learn touch typing rather than focusing on the layout of the keyboard.
- It is multi-lingual and offers short typing tests to monitor your progress in terms of speed and accuracy.
- It’s uncomplicated, a no-limits feature that helps compete with other learners online and records the results for future analysis and improvements.
- It enables you to make a group of your friends, classmates, and co-workers to encourage healthy competition.
- It offers several typing tips helping you to learn touch typing and develop valuable keyboarding skills.
- It provides a personal typing certificate for outstanding typing speed on successful completion of your training needs and goals.
- It supports the Windows OS.
The only shortcoming of this software is that the tests for checking the typing/stenography skills of a typist are of very short duration. Secondly, the software does not permit skipping to advanced lessons before having a complete grasp of the required preliminaries. It also does not offer a large number of features like the numerous other alternative software.
6. Klavaro Touch Typing Tutor
Klavaro touch typing software is considered to be a free Typing Software and a simple tool for PCs due to the below-mentioned merits:
- It supports customizable keyboards allowing you to edit and save new, unknown multi-keyboard layouts.
- It is multi-lingual supporting various typing languages including Urdu from the dropdown menu.
- This solid structured free typing software accepts external text and offers four different learning modules, exercises, and courses based on the expertise of an individual.
- It is clutter-free and has a clean, straightforward graphical user interface that identifies the drawbacks and displays your daily progress in the form of a chart to help you know and improve upon your current status.
- It supports multiple platforms like Windows and Linux.
- This simple tool is best suited for computers having limited storage space and is low on specifications.
- It is not resource-hungry software but is a flexible touch-typing tutor that can run as an online game with the only aim to improve your keyboard’s typing adaptability, velocity, and fluidity.
Because of the above traits, we can easily say that this software is loaded with a lot of features and is best suited for professionals and beginners alike, in acquiring the latest touch typing skills.
However, the biggest deal breaker and a major shortcoming of this free typing software are that it lacks videos and animations, which is a pretty common feature in almost all other tools, as of today.
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7. Typing Trainer
Typing Trainer is considered as one of the best free typing programs and an online trainer for Windows due to the following hallmarks listed below:
- It provides a simple on-screen keyboard motoric warm-up tool and modules for numbers, symbols, speed building, etc enabling you to double your speed and keyboarding skills in just a few hours.
- It provides a short warm-up crash course and exercises with over 700+ typing activities and detailed reports to help you practice, learn and review your touch typing techniques.
- It also provides a unique Typing Analyzer tool that analyzes your day-to-day typing and identifies keys that repeatedly cause hardships and difficulties.
- It supports Window OS.
- This free typing trainer software for PC provides Text drills and various words that help to increase your typing speed.
It provides a lot of advice that enables you to learn a lot. The only limitation of this software is that it lacks an effective testing module due to which the user faces lots of difficulties in checking the daily job activities which have been completed.
8. TypingClub
Typing club is a web-based free typing tool that is considered one of the best typing software for PCs due to the following advantages:
- It is a cost-free Google product tailor-made for individuals as well as teachers.
- It offers multiple tools that help build your memory and keep you motivated.
- It is a multi-lingual software providing 100% online support for different languages like English, German, French, and many more.
- It features a proper hand posture guide to see the correct hand posture on the keys as you type.
- Its voice-over feature enables you to read out every word loudly as you type.
- It offers Levels, Badges, and Stars to students as rewards as they climb up the ladder to attain new heights.
- It offers Mobile apps to teachers to help them design lessons for students.
- It is highly interactive software offering a wide range of games, videos, and discrete typing challenges.
- Its school edition with advanced features enables teachers to view the past performance and monitor the progress of the students in the class.
In spite of the many positives, it also has its share of shortcomings. Users complain of goals that are difficult to meet without cheating and the use of inappropriate means makes them lose interest in the application.
They also lament that its free version has a lot of ads which can be dissuading and time-wasting. They also feel that the software does not differentiate between persons of different age groups and intellect, offering the same set of lessons for one and all.
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9. MaxType PRO
MaxType pro software is considered in the list of the Best Typing Software for PCs due to the below-mentioned reasons:
- It is completely free and you don’t need to shell out a single penny from your pocket to use this software.
- It offers multi-functional typing interfaces that help to learn typing with six different modes.
- Its uniqueness lies in the fact it enables a multi-user interface implying that the same software can be used by other members of the family also, on the same PC, having their password-protected profiles.
- It enables each user to make his profile as per his customized settings with its independent visual analytics and statistics.
- It supports several European keyboard layouts like German, French, Russian, and many more.
- Its user interface offers a lot of practical sessions and supports a lot of graphical elements that plot your progress with the help of graphs enabling you to gauge your performance to quickly become proficient in using the application.
- It offers typing tests using virtual components that only exist inside the assembly and not physically on the hard drive.
- It offers practical sessions and records your keystrokes while typing maintaining a unique daily and weekly reporting feature that monitors your learning curve so that your level of typing is increased from a beginner to the advanced level in the shortest possible time duration.
- It also supports a network challenge mode enabling you to compete against other real-time typists, all over the world.
- It also offers many fun mini-games for beginners so that they don’t feel bored and enjoy while they learn.
The word Pro in its name gives a feeling that it is only for use of Professional typists, secretaries, and stenographers. Undoubtedly so, being a slightly complex tool it is a little bit difficult to use for the beginner who has just started to learn typing. Secondly, being a relatively older tool it is found to have some compatibility issues if you want to use this on any system working with the latest Windows 10 OS.
10. Type Faster
Type Faster is another quite popular tool since the Windows 98 era and is still considered in the list the best Free Typing Software for Windows PC due to the following arguments in its favor:
- It enables you to learn typing quickly in just 15 practice sessions.
- It enables you to increase or decrease the font size as per your requirement.
- It can be customized to keep a track of the progress of your students.
- It is easy to install and supports 14 different languages including Spanish, British as well as American English, and more.
- It detects the weakest keys and types using the required finger without damaging the keyboard.
- It offers the choice of single and multi-user options being popular amongst coaches, teachers, office goers, stenographers, and other people whose job involves typing on computers.
- It includes an addictive, straightforward three-dimensional word game combined with a retro-fitting jet.
- It enables you to tracks your usage pattern, teach, takes exams, and improve your typing skills while you play.
The user interface of this application, as also mentioned earlier, belongs to the Windows 98 era giving it a feel of the 1990s. The major drawback of this tool is that it lacks regular updates and is currently not under development.
Despite the above drawback, it is a greatly recommended software that incorporates a lot of futuristic novel features making it highly compatible with modern computers that run on the latest, state-of-the-art, Windows 10 operating systems.
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11. Touch Typing Study
Touch Typing Study is an easy to use and free typing software considered in the list of the Best Typing Software for PCs due to the below-mentioned reasons:
- It enables you to learn 15 free typing lessons to improve your typing or data entry speed and accuracy.
- The lessons are taught in multiple languages and you can choose the language of your choice that you find is most comfortable for you to understand and follow.
- These typing lessons are broken down into different subheadings so that you can forego the topic you are already familiar with and work on those sub-headings you feel you are weak in and need to put in more effort, for better functioning.
- It offers you the choice of multiple keyboard layouts as per your comfort and ease of working.
- It has on offer a wide range of games to play while you learn.
- It helps improves your touch typing skill using the muscle memory concept, a form of procedural memory method, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of a particular movement without any conscious thought and effort.
- It also enables you to test and evaluate the progress in your typing skills with the help of speed tests.
- It is compatible with both Windows as well as Mac OS.
It only offers text lessons through written instructions and does not provide any audio or video presentations. Some users consider this concept of teaching in black and white as a drawback, which may not be so for others, as it is purely an individual choice.
12. Speed Typing Online
Speed Typing Online is another typing tutor that maintains its place in the list of the best free Typing Software for PC due to the following merits and advantages:
- This is free-to-use online typing software offering 17 typing lessons that allow you to learn all the letters on the keyboard to help improve your data entry speed and accuracy.
- It is customizable, offering the choice of two lesson formats i.e. classic lessons and advanced lessons depending on your typing proficiency as a new hand at the game or an experienced user.
- The best part of this online application is that this typing tutor automatically suggests to you which lessons you have to work on next, for your betterment depending on your existing skills and mastery.
- It enables you to customize the length of all lessons depending on whether you are a novice or an experienced hand.
- It enables you to set your own typing goals in terms of your target speed and accuracy.
- It also has on offers a broad range of test rounds and saves the reports to enable you to monitor your progress from time to time.
- It is compatible with the Windows platform.
The only drawback of this typing software is that not anyone and everyone can use it and have access to its tutorials or save the available lessons for future reference unless you are registered with it. All-in-all, it is considered to be one of the best typing software for beginners but not a very helpful application for the advanced user.
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13. The Vehicles Typing
Vehicles Typing is a typing tool considered to be suitable only for kids and beginners and it maintains its place in the list of the best typing software for PCs due to the following traits:
- It is free to download with in-app purchases supporting animations of ten popular vehicles including cars, trains, airplanes, and ships.
- It has on offer more than 30 lessons with hints for the keys to be pressed, to help you type just a single word or a complete sentence.
- It enables you to transform some of the vehicles into monsters, depending on the user’s wish
- It enables to switch between three users.
- It supports the iOS platform based on Mac OS which runs Apple’s desktop and laptop computers, iPhones, iPods, and other Apple mobile devices.
- The best part of this software application is that it does not support any ads saving time and memory space.
As stated earlier it has its biggest limitation of being suitable only for kids and beginners. It is such a good learning tool for the novices but is of no importance for the professional typist, stenographer, clerk, or executive secretary in an office.
14. Typing Bolt
Typing Bolt is an online web typing tutor tool considered in the list of the best Free Typing Software for PC due to the following reasons:
- It is AI-based online typing software that enables you to learn touch typing based on which finger one should use to type each letter.
- Its user interface with the help of your keystroke dynamics enables you to understand the typing pattern of your index finger.
- Its user-friendly interface offers real-time statistics of your performance using graphical representations and other multiple unique algorithms.
- It studies your typing patterns offering customized typing courses for enhancing your typing skills, automatically managing your difficulty levels to obtain better results.
- It issues a certificate of achievement once you attain the required professional level skills to show to your customers for employment purposes.
All-in-all, it is a beginner-friendly application that helps new users quickly learn the tricks of the trade to become accurate and high-speed professional typists or stenographers.
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15. Typing Fingers LT
Typing Fingers LT is a free typing app that is considered in the list of the Free Typing Software for PC for
the following reasons:
- It is an interactive software application that helps make typing a fun activity.
- It makes use of modern technology and the latest teaching methods to help you type accurately without having to look at the keyboard.
- It is an ideal software for homeschooling offering US/EN QWERTY keyboard layout.
- Its user interface is beautifully designed with a piece of soft music playing in the background, making typing a fun experience.
- It also has on offers typing games to enable you to learn while you play.
- This Symmetric super-learning software is supported by Windows 10 and Mac Operating Systems.
- It also forwards support to Android as well as iOS devices.
Once having acquired all the skills and successful completion of the course by anybody, may he be a kid or an adult; it gives a Typing Fingers Diploma accordingly.
16. KTouch Typing Tutor
KTouch Typing Tutor is an open-source software to be considered in the list of the best typing software for PCs due to the following merits:
- It is a lightweight application available for use with the Linux operating system only.
- It displays the keyboard enabling you to learn touch typing step by step indicating which finger to be used to press a specific key.
- It helps you to collect comprehensive statistical information offering more than twelve courses in many different languages.
- It supports only Linux OS.
Its major drawback is that it is available for use on the Linux OS and is not compatible with Windows or Mac OS. It is, without an iota of doubt, considered to be one of the best lightweight tools to have for people working on the Linux OS.
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17. GNU Typist
GNU Typist also termed as gtypist, is considered in the list of the best typing software for PC due to the following reasons indicated below:
- This is an open-source application that helps you acquire good typing skills in the minimum possible time.
- It is an authorized GNU software released under the GNU General Public License.
- It is packed with hundreds of typing lessons, exercises, tests, etc to help you to improve your typing skills through daily practice on your device, whether it be a PC or a laptop.
- It is available in multiple languages and offers tutorials in the language you are comfortable in i.e. Czech, English, Russian, German, French, Norwegian, and even Spanish, and even has easy exercises in German, French, and even Norwegian, for testing your learning’s.
- It supports multiple keyboard layouts like Qwerty, Dvorak, and Colemak keyboards.
- It enables you to modify any existing tutorials or make new ones depending on your needs and requirements.
- It is compatible with Windows.
This software helps you to acquire the best typing skills and improve upon them through regular practice, daily.
18. Typing Instructor Platinum
Typing Instructor Platinum is a free typing tool that is considered in the list of the best typing software for PC due to the following reasons indicated below:
- It helps you to learn and improve on your typing proficiency at the earliest providing immediate results.
- It offers 20 customized lessons and even permits the user to modify the lesson as per his needs and wants.
- It offers multi-level, multiplayer 30 different kinds of action-packed typing games to play while you learn.
- Besides games, it also has on offer dictations, drills, 250+ magazine articles, and challenges for its users.
- It is free to download and is compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, OS X.
- Besides the free trial, it also offers a fully paid version at $29.99.
This software is an efficient mix of education and entertainment and is considered as one of the best typing software for Windows PC users who are interested to learn typing on the double.
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19. Bruce’s Unusual Typing Wizard
Bruce’s Unusual Typing Wizard is again free of cost typing software that helps in learning the art of typing from a basic level and is considered in the list of the best typing software due to its following merits:
- It is a multi-user application supporting a lot of novice and advanced users, having different skill levels, at the same time.
- It has been developed with more significance on the tutorials rather than its aesthetics.
- It enables the user to customize his lessons and practice sessions according to his typing needs and wants.
- Its advanced algorithms analyze your keystrokes and guide you on how best to position your fingers while typing.
- It offers a few typing games that enable you to judge your typing skills as well as enjoy and have fun while at the work.
- It is a 500 KB tiny little package but has managed its resources very beautifully and in a very impressive manner for the low-end users.
- Its user interface though is not all that polished but it has on offer intuitive controls with a graphical on-screen keyboard for reference sake.
It is not officially compatible with Windows 10 OS and as such is not rated to be a state-of-the-art tool for typing.
On the whole, if we overlook this drawback, this Bruce’s Unusual Typing Wizard software tool is considered quite similar to other tools in the market and pretty handy software for the absolute beginner.
20. Bodie’s Typing Tutor
Bodie’s Typing Tutor is considered in the list of the best free typing software due to the following reasons.
- It is an easy-to-use software that is free.
- It enables the user to start learning within a few weeks.
- It helps in increasing the rate of typing.
- It enables the user to learn a type of typing that a person can type without even seeing the keyboard.
Though this tool helps to ensure faster typing it has its own set of shortcomings, one has to ensure to learn it from the PC keyboard and not the mobile ones, and also to be more efficient one has to practice it daily.
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21. Kiran’s Typing Tutor
Kiran’s Typing Tutor, developed by Kiran Reddy, an indie developer, is considered in the list of the best typing softwares due to the following important merits it has in its kitty:
- It is an ads-free tool providing a hassle-free one-click installation from the Microsoft Store.
- It is not commercial software that requires you to pay any fees to download this tool.
- It offers good and convenient lessons for all including primary school students and advanced computer institutes.
- It has a dedicated kid typing section called Kids Typing for small kids.
- Its theming and customization feature offers several pre-installed themes and a lot of fun games for beginners.
- Its statistics page provides a graphical analysis using graphs and many different types of tests, exams, and even games. It provides a helping hand to see your real-time typing speed and other analytics that help in improving you’re on-screen typing speed and accuracy.
- It also issues a certificate once you have completed all the modules available on the sidebar.
The only drawback or weakness of this application software is that it doesn’t offer any online content which can be of any help in further extension of its functionalities.
On the whole, if we overlook the above shortcoming, we can say that this software offers great help in understanding and improving the rate of typing and precision of an individual user, daily.
Additionally, for our beloved Indian readers, we have listed some tried & tested Hindi typing software below.
22. Hindi Writer
Hindi Writer is an excellent tool that makes Hindi typing easier and is considered in the list of the best Free Typing Software for PCs due to the following reasons:
- It does not compel you to remember any new keyboard layout.
- It has built-in Indic language support from Windows.
- It does not require you to upload any additional font installation and is considered the best application for Spell Check and Auto Word Lookup.
- It supports Firefox, MS Office, and Internet Explorer besides the use of OpenOffice.org suite, Outlook, Notepad, and much more.
- It makes use of the iTrans scheme for transliteration, which can be considered as a process that helps to convert text from one script to another.
The only deficiency or limitation of this tool is that a few characters used in this application are a bit difficult to type.
Secondly, this software is considered to be a bit complicated while installing. The best part of this software is, as stated earlier, is that it is free to use and download from the web.
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23. Anop Hindi Typing Tutor
Anop Hindi Typing Tutor is another Hindi typing tool that helps you improve your skills enabling you to type quickly and accurately. It is considered in the list of the best free typing software for PCs due to the following reasons:
- It can be used offline and does not require an internet connection for running.
- It has a nice and colorful interface that keeps you glued to the screen improving your Hindi typing speed.
- It is the best tool for those learning Hindi typing lessons for competitive exams such as SSC and others.
- It is considered to be one of the best tutoring tools for Kurti dev and Devlys font.
The tool is undoubtedly good software for quick learners and helps to build your speed in typing the Hindi script. Its user interface is but a bit slow and not very interactive for quick online typing. Barring this drawback, it is without any iota of doubt, considered to be one of the best Hindi typing softwares, available for use today.
24. Google Input Tool
Google Input Tool for Hindi typing is considered in the list of the best free typing Software for PCs due to the following reasons:
- It enables you to start typing in the Input Box in languages other than Hindi too.
- It has a streamlined, neat clean, and intuitive interface that allows you to type quickly without any difficulty.
- It is compatible with both Android and Google Services.
- It is also available for use of Chrome and Windows users working on the web.
- It makes use of help text in case of any problems encountered while typing.
Though this tool helps to ensure faster typing it has its own set of snags and shortcomings. It has issues with joint words and punctuation marks. It automatically adds punctuation during dictation. Secondly, it automatically capitalizes words arbitrarily while typing without any grammatical requirement, resulting in a wastage of time and effort.
Despite the above, it is still recommended and considered to be a good Google input tool to download on your Android device or emplace its Chrome extension on the web for quick, and interactive online typing.
From the above discussion, we can say that free typing software is a must-have program for those who want to manage their computers in full capacity. Last but not the least; it can safely be concluded that the above best typing software for PC is the need of the day, for those who are interested in establishing a successful career in any work field and make typing their profession and means of livelihood. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know what you want to learn about next.